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Seminar Penyelidikan PSAS 2017 (SePSAS) dan seterusnya syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT
kerana dengan izin-Nya berjaya menerbitkan PSAS DIGEST 2017 hasil daripada
pengumpulan kertas kerja yang dibentangkan di seminar tersebut.

Saya juga ingin mengucapkan syabas kepada Unit Penyelidikan, Inovasi dan
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menjayakan penerbitan DIGEST ini akan diberkati Allah SWT dan seharusnya diteruskan lagi
pada masa hadapan. Penerbitan PSAS DIGEST ini sebagai satu panduan perkongsian idea
dalam menghasilkan penulisan ilmiah mengikut standard yang ditetapkan.

Diharapkan penerbitan PSAS DIGEST ini dapat menjadi satu platform untuk
berkongsi hasil penyelidikan serta pengetahuan bagi mengembangkan ilmu
profesionalisme dan kompetensi di kalangan pensyarah dan kakitangan di Politeknik Sultan
Azlan Shah.

Akhir sekali, saya juga menyeru kepada semua warga PSAS agar dapat meneruskan
usaha dan budaya penyelidikan ini agar ianya dapat menjadikan PSAS sebagai sebuah
institusi ilmu yang terulung dan setanding dengan politeknik yang lain serta dapat
membimbing dan memperkasakan pensyarah dalam bidang ilmu penyelidikan.

Sekian, terima kasih.







Seminar penyelidikan PSAS 2017 (SePSAS) telah menerima sambutan baik begi
pembentangan kajian dan penyelidikan daripada golongan pensyarah PSAS yang
dimuatkan dalam PSAS DIGEST 2017 ini. Penerbitan PSAS DIGEST ini adalah sebagai usaha
berterusan daripada pihak PSAS kepada para penyelidik untuk terus aktif menghasilkan
kajian dan penulisan ilmiah bagi membudayakan bidang penyelidikan dan penulisan

Penerbitan PSAS DIGEST 2017 ini merangkumi pelbagai cabang ilmu yang boleh
dijadikan sumber rujukan dan panduan yang berguna kepada penyelidik dan bakal
penyelidik dalam menghasilkan kajian pada masa akan datang. Selain itu, penerbitan
DIGEST ini diharapkan dapat membantu dan menyebarluaskan maklumat dan ilmu
pengetahuan yang berguna dan terkini kepada semua khususnya ahli akademik.

Diharapkan agar penyelidikan dan penulisan yang dibuat ini menyumbang kearah
peningkatan profesionalisme para penyelidik seterusnya memartabatkan lagi Politeknik
Sultan Azlan Shah sebagai sebuah institusi ilmu yang disegani. Penerbitan PSAS DIGEST
2017 ini juga adalah sejajar dengan transformasi politeknik untuk membudayakan
penghasilan kajian, inovasi dan penerbitan dalam institusi pengajian tinggi seterusnya
mencapai negara maju dan berinovasi

Sekian, terima kasih.















AND ANALYSIS METHOD ........................................................................................................ 12


POLYURETHANE MATERIAL .................................................................................................... 19




COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 36





KEPIMPINAN PENDIDIKAN DALAM ISLAM .............................................................................. 71


MEREKABENTUK DAN MENILAI PAM AIR BASIKAL .................................................................. 83






Ameeruz Kamal bin Ab Wahid, Alawiah binti Abdullah &

Muhammad Wazir Safwan bin Azman
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Behrang, Perak.,,


Kaizen implementation practices are use in this study to eliminate waste of motion that occur
at vibration test section. By eliminate waste of motion, time taken to complete test can be
reduce thus operator can learn or do another type of test. There are step to reduce or eliminate
waste of motion in the vibration section such as by re-layout and reduce the distance between
working table, machine, computer table, and storage. All the measuring activity for distance
and time are taken by using measuring tape and stopwatch. The objective of this research is to
reduce cycle time, to reduce labor cost on over time, and to rearrange the layout of vibration
testing section in R&D lab.

Keywords: Kaizen, waste of motion, re-layout



Kumpulan Jebco (M) Sdn Bhd are one of the leading regional manufacturer and
developer of Anti-Vibration Systems original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for automotive,
railway, and industrial sectors. Kumpulan Jebco product consist of rubber product, rubber-
metal product, thermoplastic and polyurethane. With over 35-year experience of providing
quality product that offer superior performance, efficiency and reliability, the company serves
customers in more than 15 countries through a network of sales offices and warehouse in
Malaysia, Europe, and USA.

In Japanese kaizen means continuous improvement. The word implies improvement

that involves everyone both managers and workers and entails relatively little expenses. The
kaizen philosophy assumes that our way of life be it our working life, our social life, or our home
life should focus on constant improvement efforts (Imai, 1997). Nowadays, many company
and industries in Malaysia, for example Kumpulan Jebco (M) Sdn Bhd implement kaizen to
improve productivity and quality while reducing costs. This research are focused on kaizen
implementation for vibration testing section in Kumpulan Jebco (M) Sdn Bhd research and
development testing lab to reduce waste or muda of motion.

Any motion of a person’s body not directly related to adding value is unproductive.
When a person is walking, for instances, he is not adding any value (Imai, 1997). By reducing
or eliminate muda of motion, time taken to finish operator job are increases thus improving
operator productivity and quality while reducing costs. Furthermore, when the muda of
motion are reduced or eliminate, when operator jobs done operator need to wait for another
sample arrive, operator can learn another testing machine type for example load adhesion test
or load deflection test. Hence, this will reduce labor cost by doing value added to operator and
muda of waiting are eliminate. Great deal of muda of waiting may exist in the form of the
seconds or minutes the operators spend waiting for the next work piece is arrive (Imai, 1997).


In Japanese word “Muda” means “waste”. There is no theory or definition regarding in

waste in Lean theory; but Womack and Jones (2003) stated waste as: Any human activity that
absorb resources but created no value.
For example the mistakes can be required if rectification or/and production of goods that no
one wants. This results in piled up inventories or movement of employees and transport of
goods without any purpose (Womack and Jones 2003). According to Alan Mossman (2009)
waste is anything that creates no value for the owner/client/end-user. He emphasizes that
waste is defined in terms of value. Hence one can only know waste by knowing value first
(Mossman 2009).

The problem for modern manufacturing systems are facility layout and it is important
key role for the manufacturing system layout design change. Lean facility layout means to
arrange the physical equipment within a workshop to help the facility work in a productive
way. A good layout scheme would contribute to the overall efficiency of operations. The
research on facility layout of a production line has always been the key research area of
industrial engineering domain (Ramazan 2009).



To reduce waste of motion, the use is by re-layout actual workstation into new
workstation. Thus the difference between layout are collected by using stop watch to measure
the time taken for operator to complete one cycle of sample testing. Other than that, to gain a
precise result the time are taken into three days which is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Figure 1 Actual Layout

Table 1 Legend for actual layout








Figure 2 New layout (Kaizen)


Table 2 Legend for new layout




Working Table


Computer Table



The time taken between actual layout and new layout are taken on the same operator
and on the three difference day which is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The difference of
cycle time are shown in table below.

Table 3 Cycle time for actual layout

Cycle Cycle Cycle Averag
Time(s) Time(s) Time(s) e
Mon Wed Fri time(s)
247 250 249 248.67
Shaker 25 26 24 25
Storage 87 89 88 88
Computer 295 300 297 297.3

Table 4 Cycle time for new layout

Cycle Cycle Cycle Averag
Time(s) Time(s) Time(s) e
Mon Wed Fri time(s)
251 248 246 248.33
Shaker 80 82 85 82.33
297 296 299 297.33

Difference between actual and new layout workstation

cycle time 2nd proposed
2nd proposed layout, Current layout, layout, Computer,
Current layout,
Working table, 4.14 Computer, 4.96 4.96
Working table,
2nd proposed
Current layout, layout, Shaker,
Shaker, 1.47 1.37

Current layout,
Storage, 0.42

Current layout 2nd proposed layout

Figure 3Difference of cycle time between actual layout and new layout

The cycle time are the most important part in this research. For the vibration test
section the cycle are taken at each stages which is, at working table where operator need to
assembly shaft and clips on part, storage operator store part that has been assembled with
shaft and clips, machine(shaker) operator set-up sample inside the machine and finally
computer to run shaker and gain test result. Azizul (2007) states that cycle time are the time


taken to complete one product which is or the total time takes before the product leaves the
workstation and move to the next workstation. Other than that, the overall process is made up
many sub- process such as order entry, assembly, inspection, packaging, and delivery.

The cycle time are recorded for three days which is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
The total sample that need to be tested every days are 27 pieces based on average 3 month
total output of sample test.In addition, the average of cycle time for the three days are
calculated. There are significant difference between the actual layout and new layout which is
the actual layout cycle time are 11 minutes whereas the cycle time for new layout are 9.59
minutes, the time save are around 1 minutes and 41 seconds, which for 1 days it will be 11.28
minutes, the save time of 11.28 minutes can be used to testing completely another 1 sample.
For 24 days of work the time, the save time are 270 minutes which are equivalent for 24 sample
can be test which is almost to one days samples since the average sample test for 3 month are
27 pieces.

The time save can be used to test a new development sample by gaining new project
thus this will increase the productivity or profit of the company. Other than that, operator can
learn another test machine such as load deflection test, salt spray test, or durability test. Hence,
this will increase operator skill matrix.


The cycle time at the vibration testing section has been reduced thus, after cycle time
improvement has been made the sample test reduction are 1 piece per days. Hence, for 1 month
the balance sample reduction are almost to 25 piece, from the sample reduction Kumpulan
Jebco can gain new project and make a development for the new project consequently, profit
can be increased.



Huntzinger, J. (2002), The Roots of Lean. Training Within Industry: The Origin of Kaizen,
Association for Manufacturing Excellence, 18, No. 2. pg. 9 - 22.

Imai M (1997), Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense, Low Cost Approach to Management, McGraw
Hill, New York, USA.

Ohno Taiichi, 1988, Toyota Production System, Beyond Large-Scale Production, 118 p.

Md. Azizul Baten “substitution Elasticiticies and Returns to Scale on Selected manufacturing
Industries in Bangladesh” The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Researcch, Vol. 20(1&2), 25.37,
Mossman, A. 2009. Creating Value: A Sufficient Way to Eliminate Waste in Lean Design and
Lean Production. Lean Construction Journal, 5(1), 13-23.

Palmer V S (2001), ―Inventory Management Kaizen‖, Proceedings of 2nd International

Workshop on Engineering Management for Applied Technology, pp. 55-56, Austin, USA.

Patel H, Shah S C 2014, Review on Cycle Time Reduction in Manufacturing Industries. Volume
1. pp. 1-3

Rother, M. and Shook, J. (2003), Learning to See: Value-stream mapping to create Value and
eliminate Muda by, The Lean Enterprise Institute.

Sahin. Ramazan: Türkbey, Orhan. (2009). A simulated annealing algorithm to find approximate
Pareto optimal solutions for the multi-objective facility layout problem. International Journal
of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. v 41, n 9-10. p 1003-1008.

Womack, J. P. and Jones, D. T. (2003).Lean thinking: Banish waste and create wealth in your
corporation: New York: Free Press.




Mohammad Al Bukhari bin Marzuki, Ahmad Syarifuddin bin Che Abd Aziz ,
Abdul Razak bin Naina Mohamed & Umarul Anuar bin Rahimuddin
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Behrang, Perak.,,,


There are a number of fixtures are being utilised in manufacturing plants to assist on holding
part, component or assembly during manufacturing process. In automotive manufacturing
industries in particular, fixtures are needed to support production worker throughout the
stamping process until assembly process. This process include dismount and mount of door
panel in the assembly process. Door panel is considered as child part for vehicle body in the
automotive assembly process. The dismounting of door panel is necessary to provide smooth
installation of instrument panel (IP), interior parts and accessories in the assembly line. The
door panel is mounted back to the vehicle at the end of the assembly line. The development of
door installation fixture (DIF) are required so that the door is placed securely and safely on a
fixture during assembly process. The need of secure and safe of DIF, a computational method
is utilised to design and analysed the capability of DIF during operation. Deformation and
stress distribution result plot are simulated using ANSYS V17 and both result plot are further
analysed. The result can be used as a basis to develop further optimised DIF.

KEYWORDS: Door fixture; door panel; ANSYS; CAE



Door is a flat object which is used to close the entrance of opening such as a room or building, or
the entrance itself. The door are used for secure the entrance from danger, usually locked after close
the entrance. While the meaning of installation is an act to install, attach, and fix something for use, a
work of art that usually consist of multiple components often in mixed. Fixture means any of various
devices for holding work in a machine tool, especially one for machining in a straight line, as in a
planer or milling machine, or any of various devices for holding parts in certain positions during
welding and assembly process. Fixture make the process for assembling, attaching, and holding a
work-piece easier, eliminate an extra required worker to do one job.

At Tan Chong Motor Assemblies (TCMA) SDN BHD, Door Installation Fixture (DIF) is a device that
used to hold and carry the door panel and facilitate the operator to assemble the door panel to the
car body. This device located at Mitsubishi assembly line and will be used on two station which is
engine room station for uninstall door panel process and door process for installing the door panel
to the main body. In Mitsubishi production line, the door panel will be disassemble from car and it
will be place at the side of production line. The needs of this is to make the process of installing the
instrument panel easier into the car. The door panel will be uninstall at the third process where the
process of engine room will take over. Then it will be place at the side line to waiting the subs
assemble process of door panel. By using door installation fixture, the process of uninstalling car door
will be easier and reducing time taken for assembling process. It also help to conduct the operator to
install the door panel.

Operator should use this door installation fixture while the process uninstall and install the door
panel to body. The used of this fixture should be from the door panel attach at the car body, then the
operator using the Door Installation Fixture to hold the door before the uninstalling process until the
process of uninstalling done. Subsequently, the door panel will be transfer to the side line and wait
for door sub process. Then, while waiting for assembly process, the door installation fixture should
be use to hold the door panel while the process door panel assemble to main body.

Figure 1: An operator installing the door panel without fixture



Fixture is a work holding device that holds, supports and locates the work piece for a specific
operation but does not guide the cutting tool. It provides only a reference surface or a device. What
makes a fixture unique is that each one is built to fit a particular part or shape. The main purpose of
a fixture is to locate and in some cases hold a work piece during either a machining operation or some
other industrial process. A jig differs from a fixture in that it guides the tool to its correct position in
addition to locating and supporting the work piece as presented by Hassan (2010), Hoffman (2004)
and Jagadeesha (2009). Singh (2014) stated that fixture is a work-holding or support device used in
the manufacturing industry. Fixtures are used to securely locate (position in a specific location or
orientation) and support the work, ensuring that all parts produced using the fixture will maintain
conformity and interchangeability.

A fixture's primary purpose is to create a secure mounting point for a work piece, allowing for
support during operation and increased accuracy, precision, reliability, and interchangeability in the
finished parts. It also serves to reduce working time by allowing quick set up, and by smoothing the
transition from part to part. A fixture is designed to position and hold one or more work piece(s)
within some specifications. This tools is widely used in manufacturing especially in machining such
as milling, grinding, drilling, welding, assembly, inspection and testing as mentioned in Wang, H.
(2010) study. The following figures are some real fixture design cases in manufacturing.

Figure 2: Example of fixture role in manufacturing process (Ackurate Tools)

Figure 3: HEGO weld fixture (DBM Innovatice)



In this project, several steps are carried out in order to complete this project. To ensure that the
current door installation jig properly done, the process to design and fabricate this project are
executed as planned. The method selected for this study is through a number of stages. The measures
and steps taken are as follow:
1. Carry out a survey by operator at Mitsubishi production line.
a. Conduct an observation at the Mitsubishi production line.
b. Identify the issues at the door assembly process by enquiring the staff and operators.

2. Identify the current method used to install the door.

a. Identify the existing door installation fixture system at the Mitsubishi production line.
b. Find out the time taken to assemble and disassemble the door.

3. Carry out an analysis regarding the design of the door installation fixture system.
a. Observation from existing other model door installation fixture.
b. Design a new manually operated door installation fixture.

Figure 4: Door installation fixture design


Figure 5: Door installation fixture fabrication


Result from the method used in previous section are further elaborated. The element will be
discuss such as finite element analysis for the DIF design, times study, and the staff interview after
using the DIF. The function of DIF is to facilitate the operator to hold, mount and dismount the door
panel and carry the door panel to the storage area. The DIF also must make the process of install and
uninstall process simple. The materials chosen for this analysis is Structural Steel Grade S235. The
material properties are summarized below in Table 4.1.

Table 1: DIF material specification/properties (Geocentrix, N. Gilbert)

Properties S235 Units

Young’s modulus 210 GPa
Poisson’s ratio 0.3 -
Yield strength 235 MPa
Ultimate tensile strength 360 - 510 MPa

Table 2: Meshing details of Jig

Element type Hex Dominant

Nodes 176089
Element 38756


Table 2: Meshing details of Jig

Maximum total Maximum
deformation equivalent stress
170 N 0.006 mm 5.97 MPa
340 N 0.013 mm 11.933 MPa
510 N 0.019 mm 17.9 MPa
680 N 0.025 mm 23.87 MPa

Figure 6: Deformation plot (left) and von Mises stress plot (right)


This project was undertaken in order to provide a solution for Mitsubishi production line at
TCMA. This Door Installation fixture are required as a tools to hold, carry and facilitate worker to
assemble the door panel to the car. The Door Installation Fixture (DIF) are design and fabricated to
use at trim line of Mitsubishi assembly line, TCMA. Based on the previous research of door installation
fixture, the new design of door installation fixture are proposed. The DIF are fabricated based on the
design proposed and minor modification are made based on the situation at the trim line Mitsubishi
assembly line.

The door installation fixture should be implement for the Production used but this project could
only tested in Production Trial (PT) stage because of the Start of Production (SOP) for the new model
Mitsubishi SUV are not started yet. The data of time study maybe not same if Start of Production
(SOP) stage because of the PT stage only produce 2 units of new model Mitsubishi SUV. The
development of door installation fixture should help worker to assemble the door panel and reduce
the burden of lifting the door panel than lifting the door panel manually. The objective for this project
are achieved by design and fabricate the door installation fixture for the new model Mitsubishi SUV.



Hassan, "Jigs and Fixtures," 5 November 2010. [Online]. Available:

Hoffman.E.G, Jig and Fixture Design, 5. Edition, Ed., USA: Delmar, 2004.

National Institute of Technology Calicut, “Introduction to JIg and Fixture,” 2009. [Online].

S. P. Singh, “What is the difference between a jig and a fixture?,” 2014. [Online]. Available:

H. Wang, Y. (. R. H. L. and P. S. , "Computer Aided Dixture Design: Recent Research and Trends,"
Computer Aided Design, 2010.

Ackurate Tools, "Ackurate Tools LLC," Specializing in CNC Turning and Milling, General
Machining, Fabricator Custom Made Die, Jigs, Fixtures, Heavy Duty Machinery., 22 May 2014.

[Online]. Available: [Accessed 2017].

"Capabilities," Merrill Technologies Group, 2017. [Online]. [Accessed 2017].

"DBM Innovatice Inc," DBM Innovatice Inc, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2017].

Geocentrix Ltd, "Structural Steel," Geocentrix Ltd, 2004. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2017].

N. Gilbert, "Structural Steel - S235, S275, S355 Chemical Composition, Mechanical Properties and
Common Applications," AZoNetwork, 11 May 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 11 January 2017].




Ameeruz Kamal bin Ab Wahid, Mai Noor Asiah bt Tan Zalilah &
Mohamad Hafizee bin Dawam
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Behrang, Perak.,,


In Kumpulan Jebco (M) Sdn. Bhd., their main production for Bump Stopper product material is using
polyurethane. The company had reported poor quality of particular products, by using direct
injection molding machine. This is because the quality always one of importance issue in
manufacturing industry. Beside that the product also have another problem when the process of
manufacturing by using direct injection molding such as high material waste, increasing of
manpower and still need added more time for finishing process. This research focusing on differential
of the manufacturing process for polyurethane product between direct injections molds with casting
molding machine. The main objective of this research is to identify suitable manufacturing process
using direct injection or casting molding machine to make bump stopper product by using
polyurethane material, reducing defect on product and to decrease production cost process in bump
stopper product. Design improvement of study with some methodology apply was explained in this
research. This paper also describes the product result from testing lab, by using Direct Injection
Molding and Casting Molding. From the results of this paper, machine and manufacturing process
selection is very important to produce bump stopper because will decrease production cost process,
production cycle time, man power or number of workers and load displacement of manufacturing
process between injection and cating moulding. The best method and technique to produce bump
stopper is by using casting molding. The result of data analysis and comparison between direct
injection and casting show casting molding machine can reduce production cost and waste of

Keywords: polyurethane, direct injection molding, casting molding



Manufacturing process are the ways or process through which start from material are
transformed into a final product. The manufacturing process begins with the creation selection of the
suitable raw material for making the product. These material are then modified through
manufacturing process to become required part. Manufacturing process can include treating such as
machining or reshaping of material.

