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ISSN 2466-488X (Online) doi:10.


Revijalni članak/Review article



Nebojsa Nick Knezevic1,2,3, Dimitry Voronov1, Kenneth D. Candido1,2

Department of Anesthesiology, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
Department of Surgery, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL

Abstract Sažetak

Over the past three decades, corticosteroids have be- U protekle tri decenije kortikosteroidi su postali deo
come part of a multimodal approach in the management multimodalnog pristupa u terapiji degenerativnih obo-
of both cervical and lumbar degenerative disc diseases. ljenja kako cervikalnog, tako i lumbalnog dela kičmenog
Pain management specialists from various fields had a stuba. Specijalisti terapije bola su aktivno učestvovali u
front row seat, and actively participated in the evolution evoluciji pristupa terapiji koja ide od oralnih kortikoste-
from primarily oral steroid therapy to the development of roda do različitih epiduralnih injekcija rukovodjenim
various fluoroscopically-guided epidural steroid injection fluoroskopskim tehnikama. U okviru ovog rada mi disku-
approaches. In this review we discuss the different forms of tujemo različite forme oralnih i injektibilno primenjenih
oral and injectable corticosteroids that have been used by kortikosteroida koje koriste različiti specijalisti prilikom
different physician specialties in treating acute and chron- lečenja akutnog i hroničnog bola. Ovde razmatramo
ic pain. We delineate differences between longer-acting razlike izmedju čestičnih preparata sa produženim dej-
particulate (‘insoluble’) (i.e. methylprednisolone and tri- stvom, kao što su metilprednizolon ili triamcinolone, kao
amcinolone) and shorter-acting non-particulate steroids i onih ne-čestičnih sa kratkim dejstvom kao što su beta-
(‘soluble’) (i.e. betamethasone and dexamethasone), and metazon ili deksametazon i njihovog korišćenja u vidu
their utilization while performing different epidural in- epiduralnih injekcija. Diskutujemo i o prisustvu različi-
jections. We also discuss the presence of different preser- tih prezervativnih materija u kortikosteroidnim prepara-
vatives in the injectable corticosteroid preparations, as tima injekcija, kao i jednostavnim tehnikama za smanje-
well as some simple techniques to reduce the preserva- nje koncentracije prezervativnih materija koje bi mogle
tive concentrations, which might improve the safety of poboljšati bezbednost ovih injekcija. Nadalje, želimo da
those injections. Furthermore, we want to illustrate the prikažemo postojeću raspravu među specijalistima koji
existing debates within the pain management physician se bave terapijom bola, a koja se odnosi na trenutne pro-
community with regards to the current guidelines as they tokole o upotrebi različitih vrsta kortikosteroida, tehnika
pertain to the type of steroids, techniques and approaches i pristupa koji su korišćeni. Diskutujemo takođe i prete-
used to manage radicular type spinal pain. We discuss rano korišćenje ili nedovoljnu upotrebu pojedinih injek-
the underutilization and overutilization of selected injec- cionih tehnika i neke dileme prepoznate od strane Ame-
tion techniques and some concerns that the United States ričke Agencije za Lekove (FDA) koje se tiču bezbednosti
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised, regarding upotrebe kortikosteroida u terapiji bola. Takođe razma-
the safe use of corticosteroids in pain management. We tramo i korist nekih skupljih tehnika kao sto je digitalna
also elaborate upon the usefulness of some expensive subtrakciona angiografija, koja se trenutno promoviše u
tools such as digital subtraction angiography, which has medicinskoj zajednici, kao i razlike u učestalosti podvr-
been promoted by some in the medical community, and gavanja pacijenata invazivnim operativnim tehnikama
the difference in surgery rates for patients that have been u tretmanu bola, a koji dolaze od doktora različitih spe-
treated by different physician specialties who use cortico- cijalnosti. Ovaj rad pokazuje da uvek postoji prostor za
steroids to manage pain. This review will emphasize that unapređenje postojećih protokola i naglašava važnost
there is always room for improvement with respect to the upoznavanja sa medicinskom literaturom i iskustvima
following of published guidelines, and will accentuate the specijalista u terapiji bola prilikom donošenja budućih
importance of reviewing the literature prior to making terapijskih odluka.
important clinical decisions.

