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Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology

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Relationships between Hemicellulose Composition

and Lignin Structure in Woods

Yu Huang, Linshan Wang, Yuesheng Chao, Deded Sarip Nawawi, Takuya

Akiyama, Tomoya Yokoyama & Yuji Matsumoto

To cite this article: Yu Huang, Linshan Wang, Yuesheng Chao, Deded Sarip Nawawi, Takuya
Akiyama, Tomoya Yokoyama & Yuji Matsumoto (2016) Relationships between Hemicellulose
Composition and Lignin Structure in Woods, Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 36:1,
9-15, DOI: 10.1080/02773813.2015.1039543

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Published online: 06 Oct 2015.

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Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 36:9–15, 2016
Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0277-3813 print / 1532-2319 online
DOI: 10.1080/02773813.2015.1039543



Yu Huang,1 Linshan Wang,2 Yuesheng Chao,2 Deded Sarip Nawawi,3 Takuya Akiyama,1
Tomoya Yokoyama,1 and Yuji Matsumoto1
Laboratory of Wood Chemistry, Department of Biomaterial Sciences, The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan
School of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
Department of Forest Products, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 02:17 10 October 2015

The composition and absolute amount of neutral sugars were determined for 48 hardwood
species (including 17 hardwoods of genera Acacia, 14 hardwoods of genera Eucalyptus, and 17
hardwoods of other genera) and 14 softwood species by alditol-acetate method, and their rela-
tionships to the syringyl ratio (syringyl/(syringyl+guaiacyl)) of lignin, which was determined by
nitrobenzene oxidation, was investigated. In the hardwood species, an increase in the syringy
ratio of lignin correlated with a tendency toward increased xylose/glucose, rhamnose/glucose,
and arabinose/glucose ratios. However, the absolute amount of glucose in hardwood was
maintained in a small range (0.4–0.5 g in 1 g sample), independent of changes in the syringyl
ratio. In the softwood species, with increasing lignin content, the mannose/glucose ratio de-
creased, but the absolute amount of glucose remained almost constant. In both hardwood
and softwood species, a strong correlation was suggested between lignin, indicated by higher
syringy ratio, and hemicellulose, indicated by higher xylan/mannan ratio.

KEYWORDS. Hardwood, hemicellulose composition, lignin structure, softwood, syringyl ratio

INTRODUCTION lignin remain. In the lignin isolation processes,

whether MWL or CEL, isolated lignin still con-
Wood mainly consists of polysaccharides
tain a small amount of carbohydrate. [1,2] Thus,
(cellulose and hemicelluloses) and lignin. Lignin
it is generally assumed that lignin has connec-
is built up by oxidative coupling of three
tions with hemicellulosic polysaccharides. [3-9] If
major C6 C3 (phenypropane)-type precur-
lignin and hemicellulose cooperate with each
sors; namely, coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol,
other to build up physically and chemically
and 4-hydroxycinnamyl alcohol. Although the
strong wood cell walls, there should be rela-
chemical composition and structure of native
tionships between the structure of hemicellu-
wood cell walls is quite well known, the basic
lose and that of lignin.
nature of the interactions between these differ-
Softwood lignin consists only of guaiacyl-
ent components is still unclear. For example, in
type lignin. There is a relatively large amount
pulp fibers, although most of the lignin is re-
of condensed units. Hardwood lignin con-
moved, small amounts of structurally modified

Address correspondence to Yu Huang, Laboratory of Wood Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo,
113-8657, Japan. E-mail:


sists of both guaiacyl and syringyl types. TABLE 1. Number of 62 woods examined
There is wide variation in the syringyl ratio Sample Number of woods
(syringyl/(syringyl+guaiacyl)), depending on the
wood species. Syringyl ratio is the most impor- Softwood 14
Hardwood 48
tant chemical characteristic of lignin, because it
Genus Acacia 17
is related to the bonding pattern of lignin units, Genus Eucalyptus 14
internally including its stereo structure, lignin Other genera 17
content[10,11] and chemical reactivity.[12] As re-
ported by Akiyama and Nawawi et al.,[10,11] with
an increase in the syringyl ratios in lignin aro-
matics, the number of β-O-4 units and the pro-
portion of erythro isomers increases, the pro- Preparation of Wood Meals
portion of the erythro isomer in this structure is
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 02:17 10 October 2015

