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A quick and easy guide to palm reading

I have put together a quick and easy guide to palm reading and have been using it on
sets with mass success.... enjoy! RIGHT HAND READING

1. HAND TEXTURE Feeling the back of the hand

Fine skin - silky or smooth: Sensitive person gentle and refined outlook can easily be
Hard course skin: Down to earth person not likely to be strung out more straight
forward and direct.


Soft and spongy: Sensual person pleasure seeker, who does the least amount of work
they can get away with, function best in comfortable surroundings where they can
daydream and lazy about. .
Firmer palms: Practical people, energetic, hardworking they enjoy challenges, need
keep busy in order to be happy


Square palms: Down to earth, practical people enjoy a challenge work hard towards
their goals plenty of stamina and energy. Oblong hands: Not practical enjoy coming up
with ideas and no more, daydreamers, little action, creative
people idealistic and gentle MAJOR LINES on the palm

4. HEART LINE: Line across the hand nearest to fingers (Emotional & love life state)

A line that curves at the end is called a PHYSICAL HEART LINE. This line will end
either close to the base of the first two fingers or most commonly somewhere in
between them.


Find it easy to express needs and feelings, express them selves in a confident manner,
when things go wrong they pick themselves up quickly and carry on with life.

The other type of heart line is a line that runs across the palm that does not curve
towards the fingers this is called a MENTAL HEART LINE.


Harder to express there feelings they are sensitive and easily hurt, bottle up their feeling.

The heart line is related to the person's heart & closely related to the person's soul.

The ending position of the heart line is important

1. If ends below first finger: overly idealistic likely to be let down by there actions of
2. If line ends under the second finger: concerned with only his or her own needs not
much interest in others needs, will lack in emotional involvement.
3. If line ends between first and second finger : they balance more grounded interested
in his and her own needs along with others they realistic and keep both feet on the

A heart line that is strong well marked deep and reasonably clear shows they will happy
and enjoy a stable emotional life.

5. HEAD LINE: head line is how a person use's their mind & intellect It starts on the
side of the hand between the base of the thumb and the first finger it either goes across
in a reasonably straight line or curves towards the wrist. Again this line should be clear
and well marked

A faint head line indicts they are not using their mental abilities
This line can be short or long, the longer the line the more involved and detailed the
person is


Shrewd & think quickly kind a skim over the surface and not interested in detail.


More likely to think more in-depth takes in detail


Head line that crosses the palm reasonably straight that does not curve towards the
wrist: logical, practical, down-to-earth and unimaginative


Head line that curves towards the wrist (past centre of palm)

Person is imaginative, creative, the greater the curve the more imaginative i.e. writer,
poet. Good liar


This is known as writer's fork: the person can come up with good ideas and make them
practical. not all people have a fork


If the head line touches the life line at the start: cautious person
If there's a gap between the start of the headline and life line: independent & impulsive
and more adventurous


Life line: Person's physical well-being, health, passion, stamina shows how enthusiastic
the person isabout life...This line has NO bearing on the length of someone's life span.
This is the most important line on the hand
Life line starts on the side of the hand between the first finger and thumb ending close
to the base of the palm near the wrist.
The amount of area it encircles is important.
A person with a lot of stamina and energy they will be adventurous, chance takers and
make the most of

every opportunity
LIFE LINE THAT CLOSE TO THE THUMB Half alive, lacking in energy and
STARTING POSTION OF THE LIFE LINE (important) Most people start half way
between the first finger and thumb This is the perfect position for it to be in this equals
STARTS CLOSE TO THE FIRST FINGER above half way Person will be ambitious
and determined to reach there goals
STARTS CLOSE TO THE THUNB below half way Person is lacking in ambition takes
life as it comes
Life lines should be deep clear and well marked someone with a line like this will enjoy
good health and passionate about life


A series of fine lines that come out from the base of the thumb towards the life line. The
more the lines the more the worrier, tell them to just chill out more often
The perfect game which gets you a number.