Molding is a process of manufacturing by shaping raw material or liquid using a rigid frame called
a mold. A mold is a hollowed out block that is filled with a raw material such as rubber, metal, glass
and plastic. After raw material filled in mold cavity space, raw material hardens or sets inside the
mold adopting its shape. The manufacturing process also includes tests and checks for quality
assurance during or after manufacturing, and planning the production process prior to
manufacturing. There are many type of molding such as:
i. Direct injection molding
ii. Casting molding
iii. Compression molding
iv. Blowing molding

Kumpulan Jebco (M) Sdn. Bhd. is a leading regional manufacturer and developer of Anti-Vibration
Systems to original equipment manufacturers (OEM) for the automotive, railway and industrial
sectors. Production for Bump Stopper product by using polyurethane material in Kumpulan Jebco
(M) Sdn. Bhd. has reported poor quality of particular products, by using direct injection molding
machine. Beside that by using direct injection molding also make the higher of material waste.

Value Analysis Value Engineering (VAVE) is a systematic and organized procedural decision-
making process. It has been used in almost any kind of application. It helps people creatively generate
alternatives to secure essential functions at the greatest worth as opposed to costs. They noticed that
these substitutions often reduced costs, improved the product, and in some cases, both. What started
out as an experiment driven by necessity was turned into a systematic process.

VAVE is a systematic process used by a multidisciplinary team, which the project, product,
process, system, design, or service could be directed at analyzing the functions for the purpose of
achieving the essential functions at the lowest life cycle cost consistent with required performance,
reliability, availability, quality and safety (Ajitanath, 2010). To reducing costs in a development
project, VAVE is one of the process could be chosen which the process achieved by assessing
materials, process and or products and offering alternatives.

The outcome should result in savings to the client or end user without compromising the intent
of the design, by example maintaining or improving performance and quality requirements of the
product. The key factor is to achieve the desired results without compromising on quality and
performance of the product.

1.1 Objectives

The objectives of this research is;

i. To identify suitable manufacturing process using direct injection or casting molding
machine to make bump stopper product by using polyurethane material
ii. Reducing defect on product
iii. To decrease production cost process in bump stopper product.



2.1 Direct Injection Molding

Figure 4: Direct injection mold

The mold tool, which is usually made from hardened steel (high volume production), provides
the shape of the product parts. Using a well-designed and well made (surface finish / polish) mold
tool is vital in ensuring the quality of the product part produced. The mold assembly consists of
platens, cavity block and core block, usually made of tool steel. The main function of mold is to shape
the polyurethane material inside the mold cavity and eject the solidified molded part. The stationary
component of the mold is named the cavity block and the moving part of the mold is named the core

In addition to the cavity and core blocks, there are other components in the mold, each of which
serves a function during the molding cycle. A mold should have distribution channels through which
the polyurethane material flows from the nozzle of the injection barrel into the cavity.

2.2 Casting Molding

Figure 5: Casting mold

Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold, which
contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify as shown in Figure 2
casting molding mold. Casting is most often used for making complex shapes that would be otherwise
difficult or uneconomical to make by other methods.

The design of casting mold is simple and easy compare to mold direct injection because casting
mold has no design of flow of runner. In mold casting only have the space of core and mold cavity for
manufacturing product by using polyurethane material.



3.1 Sampling

This research use sampling technique to investigated the differential of product bump stopper
by using direct injection molding machine and casting molding machine. Sampling methods are
classified as either probability or nonprobability. In probability samples, each product of the mass
production has a known non-zero probability of being selected.

Probability methods included random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling. In
nonprobability sampling, product are selected from the mass production in some nonrandom
manner. These included convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling, and snowball
sampling. The advantage of probability sampling is that sampling error can be calculated. Sampling
error is the degree to which a sample might differ.

For this research, there are 6 samples product selected randomly from production, which is 3
samples from direct injection and 3 samples from casting mold.

Figure 6: Samples of Product

Table 5: Comparisons between Direct Injection and Casting


3.2 Experiment Test

An experiment is a procedure carried out to support, refute, or validate a hypothesis.

Experiments provided insight into cause-and-effect by demonstrating what outcome occurs when a
particular factor is manipulated. Experiments vary greatly in goal and scale, but always rely on
repeatable procedure and logical analysis of the results.
For product bump stopper, two type experiment test has been applied, durability test and load
deflection test. Durability testing are important to help identify the stability of transaction response
times over the duration of the test. The Load/Deflection Test Machine applies a requested load to a
test specimen at a user-prescribed load or deflection rate. Figure 4 shown experiment test on

Figure 7: Testing Machine

3.3 Analysis Improvement Method

Ishikawa diagrams (also called fishbone diagrams, herringbone diagrams, cause-and-effect

diagrams, or Fishikawa) are causal diagrams created by Kaoru Ishikawa (1968) that show the causes
of a specific event. Common uses of the Ishikawa diagram are product design and quality defect
prevention to identify potential factors causing an overall effect. Each cause or reason for
imperfection is a source of variation. Causes are usually grouped into major categories to identify
these sources of variation. The categories typically include.

Figure 8: Fishbone Diagram

Figure 5 shown Ishikawa diagram in fishbone shape, showing factors of Equipment, Process,
People, Materials, Environment and Management, all affecting the overall problem. Smaller arrows
connect the sub-causes to major causes.


3.4 Formula

The research done by using two formula to calculate cycle time and density of polyurethane. Cycle
time is time taken to complete a product start from raw materials until finish good. Density of
polyurethane use to get the value of volume polyurethane during manufacturing process.

3.5 Cycle Time

Work in progress referred to as work in process, is the sum of all costs put into the production
process to manufacture products that are partially completed. WIP refers to raw materials, labor and
overhead costs incurred for products that are at various stages of the production process.

3.6 Density of polyurethane


4.1 Identify Suitable Manufacturing Process

Machine is a tool used to help in manufacturing process to produce certain part or product in
manufacturing industry. Machine and manufacturing process selection that is important, this is
because machine for production to ensure fluency in production process. For bump stopper product
have two methods and machine that always uses for bump stopper manufacturing process by using
direct injection molding and casting molding machine. These two machines have the advantages and
disadvantages in production process by using polyurethane materials.

4.2 Decrease Production Cost Process in Bump Stopper

Most manufacturing company are probably already aware of the costs for product manufacturing
are usually called manufacturing costs and they refer to any costs that you incur to make product.
And as most company are probably already aware if can lower production manufacturing costs, that
mean can increase company profits, which means more money for the company, and this can actually
spill down to the employees.


4.3 Cycle time

Cycle time is time taken to complete a product start from raw materials until finish good. This
important in manufacturing industry to calculate cycle product to ensure production of product can
accommodate customer demand

Table 6: Cycle Time of Production

Table 2 shown the process time for manufacturing bump stopper product by using direct
injection and casting molding machine. Start from raw material until product finish good, raw
material mixture in the machine before material inject or pouring into mold.
After the material poured in mold, the material become rigid in a few minutes and then product
can be removed from the mold. Trimming and inspection process is a last step before product finish
good. Total production cycle time by using direct injection molding machine is 25.03 min and for by
using casting molding machine is 26.52 min for a single process.

4.4 Manpower

Manpower is a number of worker or employee needed in production process product. Normally

number of manpower determined according base on work and task ability for worker handling
production process, capacity of machine is also one of the factor in determining number of workers.

Table 7: Number of Manpower Used between Direct Injections Molding and Casting
Molding Machines

There are different number of man power as show in table for direct injection molding and
casting molding machine for manufacturing process bump stopper product. In this case at direct
injection molding machine, have 3 man power more than casting molding machine, this is because at
molding section in direct injection molding workers have task to cut runner on product, mold setup,
and remove part from core after product rigid.
The number of worker at trimming section in direct injection molding machine more than casting
molding machine, this is because product manufacture by using direct injection molding produce
more flashing on product.


4.5 Product Testing

In product testing the results are not much differences between bump stopper product using
direct injection and casting molding machine. Two methods experiment has been used to test bump
stopper product such as durability and load deflection test.
Durability Testing is a performance testing technique used to determine the characteristics of a
system or product under various load conditions over time and load deflection test services to offer
as part of our physical property tests. This a nondestructive method for determining relationship
between compressive load and deflection under load. Table 4 below shown the result of load
displacement test for bump stopper by using direct injection and casting molding machine.

Table 4: Load Displacement Test Result


Manufacturing process are the ways or process through which start from material are
transformed into a final product. The manufacturing process begins with the creation selection of the
suitable raw material for making the product. These material are then modified through
manufacturing process to become required part.
Before manufacture product, important to study and know the best process or method to
manufacturing a product. This is because selection of method can effect on production cost,
manpower requirement for manufacturing product and cycle time of manufacturing.
For production of bump stopper product by using polyurethane material in this company by
using direct injection molding machine, the value of waste material is high compare to casting
molding machine. Beside that manpower while production product bump stopper by using direct
injection molding is more than casting molding machine.
The best method and technique to produce bump stopper is by using casting molding. The result
of data analysis and comparison between direct injection and casting show casting molding machine
can reduce production cost and waste of material.


The authors fully acknowledged Kumpulan Jebco (M) Sdn Bhd. and Polytechnic Sultan Azlan Shah
for fully support to makes this important research viable and effective.



Ajitanath, April 28, 2010, Quality Engineering: Cost Reduction of a product through Value
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Compton, J & Brinker, Thomas M, Jr, (2005), How do we Define "Cost", Journal of Financial
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Chougule Mahadeo Annappa and Kallurar Shrikan Panditrao, July 2012, International Journal
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ISSN:2231-1963, 618-629

G. Menges, W. Michaeli, and P. Mohren, How to make injection molds. Carl Hanser Verlag
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Smith, K.L. 1999. Applying value analysis to a VE program. AAHSTO VE Conference.



Rafidah Laili binti Jaswadi, Mohammad Firdaus bin Mohammed Azmi &
Muhamad Arif bin Zamanhuri
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Behrang, Perak.,,


Line balancing for instance has proved that it is an effective tool in reducing the amount of workers
without decreasing the productivity in the firm. Line balancing benefits an assembly area in many
ways, as it minimizes the amount of workers and work station, lead to reducing the cost and space
for the assembly area. Line balancing also benefits in a way that it can identify the process which
causes bottleneck and standardization of work between the operators. This study focuses on
reducing the cycle time of a manual assembly line for the one station, and to reduced manpower at
XYZ Company. Result obtained shows that with proper task distribution, there was significant
reduction in cycle time and overburdens in the workplace.

KEYWORDS: Line Balancing, Cycle Time, Takt Time, Yamazumi Chart



Line balancing is one of the components of cellular manufacturing which consist of major tenants
in lean manufacturing. Line balancing can be defined as the allocation of sequential work activities
into a line called work stations in order to achieve best utilization of labor and equipment thus
minimizing idle time.
In addition, balancing may be achieved by rearrangement of the work stations and by equalizing
the work load among assemblers so that, all operations take about the same amount of time.
Furthermore, line balancing benefits an assembly area in many ways, as it minimizes the amount of
workers and work station which lead to reduce the cost and space for the assembly area. Line
balancing also benefits in a way that it can identify the process which causes bottleneck and
standardization of work between the operators.
XYZ Company is one of the automotive parts supplier and there are nine mixed model assembly
line designed to achieve customer demand. Based on the observation, a few problems that can be
improved are identified. The first problem is the work station layout. The work station layout is
scattered and complicated. The components that need to be assembled are delayed due to the
transferring process of the components. However, the cycle time taken only starts at the stripping
station so this does not affect the whole cycle time of the process. The second problem is the process
in the assembly line has a cycle time higher than the takt time allocated by the marketing thus
affecting the line daily target.
The objective of this study is to improve assembly line efficiency by reducing the cycle time and
the number of manpower in one station. The study will concentrates on the understanding of the
theory and concept of assembly line balancing. The data collected from line is recorded in table of
assembly line. The case study is conducted at two assembly line only.


2.1 Assembly Line

The traditional assembly line consists in a set of workstations sequentially organized to which
the work pieces will go successively, through some sort of transportation, usually a conveyor belt, in
order to perform assembly operations during a cycle time. Henry Ford is the one who first came with
the concept of Assembly Lines. There are three principles for eliminating waste in the assembly
1. Place the tools and the operators in the sequence of the operation so that each component part
shall travel the least possible distance while in the process of finishing.
2. Use work slides or some other form of carrier so that when a workman completes his
operation, he drops the part always in the same place – which place must always be the most
convenient place to his hand—and if possible have gravity carry the part to the next workman for his
3. Use sliding assembling lines by which the parts to be assembled are delivered at convenient

2.1.1 Types of Assembly Line

An assembly line can be classed into three categories based on numbers of models assembled on
the line (Groover, 2001) which are:
i) Single model line
ii) Mixed model line
iii) Batch model line


A single model line can be described as a line that assembles a single model. This line produces
many units of one product with no variation. The tasks performed at each station are same for all
units. Products with high demand are intended to this line (Groover, 2001).

Mixed model line is producing more than one model. They are made simultaneously on the same
line (Bhaba and Sarker, 1997). Once one model is worked at one stations, the other product are made
at the other stations. Thus, every station is equipped to perform various tasks needed to produce any
model that moves through it. Many consumers product are assembled on mixed model line.

Batch model line produces each model in batches. First, the batch model line is set up to produce
required quantity of the first model then it can be reconstructed to produce other model. Products
are assembled in batches of medium demand. It is more economical to use one assembly line to
produce several products in batches than build a separate line for each model. The research will be
carried out in industry which applied a mixed model line.

2.1.2 Workstation

Assembly line workstation is designed along the work flow path so one or more workers can
perform the task. The work elements represent small portion of work that must be accomplished to
assemble product. The workstations should be design taking account of productivity, operator
comfort, operator variety and safety. The number of operator may be different and one operator
might monitor several workstations. Certain workstations are equipped with hand tools or powered
tools to perform the task assigned in that station. The design is depend on how the workers perform
the task. There are several processes to designs the workstations (William and Lee, 2005) which are;

i) Examining tasks, operators and tools.

ii) Allocating tasks between operators and machines
iii) Selecting or designing tools and fixtures
iv) Physical arrangements optimization.

2.2 The Concept of Assembly Line Balancing

Line balancing is about arranging a production line so that there is an even flow of production
from one work station to the next. Line balancing also a successful tool to reduce bottleneck by
balancing the task time of each work station so that there is no delays and nobody is overburden with
their task.
According to H. Jay and R. Barry (2006), line balancing is common technique to solve problems
in assembly line. Line balancing is a technique to minimize imbalance between workers and
workloads in order to achieve required cycle time. This can be done by equalizing the amount of work
in each station and assign the smallest number of workers in the particular workstation. Falkenauer,
1992 state that Assembly Line Balancing, or simply Line Balancing (LB), is the problem of assigning
operations to workstations along an assembly line, in such a way that the assignment be optimal in
some sense. Furthermore, an assembly line can also be defined as a system which is formed by
arranging workstations along a line. At these workstations, work pieces can be transferred by using
labor force as well as equipment, and tasks are assembled taking into consideration precedence
constraints and cycle time. The decision problem of optimally balancing the assembly work among
the workstations is pointed out as the assembly line balancing problem (Eryuruk S. et. al, 2008).
Another important classification of the lines is the variation of the task times. The task times are
classified as deterministic and stochastic. The automated manufacturing systems or assembly lines
which are equipped by flexible machines or robots are assumed to work at a constant speed hence
the deterministic task times are well fit. Sometimes the variations of the task times may be significant
in affecting the performance of the system; hence the task times are stochastic.


When the lines are operated manually, the variations of the task times are expected due to the
difference of skills and motivations between employees. The assembly line balancing problems can
be classified into two groups (Suresh, 1996): stochastic and deterministic assembly lines. When an
assembly line is fully automated, all the tasks will have a fixed operation time. Variability (or
stochasticity) comes into the picture when tasks are performed manually at the workstations (Pekin,

2.2.1 Cycle Time

Cycle time is one of the important data for the line balancing at any production line. Cycle time
is the time it takes to finish one product or the total of time takes before the product leaves the
workstation and move to the next workstation. The cycle time required to process a customer order
might start with the customer order and end with the order being delivered. The overall process is
made up of many sub-processes such as order entry, assembly, inspection, packaging, and delivery.
Cycle time is inversely related to throughput, decrease cycle time leads to increased throughput,
show in the following equation:

𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦

𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 =
𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦

2.2.2 Takt Time

Takt is a German word for rhythm and refers to how often the part or product is required or the
rate at which the product is required (typically by the customer). The words was likely introduced to
Japan by German engineer in the 1930. Takt time (time/piece) is computed as:

𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒

𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 =
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑

2.2.3 Yamazumi Chart

A Yamazumi chart is a stacked bar chart that shows the balance of cycle time workloads between
a number of operators typically in an assembly line or work cell. The Yamazumi chart can be either
for a single product or multi product assembly line. Yamazumi is a Japanese word that literally means
to stack up. These are simply work balance charts to visually present the work content of a series of
tasks and facilitate work balancing and the isolation and elimination of non-value added work



3.1 Product selection for study

Product selection is critical as it provides focus to the project and produce tangible improvements in
a timely manner. Trying to solve all problems at the same time creates confusion, inefficient use of
resources and delays. Product selection refers to the process of identifying a “product” or “family” of
similar products to be the target of an improvement project or study. For this study, the product
selected are 5550-BZ110-B0 and 55406-BZ670-B0.

3.2 Data Collection Method

Time study are defined as a work measurement technique for recording the times and rates of
working for the elements of specified job carried out under specified conditions, and for analyzing
the data so as to obtain the time necessary for carrying out the job at a defined level of performance.
Time collecting is the amount of time used to complete the task by one workstation. Below are the
steps design to collect the data;

i. Define the number of workstation (coded).

ii. Identify the process that involve in that assembly line.
iii. Identify the detail of activities in each workstation.
iv. Recorded the travel time that is the amount of time that the products pass from one
workstation to another workstation.
v. Recorded the setup time. Setup time is the time that the workers prepare the thing before
assembly it.
vi. Recorded the observed time that is the amount of time that the worker or the machine to do
the assembly.


Line balancing improvement have many types that been used to been apply to the workstations. Each
of the workstations have been classified by the part that been assemble on each workstations. Thus,
improvement are based on each of the part assigned in this study. Operation time of each operator
to assemble the parts was recorded before and after improvement activities for a period of one week.
Average of all data was used to calculate total cycle time.

A1 A2
1 L1 BZ110- 45 220 45 58 103 80
PANEL S/A 55406- 45 427 35 21 56 80

Table 1: Assembly cycle time, total time and takt time for Line 1 and Line 2.


Table 1 shows that workstations L1 have exceeded the takt time allocated for the part, while L2 is
within the range. The current cycle time of L1 stations is exceeding the takt time, hence it becomes
imperative to reduce the cycle time in order to meet customer demand.

4.1 Actions initiated to minimize time loss for L1 station.

Before Improvement After Improvement

No Operator Time, Time,
Task Task
s s
Place item from polybox to Rearrange polybox and put away
workplace kanban tag
Place item from polybox to
Checking for defects workplace
1 Install lock assembly 45 Checking for defects 43
Install two screws and two
rubbers Install lock assembly
Install two screws and two
Rearrange polybox and put away
kanban tag Place item on workplace
Place item on workplace Install six screws
2 Install six screws 58 Checking all installation 37
Checking all installation Place item on polybox
Place item on polybox Place polybox on pallet
Place polybox on pallet

Table 2: Comparison time taken before and after improvement for L1.

Table 2 shows the time taken for Operator 1 and Operator 2 in Line 1. Previously the average time
taken for Operator 1 is 45s and Operator 2 is 58s. Based on the observation, Operator 2 is losing
significant amount of time while walking down to aisle of assembly line to rearrange polybox
resulting in overburdening and fatigue. Countermeasure was done by rearrange the task of both
operator as per table above. These changes give significant impact to Operator 2 by 36.2%. As for
Operator 1, it reduced the time taken by 4.4%.


4.1 Actions initiated to minimize labour for L2 station.

Before Improvement After improvement

Operator 1, A1 Operator 2, A2 Operator 3
Time, Time, Time,
Task Detail Task
s s s
Attach Take out and
1 Take out and check the part 15 4
sticker 3 check the part 15
2 Install clip 6 5 Install clip
sticker 4 11
3 Attach sticker 1 7 5 Attach sticker 1
sticker 5 8
4 Attach sticker 2 7 9 Attach sticker 2
borging 5
Place in
5 3 Attach sticker 3
box 5
6 Attach sticker 4 5
7 Attach sticker 5 5
8 Check borging 9
9 Place in box 3

Table 3 : Time taken for Operator 1 and Operator 2 before improvement and Operator 3
after improvement.