The 62 wood species (48 hardwoods, in-

larger, and the lignin content is lower. A similar cluding 17 Acacia, 14 Eucalyptus, and 17
tendency was also observed within the genera other different genera; and 14 softwoods;
such as Acacia and Eucalyptus. In addition, To- see Table 1) were ground in a Wiley mill,
moda et al.[12] found that delignification behav- and the wood meals were extracted using
ior was quantitatively related to the chemical ethanol:benzene (1:2, v/v) for 8 h in a soxh-
structure of lignin by taking the syringyl ratio let apparatus. The extracted Wiley wood was
as an index of lignin chemical structure. Thus, dried using an air flow and subsequently in a
the aromatic structure of lignin is an important vacuum.
factor to determine not only the chemical char-
acteristics of lignin but also the chemical reac- Determination of Lignin Content
tivity of lignin during the biomass conversion
processes. Wood meal (1 g) was suspended in 72%
If there is also a relationship between the sy- sulfuric acid (10 ml) at room temperature for
ringyl ratio of lignin and hemicellulose, this rela- 3 h. The solution was diluted with water un-
tionship could be seen through a correlation of til the sulfuric acid concentration was 3% and
the hemicellulose composition with the syringy then autoclaved at 121◦ C for 30 min.[13,14] After
ratio. Based on this consideration, 48 hardwood cooling, the insoluble fraction was separated by
species were analyzed to determine the com- filtration using a glass filter (G3 for softwoods,
position and absolute amount of neutral sugars, G4 for hardwoods). The weight of Klason lignin
and to investigate the relationships of the sy- was measured after drying at 105◦ C for two days
ringyl ratio of lignin. Next, the relationship of and the acid-soluble lignin was determined by
neutral sugars in 14 softwoods with lignin con- measuring the UV absorption at 205 nm using
tent was investigated. It is well known that hemi- an extinction coefficient of 110 l g−1 cm−1.[15]
cellulose in native hardwood is mainly xylan,
Alkaline Nitrobenzene Oxidation
whereas in softwood hemicellulose is mainly
glucomannans and some xylan. Thus, the xy- Alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation analyses
lan/mannan ratio is an important chemical fea- were applied to the milled woods in accor-
ture to discriminate hardwoods and softwoods, dance with a common procedure.[16] Nitroben-
as is the syringyl ratio. However, the relation- zene oxidation products were silylated with
ship between syringyl ratio and xylan/mannan N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide at 100◦ C for
ratio in widely various wood species is still 10 min and then analyzed by gas chromatog-
unknown. To elucidate this, the relationship raphy using the following conditions: gas chro-
between syringyl ratio and xylan/mannan ra- matograph, GC-17A with FID (Shimadzu Co.,
tio was determined in 48 hardwoods and 14 Kyoto, Japan); column, NB-1 (fused-silica cap-
softwoods. illary column, 30 m, 0.25 mm i.d., GL Science

Inc., Tokyo, Japan); column program, kept for (Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan); column: TC-17
15 min at 150◦ C, raised by 3◦ C/min to 210◦ C (fused-silica capillary column, 30 m, 0.25 mm
and by 10◦ C/min to 280◦ C; injection tempera- i.d) (GL Science Inc., Tokyo, Japan); column
ture, 250◦ C; detector temperature, 280◦ C. Sy- program: 20 min at 220◦ C; injection tempera-
ringyl ratio [S/(S + V)] was calculated on the ture: 220◦ C; detector temperature: 230◦ C. The
basis of the formula amount of monosaccharide (g) in 1 g of ex-
tracted wood meal was calculated.
Syringyl ratio = S/(S + V) = (syringaldehyde
+syringicacid)/ × (vanillin + vanillicacid
+syringaldehyde + syringicacid)
The existence of chemical linkages be-
tween polysaccharides and lignin (LCC) has
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 02:17 10 October 2015

