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Steps to a ‘Neuroarchaeology’ of Mind, part 1



Lambros Malafouris

In this article I employ the example of the ‘Blind Man’s stick’ (BMS) in order to redraw
the traditional boundaries that separate brains, bodies and things. It is argued that the
functional anatomy of the human brain is a dynamic bio-cultural construct subject to
continuous ontogenetic and phylogenetic remodelling by behaviourally important and
socially embedded experiences. These experiences are mediated and sometimes constituted
by the use of material objects and artefacts (like the stick) which for that reason should
be seen as continuous and active parts of the human cognitive architecture. Based on the
above premises I use the example of the Blombos shell beads in order to explore the role of
early body decoration in the emergence of human self awareness.

Can culture (in general) and material culture (in par- ™Šœȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱŒž•ž›Žȱ•ŽĞȱœ˜–Žȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ–˜›Žȱ‹Šœ’ŒȱŠ—ȱ
’Œž•Š›ǼȱŒ‘Š—Žȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹›Š’—ǵȱ œȱ‘Žȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ ˜›•ȱ direct links between cognition and material culture
ŒŠžœŠ••¢ȱŽěŽŒ’ŸŽȱ’—ȱœ‘Š™’—ȱ‘Žȱž—Œ’˜—Š•ȱŠ—Š˜–¢ȱ ž—Ž¡™•˜›Žǯȱ
Š—ȱœ›žŒž›Žȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱœ¢œŽ–ǵȱ‹˜ŸŽȱ ȱŒ˜ž›œŽǰȱž—’•ȱšž’Žȱ›ŽŒŽ—•¢ǰȱ˜—ŽȱŒ˜ž•ȱ‘Š›•¢ȱ
all how should the relationship between mind, brain ꗍȱŠ—¢ȱ’›ŽŒȱŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ˜›ȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ˜›Š—’£Š-
Š—ȱ –ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ Œž•ž›Žȱ ‹Žȱ ž—Ž›œ˜˜ǵȱ ‘Šȱ ’œȱ ‘Žȱ tional anatomy of the human brain resulting from a
role of things in the dynamic interaction between ŽŒ’Ž•¢ȱŒž•ž›Š•ȱŒŠžœŽǯȱ˜—œ’Ž›ǰȱ˜›ȱ’—œŠ—ŒŽǰȱ‘Žȱ
neural growth mechanisms and environmentally property of neuroplasticity (for a good review see
Ž›’ŸŽȱ—Žž›Š•ȱŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ǵȱ‘Ž—ǰȱ ˜ȱŽŒŠŽœȱŠ˜ǰȱ‘Žȱ ŠœŒžŠ•ȬŽ˜—Žȱet alǯȱŘŖŖřǼȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ‘ŠœȱŠȱŒŽ—›Š•ȱ›˜•Žȱ’—ȱ
argument for the ‘active nature of material culture’ understanding human embodiment and the possible
˜Ž›ȱŗşŞŘDzȱŗşŞŝDzȱ’••Ž›ȱ •’—”œȱ ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ –’—ǰȱ ‹›Š’—ȱ Š—ȱ Œž•ž›Žǯȱ •‘˜ž‘ȱ
ŗşŞŝDzȱ Ž—›Ž ȱ ŗşŞŘDzȱ ’••Ž¢ȱ ŗşşŗDzȱ ‘˜–Šœȱ ŗşşŜǼȱ Ž ȱ notions like that of experience-dependent plasticity
could imagine that this could ever be explored at the ˜ȱ‹ŠŒ”ȱŠȱ•ŽŠœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ’–Žȱ ‘Ž—ȱǯȱ
•ŽŸŽ•ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹›Š’—ǯȱȱ‘Šȱ’–ŽǰȱŠ—ȱ˜›ȱ–Š—¢ȱ ŽœŒ›’‹Žȱ‘ŽȱŽěŽŒœȱ˜ȱȁŽ—Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—Š•ȱŽ—›’Œ‘–Ž—Ȃ1
good reasons, it was the recognition of the symbolic, ǻ’‘’Š—Š—‘Š›Š“Š‘ȱ ǭȱ
Š——Š—ȱ ŘŖŖŜǼ on the brain
ideational and social dimensions of material culture ȯȱ œ’–™•¢ȱ ‹¢ȱ Œ˜–™Š›’—ȱ ›Šœȱ ‘Šȱ  Ž›Žȱ Š••˜ Žȱ ˜ȱ
‘Šȱ ˜ŒŒž™’Žȱ ‘Žȱ ˜Œžœȱ ˜ȱ Š›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ ŠĴŽ—’˜—ȱ ›˜Š–ȱ›ŽŽ•¢ȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱ‘˜–Žȱ ’‘ȱ‘˜œŽȱ‘Šȱ‘Šȱ‹ŽŽ—ȱ•ŽĞȱ
Š—ȱ‘Ž˜›Ž’ŒŠ•ȱŒ˜—›˜ŸŽ›œ¢ǯȱŠ—¢ȱ’–™˜›Š—ȱ•Žœœ˜—œǰȱ ’—ȱ•Š‹˜›Š˜›¢ȱŒŠŽœȱȯȱ•’Ĵ•Žȱ Šœȱ‘Ž—ȱ”—˜ —ȱŠ‹˜žȱ‘Žȱ
epistemic and other, have been learned over the last ž—Ž›•¢’—ȱŒŠžœŠ•ȱ–ŽŒ‘Š—’œ–œǯȱ
 ˜ȱŽŒŠŽœǰȱŽœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱꎕȱ˜ȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱŠ—ȱ Yet over the last two decades, our knowledge
social archaeology which, coupled with many new about neuroplasticity and the ability of the developing
Ž–™’›’ŒŠ•ȱ ꗍ’—œǰȱ ›Š—œ˜›–Žȱ ˜ž›ȱ ž—Ž›œŠ—’—ȱ ‹›Š’—ȱ˜ȱ–˜’¢ȱ’œȱ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ȱŽœŒŠ™’—ȱ‘Žȱ›Žœ›’Œ-
of human cognitive evolution and the cognitive life of ’˜—œȱ˜ȱ’œȱ˜ —ȱŽ—˜–Žȱ‘ŠœȱœŽŽ—ȱ›Šœ’ŒȱŠŸŠ—ŒŽœǯȱ˜ȱ
‘’—œǯȱžȱŠ—ȱŠ›ž–Ž—ȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱ–ŠŽȱ‘Šȱ‘ŽȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜- only is neuroscience now able to provide new insights
logical interpretive preoccupation with the symbolic, into the mechanisms of experience-dependent plastic-
representational and communicative dimension of ’¢ȱŽ–˜—œ›ŠŽȱ‹¢ȱ
Ž‹‹ȂœȱŽ¡™Ž›’–Ž—œǰȱ‹žȱ’ȱ’œȱ—˜ ȱ
Cambridge Archaeological JournalȱŗŞDZřǰȱŚŖŗȮŗŚȱ ȚȱŘŖŖŞȱŒ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ˜›ȱ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŽœŽŠ›Œ‘
˜’DZŗŖǯŗŖŗŝȦŖşśşŝŝŚřŖŞŖŖŖŚŚşȱȱȱȱȱ›’—Žȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ—’Žȱ ’—˜–ǯ
Special Section

possible even to delay, through manipulating envi- ŒŠœŽȱ˜ȱ–žœ’ŒŠ•ȱ›Š’—’—ȱŠ—ȱ—ŠŸ’Š’˜—ȱŽ¡™Ž›’œŽǯȱ —ȱ