Figure 1: Yamazumi chart before and after improvement

Table 3 shows the time taken for Operator 1 and Operator 2 in Line 2 before and after the
improvement implemented. Based on the observation, the tasks of operator 1 and operator 2 can be
accomplish by one operator only (Operator 3). Before the improvement, the average time taken for
operator 1 is 35s and operator 2 is 21s. The average total time is 56s. Although the total time
increased to 66s after reducing 50% of the man power, it is still within the range of the takt time, 80s.



From the study of assembly line balancing it is found that assembly lines are flow-line production
systems, where a series of workstations, on which interchangeable parts are added to a product. The
product is moved from one workstation to other through the line, and is complete when it leaves the
last workstation. Results obtained showed that with proper task distribution, there was significant
reduction in cycle time and overburdens in the stations.


Mikell P. Groover (2001). Automation, Production Systems, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
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Jay, H., & Barry, R. (2006). Principles of Operations Management. 6th Edition. New Jersey; Pearson
Prentice Hall, Eduation Inc.

Falkenauer E., Delchambre A., A genetic algorithm for bin packing and line balancing, In The
Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nice, France,
pp. 1189- 1192, 1992.

Eryuruk S. H., Kalaoglu. F and M. Baskak. (2008),” Assembly Line Balancing in a Clothing Company”
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe January Vol. 16, No. 1(66).

Suresh, G., Vinod, V.V., and Sahu, S., A genetic algorithm for assembly line balancing, Production
Planning & Control, 1996, 7, 38-46.

Pekin N, Azizoglu M (2008) Bi criteria flexible assembly line design problem with equipment
decisions. Int J Prod Res 46(22):6323–6343




Shah Erawati binti Mokhtar, Fauziah binti Che Mat

Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah,


Evolution of WLAN are expended to application in WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) and
WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) which are emerging in medical, entertainment, health care,
military and commercial sectors. This scenario happen because of expanded in communication
industry, medical technology, costing issue, smaller device and provide higher quality. Evolution of
technology, compact and smaller antenna can achieve the higher gain and broader bandwidth. The
2.4 GHz frequency is user in WLAN network. This project presents the design of compact antenna for
wireless and on-body-centric communications. The project design using two types of antenna shape,
such as rectangular patch antenna and circular patch antenna. The antenna is designing in free space
communication and apply in On-Body Centric Communication. The antenna is designed at the
frequency 2.4 GHz. The behavior of each type antennas is investigate and compare such as return
loss, gain and bandwidth. The project is designing by simulation using CST software. According to the
free space communication, rectangular shapes show the higher efficiency of return loss of -28.087 dB
and largest percentage of bandwidth is 0.06 Hz. Circular shape shows the higher of gain is 6.1 dB at
return loss -10.388 dB. In On-Body Centric Communication configuration, the rectangular shape
shows the bigger thickness of skin and muscle affected the return loss and gain which is related to
woman and man. According the circular shape, when the thickness of skin and muscle are bigger
shows the higher gain which is for woman and man.

KEYWORDS :return loss, gain, bandwidth, on-body centric communication,



Antenna is the transitional structure between free-space and a guiding device. It is used to
transport electromagnetic energy from the transmitting source to the antenna, or from the antenna
to the receiver.1 Microstrip antenna is the best chosen which provides several advantages light
weight, small dimension, cheap, conformability and easily to integrate with other circuit make it is
chosen in many applications. (Balanis). It is used in many applications, like radar applications, mobile
applications, RFID, GPS applications, medical applications. Rectangular is the most popular because
of ease of analysis and fabrication, and their attractive radiation characteristics, especially low cross-
polarization radiation.1

The evolution of new trend towards of microstrip antenna in a user-centric concept in mobile
communications, wireless body area networks (WBAN) have received increasing attention within
the wireless personal and body area networks community.7 Body-centric communication takes its
place firmly within the sphere of personal area networks (PANs) and body area network (BANs). The
content of a BAN or PAN contains a range of communications needs and requirements. These can be
classified as:7
• Off-body : because the channel is off of the body and in the surrounding space, only
one antenna in the communications link is on the body. This is referred to as the off-body domain.
• On-body : most of the channel is on the surface of the body and both antennas will be on the body.
This is called the on-body domain.
• In-body : a significant part of the channel is inside the body and implanted transceivers are used.
This is called the in-body domain.
Body-centric wireless networks becomes of multiple wireless sensors that are placed on the
human/phantom body. The application of wireless sensor in on body communication for connecting
to body which provides the high data rates from low capacity, be small and lightweight in using of
high frequencies, and consume minimum power, which implies highly efficient links.5.


2.1 Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)

A wireless body area network (WBAN) is a technology of wireless sensor nodes that are
located inside or outside the human body to monitor the surrounding environment and functions of
the body. The characteristics of sensor nodes are small, lightweight, and consume low power.9
Besides that, it allow users and medical staff to continuously monitor the health of patients and obtain
real-time feedback. The WBAN can be defined as a wireless network technology that can be
connected to sensors and actuators in the body, on the body, and off the body, based on radio
frequency.3 Recently, this topic has been actively research on the integration of the medical
technology and the information and communications technology. In WBAN, there have several band
that are used for data transmission. First band is Wireless Medical Telemetry. In-body applications
include monitoring and program changes for pacemakers and implantable cardiac defibrillators,
control of bladder function, and restoration of limb movement. There have several application under
on-body medical include monitoring+ heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and respiration. For
on-body non-medical applications include monitoring forgotten things, establishing a social network,
and assessing soldier fatigue and battle readiness.9,10 The first WBAN standard that serves various
medical and non-medical applications and supports communications inside and around the human
body is IEEE 802.15.6. This standard is a step forward in wearable wireless sensor networks. The
standards offered for use with a wide range of data rates, less energy consumption, low range, ample
number of nodes (256) per body area network and different node priorities according to the
application requirements. IEEE 802.15.6 standard can reach data rates up to 10 Mbps while being


extremely low power.10 Furthermore, it can consider some movements of body such as straight
walking from one point to another. That is not suitable for emerging WBAN applications requiring
scenarios such as sitting, laying, standing up, jogging, swimming and running. Besides that, this
standard can satisfy most of the WBAN applications throughput requirements by maximum
achieving 680 Kbps. But, it is not able to meet the constraints of the emerging applications which
require high quality audio or video transmissions.11

2.2 Microstrip Patch Antenna

2.2.1 Rectangular Patch Antenna

The rectangular patch is by far the most widely used configuration. It is easy to analyze using both
the transmission-line and cavity models, which are most accurate for this substrates1, 11

Figure 2.0 : Layout of the rectangular patch antenna

For the principle E-plane (xy-plane), this is demonstrated in Figure 2.0 where the dimensions of the
patch along its length have been extended on each end by a distance ∆L, which is function of the
effective dielectric constant 𝜀𝑟eff and the width-to-height ratio (w/h). Due to fringing, electrically the
size of the antenna is increased by an amount of (ΔL). Therefore, the actual increase in length (ΔL) of
the patch is to be calculated using the following
equation 1; 1, 11
(  reff  0 . 3 )(  0 . 264 )
L h
 0 . 412
h w
(  reff  0 . 258 )(  0 .8 )

Where h is height of the substrate. For practical length (L) of the patch is calculated using the below
mentioned equation 2; 1, 11
C 0
L   2L
2 f r  reff
A practical width that leads to good radiation efficiencies is calculated by equation 3; 1, 11
C 0 2
w 
2 fr r  1
Where W is a practical width of the patch, C0is a speed of light and 𝜀 r is the dielectric substrate. The
length and width of a substrate is equal to that of the ground plane. The length of a ground plane (Lg)
and the width of a ground plane (Wg) are calculated using the following equations 4 and equation
5; 1, 11
Lg = 6h + L
Wg = 6h + W


2.2.2 Circular Patch Antenna

Figure 2.1 : Layout of the circle patch antenna

The next popular configuration is the circular patch or disc, as shown in Figure 2.1. It also has
received a lot of
attention not only as a single element but also in arrays. The modes supported by the circular patch
antenna can be found by treating the patch, ground plane, and the material between the two as a
circular cavity. For the circular patch there is only one degree of freedom to control (radius of the
patch). The calculation for circular shape patch microstrip antenna also needs tedious effort. The
dominant mode is TM11. The radius of the circular patch can be calculated by the equation 6;2
87 . 94

a  a e  fr r

The practical length of circular can be calculated by the equation 7; 2

L 
 a


3.1 Design Rectangular Patch Antenna

Firstly, the design process started with the fundamental equations for finding width (W) and length
(L) of microstrip patch antenna. The equation for width and length can be found from equation 8 and
equation 9. A practical width and length that leads to good radiation efficiencies are1,11
C 0 2
w 
2 fr r  1
C 0
L   2L
2 f r  reff
Next, the design is focused on designing the Rectangular Patch Antenna using the CST software. The
rectangular patch antenna is used the resonant frequency at 2.4 GHz. In medical application, mostly
the antenna will be designing in 2.4 GHz. The layout of designing rectangular patch antenna is shown
in Figure 3.1.; 1,11

Figure 3.1 : Layout of the rectangular patch antenna using CST


3.2 Design Circular Patch Antenna

The circular patch antenna design was started by setup the substrate specification into CST design
software. The substrate material used is Frame Resistance (FR) epoxy glass, dielectric constant is 4.7
(ɛr), substrate height of 1.6 mm and height of conductor is 0.035 mm. The parameter such as radius
and the effective length is calculated from the equation (2.10) and (2.11) above. The radius of the
circular patch can be calculated by the equation 10 and equation 11,
87 . 94

a  a e  fr r

The practical length of circular can be calculated by the equation, 2

L 

Next, the design is focused on designing the Circular Patch Antenna using the CST software. The
circular patch antenna is used the resonant frequency at 2.4 GHz. In medical application, mostly the
antenna will be designing in 2.4 GHz. The layout of designing circular patch antenna is shown in

Figure 3.2 : Layout of the circular patch antenna using CST.

3.3 Design Rectangular Patch Antenna in On-Body Centric Communication

Rectangular Patch Antenna is designing in three layer of body centric such as skin, fat and muscle
using CST software. The three layer of skin, fat and muscle is setting according to the value of
permittivity and conductivity for correct modeling. The relative permittivity and conductivity of skin
are set to 38.1 and 1.441 S/m. For muscle, the value of permittivity and conductivity are set to 52.7
and 1.705 S/m.6 Figure 3.3 is shown the layout of designing rectangular patch antenna in three layer
body centric of skin, fat and muscle. Table 3 shows the properties of parametric bio tissue for skin,
fat and muscle patch antenna in On-Body Centric. Layer 1 is setting to skin, Layer 2 is setting fat and
Layer 3 is setting to muscle. Each parametric properties of baby, boy, girl, women, man, is same as
Table 3 for skin, fat and muscle.

Figure 3.3 : Layout Rectangular Patch Antenna in three layer body centric
3m of Skin, Fat and
Muscle. m
40 3m

Table 3 : Parametric skin, fat and muscle for body centric(Peter S Hall et al.).

Body Tissue Skin Fat Muscle

Type Normal Normal Normal
Disp. eps Nth order model, Nth order model, Nth order model,
N=3(fit) N=3(fit) N=3(fit)
Mue 1 1 1
Mag. Cond. 1.441 [/(Sm)] - 1.441 [/(Sm)]
Rho 1100 [kg/m^3] 910 [kg/m^3] 1041 [kg/m^3]
Therm. cond. 0.293 [W/K/m] 0.201 [W/K/m] 0.53 [W/K/m]
Heat cap 3.5 [kJ/K/kg] 2.5 [kJ/K/kg] 3.546 [kJ/K/kg]
Diffucivity 7.61039e- 8.83516e- 1.43578e-
008[m^2/s] 008[m^2/s] 007[m^2/s]
Bloodflow 9100 [W/K/m^3] 1700 [W/K/m^3] 2700 [W/K/m^3]
Metab. rate 1620 [W/m^3] 300 [W/m^3] 480 [W/m^3]

3.4 Design Circular Patch Antenna in On-Body Centric Communication

Figure 3.4 shows the Circular Patch Antenna is designing in three layer of body centric such as skin,
fat and muscle using CST software. The three layer of skin, fat and muscle is setting according the
value of permittivity and conductivity for correct modeling. The relative permittivity and
conductivity of skin are set to 38.1 and 1.441 S/m. For muscle, the value of permittivity and
conductivity are set to 52.7 and 1.705 S/m.6 For other part of body centric (fat), there are not taken
into consideration due to their relatively small volumes. 6

Figure 3.4 : Layout Circular Patch Antenna in three layer body centric of Skin, Fat and
Muscle. cle



4.1 Design Rectangular Patch Antenna

Figure 4.1 : Layout of the Rectangular Patch

Table 4.1 : Calculated dimensions of the rectangular patch antenna.

Element Frequency Width Width of Length Length of Inset
(Ghz) Ground Ground feed
1 2.4 37.02 74.04 29.96 59 9.96

Figure 4.1 shows the rectangular patch antenna is designed and simulated by using the CST software.
From calculated dimension in Table 4.1, the result of return loss is -23.601, gain shows 4.3 dB and
0.05 Hz of bandwidth at 2.33 GHz. Detailed analysis of modification show in Table 4.2. From the
analysis, adjustment inset fed, length of ground, and width of ground can improve the efficiency of
return loss, gain and bandwidth. When feeding become bigger, it will increase the gain and provide
minimum return loss. While smaller the width of ground the frequency become decrease. The result
of S-parameter analysis shows in Figure 4.2. From Figure 4.2, the good result of rectangular patch
antenna shows at parameter analysis 7 by minimum return loss at -28.087 dB.

Table 4.2 : Parameter analysis Rectangular Patch Antenna

Element Inset Length Width Frequency Return Bandwidth Gain
Length Width
Fed Ground Ground (GHz) Loss (dB) (Hz) (dB)

1 9.96 29.96 59 37 74.04 2.33 -23.601 0.05 4.3

2 8.85 29 58 39.5 79 2.385 -22.7 0.05 4.48
3 8.88 29.25 58.5 39.5 79 2.398 -25.482 0.05 4.1
4 8.9 29 58 39.5 79 2.398 -25.868 0.06 4.1
5 8.95 29 58 39.5 79 2.398 -26.901 0.06 6.82
6 8.99 29 58 39.5 79 2.398 -27.836 0.06 4.09
7 9 29 58 39.5 79 2.398 -28.087 0.06 4.09

Table 4.3 : Result analysis rectangular patch antenna

Frequency Return Loss Gain (dB) Bandwidth % Bandwidth
(Ghz) (dB) (Hz)
2.4 -28.087 4.09 0.06 6%

From Table 4.3, the good return loss is shown at frequency 2.4 GHz of -28.087 dB. Figure 4.3 shows
S-parameter of the antenna. The return loss of the antenna is minimum at 2.4 GHz. From the radiation
pattern simulation, the bandwidth is shown at 2.4 GHz is 0.06 Hz or 6 percent.


Figure 4.2 : Return loss rectangular patch Figure 4.3 : Analysis gain of Circular Patch
antenna at 2.4GHz Antenna

The Figure 4.3 shows the gain pattern of the antenna in the farfield. The 3dB of radiation pattern
farfield shows at 80.4 degree. The maximum gain of the antenna is 4.09 dB. From the radiation
pattern simulation, the bandwidth is shown at 2.4 GHz is 0.0603 Hz or 6 percent. From the result, it
was prove that rectangular structure can provide the efficiency of return loss, higher gain and
broader bandwidth reported.1,2 It can concluded that microstrip rectangular patch antenna is
successfully designed at a resonant frequency of 2.4 GHz.

4.2 Design Circular Patch Antenna

Figure 4.4 : Layout of Circular Patch Antenna

Figure 4.4 shows circular patch antenna is designing using the equation 10, and equation 11. The
dimension of radius, length and inset feed can be determined by the equation above. Table 4.4 is
shown the calculation dimension of the circular patch antenna. From calculated dimension in Table
4.4, the result of return loss is out of -10 dB. The modification of radius, width of feed and width of
ground can improve the efficiency of return loss, gain and bandwidth. From the finding, adjustment
width of fed to smaller can improve -10 dB of return loss. It will increase the gain and provide
minimum return loss. Analysis

Table 4.4 : Calculated dimensions of the circular patch antenna

Element Frequency Radius Width of Length Length of Inset

(Ghz) (mm) Ground Ground feed
1 2.4 16.9 74.04 29.96 59 8.85


Table 4.5 : Analysis dimension of radius circular patch antenna.

Element Length Length Width Radius Frequency Return Bandwid Gain
of Fed Ground Ground (GHz) Loss (dB) th (Hz) (dB)

1 15 60 60 16.9 2.98 -0.4 - 4.3

2 15 60 60 22 2.9 -5.9 - 5.7
3 15 60 60 23 2.8 -6.9 - 6.12
4 15 60 60 24 2.7 -7.5 - 5.37
5 15 60 60 25 2.5 -7.7 - 0.62

Table 4.5 show the modification of radius circular patch antenna. From analysis, we can summarize
that the higher value of radius can give the near of frequency of 2.4 GHz and return loss to -10dB.
Then, the modification is continue to adjust the width of fed. The radius is set to 23.5 and the width
of fed is adjusted by +/- left and right. Table 4.6 below show S-parameter circular patch antenna of
return loss (-10dB) is -10.388 dB. From result analysis below, the smaller width of fed can provide
better efficiency of return loss. According the (Balanis), circular patch antenna have unique
characteristics because of ease of analysis and fabrication, and their attractive radiation
characteristics. Circular also suitable for array configuration which can achieve greater capability.2

Table 4.6 : Analysis modification of width of fed circular patch antenna

Param Width of Length of Width of Radius Frequency Return Bandwid Gain

eter fed Ground Ground (GHz) Loss (dB) th (dB)
Analys (Hz)
1 +/-0.9 60 60 23.5 2.4 - -
2 +/-1 60 60 23.5 2.4 -8.15 - 6.06
3 +/-1.2 60 60 23.5 2.4 -9.49 - 6.17
4 +/-1.25 60 60 23.5 2.4 -9.57 - 6.13
5 +/-1.3 60 60 23.5 2.4 -10.388 0.02 6.1

Then, the circular patch antenna is analyzed by using simulation process at frequency 2.4 GHz. The
simulation result is shown in Table 4.7. Circular patch antenna shows the minimum of return loss is
-10.388 dB at 2.4 GHz. Figure 4.5 shows S-parameter of the antenna is minimum at 2.4 GHz.

Table 4.7 : Result Analysis Circular Patch Antenna

Frequency Return Loss Gain (dB) Bandwidth % Bandwidth
(Ghz) (dB) (Hz)
2.4 -10.388 6.1 0.0212 2.12

Figure 4.7 : Return loss circular patch antenna at 2.4 GHz Figure 4.8 : Analysis gain of Circular Patch Antenna


The Figure 4.7 shows the analysis return loss of the antenna is -10.388 dB. The maximum gain of the
antenna is 6.1 dB. Figure 4.8 show the 3dB of radiation pattern farfield shows at 75.6 degree. From
the radiation pattern simulation, the bandwidth is shown at 2.4 GHz is 0.0212 Hz or 2.12 percent.
From the simulation result, it was prove that circular patch antenna can provide the higher gain
compare to rectangular patch antenna. It can concluded that microstrip patch antenna is successfully
designed at a resonant frequency of 2.4 GHz. The antenna shows a healthy gain if 6.1 dB.

As conclusion, rectangular shape and circular shape has been chosen because of the special
characteristics of small shape, easy to fabricated, and provide circular polarization. Besides that, the
width of rectangular shape has minor effect on the resonant frequency and radiation pattern.2
Besides that, rectangular and circular is easily to interpreted in terms of simple transmission-line
and cavity models. Rectangular patch antenna is successfully designed at a resonant frequency of 2.4

4.2 Antenna in On-Body Centric Communication

4.2.1 Design Rectangular Patch Antenna in On-Body Centric Communication

Figure 4.8 : Layout Rectangular Patch Antenna in at on-body centric

Figure 4.9: Return loss of rectangular patch antenna.

Each body tissue layer is design to 3mm. From the simulation, S parameter for return loss is shown
at Figure 4.9. The minimum return loss is shows at -22.092 dB and the bandwidth shows 0.06 dB.
From Figure 4.10shows the analysis gain pattern of the antenna in the farfield. The maximum gain of
the antenna is 3.37 dB.