been strongly suggested in spite of the ab-

where syringaldehyde is 4-hydroxy-3,5- sence of direct evidence. It is anticipated that
dimethoxybenzaldehyde, syringic acid is there are structural correlations between lignin
4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid, vanillin and polysaccharide, especially hemicellulose,
is 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde, and closely located with the LCC linkage. Therefore,
vanillic acid is 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic structural correlations of lignin and polysaccha-
acid. rides were examined in this study.
When discussing polysaccharide from plant
Neutral Sugars Analysis cell walls, attention should be paid to the fol-
Neutral sugars in polysaccharides in the lowing. Almost all glucose is derived from cellu-
samples were determined by the alditol-acetate lose, and little derives from hemicellulose (glu-
method.[17] Wood meal was placed in a vacuum curonoxylan and glucomannan in hardwoods,
drying oven at 40◦ C, drying to constant weight. glucomannan and galactoglucomannan in soft-
A 1 ml aliquot of 72% sulfuric acid was added woods). Therefore, the amount of glucose can
to 50 mg of wood meal for acid hydrolysis at be used as an indicator of the cellulose con-
room temperature for 4 h. Then, the mixture tent. Xylose is the main component of xy-
was diluted to 4% sulfuric acid and hydrolyzed lan (glucuronoxylan in hardwoods and ara-
at 120◦ C for 1 h. After cooling to room tem- binoglucuronoxylan in softwoods), and it may
perature, the hydrolyzed solution was filtered be used as an index of xylan content. Simi-
using a glass filter (G3 for softwoods, G4 for larly, mannose can be taken as an index of
hardwoods). The filtrate was adjusted to 100 ml mannan (glucomannan in hardwoods, gluco-
with water and used as the sample solution. A mannan and galactoglucomannan in softwoods)
1 ml aliquot of myo-inositol aqueous solution content.
(∼ 1 mg/ml) was added to 5 ml of sample so-
lution as internal standard solution. The mixed
solution was neutralized by barium hydroxide Relationship Between Syringyl Ratio and
to pH 5.5, and then centrifuged. About 20 mg Absolute Amounts of Neutral Sugars in
NaBH4 was added to the supernatant and kept 48 Hardwoods
for 24 h. Excess NaBH4 was removed using Hardwood lignin consists both of guaiacyl
acetic acid. The mixture was evaporated to dry- and syringyl types. There is wide variation in
ness and then heated in an oven at 105◦ C for the syringyl content, depending on the wood
15 min to ensure complete removal of water. species. It was observed that for hardwoods in
The dry residue was acetylated by 1 ml of acetic the same genus, the syringyl ratios were con-
anhydride at 120◦ C for 3 h, then analyzed using centrated in certain intervals. Syringyl ratios of
gas chromatography under the following condi- genus Acacia ranged from 0.4 to 0.7, whereas
tions: gas chromatography: GC-14b with FID those of genus Eucalyptus varied from 0.7 to
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 02:17 10 October 2015

FIGURE 1. Relationship between syringyl ratio and the absolute FIGURE 2. Relationship between syringyl ratio and xy-
amount of glucose in hardwoods. lose/glucose ratio in hardwoods.

ent wood species expressed different increas-

0.85. Genera were distinguished from each ing trends with syringyl ratio. Rhamnose/glucose
other by their syringyl ratios. ratios in genus Eucalyptus increased more
It was shown that clear, simple tendencies rapidly than those in genus Acacia. For the ma-
can be observed when structural characteristics jority of the 48 hardwoods, arabinose/glucose
and lignin content are expressed as a function of ratios increased with syringyl ratios (see Fig-
syringyl ratio.[10,11] Syringyl ratio is the most im- ure 5), but no clear trend could be elucidated
portant chemical characteristic of lignin. Thus, for galactose/glucose ratios (see Figure 6).
the relationship between syringyl ratio and neu- The results suggested that hemicellulose,
tral sugars in hardwoods was investigated. Re- not cellulose, changed in conjugation with
lationships between syringyl ratio and absolute lignin structure. The lignin content was lower in
amount of glucose are given in Figure 1 for all hardwood species with higher syringyl ratios.[10]
48 hardwoods. As shown in Figure 1, variations Accordingly, the total amount of neutral sugars
in the amount of glucose were quite limited, was higher with increasing syringyl ratios. On
ranging from 0.4 g to 0.5 g in 1 g samples. the whole, higher neutral sugar content seemed
Figure 2 shows the relationship between sy- to be attributed to an increase in xylose, rham-
ringyl ratio and xylose/glucose ratio. With an nose, and arabinose. Because wood cell walls
increase in the syringyl ratio of lignin, the xy-
lose/glucose ratio of 48 hardwoods showed an
increasing tendency, although quite wide vari-
ations were detected. A clearer upward trend
could be seen when comparisons were made
within the same genus. Figure 3 shows the re-
lationship between the syringyl ratio and man-
nose/glucose ratio. No clear trends were rec-
ognized among the 48 hardwoods. For Acacia
mangium wood, most mannose/glucose ratios
varied between 0.02 and 0.03. For Eucalyp-
tus woods, mannose/glucose ratios rose with
syringyl ratios.
Considering all 48 hardwoods, rham-
nose/glucose ratios increased with syringyl FIGURE 3. Relationship between syringyl ratio and man-
ratios, as shown in Figure 4. In addition, differ- nose/glucose ratio in hardwoods.

