Anda di halaman 1dari 3

Laura as a speaker 2

Linda as a speaker 1
Andi as Aini's husband
Aini as Andi's wife who was 7 months pregnant
Uul as a 3-month pregnant woman


One morning in the village of Ceria there will be counseling about the nutrition
of pregnant women.

Linda: Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. We are
nursing students from Lawang who will provide counseling about the nutrition of
pregnant women. Previously, my name is Linda and this is my partner Laura
Laura: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I'm Laura. Now here do mothers know
what nutrients are needed by pregnant women?
Aini: I eat everything, miss. My husband often buys expensive food
Andi: Sure, honey. what is not for you and our child?
Aini: Dear love. Shame to know
Linda: Well ... what about you maam?
Uul: I like to be picky about food, miss. sometimes still nauseous. so I eat which is
not nauseous
Laura: It's a little risky, bro. For more details, we will explain a little about the
nutrition of pregnant women
Linda: Now before we dig deeper, we need to know what is the definition of
*Nutrition is an organic substance that is needed by the organism for normal
functioning of the body's system, growth, maintenance of health. Nutrition is
obtained from food and fluids which are subsequently assimilated by the body
Laura: What kinds of nutrients do you need for pregnant women?
* 1. Carbohydrates and fats, such as cereals and tubers
2. Proteins, such as tofu, tempeh, meat, chicken, fish, milk, and eggs
3. Minerals, such as fruits and vegetables
4. Vitamin B complexes, such as cereals, grains, nuts, green vegetables, yeast, eggs
and dairy products.
5. Vitamin D, such as fish liver oil, egg yolks and milk
6. Vitamin E, such as wheat, beans, vegetable oils and green vegetables
7. Folic Acid, such as spinach, cauliflower and broccoli, oranges, bananas, carrots
and tomatoes
8. Iron, such as spinach, kale, cassava leaves, papaya leaves, meat and liver.
9. Calcium, such as green vegetables, nuts, and milk
Linda: What are the signs and symptoms of pregnant women who lack nutrition?
* a. Fatigue and lack of energy
b. Dizzy
c. Low immune system (which causes the body to struggle to fight infection)
d. Dry skin
e. The gums are swollen and bleeding
f. It's difficult to concentrate and has a slow reaction
g. Less weight
h. Slow growth
i. Weakness in muscles
j. There are problems with organ function
Laura: It must have an impact on both mother and fetus. Following are the effects
* the impact on the fetus: miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal birth, experience
congenital defects and low baby weight
* the impact on pregnant women: anemia, bleeding, weight gain does not increase
normally and is susceptible to infection
Linda: Well ... from our explanation, are there any questions?
Andi: mbak, I often buy my wife fast food. Is that okay for the fetus?
Laura: Actually pregnant women may consume fast food as long as not too often.
However, it should be borne in mind that the nutrient content in fast food is so low
that it is feared that the nutritional needs of the mother and fetus will not be fulfilled
if these foods are consumed too often.
Andi: Well, honey. so now it must be reduced to eating fast food
Aini: yeah baby
Uul: Ma'am, for my case which is still nauseous. Do you have to be forced to keep
my nutrition and fetus fulfilled?
Linda: I recommend eating small portions up to 6 times per day, ma'am. When
eating, avoid foods that smell sharp like spicy and fatty foods. Choose foods that
are processed healthier while boiled or baked
Uul: oh I see, Ms. I'll try at home later
Laura: Are there more questions?
Andi: No, Miss.
Linda: Alright. Thank you for your time, ladies and gentlemen. I hope mothers can
fulfill the nutrition needed, because it is very influential for the fetus. we hope that
this information can be received and shared with other families. I end it,
wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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