A few examples of reading palm lines

A few examples of reading lines:

* If she has two fate lines, for example if her fate line is broken mid-hand and another
starts running parallel to it, see at what age it happens and voila, you've got a story:)
Don't forget to show how you draw your conclusions or else she might suspect you of
BS-ing, but show her the corresponding lines and she'll think ITS PURE GOLD AND
THE ROCK-SOLID TRUTH:) "You'll stay on your chosen career path up to the age of
about 30, then you'll find a new passion and finally switch over to it at the age of about
35." Simple:) So OK, we didn´t evoke any specific feelings, but believe me, the simple
fact that a man that CAN PREDICT HER FUTURE is HOLDING HER HAND will
make her feel everything tightening up you-know-where:) A break in the line of fate can
also mean a change of geographical location, so you could also bring travelling,
working or living abroad etc into play:)

* If her fate line breaks up at the base of her palm and/or interacts/intersects with the
life line (which very many people have by the way) you can say the following
"(showing her) This means that early in life you experienced some family situation that
made you have responsibility as a child. So much so, that you were given duties or
existed in a situation where you had to let go of part of your childhood and be in an
adult like role. But this usually gives you something nice later in life. Because you had
to give up part of your childhood you are given extra life energy support later in life to
survive a tough or a difficult experience with more ease and protection." From a
patterning point of view, this "childhood problem" theme was not too great. Should you
however show her the appropriate lines in her hand, and she actually did have some
childhood problems (and who us didn't?:), you have instantly become very close to her -
close to her heart and soul, which is a very good place to continue from:)

On the whole though, these are hardly examples you can memorise and use - they are
only supposed to give you the general idea of how you could conjure up your own
A few closing words from dead-serious palmists: "As a palmist, your attitude is of great
importance. Never try to "second guess" your subject by adding on-the-spot
observations and facts you may know beforehand but which are not shown in the palm.
If you are reading the palm; read the palm and only that. Ideally you should know
nothing whatsoever of the person you are reading. Their hands and your intuition should
be enough. Anytime you are meeting someone for the first time, you can pick up a
tentative and often very useful first impression of their personality by unobtrusively
glancing at the lines of their hand."
But if that doesn't work, we'll just ask for her hand... so that we can get "an impression
of her personality":)

How to Read Palm

Line of Saturn = line of Fate

(A.) Marks the normal flow of this line and shows a full line of Saturn. This is
universally seen as a good sign. It is representative of a good strong career in life and
good strength of ingenuity to make things happen along the way. When there are breaks
in this line, it shows when there are career changes and possible geographic changes. I
always check out the life line to see if it shows any marks of change at about the same
age. When considering age on this line it is said that birth is at the base of the palm and
life flows on up the palm to end under the finger of Saturn. Teachers say that when
considering age, it is best to think of where this line crosses over the head line to be
about the age of 35 years.

(B.) Shows a much shorter line of Saturn rising from the base of the palm and ending
about at the head line. This demonstrates that a person's family may have given them
support to be strongly focused in their early life, but as they age and go past the head
line (35 yrs.. old) they seem to need the support of others to succeed or sometimes need
help just to remain focused in order to truly follow through on their goals in life.
However, I have seen the line of Saturn end at the headline as in C. in order to show that
the person has been influenced by their family in a strong way, but as they get to about
35 yrs. of age they strike out on their own to do well.

(C.) Shows a line of Saturn traveling from over towards the lunar or little finger side of
the hand - starting on the mount of the moon - vertically traveling towards its ending
under the first finger - the finger of Jupiter. This shows that with the help of others this
person will achieve success and possibly fame in this lifetime. This line ending under
Jupiter is seen in palms of, politicians, rock stars and famous athletes."
When looking at hands as a whole it is interesting to note that most of the time it proves
true that a person, whose backs of the hands appear veined and creased or rippled,
delicately showing the bone structure, is very sensitive to and caring about the feelings
of others. They tend to be romantic and sensitive to physical touch. When the back of
the hand is smooth, fleshy or dimpled, the owner is warm hearted but may only enjoy
sex just for fun. They will be concerned more with his or her own needs than those of a
The raised and full mount of the Moon will tell you that the person is creative in their
love life actions which makes them an interesting and intriguing partner and lover. The
raised mount of Pluto allows for them to rebound from difficulties in life so they are
resilient as partners which tends to create longevity in the relationship that they