FIGURE 6. Relationship between syringyl ratio and galac-

Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 02:17 10 October 2015

FIGURE 4. Relationship between syringyl ratio and rham- tose/glucose ratio in hardwoods.
nose/glucose ratio in hardwoods.

As shown in Figure 7, the absolute amount

contain large amounts of xylose and only a small of glucose in 14 softwoods barely changed with
amount of rhamnose, higher neutral sugar con- lignin contents. Figure 8 shows the relationship
tent was mainly by glucuronoxylan. between lignin contents and the ratios of each
neutral sugar to glucose in softwoods. The man-
nose/glucose ratio increased with decreasing
RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN LIGNIN lignin content. For all other hemicellusic sugars,
CONTENT AND THE ABSOLUTE the sugar/glucose ratios did not change much
AMOUNT OF NEUTRAL SUGARS IN 14 with lignin content. The results suggested that a
SOFTWOODS lower lignin content was attributed to mannose
in softwoods.
Softwoods with no syringyl-type lignin con-
tain only guaiacyl-type lignin; thus, the syringyl
Relationships Between Syringyl Ratio
ratio of all softwoods was zero. Considering the
and the Xylan/Mannan Ratio in 48
negative correlation between lignin content and
Hardwoods and 14 Softwoods
syringyl ratio in hardwoods, the relationship be-
tween lignin content and neutral sugars was It is well known that not only lignin struc-
studied for softwoods. ture but also hemicellulose composition of

FIGURE 5. Relationship between syringyl ratio and arabi- FIGURE 7. Relationship between lignin content and the absolute
nose/glucose ratio in hardwoods. amount of glucose in softwoods.
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 02:17 10 October 2015

FIGURE 9. Relationship between syringyl ratio and xy-

lose/mannose ratio in hardwoods.
FIGURE 8. Relationship between lignin content and hemicellu-
losic sugars/glucose ratio in softwoods.
portant chemical feature not only to discrim-
inate hardwoods and softwoods, but also to
hardwoods are different from that of soft-
characterize the difference of cell wall compo-
woods. Softwood hemicellulose has a higher
nent structures of different hardwoods.
proportion of mannose, and hardwood hemi-
cellulose usually contains a higher propor-
tion of xylose. However, the relationship be- CONCLUSIONS
tween xylose/mannose ratio and syringyl ra-
tio has not been studied. From this point of In this study, the relationships between
view, the relationship between syringyl ratio the lignin structure and hemicellulose composi-
and xylose/mannose ratio in 48 hardwoods and tion in different wood species were examined.
14 softwoods was investigated, as shown in In both hardwoods and softwoods, hemicellu-
Figure 9. The range of xylose/mannose ratios in lose rather than cellulose changed in conju-
softwoods was from 0.2 to 1.0, and it was from gation with lignin structure and amount. Ac-
2 to 29 in hardwoods. Thus, both syringyl ratio cordingly, the diversity of hemicellulose in all
and xylose/mannose ratio were able to distin- woods was closely related to the structure of
guish hardwoods from softwoods. In the same lignins. In the 48 hardwood species, when the
genus, the xylan/mannan ratio of genus Acacia syringyl ratio was higher, the xylose/glucose,
ranged from 5 to 12, whereas it ranged from rhamnose/glucose, and arabinose/glucose ratio
11 to 18 in genus Eucalyptus. Therefore, al- increased. In the case of the 14 softwoods,
though the xylose/mannose ratio in genus Aca- the mannose/glucose ratio increased with a de-
cia and that in genus Eucalyptus were mostly dif- crease in lignin content. For both hardwoods
ferent in range, different genera of hardwoods and softwoods, affinity was suggested to exist
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of overlapping xylose/mannose ratios. More- hemicellulose with higher xylan/mannan ratio.
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