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Syllabus: Towards Advanced

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Towards Advanced Course – R=Reading, V=Video

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Unit 1
V Masterclass V News Review
Non-defining relative clauses Welcome to Jupiter! – probe, orbit, V Tim's Pronunciation
spacecraft, hostile, core Workshop
R Grammar reference Assimilation of /t/ and /p/
Relative clauses V Lingohack
Chilcot Iraq report published; people killed
for defending their land; Juno space probe
successs – on such a scale, judgement, on
record, loggers, orbiting

V X uses of Y: Treasure Island

9 uses of 'time' – a long time, in no time,
only a matter of time, at times, as time goes
by, at one time or another, time after time,
in no time, time-consuming

Unit 2
V Masterclass V News Review
5 ways to talk about the future – be + A new prime minister for Britain – set to, to V Tim's Pronunciation
full infinitive, be due + full infinitive, become, follow in someone's footsteps, take Workshop
be + sure/bound + full infinitive, on the reins Linking /r/
the verge of/ on the brink of, present
tense with future meaning V Lingohack
The UK has a new PM; train crash
R Grammar reference investigation in Italy; Indian state
Future forms introduces 'fat tax' – pressing, scene,
malnutrition, so-called

V X uses of Y: Oliver Twist

7 uses of 'light' – light, shed light on, out
like a light, in the light of, brings to light

Unit 3
V Masterclass V News Review
Using the present to talk about the Are these speeches similar – plagiarise, rip V Tim's Pronunciation
past off, a rip-off, bear a striking similarity Workshop
Twinning or germination
R Grammar reference V Lingohack with /s/
Uses of the present Trump seals nomination; IOC to take legal
advice on Russia; hottest ever June is
recorded – candidate, damning, trend

V X uses of Y: The Rue Morgue
9 uses of 'run' – make your blood run cold,
run, running, run up against (something),
runs through, running through (his head),
run the risk of, runs away, runs after

Unit 4
V Masterclass V News Review
Linking words of contrast – however, The smell of chickens – repel, V Tim's Pronunciation
although, despite/in spite of, while, something/someone repels you, deter, a Workshop
pun, steer clear of Elision of /t/
R Grammar referenceLinking
words of contrast V Lingohack
Hillary Clinton makes history; thousands
flee California wildfires; cloned animals
aging no differently – breaking through,
eluded, blazes, prematurely

V X uses of Y: Little Red Riding Hood

9 uses of 'cut' – cut out, to cut a long story
short, cut (someone) short, shortcut, cut to
the chase, cutting down, woodcutters, cut
(someone/something) up, cutbacks

Unit 5
V Masterclass V News Review
Stative verbs in continuous form – Water pollution at the Rio Olympics – V Tim's Pronunciation
have, want, love alarmingly, filthy, sewage, teeming with, Workshop
unfazed, favela Intrusive /r/
R Grammar reference
Stative verbs in the continuous form V Lingohack
Obama says Trump unfit to be president;
Singapore scientists create cyborg beetle;
scans reveal how teenage brain develops –
questioned, remotely, insight

V X uses of Y: Pride and Prejudice

11 uses of 'look' – looking for, has the
looks, the look of, looks on, looks like,
looking to, looks as if, looks over, look
down on, look up, look forward to

Unit 6
V Masterclass V News Review
Infinitives of purpose World's longest hunger strike ends –activist,V Tim's Pronunciation
hunger strike, fast, 'iron' Workshop
R Grammar reference Schwa
Infinitives of purpose V Lingohack
Michael Phelps swims into Olympic
history; scientists find new marine species
in Scotland; scary Lucy statue is replaced in
the US – wondering, to log, stylish,

V X uses of Y: Robin Hood

9 uses of 'stand' – stand up for, can’t stand,
don’t stand a chance, stand for, stands to
lose, won’t stand for, stand out, stands by,

Unit 7
V Masterclass V News Review
Mixed conditionals Brazil wins a gold medal in athletics – an V Tim's Pronunciation
upset, pull something off, egg somebody Workshop
R Grammar reference on, pandemonium Linking /w/
Conditionals review
V Lingohack
British couple ride into Olympic history;
scientists discover 400-year-old shark;
pigeon race champion banned for life –
medal tally, feeds on, cheating

V X uses of Y: Pygmalion
8 uses of 'round' – driving him round the
bend, comes round, round and round, round
the clock, round, goes round to, in a
roundabout kind of way, round off

Unit 8
V Masterclass V News Review
Using the past to talk about the Olympics closing ceremony – kick off, pass V Tim's Pronunciation
present and future the baton, wrap up Workshop
Assimilation of /n/ followed
R Grammar reference V Lingohack by /p/
Using the past to talk about the China opens longest glass bridge; HRT
present or future increases risk of cancer; Hindu monk
claims to be 120 years old – peer,
underestimates, put (something) down