ronmental enrichment, the onset and progression of ‘ŽȱꛜȱŒŠœŽǰȱŒ˜–™Š›’œ˜—ȱ˜ȱ‹›Š’—ȱŠ—Š˜–¢ȱ˜ȱœ”’••Žȱ
ž—’—˜—Ȃœȱ’œŽŠœŽǰȱŠ›”’—œ˜—Ȃœȱ musicians with that of non-musicians indicates that
’œŽŠœŽȱǻǼǰȱ˜ —Ȃœȱœ¢—›˜–ŽǼȱŠ—ȱŸŠ›’˜žœȱ˜›–œȱ˜ȱ prolonged instrumental practice leads to an enlarge-
‹›Š’—ȱ’—“ž›¢ȱ’—ȱ›Š—œŽ—’Œȱ–’ŒŽǯȱ˜›Ž˜ŸŽ›ǰȱ’ȱ‘Šœȱ‹ŽŽ—ȱ ment of the hand area in the motor cortex (Amunts
demonstrated that enrichment enhances learning and et al.ȱŗşşŝǼǯȱ’–’•Š›ȱ™•Šœ’ŒȱŽěŽŒœȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ‹ŽŽ—ȱ˜‹œŽ›ŸŽȱ
memory, reduces memory decline in aged animals, in professional pianists and violinists with respect to
decreases anxiety and increases exploratory activity ‘Žȱœ’£Žȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŒ˜›™žœȱŒŠ••˜œž–ȱǻŒ‘•Šžȱet al.ȱŗşşśǼǯȱ
Š——Š—ȱŘŖŖŜǼǯȱ˜–’—ȱŒ•˜œŽ›ȱ˜ȱ —ȱ‘ŽȱœŽŒ˜—ȱŒŠœŽȱ‘Žȱœž¢ȱ˜ȱŠž’›Žȱet al. (2000)
˜ž›ȱ˜ —ȱœ™ŽŒ’ŽœǰȱŽŸŽ—ȱ–˜›Žȱ’–™›Žœœ’ŸŽȱŠ›Žȱꗍ’—œȱ concerning the navigation-related changes observed
’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ŒŠœŽȱ ˜ȱ ™›’–ŠŽœǯȱȱ Œ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’œ’Œȱ Ž¡Š–™•Žȱ ˜ȱ in the hippocampi of London taxi drivers is reveal-
current progress in this area can be found in the study ’—ǯȱ‘ŽȱŒ˜–™Š›’œ˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœ›žŒž›Š•ȱ ȱǻ–Š—Ž’Œȱ
˜ȱ ŠŒ”œ˜—ȱ et al.ȱ ǻŘŖŖŜǰȱ œŽŽȱ Š•œ˜ȱ ŠŸ˜˜›’ȱ et al. 2005) resonance imaging) scans obtained from the taxi
 ‘Ž›Žȱ ˜›ȱ ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ ’–Žȱ Š—ȱ ’–™•Š—Š‹•Žȱ —Žž›˜Œ‘’™ȱ ›’ŸŽ›œȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ Œ˜—›˜•ȱ œž‹“ŽŒœȱ œ‘˜ Žȱ ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜—Žȱ
was designed and used for long-term recording and hand, that the posterior hippocampi of taxi drivers
œ’–ž•Š’˜—ȱŽ¡™Ž›’–Ž—œȱ’—ȱ›ŽŽ•¢ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’—ȱ™›’–ŠŽœǯȱ  Ž›Žȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—•¢ȱ•Š›Ž›ǰȱžŽȱ˜ȱ‘Ž’›ȱŽ¡Ž—œ’ŸŽȱ›Š’—-
‘’œȱ Ž—Š‹•Žȱ ‘Ž–ȱ ˜ȱ œ‘˜ ȱ ‘Šȱ —Šž›Š•ȱ ™ŠĴŽ›—œȱ ˜ȱ ing and experience in navigating inside the city of
cortical spiking in vivo during normal behaviour can London, and, on the other, that hippocampal volume
Ž‹‹’Š—ȱ™•Šœ’Œ’¢ǯ2ȱŽȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ correlated with the amount of time spent as a taxi
also mention here the recent neuroanatomical study driver (positively in the posterior and negatively in
’‘Š›ŠȱŠ—ȱŒ˜••ŽŠžŽœȱŽœŒ›’‹’—ȱ‘˜ ȱ ˜ȱ ŽŽ”œȱ ‘ŽȱŠ—Ž›’˜›ȱ‘’™™˜ŒŠ–™žœǼǯȱ
of tool-use training forges a novel cortico–cortical ‘ŽȱŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—œȱŠ—ȱꗍ’—œȱ’œŒžœœŽȱŠ‹˜ŸŽȱ
connection linking the intraparietal area and tempo- bear some important implications for the archaeo-
›˜™Š›’ŽŠ•ȱ“ž—Œ’˜—ȱǻ Ǽǯȱ‘’œȱ™›˜Ÿ’Žœȱ‘ŽȱꛜȱŽŸ’- logy of mind and our conventional understanding
dence for induction of novel connections in the adult ˜ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱ ‹ŽŒ˜–’—ǯȱ ȱ Œ˜ž›œŽǰȱ™•Šœ’Œ’¢ǰȱ
monkey cerebral cortex by demanding behavioural œ’–’•Š›•¢ȱ ’‘ȱ–Š—¢ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱŠ›ŽŠœȱ˜ȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱǻŽǯǯȱ‹›Š’—ȱ
’‘Š›Šȱet al.ȱŘŖŖŜDzȱœŽŽȱŠ•œ˜ȱ ›’”’ȱŘŖŖśDzȱŘŖŖŜDzȱ œ’£Žǰȱ ˜›ȱ –˜›Žȱ ›ŽŒŽ—•¢ȱ –’››˜›ȱ —Žž›˜—œǼǰȱ –Š¢ȱ —˜ȱ ‹Žȱ
›’”’ȱǭȱŠ”ž›ŠȱŘŖŖŞǼǯȱ ‘Žȱ‹Žœȱ™•ŠŒŽȱ˜ȱ•˜˜”ȱ˜›ȱœ’—œȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱž—’šžŽ—Žœœǯȱ
šžŠ••¢ȱ ’–™˜›Š—ȱ Š›Žȱ ‘Žȱ ꗍ’—œȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ŒŠœŽȱ Nevertheless, although plasticity is not the whole
of humans where cognitive and social neuroscience story it certainly points in the right direction, encour-
‹Ž’—ȱ ˜ȱ ˜ěŽ›ȱ Šȱ  ‘˜•Žȱ —Ž ȱ –ŽŠ—œȱ ˜›ȱ Ž¡™•˜›’—ȱ Š’—ȱ—Ž ȱ‘¢™˜‘ŽœŽœȱŠ—ȱ˜ěŽ›’—ȱŠȱžœŽž•ȱŠ—Š•¢’Œȱ
‘Žȱ ŽěŽŒœȱ ˜ȱ Œž•ž›Žȱ ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ ‹›Š’—ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ ‹›’Žȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ‹›Š’—ǰȱ‹˜¢ȱŠ—ȱŒž•ž›Žǯȱ˜›ȱ’—ŽŽǰȱ
mechanisms of activity-dependent plasticity which if the volume of the hippocampus of a taxi driver and
ž—Ž›•’Žȱ‘Žȱ›Ž˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱŒ˜›’ŒŠ•ȱ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—œȱ the corpus callosum of a pianist can be positively cor-
ž›’—ȱ •ŽŠ›—’—ȱ ǻ˜•›ŠŒ”ȱ ŘŖŖŖDzȱ Ž••¢ȱ ǭȱ Š›ŠŸŠ—ȱ related with the time spent taxi driving (Maguire et
ŘŖŖśDzȱžŠ›£ȱǭȱŽ“—˜ œ”’ȱŗşşŝǼǯȱŽȱ—˜ ȱ”—˜ ȱ‘Šȱ al. 2000) or practising the piano (Schlaug et al.ȱŗşşśǼǰȱ
plasticity is not an occasional but the normal ongoing ‘Ž—ȱ‘ŽȱŽŸ˜•ž’˜—Š›¢ȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ–Š—¢ȱ•˜—ȬŽ›–ȱ
state of the nervous system throughout the lifespan practices in human brain anatomy, structure and
ǻŠœŒžŠ•ȬŽ˜—Žȱet alǯȱŘŖŖřǰȱřŝşǼǯȱ˜ȱ˜—•¢ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ ž—Œ’˜—ȱ—ŽŽœȱŽ¡Ž—œ’ŸŽȱ›Ž‘’—”’—ǯȱ˜—Žȱ”—Š™™’—ȱ
cortical maps exhibit strong plasticity during the early is the obvious example here with Stout et al. (2008;
developmental period, during which synaptic densi- ˜žȱǭȱ‘Š–’—ŠŽȱŘŖŖŝDzȱ˜žȱŘŖŖśǼȱŠ•›ŽŠ¢ȱ˜ěŽ›’—ȱ
ties (the number of synapses per unit volume of brain some concrete imaging evidence about the neural
tissue) in most brain regions are at their maximum, correlates of the changing lithic technologies and their
‹žȱ‘Ž¢ȱŠ•œ˜ȱŠ™™ŽŠ›ȱ˜ȱ›ŽŠ’—ȱŠȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱŽ›ŽŽȱ˜ȱ possible implications for long-standing evolutionary
™•Šœ’Œ’¢ȱ’—˜ȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱǻž˜—˜–Š—˜ȱǭȱŽ›£Ž—’Œ‘ȱ questions such as the relationship between tool use
ŗşşŞDzȱ•Š”Ž–˜›Žȱǭȱ‘˜ž‘ž›¢ȱŘŖŖŜǼǯȱ Š—ȱ •Š—žŠŽǯȱ •ŽŠ›•¢ȱ ‘Žȱ šžŽœ’˜—œȱ ‘Šȱ ‘Žȱ Š‹˜ŸŽȱ
Furthermore new evidence for learning-induced ꗍ’—œȱ ›Š’œŽȱ Ž¡Ž—ȱ ‹Ž¢˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜–Š’—ȱ ˜ȱ œ˜—Žȱ
alterations in the brain’s macroscopic structure, ˜˜•œǯȱ‘Ž¢ȱŠ•œ˜ȱ›Ž•ŠŽȱ˜ȱ–˜›Žȱ›ŽŒŽ—ȱ™›˜ŒŽœœŽœȱŠ—ȱ
which among other things contradict the tradition- ™›ŠŒ’ŒŽœȱ ‘Šȱ Š™™ŽŠ›ȱ  Ž••ȱ ŠĞŽ›ȱ ‘Žȱ Š™™ŽŠ›Š—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ
ally held view that cortical plasticity is associated Homo sapiensǰȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱŘŖŖǰŖŖŖȱŠ—ȱŝŖǰŖŖŖȱ¢ŽŠ›œȱŠ˜ǰȱ
with functional rather than anatomical changes, Š›žŠ‹•¢ȱ ’‘ȱ–Š“˜›ȱ’–™•’ŒŠ’˜—œȱ˜›ȱ˜ž›ȱŒ˜—ŸŽ—’˜—Š•ȱ
‹ŽŒ˜–ŽœȱŠŸŠ’•Š‹•Žǯȱ ˜ȱŒ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’œ’ŒȱŽ¡Š–™•Žœȱ‘Šȱ archaeological understanding of the origin of human
can help us illustrate the above can be found in the Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱ–˜Ž›—’¢ǯȱ˜—ȬœŠ—’—ȱŠ—‘›˜™˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ

Steps to a ‘Neuroarchaeology’ of Mind, part 1

and archaeological debates, such as those over the

nature of symbolism, the mechanisms of social
‘Žȱ ˜›”ȱ˜ȱǯȱ˜—Š•ȱǻŗşşŗǰȱřŖŞȮŗşǼȱȯȱŒŠ—ȱ—˜ ȱ‹Žȱ
œŽŽ—ȱ’—ȱŠȱ—Ž ȱ•’‘ǯȱ˜›ȱŽ¡Š–™•ŽǰȱŒ˜–™Š›’—ǰȱžœ’—ȱ
™˜œ’›˜—ȱ Ž–’œœ’˜—ȱ ˜–˜›Š™‘¢ȱ ǻǼȱ œŒŠ—ǰȱ Šȱ ›˜ž™ȱ ’ž›ŽȱŗǯȱMind is more than a brain.
of literate and illiterate people from a small town
’—ȱ œ˜ž‘Ž›—ȱ ˜›žŠ•ǰȱ Šœ›˜ȬŠ•Šœȱ Š—ȱ Œ˜••ŽŠžŽœȱ ›Ž–’—ȱ˜ž›œŽ•ŸŽœȱ‘Šȱ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ ˜›”-
ǻŗşşŞǼȱ˜ěŽ›Žȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ’›ŽŒȱŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ‘Šȱ•’Ž›ŠŒ¢ȱ™Ž›- ’—œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‹›Š’—ȱ–’‘ȱ‹Žǰȱ‘Ž¢ȱ˜ěŽ›ȱžœȱ˜—•¢ȱŠȱ™Š›ȱ
–Š—Ž—•¢ȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ‹›Š’—ȱ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ǯȱ ˜ȱ¢ŽŠ›œȱ•ŠŽ›ȱ ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™’Œž›Žǯȱ‘ŽȱŽ–™Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱžœŽȱŠ••ȱ‘ŽœŽȱ›Š™’•¢ȱ
Š—˜‘Ž›ȱȱœž¢ȱ™›˜Ÿ’ŽȱŠ’’˜—Š•ȱŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ‘Šȱ ŠŒŒž–ž•Š’—ȱ —Žž›˜œŒ’Ž—’ęŒȱ ›Žœ˜ž›ŒŽœȱ ˜›ȱ ꛖ•¢ȱ
Œž•ž›Š•ȱŠŒ˜›œǰȱŠœȱ›ŽĚŽŒŽȱ’—ȱ’쎛Ž—ȱ˜›‘˜›Š™‘’Œȱ situating the human mind inside the head should be
œ¢œŽ–œȱ ǻ Š•’Š—ȱ vsȱ —•’œ‘Ǽǰȱ ŒŠ—ȱ ™˜ Ž›ž••¢ȱ œ‘Š™Žȱ ›Žœ’œŽǰȱ ȱ‹Ž•’ŽŸŽǰȱ˜›ȱ˜‹Ÿ’˜žœȱ›ŽŠœ˜—œDZȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŒ˜—’-
—Žž›˜™‘¢œ’˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱœ¢œŽ–œȱǻŠž•Žœžȱet al.ȱŘŖŖŖǼǯȱ˜›Žȱ ’˜—ǰȱŠœȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ȱ˜ž‘ȱ˜ȱ”—˜ ȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ‘Š—ȱŠ—¢ȱ
›ŽŒŽ—•¢ȱŠ—ȱŠ—ȱŒ˜••ŽŠžŽœȱǻŘŖŖŜǼȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ˜ž—ȱ‘Šȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ’œŒ’™•’—Žǰȱ—ŽŽœȱ–˜›Žȱ‘Š—ȱŠȱ‹›Š’—ȱǻ
divergent linguistic and cultural experiences (native ŗşşśDzȱ•Š›”ȱŗşşŝDzȱŘŖŖŗDzȱ —Š™™ŽĴȱŘŖŖśDzȱ‘ŽŽ•Ž›ȱŘŖŖśDzȱ
Chinese vsȱ—Š’ŸŽȱ—•’œ‘ȱœ™ŽŠ”Ž›œǼȱŒŠ—ȱ‹ŽȱŠœœ˜Œ’ŠŽȱ Ž—›Ž ȱŘŖŖŝǼǯȱ‘Žȱ›ŽŠ•ȱŒ‘Š••Ž—ŽȱŠŒ’—ȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ǰȱ
 ’‘ȱ’œ’—Œȱ™ŠĴŽ›—œȱ˜ȱ‹›Š’—ȱŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱž›’—ȱ–Š‘- then, lies in reconciling and integrating our new
Ž–Š’ŒŠ•ȱ™›˜ŒŽœœ’—ǯ knowledge about the functional networks of the devel-
Šž›Š••¢ȱŽ¡™•˜›’—ȱ‘ŽȱŽěŽŒœȱ˜ȱŒž•ž›Žȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ ˜™’—ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹›Š’—ȱŠ—ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ™˜œœ’‹•ŽȱŒž•ž›ŽȬœ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ
brain (and vice versa) over the long-term is a far more ™ŠĴŽ›—œȱ˜ȱŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱ ’‘ȱ‘ŽȱŠŒŒž–ž•Š’—ȱŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ
’ĜŒž•ȱŠœ”ǯȱ‘Žȱ•’—”ȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ˜—˜Ž—¢ȱŠ—ȱ™‘¢•˜- for the extended, distributed, embodied and mediated
eny is not as straightforward as our previous parallel Œ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›ȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŒ˜—’’˜—ȱǻŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱŘŖŖŚǼȱǻ’ǯȱ
‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱŠ¡’ȱ›’Ÿ’—ȱŠ—ȱ˜˜•ȱ–Š”’—ȱ–’‘ȱ’–™•¢ǯȱȱ ŗǼǯȱ‘Žȱ˜‹“ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ’œȱ—˜ȱ˜ȱ›Š—œ•ŠŽȱ˜›ȱ›ŽžŒŽȱŠȱŒž•ž›Š•ȱ
present, learning and practice-related developmental story into a biological one but instead to integrate the
plasticity appear as the most promising areas of  ˜ȱœ˜›’Žœǯȱ‘Žȱ”Ž¢ȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠœ”ǰȱŠœȱ™‘’•˜œ˜™‘Ž›ȱ
research in helping us to build some analytic bridges Andy Clark has proposed, is how do we put brain,
between the short-term and long-term aspects of ‹˜¢ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ  ˜›•ȱ ‹ŠŒ”ȱ ˜Ž‘Ž›ȱ ŠŠ’—ȱ ǻŗşşŝǼǵȱ ˜ȱ
human cognitive becoming in ways that could become ‘’œȱŽ—ȱ ȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱœž¢ȱ˜ȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱŒž•ž›Žȱ
˜™Ž›Š’˜—Š•’£Žȱ›˜–ȱŠ—ȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽǯȱ ŒŠ—ȱ–Š”Žȱœ˜–ŽȱŸŽ›¢ȱ’–™˜›Š—ȱŒ˜—›’‹ž’˜—œǯ
˜ȱ ‘’œȱ Ž—ǰȱ  ˜ȱ ›ŽŒŽ—•¢ȱ ™›˜™˜œŽǰȱ Š—ȱ ˜ȱ Šȱ •Š›Žȱ ˜ȱ ’••žœ›ŠŽȱ ‘Žȱ Š‹˜ŸŽȱ ž›‘Ž›ȱ Š—ȱ Šœȱ Šȱ ˜˜ȱ
Ž¡Ž—ȱ Œ˜–™•Ž–Ž—Š›¢ǰȱ ‘¢™˜‘ŽœŽœȱ –Š¢ȱ ˜ěŽ›ȱ œ˜–Žȱ means to put forward the main argument of this paper
Š’’˜—Š•ȱž’Ž•’—Žœȱ’—ȱ˜ž›ȱŠĴŽ–™ȱ˜ȱž—Ž›œŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ ȱ ’••ȱŽ–™•˜¢ȱ‘ŽȱŒ•Šœœ’ŒŠ•ȱ™‘Ž—˜–Ž—˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŽ¡Š–™•Žȱ
nature of long-term developmental cognitive mecha- ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‹•’—ȱ–Š—Ȃœȱœ’Œ”ȱǻ›˜–ȱ—˜ ȱ˜—ȱǼȱǻŽ›•ŽŠžȬ
nisms between the poles of nativist, selectionist and ˜—¢ȱŗşŜŘǰȱŗŚřDzȱ˜•Š—¢’ȱŗşŜŜǼǯ
the neural exploitation hypothesisȱ Œ•Š’–œǰȱ ŸŽ›¢ȱ ‹›’ŽĚ¢ǰȱ ‘Žȱ•’—ȱŠ—Ȃœȱ’Œ”ȱǻǼȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱ
that key aspects of human social cognition are under-
pinned by the adaptation of sensory-motor-integrating ‘’—”ȱ ˜ȱ Šȱ ‹•’—ȱ –Š—ȱ  ’‘ȱ Šȱ œ’Œ”ǯȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ ˜Žœȱ ‘Žȱ
brain mechanisms to serve new roles in thought and ‹•’—ȱ–Š—ȂœȱœŽ•ȱŽ—ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ›Žœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ˜›•ȱ‹Ž’—ǵȱ
language, while retaining their original functions as ‘Ž›Žȱ˜ȱ Žȱ›Š ǰȱŠ—ȱ˜—ȱ ‘Šȱ‹Šœ’œȱŒŠ—ȱ Žȱ›Š ǰȱ
 Ž••ȱǻœŽŽȱ Š••ŽœŽȱŘŖŖśDzȱ Š••ŽœŽȱǭȱŠ”˜ěȱŘŖŖśǼǯȱ—ȱ‘Žȱ Šœȱ ›Ž˜›¢ȱŠŽœ˜—ȱŠœ”œǰȱŠȱŽ•’–’’—ȱ•’—ŽȱŠŒ›˜œœȱ‘Žȱ
other hand, the hypothesis of cultural reconversion or extended cognitive system which determines the
‘neuronal recycling’ȱǻŽ‘ŠŽ—ŽȱŘŖŖśǰȱŗŚŝǼȱ›ŽŽ›œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ‹•’—ȱ –Š—Ȃœȱ •˜Œ˜–˜’˜—ǵȱȱ ‘Žȱ ’™ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œ’Œ”ǵȱȱ
capacity of human cerebral architecture to transform ‘Žȱ‘Š—•Žȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœ’Œ”ǵȱ›ȱŠȱœ˜–Žȱ™˜’—ȱ‘Š• Š¢ȱž™ȱ
what was initially a useful function in our evolution- ‘Žȱœ’Œ”ǵȱǻŠŽœ˜—ȱŗşŝřǰȱřŗŞǼǯȱ˜›Žȱ‘Š—ȱ˜ž›ȱŽŒŠŽœȱ
ary past into another function which is currently more ŠĞŽ›ȱŽ›•ŽŠžȬ˜—¢ȱǻŗşŜŘǼǰȱ˜•Š¢—’ȱǻŗşŜŘǼȱŠ—ȱŠŽœ˜—ȱ
žœŽž•ȱ ’‘’—ȱ‘Žȱ™›ŽœŽ—ȱŒž•ž›Š•ȱŒ˜—Ž¡ǯ ǻŗşŝřǼȱꛜȱ›Š’œŽȱ‘ŽœŽȱšžŽœ’˜—œȱ‘Ž¢ȱŠ›Žȱœ’••ȱ ’‘ȱ
••ȱ ‘ŽœŽȱ ™›˜œ™ŽŒœǰȱ ȱ œžŽœǰȱ Œ˜–Žȱ  ’‘ȱ Šȱ us, maybe more timely than ever if one considers the
clear requirement: working towards developing a radical innovations that are taking place in the area
neuroarchaeology of mind we need to constantly ˜ȱ —Žž›˜™›˜œ‘Ž’Œœǯȱ ˜›ȱ ’—œŠ—ŒŽǰȱ ›Š’—ȬŠŒ‘’—Žȱ

