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Karmapolis: The “laws” of nature are based on predation and fear.

It is in fact the
same thing for mankind, even if it is more subtle. Everything is based on duality and
struggle. Is it possible that it is due to the influence or the manipulation of the
universe by the Archons or the flyers? Without those creatures, is it possible to think
that the world could be different, not dualistic and predatory, or do you think that
dualism is in the very essence of the universe with or without the Archons?

JLL: This world, meaning life here on the Earth, is actually not as you describe it. The
description you propose is already a result of deviant perception. There is as much
evidence in nature for symbiosis and cooperation as there is for predation and fear –
far more, in fact. The way the Earth works is a symbiotic miracle, and it is a magical
event as well, and so there is no question that it is due to “the influence or the
manipulation of the universe by the Archons or the flyers.” The Archons influence the
way you perceive the world, not the world itself. The primary power in the world we
inhabit is the indwelling divinity of the planet, the Gaian intelligence, called Sophia
by the Gnostics. If you are aligned to the Gaian intelligence, you do not see the world
as a place of fear and predation, but of beauty, bounty, and magic.

Karmapolis: In the Gnostic tradition, “Sophia” is the divine entity who made a
mistake and created the universe and the Archons. How can we find and claim the
connection with this originator principle and avoid the contact with the Archons?

JLL: One way to reach Sophia is to surrender to the beauty and majesty of nature, to
enter the mystical presence of the Earth. In nature the mystical and physical aspects of
reality are merged. Beauty is supernatural. The purpose of Gnostic practices and
related shamanic methods was to depart (Fr. sortir, hence sorcery) from the human
social realm, shed the filters of conditioning, and commune directly with the planetary
intelligence, Gaia-Sophia. I believe this was done through temporary dissolution of
the ego with the aid and guidance of sacred allies, such as plant-teachers. There is no
way to avoid the Archons, but we can build an immunity to them by strengthening our
vital bond with Gaia-Sophia, the living planet. The Archons are aliens who alienate us
from Gaia.

Precise language is important in the expression of living cosmology. Precise poetic

terms, if you will. The Aeon Sophia did not make a mistake and create the universe
and the Archons. She acted unilaterally, without pairing with another Aeon, and
projected herself beyond the galactic core. Aeons are formless powers in the galactic
core of each galaxy. There are many galaxies in the Universe. Sophia did not create
the Universe, she emanated the world order we experience as the triple system: sun-
moon-earth. Sophia did not make a mistake, but she exaggerated her involvement in
her emanation, her Dreaming. Hence, she herself became embodied in her Dreaming.
This is a rare event, not typical of the way Aeons operate. As a side effect of her
excessive involvement in her Dreaming, Sophia plunged from the galactic core.
(Imagine a surge or spike of luminous, foam-like matter from the galactic core into
the encircling arms.) The impact she made on the elementary matter in the galactic
arms produced an inorganic species, the Archons. The Archons then proceeded to
fabricate an inorganic planetary system, a clockwork mechanism. The Earth, the
living planet that embodies Sophia, was then captured in that lifeless system. This is
the “mistake” – or, better said, the anomaly of our world system.

Karmapolis: In the Gnostic tradition, as I understand it, Sophia (wisdom) is not the
only “Godhead” or source of eternity and perfection. Can we compare Sophia to a
very sophisticated and elaborate advanced being, some kind of super extraterrestrial
intelligence? Or must we admit that the source of everything is not an unique entity
but more a polytheistic concept ?

JLL: In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is an Aeon, a divinity at the cosmic level, but she
is not alone. She is part of a company of Aeons, the gods of the Pleroma or Fullness.
There are many Pleromas, many galaxies, in the Universe. The Gnostic myth of the
Fallen Goddess is about our galaxy and our planet, not the entire Universe. If we do
not know what´s happening here, locally, how can we know what´s happening
anywhere else in the universe? The test is, to get our story straight, and then go into
the larger story.

Due to the peculiar intensity of her Dreaming, Sophia came to be embodied in the
planet earth and so She is, for us who inhabit the Earth, the very godhead in which we
live. She is the true, living Matrix. Sophia is the Godhead of Nature, theologically
speaking. What is She like? This is something we must come to understand by
practices, through a path of sacred learning, Gnosis. All the Mysteries were dedicated
to knowing Gaia and serving the higher intelligence of the Aeon Sophia. The “source
of everything” is a Mystery. Why speculate on what we cannot know when we face
the adventure of exploring what we can know?

