Anda di halaman 1dari 3

1. What are the 3 concepts/theories of acids & bases?

 Arrhenius Theory - an acid is a substance that contains hydrogen and produces H 1 in aqueous

solution. A base is a substance that contains the OH (hydroxyl) group and produces hydroxide

ions, OH 2 , in aqueous solution.

 Bronsted Theory - An acid is defined as a proton donor (H 1 ), and a base is defined as a proton

acceptor. An acid–base reaction is the transfer of a proton from an acid to a base

 Lewis Theory - An acid is any species that can accept a share in an electron pair. A base is any

species that can donate or share one or more lone pairs of electrons.

2. Give the complete list of the strong acids and strong bases?

Give examples of weak acids and weak bases?

Compare the ionization in water of the strong acids & bases from weak acids and bases.

Acids Bases

Strong Strong

 HCl (hydrochloric acid)  NaOH sodium hydroxide

 HNO3 (nitric acid)  KOH potassium hydroxide
 H2SO4 (sulfuric acid)  RbOH - rubidium hydroxide
 HBr (hydrobromic acid)  CsOH - cesium hydroxide
 HI hydroiodic acid
 HClO4 (perchloric acid)  Ca(OH)2 - calcium hydroxide
 Sr(OH)2 - strontium hydroxide
Weak  Ba(OH)2 - barium hydroxide

 CH3COOH (acetic acid)
 HCOOH (formic acid)
 HF (hydrofluoric acid)  NH3 ammonia
 HCN (hydrocyanic acid)  CH3NH2 methylamine
 HNO2 (nitrous acid)  C5H5N pyridine
 HSO4- (hydrogen sulfate ion)

Strong acids and bases in water become completely ionized,

which makes the reaction irreversible. Weak acids and bases,
however, only partially ionize, there making the reaction

3. What is the equation involved in the autoionization of water?

 H2O + H2O → H3O+ + OH− (reversible)

4. What is the formula for the ion product of water, pH, pOH and pKw?

 Water: [H+][OH-] = Kw

 pH and pOh

 pKw:

5. What is the ionization constant for

the monoprotic weak acid and weak base?

 The ionization constant for the acid (Ka) or base (Kb) is a measure of how readily the acid

donates protons or how readily a base accepts protons. The value for each weak acid and base


6. Compare solvolysis and hydrolysis? What are their concepts?

 Solvolysis is the the chemical process in which solvent acts as nucleophile to break one or more

bonds of solute. Hydrolysis is specific solvolysis where the solvent is water.

7. Describe how polyprotic acids ionize in steps and how to calculate concentrations of all species in

solutions of polyprotic acids.

 Polyprotic acids are specific acids that are capable of losing more than a single proton per

molecule in acid-base reactions. (In other words, acids that have more than one ionizable

H+ atom per molecule). Protons are lost through several stages (one at each stage), with the first

proton being the fastest and most easily lost. We can calculate concentrations of polyprotic acids

the same way we can with regular acids, the only difference is that we solve the equilibrium for

each step to determine the concentrations of all species in solutions of polyprotic acids.

8. What are the 4 reactions of salts in water. Give examples of salts for each reaction.

 Salts that are from strong bases and strong acid -

 Salts that are from strong bases and weak acids -

 Salts of weak bases and strong acids-

 Salts from a weak base and weak acid -

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