Special Section

—Ž›ŠŒŽœȱǻ œǼȱ—˜ ȱ–Š”Žȱ’ȱ™˜œœ’‹•Žȱ˜›ȱŠȱ–˜—”Ž¢ȱ that the functional structure and anatomy of the human
or human to operate remote devices directly via neural brain is a dynamic construct remodelled in detail by behav-
ŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱǻœŽŽȱ’Œ˜•Ž•’œȱŘŖŖŗDzȱŘŖŖřDzȱ˜—˜‘žŽȱŘŖŖŘǼǯ3ȱȱ iourally important experiences which are mediated, and
course, impressive as the ability to control a robotic ˜ĞŽ—ȱŒ˜—œ’žŽǰȱ‹¢ȱ‘ŽȱžœŽȱ˜ȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ˜‹“ŽŒœȱŠ—ȱŠ›ŽŠŒœȱ
hand by ‘thought’ alone might seem, it is, nonetheless, which for that reason should be seen as continuous integral
simply the most recent chapter of an old story, which parts of the human cognitive architecture. ›˜ž—Žȱž™˜—ȱ
Š›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ȱ”—˜ œȱ Ž••ǰȱŠ—ȱ˜ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ‘ŽȱꛜȱŒ‘Š™Ž›ȱ ‘Žȱ Ž—Ž›Š•ȱ ›Š–Ž ˜›”ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ —ŠŽ–Ž—ȱ
 Šœȱ™›˜‹Š‹•¢ȱŠ•›ŽŠ¢ȱ ›’ĴŽ—ȱœ˜–ŽȱŘǯŜȱ–¢Šȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱ Š™™›˜ŠŒ‘ȱǻŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱŘŖŖŚDzȱŘŖŖŝ‹DzȱŽ—›Ž ȱŘŖŖŚDzȱŘŖŖŜDzȱ
–Š—žŠŒž›Žȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱœ˜—Žȱ˜˜•œǯȱ —ŽŽǰȱ›˜–ȱŠ—ȱ ŘŖŖŝDzȱŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱǭȱŽ—›Ž ȱ˜›‘Œ˜–’—DzȱŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱ
Š›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ‘ŽȱŒ‘Š••Ž—Žȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱȱ ’—ȱ ™›ŽœœǼȱ ‘Žȱ Š’–ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱ ’œȱ ˜ȱ ‘Ž•™ȱ
šžŽœ’˜—ǰȱ˜›ȱ’—ȱŠŒȱŠ—¢ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ›Š’—Ȭ›ŽŠŒȱ —Ž›ŠŒŽǰȱ us redraw the line that separates brains, bodies and
™˜œŽœȱ’œȱŽŸŽ—ȱ›ŽŠŽ›ǯȱ—Žȱ—ŽŽœȱœ’–™•¢ȱ˜ȱ›Ž™•ŠŒŽȱ‘Žȱ things by bringing the archaeology of mind face to
stick with any of the numerous artefacts that constitute face with two crucial and to a large extent neglected
the diverse archaeological inventory of prehistoric šžŽœ’˜—œDZȱǻŗǼȱ‘ŽȱꛜȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱŒ˜—ŒŽ›—œȱ‘ŽȱŒŠžœŠ•ȱ
–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱŒž•ž›Žǰȱ›˜–ȱ‘Žȱ˜˜•œȱŠ—ȱ–Š›”Žȱ˜‹“ŽŒœȱ ŽĜŒŠŒ¢ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ ˜›•ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱ
of the Stone Age to the more recent symbolic or œ¢œŽ–ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱž—Œ’˜—Š•ȱŠ—Š˜–¢ȱ˜ȱ˜ž›ȱ‹›Š’—ǯȱǻŘǼȱ
ȁŽ¡˜›Š™‘’ŒȂȱǻ˜—Š•ȱŗşşŗǼȱŽŒ‘—˜•˜’Žœǰȱ’—ȱ˜›Ž›ȱ˜ȱ ‘ŽȱœŽŒ˜—ȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ™Ž›Š’—œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‹˜ž—Š›’Žœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ
›ŽŠ•’£Žȱ‘Šȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’œȱ–˜›Žȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ‘Š—ȱ human cognitive system and what became known
Šȱ–Ž›Žȱ™‘’•˜œ˜™‘’ŒŠ•ȱ™ž££•Žǯȱ‘Žȱ™›˜‹•Ž–ȱ’œȱž›‘Ž›ȱ recently as the hypothesis of extended mind (Clark
complicated if one considers that for archaeology the ǭȱ‘Š•–Ž›œȱŗşşŞǼDZȱŠ—ȱ‘’—œǰȱ–ŠŽȱ˜ȱ ˜˜ǰȱœ˜—Žȱ
œ’Œ”ȱ’œȱ—˜ȱœ’–™•¢ȱŠȱȁ™Š‘ Š¢ȱŠ•˜—ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœȱ and clay, really be parts of the machinery of human
Š›Žȱ›Š—œ–’ĴŽȱž—Ž›ȱ›Š—œ˜›–Š’˜—ȂȱǻŠŽœ˜—ȱŗşŝřǰȱ ‘˜ž‘ǵ
318), but instead a ’쎛Ž—ŒŽȱ’—ȱ’œŽ•ǯȱ‘Žȱœ’Œ”ǰȱ˜ȱžœŽȱ ȱ ȱœŠ›ȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱ˜›–Ž›ȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽȱ
Œž‘Š—Ȃœȱ˜›–ž•Š’˜—ǰȱ’œȱŸŽ›¢ȱ˜ĞŽ—ȱ—˜ȱ‘Žȱ–Ž’ž–ȱ ˜ȱ˜ž›ȱȱŽ¡Š–™•ŽȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱ™žȱŠœȱ˜••˜ œDZȱ‘Šȱ˜Žœȱ
‹žȱ‘Žȱ–ŽœœŠŽȱǻŗşŜŚǼǯȱ the stick do for the blind?
ȱ–Š¢ȱ—˜ȱ‹ŽȱŠœȱ˜‹Ÿ’˜žœȱŠœȱ’ȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ‹Žǰȱ‹žȱœ˜–Žȱ ž›ȱ Œ˜––˜—ȱ œŽ—œŽȱ  ˜ž•ȱ œŽŽ–ȱ ˜ȱ ŠŸ˜ž›ȱ ‘Žȱ
of the most challenging questions about the emergence idea of a cognitive agent who simply exploits a tool
of human intelligence and our understanding of ’—ȱ˜›Ž›ȱ˜ȱ˜ŸŽ›Œ˜–ŽȱŠȱ™Ž›ŒŽ™žŠ•ȱŽęŒ’Ž—Œ¢ȱ‹¢ȱœž‹-
cultural transmission and the cognitive life of things œ’ž’—ȱŸ’œ’˜—ȱ ’‘ȱ˜žŒ‘ǯȱ˜ȱŠȱŒŽ›Š’—ȱŽ¡Ž—ȱ‘’œȱ’œȱ
depend on where precisely one decides, implicitly or precisely what happens as imaging studies indicate
explicitly, to draw the line between the mind and the ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ŒŠœŽȱ ˜ȱ –Š—¢ȱ ‹•’—ȱ œž‹“ŽŒœǯȱ ˜›’ŒŠ•ȱ Š›ŽŠœȱ
material world and infer the direction of causality normally underlying vision are recruited for other sen-
‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ ‹’˜•˜¢ȱ Š—ȱ Œž•ž›Žǯȱ ŸŽ—ȱ ˜›ȱ ‘˜œŽȱ ˜ȱ žœȱ œ˜›¢ȱ–˜Š•’’Žœǯȱ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’œ’Œȱ˜ȱ‘ŽœŽȱŒ›˜œœȬ–˜Š•ȱ
willing to subscribe to some of the presently available ™•Šœ’ŒȱŽěŽŒœȱ’œȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽȱ˜ȱ™›˜ęŒ’Ž—ȱ›Š’••Žȱ›ŽŠŽ›œȱ
›Ž•Š’˜—Š•ȱ –˜Ž•œȱ ˜ȱ Ž–‹˜’–Ž—ȱ ›ŽŒ˜—’£’—ȱ ‘Šȱ where not only do the sensorimotor representation of
’쎛Ž—’Š’˜—œȱ ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ ȁ’—œ’ŽȂȱ Š—ȱ ȁ˜žœ’ŽȂȱ ˜ĞŽ—ȱ ‘Žȱ›ŽŠ’—ȱꗐŽ›ȱ‹ŽŒ˜–Žȱ›ŽŠ•¢ȱŽŸŽ•˜™Žȱ’—ȱŒ˜–-
do not apply in the context of mediated activity and ™Š›’œ˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱꗐŽ›œȱǻŠœŒžŠ•Ȭ
material engagement, the question of the ontologi- Leone et al.ȱŗşşřDzȱŽ››ȱet al.ȱŗşşŞǼȱ‹žȱŠŒ’•Žȱ™›˜ŒŽœœ’—ȱ
ŒŠ•ȱœŠžœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœ’Œ”ȱ›Ž–Š’—œȱŸŠžŽǯȱ—ȱŠœȱ•˜—ȱŠœȱ is also ‘rerouted’ to occipital visual cortex (Sadato et
‘Žȱ ˜—˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ œŠžœȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ ›Ž–Š’—œȱ ŸŠžŽȱ ’ȱ al.ȱŗşşŜDzȱŗşşŞDzȱ˜‘Ž—ȱet al.ȱŗşşşǼǯȱ —ȱŠŒǰȱžœ’—ȱ›Š—œȬ
‘›ŽŠŽ—œȱ —˜ȱ ˜—•¢ȱ ˜ȱ ˜‹œŒž›Žȱ ‘Žȱ  ‘˜•Žȱ Ž’ęŒŽȱ ˜ȱ Œ›Š—’Š•ȱ–Š—Ž’Œȱœ’–ž•Š’˜—ȱǻǼȱŠœŒžŠ•ȬŽ˜—Žȱet
cognitive archaeology and material culture studies, al. ǻŗşşřǼȱ Ž›ŽȱŠ‹•Žȱ˜ȱœ‘˜ ȱ‘Šȱ–˜’ęŒŠ’˜—œȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ
but also to undermine the value and contribution of motor cortical map associated with the reading hand
‘ŽœŽȱ ›˜ ’—ȱ ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱ ꎕœȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ Œ˜—Ž–™˜›Š›¢ȱ ’—ȱ ›Š’••Žȱ ›ŽŠŽ›œȱ  Šœȱ Š•›ŽŠ¢ȱ –Š—’Žœȱ ŠĞŽ›ȱ ˜—•¢ȱ Šȱ
œŒ’Ž—ŒŽœȱ˜ȱ–’—ǯȱ Ž ȱ ‘˜ž›œȱ ˜ȱ ›Š’—’—ǯȱ ŽŒŽ—ȱ œž’Žœȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ ž›‘Ž›ȱ
Consequently, and in order to make more clear ›Žę—ŽȱŠ—ȱŽ¡Ž—Žȱ‘ŽœŽȱꗍ’—œȱŠ›Žœœ’—ȱ‘Žȱ
–¢ȱŒŠœŽȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱ™Š™Ž›ǰȱ•Žȱ–ŽȱŒ•Š›’¢ȱ‘Šȱ ȱ ’••ȱžœŽȱ‘Žȱ ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱŽŠ›•¢ȱŠ—ȱ•ŠŽȱ‹•’—ǰȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜•Žȱ
ȱ’—ȱ ˜ȱ–Š“˜›ȱœŽ—œŽœDZȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ˜—Žȱ‘Š—ȱ ȱ ’••ȱžœŽȱ of tactile versus verbal/linguistic aspects of the task
‘ŽȱȱŠœȱŠ—ȱŽ¡Ž–™•Š›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ›Š’—Ȯ›ŽŠŒȱ —Ž›ŠŒŽȱ (for review see Merabet et al.ȱŘŖŖśǼǯȱ
ǻ ǼȱȯȱžœŽȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ‹›˜ŠŽ›ȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ•˜—ȬŽ›–ȱ Žȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ Š•›ŽŠ¢ȱ ˜žŒ‘Žȱ ž™˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ’œœžŽȱ ˜ȱ
material engagement to signify the point of intersec- sensory substitution and neural recycling, but now,
’˜—ȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱŒ˜—’’˜—ȱŠ—ȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱŒž•ž›ŽǯȱŽŒ˜—•¢ǰȱ Š—ȱ›Žž›—’—ȱ˜ȱ˜ž›ȱȱŽ¡Š–™•Žǰȱ‘ŽȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ
ȱ ’••ȱžœŽȱ‘ŽȱȱŠ•œ˜ȱŠœȱŠȱ ˜›”’—ȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱœŠ’—ȱ Šœ”ȱ’œȱ‘Žȱ˜••˜ ’—DZȱ‘ŠȱŠ‹˜žȱ‘Žȱœ’Œ”ǵȱ˜Žœȱ‘Žȱ

Steps to a ‘Neuroarchaeology’ of Mind, part 1

stick play some causal role in the above processes of Š—ȱ‘Žȱ˜žœ’ŽȱŽ—Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—ǯȱ˜••˜ ’—ȱ ‘Šȱ Žȱ’œ-

