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Abortion: The Right To Choose

By Kelly Thompson

What is it and how is this a social justice issue?

Over a third of pregnancies all over the world are accidental (Worell, n.d). Abortion is defined as the
prevention of a childbirth when a women is already pronounced pregnant. Although abortion rights
evolved and abortion been legalized for many years ,many parents to be are grateful they can get the
right to determine whether they are ready to be a parent or not, and many pro-life believers are still
outraged and consider it murder of a human life. The public divide of Canadians (as well as citizens of
other countries) caused by abortion rights is often associated with the lack of clarity of when human life
truly begins (New York University, 2006). Although science has proven the baby only develops brain
ability to experience conscious pain in about 29 weeks, they are not conscious since low oxygen levels
and sleep enhancing hormones keep the fetus sedated until birth (Brain Bank Northwest, 2012). As
Canada is a melting pot of diversity of cultures, the values learned before and after coming to Canada
are major influences in how people view this controversial issue. The controversy has become integrated
into the values we’ve been accustomed to. 49 percent of Canadians that participated in a poll on
abortion answered that a woman should be permitted access to abortion when she wants one. The
other fifty one percent consists of 45 percent who believe a woman should be allowed access under
special circumstances, while the remaining six percent believe a woman should not be allowed to have
an abortion no matter the situation (Kennedy, 2012.). Many people of all ethnic backgrounds and
genders living in Canada protest abortion and the right to abort. However, you never hear about the
protection of the rights of the mother to be. The stigma of abortion is extremely impactful on how these
women are viewed, and are constantly judged by the decisions they make. Some have even polled that
there should be a death penalty for those who have abortions (Kennedy, 2012).

The intention of social justice is to make certain that all people in a society are able to determine their
choices independently but are able to rely on others for support through interdependence, and the​ the
goal is that all peoples having equitable access to opportunities in society (Shaw, 2013.). Abortion in
Canada isn’t equally as accessible to everyone in Canada. Public funded abortion( paid by taxpayers) is
available in every province/territory besides Prince Edward Island (, n.d). Limitation
of access is caused by a shortage of providers, difference in availability from region to region, and
money. Additional costs include commuting expenses since many have to travel to get an
abortion.(, n.d). Last of all, the stigma surrounding abortion has caused protests to
this day in front of clinics and in public areas. The harassment caused by some has made patients are
scared to go to these clinics in fear of the protesters (Howells, 2016). ​If people in society are unable to
make decisions for himself because of the lack of support from others, there is definitely a huge issue in
people fairness.​ These limitations can force a woman to perform an unsafe abortion; one woman dies
of an abortion every 10 minutes: 20 million out of 42 million perform unsafe abortions around the
world; that’s almost half (Worell, n.d.) It’s 20 million too many. The right to choose whether or not to
become a parent, no matter the circumstance is still the woman’s choice. Everyone protected by the
publicly funded health care system should not live in fear of judgement for doing what she feels is right.
Without the option of free abortion, many women chose unsafe options. Legal options can prevent
unsafe options and safe many more lives than are lost.
Psychological and Cultural Impacts

Abortion rights affect people individually and society as a whole. Due to different moral and ethical
views conflicting with abortion (guilt), coercion into abortion by some, and harassment by pro-life
extremists, many women who have had the procedure done can become impacted psychologically in a
negative way. The harassment by some pro-life extremists as well as cultural values( learned by both pro
life and pro choice) has a severe effect on these women. According to ​a ​new study published by Britain’s
Royal College of Psychiatrists​, women who have aborted are 81 percent more prone to experience
mental health issues than a woman who has not. This 81 percent includes a 59 percent heighten chance
of suicidal ideation, 61 percent chance of mood disorders and social anxiety disorders, 261 percent
chance of alcohol abuse, and 280 percent chance of other substance abuse disorders(Layton, 2011.) ​Dr.
Philip G. Ney (head of the Department of Psychiatry at Royal Jubilee Hospital) believes that abortion has
a direct link with child abuse. He has outlined that abortion eliminates control of rage felt towards those
dependent on the parent, diminishes the value of caregiving, increases self hatred and guilt which the
parent may then take on the child, cuts parent-child bond which reduces her ability
caregiving/mothering ability (Life Sources Charitable Trust, 2011). Pro lifers forcing a woman to give
birth although her pregnancy was a result of incest or rape also causes self hatred and resentment
towards pro life extremists. Also, there may be hostility between the generations; parents may be
taught different values than the children because of change in society. There may as well be anger
towards the parent by the child knowing their sibling to be was aborted. In regards to the father, 70
percent of relationships ended within twelve months of the procedure ( Life Sources Charitable Trust,
2011). Many men experience a feeling of powerlessness and tend to experience role confusion since
they are known to provide for and defend their families ( Life Sources Charitable Trust, 2011). ​Secondly,
religion is a very important aspect of many cultures. Abortion is seen as wrong in the torah, bible,
quran,and goes again the hindu law of ahimsa. Since Canada is culturally diverse, many have biased
views on abortion because of their cultural values they brought to Canada. ​On a macro level, many
pro-choicers believe in ​unlimited autonomy in regards to their bodies, as long as they don't interfere
with the autonomy of others (Head, 2016). Justin Trudeau is on on the pro-choice bandwagon and said
“Anyone who runs for me will have to be pro-choice.” (Payton, 2014.). Abortion in this country has
created hostility between the generations due to evolving Canadian values.
Political Impacts