V X uses of Y: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

9 uses of 'sound' – sound out, by the sound
of it, sounds, doesn’t like the sound of
(something, not a sight or sound of
(someone), sounds strange, sound, sounds
as though, sounds like

Unit 9
V Masterclass V News Review
Gerund or infinitive – stop, regret Migrant rescue – flee, some, hub, sorties, V Tim's Pronunciation
and go on rickety Workshop
Elision of /d/
R Grammar reference V Lingohack
Verb patterns – gerunds or infinitives World's largest protected area created off
Hawaii; new Earth-like planet discovered;
goodbye Cookie: pink cockatoo dies at 83 –
marine reserve, orbiting, mourning

V X uses of Y: Romeo and Juliet

8 uses of 'break' – break the news, break
off, break into, break up, breaks down,
break her promise, breaking, breaks her

Unit 10

V Masterclass V News Review
Future continuous Major problem with world's oceans – V Tim’s Pronunciation
underestimated, livelihoods, soaring, Workshop
R Grammar reference plummeting, staggering, bear the brunt of Pronunciation of 'nd'
Future continuous
V Lingohack
Two billion 'at risk of Zika in Africa and
Asia'; first face transplant patient dies in
France; rare white whale filmed in Australia
– outbreaks, passed away, spotted

V X uses of Y: Frankenstein
10 uses of 'make' – makes, has made a
name for himself, to make matters worse,
makes for, make a start, makes his blood
boil, makes up his mind, make of, makes

Unit 11
V Masterclass V News Review
Native speaker 'mistakes' Hillary Clinton's illness – hold/keep/play V Tim's Pronunciation
your cards close to your chest, come clean, Workshop
R Grammar reference big deal, not that big a deal, bout, bat away Pronunciation of 'have to'
Native speaker 'mistakes' – past
participles, me, splitting infinitives V Lingohack
EU not at risk after Brexit; US athletes'
medical files hacked; human ancestor
mystery solved – address, leaked, cracked

V X uses of Y: Hansel and Gretel

13 uses of 'turn' – take a turn for the worse,
turns out, turns a blind eye, turning, turn
back, turn of events, turn up, turns into,
turns, turn her nose up, turned, in turn

Unit 12
V Masterclass V News Review
Giving emphasis World's largest telescope – V Tim's Pronunciation
giant/massive/gigantic, extraterrestrial, Workshop
R Grammar reference eavesdrop Pronunciation of 'and'
Adding emphasis – 'it' cleft sentences
V Lingohack
Benefits of statins underestimated;
'Brangelina' is no more; karaoke star Ted,
80, lands record deal – potential, saddened,

V X uses of Y: The Snow Queen

9 uses of 'stick' – stick up for, sticks, stick
with, stick by, stick, stuck, can’t stick, stick

Unit 13
V Masterclass V News Review
More native speaker 'mistakes' Trump vs Clinton: first US presidential TV V Tim's Pronunciation
debate – to clash, head-to-head, to lose your Workshop
R Grammar reference cool Pronunciation of 'was' and
More native speaker 'mistakes' – 'were'
innit, there/their/they're, what as a V Lingohack
relative pronoun Former Israel President Shimon Peres dies;
button batteries risk to children; the farmer
who paints sheep – forging, injuries, novel

V X uses of Y: Far from the Madding

11 uses of 'set' – set, set their sights on,
dead set against, sets off, set out, sets him
off, setback, set, set on, sets on, all set

Unit 14
V Masterclass V News Review
Giving emphasis using 'what' Colombia's peace vote – common ground, V Tim's Pronunciation
pick yourself up, scramble Workshop
R Grammar reference Consonant-vowel linking
Adding emphasis – 'what' cleft V Lingohack
sentences Rubbish threat to Machu Picchu; Prince
Harry on HIV awareness campaign; David
Bowie's collection on show – inability,
deadline, stigma, auctioned

V X uses of Y: The Piper of Hamelin

12 uses of 'pay' – pay up, pays a heavy
price, pay attention, pay, pay off, pay
handsomely, pay in cash, be in the pay of,
pay, pay day, pay, without paying a penny

Unit 15
V Masterclass V News Review
Future in the past A problem with Samsung Galaxy Note 7 – V Tim's Pronunciation
a burning issue, burn a hole in (someone’s Workshop
R Grammar reference accounts), money burns a hole in my Assimilation of /d/ to /g/
The future in the past pocket, it burnt a hole in my pocket,
come/be under fire

V Lingohack
Is Russia hacking the US election?; the end
of Samsung's Galaxy Note 7; the zoo where
chimps 'learn to be chimps' – destabilise,
appetite, limiting the damage, nudge