Key words: efficacy; safety; corticosteroids; acute pain; Ključne reči: efikasnost; bezbednost; kortikosteroidi;
chronic pain akutni bol; hronični bol
Corresponding Author: Nebojsa Nick Knezevic, MD, Department of Anesthesiology Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center 836 W.
Wellington Ave. Suite 4815 Chicago, IL 60657; Phone: 773-296-5619; Fax: 773-296-5362; E-mail:
130 SJAIT 2016/5-6

The Efficacy and Safety of Corticosteroids in Different Injectable Steroids

the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Pain
In 2005, Webster et al. surveyed 720 physicians

O ver the past three decades, corticosteroids of

the glucocorticoid type administered by oral,
intramuscular, intravenous, transcutaneous and
manage acute low back pain, including family
medicine physicians, general practitioners, inter-
nal medicine, osteopathic medicine and emergen-
neuraxial injection routes have become part of a cy medicine specialists to compare the approach
multimodal approach in the management of both to the initial management of acute back pain.2 The
cervical and lumbar degenerative disc disease. study showed that nearly 25% of the physicians
Pain management specialists from various fields prescribed systemic corticosteroids as the initial
had a front row seat, and actively participated in management for patients with low back pain-re-
the evolution from oral steroid therapy to the de- lated sciatica. The use of oral steroids in the treat-
velopment of various fluoroscopy-guided intrathe- ment of sciatica, however, has historically proven
cal and epidural steroid injection approaches. The- to be without merit. In 1986, Haimovic and Beres-
se innovative advances sparked research aimed to ford studied the efficacy of oral dexamethasone in
determine exactly which method was superior at 33 patients with lumbosacral radicular pain. They
alleviating radicular back and neck pain. The pur- used a 7-day taper oral dose: 64 mg, 32 mg, 16 mg,
pose of this review is both to provide a background 12 mg and 8 mg (2 days) and showed insignificant-
regarding the evolution of steroid use in pain ma- ly different short- and long-term relief of sciatica
nagement as well as to illustrate the current deba- pain when compared to placebo.3 In 2008, Holve
tes that exist within the pain management commu- and Barkan found similar results with oral pred-
nity in regards to the type of steroids, techniques nisone.4 They compared a 9-day tapering dose of
and approaches used to manage chronic radicular prednisone (60 mg, 40 mg and 20 mg) to a placebo
type spinal pain. This review will emphasize that group. They followed-up patients weekly in the first
there is always room for improvement with respect month, and then monthly for 5 months, and com-
to the current published guidelines, and accentuate pared leg and back pain scores, use of analgesics,
the importance of reviewing the literature prior to and quality of life and functionality questionnaires
making important clinical decisions. and showed that early use of oral prednisone had
no significant improvement in sciatica patients.4
Mechanism of Clinical Efficacy of Glucocorti- In recent years, due to the lack of efficacy of oral
costeroids corticosteroids in alleviating low back pain, atten-
tion and research has turned to an examination of
The mechanism of action of corticosteroids can the use of epidural steroid injections. This transi-
largely be explained by cytokine suppression. In tion is supported by data showing improvement in
2014, Risbud and Shapiro discussed the role of cy- symptoms, better treatment satisfaction scores and
tokines in the development of intervertebral disc cost-effectiveness when steroid injections are used
generation.1 Their highlighted pathway begins with alone, or in addition with other modalities for man-
an insult (i.e. trauma, infection), followed by the re- aging low back pain.5-6 Huiges et al. compared 33
lease of cytokines including tumor necrosis factor patients who underwent steroid injections added
alpha (TNF), interleukin 1-beta (IL-1β) and inter- for the treatment of the lumbar radicular syndrome
leukin-6 (IL-6). These cytokines promote immu- compared to 30 control patients and showed better
nocyte activation and migration, which initiates a treatment satisfaction scores (9 vs. 72) (p=0.006).5
molecular cascade, resulting in intervertebral disc In another study by the same authors they com-
degeneration and eventual radicular back and/or pared two groups of 25 patients each and showed
neck pain. The role of corticosteroids, through the better improvement in physical domain on SF-36
inhibition of phospholipase A2 (PLA-2) and the questionnaires in those undergoing the spinal in-
subsequent arachidonic acid pathway, is to both tervention than in the control group.6
directly and indirectly minimize the synthesis/ The different injectable steroids can be divid-
release of these cytokines. Consequently, this pro- ed into two groups: particulate (‘insoluble’) and
posed cytokine suppression results in mitigation of non-particulate (‘soluble’). Particulate steroids
disc degeneration and pain expression. (i.e. methylprednisolone and triamcinolone) are
longer-acting, thus requiring fewer repeated in- methylprednisolone and waiting for the polyeth-
jections; however, particulate steroids possess the ylene glycol to separate from the steroid, one could
potential to cause spinal cord and brain infraction significantly reduce the concentration of polyeth-
secondary particulate embolization if injected ar- ylene glycol in a given injection.10 The significance
terially. Non-particulates (i.e. betamethasone and of this was reiterated in 2014, when Knezevic et al.
dexamethasone) are shorter-acting, and thus less showed that a decreased concentrations of polyeth-
cost-effective. Tiso et al.7 looked at different cor- ylene glycol resulted in a significantly smaller per-
ticosteroids under electron microscopy and mea- centage of apoptotic dorsal root ganglion sensory
sured the size of particles. They showed that 8.6% cells in rats.11 This study highlighted the potentially
of methylprednisolone and 3.7% of triamcinolone dangerous side-effects of added preservatives.
particles are larger than 100 microns.
Kennedy et al. conducted a randomized, dou- Which Approach is Best for Using Epidural
ble-blind study comparing the effect of non-par- Steroids? Caudal; Transforaminal; Interlaminar
ticulate (dexamethasone) and particulate steroids
(triamcinolone) when used in transforaminal epi- Interlaminar epidural steroid injections (ILE-
dural steroid injections (TFESI).8 They showed that SIs), transforaminal epidural steroid injections
the incidence of patients requiring a third TFESI to (TFESIs) and caudal injections are the most com-
control radicular pain was six-times greater among monly used and studied approaches for epidur-
41 patients receiving dexamethasone (17.1%) com- al injections. Although there is conflicting data
pared to 37 patients that received triamcinolone about which technique is superior, one steadfast
( 2.7%).8 On the positive side is that non-partic- fact holds true. Three systematic reviews from
ulates, while being less effective clinically, do not 2012 showed that for chronic radiculitis second-
possess the same potential for infarction as do the ary to intervertebral disc herniation, the addition
particulate steroids. of corticosteroids to local anesthetics used alone
for injection can increase the efficacy of all three
Preservatives in Corticosteroid Injections approaches.12-14 Parr et al. included 16 studies that
used the caudal approach (11 of them were ran-
Steroids not only differ in their chemical struc- domized) and showed good evidence for short-
tures or particle size, but also in the types of pre- and long-term pain relief secondary to herniated
servatives used during manufacturing. In 2012, the discs and radicular pain when both corticosteroids
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local anesthetics are used together.12 They also
and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investi- showed fair pain relief in patients with axial or dis-
gated a multi-state outbreak of fungal meningitis, cogenic pain, spinal stenosis or failed back surgery
presumably caused by epidural injection of con- syndrome (FBSS) when only local anesthetics were
taminated preservative-free steroids.9 While this used.12 Benyamin et al. reviewed 26 studies that
appeared to have been a result of faulty manufac- used lumbar interlaminar approach for lumbar
turing at one location (New England Compound- epidural steroid injections (ILESI), and 15 of them
ing Center-NECC; Framingham, MA), it did high- were randomized.13 They showed good evidence of
light some of the challenges related to the prepara- efficacy of corticosteroids with local anesthetics in
tion of glucocorticoids when attempts are made to the treatment of radicular pain secondary to disc
make them “preservative-free”. As a result, most of herniation, and fair evidence when only local an-
the commonly used steroid preparations contain esthetics were used for the treatment of spinal ste-
preservatives (i.e. polyethylene glycol, benzyl alco- nosis and axial pain.13 Manchikanti et al. reviewed
hol, myristyl-gamma-picolinium chloride) in or- 27 studies (15 randomized) that used a transfo-
der to maintain sterility and also increase shelf life. raminal approach (TFESI) for managing lumbar
While the fungal meningitis example showed the radicular pain.14 They showed good effectiveness
relative lack of risks of using commercially-pre- of these injections in patients with radicular pain
pared steroids with added preservatives, negative secondary to disc herniation when steroids and lo-
effects from those same preservatives have also cal anesthetics were used, and fair evidence when
been documented. In 2011, Candido et al. proved only local anesthetics were used. However, the in-
that by inverting a vial of commercially-prepared jections had a very limited effect in patients with
132 SJAIT 2016/5-6