Karmapolis: Despite the bad rumors and perception around conspiracy theories, what
do you think about the other conception of parasitism represented by Branton, David
Icke, and the zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, who deeply believe that the parasite is in
fact a reptilian entity and that this entity shadows or invades the bodies of the rulers
of this world, people like George Bush ?

JLL: I think that we need to train our imaginations to detect the presence of alien
entities, and distinguish what is real from what is fantasy. The alchemists had a
rule: Proceed according to nature, observing the workings of nature, and
perform the Great Work with the true powers of imagination, not with fantasy
thinking. This is a matter of discipline we face on the path of heightened perception. I
believe that some indigenous sources such as Credo Mutwa have valid things to say
about the Archons. At the same time, I suspect that the reptilian scenario is blown out
of proportion due to fantasy thinking and mental manipulation. As far as I know, the
alien predators called Archons by the Gnostics can take two forms, embryonic (the
Grey ETs) and drakonic, a reptilian type, but they cannot and do not possess the
bodies of human beings.

There is an element of common sense that must be maintained in considering

paranormal and supernatural phenomena. George Bush does not have to be a reptilian
to be a monster. We need to recognize that human beings can act in monstrous ways
because they are deviated by the reptilian predators, without adopting the fantasy that
they are actually turned into reptilians. To me the scenario proposed by Icke and
others gives too much power to the predators. How then, can Icke and his witnesses
offer first-hand evidence of reptilian shapeshifting? Well, perception is a
construct. All perception. Bear in mind that the Archons are masters of virtual reality.
In Coptic (the language of the NHC) this is called HAL, “simulation”. Gnostic texts
say that the Archons “abduct souls by night.” This is done through virtual reality, VR
simulation techniques. Of course, the “VR” of the Archons is as real for them as our
earth reality is for us. The difference is, we cannot interact symbiotically with VR.
The other difference is, the Archons manipulate inorganic quantum fields, but we
manipulate the perceptual bands that shape those fields. Gnostics taught that we are
superior to the Archons in thought, perception, and intention.

I would say that these reports are existentially true: the witnesses have perceived
shapeshifting, but the perception is an effect of the reptilian powers of VR rather than
a genuine phenomenon, an event in nature. Serpents are born from eggs, and they
shed skins. This is what nature shows us, and it can tell us something about how
reptilians behave if we approach this matter with genuine imagination and not fantasy.

Karmapolis: Some authors (like Paul Von Ward) denounce YHVH or Yahveh as an
advanced being, an extraterrestrial entity who wants to rule our world with not really
pure and nice intentions. Do you believe that YHVH is an Archon or the
representative of the Archons?

JLL: Gnostic texts clearly state that Jehovah is the “Lord Archon,” a reptilian type of
alien predator who dominates the hive-mentality of the embryonic or Grey aliens.
Jehovah, whom the Gnostics called Yaldabaoth, is truly an extraterrestrial being
whose realm is the planetary system independent of the earth, sun and moon. He is not
an “advanced being” (i.e., more evolved than humans) but a demented alien with
certain superhuman or deific powers. Gnostics taught that Jehovah infects humanity
with the belief that he is their creator god, but in fact he cannot create anything. The
NHC is very clear that Jehovah-Yaldabaoth is the commander of the Archon species.

Karmapolis: The Gnostics denounce the role of the Archons. Did you find the same
kind of warning in other religious traditions ?

JLL: No, I can´t say that I have found this information so clearly and thoroughly
stated in other religious traditions. Bear in mind that Gnosis was a path of knowledge,
not a religion. The Mysteries were schools of paranormal knowledge, not religious
institutions. I am convinced that all religion is a deviant from human potential, but the
three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are potentially lethal.
They lead to terminal deviation of our species. You will not find any religion that
warns you that it is dangerous to your mental health and your physical survival.
Gnostics saw in salvationist religion both the evidence and instrument of alien

Karmapolis: The Gnostic teachings and the Mysteries Schools are the same thing, in
our view. Conspiracy theorists like Springmeier and Icke believe that satanic rituals
came from mystery schools and think that Mystery Schools are the roots of Satanic
and ritual abuses, the Illuminati and the Masonic tradition. How and why do those
authors make the relation between mysteries schools, Illuminism and Satanism? Why
do they denounce with so much violence both the the Gnostic and Mysteries Schools
and Roman Catholic religion, when we know that the Gnostics were persecuted by the
Roman Catholics?

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