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Patient label and Test tube preparation system


TCP/IP Interface Protocol Manual

Version 2

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3
1. TCP/IP connection .......................................................................................................... 3
2.DATA FLOW ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Normal case ............................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Error case................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Wrong data received........................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Time out or open wire......................................................................................... 5
3. DETAILS OF TEXT FORMAT ........................................................................................... 6
3.1 LITX and EPTX ........................................................................................................... 6
3.2 DATA STRING FORMAT............................................................................................. 7
3.3 MANDATORY CODE DETAILS .................................................................................. 8
4. SAMPLE OF DATA STRING ............................................................................................ 9

This manual describes the interface protocol between BC ROBO-888 and LIS/HIS.
It includes connection details, data flow and data string.
Read this manual carefully beforehand of BC ROBO interfacing and feel free to contact Techno
Medica(hereinafter TMC) if you have any further questions.

1. TCP/IP connection
1) TMC’s coverage

BC ROBO (as server) LIS/HIS (as client)


2) Connection : TCP/IP
3) Transmission Control Code : ASCII
4) TEXT Format : One label = One data string
All the data string must have the same format and should have
CR(Carriage return) at the end.
5) Data string length : All of the string should be the Fix length. Variable length is NG.
6) EPTX : Refer to chapter 3.
Ensure that “EPTX” is not ETX. “EPTX” is a unique data string dedicated for BC ROBO.

7) Retry interval : More than three seconds

8) Port number : Assigned by LIS/HIS vender.

2.1 Normal case
BC ROBO(as server) LIS/HIS(as client)
Listen Connection
Establish connection
Bind session
Session bind request
Session bind permission
Receive data Send data
LITX of 1st patient 1st label incl CR(Carriage return)
Data confirmed
00:ACK + CR
Receive data Send data
LITX of 1st patient 2nd label incl CR(Carriage return)
Data confirmed
00:ACK + CR
Receive data Send data
EPTX of 1st patient incl CR(Carriage return)
Data confirmed
00:ACK +CR

Terminate session
Session terminate request
Close Close

The flow of message is below.

1. When Server is powered ON, it observes the connection of the client. In case client
requires connection, the server returns the session bind permission.
2. When the sever received LITX from the client, it returns ACK (00)
3. When the sever received EPTX from the client, it returns ACK (00)
4. Repeat the cycle of above step 2 and 3.
5. The client sends the session terminate request.

2.2 Error case
2.2.1 Wrong data received

BC ROBO(as server) LIS/HIS(as client)

Receive data Send data

Return error message
10:NACK + CR

2.2.1 Time out or open wire

BC ROBO(as server) LIS/HIS(as client)

Receive data Send data

Return error message
10:NACK + CR

Ensure to send CR(Carriage return) at the end for both ACK and NACK.

3.1 LITX and EPTX
Data strings for one patient must include 2kinds of data strings. These are called “LITX” and
“EPTX”. ROBO identifies them by message header. If message header is “0”, it is identified as
LITX. If message header is 9, it is identified as “EPTX”.

“LITX” decides the letters/symbols to be printed on the barcode labels.

A number of “LITX” equals to a number of barcode labels.
“EPTX” orders the BC ROBO to change the tray.
For instance, if four tubes and one extra label is need, client should send five LITX and one EPTX.

• If client forget to send “EPTX”, tubes and extra labels for the different patient will be
contained into the same tray.
• All of the data strings must have the same format and length.
• Worklist label will be automatically generated from the group of LITX.

Sample of “LITX”
0 PatientID00000000000 Patientname0000000000000000000 1 Order#

Sample of “EPTX”
In below sample, you can just copy the LITX and change the message header to “9”.
9 PatientID00000000000 Patientname0000000000000000000 1 Order#
In below sample, message header is “9” and other field should be “space”.

Below is TMC recommended standard. If HIS/LIS has a difficulty in sending some element name,
contact to TMC for further information.

SEQ Element name Length Mandatory? Comment
1 Message header 1 YES Numeric 0: LITX 9: EPTX
2 Patient ID 20 YES Alphanumeric
3 Patient Name 30 YES Any kind
4 I/O code 1 YES Numeric 1: Outpatient 2: Inpatient
5 Order location code 6 STATISTIC* Alphanumeric “000000” if not in use
6 Order placed location 20 STATISTIC* Any kind Space available if not in use
7 Ward code 6 YES Alphanumeric “000000” if not in use
8 Ward name 20 STATISTIC* Any kind Space available if not in use
9 Barcode 20 YES Alphanumeric Including start stop code
10 Container code 3 YES Numeric
11 Container name 20 Any kind
12 Sex 1 Alphabet M=Male F=Female
13 Free comment 1 20
14 Free comment 2 20
15 Free comment 3 20
16 Free comment 4 20
17 Free comment 5 20 Any kind
18 Free comment 6 20 NO
19 Free comment 7 20
20 Free comment 8 20
21 Free comment 9 20
22 Free comment 10 20

• STATISTIC*: This is for statistic report purpose. BC ROBO has a function to display and archive
statistic report.
• All character should be left aligned.

Mandatory code is a MUST element name to be sent to BC ROBO no matter whether they should
print on the label or not. However, some of them could be supported by using “0” or “Space” if
HIS/LIS has a difficulty in creating such element name.

SEQ Element name Length Comment

1 Message header 1 If data string is LITX, use “0”. If data string is EPTX, use “9”
2 Patient ID 20 Patient ID to be printed on the label.
3 Patient Name 30 Patient Name to be printed on the label.
4 If LITX is for outpatient, use “1”. Output will be horizontal line of
I/O code 1
If LITX is for inpatient, use “2”. Output will be vertical line of BC
5 Order may be placed from particular location. Enter location code.
Such information is useful to calculate how many orders were placed
Order location code 6
from the each location. If you are not using statistic report function,
use “000000” as a dummy code.
6 Order may be placed from particular location. Enter location name.
Such information is useful to calculate how many orders were placed
Order placed location 20
from the each location. If you are not using statistic report function,
use “Space” as a dummy code.
7 ROBO can sort inpatient data by ward code. If you do not use BC
Ward code 6
ROBO for inpatient, use “000000” as a dummy code.
8 Ward name is useful to calculate how many orders were placed to the
Ward name 20 each ward. If you are not using statistic report function, use
“Space” as a dummy code.
9 Barcode to be printed on the label. Barcode type is programmable by
Barcode 20
BC ROBO software. Ensure to enter start stop code.
10 BC ROBO chooses the correct tube according to the container code.
If assignment of container code is wrong, BC ROBO may choose the
wrong tube or nothing.
Container code 3
ie) 12mm diameter 100mm length Gel tube = Container code 123
12mm diameter 75mm length EDTA tube = Container code 124

Below is the sample of LITX if you want to use full function of BC ROBO including statistic report.


013M CR

Below is the sample of LITX if you use BC ROBO without using statistic report.
000000 a12345678a 013M CR

• Underline stands for “Space”.

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