V X uses of Y: Sherlock Holmes and the

Hound of the Baskervilles
9 uses of 'dead' – dead, dead certain, deadly
danger, the dead of night, stop dead in his
tracks, dead silence, stone dead, dead
giveaway, dead ringer

Unit 16
V Masterclass V News Review
Discourse markers Dead frog mystery in Peru – endangered V Tim's Pronunciation
species, get to the bottom of, a turn of Workshop
R Grammar reference events, pleas Pronunciation of 'can'
Discourse markers
V Lingohack
Ecuador limits Jullian Assange's internet
access; sweet potato helps tackle child
malnutrition; work starts on British polar
research ship – classified, deficiency, vessel

V X uses of Y: David Copperfield

13 uses of 'take' – takes, taken someone into
(your) care, takes the opportunity, take
(someone) off to, take refuge, takes pity on,
takes an instant dislike to, seems/is taken
with, taken advantage of, takes up, take off,
take a turn for the worse, take care of

Unit 17
V Masterclass V News Review
Advanced learner mistakes Women and alcohol – out-drinking, wine V Tim's Pronunciation
o’clock, knocking back, boozer Workshop
R Grammar reference Plosives - /d/ /b/ /t/ /p/ /k/ and
Advanced learner mistakes – word V Lingohack /g/
order in Wh- clauses Heathrow airport expansion approved; time
with parents can improve children's autism;
dogs are trained as lifeguards – given the
green light, severity, charity

V X uses of Y: Orpheus and Eurydice

13 uses of 'long' – all day long, long, before
long, last long, a long way off, take long,
long gone, as long as I live, no longer, a
long shot, at long last, so long as, longed

Unit 18
V Masterclass V News Review
More advanced learners mistakes – The fight against cyber crime – strike back, V Tim's Pronunciation
go, come, take, bring vow, malicious, cyber, shore up Workshop
Pronunciation of 'the'
R Grammar reference V Lingohack
More advanced learner mistakes Nepal drains dangerous Everest lake;
promising signs for new male
contraceptive; new home for thousands of
baby turtles – airlifted, side effects, released

V X uses of Y: Jamaica Inn

10 uses of 'stay' – stay, stay out of his way,
stay on, stay over, stays up, stay away from,
stay put, stay out of trouble, stay together

Unit 19
V Masterclass V News Review
Formal and informal English Trump vs Clinton: US election day – polls, V Tim's Pronunciation
ballot, pitch Workshop
R Grammar reference Linking /j/
Formal and informal English V Lingohack
Trump beats Clinton to take White House;
India's cinema for the homeless; poetry in a
box – storm, shattering the dreams,
makeshift, inspired

V X uses of Y: The Princess and the Pea

9 uses of 'sleep' – loses sleep over
something, sleeps through it, sleep, sleeping
like a baby, get some sleep, falls asleep,
didn’t sleep a wink, sleep on it

Unit 20
V Masterclass V News Review
Subject-verb agreement 1 A new world record for the world – V Tim's Pronunciation
sweltering/sizzling/scorching, on course/on Workshop
R Grammar reference track/on pace, make tracks, lose track, go Pronunciation of ‘been’
Subject-verb agreement 1 – singular off the beaten track
and plurals, no plural, no singular
V Lingohack
India withdraws rupee notes; molecules on
your phone reveal your lifestyle; robot sets
new Rubik's Cube record – evade tax,
traces, solving

V X uses of Y: Moby Dick

9 uses of 'see' – see, you see, see how, wait
and see, see sense, sees red, see eye to eye

Unit 21
V Masterclass V News Review
Subject-verb agreement 2 The end of a partnership – pull the plug on V Tim's Pronunciation
something, scrap/ditch/dump, renounce, a Workshop
R Grammar reference (bath/sink) plug, a plug Assimilation of /s/
Subject-verb agreement 2 – collective
nouns, quantities, amounts, indefinite V Lingohack
nouns Tracing the origin of Islamic State group's
weapons; making UK health tourism pay;
building the world's biggest wind farm – a
murky world, fell into the hands of, falling
well short of, boom

V X uses of Y: The Vampyre

9 uses of 'keep' – keep away from, keep,
keeps him company, keep his eyes open,
keep (something) a secret, keep his word, a
kept woman, keep (something) to himself

Unit 22
V Masterclass V News Review
Subject-verb agreement 3 Uluru rescue – designated, indigenous, V Tim's Pronunciation
sacred Workshop
R Grammar reference Pronunciation of ‘from’
Subject-verb agreement 3 – and, or, V Lingohack
neither, nor, separated subjects and Football fans hold vigil for team; worst
verbs, singular or plural verb with a destruction ever for Great Barrier Reef;
cleft sentence mission to clean space – mourning,
cathartic release, prognosis, advance