Ex-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau created the foundation of abortion rights which his son currently
builds upon. Trudeau decriminalized forms of birth control and made abortion legal under medical
circumstances. (CBC News, 2009). The definition of the word liberal is “open to new ideas and willing to
get rid of or evolve traditional values”. In regards to abortion, the liberal standpoint is that a woman has
a right to choose what happens to her body, they deserve affordable, safe and legal operations, and the
government should protect these women's’ rights (Student News Daily, 2005). Although members of
parliament must co-operate with Justin Trudeau’s rule as I stated earlier, some provinces do not publicly
fund abortions and some only fund partially. Abortion has caused many people to be happy with
modern day politics although we have a long way to go, while others still protest. When it comes to
government protecting the rights of these women, we still have a long way to go since some have the
procedure more accessible than others. Abortion is the only medical procedure which barely meets the
basic requirements of the Canada Health Act.(Pro-Choice Action Network, n.d).
Economic Impacts
Previously I stated how certain provinces refuse to fund abortion and some only fund partially. Excluding
PEI completely and certain provinces with limited abortion options and limited funding due to
government, according to Fraser institute, the average Canadian household would have paid $11,735 in
taxes going towards public health insurance in 2015 (Chan, 2015). About 80 million dollars a year are
taken from taxes towards abortion. Indirect costs towards abortion could potentially add up to hundreds
of millions annually if you counted everyone’s taxes that will go towards abortion from the public’s
health insurance if you add in problems like post trauma, breast cancer( 30% higher risk after an
abortion), as well as damage in the reproductive system (Campaign Life Coalition, n.d). This is all money
coming from a taxpayer’s pocket from throughout Canada. In economics, one may say that the children
aborted since 1969 could have generated more wealth and funding opportunities through taxes
(Campaign Life Coalition, n.d). 100,000 children aborted annually would have provided 500 million
dollars through taxes each year (Campaign Life Coalition, n.d). Globally, this also affects the growth of
economy. Direct funding costs 1.7 billion worldwide annually, treatment of infertility due to abortion
takes about 2 million, and complications caused by abortions cost 800 million for treatment, deaths
related to abortion costs 35 million, and impact of morbidity costs 1 billion (Institute of Development
Studies, n.d). The less workers employed due to supply and demand causes a decline in the economy’s
growth since less need for products and services mean less jobs.

Theories of Change
The evolution of abortion is all thanks to the conflict and functionalist theories. In the functionalist
theory, society is shaped by social institutions. Our values learned in our homes, schools, and churches
shape how we view issues like abortion today. The institutions teach us norms, roles, and social
expectations. Since change is slow, abortion is still viewed by many as taboo like it was considered
before 1969 when Trudeau legalized it for certain circumstances (CBC News, 2009). Pro-life and
pro-choice extremists are groups with opposing interests generating a power struggle for years. The
evolving abortion laws have brought disorder and conflict to society since the two groups have complete
different outlooks and values. The authority which is the Canadian Government has given pregnant
women their right to abort, but keep the pro-life group in check. There are security measures for
abortion clinics to prevent protests and harassment, as well as in the public if protests become out of
hand. Pro-life is therefore the obey class and the Government is the command class.
The issue of abortion was caused by the controversy of when life begins. Since we don’t have enough
scientific proof, there is a public divide between pro-life and pro-choice activists according to values. Pro
choice activists value the woman’s rights to control of her body, and pro life activists claim abortion
disregards the rights of the fetus. However, the rights of the woman must be taken into consideration
since there is no proof that the fetus is alive in the womb. In Canada, there isn’t equitable access to
abortion when you consider costs and travel distance, and no people fairness when pregnant women
are scared of being harassed about a medical procedure. Due to the stigma of abortion, the families of
women who have undergone the procedure are ashamed, extra security is needed in abortion clinics,
and the women generate self-hatred. The right to abortion is a social justice issue since a woman
shouldn’t be denied medical access or have a harder time accessing it than others. In conclusion, equity
means fairness in all situations; it’s something women who have the right to abort aren't receiving.

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