If the heart line is not present in the hand - (By this I mean that there is only one line
traveling horizontally across the palm, called the line of Simian.) - this traditionally
raises concerns about the emotional nature of its owner. It isn't that they have don't have
feelings, it is just that they aren't comfortably balanced about the expression of their
feelings. The line of Simian is a blend of the head and heart lines. There are periods of
time when the line of Simian person may be very overly emotional and then at other
times be almost devoid of any emotion or sympathy. So the owner of such a line usually
tends to be more mental in their approach to love. This makes them think through their
emotions giving them the sense that they are in control with their feelings about their
"significant other". They will also be naturally oriented towards being more concerned
about the practical matters of their relationship, such as money, position, or the career of
the partner or themselves and how these matters will help the relationship they enter to
be fulfilled. The line of Simian is often seen in the palm of a person who is gifted
mentally even to the point of genius. They are very often materially successful

A clean heart line that has no breaks, islands, x's, cross bars, etc is a good sign
demonstrating an emotionally balanced person. Where the heart line shows a break in its
flow - this indicates a time when the person may suffer an emotional crisis- such as a
breakup with their lover or the ending of an affair, any break is a sign of an emotional
sorrow or shock. Timing on the heart line is like this - birth is at the start of the line
under the little finger. The age of 20-25 is at about the area under the space between the
little and ring fingers. This gives you the timing gauge for the rest of the line. Marks of
puffy redness on the heart line shows the person is open to periods of passionate
emotional energy which can be overwhelming to others. These marks indicate the
owner can be easily blinded by passion. The depth into the palm at which the heart line
is located can indicate the depth of emotion the person is capable of expressing and
feeling. The deeper into the palm it is placed the more likely the owner is to be very
aware of emotional feelings and their outward expression. (See (D) for a deeply placed
heart line and

(E) for the space of a shallow placement of the heart line in Figure # 4.)


"The Line of Heart is the uppermost deep groove in the top portion of palm running
beneath the fingers. It tells the way an individual relates to others through friendships
and loves, and why. It reveals the emotional and spirtual attitude of People, and tells
how they feel toward themselves, because of their outward attitudes. The line at its best
should be clear and deep, but not more outstanding than the line just below it--the Line
of Head. When both of these lines are about the same in depth and color, it shows a
balance between the head and heart. When one is far deeper, and more evident than the
other, it indicates either that a person is ruled by his or her heart, or by his or her head.
When it sits high on the palm, the person makes good, loving choices. Farther down,
and closer to the Line of Head, it can indicate childhood problems leading to distorted
ideas of love and friendship.

The Line can display small branches sweeping upwards or drooping downward from it.
Upwards indicates the natural flirt, and downward trouble with the opposite sex, or the
sex of choice. A pale, broad line illustrates a noncaring attitude toward others,
particularly in matters of love. A clear, deep line, presents energy and vitality in affairs
of the heart. Breaks in the Line of Heart show disappointment in love and friendship. A
chained Line of Heart, which is one made up of tiny island formations, speaks of
someone who doens't trust others, especially in matters of love. These people often go
from relationship to relationship, unable to establish any lasting connection. Sometimes,
the chained formation will appear in only a small portion of the line, indicating that the
person is able to overcome his or her mistrusting nature.
Forked lines, either at the beginning of the line, which starts about an inch or so beneath
the little finger, or at its ending, near the other side of the palm in a variety of positions,
indicates an independent nature. Where the branches head tell another story. When a
branch, or fork from the Line of Heart heads toward the index finger, it means the
person has very high ideals, particularly in a mate. They expect a greal deal from the
other person, but, in return, are supportive and loyal.

When a branch heads toward the middle finger, the person is moody, and sometimes
tempermental in the company of others. However, they often desperately want the
security of a lasting relationship. Dual branches, or forks, that rest both on the index
finger, and the middle finger shows individuals who truly wants to establish deep
relationships, but who have trouble relinquishing any part of their independence. Forks
at the opposite end of the line, beneath the little finger, add strength to the line, if those
branches are fairly deep, and free of any drooping hairlines.