Figure 4.10 : Gain pattern of rectangular patch antenna


Later on, the parametric study about thickness each layer will be investigate shows in Figure 4.8. The
thickness of each layer will increase one by one and others layer are constant. First parametric study
is increase the layer of fat and observed the S-parameter, gain, bandwidth. The analysis show in Table

Table 4.8 : Parametric study thickness of fat rectangular patch antenna

Ages Thickness of layer S-parameter (dB) Gain (dB) Bandwidth (Hz)
Children 8 mm -21.991 4.14 0.06
Boy 18 mm -21.989 4.47 0.06
Girl 28 mm -20.871 4.34 0.06
Women 58 mm -22.084 4.48 0.06
Man 78 mm -21.957 4.13 0.056
128 mm -21.542 4.42 0.056

From observation thickness of fat analysis, there is no correlation for return loss and bandwidth. By
increasing the thickness of fat, the gain pattern is slightly move upward (4.48 dB) and followed by
slightly increased at S-parameter to -22.084 dB. According to journal of Peter S Hall, other part of
body centric (except skin, muscle and lung), there are not taken into consideration due to their
relatively small volumes 6.

From analysis of skin shows in Table 4.9, the increased thickness of skin can effected the efficiency
of return loss. During the observation, it is show linearly relationship between thickness of skin and
return loss. There have human tissue property which the dielectric material proved adequate that
the skin depth at the frequency characteristics is very small and the transmission power is very low
values.6 Besides that, observation from farfield gain pattern shows slightly upward and downward
due the increase of skin thickness.

Table 4.9 : Parametric study of skin thickness rectangular patch antenna

Ages Thickness of layer S-parameter Gain (dB) Bandwidth (Hz)
Children 8 mm -22.529 3.98 0.056
Boy 18 mm -22.407 4.09 0.056
28 mm -22.571 4.21 0.056
Women 58 mm -22.576 4.08 0.06
78 mm -22.622 4.01 0.06
128 mm -22.659 3.95 0.06
4.2.2 Design Circular Patch Antenna in On-Body Centric Communication

Figure 4.11 : Layout Circular Patch Antenna in three in layer body centric of Skin,
Fat and Muscle


Figure 4.12 : Return loss of circular patch antenna On-Body Centric.

Figure 4.11 is shown the layout of designing circular patch antenna in three layer body centric of skin,
fat and muscle. The layout is setting using the parametric standard for skin, fat and muscle. Table 4.8
shows the properties of parametric bio tissue for skin, fat and muscle patch antenna in On-Body
Centric. Layer 1 is setting to skin, Layer 2 is setting fat and Layer 3 is setting to muscle . Each
parametric properties of baby, boy, girl, women, man, is same as Table 4.8 for skin, fat and muscle.

For circular, each body tissue layer is design to 3mm. From the simulation, S parameter for return
loss is shown at Figure 4.12. The minimum return loss is shows at -2.3892 dB and the bandwidth
shows 0.015 dB. From Figure 4.17 shows the analysis gain pattern of the antenna in the farfield. The
maximum gain of the antenna is 6.02 dB.

From analysis of skin, the increased thickness of skin do not effected the efficiency of return loss.
From result in Table 4.10, the changing thickness of skin in circular patch antenna do not effected the
return loss and bandwidth. Besides that, observation from farfield gain pattern shows slightly
increased and the efficiency of return loss and bandwidth still do not have effect due the increase of
skin thickness. There have human tissue property which the dielectric material proved adequate that
the skin depth at the frequency characteristics is very small and the transmission power is very low
values. 6

Table 4.10 : Parametric study thickness of skin circular patch antenna

Ages Thickness of layer S-parameter Gain (dB) Bandwidth (Hz)
Children 8 mm -2.389 5.81 0.015
Boy 18 mm -2.389 5.83 0.015
Girl 28 mm -2.389 5.95 0.015
Women 58 mm -2.389 5.81 0.015
Man 78 mm -2.389 5.84 0.015
128 mm -2.389 5.86 0.015

The pattern of gain shows the relationship between thickness and gain is linearly. When the thickness
increased, the pattern of gain also increased. Table 4.11, the changing thickness of muscle in circular
patch antenna do not effected the return loss and bandwidth. Besides that, observation from farfield
gain pattern shows slightly increased when thickness of muscle is increased. According to Peter Hall’s
the dielectric material of human tissue proved the characteristics of skin dept is very small and low
transmission power. There have human tissue property which the dielectric material proved
adequate that the skin depth at the frequency characteristics is very small and the transmission
power is very low values.


Table 4.11 : Parametric study thickness of muscle circular patch antenna

Ages Thickness of layer S-parameter Gain (dB) Bandwidth (Hz)

Children 8 mm -2.389 5.6 0.015
Boy 18 mm -2.389 5.75 0.015
Girl 28 mm --2.389 5.65 0.015
omen 58 mm -2.389 5.85 0.015
Man 78 mm -2.389 5.82 0.015
128 mm -2.389 5.86 0.015


As conclusion, rectangular patch antenna shows the best shape of the compact structured
antenna in free space communication than circular patch antenna. According Table 5.1, Rectangular
shape is obtained the higher return loss at -28.087 dB compared to circular shape at -10.054 dB.
From the simulation result, rectangular shape obtained the good bandwidth from 0.0603 Hz than
circular shape which is shows 0.0212 Hz. From the analysis we can conclude that rectangular is the
best shape from circular because the advantages of save costing to fabricate, very thin and can design
in the smaller size, which is the compact easy simulation result, rectangular shape is suitable for
practical wireless communication applications and successfully in designing. 1,2 In On-Body Centric
Communication, the result obtained rectangular shape provide the good result of man and woman
which given the higher gain when the thickness of skin is increased.

According to the dielectric material of human tissue proved the characteristics of skin dept is
very small and low transmission power. Compare to fat layer, there is no effect to gain, return loss
and bandwidth. This happens because of the characteristics of fat relatively small volumes.6 Compare
to the children, boy and girl, when the thickness of skin and muscle is increased, the relationship
between return loss is not affected. According the analysis of thickness for muscle, man and woman
are more affected.6 The simulation show the higher of gain is 4.06 dB compare to other category of
ages (child, boy and girl). It is also not affected the return loss and bandwidth. According the
simulation result of circular patch antenna, higher increase of thickness for age’s women and man
show higher gain compare to others categories of thickness. When the thickness become increased,
the gain also increased. But it is not affected the return loss. It is happen because of physical nature
of antenna in body centric and obstruction in others material. From the simulation analysis, it is
concluded that rectangular shape is the best structured and practical to use in wireless
communication and in On-Body Centric Communication.



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Nor Suwadah binti Mohamed, Farah Azura binti Abdul Rahman, Azhar bin Ramli
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah,,


A direct current (DC) motor is a device that translates electrical pulses into mechanical movement. Today,
DC motor are widely used in many applications because of easier controlling and excellent performance.
There are several controllers that can be used to control the speed of the motor such as by using thyristor,
phase-locked-loop control, chopper circuit, Fuzzy Logic Controller and etc. Among the different control
methods for DC motor speed control method using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is the best one. By
changing (modulating) the width of the pulse applied to the DC motor, we can increase or decrease the
amount of power provided to the motor, thereby increasing or decreasing the motor speed. Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) method will use signal generated in microcontroller. The program for Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) generation is written in C language using MPLAB IDE software. It is programmed into
the microcontroller using PIC Kit 2. Then the microcontroller is installed in the motor control circuit. The
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal will send to motor driver to vary the voltage supply to the motor
to acquire the desired speed. The result shows a graph of motor speed versus Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) duty cycle percentage. Based on the result, the readings are reliable and can help the user to
monitor the performance of the system.

KEYWORDS: Microcontroller, PWM, DC Motor



DC motor are widely used in many applications because of easier controlling and excellent
performance. There are several controllers that can be used to control the speed of the motor such
as by using thyristor, phase-locked-loop control, chopper circuit, Fuzzy Logic Controller and etc.
Among the different control methods for DC motor speed control method using Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) is the best one. PIC18F4520 microcontroller was used to generate the PWM
signal. The PWM signal will send to motor driver to vary the voltage supply to motor to maintain at
a constant speed. By setting the percentage of the pulses, the speed of the motor can be controlled.
The main objective of this paper is to implement the coding for PWM to control the speed of motor
using PIC18F4520. This paper was concentrate on 5V, 180rpm Micro DC Geared Motor with back
shaft. These motors are inexpensive, small, easy to install, and ideally suited for use in a mobile robot

Microcontroller Motor driver Motor


Figure 1: Block diagram for motor control


2.1 Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in

an embedded system. In modern days, microcontroller are widely used in vehicles, robots, office
machines, medical devices, mobile radio transceivers, vending machines and home appliances
among other devices. There are many types of microcontroller's processor that range from the
simple 4-bit, 8-bit or 16-bit processors to more complex 32-bit or 64-bit processors.

PIC18 microcontrollers offer a high computational performance at an economical price, with the
addition of high-endurance, Enhanced Flash program memory. On top of these features, the
PIC18F4520 introduces design enhancements that make these microcontrollers a logical choice for
many high-performances, power sensitive applications [1].

Figure 2: PIC18F4520 pins[1]


2.2 DC Motor

An electric motor is a machine which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. DC
motor is widely used in mobile robot. The DC motor cannot be connected directly to the
microcontroller due to high current and high voltage required for the motor. Therefore, the motor
driver control circuit; H-bridge will be used in between DC motor and microcontroller.

Figure 3: DC Motor

Motor speed, N, is proportional to armature back EMF voltage (Ve) and inversely proportional to field
flux (Flux Φ):
N α Ve/Flux Φ

In general, the speed of a D.C. motor can be controlled by varying the armature voltage or the field
flux (but not both). Since the field flux is kept constant below base speed, the motor speed can be
varied by increasing or decreasing the armature voltage. This is done by adjusting the variable
voltage produced at the output H-bridge.

2.3 Motor Driver

The H-bridge motor driver derived its name from the common way the circuit is drawn. This
is the only solid state way to operate a motor in both directions [2]. This circuit has been chosen
because it is a simple circuit and inexpensive for low current motors. The concept as H-bridge is as

Figure 4: Structure of an H bridge

L293D is a dual H-bridge motor driver integrated circuit (IC). Motor drivers act as current amplifiers
since they take a low-current control signal and provide a higher-current signal. This higher current
signal is used to drive the motors. L293D contains two inbuilt H-bridge driver circuits. In its common
mode of operation, two DC motors can be driven simultaneously, both in forward and reverse
direction. The motor operations of two motors can be controlled by input logic at pins 2 & 7 and 10
& 15. Input logic 00 or 11 will stop the corresponding motor. Logic 01 and 10 will rotate it in
clockwise and anticlockwise directions, respectively.

Figure 5: L239D chip


2.4 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM)

Pulse-Width Modulation is critical to modern digital motor controls. By adjusting the pulse
width, the speed of a motor can be efficiently controlled without larger linear power stages [2].
PIC18F4520 have two CCP (Capture/Compare/PWM) modules. Each module contains a 16-bit
register which can operate as a 16-bit Capture register, a 16-bit Compare register or a PWM Master
/ Slave Duty Cycle register. In 40/44-pin devices, CCP1 is implemented as an Enhanced CCP module
with standard Capture and Compare modes and Enhanced PWM modes[1].

Figure 6: A typical microchip MCU hardware pulse –width modulation module[1]

0% cycle 25% cycle 50% cycle 75% cycle 100% cycle

Low average voltage High average voltage

Figure 7: PWM Duty Cycle

The PWM technique works well for motors since they are mechanical in nature and their response
times are much slower than most electronics. This means a series of rapidly changing high and low
input voltages will make a motor behave just like an single constant voltage has been applied equal
to the PWM’s duty cycle times the motor control system’s high voltage value.
Output Voltage=Duty Cycle ×Input Voltage

In practice, these PWM signals are often generated on a microcontroller and then sent to a motor
driver circuit. The motor driver circuit is an important part of the motor control system that takes in
both the constant voltage supply input and a second control signal used to set the output duty cycle.

In many cases, the control signal is a PWM signal itself and the motor driver circuit simply amplifies
this control signal. The control signal is usually at a lower voltage than the motor requires to be
powered though, hence the voltage amplification.



MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a free, integrated toolset for the
development of embedded applications on Microchip's PIC and PIC microcontrollers. It is called an
Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, because it provides a single integrated “environment”
to develop code for embedded microcontrollers. MPLAB IDE provides a good platform for other
compiler language tools to be integrated.

After setting up and compiling projects in MPLAB IDE, the projects can be test on the programmer
device to verify that the application runs as expected. Usually, an application will not run correctly
for the first time and the code has to be debug.

MPLAB SIM is one of the debug engines that can be used with MPLAB. The other debug engines are
hardware devices, while MPLAB SIM is a software program that runs on computer. MPLAB SIM
provides many of the same features as in-circuit emulators and in-circuit debuggers. The difference
is that both in-circuit emulators and in-circuit debuggers allow the code to be run on actual silicon,
and also allow target application hardware to be functional while being debugged.


Proteus VSM (Virtual System Modelling), from Labcenter Electronics in the UK, has been used
to create the circuit diagrams and test the designs. It is currently the only package available with a
comprehensive range of microcontroller models. The schematic capture and interactive simulator
component is ISIS; a PCB layout can be created from the same drawing using the associated
application ARES. It is the most complete package available at the current time for designing and
testing embedded applications, providing an extensive range of passive and active components,
mixed mode simulation and interactive peripheral hardware.

3.3 Programming using C language

There are a few steps to be followed to program the PWM in microcontroller using C language. The
first step is to set the PWM period by writing to the PR2 register. Processor Clock Frequency for
PIC18F4520 was set to10Mhz and frequency for PWM was set to 1 KHz. From these setting, the value
for PR2 was obtain using the formula below.

PR2 = [Fosc / (Fpwmx4xN)] -1

Then, calculate value for CCPR1L with the following formula:-

CCPR1L= Duty cycle x PR2

The value for PWM duty cycle is set by writing the value to the CCPR1L register for the higher 8 bits.

These paper are concentrate on 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% duty cycle. The calculated value for
PR2 and CCPR1L result was shows in Table 1.


Table 1: Value for PR2 and CCPR1L

Duty Cycle
90% 75% 50% 25% 10%
PR2 155 155 155 155 155
CCPR1L 139 116 77 38 15

The motor control circuit was design and analyzes using PROTUSE 8.1 Professional. Motor driver
L239D was used in this circuit. Figure 8 shows the motor control circuits.

Figure 8: Motor Control Circuit



The coding for PWM was written and compile in MPLAB IDE and simulation has been made
to obtain the graph in Figure 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 for 90%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 10% duty cycle

Figure 9: Simulated PWM showing the duty cycle for 90%

The ratio of high pulse width to period of the signal is called duty cycle. From Figure 9 the value for
duty cycle is (2232/2503)*100%= 89.17%.

Figure 10: Simulated PWM showing the duty cycle for 75%

The ratio of high pulse width to period of the signal is called duty cycle. From Figure 10 the value for
duty cycle is (743/997)*100%= 74.5%.


Figure 11: Simulated PWM showing the duty cycle for 50%

The ratio of high pulse width to period of the signal is called duty cycle. From Figure 10 the value for
duty cycle is (1253/2486)*100%= 50.40%.

Figure 12: Simulated PWM showing the duty cycle for 25%

The ratio of high pulse width to period of the signal is called duty cycle. From Figure 10 the value for
duty cycle is (614/2495)*100%= 24.61%.

Figure 13: Simulated PWM showing the duty cycle for 10%
The ratio of high pulse width to period of the signal is called duty cycle. From Figure 13 the value for
duty cycle is (246/2498)*100%= 9.85%.

The coding for PWM was also tested in PROTEUS 8.1 and simulation has been made to obtain the
speed in rpm and frequency for the circuit in Figure 6 for 90%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 10% duty cycle
respectively. The specification used for motor is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 14: Properties of Motor used in simulation

The result for the speed and frequency of motor after simulation is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Speed and frequency for the motor with different duty cycle

Duty Cycle
90% 75% 50% 25% 10%
Speed (rpm) 74.4 61.9 41.4 20.6 8.22
Frequency 29.41 25 16.67 8.33 3.33

Using the data, the graph of duty cycle versus speed has been plot using Microsoft Excel. The graph
is shown in Figure 15.


Graph of Duty Cycle vs Speed

70 61.9
Speed 50 41.4
30 20.6
20 8.22
0 20 40 60 80 100
Duty Cycle

Figure 15: Graph of Duty Cycle versus Speed of DC motor

From the graph, it can be concluded that the speed of DC motor is proportional to the duty cycle
generate by Pulse Width Modulation. The average voltage (V_out) for the dc motor with different
duty cycle is shown in Table 3.

Table 3: The average voltage (V_out) for the motor with different duty cycle

Duty Cycle
90% 75% 50% 25% 10%
V_out (V) 4.5 3.75 2.5 1.25 0.5


The PWM was the easy way to control speed of a motor. By increasing the positive wave of
duty cycle, the speed of the motor also increase. The values for PWM register are based on the result
obtain from PR2 and CCPR1L. This will cause the vary voltage input for the motor. The result for PR2
and CCPR1L will differ if we used the different Processor Clock Frequency and frequency for PWM.
The best frequency for PWM must be used in order to make the motor run smoothly.



Michrochip (2008), “PIC18F2420/2520/4420/4520 Data Sheet”, Microchip Technology Inc,

pg 144-146

Michrochip (2004), “PICmicro DC Motor Control Tips ‘n Tricks”, Microchip Technology Inc.

Khan Masoom Raza, Mohd Kamil, Pushpendra Kumar (2016), Speed Control of DC Motor by
using PWM, IJARCCE, Vol. 5, Issue 4.

M.O. Afolayan, D.S. Yawas, C.O. Folayan and S.Y. Aku (2013), A Software Method for
Generating Concurrent PWM signal from Pic18f450 for Biomimetic Robotic Fish Control, Research
Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6(5): 754 – 760.

Shruti Shrivastava, Jageshwar Rawat, Amit Agrawal (2012), Controlling DC Motor using
Microcontroller (PIC16F72) with Pulse Width Modulation, International Journal of Engineering
Research, Volume No.1, Issue No.2, pp:45-47

Maizidi Ali, Mekinly Rolin D & Carsey Denny, “Microcontroller & Embedded System”,
Pearson Education, 2nd Edition



Azuro Umairah binti Mohd Rozin, Najibah binti Jusoh, Noorulziwaty binti Kamaruzaman &
Nurul Wahida binti Zainol
Jabatan Pengajian Am
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah,, &


Technology has become a lifestyle of the millennium generation particularly in Malaysia. The use of
mobile phones among the students installed with plentiful applications from shopping to learning is
very common nowadays. Mobile learning makes it easier for language learners to improve their
skills in addition to attending a conventional class. This paper aims to identify students’ readiness
in utilizing mobile devices in their language learning process. The respondents are selected from
four main departments. The aspects that the study is focusing on are the students’ basic readiness
in term of the mobile facilities the students had as well as to identify the student’s skills in using
mobile devices. Other than that the study is also looking into the students psychological and budget
readiness. The data was collected from 102 semester 1 students of Sultan Azlan Shah Polytechnic.
They were randomly selected from 4 main departments, namely Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and
Commerce department. A questionnaire adapted from MLR Instruments designed by Supyan
Hussain (2011) was administered. The finding shows that all students have the basic requirement
in order to participate in mobile learning. The study also revealed that Polytechnic students are
familiar with the use of mobile devices even though they just started their study in tertiary level of
education. The respondents are looking forward on the idea of utilizing mobile learning in the
classroom. However the students were quite concerned with the budget for the internet services
that they need to spend. A discussion on the implications of the findings will also be presented.

Keyword: Mobile learning, mobile devices, e-learning



The use of smart phones among Malaysians is presently very common. People are using it
for many purposes in almost every aspect of life. It is now invariably crucial for business as well as
personal use to the extent that it is not a matter of owning a smartphone anymore, rather it is more
about how advance one’s smart phone’s operating system is. This phenomenon is evident in the
extensive use of social media among the users regardless their ages. At higher education
institutions, smartphone is the main medium of communication. Android and iOS operating
systems, which are two most popular among users, provide many convenient functions besides
allowing free downloads of variety of applications. The applications have made it easier for the
users to complete their everyday essential stuffs, such as running errands, making appointments
and reservations, shopping online, learning, and many more. Everything is only at one’s fingertips.