Œ›˜œœȬ–˜Š•ȱ ™•Šœ’Œ’¢ǰȱ Š—ȱ ’ȱ ’ȱ ˜Žœȱ “žœȱ  ‘Šȱ ›˜•Žȱ cussed above relevant to the unique role which tactile
–’‘ȱ‘Šȱ‹Žǵȱ‘Žȱœ›’”’—ȱŽěŽŒœȱ˜ȱœŽ—œ˜›¢ȱŽ™›’ŸŠ- perception plays in integrating our sense of self, this
tion or lesion in one modality in the development of extension in the body schema could also mean that
‘Žȱ ›Ž–Š’—’—ȱ –˜Š•’’Žœȱ ǻŠŸŽ•’Ž›ȱ ǭȱ ŽŸ’••Žȱ ŘŖŖŘǰȱ ‘Žȱ‹›Š’—ȱ›ŽŠœȱ‘Žȱœ’Œ”ȱŠœȱ’ȱ Ž›ŽȱŠȱ™Š›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‹˜¢ǯȱ
ŚŚřǼȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ‹ŽŽ—ȱŽ¡™•˜›Žȱ’—ȱŽŠ’•ȱ˜ŸŽ›ȱ›ŽŒŽ—ȱŽŒŠŽœǰȱ žȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ Žȱ˜ȱœ˜ȱŠ›ȱŠœȱ˜ȱŒ˜—ŒŽ’ŸŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœ’Œ”ȱŠœȱ
‹žȱ‘Žȱ™˜œœ’‹•Žȱ›˜•Žȱ˜ȱŽ¡Ž›—Š•ȱ–Ž’Š’˜—œȱȯȱŠȱ‘Žȱ a structural part of the blind man’s living body and
‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜ž›Š•ȱ•ŽŸŽ•ȱȯȱ’—ȱ‹›’—’—ȱŠ‹˜žȱŠ—ȱœ‘Š™’—ȱ Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱœ¢œŽ–ǵȱ
‘Žȱ—Šž›Žȱ˜ȱ‘ŽœŽȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ‘Šœȱ›ŽŒŽ’ŸŽȱŠ›ȱ•ŽœœȱŠĴŽ—- Š›ȱ ˜ȱ ˜ž›ȱ ’—‘Ž›Ž—ȱ ’ĜŒž•¢ȱ ’—ȱ ŽŠ•’—ȱ  ’‘ȱ
’˜—ǯȱŽ¢˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‹•’—ǰȱŠȱ–žŒ‘ȱ’œŒžœœŽȱ šžŽœ’˜—œȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŠ‹˜ŸŽȱ¢™ŽȱœŽ–œǰȱ ȱ‹Ž•’ŽŸŽǰȱ›˜–ȱ‘Žȱ
œž¢ȱ ‹¢ȱ Ž›’ȱ ǭȱ ›Šœœ’—ŽĴ’ȱ ǻŘŖŖŖǼȱ –Š¢ȱ ˜ěŽ›ȱ œ˜–Žȱ dominant representational or computational thinking
additional insights that can prove extremely useful ‘ŠȱŒ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’£ŽœȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱœŒ’Ž—ŒŽœǰȱ’—ȱŽ—Ž›Š•ǰȱŠ—ȱ
‘Ž›Žǯȱœȱ‘Ž¢ȱŒ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’œ’ŒŠ••¢ȱ›Ž–Š›”ǰȱœ’–™•¢ȱ‘˜•- Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱ Š›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ǰȱ ’—ȱ ™Š›’Œž•Š›ǰȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ –Š“˜›ȱ
ing a stick causes a remapping of far space (the space œ‘˜›Œ˜–’—œȱ˜ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ȱ’œŒžœœȱŽ¡Ž—œ’ŸŽ•¢ȱŽ•œŽ ‘Ž›Žȱ
beyond reaching distance) to near space (the space ǻŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱŘŖŖŚDzȱŘŖŖŝ‹Ǽǯȱ
 ’‘’—ȱ ›ŽŠŒ‘’—ȱ ’œŠ—ŒŽǼǯȱ ‘Žȱ œ’—’ęŒŠ—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ An easy way to overcome this conceptual prob-
Š‹˜ŸŽȱꗍ’—œȱ‹ŽŒ˜–ŽœȱŒ•ŽŠ›Ž›ȱ’ȱ Žȱ‹ŽŠ›ȱ’—ȱ–’—ȱ‘Žȱ •Ž–ȱ–’‘ȱ‹Žȱ‹¢ȱŠĴŽ–™’—ȱ˜ȱ›Ž™‘›ŠœŽȱ˜ž›ȱ™›ŽŸ’˜žœȱ
unique role which tactile perception plays in combin- question, about how to conceive of the stick as being
’—ȱ‘ŽȱȁŽěŽ›Ž—ȂȱŠ—ȱȁŠěŽ›Ž—Ȃȱœ’—Š•œȱ›Žœ™˜—œ’‹•Žȱ˜›ȱ relevant to the blind man’s living body and cognitive
˜ž›ȱ œŽ—œŽȱ ˜ȱ œŽ•ǯȱ ‘’œȱ ™›˜ŒŽœœȱ ‘Šœȱ ‹ŽŽ—ȱ Ž¡Ž—œ’ŸŽ•¢ȱ system, using the philosophical perspective of ‘active
’—ŸŽœ’ŠŽȱ’—ȱŠĴ›’‹ž’˜—ȱ›ž‹‹Ž›ȱ‘Š—ȱŽ¡™Ž›’–Ž—œȱ Ž¡Ž›—Š•’œ–ȂȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱœ˜ȬŒŠ••Žȱȁ™Š›’¢ȱ™›’—Œ’™•ŽȂDZȱ‘Ž—ȱ
œ‘˜ ’—ȱ ‘Šȱ ȁŠŒ’•Žȱ ™Ž›ŒŽ™’˜—ȱ ™•Š¢œȱ Šȱ –Š“˜›ȱ ›˜•Žȱ Šȱ™Š›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ˜›•ȱȯȱ•’”Žȱ‘Žȱ‹•’—ȱ–Š—Ȃœȱœ’Œ”ȱ’—ȱ˜ž›ȱ
’—ȱ Žę—’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ‹˜ž—Š›¢ȱ ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ ‘Žȱ œŽ•ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ ŒŠœŽȱȯȱȁž—Œ’˜—œȱŠœȱŠȱ™›˜ŒŽœœȱ ‘’Œ‘ǰȱ Ž›Žȱ’ȱ˜ȱ˜ȱ˜—ȱ
Ž¡Ž›—Š•ȱ ˜›•Ȃȱǻ
ŠŠ›ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖřǰȱŗŝřǼǯȱ in the head, we would have no hesitation in accepting
‘’œȱ‹›’—œȱžœȱ˜ȱ˜ž›ȱœŽŒ˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™›ŽŸ’˜žœ•¢ȱ as part of the cognitive process, then that part of the
posed questions: Does the biological boundary of the skin world is (for that time) part of the cognitive process’
apply in the case of the blind? ǻ•Š›”ȱǭȱ‘Š•–Ž›œȱŗşşŞǼǯȱ‘Žȱ’–™•’ŒŠ’˜—œȱ˜ȱ›Ž–˜Ÿ-
ĴŽ–™’—ȱ ˜ȱ Š—œ Ž›ȱ ‘Šȱ šžŽœ’˜—ȱ ’ȱ –’‘ȱ ing or damaging that part of the world, equals that
be useful receding into the phenomenological back- ˜ȱ ›Ž–˜Ÿ’—ȱ ˜›ȱ Š–Š’—ȱ Šȱ ™Š›ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ‹›Š’—ǯȱ ‘Žȱ
›˜ž—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ’œœžŽǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ–Š¢ȱ’ŸŽȱžœȱŠȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ›Šœ™ȱ question thus can be put as follows: Are we not, by
˜ȱ‘Žȱ›Ž•Š’˜—ȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ‘Žȱ‹•’—ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱœ’Œ”ǯȱŽŽ—ȱ removing the blind man’s stick, preventing him from
from such a phenomenological angle it can be argued œŽŽ’—ǵȱ ›ȱ –˜›Žȱ œ™ŽŒ’ęŒŠ••¢ǰȱ Š›Žȱ  Žȱ —˜ȱ ™›ŽŸŽ—’—ȱ
that the blind person using a stick does not sense the ‘Žȱ ˜›•ȱ›˜–ȱ˜žŒ‘’—ȱ‘’œȱŸ’œžŠ•ȱŒ˜›Ž¡ǵȱ‘’œȱ’œȱ‘Žȱ
œ’Œ”ǰȱ‹žȱ‘Žȱ™›ŽœŽ—ŒŽȱ˜›ȱ‘ŽȱŠ‹œŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ˜‹“ŽŒœȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ point where neuroplasticity meets the extended mind
˜žœ’Žȱ Ž—Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—ǯȱ •‘˜ž‘ȱ ‘Žȱ œ’Œ”ȱ ˜ěŽ›œȱ ‘Žȱ Š—ȱ  ‘Ž›Žȱ ˜—Žȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ –Š“˜›ȱ Œ‘Š••Ž—Žœȱ ˜›ȱ ȁ—Žž›˜Ȭ
ŠŒžŠ•ȱ–ŽŠ—œȱ˜›ȱ‘’œȱŽ¡™•˜›Š’˜—ȱ’ȱ’œȱ’œŽ•ȱ˜›˜ĴŽ—ǯȱ Š›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ȂȱŠ›’œŽœǯȱ
œȱŽ›•ŽŠžȬ˜—¢ȱŽœŒ›’‹ŽœDZ ˜›Žȱ œ™ŽŒ’’ŒŠ••¢ǰȱ ‘’œȱ Œ‘Š••Ž—Žǰȱ ȱ œžŽœǰȱ
‘Žȱ‹•’—ȱ–Š—Ȃœȱœ’Œ”ȱ‘ŠœȱŒŽŠœŽȱ˜ȱ‹ŽȱŠ—ȱ˜‹“ŽŒȱ˜›ȱ •’Žœȱ ’—ȱ ꐞ›’—ȱ ˜žȱ ‘˜ ȱ ˜ž›ȱ ™•Šœ’Œȱ ‹›Š’—œȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ
him, and is no longer perceived for itself; its point Šœœ˜Œ’ŠŽȱ ™ŠĴŽ›—œȱ ˜ȱ reorgan’£Š’˜—, redistribution
has become an area of sensitivity, extending the scope and œŒŠě˜•’—ȱǻ˜•›ŠŒ”ȱŘŖŖŖDzȱ Ž••¢ȱǭȱ Š›ŠŸŠ—ȱŘŖŖśDzȱ
and active radius of touch, and providing a parallel žŠ›£ȱǭȱŽ“—˜ œ”’ȱŗşşŝǼȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱž—Ž›œ˜˜ȱ ’‘’—ȱ
˜ȱœ’‘ǯȱ —ȱ‘ŽȱŽ¡™•˜›Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘’—œǰȱ‘Žȱ•Ž—‘ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ the wider extended networks of non-biological props
stick does not enter expressly as a middle term: the Š—ȱœŒŠě˜•œȱ‘ŠȱŽ•’—ŽŠŽȱ‘Žȱ›ŽŠ•ȱœ™Š’Š•ȱŠ—ȱŽ–-
blind man is rather aware of it through the position
™˜›Š•ȱ‹˜ž—Š›’Žœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱ–Š™ǯȱœȱ Žȱ
‘Žȱ™˜œ’’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘’—œȱ’œȱ’––Ž’ŠŽ•¢ȱ’ŸŽ—ȱ‘›˜ž‘ȱ saw, there are many parameters that can be argued
the extent of the reach that carries him to it, which to be strongly associated with neuroplasticity and
comprises, besides the arm’s reach, the stick’s range –Š—¢ȱ ’쎛Ž—ȱ •ŽŸŽ•œȱ ˜—ȱ  ‘’Œ‘ȱ ™•Šœ’Œȱ Œ‘Š—Žœȱ ŒŠ—ȱ
˜ȱŠŒ’˜—ȱǻŽ›•ŽŠžȬ˜—¢ȱŗşŜŘǰȱŗŚřǼǯ ‹Žȱž—Ž›œ˜˜ǯȱŸŽ—ȱœ’–™•ŽȱŠ’•¢ȱ™›ŠŒ’ŒŽȱ˜ȱŒ˜–™•’-
‘Žȱœ’Œ”ǰȱŠœȱ ’‘ȱ–Š—¢ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱŽ¡Š–™•Žœȱ˜ȱ™›˜œ‘Ž’Œȱ ŒŠŽȱ‹’–Š—žŠ•ȱꗐŽ›ȱœŽšžŽ—ŒŽœȱŒŠ—ȱ•ŽŠȱ˜ȱŽŽŒ-
ȁ™‘Ž—˜–Ž—˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ ˜œ–˜œ’œȂȱ ǻŽŽ›ȱ ŗşşŖǼǰȱ ‹ŽŒ˜–Žœȱ able gross-anatomical changes in the motor cortex
through time and practice incorporated and thus ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ǯȱžȱ‘Žȱ”Ž¢ȱšžŽœ’˜—ǰȱŠȱ•ŽŠœȱ›˜–ȱŠ—ȱ
›Š—œ™Š›Ž—ǯȱŠŒ’•ŽȱœŽ—œŠ’˜—ȱ’œȱœ˜–Ž‘˜ ȱ™›˜“ŽŒŽȱ archaeological long-term perspective, should concern
onto the point of contact between the tip of the stick the mechanisms that might mediate plastic changes,