Ending beneath the index finger, the person is idealistic, but loving. If it swings up into
the finger, though, the person can be demanding of others. A short line, ending near the
ring finger, means the individual is stunted in his or her affections."

Palmists look at the palm as a terrain. So can you. Hold your hand palm up and flat in a
perpendicular position to your face in front of you and at eye level. When observed
from this position the palm looks like an earthly terrain with high hills (mounts) and
valleys. Palmists have names for each small region of this terrain in the palm. Usually
one of the larger mountains is what palmists call the "Mount of Venus" which connects
the thumb area to the rest of the palm. This is the area I have traced with the dotted line.
Within this area- the Mount of Venus - I have marked a grid of intersecting lines with
an arrow pointing to it from the letter "A". The mount of Venus area of the palm is
devoted to one's love of life and sometimes shows a fullness to symbolize the depth of
love of life. When this mount is high, fleshy and very full, the person is full of passion
for: life, most of the events that happen in their lives and the people who are within their
life. The grid or grille as palmists would call this design found at "A" in figure # 3a, can
tell you that you have "walled off " your heart from others lessening your attraction to
connect with happiness both internal and external. This grid is usually not found on a
high or full mount of Venus. This guarding of the heart, could be happening because
you are still attached to someone from the past. If this grille design is simple - which
means it is made up of just a few vertical and horizontal lines - it can mean that you are
devoted to your present love interest and your heart is dedicated to that person alone. If
you are not presently in a relationship the grid could symbolize bars, like the bars of a
jail cell, where you keep your heart hidden and safely locked away because you are not
sure you can trust someone or yourself in a heartfelt and committed relationship. This
type of grid can cause great stress in any new relationship once it is underway and
certainly can prevent a good relationship from ever getting started.

I like looking carefully for alphabet letters and designs that appear in the Mount of
Venus area of the palm to help me read questions about love. Sometimes there are one
or more initials of the client's "significant other" shown here. If you notice there is an
initial "T" in the area of the mount of Venus next to the grid in my design of figure # 3a.
The "T" noted here is an example of what could be the initial of the first, middle or sir
name of the intended love either presently available or upcoming into your life.
Usually the dominant hand is read. But should you wish to hold both of her hands,
modify your approach in the following manner:

Non-dominant hand - the inner potential of the person Dominant hand - the actual
manifestation and realization of that inner potential

An example routine

1. Describe her to her according to what you know about the various lines
2. Try to include qualities you've learned about her after having elicited her values and
watching her behaviour in general, find the corresponding lines in her palm and show
them to her. You can also use the collection of phrases below.
3. Predict something good/positive, don't forget to show her, how you draw your
4. Keep holding her hand, look her in the eye, kiss her fingers.
5. "People may know each others' mind, but they don't really know each other until their
bodies get to know each other":) Don't go overboard!:)

Collection of phrases - dreamer, open, passionate, sensitive, adventurous, positive (add

to this list). The phrases themselves are meaningless, elaborate on each phrase and
describe the word through describing the feelings of a person that can be called "a
dreamer" or "passionate". But don't shoot in the dark, make sure you know what you're
talking about - hopefully you did at least some value-eliciting before you jumped into
palm reading:)

Palm Readings - The Fate Line

The Fate Line
This represents stability and balance within the person as well as indicating their degree
of individual drive and direction.

No fate line
This indicates unpredictability, a dislike of routine and a tendency to restlessness and
More than one fate line
This indicates 2 directions showing different facets of the person.


Stopped halfway
If the line rises on the lower palm but stops halfway up the hand, the early life of the
person may have been well planned, their later life less so.

Stops at heart line

There may be a restriction to the direction the person takes by their emotional fears,
loves etc. They may sacrifice direction for a relationship.

Stops at head line

There is a possibility of being restricted by one's own ideas and thought processes.