Catching up with the advance of technology, the academic world has taken this golden
opportunity to make use of smartphones as a medium of teaching and learning, which is known as
E-learning. E-learning is defined as learning facilitated and supported through the utilization of
information and communication technologies (Jenkins and Hanson 2003). Cappel & Hayen (2004)
defined e-learning as instruction delivered electronically via the Internet, Intranets or Multimedia
platforms such as DVD or CD-ROM. In the development of E-learning at Malaysian polytechnics, a
platform which is adapted from Moodle, called Curriculum Information Document Online System
(CIDOS) is being used by the lecturers and students. Other than CIDOS, online courses developed on
MOOC platform are also developed for certain courses as part of E-learning. The lecturers are being
equipped with relevant skills to effectively and vastly execute MOOC online courses at polytechnics.
The usage of e-learning or also known as online learning, have increased. It can be seen from the
growing of higher institution whether it is public or private in order to attract the students through
full time learning in campus or distance learning. (OUM, 2004).The use of technology in education is
not new but the academicians has taken it one step higher to be at par with technology through the
transition from computers to smartphones, which is apparently more convenient and mobile as
everyone carries it everywhere. CATS is newly introduced at polytechnics as one of the medium of
self-access learning for students using smartphones. Smartphones with certain applications are
required in order to use this application.


The use of mobile applications in learning a language has encouraged learners to continue
practising the language everywhere. It is no longer confined inside four walls of the classroom. Ally
(2009) defines Mobile Learning as the delivery of learning content to mobile devices (Mohamed
Amin Embi & Ebrahim Panah, 2013). As language requires practice, this medium appears to be very
handy to the learners. Smartphones undoubtedly have made it easier for the learners to practise
language skills. Essential skills such as listening, reading, and even speaking can be introduced and
practised via the internet or smartphone applications. Pronunciation is identified as one of the
many factors that second language learners have problem with which hinders their speaking
ability. Mobile learning with the availability of microphone and speaker functions is able to aid
learners by listening to how the words are correctly pronounced. As it is mobile, learners can do it
anytime they like.



It has been revealed in a study conducted by Jacob and Isaac (2008) on university students’
perceptions towards mobile learning which supports the students’ readiness. Zoraini Wati Abas et
al. (2009) concluded that through the formative evaluation of the Open University Malaysia (OUM)
mobile learning initiative, the use of SMSes was generally accepted by its students. It is also reported
that mobile learning has great potential to be integrated in the existing blend of pedagogies at OUM.
Mobile learning definitely contributes to the flexibility of learning in open and distance learning
institutions. Mobile devices are more convenient to use as compared to desktop computers. The
findings in Jacob and Isaac (2008) also supported that portability is mostly preferred by students as
the result shows that the popular mobile devices used among the students were pen drives, cell
phones and laptops. Nowadays it is a necessity to have mobile phones although it is still a concern on
student’s readiness when it comes to financial issues. As supported by Hussin et. Al. (2012) in his
study on mobile learning readiness among Malaysian Students at Higher Learning Institutes
concluded that respondents welcomed the idea of integrating m-learning into future courses as they
were already familiar with computing and communication activities that m-learning may require.
However, they were quite reserved when it comes to financial issues.

On the other hand, the readiness of using mobile devices when it comes to financial issues
still depends on the users itself. As reported by Zoraini Wati Abas, Ed.D.(2009) in her study on learner
readiness for mobile learning, OUM learners are ready to embark on mobile learning. They are willing
to spend to a certain degree to purchase a new device and to subscribe to services that would enable
m-learning, and learn via mobile in the next 12 months. The result is different depending on the
background of the students. This has been proven by the findings in Hussin (2012) as mentioned
earlier. On the contrary, OUM students are basically part timers who have secured a job. Financial is
not an issue to the majority of them.

Apart from financial issues, there are other constraints such as facility and technology. As for
students in higher learning institutions, the facility provided by their institution is crucial for them
to be able to use mobile devices. The facilities provided by the institution still cannot support the
student’s needs. Some students are lacking network data have to depend on the Wi-Fi connection
provide by the institution. Unfortunately, the Wi-Fi coverage still could not be accessed in certain
area. Besides that, the mobile device system used by the students should be compatible with the
mobile applications. This technology issue is paralleled with the findings in Jacob and Isaac (2008)
that the students raised technology issues like faster data transmission, technology unification of
mobile devices, larger display screens and larger memory capacities to be addressed in order to make
mobile devices popular.

In the same findings, Jacob and Isaac (2008) reveal that the non-supportive comments convey
the fear technology would fully replace the direct teacher-student interaction. However, this is not
entirely true since Masrom (2007) stated that E-learning is not intended to replace the traditional
classroom setting, but to provide new opportunities for interaction and communication between
students and instructor or teacher.



The study aims to discover polytechnic students’ readiness in utilizing mobile learning. 102 semester
1 students were selected randomly. They were from 4 departments namely civil, mechanical,
electrical engineering and commerce department.

Mobile learning readiness instrument (MLR) aims to gauge the respondents’ responses. The
questionnaire consists of 5 sections. There were 3 demographic questions in Section A , 10 questions
in section B which examined the respondents readiness in term of device that they possessed and
section C was consist of 12 items which seeking for respondents’ skills and familiarity in using the
device. As for section D, it consist of 9 items which examined the respondents perception meanwhile
there were 21 items in section E which aim to examine how respondents perceived mobile learning.


4.1 Demographic Information

There were 102 respondents involved in this study. 59.8% students were male and 40.2% were
female respondents. Most of the respondents are Bumiputera which consist of 89.2% followed by
6.9% Indian and 3.9% Chinese. In term of the respondents’ field of studies, 28.4% respondents were
Electrical Engineering students, 25.5% were Mechanical Engineering students, 24.5% were
Commerce Department students and the remaining were Civil Engineering students.

Figure 1.0
4.2 Hand Phone Facilities

Table 1.0 shows the percentage of positive responses pertaining to hand phone facilities possess by
the respondents. In order to engage in mobile learning students need to have a well equip hand phone
since most of the learning resources need to be obtained from the internet in form diverse format
such as PDF file, video, audio, applications and etc. The use of the latest generation of hand phone or
smartphone also make it possible for respondents to participate in many activities such as doing
online quiz, practicing listening and learning pronunciation via online website. Based on the data
presented, it is shown that 100 of the students own a hand phone which 98% of the hand phone
equips with internet connection. Meanwhile 93.1% of the phones were equipped with the ability to
download mobile applications from Application which can be very convenient.


Table 1.0 Hand Phone Facilities

No. Questions Positive responses Positive

Responses %

1 Do you have a hand phone (mobile phone)? 100

2 Does your hand phone have 3G service? 20.6
3 Does your hand phone have 4G service? 79.4
4 Does your hand phone have MMS service? 93.1
5 Does your hand phone have a video call service? 98
6 Have you ever used a video call? 88.2
7 Does your hand phone have Internet access? 98
8 Does your hand phone have a memory card that can store digital files?
9 Can you hand phone download Application from any Apps store? 93.1
10 Can your hand phone read/open up the following files?
No. Questions Positive responses Positive
Responses %

a. Word document 76.5

b. PDF document 93.1
c. Excel document 57.8
d. Power Point document 56.9
e. Video files 100
f. Audio files 99
g. Photos/graphics 98

However in term of the ability to read and open up file such as Word, PDF, Excel and Power Point
documents shown a mixture percentage of responses. For instance 56.9 % of respondents can read
and open PowerPoint document meanwhile 57.8% students is able to read/ open Excel document.
This might limit the opportunity for the respondents to access the learning resources since the
documents play a prominent in sharing the learning input. All in all it can be concluded that the
respondents do possess the basic requirement for them to engage in mobile learning. This might be
due to the affordable price of mobile phone and the advancement of smart phone technology which
currently available in the market.

4.3 Internet Access

In order for mobile learning to be effective and accessible, it is important for students to have internet
access. This section aim to depict the respondents’ familiarity with elements such as hand phone
connectivity which portray their skills and knowledge in using internet facilities in doing activities
such as emailing, downloading files and converting files. According to the figure presented 96 % of
the students does subscribe to the internet line or data plan in order to access internet. On the other
hand 88.2% students used wifi facility in order to get the access. Other than that 95% respondents
said that they were using their mobile phone to access social network such as Facebook. Based on
the data it can be predict that the students fairly meet the minimum requirement to incorporate
mobile learning with their conventional learning environment. Nevertheless, the respondents seem
not familiar with hand phone messaging via MMS (45.1%) and converting PowerPoint files into 3G
format. This might be due to the availability of application such as WeChat, Telegram and WhatsApp
which enable them to sending messages, voice note, photo, video and documents in an instant.


Table 2.0 Respondents’ skills and familiarity with internet access and tools

Num Statement Positive

1. I have subscribed to the Internet line using my handphone. 96
2. I have used wi-fi facility to access the Internet 88.2
3. I have sent/received email via handphone. 74.6
4. I have downloaded files from the Internet using my 82.4
5. I have sent 3G files to other people. 74.5
6. I have opened up a 3G file that I received in my handphone. 80
7. I have used handphone to send messages using MMS. 45.1
8. I have received 3G files. 71.6
9. I know how to convert PowerPoint files into a 3G format. 20.7
10. I have shared the Internet line between my handphone and my 64.7
computer using Bluetooth facility in my handphone.
11. I have accessed my Facebook and/or other social networking 95
sites using my handphone.
12. I read online news using my handphone. 77.5

4.4 Perception Mobile Learning

Table 3.0 indicates the students’ perception on mobile learning. Generally, it can be said that most of
the respondents have definite views about learning English language through mobile learning. This
is based on their responses when asked if they think that they would utilise mobile phones that
provide English language learning materials services. A total of 92% of respondent answered the
question positively. Besides, around 76.5% of respondents also reported that the mobile service can
teach them English language using hand phones. Clearly, hand phone has been seen as a device with
overwhelming benefits to students. This explained their responses when asked if they would like to
get a quick help on their language problems via mobile service. A total of 93 respondents or 91.2%
agreed with the statement. It seems that the respondents also had recognised the major advantage
of mobile service in their studies especially in speaking skills as 91.2% of the respondents wished
that the mobile service can guide them on how to pronounce some difficult words in English using
their hand phone. Following this, the respondents were further asked if mobile service can offer them
with grammar aids. Around 62.7% of the respondents were convinced that mobile service can offer
them grammar helps when they need it using their hand phone.

When it comes to listening skills, the investigators had identified that around 80.3% of the
respondents would like the mobile service to allow them to practice listening skill so that they can
improve their listening and understand the target language. The respondents also gave a high rating
to the idea of a mobile service providing a lot of language input to students where 91.2% of them
believed the mobile service is capable of doing that. The findings also indicate that the issue of
communicating or exchanging ideas or information, is a priority for the respondents, as 90.2% of
them believed that mobile service can provide a mobile forum where they can discuss with their
friends/contact in real time by using hand phone. Finally, when asked if mobile language learning
assisted by hand phones through mobile service will make their life easier, a total of 91.2% of the
respondents claimed that their life were much easier with mobile language learning assisted by hand
phone through mobile service.


Table 3.0 The students’ perception on mobile learning

Num Statement Disagree Agree

1 If your mobile service provides English language 5.9 92
learning materials, I think I would use the service.
2 I don’t think mobile service can teach me English 76.5 23.5
language via my hand phone.
3 I would like to get a quick help on my language 7.8 91.2
problems via mobile service.
4 I wish there is a mobile service that can guide me how 3.9 92.1
to pronounce some difficult words in English via my
hand phone.
5 I am not sure mobile service can offer me grammar 62.7 31.3
helps when I need it using my hand phone.
6 I would like my mobile service to allow me to practice 17.6 80.3
listening skill so that I can improve my listening and
understanding of the target language.
7 I believe mobile service can provide lots in language 6.9 91.2
8 I think mobile service can provide a mobile forum 6.9 90.2
where I can discuss with my friends/contact in real
time by using my hand phone.
9 Mobile language learning assisted by hand phone 6.8 91.2
through mobile service will make my life easier.

4.5 Mobile learning readiness

Other than investigating the respondents’ readiness in term of the device possessed and their
familiarity towards in internet access, it is also important for us to examining the respondents’ mobile
readiness. There were 21 statements which meant to depict the students’ readiness in how they
perceived engagement in mobile learning. Table 4 showcases how respondents perceived Mobile
learning in term of the learning environment, institution and budget readiness.

Table 4: Respondents’ Mobile Learning Readiness

Num Statements Disagree Agree
1 I know what mobile learning is all about. 16.7 83.3
2 I want to know more about mobile learning. 4.9 94.1
3 I don't think I want to be involved in mobile learning. 76.5 19.6
4 I prefer conventional learning than mobile learning. 38.2 58.8
5 I think mobile learning is good for working adults who 15.7 83.3
are pursuing their higher education.
6 I don't mind paying extra money for mobile learning. 43.1 55.8
7 I would like my mobile service to allow me to practice 6.9 93.1
listening skill so that I can improve my listening and
understanding of the target language.
8 I believe mobile service can provide lots in language 5.9 94.1
9 I would like my lecturer to integrate mobile learning in 14.7 85.3
my class in addition to face-to-face meetings in the class.


10 I am afraid I will spend more money on my handphone 27.4 70.6

bill because of mobile learning.
11 I will be ready for mobile learning after 2 years. 52.9 43.2
12 I don’t know how to use 3G facility in my handphone. 73.6 25.5
13 I would like my lecturer to integrate mobile learning in 15.6 84.3
my class besides online forum in my course.
14 Mobile learning will save my learning time. 12.8 87.2
15 Mobile learning is an alternative to web based learning. 82.4 17.7
16 I need to learn how to use my handphone for mobile 16.7 82.3
17 I am looking forward to engage in mobile learning. 15.7 84.3
18 I will upgrade my handphone if mobile learning is going 73.5 26.5
to be implemented in my course.
19 Mobile learning is an alternative to conventional learning 14.7 85.3
20 I think my university is not ready for mobile learning 72.6 25.5
using handphone facility.
21 Some of my lecturers are already integrating mobile 7.9 92.1
learning in their teaching.

Respondents’ responses towards mobile learning environment were positive. More than 70%
respondents agreed that :
 they want to know more about mobile learning
 they want to involve in mobile learning
 they like if the lecturer integrate the used of mobile learning in classroom
 mobile learning can be an alternative to web based learning
 mobile learning is an alternative to conventional learning
 they preferred if the mobile service provide the opportunity to listen and understand the
target language
 mobile service can provide lots in language inputs

In term of respondents’ belief regarding the institution readiness in implementing mobile

learning, 72.6% of the respondents disagree with the statement. This might be due to the limited
access of Wi-Fi provided by the institution since the respondents relay quite heavily on the free Wi-
Fi access. The finding was consistent with the respondents responses towards the statements related
to their budget readiness. 70.6% of the respondents were not willing to pay more for the data service
or paying the bill and 73.5% of them were not willing to spend on upgrading their phone in order to
suite the need of mobile learning requirement. It can be concluded, it might be due to limited financial
support that they received from the parents or PTPTN loan.



Due to the advancement of mobile devices technology and internet network it can be seen
that there is a potential for polytechnic to explore more in integrating mobile learning via mobile
device such as hand phone in the learning environment. Students’ familiarity with the basic tools and
software in the device make it easier for educators to integrate mobile learning in teaching and
learning activities. This finding was supported by Husin et. Al.(2012) and Zoraini Wati Abas,
Ed.D.(2009) investigation where they concluded that respondents welcomed in the idea of
integrating m-learning into future courses since they were already familiar with computing and
communication activities that m-learning may require.

The results depicted that most of the respondents share a positive views about learning
English language through mobile learning. Most of the respondents were able to relate with the use
of mobile device in language learning activities such learning pronunciation, listening and learning
grammar. They agreed that learning with the assistance of mobile devices make learning the
language easier and effective.

The respondents’ also perceived mobile learning positively in term of integrating mobile
learning with the conventional classroom. The result shown that the respondents like the idea of
incorporating mobile learning in addition to face-to-face meeting with the lecturers. The fact that
mobile devices enable the students to reach for massive amount of information and learning
resources might be the reason for mobile learning to be well accepted by polytechnic students.

The only concern with implementing mobile learning in polytechnic was the financial aspect.
The results indicated that the respondents were not willing to spend more on subscribing data plan
service or paying extra amount for internet bill. Subsequently, this issue affected the respondents’
responses towards the institution readiness in incorporating mobile learning in polytechnic. Since
the students were not willing to spend more on the bill and pay more to buy data plan it is crucial for
the institution to provide a good and wide coverage of Wi-Fi connection within the campus area.
Students claimed that their institution is not ready yet for mobile learning and this might be due to
the slow and limited Wi-Fi connection in the campus. The next issue which related to financial was
the respondents’ willingness to upgrade their mobile phone in order to compliment the needs of
mobile learning. Financial limitation might hinder the students to upgrade their devices if they were
required to do so. This matter was also addressed in Husin (2012) in their investigation.


Understanding the readiness of students before implementing any new element in teaching
and learning is important since it can help educators to plan and strategies their teaching and
learning activities. This is a preliminary investigation of semester 1 polytechnic students’ readiness
in incorporating mobile learning. The investigation examined the students’ readiness in the aspect of
skills, psychological, and budget. The responses were analysed and interpreted. It can be sum up that
the respondents possess the basic need for them to engage in mobile learning. They are positive
about assimilating the used of mobile device in their learning activities as it can facilitate the process.
However financial issue might be the limitation for mobile learning to be fully effectively utilized. But
this matter can be solved if the institution able to upgrade their facilities. More investigation should
be conducted especial with bigger number of respondents since it will enable the researcher to get
more comprehensive result. Other than that a qualitative study can be conducted as well in order to
get a better insight of students’ readiness. The findings might be different due to the students
demographic, socio economic, institution’s facilities and students’ motivation factors. Therefore the
findings could not be generalized to other institution. The case might be unique depending on the
context of the study.



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Siti Nadiah binti Sadali@Salim

Jabatan Pengajian Am
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah


Kepimpinan bersandarkan konsep tauhid kepada Allah mampu membawa sebuah generasi ke arah
bangsa yang berakhlak tinggi. Pengaplikasian kepimpinan Islam di dalam pendidikan membantu
masyarakat membentuk akhlak dan sikap ehsan dalam diri pelajar-pelajar melalui contoh
kepribadian ketua sama ada guru besar, pengetua dan sebagainya. Islam mempunyai perspektif
berbeza dalam membentuk kepimpinan yang lebih efektif dan seimbang di antara duniawi dan
ukhrawi. Kepimpinan Islam dalam pendidikan mampu meningkatkan mutu pendidikan masyarakat
Islam melebihi masyarakat barat yang lebih mementingkan kebendaan berbanding spiritual. Oleh
itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan amalan yang perlu ada pada kepimpinan pendidikan
dari perspektif Islam.

KATA KUNCI: kepimpinan, amalan, akhlak, pendidikan



Kejayaan bagi sesebuah organisasi bergantung kepada kekuatan pimpinan yang bertanggungjawab
mengembangkan pencapaian organisasi menurut kehendak masyarakat termasuklah di institusi-
institusi pendidikan. Institusi pendidikan merupakan tempat pendidikan terawal secara formal yang
diperkenalkan oleh sesebuah kerajaan dalam meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan rakyat dalam
pelbagai bidang pada masa hadapan tanpa bergantung kepada masyarakat dan ideologi luar.

Institusi pendidikan yang baik dan cemerlang dapat dilihat berdasarkan pengurusan yang
dipamerkan oleh seseorang ketua dalam institusi pendidikan. Kemahiran kepimpinan seorang ketua
di insitusi pendidikan merupakan keperluan dalam kecemerlangan sesebuah institusi. Tambahan
pula, kecemerlangan itu didasari sumber al-Quran dan Sunnah.

Terdapat teori yang menyatakan bahawa bakat kepimpinan merupakan anugerah yang
diberikan sejak mereka kecil lagi. Dua ciri utama individu yang bakal menjadi pemimpin ialah sejak
kecil lagi mempunyai cita-cita yang tinggi dan individu yang mengetahui hala tuju serta kemahuan
yang berjiwa besar (Hassan & Ainon, 2001). Selain itu, terdapat teori yang menyatakan bahawa bakat
kepimpinan itu perlu dipupuk setiap hari dan tidak boleh dipelajari dengan mudah dalam satu hari.
Bakat tersebut perlu kepada ilmu yang berterusan melalui pembacaan, pengamalan dan pengalaman
serta mempraktikkan prinsip-prinsip kepimpinan yang berkesan (Maxwell, 1949).