axial pain or failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) (midline vs. parasagittal) in 106 patients that were
regardless of whether steroids were added to the followed up for one year.19 They showed that the
local anesthetics or not.14 parasagittal ILESI approach was more effective in
As previously mentioned, conflicting data exists targeting unilateral radicular low back pain sec-
with regards to ILESI versus TFESI in the treatment ondary to degenerative lumbar disc disease. They
of sciatica. In their review article from 2013, Cohen also showed that pressure paresthesias occurring
et al. concluded that TFESIs are more effective than ipsilaterally (on the same side as the usual and
other routes of administration in managing back customary radicular type pain) during injection
pain.15 However, Chang Chien et al. challenged correlated with pain relief and may therefore be
this conclusion in another systematic review and used as a prognostic factor. They also showed that
meta-analysis.16 They included only studies that only 4% of those patients ended up having a spine
directly compared these two approaches (ILESI surgery during the one-year follow-up,19 which is
vs. TFESI), and those studies when injections were much lower percentage than that in the Kennedy
performed under fluoroscopic guidance. A total et al. study when TFESI approach was used.8 These
of 506 patients with no prior back surgeries were studies illustrate the hurdles in making a consen-
included, and results showed that both TFESI and sus statement with regards to surgery rates.
ILESI are effective in reducing pain and improving
functional scores in patients with unilateral lum- FDA Warning from April 23, 2014
bosacral radicular pain. TFESI showed non-clin-
ically significant superiority to ILESI only at the On April 23, 2014 the FDA issued a warning that
2-week follow-up. However, based on two studies, injection of corticosteroids into the epidural space
ILESI demonstrated non-clinically significant su- may result in rare but serious adverse events, in-
periority to TFESI in functional improvement.16 cluding loss of vision, stroke, paralysis and death.20
This warning drew immediate scrutiny from the
Surgery Rates Affected by Different Injectable pain management community for two main rea-
Techniques sons. First, the references in this letter were heav-
ily skewed towards the transforaminal approach
The natural question is whether or not epidur- (higher incidence of vascular compromise), and
al steroid injections in general can prevent the re- none of the references mentioned concern with
quirement for spinal surgery. Originally, lumbar lumbar interlaminar epidural steroid injections.
TFESI had a seeming advantage when it came to Additionally, 12 out of 15 cases depicting the above
requirements for spinal surgery. Comparing stud- adverse events occurred following injection of par-
ies to find an answer to this question is difficult due ticulate steroids.21 While taking the FDA warning
to the differences in a) approach (TFESI vs. ILESI), seriously, it was important to point out that not all
b) steroid used (particulate vs. non-particulate) epidural steroid injections were created equal, and
and c) patient population (acute vs. chronic dis- thus not all injections carried the same generalized
ease). Riew et al. showed that 29% of patient that risk depicted by the FDA.
received betamethasone required surgery during a
13-to-28-month follow-up.17 Kennedy et al. looked Multidisciplinary Working Group (MWG)
at 78 randomized patient receiving TFESI with ei- Recommendations
ther dexamethasone or triamcinolone.8 This study
produced a relatively high surgery rate at three In 2015, in response to the FDA safety concerns,
months (14.6% for dexamethasone and 16.2% for Rathmell et al. published a list of guidelines based
triamcinolone).8 Knezevic et al. challenged this on consensus opinions from 13 different societ-
high surgery rate and commented on the differ- ies.22 Due to their presented increased overall risk of
ences in surgery rates when patients are seen by complications, these guidelines primarily focus on
different specialists who are treating back pain safety as it pertains to cervical ESIs and TFESIs of
(interventional pain physicians vs. orthopedic sur- both cervical as well as lumbar spines. In addition,
geons).18 Candido et al. conducted a prospective, the recommendations highlighted the importance
randomized, double-blind study comparing two of using sterile technique, fluoroscopy-guidance
different needle approaches for ILESI injections (when no contraindications exist), and the usage of