Special Section

—˜ȱŠȱ‘Žȱ’—’Ÿ’žŠ•ǰȱ‹žȱŠȱ‘Žȱœ¢œŽ–ȱ•ŽŸŽ•ǯȱȱ‘’œȱ third question, concerning their possible symbolic

broader systemic level material culture competes, ž—Œ’˜—ǰȱ ȱ‹Ž•’ŽŸŽȱ•ŠŒ”œȱ‘Žȱœ¢œŽ–Š’Œȱ›ŽŠ–Ž—ȱ‘Šȱ
ŽšžŠ••¢ȱ ’‘ȱŠ—¢ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ‹›Š’—ȱ›Ž’˜—ǰȱ˜›ȱŒ˜›’ŒŠ•ȱœ™ŠŒŽǯȱ ’ȱ ŽœŽ›ŸŽœǯȱ •‘˜ž‘ȱ Š—ȱ Ž–Ž›’—ȱ Š›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ
ȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ‹Žȱ—˜Žȱ‘Šȱ‘Ž›ŽȱŠ›ŽǰȱŠȱ™›ŽœŽ—ǰȱ—˜ȱa priori consensus seems to have accepted these artefacts as
reasons to believe that the mechanisms at play dur- ’—Ž¡Žœȱ ˜ȱ œ¢–‹˜•’Œȱ ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜ž›ǰȱ ȱ ‘’—”ȱ ‘Šȱ œ’–™•¢ȱ
’—ȱŒ›˜œœȬ–˜Š•ȱ™•Šœ’Œ’¢ȱ’쎛ȱ›˜–ȱ‘˜œŽȱ’—Ÿ˜•ŸŽȱ ˜ȱ ™›˜ŸŽȱ ‘Žȱ Š›’ęŒ’Š•’¢ȱ ˜ȱ Šȱ ™Ž›˜›ŠŽȱ œ‘Ž••ǰȱ Š—ȱ
’—ȱ ’—›ŠȬ–˜Š•ȱ ™•Šœ’Œ’¢ǯȱ ›˜–ȱ ‘Žȱ ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ ˜ȱ maybe also its function as a personal ornament, does
archaeology and material culture studies it makes —˜ȱ—ŽŒŽœœŠ›’•¢ȱ–Š”Žȱ’ȱŠȱœ¢–‹˜•ȱȯȱŠȱ•ŽŠœȱ—˜ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ
good sense to extend this point further, exploring cul- Š›‹’›Š›¢ǰȱ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—Š•ȱœŽ—œŽȱ‘Šȱ’œȱ˜ĞŽ—ȱŠœœ˜Œ’-
tural change as a form of extra-neural or extra-modal ated with them and which could substantiate a claim
™•Šœ’Œ’¢ǯȱ’‘ȱœ˜–Žȱ›Žę—Ž–Ž—œȱ‘’œȱ’œȱ ‘Šȱ ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ™›ŽœŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱž••¢ȱŽŸŽ•˜™Žȱœ¢–‹˜•’Œȱ•Š—žŠŽǯȱ
‹ŽŽ—ȱŠĴŽ–™’—ȱ˜ȱ˜ȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱ ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ’œŒžœœŽȱœ˜–Žȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™›˜‹•Ž–œȱ˜ȱŽŠ›•¢ȱœ¢–-
™Š™Ž›ǯȱŽŽ—ȱ›˜–ȱœžŒ‘ȱŠ—ȱŠ—•Žǰȱœ’–™•¢ȱ˜ȱŠœ”ȱŠ‹˜žȱ bolism and its linguistic grounding elsewhere with
‘˜ ȱ Š—ȱ  ‘¢ȱ Šȱ Š¡’ȱ ›’ŸŽ›Ȃœȱ ȁ›Ž¢ȱ –ŠĴŽ›Ȃȱ Ž—•Š›Žœȱ œ™ŽŒ’Š•ȱ›ŽŽ›Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱŠ•ŠŽ˜•’‘’ŒȱŽ™’Œ’˜—œȱǻŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱ
in order to enable the storage of a mental map of the ŘŖŖŝ‹Ǽǯȱ —ȱ‘’œȱ™Š™Ž›ǰȱ’—œŽŠȱ˜ȱŠŒ”•’—ȱ’›ŽŒ•¢ȱ‘Žȱ
city of London (Maguire et al.ȱ ŘŖŖŖǼȱ ’œȱ —˜ȱ Ž—˜ž‘ǯȱ šžŽœ’˜—ȱŠ‹˜žȱ ‘Ž‘Ž›ȱ‘Žȱȱ’—‘Š‹’Š—œȱ˜ȱ•˜–-
˜›ȱ—Žž›˜Š›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ȱŠ—ȱ‘ŽȱŠŽ›’Š•ȱ—ŠŽ–Ž—ȱ ‹˜œȱŠŸŽȱ™˜œœŽœœŽȱ‘ŽȱŠ–˜žœȱȁœ¢–‹˜•’ŒȱŒŠ™ŠŒ’¢Ȃǰȱ ȱ
Š™™›˜ŠŒ‘ȱ ‘Žȱ šžŽœ’˜—ȱ ‘Šȱ –Š”Žœȱ ‘Žȱ ’쎛Ž—ŒŽȱ ’œȱ  Š—ȱ˜ȱžœŽȱ‘Žȱ•˜–‹˜œȱ‹ŽŠœȱ˜ȱ•˜˜”ȱŠȱŠȱ–˜›Žȱ‹Šœ’Œȱ
—Ž’‘Ž›ȱœ’–™•¢ȱŠ‹˜žȱ‹›Š’—ȱœ’£Žȱ—˜›ȱŠ‹˜žȱ‘ŽȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ Š—ȱ•Š›Ž•¢ȱž—Ž¡™•˜›Žȱ’–Ž—œ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽœŽȱŠ›ŽŠŒœǯȱ
’—ȱŒŽ›Ž‹›Š•ȱ‹•˜˜ȱ̘ Dzȱ‘ŽȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ’œȱŠ‹˜žȱ‘Žȱȁ•ŽŠ”œȂǰȱ —ȱ ™Š›’Œž•Š›ǰȱ ȱ  Š—ȱ ˜ȱ Ž¡™•˜›Žȱ ‘Žȱ ™˜œœ’‹•Žȱ ›˜•Žȱ ˜ȱ
’ȱ ȱ–Š¢ȱžœŽȱ‘ŽȱŽ›–ȱ˜ȱ—¢ȱ•Š›”ȱǻŗşşŝDzȱŘŖŖřǼǰȱŠ—ȱ these artefacts in the emergence of self-awareness,
‘Žȱ™˜œœ’‹•Žȱ›Š—œž‹œŠ—’Š’˜—œȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ̘ ȱ’—˜ȱ‘Žȱ that is, the question when and how human sense of
Ž¡Ž›—Š•ȱ ˜›•ǯȱ œŽ•ȱŽŸŽ•˜™Žǯȱ
Ž•ȮŠ Š›Ž—Žœœȱ ˜›ȱ ‘Žȱ Ž¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ œŽ•Ģ˜˜ȱ
‘ŽȱŽ–Ž›Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ•:ȱ‹ŽŠœȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ‹˜¢ȱ is one of those special features of humanity that
 Žȱ ˜ĞŽ—ȱ Š”Žȱ ˜›ȱ ›Š—Žǯȱ •‘˜ž‘ǰȱ Šœȱ  Žȱ œŠ ǰȱ
‘Ž›ŽȱŠ›Žȱ–Š—¢ȱŽ¡Š–™•Žœȱ‘Šȱ˜—ŽȱŒ˜ž•ȱžœŽȱ˜ȱ’••žœ- archaeology may constantly question the nature of
trate the implications of the above premises in the the human cognitive, and in particular symbolic or
Œ˜—Ž¡ȱ˜ȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ‘’—”’—ǯȱœȱ–¢ȱŒŠœŽȱœž¢ȱ linguistic, capabilities that can be inferred from the
’—ȱ ‘’œȱ ™Š™Ž›ȱ ȱ  ’••ȱ žœŽȱ ‘Žȱ Ž¡Š–™•Žȱ ˜ȱ œŽ•ȬŽŒ˜›Š- early archaeological record, it rarely ever questions
tion focusing upon one of the earliest well-preserved the existence of a fully developed self behind the
sample of personal-ornaments in the archaeological Š›ŽŠŒǯȱ ‘Žȱ Ž¡’œŽ—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ Š—ȱ ’——Ž›ȱ Œ˜—œŒ’˜žœȱ œŽ•ȱ ’œȱ
›ŽŒ˜›ǰȱ’ǯŽǯȱ‘Žȱ˜›¢Ȭ˜—ŽȱNassarius kraussianus shells Š”Ž—ȱŠœȱŠȱ’ŸŽ—ǯȱ
˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱŠȱ ŽŠ•‘ȱ˜ȱŽŸ˜•ž’˜—Š›¢ǰȱ
›ŽŒ˜ŸŽ›Žȱ Šȱ ‘Žȱ •˜–‹˜œȱ ŠŸŽȱ ’—ȱ ˜ž‘ȱ ›’ŒŠȱ developmental and anthropological studies can easily
ǻȂ››’Œ˜ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖśDzȱŠ—‘ŠŽ›Ž—ȱǭȱȂ››’Œ˜ȱŘŖŖŜǼǯȱ‘’œȱ Ž–˜—œ›ŠŽȱ‘Šȱ‘’œȱ’œȱŠ›ȱ›˜–ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽǯȱ
example will also bring our discussion in contact with ˜ȱ’••žœ›ŠŽȱ‘’œȱ’ȱœžĜŒŽœȱ˜ȱ•˜˜”ȱŠȱ‘Žȱ’쎛Ž—ȱ
the question about the making of modern humans (for levels of self awareness and types of self knowledge
Šȱ›ŽŸ’Ž ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŽ‹ŠŽȱœŽŽȱŒ›ŽŠ›¢ȱǭȱ›˜˜”œǰȱŘŖŖŖDzȱ ‘Šȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ‹ŽŽ—ȱ’Ž—’ꮍȱ›˜–ȱ‘ŽȱœŠ—™˜’—ȱ˜ȱŒ˜—’-
Ȃ››’Œ˜ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖřDzȱŽ••Š›œȱŘŖŖŜŠǰ‹Ǽǯȱ tive neuroscience and developmental psychology in
‘Ž›ŽȱŠ›Žȱ‘›ŽŽȱ–Š“˜›ȱšžŽœ’˜—œȱŠœœ˜Œ’ŠŽȱ ’‘ȱ ˜›Ž›ȱ˜ȱŽœŒ›’‹Žȱ ‘Šȱ–Š”Žœȱž™ȱ‘Žȱ™›˜‹•Ž–ȱ˜ȱœŽ•ǯȱ
‘Žȱ•˜–‹˜œȱœ‘Ž••œȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱŒ˜—Ž¡ǯȱ’›œȱ Žȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ‘Žȱ ‘Žȱ›ŽŠȱŸŠ›’Ž¢ȱ˜ȱŒ˜—ŒŽ™žŠ•ȱŠ—ȱŽ–™’›’ŒŠ•ȱ’œ’—Œ-
question of their date, secondly we have the question tions proposed, ranging from that of a ‘minimal’,
˜ȱ ’—Ž—’˜—Š•’¢ȱ Š—ȱ Š›ŽŠŒžŠ•’¢ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Ž—ȱ ꗊ••¢ǰȱ ȁ™›ŽȬ›ŽĚŽ¡’ŸŽȂǰȱȁ‹˜’•¢Ȃȱ˜›ȱȁŽŒ˜•˜’ŒŠ•Ȃȱ™›˜˜ȬœŽ•ȱ˜ȱ‘Šȱ
the question of their representational or symbolic ˜ȱŠȱȁ—Š››Š’ŸŽȂǰȱȁ›ŽĚŽ¡’ŸŽȂǰȱȁŒ˜—ŒŽ™žŠ•Ȃȱ˜›ȱȁ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š-
œŠžœǯȱ˜—ŒŽ›—’—ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ ˜ȱšžŽœ’˜—œȱ‘Ž›ŽȱœŽŽ–œȱ ’˜—Š•Ȃȱ–ŽŠȬœŽ•ȱǻ Š••Š‘Ž›ȱŘŖŖŖDzȱŽ’œœŽ›ȱŗşŞŞDzȱ›’‘ȱ
˜ȱ‹Žȱ•’Ĵ•Žȱ˜ž‹ȱ‘Šȱ‘ŽȱN. kraussianus shells come ŘŖŖśDzȱŽ›Š—ȱŘŖŖŜDzȱŽ ’œȱŘŖŖřDzȱ˜Œ‘ŠȱŘŖŖřǼȱŒ•ŽŠ›•¢ȱ
from around c.ȱ ŝśȱ ”¢Šȱ Š—ȱ ‘Šȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ ŠŽ—Œ¢ȱ ’œȱ points out that the development of human self aware-
responsible for their collection and transformation into ness is a topic far more complicated than is usually
‹ŽŠœǯȱŠ™‘˜—˜–’Œǰȱ–˜›™‘˜–Ž›’ŒȱŠ—ȱ–’Œ›˜œŒ˜™’Œȱ Šœœž–Žȱ’—ȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ǯȱ˜›ȱ˜ž›ȱ™ž›™˜œŽœȱ‘Ž›ŽǰȱŠ—ȱ
analysis of MSA, LSA, modern and experimentally in order to avoid unnecessary terminological confu-
–˜’ꮍȱœ‘Ž••œȱ™›˜Ÿ’ŽœȱŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŠŽ—Œ¢ȱ sion, we shall approach the problem of self employing
and involvement in the shells’ collection, perforation a simple distinction between noetic awareness and
Š—ȱžœŽȱŠœȱ‹ŽŠœȱǻȂ››’Œ˜ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖśǼǯȱ
˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ‘Žȱ autonoeticȱŠ Š›Ž—Žœœǯȱ‘ŽȱŽ›–œȱnoetic and autonoetic