Sungguhpun, bakat kepimpinan di dalam Islam adalah bersifat semulajadi melalui

tanggungjawab khalifah atau pemimpin, sama ada memimpin diri sendiri, keluarga serta orang yang
disekelilingnya. Namun, perkara yang paling utama ialah pemilihan pucuk pemerintahan sesebuah
Negara yang mana banyak dibincangkan di dalam al-Quran. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:

“Semua kamu adalah pemimpin dan bertanggungjawab atas kepimpinannya. Seorang imam
adalah pemimpin dan bertanggungjawab atas rakyatnya. Seorang suami adalah pemimpin dalam
keluarganya dan bertanggungjawab atas kepimpinannya. Seorang isteri adalah pemimpin dan
bertanggungjawab atau penggunaan harta suaminya”. (HR Bukhari dan Muslim)

Bakat kepimpinan merupakan sifat semulajadi yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah s.w.t kepada
hambanya dengan meletakkan manusia sebagai khalifah dimuka bumi. Tanggungjawab itu perlu
dipikul oleh setiap manusia untuk memakmurkan muka bumi dengan syariat-syariat yang

Dalam institusi pendidikan, kepimpinan pendidikan seperti guru besar, pengetua, pengarah,
dekan dan sebagainya memainkan peranan penting dalam memantapkan sistem organisasi yang
dipertanggungjawabkan. Perkara penting yang perlu dilalui oleh seseorang ketua dalam institusi
pendidikan ialah memahami corak pemerintahan yang ingin dijalankan seperti membuat keputusan
yang baik, mempunyai sifat kepimpinan yang sejati, membina hubungan dengan orang bawahan dan
yang paling penting, seorang ketua mampu membina persekitaran yang mengutamakan pembinaan
akhlak dan moral dalam diri orang bawahan (Adnan,2009). Sejajar dengan kepimpinan pendidikan
dalam Islam, ketua memainkan peranan penting dalam menunjukkan akhlak yang baik kepada orang
bawahan supaya lebih dihormati ketika membuat keputusan dan mampu membina persekitaran
Islam di bawah pengaruh pimpinannya. Firman Allah s.w.t dalam surah al-Ahzab ayat 21 :

“Sesungguhnya telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu suri teladan yang baik bagimu (yaitu) bagi
orang yang mengharap (rahmat) Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan dia banyak menyebut



Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan kaedah pengumpulan data iaitu merujuk kepada rujukan
perpustakaan berdasarkan jurnal-jurnal dan buku-buku yang berkaitan.


Di dalam organisasi Islam, kepimpinan merupakan aspek yang penting dalam menggerakkan
sesebuah operasi organisasi. Kepimpinan juga bertanggungjawab mewujudkan semangat roh
kerjasama yang akan membentuk konsep amal jamaie dan mampu menarik seluruh umat bekerja
secara berkumpulan dalam pelbagai bidang (Berhanundin, 1997)

Pengertian pemimpin dan kepimpinan adalah dua aspek yang berbeza. Pemimpin dalam
Islam menurut al-Mawardi ialah al-khilafah dan al-imamah yang bermaksud tempat bagi
mengantikan tugas-tugas kenabian demi menjaga agama dan politik dunia .Menurut hamka pula,
pemimpin boleh diertikan sebagai ‘Memimpin supaya tegak’. ‘Membimbing supaya dapat berjalan’,
‘memapah supaya jangan jatuh! Atau menarik naik kalau sudah tergelincir jatuh’. ‘Tegak kemuka
kalau bahaya mengancam’. (Zulkifli & Hafiz, 2013). Manakala kepimpinan Islam ialah satu proses
yang dapat menggerakkan sekumpulan manusia untuk memenuhi kehendak Islam bagi jangka masa
pendek dan panjang yang mampu membuahkan hasil wawasan untuk menuju matlamat Islam
(Berhanundin, 1997).

Role model pemimpin yang agung di muka bumi ialah melalui contoh yang ditunjukkan oleh
Rasulullah s.a.w. Kepimpinan yang ditonjolkan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w ialah kepimpinan melalui
teladan merangkumi hablun min Allah dan hablun min al-nas atau kepemimpinan amar-makruf nahi-
mungkar berasaskan prinsip kehambaan kepada Tuhan iaitu

1. Berasaskan rasa ubudiyyah yang tinggi terhadap Pencipta.

2. Mendidik manusia menjadi manusia (sama ada pihak yang memimpin atau dipimpin) yang
baik. Pihak pemimpin perlu mengekalkan diri sebagai manusia berakhlak dan menjadi
contoh pertama kepada setiap amalan mulia dalam organisasinya. Pemimpin juga perlu
mendidik pengikut (ahlinya) secara berterusan untuk menjadi manusia yang baik

3. Menghindari kemungkaran (kejahatan). Pemimpin perlu sentiasa menjauhi diri daripada

perkara kejahatan (mungkar) dan mewujudkan persekitaran (keadaan) organisasi yang
dapat menghindar pengikut (ahlinya) daripada melakukan kejahatan

4. Menghasilkan natijah (output) yang baik untuk semua pihak dan meliputi faedah di dunia
dan akhirat.(Suraiya,2011)

Terdapat banyak ayat al-Quran dan Hadis yang memartabatkan kedudukan pemimpin pada
kedudukan yang tinggi dan mulia. Dalam hadis Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:

“Sesungguhnya orang yang paling dicintai Allah pada hari kiamat dan paling dekat tempat
duduknya daripada-Nya adalah seorang imam yang adil. Sedangkan orang paling dibenci oleh Allah
pada hari kiamat dan paling jauh tempat duduknya daripada-Nya adalah imam yang alim.”


Selain itu, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:

“Ada tujuh golongan manusia yang akan dinaungi oleh Allah di bawah naungan-Nya. Hari
tersebut tidak ada naungan kecuali naungan Allah. Golongan tersebut ialah pemimpin yang adil”

Namun, keadilan merupakan asas kepada ketinggian martabat seseorang pemimpin.

Keadilan adalah perkara utama yang dilihat dalam sesuatu proses kepimpinan. Melalui ayat al-Quran,
Allah berfirman :

“Sesunggunya Allah menyuruh kamu menyampaikan amanah kepada yang berhak

menerimanya, dan (menyuruh kamu) apabila menetapkan hokum di antara manusia supaya
menetapkan dengan adil. Sesungguhnya Allah memberi pengajaran yang sebaik-baiknya kepadamu.
Sesungguhnya Allah adalah amaha medengar lagi Maha melihat. Wahai orang-orang beriman,
taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul(Nya), dan ulil amri di antara kamu”

Ayat di atas jelas menunjukkan kewajiban yang utama yang dituntut ialah pemimpin perlu
memberikan hak kepada yang berhak menerimnya dan menerima hak sebagai seorang pemimpin
dari rakyatnya.


Tugas dan tanggunjawab pemimpin dalam Islam banyak dibincangkan oleh para ulama Islam.
Namun pendapat Al- mawardi dalam menetapkan tugas dan tanggungjawab dilihat sebagai tugas
yang lengkap dan relevan di aplikasikan oleh pihak kepimpinan sesebuah organisasi ialah:

i. Memelihara agama dari segi dasar-dasarnya yang tetap teguh dan apa yang disepakati
oleh golongan salaf umat ini. Setiap bid’ah yang timbul perlu ditentang.
ii. Melaksanakan hokum-hukum di antara pihak-pihak yang berbalah serta meleraikan
perselisishan yang berlaku supaya keadilan dapat dijalankan.
iii. Melindungi kehormatan para wanita serta mempertahankan kemuliaan dan kedudukan
iv. Melaksanakan batas-batas hokum syarak untuk menjaga apa yang diharamkan oleh Allah
dan untuk melindungi hak-hak orang ramai dari kerosakan dan kemusnahan.
v. Mengukuhkan jagaan kawasan perbatasan negeri dengan kekuatan supaya musuh tidak
dapat mencari peluang untuk mencabuli apa yang dilarang oleh agama dan supaya
pertumpahan darah orang Islam dan orang yang di bawah jagaan orang Islam tidak
vi. Berjihad menentang musush-musuh Islam
vii. Memungut cukai sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh Syarak
viii. Menentukan kadar-kadar pemberiaan harta dan apa yang menjadi hak dari baitulmal
Negara tanpa boros dan tidak bakhil dan menjelaskan tanpa terlewat atau terawal
ix. Melantik kalangan orang yang cekap,amanah dan ikhlas untuk melaksanakan tugas
x. Hendaklah mengawasi sendiri segala urusan orang ramai dalam segala keadaan supaya
dengan kepimpinan dapat menjalankan tugas memimpin ummah dan menjaga agama.
(Zakaria, 2010)


Namun, pendapat Saiyid Muhammad Rashid Ridha lebih sesuai digunakan dalam tugas dan
tanggungjawab pemimpin negara yang mempunyai empat aspek:

i. Mengembangkan da’wah kebenaran

ii. Menegakkan timbangan keadilan
iii. Melindungi agama dari perpecahan musuh dan bid’ah
iv. Bermusyawarah dalam urusan-urusan yang tiada nas.(A. Hasjmy, 1970)

Manakala menurut Hassan al-Banna, kewajipan pemerintah dalam sesebuah Negara ialah:

i. Menjaga keamanan dan melaksanakan undang-undang

ii. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan
iii. Mempersiapkan kekutan
iv. Memelihara kesihatan
v. Memelihara kepentingan umum
vi. Mengembangkan kekayaan dan memelihara harta benda
vii. Mengukuhkan akhlak
viii. Menyebarkan dakwah

Berdasarkan tanggungjawab yang dinyatakan di atas dapat disimpulkan beberapa prinsip-

prinsip dalam pemimpin menjalankan tanggungjawab iaitu pertama, pemimpin perlu menegakkan
Islam dan melaksanakan undang-undang Islam supaya hak-hak orang bawahan dalam dipelihara
mencakupi lima prinsip maqasid syariyyah iaitu memelihara keselamatan agama, nyawa, akal,
maruah dan harta. Kedua, seseorang pemimpin perlu menjaga kebajikan orang bawahan melalui
pengurusan kebajikan yang tersusun dan mampu membantu mereka yang memerlukan bantuan
tanpa memilih agama, bangsa dan kedudukan. Ketiga, pemimpin seharusnya sentiasa amanah dalam
menguruskan harta benda milik Negara/organisasi dan indidvidu supaya harta tersebut tidak
terdedah dengan penyalahgunaan kuasa dan memiliki harta yang bukan milik seseorang individu
dan yang terakhir, seorang pemimpin bertangungjwab dalam mengukuhkan akhlak supaya dapat
dicontohi oleh rakyat dan dapat menyebarkan dakwah Islamiyyah.


Menurut teori al-Farabi, pemimpin menjaminkan bahawa ummah dapat hidup dalam
keadaan sempurna hasil pimpinan seorang tokoh yang sempurna (Idris,1986). Terdapat banyak
pendapat-pendapat ulama berkaitan dengan ciri-ciri yang perlu ada pada setiap pemimpin dalam
Islam. Secara ringkasnya, ciri-ciri tersebut di antaranya ialah:

5.1 Adil.

Adil bermaksud memberi hak kepada yang sepatutnya dan mengenepikan orang yang tidak
sepatutnya (Burhanundin,1997). Adil menurut Imam al-Bukhari ialah warak atau seseorang yang
berpegang kuat dengan ajaran Islam, mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkan dan meninggalkan
larangannya(Abdul Hadi, 2009). Adil juga merupakan sifat yang perlu ada di dalam diri seorang
pemimpin sebagai kepribadiaan yang tidak mempunyai unsur-unsur fasik yang boleh menggugat
prasyarat sebagai seorang pemimpin (Zakaria,2010).


5.2 Berilmu

Ilmu pengetahuan yang tinggi perlu ada di dalam diri seorang pemimpin sepertimana yang
disarankan oleh al-Mawardi sehingga ke tahap melayakan pemimpin tersebut mampu melakukan
ijtihad. Pemimpin juga perlu berilmu dalam dua aspek penting iaitu pertama yang berkaitan dengan
akidah, syariah, berkakhlak daripada sumber al-Quran, Sunnah, ijmak, qias dan lain-lain. Kedua,
mempunyai pengetahuan berkaitan dengan penyelesaian masalah yang berkaitan dengan Islam
(Abdul Hadi, 2009).

5.3 Kemampuan maknawi dan jasmani.

Kemampuan maknawi ialah sifat akal yang sempurna dan berani menghadapi cabaran dan musuh
(Abdul Hadi, 2009) manakala, jasmani ialah pemimpin yang mempunyai pancaindera sama ada
pendengaran, penglihatan atau percakapan untuk membolehkan bertindak berdasarkan
pengamatan pancaindera tersebut (Zakaria, 2010). Al-Farabi menyatakan juga bahawa seorang
pemimpin hendaklah sempurna tubuh badan dan bertenaga dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai
pemimpin (Idris.1986).


Pendidikan menurut kamus Oxford, bermaksud proses pengajaran, latihan dan pembelajaran
terutamanya di sekolah dan kolej untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan membentuk kemahiran.
Menurut kamus dewan, pendidikan boleh diertikan sebagai perihal atau perbuatan mendidik. Oleh
itu, secara umumnya pendidikan bermaksud sesuatu perbuatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran di
tempat yang dikhaskan untuk proses tersebut berjalan dengan lancar dan sistematik.
Walaubagaimanapun, pendidikan dalam Islam lebih tertumpu kepada kajian-kajian asas yang
meliputi ayat-ayat al-Quran dan Sunnah. Oleh itu, pendidikan dalam gambaran Islam ialah
pendidikan yang memupuk sifat-sifat kemuliaan dan memberi petunjuk kepada manusia (Sahih,

Perkembangan dalam kejayaan Islam disebabkan empat faktor iaitu (1) wujudnya hubungan
pemerintah dengan ulama (2) ilmu yang berkembang amat relevan dengan kehidupan harian (3)
Persekitaran pembelajaran yang kondusif dengan peningkatan ilmu menerusi penyelidikan dan
penerbitaan bahan pembacaan dan (4) masyarakat Islam memanfaatkan ilmu yang bersumberkan
daripada luar (Sidek Baba,2012). Oleh itu, pendidikan sinonim dan berkait rapat dengan ilmu yang
dikenalpasti sebagai faktor ‘hasil’. Melalui pendidikan, individu mampu membina keyakinan diri
untuk berhadapan dengan dunianya, menikmati kemudahan yang ada dipersekitarannya, serta
memahami diri sendiri (Affizal,2009). Jesteru itu, Islam meletakkan martabat yang tinggi terhadap
hamba-Nya yang suka menuntut ilmu, firman Allah s.w.t dalam surah al-Mujadalah ayat 11:

“Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu
pengetahuan beberapa darjat”

Asas kepada pembentukan ilmu dalam Islam dinyatakan dalam ayat al-Quran yang
mengandungi banyak pengajaran yang mampu membentuk masyarakat yang berpendidikan. Oleh
itu, Allah menjadikan mukjizat yang terbesar kepada Rasulullah s.a.w dengan memberikan kitab yang
penuh dengan ilmu pengetahuan iaitu al-Quran. Dengan itu, tahap ilmu yang tinggi mampu
membentuk sebuah tamadun yang hebat yang mempunyai pencapaian luar biasa seperti kejayaan
yang dikecapi oleh tamadun Ummayyah, Abbasiyah dan Uthmaniyyah (Faizal,2013, Zakaria


Keistimewaan pendidikan dalam Islam ialah memiliki beberapa ciri penting iaitu :

6.1 Rabbaniah.

Pendidikan yang menghubungkan hati manusia dengan Allah. Prinsip rabbaniah menjadikan
matlamat pendidikan jelas dan sentiasa selaras dengan kehendak Allah s.w.t. Selain itu, melalui
pendidikan, manusia sentiasa ingat dan berhubung dengan Allah.

6.2 Syumuliah.

Pendidikan dalam Islam memiliki sifat syumuliah/ lengkap dan bersepadu iaitu merangkumi seluruh
aspek kehidupan manusia dan saling berkait antara satu sama lain. Pendidikan dalam Islam tidak
mementingkan kelebihan akal sahaja tanpa digandingkan dengan kelebihan akhlak kerana akal tanpa
akhlak akan menyebabkan kemudaratan kepada masyarakat sekeliling. Firman Allah s.w.t dalam
surah Ar-Rum ayat 40 :

“Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah
dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka
sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka
kembali (insaf dan bertaubat).”

6.3 Tawazun (Seimbang)

Keseimbangan pendidikan dalam Islam ialah mementingkan duniawi dan ukhrawi secara saksama.
Islam tidak memandang tinggi aspek akhlak dengan memandang remeh aspek akal dan sebaliknya.


Institusi pendidikan adalah sebahagian daripada kehidupan seorang individu yang normal dari segi
pendapatan dan pendedahan kepada kepentingan pendidikan dalam masyarakat. Setiap institusi
pendidikan mempunyai organisasi tersendiri yang terdiri daripada pemimpin dan orang bawahan.
Dalam kepimpinan pendidikan, pemimpin perlu memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mengerak
dan mencorakkan sesebuah organisasi supaya dapat memberi impak yang baik kepada orang
bawahan dan pelajar-pelajar.

Ciri yang penting dalam sesebuah organisasi pendidikan ialah seorang pemimpin mampu
mempengaruhi orang bawahannya menjalankan tanggungjawab organisasi untuk mencapai
matlamat organisasi (Sarvinder & Ahmad, 2008). Menurut Baharom et. al. (2009) ciri-ciri
kepimpinan pendidikan yang baik ialah :

i. Kepintaran,
ii. Kejujuran dan integriti,
iii. Dorongan kepimpinan,
iv. Keyakinan diri,
v. Semangat
vi. Pengetahuan dalam bidang, kreativiti dan fleksibiliti.

Tugas sebagai seorang ketua dalam institusi pendidikan bukan sahaja dipikul oleh seorang
pengetua, pengarah dan sebagainya, namun dipikul bersama-sama tenaga pengajar sama ada
pensyarah atau guru serta kakitangan sokongan dalam melancarkan proses pengajaran dan
pembelajaran pelajar-pelajar. Seseorang pemimpin bertangungjawab dalam menjaga legasi sesuatu


organisasi pendidikan seperti mengetahui kurikulum pembelajaran, berdisplin dan sebagainya

(Khanittha, Adnan 2006).

Walaubagaimanapun, menurut Lokman & Hamidon (2002) terdapat isu-isu etika yang perlu
diperbaiki seperti pemantauan yang berterusan oleh ketua dalam memastikan semua kakitangan
melakukan tanggungjawab yang telah diberikan dan tidak berlaku istilah ‘ ketam mengajar anaknya
berjalan betul’. Oleh itu, setiap pemimpin dalam pendidikan memerlukan gaya kepimpinan yang
tersendiri dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab. Menurut Walid & Ali (2011) terdapat beberapa gaya
kepimpinan pendidikan dari perspektif Islam yang perlu dilaksanakan oleh seseorang ketua dalam
organisasi pendidikan iaitu :

i. Mewujudkan suasana kekeluargaan di dalam organisasi supaya orang bawahan

merasakan mereka bertanggungjawab untuk mencapai visi dan misi organisasi
ii. Menanam sikap kerjasama untuk mewujudkan budaya tolong menolong dalam mencapai
objektif organisasi dan pemimpin merupakan sebahagian daripada penggerak ke arah
pencapaian objektif.
iii. Menggunakan pendekatan syura dalam organisai supaya orang bawahan dapat
melontarkan idea yang bernas dan perkara yang menjadi halangan dalam pencapaian
objektif organisasi pendidikan.
iv. Menjalankan pelbagai program latihan yang dianjurkan oleh pemimpin kepada orang
bawahan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi berkerja.

Gaya kepimpinan pendidikan mampu meningkatkan mutu pengurusan organisasi pendidikan

supaya lebih mantap dan mempromosikan kekuatan agama Islam secara tidak langsung. Namun,
gaya kepimpinan tersebut tidak berjaya tanpa di sokong dengan amalan kepimpinan dalam
pendidikan dari perspektif Islam.

Di antara amalan pendidikan yang perlu diaplikasikan oleh pemimpin dalam pendidikan Islam
ialah mempunyai kebijaksanaan dalam kepimpinan, mempunyai akhlak dalam diri dan mempunyai
kebolehan kominkasi yang berkesan.

7.1 Kebijaksanaan dalam Kepimpinan.

Kejayaan pentadbiran kota Madinah yang dipimpin oleh Rasulullah s.a.w ialah melalui
kepimpinanan berasakan fatanah iaitu kebijaksanaan. Kebijaksanaan yang paling berkesan ialah
berjaya menyelaraskan pemikiran pemimpin dan orang bawahan. Namun, maksud kebijaksanaan itu
terlalu luas yang berkait di antara faktor realiti dan isu strategi (Sidek Baba, 2012). Kebijaksanaan
seorang pemimpin pendidikan mampu membawa orang bawahannya bekerjasama untuk mencapai
objektif organisasi. Pemimpin organisasi pendidikan perlu mewujudkan titik perhubungan di antara
kompenen manusia yang utama dalam sistem organisasi seperti pertalian di antara pengetua dengan
guru, pelajar, Pejabat pendidikan daerah dan ibu bapa. Ketidakseimbangan akan berlaku apabila
pemimpin melebihkan salah satu hubungan tersebut dan menyebabkan pemimpin tersebut hilang

Pemimpin yang bijaksana seharusnya memiliki sifat keterbukaan yang tinggi untuk
memajukan sesebuah organisasi dengan memperkemaskan kepimpinannya seperti mengetahui
situasi dan keadaan sekeliling. Di antara situasi dan keadaan yang perlu diambil kira setiap pemimpin
ialah i) mentakrif dan membentuk matlamat sekolah, ii) mengurus program instruksional, iii)
menggalakkan iklim pembelajaran dan iv) membentuk suasana yang mesra dan saling membantu
(Jamelaa & Jainabee,2012).