Indicates strong influence from the family on the direction the person takes. Shows
a degree of conventionalism and cautiousness but also a high degree of stability.

Starting from the mount of lunar

Shows imagination, the paerson is likely to choose a less conventional direction. They
have creativity, imagination and sensitivity.

Starting at the wrist

This indicates how early in life the person found their path and direction, the further
away from the wrist, the later in life they found it.

Moving towards the first finger

Shows a very powerful person who will not give up easily on their ambition.

Moving towards the second finger

This indicates a more conventional person, likely to enter into business and live in a
responsible and conventional manner.

Moving towards the third finger

Shows a person's motivation to express themselves creatively and artistically.

Moving towards the fourth finger

Represents a person's attraction to communication and the media and may need social


Thick, well-drawn fate line

This shows someone who has great force and motivation, the thicker the line the more
inflexible the person is.
Lightly drawn
A laid-back person, with greater flexibility, less powerful motivation and more idealistic

Broken line
This represents major changes in a person's direction and balance.

Palm Readings - The Heart Line

Represents emotions, emotional consciousness, our ability to love, and the range of
emotions that are available to us, including intuition and spiritual wisdom.


Heart line ending under the first finger

This shows someone who has highly developed emotions. They are very devoted
to their partners and can be motivated almost entirely by their emotions. These
people can also tend to be quite moody and fluctuate from one emotion to another.

Ending between first and second fingers

This is the most common position and shows a healthy balance between sensitivity and

Ending under second finger

This represents physically expressive emotions, they are more likely to be emotionally
cautious and have a high level of sensuality.


Curving heart line

This shows sensitivity. A straight line shows little sensitivity and shows directness of

Strongly drawn
This shows strong emotional energies.

Lightly drawn
This demonstrates a lack of emotional energies and instability.

Chained, islands, lines running off

Weakens the lines and shows emotional stress

Palm Readings - The Head Line

The Head Line
This line represents intellect, reasoning ability, logic and our consciousness.

Starting above the lifeline

This represents a very independent person. However the closer the head line starts
to the first finger, the more this independence becomes arrogance.

Starting with the lifeline

This is the most common position and shows a degree of cautiousness. It indicates
an influence on the person from the family and early life, the longer they are linked
the stronger the family influence.

Starting within the lifeline

This shows an over-cautious person who is very reliant on other people.

Straight head line

This shows a lack of imaginative creativity, decisions are based on fact alone,
everything is seen in black and white


Head line ending in the mount of Lunar

This shows a great imagination

Rising head line

This shows a loss of contact with reality, someone who is more interested in the
subjective, mental and emotional experience of life


If they are very close together thoughts are very influenced by the emotions and can
produce mental or emotional stress.

The Simian line

A merged head and heart line is called the Simian Line. This represents someone
who does not think rationally and finds it difficult to separate thoughts from
emotions. There have been some very prominent people who have had a simian line and
have achieved great work because of their intensity in carrying out their work. But there
are also people with the marking who have carried out brutal crimes of passion.


Deeply, clearly drawn line

This represents a good energy flow, strong values or philosophies and high mental
motivation and clarity.

Lightly drawn
This shows fluctuation in attitude and thought processes.


This shows someone who takes a great deal into account and may see all sides to an
argument or situation equally but finds decisions difficult to make

These people are very hasty but also logical and practical in the way they make their
decisions. They react quickly and don't tend to take much into account apart from the
basic and obvious.

Islands, dots and fine lines leaving the head line

These weaken the line showing a lack of concentration and continuity and are prone to worry.

Palm Readings - The Life Line

This is one of the major lines.

The length usually indicates length of life but this is not always the case. A short life
line with a very strong quality of line shows very strong physical energies and vitality
and this person is likely to live for a good length of time.

Breaks in the lifeline

If the lifeline stops and continues beside or below the break, this shows major change in
ones life. This can be anything from an illness to marriage and the change can even take
place over a period of months or years.

Where the lifeline is strong and the end of one line and the beginning of the other run
parallel to each other for a while then good energy resources will be available at that

If the lifeline seems impaired after the break there have been energy losses suffered in
the change. Often this energy loss is made up in other areas eg emotionally or mentally.