Table 1.

Journal and year Type
Author Number Study Groups Key Finding(s)
of publication of Study
of Patient
Dexamethasone is not
Prospective, Dexamethasone
Haimovic et al.[3] Neurology 1986 33 superior to placebo for
double-blind vs. placebo
treating sciatica
Oral steroid medication
in patients with sciatica
Double-blind, Prednisone vs.
Holve et al.[4] JABFM 2008 27 had no significant effect
controlled placebo
on most parameters
Patients from the
intervention group
were significantly
BMC Care as usual vs. more satisfied with the
Huiges et al.[5] Musculoskeletal 63 epidural steroid received treatment.
Disorders 2014 injection Positive effect of
SESIs on back pain,
impairment and
disability in acute LRS
Both groups show
improvement in
physical domains
(SF-36): Intervention
Archives of group scored better
Physical Medicine Care as usual vs. than control group.
Huiges et al.[6] and Rehabilitation 50 epidural steroid Cost-effectiveness
injection acceptability curve
2015 implies that utility of
adding ESI to usual
care is cost-effective at
80%without additional
PSILESI was more
effective in targeting low
back pain with unilateral
radicular pain secondary
Prospective, to degenerative lumbar
Pain Physician ILESI midline vs.
Candido et al.[19] randomized, 106 disc disease. Pressure
blinded study. paresthesia occurring
ipsilaterally correlates
with pain relief and may
therefore be used as a
prognostic factor
Dexamethasone appears
to possess reasonably
similar effectiveness
when compared with
triamcinolone. However,
Pain Medicine randomized, Dexamethasone
Kennedy et al.[8] 78 the dexamethasone
2014 double-blind vs. triamcinolone
group received slightly
more injections than
the triamcinolone group
to achieve the same
134 SJAIT 2016/5-6