Walaubagaimanapun, perkara yang penting dan perlu diambi kira oleh seorang pemimpin
pendidikan ialah keputusan yang dilakukan berlandaskan asas tauhid dan bertujuan untuk mencapai
keredhaan Allah s.w.t. Firman Allah s.w.t dalam surah Az-Dzariyat ayat 56:

“Tidaklah Kuciptakan jin dan manusia kecuali supaya mereka beribadah kepada-Ku”

7.2 Pembinaan Akhlak Pemimpin dalam Pendidikan.

Penubuhan Piagam Madinah yang diasaskan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w telah menunjukkan bahawa
pemimpin seharusnya memiliki akhlak yang tinggi dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai pemimpin.
Kepimpinan Rasulullah s.a.w merupakan cerminan kepimpinan yang perlu dipenuhi oleh manusia
lain untuk mencapai keredhaan Allah (Suraiya, 2011). Pemimpin yang berjaya dan unggul dilihat
melalui kemampuannya untuk mendidik masyarakat iaitu pelajar-pelajar di sekolah atau universiti
dan mampu mengubah sesuatu bangsa menjadi bangsa yang bermaruah dengan mengabungkan
kepimpinan yang unggul dengan petunjuk ilahi iaitu al-Quran dan Sunnah (Baharom et. al,2008).
Pendekatan tauhid dalam pemimpin pendidikan penting untuk melihat pembanggunan diri pelajar-
pelajar seiring dengan kehendak pasaran dan tanpa melupakan tanggungjawab sebagai khalifah di
muka bumi iaitu menegakkan syariat Allah.

Kepimpinan pendidikan dalam Islam memiliki dua kompenan utama iaitu amalan/ akhlak dan
tanggungjawab pemimpin. Sifat yang perlu ada dalam setiap akhlak pemimpin di organisasi
pendidikan ialah bijaksana dalam membuat keputusan, menjaga hubungan, bekerjasama dan
menjadi contoh yang terbaik kepada orang bawahan dengan menunjukkan akhlak yang baik bagi
merealisasikan misi dan visi sekolah atau universiti yang dipandunya (Khanittha, .Adnan,2006).
Selain dari pembanggunan fizikal, pemimpin perlu memiliki ciri-ciri personal yang positif dalam
menjadi contoh kepada pelajar-pelajar seperti tidak merokok menjaga solat dan menunjukkan sifat
kasih sayang kepada pelajar-pelajar dan staf bawahan (Khairul, 2009).

Isu integriti juga merupakan salah satu aspek akhlak dalam Islam. Walaupun, istilah tersebut
tidak disebut secara langsung sebagai pembinaan akhlak, integriti memainkan peranan penting
dalam kepimpinan pendidikan yang berkesan. Kerajaan Malaysia telah melancarkan Pelan Integriti
Nasional (PIN) pada tahun 2004 dalam membudayakan masyarakat yang lebih beretika selaras
dengan konsep akhlak dalam kepimpinan pendidikan dalam Islam khususnya di Malaysia. Di antara
objektif PIN ialah:

1. Memberi hala tuju dan bimbingan kepada pelbagai sektor supaya dapat bekerjasama dalam
membina masyarakat bersatu padu, berharmoni, berintegriti, bermoral dan beretika;
2. Meningkatkan kesedaran, komitmen dan kerjasama pelbagai sektor dalam meningkatkan
integriti agar ia menjadi amalan dan budaya seluruh masyarakat;
3. Menggalakkan semangat bertanggungjawab di kalangan anggota masyarakat serta
mendorong perkembangan masyarakat sivil yang menjunjung dan menegakkan integriti;
4. Menyumbang kepada usaha pengukuhan asas moral masyarakat dan negara dan
kesejahteraan hidup anggota masyarakat; dan
5. Meningkatkan daya saing dan daya tahan Malaysia.

7.3 Kebolehan komunikasi yang berkesan.

Pada zaman ini, seseorang pemimpin tidak boleh dilabel sebagai pemimpin yang baik atau tidak
baik tetapi perlu dikenalpasti sama ada kepimpinan tersebut berkesan atau tidak berkesan dengan
memantapkan melalui kelebihan komunikasi berkesan (Roslan,2010). Komunikasi yang
dianjurkan oleh Islam ialah komukasi yang lemah lembut tetapi mampu menyentuh hati. Perkara ini

dirakamkan dalam al-Quran ketika Nabi Musa berhadapan dengan Firaun. Firman Allah s.w.t dalam
surah Taha, ayat 43-44:

“Pergilah kamu berdua kepada Fir’aun karena benar-benar dia telah melampaui batas. Maka
berbicaralah kamu berdua kepadanya dengan kata-kata yang lemah lembut, mudah-mudahan dia
sadar atau takut”

Komunkasi Islam merupakan komunikasi yang berasaskan nilai-nilai keagamaan

bersandarkan al-Quran dan al-Hadis dan dikira sebagai ibadah. Kelebihan kemahiran komukasi
seseorang pemimpin organisasi pendidikan merupakan nilai tambah dalam pimpinannya. Di antara
komunikasi yang berkesan dalam kepimpinanan pendidikan ialah perbincangan dua hala di antara
ketua dan orang bawahan untuk mengenalpasti masalah yang dihadapi dan mampu menyakinkan
orang bawahan bahawa mereka berkerja secara berpasukan bukan secara individu (Sarvinder &
Ahmad, 2008). Begitu juga yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w iaitu memberi ruang kepada
sahabatnya memberi pendapat dalam menentukan tempat untuk tentera Islam berehat di dalam
peperangan uhud. Ini menunjukkan Islam juga mementingkan sikap musyawarah dalam organisasi
untuk memberi ruang dan peluang kepada orang bawahan melontarkan idea, cadangan dan masalah
supaya mereka menjadi sebahagian daripada organisasi dan bukan elemen yang terasing

Kebanyakan masalah yang timbul dalam organisasi ialah kelemahan dalam kemahiran
berkomunikasi. Komunikasi kepimpinan pendidikan berkait rapat dengan proses memperolehi
maklumat untuk membuat sesuatu keputusan termasuklah proses menghantar dan menerima
maklumat semasa pemimpin bertindak sebagai penggubal strategi. Apabila maklumat tersebut tidak
diproses dengan baik boleh memberi kesan kepada keputusan yang dilakukan (A.L.Ramaiah,2009).
Dalam Islam, proses ini boleh dikaitkan dengan firman Allah s.w.t dalam surah al-Hujurat, ayat 6 :

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepada kamu seorang yang fasiq membawa
sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak
menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara yang tidak diingini - dengan sebab kejahilan kamu
mengenainya - sehingga menyebabkan kamu menyesali apa yang kamu telah lakukan”

Oleh itu, dalam konteks organisasi pendidikan, pemimpin perlu peka memproses maklumat
untuk melakukan sesuaut keputusan. Selain itu, Komukasi kepimpinan pendidikan dalam Islam yang
berkesan dapat dilihat dengan lebih jelas melalui gaya komunikasi di dalam al-Quran di antaranya
memahami percakapan orang lain, mewujudkan suasana komunikasi yang baik, mampu mengubah
sikap orang bawahan melalui komunikasi dan kawalan suara . Oleh itu, komunikasi yang berkesan
mampu membawa organisasi lebih fokus untuk mencapai matlamat organisasi dengan lebih jelas
supaya tiada masalah yang timbul akibat salah faham dalam organisasi.



Pendidikan merupakan medium terbesar dalam melahirkan masyarakat yang bertamadun

dan maju. Melalui amalan kepimpinan pendidikan dalam Islam yang berkesan mampu membina
empayar Islam yang mementingkan keperluan mental dan spiritual. Namun, amalan kepimpinan
tersebut bergantung kepada kepercayaan yang teguh kepada Allah s.w.t yang mampu menghasilkan
perbuatan dan amalan yang selaras degan kepercayaan tersebut. Melalui kepercayaan tersebut
terbina akhlak yang luhur dari seorang pemimpin untuk mengubah organisasi yang memberi impak
kepada masyarakat.

Perubahan perlu dilakukan oleh seseorang pemimpin pendidikan dengan kreatif dan inovatif
tanpa meniru gaya kepimpinan orang lain. Gaya kepimpinan yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan
suasana pembelajaran sesebuah institusi supaya gaya kepimpinan tersebut dapat diadaptasi oleh
orang bawahan yang bekerja untuk mencapai objektif organisasi.


A.Hasjmy. (1984). Di Mana Letaknya Negara Islam!. Surabaya: PT Bina Ilmu.

Aabed, Adnan Ibrahim.A (2006). Study of Islamic Leadership Theory and Practice in K-12
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Abdul Hadi.(2009).Bagaimana Islam Memerintah Negara. Selangor: PTS Islamika Sdn. Bhd.

Affizal.2009.Kepentingan Pendidikan Dalam Pembentukan Kualiti Hidup Sejahtera.Kelantan:

Universiti Sains Malaysia.

A.L.Ramaiah.(2009).Kepimpinan Pendidikan Cabaran Masa Kini.Selangor: IBS Buku Sdn. Bhd.

Baharom et. al.(2009).Kepimpinan Pendidikan Berkesan. Seminar Kepengetahuan

Kebangsaan ke-VI.Kuala Lumpur : Universiti Malaya.

Faizal Komuniti Pembelajaran Profesional Menurut Perspektif Islam. Jurnal

Hadhari. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 5(2) (2013) 37-68.

Hamidon.(2002). Peranan Etika dalam Kepimpinan Pendidikan. Jurnal Pendidikan. Johor:

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Jilid 8 ( 93-103)

Hornby.A.S.(2003).Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. London :Oxford

University Press

Khanittha Of A Leadership Model For islamic School Leaders in

Thailand. Thailand: Assumption University, 68-72

Idris Zakaria.(1986).Teori Kenegaraan Al-Farabi. Selangor: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Jamelaa & Jainabee.(2012). Amalan Kepimpinan Instruksional dalam Kalangan Pengetua

Sekolah Menengah di Negeri Pahang : Satu Kajian Kualitatif. Selangor: Universiti Kebangsaan

Khairul Anwar.(2009).Ciri-Ciri Personaliti dan Kepimpinan Pengetua Kolej Kediaman yang

Ideal dari Perspektif Pelajar.Bangi : Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Mardiana & Hasnah.(2014). Pengajian Malaysia. Shah Alam: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd.

Najib&Tamyis.2008. Gaya Kepimpinan Pengetua dan Ciri-Ciri yang Efektif. Jurnal Pendidikan
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Johor : Univerisiti Teknologi Malaysia. 73-84.

Sarvinder, Ahmad.(2008).Kepimpinan dalam menghadapi isu-isu semasa pendidikan.

Seminar Kebangsaan Pengurusan Pendidiikan PKPGB 2008. Johor : UTHM

Sidek Baba.(2012).Dakwah Islamiyyah dalam mendepani Hegemoni Barat.Kertas

Kerjadisampaikan dalam Seminar Dakwah Nasional 2012 pada 8 Oktober 2012 di DewanMerdeka,
Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, Kuala Lumpur.

Suraiya Ishak. (2011). Model Kepemimpinan Etika Berlandas Sirah Nabi Muhammad Saw.
Jurnal Hadhari. Selangor: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 3 (2) (2011) 23 – 44

Zakaria Pendidikan Menurut Al-Quran Dan Sunnah Serta Peranannya Dalam
Memperkasakan Tamadun Ummah. Jurnal Hadhari Special Edition. Bangi :Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia. 7-22



Liza Anna binti Mat Jusoh, Rozi binti Kamsi & Norhakimah binti Subri
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah,,


Tujuan kajian ini adalah merekabentuk, membina dan menilai pam air basikal. Pam air ini boleh
digunakan untuk memindahkan air dari sumbernya seperti sungai, perigi atau tasik ke takungan
untuk keperluan pengguna. Sistem pam air basikal ini menggunakan kuasa kayuhan sepenuhnya
untuk menggerakkan pam. Kuasa kayuhan yang terhasil menggerakkan pam melalui sistem
penghantaran kuasa yang terdiri daripada sprocket, rantai dan aci. Pam yang digunakan dalam
kajian ini adalah pam jenis empar yang berkapasiti 1300 liter sejam dan kuasa hantaran 3m tinggi
dengan menggunakan menggunakan hos paip berdiameter 13mm. Penilaian ini menggunakan
kaedah eksperimen yang menggunakan perbandingan cara penggunaan pam sebenar iaitu dengan
menggunakan kuasa ‘hand drill’ untuk menggerakkan pam berbanding menggunakan kuasa kayuhan
bagi membandingkan kadaralir dan kecekapan. Daripada eksperimen yang telah dijalankan didapati
bahawa kadar alir pam tersebut ialah 16800 liter sejam dengan kuasa hantaran 1m tinggi dengan
kayuhan 184 ppm. Kecekapan pula hanya 2%. Pam air ini sesuai digunakan untuk di kawasan tiada
bekalan elektrik bagi tujuan pertanian yang kecil.

KATA KUNCI: pam air, kuasa kayuhan, eksperimen.



Sektor pertanian memainkan peranan penting terhadap ekonomi dan pemodenan sesebuah
negara disamping menyumbang ke arah pembangunan seimbang. Sektor ini bertanggungjawab
dalam menyumbang kepada penyediaan buruh, penyediaan makanan bagi penduduk yang semakin
bertambah, penyedian simpanan modal bagi pelaburan di sektor lain dan sebagai pasaran barangan
industri. Menurut kajian yang dilaksakan oleh Aini dan Ishak, (2009). Sektor pertanian juga
merupakan sektor yang penting di dalam menyumbang kepada pembangunan yang seimbang. Ini
kerana hampir 86% sektor ini didominasi oleh etnik Melayu dan bumiputera yang umumnya
mempunyai pendapatan yang rendah. Oleh itu kerajaan juga giat menjalankan dasar dan
melaksanakan strategi bertujuan untuk mencergaskan semula sektor pertanian negara.
Kerajaan pada hari ini telah menaik tarafkan bidang pertanian sebagai sumber pendapatan
namun dapatan daripada kajian Norsida & Hamzah, (2007) sektor pertanian negara masih lagi
dibelenggu dengan isu-isu yang kritikal. Antara masalah yang dihadapi oleh sektor pertanian kini
ialah saiz ladang yang berskala kecil dan tidak berekonomik yang mana menyebabkan produktiviti
dan kos pengeluaran yang tinggi. Beliau juga mendapati permodenan dan kecekapan teknologi
ladang masih lagi ketinggalan. Kerajaan perlu menyediakan teknologi ladang yang bersesuaian
dengan penduduk luar bandar bagi meningkatkan kecekapan operasi ladang dan membandingkan
kebaikan dengan pengurangan kos dan masa untuk pengeluaran seterusnya menjadikan kerja lebih
mudah dan selesa untuk petani. Dengan kemudahan mesin ladang yang disediakan, diharapkan belia
lebih berminat untuk melibatkan diri dalam bidang pertanian. Aini & Ishak, (2009).
Pam air merupakan sejenis mesin yang digunakan untuk memindahkan air dari sumbernya
ke tempat takungan bagi memudahkan untuk kegunaan harian, pertanian, pembuatan dan
sebagainya. Sektor pertanian merupakan nadi kepada bekalan makan yang amat bergantung kepada
air. Di Malaysia pada hari ini masih terdapat kawasan – kawasan pertanian yang tidak dibekalkan
tenaga elektrik. Dengan adanya pam air yang berkuasa kayuhan ini dapat menyelesaikan masalah
penggunaan pam air yang bergantung kepada kuasa elektrik dan bahan api seperti minyak. Pam ini
juga bebas dari pencemaran disamping itu juga pam ini boleh dialih mengikut tempat yang sesuai.
Konsep yang diguna pakai dalam rekabentuk pam air ini adalah amat sesuai kepada pekebun-
pekebun kecil dan ini telah dinyatakan oleh Ramana dan Lakshumu (2016), pam air yang
menggunakan tenaga manusia amat sesuai digunakan pada kebun tanaman yang kecil. Justeru itu
kajian ini bertujuan untuk

i. Merekabentuk dan membina pam air

ii. Mengira kadaralir yang dikeluarkan oleh pam
iii. Mengira dan membandingkan kecekapan antara pam dengan electrical hand drill.


Beberapa kajian telah dilaksanakan untuk menghasilkan pam air antaranya; Atul, Zakiuddin,
dan Hussain (2013) telah mengendalikan eksperimen keatas Development of pedal operated water
pump. Mesin mereka terdiri daripada tiga subsistem iaitu
(i) unit tenaga : terdiri daripada makanisma kayuhan, sepasang giar halaju dan roda kuasa
(ii) sepasang gear bagi menghasilkan kilasan
(iii) unit pam air.
Dapatan kajian mereka mendapati manusia hanya menghasilkan 0.1 kuasa kuda tetapi kuasa
yang diperlukan untuk menggerakkan mesin yang dihasilkan memerlukan 6.0 kuasa kuda.
Vishal, Neelesh dan Gautam, (2013) menjalankan kajian keatas An Experimental Setup and
Design of Pedal Powered Water Pump. Kajian mereka mendapati pam yang dihasilkan menggunakan
bahan dan kemahiran tempatan. Operasi pam ini menggunakan pedal basikal telah menghasilkan 2-


3 gelen air seminit daripada perigi sedalam 23 kaki yang membolehkan penduduk setempat
memperolehi air minum tanpa bekalan elektrik.
Ademola, Stephen dan Fredrick, (2012) telah melakukan kajian keatas Pedal powered
centrifugal pump for pure water supply device. Kajian ini menganalisis rekabetuk untuk
menghasilkan air bersih kepada penduduk tempatan. Ia berfungsi dengan prinsip mampatan dan
lepas dengan menyediakan tekanan songsang dalam tiub dan vakum yang terhasil membolehkan air
disedut dari paya ke dalam pam meluli penapis dan menghasilkan air yang bersih. Rekabentuk ini
didapati bahawa satu pusingan pedal memberikan 1.1 liter air. Ini dapat mengurangkan tenaga
buruh dan kos pengangkutan untuk penapis air. Kajian yang lakukan Mogaji, (2016) keatas
development of an improved Pedal powered water pump mendapati bahawa kadaralir pump ialah
0.0016 m3/s pada turus tekanan 20m dengan menggunakan daya kilas 29.5Nm dan anggaran
kecekapan 90% yang mana mesin ini sesuai digunakan.
Dapatan kajian daripada (Sreejith et al., 2014) mendapati bahawa keluaran yang dihasilkan adalah
0.0025m3/saat dengan kayuhan 140 rpm dan jika ketinggan hantaran 8m keluaran yang diperolehi


3.1 Merekabentuk Pam Air Basikal

Pam air basikal ini mengandungi tiga bahagian utama iaitu unit kayuhan, unit penghantaran
kuasa dan unit pam.
Unit kayuhan terdiri daripada pedal yang diambil dari sebahagian badan basikal terpakai. Unit
penghantaran kuasa terdiri daripada sproket depan , sproket belakang, rantai, aci pemacu dan
bearing. Bagi unit pam pula ia terdiri daripada pam empar iaitu sejenis mesin yang menggerakan
cecair dengan daya empar. Daya empar ini dihasilkan oleh jasad yang berputar di mana jirim-jirim
cecair bergerak keluar menjauhi pusat putaran.
Dalam pam empar, cecair bergerak dari mata (pusat putaran) dan bergerak melalui bilah dan
keluar dari impeller. Jirim cecair ini mempunyai dua halaju iaitu halaju tangen dan halaju jejarian.
Paduan kedua-dua halaju ini akan menghasilkan halaju paduan yang berarah di mana cecair bergerak
keluar dari impeller ke perumah pam dan menjadi semakin kekurangan. Manakala cecair dari
bakalan akan mengisi semula ruang yang kekurangan tersebut. ( Douglas, Gasiorek dan Swaffield,

Rajah 1: Pam Empar. Sumber: Cleaning Thecnology Group

Sejumlah besar tenaga halaju ini akan ditukarkan kepada tenaga tekanan bagi menghasilkan
tekanan yang lebih besar pada bahagian keluaran pam host masukan dan host keluaran. Pam empar
ini jenis self-priming iatu kekalkan sedikit air dalam sedutan pam untuk mendapatkan aliran cecair
keluar dan untuk menaikkan air dari sumber . Unit pam ini terdiri daripada host masukan dan

3.2 Rekabentuk Untuk penghantaran Kuasa

Rantai merupakan gabuan roller yang di pinkan bersama dan membolehkan ia disesuaikan
untuk diletakkan di sekeliling roda pemacu yang berbentuk bulat. Roda pemacu ini terdapat gigi
yang boleh disambungkan dengan rantai. Roda bergigi ini juga dikenali sebagai sproket rantai
memaksa ia bergerak bersama-sama tanpa gelincir dan memastikan ia mempunyai halaju yang
sempurna (Shigly & Mischke, 2001).