V X uses of Y: 20,000 Leagues Under the

10 uses of 'get' – getting out of hand, get,
gets underway, get to, get away, get worse,
get off, get through, getting up to

Unit 23

V Masterclass V News Review
Uses of 'wish' Tackling online extremism – fingerprint, V Tim's Pronunciation
team up, pledge Workshop
R Grammar reference Gemination of /t/
5 uses of 'wish' V Lingohack
Caesarian births 'affecting human
evolution'; UK ranked 15th for school
science education; researchers to uncover
secret life of seals – in labour, keeping up,
up close

V X uses of Y: The Adventures of

Huckleberry Finn
9 uses of 'come' – come into, coming across
as, comes, comes up with, come with, come
to the rescue, yet to come, comes to light,
come naturally

Unit 24
V Masterclass V News Review
How to soften your English Methane threatens global warming efforts – V Tim's Pronunciation
surge, undermining, spiked Workshop
R Grammar reference Assimilation of /d/ and /j/
Being polite: how to soften your V Lingohack
English Yemen at 'breaking point'; bus for the
homeless; city living for bees – a testament,
lived rough, sanctuaries, urban oasis

V X uses of Y: Rumplestiltskin
8 uses of 'cry' – a far cry from, cry, a
shoulder to cry on, cries, cry your eyes out,
crying out for, for crying out loud, crying

Unit 25
V Masterclass V News Review
Inversion 1: after negative or limiting The animals protecting Britain’s Christmas V Tim's Pronunciation
adverbs dinners – standing guard, keeping watch, Workshop
brainchild Assimilation of /d/ to /b/
R Grammar reference
Inversion 1 V Lingohack
Beijing's 'giant toxic cloud'; Iceland's
volcanic powers; a 'virtual wife' for lonely
man – cabin feverish (to have cabin fever),
harness, holographic, companion

V X uses of Y: Cinderella
12 uses of 'go' – go shopping, go downhill,
it goes without saying, go to, go into detail,
goes by, to go, go without, touch and go,
give it a go, goes, go with

Unit 26
V Masterclass V News Review
Inversion 2 Vinyl records make a comeback – tangible, V Tim's Pronunciation
embraced, record high, turning the tables Workshop
R Grammar reference Contracted 'have'
Inversion 2 – reduced conditionals, V Lingohack
adverbs of place or movement, UK develops app with advice on terror
consequences of an adjective attacks; charity offers surplus food to
homeless; steepest street into tourist
attraction – mock-up, social isolation,

V X uses of Y: The North Wind and the

10 uses of 'catch' – catching, catch my
breath, caught off guard, catches sight of,
catch hold of, catch his death, catch up,
catch, caught out

Unit 27
V Masterclass V News Review
Discourse markers 2 The World Cup expands – the bulk of, V Tim's Pronunciation
facelift, set to Workshop
R Grammar reference Elision of /h/
Discourse markers 2 – to tell you the V Lingohack
truth, I mean, you see, in other Denmark's drug-taking rooms for addicts;
words, at the end of the day, I know, dementia rates higher near busy roads, says
so to speak study; meet the baby red pandas at a US
zoo – seedy, urban areas, cubs

V X uses of Y: King Midas

7 uses of 'touch' – touch and go, a touch,
touched, touches, a nice touch, gets in
touch, sense of touch

Unit 28
V Masterclass V News Review
Question tags Democrats to skip Trump inauguration – V Tim's Pronunciation
boycott, legitimate, swell Workshop
R Grammar reference Assimilation of /t/ followed
Question tags V Lingohack by /k/
Rising knife crime in UK; giraffes facing
'silent extinction'; meet one of Spain's four
female bullfighters

V X uses of Y: Emma
8 uses of 'right' – right, in her own right,
right through, has no right, do the right
thing, right away

Unit 29
V Masterclass V News Review
Participle clauses Can toast cause cancer? – over-, potential, V Tim's Pronunciation
browned off Workshop
R Grammar reference Assimilation of /t/ followed
Participle clauses V Lingohack by /j/
Help for UK babies; tempting bird-
watchers to Uganda; the secret to Dutch
children’s happiness – premature,
wholesome, obesity

V X uses of Y: The Island of Dr. Moreau

8 uses of 'with' – travelling with, with, with
bated breath, live with, with his bare hands,
with the aid of
Unit 30
V Masterclass V News Review
Aspect Trump dismisses US attorney general over V Tim's Pronunciation
immigration ban – sack/fire, defying, Workshop
R Grammar reference betrayal Summary
Aspect – simple, continuous, perfect
V Lingohack
British MPs to investigate 'fake news'; more
babies than expected affected by Zika virus;
unusual job vacancy in Austria –
outrageous, looking into, hermit

V X uses of Y: Macbeth
12 uses of 'out' – out, set out, out of, out of
his mind, get out, find out, sets out, gives
out, left out


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