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NAME OF LESSON: Determining equality


SUBJECT: Mathematics
STANDARD: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.D.7 - Operations & Algebraic Thinking - Work
with addition and subtraction equations.
OBJECTIVE: Recognize the basic mathematical symbols that represent equal, addition, and
subtraction. Identify correct and incorrect values for basic addition and subtraction equations.
1) Hand-out #1 – Basic equality equations
2) Crayons – 10 per a student and 10 for the teacher
3) Chalk and eraser
4) Blackboard
5) Pencils – 1 per student
1) Distribute 10 Crayons to each student
2) Write on the Blackboard with chalk the equations
a. 4+5=9
b. 5-4=1
c. 1+2=5
d. 2-2=4
3) Point to the symbol “+” and tell the students it is the symbol for addition
a. Demonstrate with the crayons adding 2 crayons to 2 in your hand
b. Have the students mimic the example by putting 2 crayons in their hand and
adding 2 more to it
4) Point to the symbol “-“ and tell the students it is the symbol for subtraction
a. Demonstrate with the crayons removing 2 crayons from the four in your hand
b. Have the students mimic the example by removing 2 crayons from the four in
your hand
5) Point to the symbol “=” and tell the students it is the symbol for equals
a. Show the students the 2 crayons in your hand and ask how many you have
b. Once they get the correct answer of 2, tell them the crayons in your hand equal 2
c. Have the students place as many crayons in their hand out of 5 as they want and
them ask them how many it equals
d. Have each student repeat until they can get the answer correct of how many
crayons equal in their hand
6) Go to the first problem on the board and use the crayons to demonstrate adding them
together to equal to the numbers in the problem
7) Have the students repeat the procedure with their own crayons
8) Mark a T after the problem and tell the students it means the problem is true
9) Go to the second problem on the board and use the crayons to demonstrate subtracting
them together to equal to the numbers in the problem
10) Mark a T after the problem and tell the students it means the problem is true
11) Go to the third problem on the board and use your crayons to show the problem does not
equal the answer in the problem
12) Have the students use their crayons to see the answer is incorrect
13) Explain this problem is not equal to the answer
14) Mark a F after the problem and tell the students it means the problem is false
15) Go to the third problem on the board and use your crayons to show the problem does not
equal the answer in the problem
16) Have the students use their crayons to see the answer is incorrect
17) Explain this problem is not equal to the answer
18) Mark a F after the problem and tell the students it means the problem is false
19) Pass out hand-out #1 to the students and ensure each has a pencil
20) Go over the directions for the worksheet and answer any questions about the directions
21) Instruct the students to use their crayons to determine if each problem is true or false and
write a T or F next to it to represent it
22) Go around the room as they work on the hand-out and help those who are having trouble
answering the questions
ASSESSMENT: Hand-out #1
Instructions: Place a T or F next to the problem to show it is True or False.
1. 2 + 2=4 ___
2. 4 - 2=6 ___
3. 3 + 4=8 ___
4. 4 + 5=9 ___
5. 8 - 2=6 ___
6. 4 – 1=6 ___
7. 9 + 1=10 ___
8. 3 + 2=3 ___
9. 8 – 3 =5 ___
10. 1 + 6=4 ___

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