Sproket Kecil. N2, T2

Sproket Besar. N1, T1

Rajah 2: Sproket dan Ranta. Sumber: Seeco Industries

Nisbah halaju boleh diperolehi daripada persamaan i:

𝑣. 𝑟 = 𝑁1 = 𝑇2 i
2 1

v.r = nisbah halaju
N1= halaju putaran sproket kecil
N2 = halaju putaran proket besar
T1 = bilangan gigi sproket kecil
T2 = bilangan gigi sproket besar

Daripada rekabentuk pam air basikal, T1= 16 dan T2=54 maka nisbah halaju ialah 3.37 4.

Bilangan sambungan rantai K diberikan dalam persamaan ii:

𝑇1+ 𝑇2 2𝑥 𝑇2 −𝑇1 2 𝑝
𝐾= 2
+𝑝 +( 2𝜋
) 𝑥 ii
T1= bilangan gigi sproket kecil
T2= bilangan gigi sproket besar
p = pitch rantai
 =jarak pusat

Pitch rantai digunakan berpandukan IS: 2403-1991 iaitu 08.

Dalam kajian ini p = 1.27 cm dan  = 45 cm.
Maka K = 107.
Panjang rantai adalah hasil darap bilangan sambungan rantai (K) dan pitch rantai (p).

Maka untuk rekabentuk kajian ini panjang rantai L= K x p =108 x 1.27 = 137 cm.
Dalam rekabentuk Pam Air Basikal bearing yang digunakan ialah 30mm Bore Diameter Zinc Alloy
Pillow Block Mounted Ball Bearing UCP206. Ini berdasarkan saiz aci penghantar yang digunakan
iaitu 30mm.

Rajah 3: Ball Bearing And Bearing House. Sumber: Alexnld.Com

3.3 Proses Pembinaan

Proses pembinaan bermula dengan memotong sebahagian badan basikal terpakai hanya bahagian
yang mempunyai sproket depan dan pedal sahaja digunakan. Bahagian ini dipaterikan pada besi
mild stell berlubang segi empat. Bahagian ini disambungkan kepada kotak kayu yang diatasnya
terdapart unit penghantaran kuasa dan pam.
Bagi mendapatkan ukuran aci 30mm proses melarik rod mildstell telah dijalankan dan
salah satu hujung aci tersebut dipaterikan dengan sproket kecil. Manakala sebelah lagi didrill
untuk membolehkan aci pada pam dimasukkan.
Komponen –komponen utama adalah dalam rajah 4 dan jadual 1.

3 4

1 6

9 8

Rajah 4: Pam Air Basikal


Jadual 1 : Komponen –Komponen Utama PAB

Nombor Konponen
1 Host Keluaran
2 Aci Pemacu
3 Sproket Belakang
4 Rantai
5 Sproket Depan
6 Pedal
7 Host Masukan
8 Bearing
9 Pam

Unit pam yang digunakan dalam rekabentuk adalah dari jenis pam empar (Wolfcraft 1/2" Self-
Priming Pump Attachment) yang digerakkan dengan menggunakan electric hand drill dengan 1200
ppm. Manakala Pam Air Basikal yang dihasilkan menggunakan kayuhan hanya boleh pam berputar
184 ppm sahaja. Dalam kajian ini eksperimen yang dijalankan adalah membandingkan kecekapan
pam antara kayuhan dan kuasa drill. Dalam menilai prestasi pam ini hanya kadaralir dan ketinggian
hantaran sahaja dilaksanakan.



Pam air basikal ini telah berjaya mengepam air, walau bagaimanapun terdapat perbezaan
yang sangat ketara antara kuasa kayuhan dan kuasa electric hand drill. Berikut adalah keputusan
ujian yang telah dijalan seperti dalam jadual 2 dan Jadual 3. Graf kadaralir melawan tinggi hantaran
adalah telah diplot adalah seperti dalam rajah 5 dan rajah 6.

Jadual 2: Kadaralir dan Tinggi Hantaran ( kuasa hand drill)

Kadar alir (m3/s) Ketinggian (m)

0.13 3
0.25 1.8
0.30 0.9
0.40 0.5

3.5 m




0 m3/s
0.13 0.25 0.3 0.4

Rajah 5: Graf kadaralir melawan ketinggian hantaran

Jadual 3: Kadaralir dan Tinggi Hantaran ( kuasa kayuhan)

Kadar alir (m3/s) Ketinggian (m)

0.00 3
0.005 1.8
0.01 0.9
0.06 0.5


0 m3/s
0 0.005 0.01 0.03

Rajah 6: Graf Kadaralir Melawan Ketinggian Hantaran

4.1 Perbincangan keputusan

Daripada keputusan yang diperolehi didapati bahawa kadaralir berkadar songsang dengan
ketinggian hantaran iaitu semakin tinggi hantaran air semakin sikit kadar alir yang dihasilkan
.Terdapat berbezaan yang sangat ketara antara kadar alir menggunakan kuasa drill dan kadar alir
menggunakan kuasa kayuhan.
Jika dibandingkan kecekapan yang dihasilkan oleh Pam Air Basikal dan pam air kuasa drill
didapati bahawa hanya 2 % sahaja pada ketinggian 1.8m tinggi hantaran air.


Pam Air Basikal yang dihasilkan berjaya mengepam air pada aras ketinggian yang tertentu sahaja.
Namun begitu beberapa siri ujian perlu dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan jenis pam yang berbeza
seperti pam salingan, pam berputar dan pam gear. Ini membolehkan pam yang berkuasa kayuhan
dapat memberikan munafaat kepada yang memerlukan. Namun begitu pam air ini sesuai digunakan
untuk bekalan air minuman dan kebun yang bersaiz kecil. Kos untuk mengendalikan pam ini juga
sangat berkesan dan ia berfungsi tanpa tenaga elektrik.



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Fazlina binti Abd. Rahiman & Aznin binti Nazarudin

Jabatan Perdagangan
Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah,


Pintar Akaun adalah hasil inovasi pensyarah yang menggabungkan konsep asas perakaunan
iaitu elemen penyata kewangan yang terdiri daripada aset, liabiliti, ekuiti pemilik, hasil dan juga
belanja, perekodan catatan debit dan kredit serta imbangan duga. Pintar Akaun ini dihasilkan dengan
berkonsepkan gambar dan keratan dengan pelbagai imej serta warna yang menarik. Ia mampu
menarik minat pelajar yang gemar kepada sesuatu yang lebih ringkas. Di samping itu, Pintar Akaun
juga boleh dijadikan rujukan pantas kerana rekabentuknya yang boleh diletakkan atas meja, mudah
dilihat dan dicapai dengan cepat. Selain daripada itu, ia memudahkan pelajar membawa ke mana
sahaja dan ianya dilihat sebagai satu bentuk bahan rujukan yang lebih santai.
Pintar Akaun yang diinovasikan merangkumi elemen penyata kewangan yang menjadi asas
utama dalam kursus perakaunan. Selain elemen-elemen penyata kewangan, contoh soalan juga
disediakan untuk memantapkan lagi pemahaman para pelajar dalam proses menyediakan imbangan
duga. Pintar Akaun juga turut diinovasikan bersesuaian dengan pelajar yang mempunyai gaya
pembelajaran visual.
Pelajar boleh menggunakan model ini untuk memantapkan pemahaman konsep asas
perakaunan dengan berkesan kerana dapat mengenal pasti kategori elemen yang merupakan suatu
pemahaman asas kepada pelajar perakaunan. Disamping itu, model ini juga membolehkan pelajar
memahami konsep catatan debit dan kredit seterusnya mengaplikasikannya dalam kitaran
perakaunan seterusnya iaitu imbangan duga. Hasil penggunaan Pintar Akaun menunjukkan bahan
yang dihasilkan mampu menarik minat dan tumpuan pelajar dalam aktiviti P&P bagi kursus
perakaunan serta membolehkan para pelajar lulus dengan baik.

Kata kunci: Pintar Akaun, P&P


1.0 TUJUAN :

Inovasi ini dilaksanakan untuk memberi pemahaman konsep asas dalam perakaunan
terhadap pelajar Pra Diploma Perdagangan yang mengambil kursus PPP1014 – Basic Accounting di
politeknik. Pelajar perlu mempunyai pemahaman yang kukuh terhadap konsep asas ini bagi
memudahkan proses pembelajaran bagi topik-topik yang seterusnya.

Di samping itu, inovasi ini dapat memberi gambaran secara visual kepada pelajar terhadap
pengenalan kategori elemen penyata kewangan, perekodan debit dan kredit sehinggalah penyediaan
imbangan duga. Selain itu, inovasi ini juga dapat dijadikan panduan dan memudahkan pelajar untuk
mengingati konsep asas yang ada dalam kursus perakaunan.


Prinsip perakaunan ataupun “Basic Accounting” merupakan salah satu kursus teras yang
wajib dipelajari oleh pelajar program Pra Diploma Perdagangan (IPP), Jabatan Perdagangan di
politeknik. Kursus Perakaunan ini merupakan kursus yang memerlukan pemahaman konsep yang
tinggi. Bagi memastikan pelajar lebih mudah memahami dan menguasai Kursus Perakaunan, para
pendidik dalam bidang ini perlu lebih kreatif dalam pelaksanaan P&P berbanding sebelum ini dimana
pelajar akan diberi penerangan secara teori menggunakan slaid, buku rujukan dan papan putih.
Pelajar kemudiannya akan diberi soalan latihan untuk diselesaikan secara berkumpulan dan tampil
ke hadapan untuk menerangkan jawapannya.

Selaras dengan keperluan kepelbagaian proses P&P, inovasi ini dihasilkan kepada pelajar
supaya lebih memahami konsep perakaunan dengan lebih mudah terutamanya kepada pelajar yang
tidak mempunyai latar belakang perakaunan. Selain itu, inovasi ini juga dijalankan bagi menarik
minat pelajar dan meningkatkan semangat ingin belajar. Seterusnya, dapat meningkatkan
pencapaian pelajar.

Pintar Akaun merupakan alat bantu mengajar bagi Kursus Perakaunan. Penggunaan alat ini
amat penting kerana selain memastikan pemahaman yang kukuh, ia juga dapat digunakan untuk
mengawal keadaan kelas dengan grafik ataupun gambar. Grafik yang cantik dapat menarik perhatian
dan fokus para pelajar supaya memberi perhatian dan tumpuan kepada pensyarah dalam kelas.

Pintar Akaun adalah hasil inovasi pensyarah yang melibatkan konsep asas perakaunan iaitu
elemen penyata kewangan terdiri daripada aset, liabiliti, ekuiti pemilik, hasil dan juga belanja,
perekodan debit dan kredit, lejar seterusnya proses penyediaan imbangan duga. Rekabentuk Pintar
Akaun ini mampu menarik minat pelajar yang gemar kepada sesuatu yang lebih ringkas
berkonsepkan gambar dan digarapkan dengan pelbagai warna yang menarik. Di samping itu, konsep
inovasi ini dihasilkan adalah sebagai rujukan pantas kerana rekabentuknya yang boleh diletakkan
atas meja, mudah dilihat dan dicapai dengan cepat. Selain daripada itu, ia memudahkan pelajar
membawa ke mana sahaja dan ianya dilihat sebagai satu bentuk bahan rujukan yang lebih santai.

Selain daripada pengenalan kepada konsep elemen penyata kewangan, Pintar Akaun juga
menyediakan soalan latihan bagi memantapkan lagi pemahaman pelajar. Selepas membuat latihan
yang disediakan, para pelajar dapat memahami dengan lebih mendalam kedudukan debit dan kredit
dalam perakaunan, seterusnya penyediaan imbangan duga. Dengan bantuan model ini dalam P&P, ia
menjadikan proses pembelajaran di dalam bilik kuliah lebih interaktif dan berkonsepkan
pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar serta membolehkan pendidik melaksanakan P&P dengan lebih
cekap dan ceria. Ia juga mampu untuk meningkatkan penglibatan pelajar secara aktif dalam P&P
kerana ianya menggabungkan pengetahuan dan juga kemahiran psikomotor dalam kalangan pelajar.


Secara tidak lansung, pelajar juga akan menikmati suasana pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan dan
cekap dalam penguasaan P&P.


Statistik keputusan peperiksaan Basic Accounting - PPP1014 bagi pelajar IPP, Jabatan
Perdagangan adalah tidak memberangsangkan. Ini jelas dapat dilihat berdasarkan keputusan akhir
peperiksaan PPP1014 bermula pada sesi Jun 2015 iaitu sebanyak 34.38% pelajar yang gagal kursus
ini. Pada sesi Disember 2015, peratus pelajar yang gagal kursus ini telah meningkat menjadi 38.46%,
tetapi pada sesi Jun 2016 berlaku sedikit penurunan yakni sebanyak 26.67% sahaja pelajar yang
gagal kursus Basic Accounting. Perubahan yang agak ketara dapat dilihat bagi keputusan akhir sesi
Disember 2016 iaitu sebanyak 6.9% sahaja yang gagal selepas pelaksanaan Pintar Akaun. Ini
menunjukkan Pintar Akaun amat membantu para pelajar dalam P&P mereka.
Kesan daripada statik tersebut, kami telah menjalankan kaji selidik terhadap pelajar IPP,
Jabatan Perdagangan untuk mengenal pasti kecenderungan minat pelajar terhadap penggunaan alat
bantu mengajar yang menarik di dalam kelas semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Hasil
daripada kaji selidik yang dilakukan, mendapati 65.85% pelajar yang mengambil kursus ‘Basic
Accounting’ tidak mempunyai asas dalam kursus perakaunan di peringkat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
(SPM) dan sebanyak 70.73% pelajar mudah untuk memahami konsep-konsep yang diajar dalam
kursus perakaunan sekiranya mempunyai ABM.
Disamping itu, kaji selidik ini juga melihat dari segi keperluan, kemudahan, minat dan
motivasi pelajar terhadap subjek ini melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas.
Hasil dari kaji selidik ini didapati 97.56% pelajar memerlukan alat bantuan untuk memahami konsep
perakaunan yang ada dalam kursus perakaunan. Malah bukan itu sahaja, sebanyak 65.85% pelajar
mendapati dengan penggunaan Pintar Akaun, mereka lebih mudah untuk menghafal elemen penyata
kewangan, serta konsep yang ada dalam kursus perakaunan. Akhir sekali, seramai 39 orang iaitu
95.12% telah mengatakan bahawa mereka suka kaedah pembelajaran yang menggunakan Pintar


Rasional Pintar Akaun ini disediakan ialah :

1. Memudahkan pelajar memahami konsep asas dalam perakaunan. Ini kerana pelajar perlu
mempunyai pengetahuan asas yang kukuh dalam kursus ini bagi memudahkan mereka
memahami konsep yang lebih luas dalam kursus tersebut.
2. Mempelbagaikan kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas.
3. Menggalakkan interaksi dua hala dalam kalangan pensyarah dan pelajar.
4. Menarik minat pelajar dengan memberi gambaran secara visual.
5. Menarik minat pelajar untuk mengulangkaji matapelajaran.
6. Memastikan pelajar mendapat bahan pengajaran yang mencukupi.
7. Memudahkan dan mempercepatkan proses penghafalan dan pemahaman pelajar dengan
menggunakan bahan yang menarik.
8. Dapat meningkatkan daya pembelajaran secara kreatif dan inovasi.
9. Dapat menyelesaikan masalah proses Pengajaran & Pembelajaran yang membosankan.
10. Menambahbaik corak pembelajaran yang sedia ada kepada penggunaan peralatan agar lebih



Semua pelajar akan diberi pendedahan terhadap penggunaan Pintar Akaun ini apabila ingin
memulakan topik Jurnal. Pintar Akaun ini akan digunakan semasa proses pengajaran dan
pembelajaran secara praktikal di mana apabila pensyarah menerangkan sistem catatan bergu untuk
elemen perakaunan iaitu aset, liabiliti, ekuiti pemilik, hasil dan juga belanja. Pelajar akan
menggunakan Pintar Akaun ini untuk mengenalpasti setiap jenis dan fungsi elemen-elemen tersebut.
Seterusnya apabila pensyarah menerangkan teknik merekod sehinggalah pengeposan ke
imbangan duga, sekali lagi para pelajar akan menggunakan latihan-latihan yang ada di dalam Pintar
Akaun untuk melihat cara perekodan serta kedudukan debit dan kredit. Pelajar menggunakan bahan
produk inovasi Pintar Akaun sebagai salah satu bahan rujukan mereka selain daripada menggunakan
buku teks. Selain itu, para pelajar boleh menggunakan bahan Pintar Akaun ini pada bila-bila masa
dan dimana sahaja. Ini akan memudahkan para pelajat dan tidak membebankan mereka.


1. Mewujudkan perancangan.
2. Kenalpasti sasaran pelajar dan pensyarah.
3. Penyediaan kertas kerja inovasi.
4. Menjalankan temubual dengan pelajar untuk mendapatkan maklumbalas.
5. Penyediaan borang soal selidik.
6. Mengedarkan borang soal selidik kepada pelajar.
7. Mendapatkan respon/dapatan maklumat.
8. Membuat analisa maklumat.
9. Menghasilkan produk inovasi.
10. Menghasilkan laporan inovasi.
11. Membuat cadangan penambahbaikan terhadap produk selepas perlaksanaan.


Jika dilihat secara keseluruhannya, inovasi ini dapat membantu menjadikan pengajaran dan
pembelajaran lebih efektif kerana penglibatan pelajar akan lebih terserlah. Impak perlaksanaan
inovasi juga dapat dilihat daripada aspek pensyarah dan juga pelajar. Antaranya adalah:

1. Lebih praktikal kerana pelajar akan melaksanakan aktiviti semasa proses P&P berlangsung.
2. Menjimatkan masa kerana pensyarah tidak perlu menerangkan dengan lebih terperinci
berkaitan teori semata-mata tetapi boleh fokus kepada Pintar Akaun.
3. Menjimatkan masa kerana pensyarah tidak perlu menulis di papan putih semasa sesi
pengajaran dan pembelajaran.
4. Meningkatkan motivasi dalam kalangan pelajar untuk mempelajari kursus perakaunan
kerana mereka dilibatkan secara langsung.
5. Hasil daripada penggunaan Pintar Akaun, didapati ianya dapat meningkatkan tahap
pengetahuan dan pemahaman pelajar terhadap kursus ini.
6. Penggunaan Pintar Akaun ini secara tidak langsung menggalakkan mereka untuk belajar
terlebih dahulu sebelum masuk kelas.
7. Dapat memperbaiki kemahiran komunikasi pelajar terutamanya dalam memberikan
penerangan bagi jawapan yang diberikan
8. Hasilnya berpotensi untuk digunasama oleh institusi-institusi pendidikan yang lain.
Contohnya Kolej Komuniti dan juga Politeknik.
9. Peningkatan hasil / mutu kerja.
10. P&P menjadi lebih interaktif dengan wujudnya komunikasi dua hala antara pelajar dan


11. P&P menjadi lebih menarik yang mana penglibatan semua pelajar akan menjadikan sesi P&P
bertenaga dan aktif sesuai dengan namanya Pintar Akaun.
12. Proses P&P menjadi lebih mudah apabila Pintar Akaun membantu pensyarah menyampaikan
maklumat dengan lebih berkesan.





1. Menyediakan flash card yang mengandungi nota peta minda, format akaun, latihan dan
soalan peperiksaan akhir sebagai tambahan dalam Pintar Akaun.
2. Mendapatkan perlindungan harta intelek bagi mengelakkan berlaku peniruan.
3. Menggunakan media sosial bagi menarik minat pelajar terhadap kursus perakaunan.

Diharapkan dengan perlaksanaan inovasi ini akan dapat meningkatkan kualiti dan kreativiti
dikalangan pensyarah yang mana akan menyumbang kepada pembangunan modal insan yang lebih
berkualiti dan cemerlang selari dengan Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia.


Heng Sei Kie. Fundamentals of Accounting. Oxford Fajar Politeknik Series, 2013.

Nurul Safwanah M.S., dan Aznin Nazarudin. DPA1013 Fundamentals of Accounting. 1st ed.

Seen, T.C., Raja Nazima, R.A., Mohd Fouzi, M., Nurul Huda, A. Nurfazilah, K. Nur Aishah. Z.A.
Fundamentals of Accounting (2nd Edition). PDSB Marketing.



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