Islands in the lifeline

These represent a division of energies and weaken the line. These usually relate to a
mental and emotional period of indecisiveness or powerful external pressures.

Fine lines running off the lifeline

Physical energies are being dispersed, there is a lack of concentration and energies are
being scattered rather than channelled. This waste of energies manifests itself as
nervousness or a disposition to anxiety.

Lines running parallel to the lifeline

These show an inner strength during a time of difficulty or change. Where they run
parallel to a strong lifeline this can be a powerful, constructive period
Push And Pull Routine Collection I
1. You are bad;

You have a cute face

2. Come here;

Oh don't look at me like that

3. You are drunk, we could have gone out, we could have had the best time ever;

Don't show me your belly button piercing LOOK LOOK LOOK

4. Part of me wants to stay here with you, but another part wants to run away!

5. You are either: the coolest girl I've ever met OR a total weirdo

6. You are the coolest girls I've talked to…in the last 15 minutes!

7. You're either really smart…or a total bimbo!

8. You know what? I'm gonna make you my GF…for the next 5 minutes!

Three particular situations for Kiss Close

There are three particular situations for when a kiss close can occur. Here are the
earliest "situations" under solid game.

Situation One
If, during and by the end of A3, the target is isolated from her set, then you can go for
the kiss close at the end of A3. A very effective way of doing this is to use an extension
of A3 to escalate kino, thus using the bait/hook/reel/release principle. Let me give you
an example of this:

To extend your A3 kino-wise:

1. first of, tell her to smile if she likes you. (she always will or give an SOI here, but
only in the A3 isolation situation).
2. Then say that you want to see what she looks like in your hat (this is what i use to
bait and hook), and adjust her hair to size her up, lightly brushing her shoulders as well.
Tell her that she looks good but is still a bad girl (reel and release)
3. then say you won't speak to her again unless she gives a good hug (bait). She gives
one (hook): whilst hugging, you say that shes cuddly (reel) but you rate it 4 out of ten
and that she can do better than that (release). Then you give her a killer hug and give
that a higher rating. Also, make sure your heads are touching close to one another, side
by side.
4. then, ask her what perfume that is she's wearing. Sniff her hair and neck and get her
to do the same for your cologne. (both pua and target are reeling each other in here)
5. if she gets it right, give her a kiss on the nose, or if not, tell her nose is squishy and
kiss it anyway. if she leans in towards the side of your mouth/cheek area at all between

3. and 4., that is the precise moment where you should kiss her. (its easy to spot in field,
trust me)

Now for the other situations to kiss close.

Situation Two If the target is NOT isolated from her set during and by the end of A3,
you should isolate the target within the venue first (i.e enter C1) before attempting any
close. Here's a great way to do this:

To kiss close in C1 because the target was not isolated prior to C1

1. run the cube on her first or a similar read

2. do a palm read but at the end, try and get her to do one on you.
3. she obviously can't so you say you'll play the question game.
4. during the game, have your arm around her. Make sure you're asking nosy questions.
5. After about 3 or 4 questions, pretend to notice a smell in her hair: proceed to sniff her
hair and neck for her perfume and get her to do the same for your cologne. Make sure
you're actually touching her hair whilst doing this and setting quite close to her.
6. ask one more question, and then ask her if she'd like to kiss you. They always say yes

Situation Three

If for some reason the kiss close occurs in A2 (or A1 for that matter) as in a fools mate
close, proceed to A3, then C1. NEVER EVER bypass A3, EVER.

so in short response, under solid game, kiss close at the end of A3 if the target is already
isolated during and by the end of A3. If the target is not isolated, do this first before
attempting any close. Isolation is the most important thing to acknowledge. If for some
reason a fools mate kiss close occurs in A2, proceed to A3, and then C1, not C1 before

As for the "quickest" way to achieve these consistently, obviously its under solid game.
Since A2 is over in about 2 minutes, depending on how long your material is in A3, you
should be able to get the kiss close within 5-7 minutes of talking in most situations.

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