non-particulate steroids during situations when the 4. Holve RL, Barkan H. Oral steroids in initial treatment
chance of vascular/intrathecal injection is higher. of acute sciatica. JABFM 2008: 21(5).
5. Huiges AS, Winters JC, vanWijhe M, Groenier K. Ste-
Overall, the recommendations served as an answer roid injections added to the usial treatment of lumbar ra-
to the seemingly misrepresented FDA warning; dicular syndrome: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
however close scrutiny of those recommendations in general practice. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2014;
reveaed that they were deeply flawed. Mainly, the 15:341.
recommendations tended to promote the more 6. Huiges AS, Vermeulen K, Winters JC et al. Epidural
steroids for lumbosacral radicular syndrome compared to
costly use of non-particulate steroids and digital
usual care: quality of life and cost utility in general practi-
subtraction angiography (DSA) as a fluoroscopy ce. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2015;
technique, which allegedly increases the likelihood 96:381-7.
of visualizing blood vessels in contrast to dense 7. Tiso RL, Cutler T, Catania JA, Whalen K. Adverse
tissues (i.e. bone or cartilage). This technique was central nervous system sequelae after selective transfora-
mentioned in the MWG report as a valid alternative minal block: the role of corticosteroids. The Spine Journal
to use of real-time fluoroscopy when performing 8. Kennedy DJ, Pastaras C, Casey E et al. Comparative
lumbar TFESIs. However, there is at best, minimal effectiveness of lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injec-
evidence in favor of its use and several compelling tions with particulate versus non-particulate corticosteroids
studies and case reports documenting the failure of for lumbar radicular pain due to intervertebral disc herniati-
DSA. DSA fails to discriminate between arterial and on: a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial. Pain Me-
dicine 2014; 15: 543-555.
venous injection, and exposes patients to greater 9. Pettit AC, Kropski JA, Castilho JL. The index case for
levels of radiation than standard fluoroscopy use.23 the fungal meningitis outbreak in the United States. NEJM
Additionally, Chang Chien et al. published a case 2012.
report showing that DSA does not reliably prevent 10. Candido KD, Knezevic I, Mukalel J, Knezevic NN.
paraplegia associated with lumbar TFESI.24 Enhancing the relative safety of intentional or unintentional
intrathecal methylprednisolone administration by removing
polyethylene glycol. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2011; 113(6).
Conclusion 11. Knezevic NN, Candido KD, Cokic I et al. Cytotoxic
effect of commercially available methylprednisolone ace-
It is evident that the field of pain management tate with and without reduced preservatives on dorsal root
has come a long way in the last 20 years. Without ganglion sensory neurons in rats. Pain Physician 2014; 17:
question, epidural steroid injections are a signifi- E609-E618.
12. Parr AT, Manchikanti L, Hameed H et al. Caudal epi-
cant part of the multimodal approach of managing dural injections in the management of chronic low back pain:
radicular back and neck pain. However, it is im- a systematic appraisal of the literature. Pain Physician 2012;
portant to pay close attention to the risks/benefits 15:E159-E198.
of their use, which pertains to patient safety and 13. Benyamin RM, Manchikanti L, Parr AT et al. The
cost-effectiveness. This review emphasizes that the effectiveness of lumbar interlaminar epidural injections in
managing chronic low back and lower extremity pain. Pain
current guidelines of the MPW and other societies Physician 2012; 15:E363-E404.
are not perfect, and the decisions of each pain man- 14. Manchikanti L, Buenaventura RM, Manchikanti KN
agement provider requires not to blindly follow the et al. Effectiveness of therapeutic lumbar transforaminal
guidelines, but tailor the interventional pain treat- epidural steroid injections in managing lumbar spinal pain.
ment strategy to each individual patient instead. Pain Physician 2012;15:E199-E245
15. Cohen SP, Bicket MC, Jamison D et al. Epidural stero-
ids: A comprehensive, evidence-based review. Reginal Anest-
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