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Senior Capstone Practicum Proposal Form 2018-19

Student Name: Devin Berniger Period: 2

Topic (a few words): Relations With The Police

Topic in full sentence (identifies the problem): Our topic is the relations between the public and the police.

Description of practicum (What do you see this journey being for you?)

We will seek out and talk with many people, including RUSD Officials and Members of the Riverside Police

**Questions used for Research (Annotated Bibliography):

1. How does the media affect the public’s perception of the police?

2. When did relations with the police begin to fall?

3. How have people tried to help the police?

4. What is police brutality?

5. What has the police done to help relations with the public?

What information did you learn through your research that you will apply to the practicum? Provide specific details. TO

I learned about the expansive history of the police and the struggles they’ve faced throughout the years. I
understand both sides of the conflict. With this research I can attempt to set up a field trip that can address
these issues and attempt to bring the community closer to the police. I will try and tear down the wall that
separates the police from the rest of us.

Learning Goals/Outcomes: What will you understand and/or be able to do as a result of your practicum?

I hope to learn more about the history of the police and the negativity they face. I also want to be able to bridge the gap
between the police and the community.

How will you make a difference in other people’s lives from your journey. What impact do you hope to have?

We hope to give people some perspective on the police. We want people to see them as human beings doing a difficult
job, not mindless robots shooting guns. We hope that this will be an experience where people who feel negatively
towards police will have a chance to talk to some and take on a new point of view. I don’t expect to sway many
opinions, this is california after all, but I hope to start a foundation on which relations can grow. Even if it is just for a
single lit class.
List the steps you will take to complete the practicum and how will you document each and every step for completing
your product (emails, photos, videos, interviews- recorded or transcribed, surveys, phone call logs, etc...). You may add
steps/spaces as needed. A few steps will not do. Think of every possible step.

Step Evidence

Find a teacher willing to support us and supervise the trip. Emails

We will then move on to acquiring administrative approval. Emails

We will speak with whomever we need to get approval, the principle seems like a Emails/transcripts
good start.

If we get school approval we will move on to the police dept. Emails/transcripts

We will contact the police dept. and find out how we can set up a field trip to the Emails/phone call
station. logs/transcripts

If the police come through we will move on to getting funding for a bus.

We will start with administration, hope to get funding from them somehow. Email/transcripts

If we can’t get money from admin we will set up fundraisers with the help of some Email/transcripts
experienced teachers like Mr. H.

Once we have funding for a bus we will speak with all relevant parties to set up a Emails/transcripts/phone call
date. logs

During the field trip we will be asking many questions and hopefully interview a Photos/videos/recordings
couple officers.

What organization (if any) will you work with and for what purpose?

We will work with RUSD and the Riverside Police Department to set up this field trip.

Learning Stretch: How will this project be a new and meaningful challenge for you?

We have never attempted such an ambitious project. We could have picked up trash or volunteered in a soup kitchen,
but we chose something we really thought could help in a meaningful way.

How will you display your final practicum in your digital portfolio? (Pictures, videos, screencasts, etc…) Remember that
ALL of your evidence must be on your portfolio. An interview must be filmed or have a transcript. Every picture must
have a verbal explanation (screencastify?) Anyone should be able to access your website and be able to understand every
step you took. You saying you did something is not enough. You must have evidence of every step. Be thorough

We will fill our portfolio with many pictures of the trip. We will have a couple videos of us talking with the police. And
there will be a long line of emails and transcripts from the process of setting up the trip.

Student Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Teacher Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________

Accepted As-Is ___________ Accepted With Modifications ____________

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