Steps to a ‘Neuroarchaeology’ of Mind, part 1

Š Š›Ž—Žœœȱ Ž›Žȱ’—’’Š••¢ȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱ‹¢ȱž•Ÿ’—ȱǻŗşŞřDzȱ ŠœȱŠȱ–Š“˜›ȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱ•Š—–Š›”ȱ’—Ž¡’—ȱ‘ŽȱŽ–Ž›Ž—ŒŽȱ
ŘŖŖŘǼȱ‹žȱ ’••ȱ‹ŽȱžœŽȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’—ȱŠȱœ•’‘•¢ȱ’쎛Ž—ȱœŽ—œŽǯȱ ˜ȱŠȱŒ˜—ŒŽ™žŠ•ȱœŽ•ȱǻ˜Œ‘ŠȱŘŖŖřDzȱ Š••ž™ȱŗşŝŖDzȱŗşşŘDzȱ
—ȱ™Š›’Œž•Š›ǰȱnoetic awareness will refer to the basic ŗşşŚǼǯȱ ȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱ™Ž›˜›ŠŽȱŠ•ŠŽ˜•’‘’Œȱœ‘Ž••ȱ
sense of oneself as acting in and on the environment bead indexes a similar landmark, only with one impor-
ŠȱŠȱ’–ŽȱŠŒŒ˜›’—ȱ˜ȱ˜—ŽȂœȱꛜȱ™Ž›œ˜—ȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ Š—ȱ ’쎛Ž—ŒŽDZȱ ’ȱ ˜Žœȱ —˜ȱ œ’–™•¢ȱ ›ŽĚŽŒȱ Šȱ ™ŠœœŠŽȱ
ǻŗǼǯȱAutonoetic awareness will refer to sense of one- to self-awareness, it brings forth or at least actively
self as a unique individual persisting over time able Œ˜—›’‹žŽœȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ™ŠœœŠŽǯȱ
—˜ȱ˜—•¢ȱ˜ȱ’—Ž›ŠŒȱ ’‘ȱ˜‹“ŽŒœȱŠ—ȱ˜‘Ž›œȱŠŒŒ˜›’—ȱ A good way to illustrate this can be found in
˜ȱ˜—ŽȂœȱꛜȱ™Ž›œ˜—ȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱǻŗǼȱ‹žȱŠ•œ˜ȱ˜ȱ›ŽĚŽŒȱ what became known in the case of numerical thinking
˜—ȱ˜—ŽȂœȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽǯȱ Šœȱȁ‹Šœ’Œȱ—ž–‹Ž›ȱœŽ—œŽȂǰȱ’ǯŽǯȱ˜ž›ȱŠ‹’•’¢ȱ˜ȱŠ™™›˜¡’–ŠŽȱ
Accepting the above basic distinction, the ques- large numerical magnitudes, and to identify small
tion that naturally follows is how do we proceed to —ž–‹Ž›œȱ ˜ȱ ’—’Ÿ’žŠ•ȱ ˜‹“ŽŒœȱ ǻ˜—Ž—Žœœǰȱ  ˜—Žœœȱ
explore the developmental passage from noetic to Š—ȱ‘›ŽŽ—ŽœœǼȱǻŽ‘ŠŽ—ŽȱŗşşŝDzȱŽ’Ž—œ˜—ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖŚǼǯȱ
autonoetic awareness from a long-term archaeologi- Several lines of evidence clearly support the view
ŒŠ•ȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽǵȱ˜—›Š›¢ȱ˜ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱŒ˜–™Š›Š’ŸŽȱŠ—ȱ that this ‘basic number sense’ can be considered to
developmental approaches to the question of self, we be an evolved, innate biological competence shared
can only speculate about some of the possible answers ‹¢ȱ ™›ŽȬŸŽ›‹Š•ȱ ’—Š—œȱ Š—ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ Š—’–Š•œǯȱ
˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ
˜—ȱ‘Žȱ‹Šœ’œȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ›ŽŒ˜›ǯȱ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ȱ although we share a common numerical basis with
lacks, for obvious reasons, the ability to conduct any of many other animals, none of them seems to be capable
‘ŽȱžœžŠ•ȱȁ–’››˜›ȱœŽ•Ȭ›ŽŒ˜—’’˜—ȱŠœ”œȂȱǻ Š••ž™ȱŗşŝŖDzȱ of making the mental leap from this basic number
ŗşşŘDzȱŗşşŚǼȱŠ—ȱ‘žœȱ Žȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ—˜ȱ’›ŽŒȱŽ–™’›’ŒŠ•ȱ Š¢ȱ œŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™˜œœŽœœ’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠȱŒ˜—ŒŽ™ȱ˜ȱ—ž–‹Ž›ȱȯȱ‘Šȱ
˜ȱ”—˜ ȱ’ȱŠ—ȱ‘˜ ǰȱ‘Žȱ’—‘Š‹’Š—œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ•˜–‹˜œȱ is, the ability to manipulate large exact numerocities
Cave would have reacted to the view of their face and ‹Ž¢˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŠ‹˜ŸŽȬ–Ž—’˜—Žȱœž‹’’£’—ȱ›Š—Žȱ˜ȱ‘›ŽŽȱ
‹˜¢ȱŠœȱœŽŽ—ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱœž›ŠŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ–’››˜›ǯȱ ˜›ȱ˜ž›ȱȯȱŽŸŽ—ȱŠĞŽ›ȱ¢ŽŠ›œȱ˜ȱ›Š’—’—ȱ’—ȱŠȱŒ˜—›˜••Žȱ

˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ Žœ™’Žȱ ‘Žȱ –Š—¢ȱ –Ž‘˜˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ Ž—Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—ȱǻŽǯǯȱ’›˜ȱǭȱŠœž£Š ŠȱŘŖŖŗǼǯȱ —ȱŠŒȱ‘’œȱ
problems, the archaeological record can prove particu- mental leap, from approximate to exact numerocity,
larly useful in constraining some aspects of hypothesis is of the type that distinguishes the capabilities of the
‹ž’•’—ȱŠ‹˜žȱ‘ŽȱŽ–Ž›Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ•ȬŠ Š›Ž—Žœœǯȱ˜ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ–’—ȱ›˜–ȱ‘˜œŽȱ˜ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱœ™ŽŒ’ŽœǯŚȱ‘ŽȱŒ›žŒ’Š•ȱ
’••žœ›ŠŽȱ ‘’œǰȱ ’—ȱ  ‘Šȱ ›Ž–Š’—œȱ ˜ȱ ‘’œȱ ™Š™Ž›ǰȱ ȱ  ’••ȱ question then, from a long-term perspective, is what
ŠĴŽ–™ȱ ŸŽ›¢ȱ ‹›’ŽĚ¢ȱ ˜ȱ Ž•žŒ’ŠŽȱ ‘˜ ȱ ‘Žȱ ŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ drives humans beyond the limits of this core system
for early body-adornment can be seen as indicative ˜ȱŠ™™›˜¡’–ŠŽȱ—ž–Ž›’ŒŠ•ȱ‘’—”’—ǵȱǻŽ’Ž—œ˜—ȱet al.
˜ȱ Ž¡™•’Œ’ȱ œŽ•ȱ ›ŽŒ˜—’’˜—ȱ Š—ȱ ˜‹“ŽŒ’ęŒŠ’˜—ǰȱ ‘žœȱ ŘŖŖŚǰȱřŗřǼǯ
˜ěŽ›’—ȱ œ˜–Žȱ ŸŠ•žŠ‹•Žȱ ’—˜›–Š’˜—ȱ Œ˜—ŒŽ›—’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ȱœžŽœȱ‘Šȱ‘ŽȱŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—ȱ˜ȱœŽ•ȬŠ Š›Ž—Žœœȱ
emergence of human autonoeticȱŠ Š›Ž—Žœœǯȱ˜ȱ›Š ȱ ŒŠ—ȱ ‹Žȱ Œ˜—ŒŽ’ŸŽȱ ˜ȱ Š•˜—ȱ œ’–’•Š›ȱ •’—Žœǯȱ ‘Žȱ ‹Šœ’Œȱ
out this dimension of early body-decoration we need noetic sense of bodily awareness can be demonstrated
to disentangle the referential logic that dominates ’––Ž’ŠŽ•¢ȱ ŠĞŽ›ȱ ‹’›‘ȱ ’—ȱ ’—Š—œȱ ǻ˜Œ‘Šȱ ŘŖŖřǼǯȱ
archaeological thinking and the interpretation of Moreover, our nearest primate relatives present a
‘ŽœŽȱŠ›ŽŠŒœȱ›˜–ȱ‘Žȱœ¢–‹˜•’Œǯȱ ȱ’œȱ™›ŽŒ’œŽ•¢ȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱ number of features indicative of such a proto-self
Œ˜——ŽŒ’˜—ȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱŒŠ—ȱ˜ěŽ›ȱŠȱ—Ž ȱ œ¢œŽ–ȱ ǻ Š••ž™ȱ ŗşşŚDzȱ Š–Šœ’˜ȱ ŗşşşǼǯȱ žǰȱ œ’–’•Š›ȱ
–ŽŠ—œȱ˜›ȱŠ™™›˜ŠŒ‘’—ȱ‘Žȱ•˜–‹˜œȱŠŠȱœŽȱ’—ȱŠȱ Š¢ȱ to what we discussed in relation to the capacity for
that could serve a similar function to that of the mirror ‘exact’ numerical thinking, other primates never make
œŽ•Ȭ’Ž—’ęŒŠ’˜—ȱŠœ”ǯȱ••ȱ’ȱŠ”Žœȱ’œȱŠȱœ–Š••ȱœ‘’Ğȱ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ™ŠœœŠŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ›ŽĚŽŒ’ŸŽǰȱŒ˜—ŒŽ™žŠ•ȱ˜›ȱȁautonoetic’
™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽDZȱ ’—œŽŠȱ ˜ȱ œŽŽ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ •˜–‹˜œȱ ‹ŽŠȱ Šœȱ œŠŽœȱ˜ȱœŽ•Ģ˜˜ǯȱ‘ŽȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ‘ŠȱŒ˜—›˜—œȱžœȱ‘Ž—ȱ
a ‘symbol’ and thus ‘a reliable proxy for the acquisi- is how did humans move beyond this basic level of
’˜—ȱ˜ȱ•Š—žŠŽȂȱǻȂ››’Œ˜ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖśǰȱŘŖǼǰȱ ȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱ ȁŒ˜›ŽȂȱǻ˜›‘˜ěȱǭȱŠ—”œŽ™™ȱŘŖŖŞǼȱ™›˜˜ȬœŽ•ǵȱ —ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ
‘Šȱ’ȱ–Š”Žœȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱœŽ—œŽȱ’ȱ Žȱœ’–™•¢ȱœŽŽȱ‘Žȱœ‘Ž••ȱ words, how did humans reach this point of autonoetic
‹ŽŠȱŠœȱ‘ŽȱŽšž’ŸŠ•Ž—ȱ˜ȱŠȱȁ˜œȬ Ȃȱœ’Œ”Ž›ȱ™•ŠŒŽȱ˜—ȱ œŽ•ȬŠŒžŠ•’£Š’˜—ȱ  ‘Ž›Žȱ ‘Žȱ œŽ•ȱ ’œȱ ›ŽŒ˜—’£Žȱ Š—ȱ
a child’s forehead prior to its exposure ‘in a mirror- Ž¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽȱ—˜ȱ˜—•¢ȱ›˜–ȱ ’‘’—ǰȱ‘Šȱ’œǰȱ›˜–ȱŠȱꛜȱ
’Ž—’ęŒŠ’˜—ȱ Ž¡™Ž›’–Ž—Ȃȱ ǻ˜Œ‘Šȱ ŘŖŖřǰȱ ŝŘŗǰȱ ęǯȱ ŘǼǯȱ ™Ž›œ˜—ȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱǻŗǼȱǻ˜Ž•Ž¢ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖŚDzȱŠ‘ŠŸ’ȱ
—ȱŽ¡™Ž›’–Ž—œȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ”’—ȱ‘ŽȱŒ‘’•ǰȱŽ™Ž—’—ȱ˜—ȱ ŘŖŖśǼǰȱ‹žȱŠ•œ˜ȱ›˜–ȱŠȱ‘’›ȱ™Ž›œ˜—Ȃœȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽǵ
age, discovers the sticker in the mirror and reaches to Most researchers dealing with developmental
˜žŒ‘ȱ˜›ȱ›Ž–˜ŸŽȱ’ǯȱ‘’œȱ¢™Žȱ˜ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜ž›ȱ’œȱŠ”Ž—ȱ‹¢ȱ šžŽœ’˜—œȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱœ‘˜›ȱȯȱŽ’‘Ž›ȱ›˜–ȱŠ—ȱ˜—˜Ž—Ž’Œȱ
many developmental and evolutionary psychologists ˜›ȱ™‘¢•˜Ž—Ž’Œȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱȯȱ ˜ž•ȱœŽŽȱ•Š—žŠŽȱŠœȱ

Special Section

™•Š¢’—ȱ‘Žȱ”Ž¢ȱ›˜•Žǯȱ˜›ȱ’—œŠ—ŒŽȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽȱ˜ȱ—ž–Ž›- Š—’‹•Žȱ ‘Šȱ’œȱ’—‘Ž›Ž—•¢ȱœ’•Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ›Š—œ™Š›Ž—ǰȱ’ǯŽǯȱ
ical thinking there seems to be common agreement the palaeolithic noeticȱ œŽ•ǯȱ ‘’œȱ –Š¢ȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ ™•Š¢Žȱ Š—ȱ
that it is language (the presence or absence of number important role in the emergence of the human ability to
words) that provided the necessary link that enabled ‹Žȱ›ŽĚŽŒ’ŸŽ•¢ȱŒ˜—œŒ’˜žœȱ˜ȱ˜—ŽȂœȱ˜ —ȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ
humans to move beyond the threshold of approxima-  ˜›•ȱ›Š‘Ž›ȱ‘Š—ȱœ’–™•¢ȱ‹Ž’—ȱŠ Š›Žȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ˜›•ǯ
’˜—ȱǻ Ž•–Š—ȱǭȱžĴŽ› ˜›‘ȱŘŖŖśDzȱ Ž•–Š—ȱǭȱ Š••’œŽ•ȱ —ȱ ™Š›’Œž•Š›ǰȱ ŠĴŠŒ‘Žȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ‹˜¢ȱ ‘Žȱ ‹ŽŠȱ
ŘŖŖŚǼǯȱ ’‘˜žȱ ž—Ž›Žœ’–Š’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ’–™˜›Š—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ becomes a visible, corporeal extension of the skin
language, especially in ontogeny, it can be argued that Š—ȱ –˜’ęŒŠ’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Šȱ ‹˜¢ǯȱ ȱ ‘Žȱ œŠ–Žȱ ’–Žǰȱ
from a long-term archaeological perspective the above seen as a dual entity that both touches the body and
premise cannot easily account for the development of faces outward toward the other, the shell bead can be
numerical thinking in those early contexts where such ŽœŒ›’‹ŽȱŠœȱŠȱ”’—ȱ˜ȱȁœŽŒ˜—Ȃȱ˜›ȱȁœ˜Œ’Š•Ȃȱœ”’—ȱǻž›—Ž›ȱ
ŸŽ›‹Š•ȱ—ž–Ž›’ŒŠ•ȱŒ˜–™ŽŽ—ŒŽȱ’ȱ—˜ȱ¢ŽȱŽ¡’œǯȱ —ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ ŗşşřȱǽŗşŞŖǾǼǯȱ
˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ’—ȱ’œȱŒŠ™ŠŒ’¢ȱ˜ȱ›Žœ‘Š™Žȱ‘Žȱ
words, the question for archaeology is not about how ‹˜¢ǰȱ ˜ȱ  ‘’Œ‘ȱ ’ȱ ‹ŽŒ˜–Žœȱ ŠĴŠŒ‘Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ œ‘Ž••ȱ ‹ŽŠȱ
you learn to associate the word ten with the quantity Ž¡Ž—œȱȁ™Ž›’™Ž›œ˜—Š•ȱœ™ŠŒŽȂȱȯȱ’ǯŽǯȱ‘Žȱ‹›Š’—Ȃœȱ›Ž™›Ž-
10, but rather about how you conceive the quantity sentation of the body and of the space surrounding
˜ȱ ŗŖȱ  ‘Ž—ȱ ¢˜žȱ •ŠŒ”ȱ Šȱ —ž–‹Ž›ȱ  ˜›ȱ ˜ȱ Ž¡™›Žœœȱ ’ǯȱ ‘Žȱ‹˜¢ȱǻ
˜•–Žœȱet al.ȱŘŖŖŚǰȱ
Despite the evident association between language and ŜŘDzȱ
˜•–Žœȱ ǭȱ ™Ž—ŒŽȱ ŘŖŖŚDzȱ Š›ŠŸ’Šȱ ǭȱ ›’”’ȱ ŘŖŖŚDzȱ
exact arithmetic, language lacks in itself the necessary Maravita et al. 2001; Maravita et al.ȱ ŘŖŖŘDzȱ Ž›’ȱ ǭȱ
žŒ‘’—œȱŘŖŖśǼȱ‘Šȱ ˜ž•ȱ ›Šœœ’—ŽĴ’ȱ ŘŖŖŖǼǯȱ ŽŒŠžœŽȱ ˜ȱ ‘’œȱ ‘Žȱ ‹ŽŠȱ Š•œ˜ȱ ™˜œ-
‘ŠŸŽȱ–ŠŽȱ™˜œœ’‹•ŽȱœžŒ‘ȱŠȱ›Š—œ’’˜—ǯȱ ȱœžŽœȱ‘Šȱ sesses the ability to cross-cut the conventional ‘body
‘Žȱ ˜›•ȱ˜ȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ‘’—œȱ˜ěŽ›œȱ‘Žȱ–’œœ’—ȱ•’—”ȱ’—ȱ ’–ŠŽȂȦȁ‹˜¢ȱ œŒ‘Ž–ŠȂȱ ’œ’—Œ’˜—œȱ ǻ Š••Š‘Ž›ȱ ŘŖŖŖǼȱ
those cases providing an unlimited recourse for enac- thus giving rise to one of the earliest manifestations
tive œ’—’ęŒŠ’˜—ȱǻ˜›ȱ–˜›ŽȱŽ¡Š–™•ŽœȱœŽŽȱŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱ of what we may call extended or distributed self (see
ŘŖŖŝŠǰ‹Dzȱ’—ȱ™›ŽœœǼǯ Š•œ˜ȱŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱŘŖŖŞǼǯȱ
‘žœǰȱ›Žž›—’—ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ•˜–‹˜œȱ‹ŽŠœǰȱ More simply, body decoration is capable of liberat-
ȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱ‘Šȱ‘Ž¢ȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ‹ŽȱŠ™™›˜ŠŒ‘ŽȱŠ—ȱž—Ž›- ing the self from the here and now of ordinary experi-
stood along the lines of this enactive logic that also ence, that is from the temporal simultaneity and spatial
˜ŒŒž™’Žœȱ‘ŽȱŒ›ž¡ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œǯȱ —ȱ™Š›’Œž•Š›ǰȱ Œ˜’—Œ’Ž—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œž‹“ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ ‹˜¢ȱ œ˜ȱ ’ȱ ŒŠ—ȱ —˜ ȱ ‹Žȱ
ȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱ‘Šȱthe bead is for the early human self-system Ž—Œ‘Š’—Žȱ’—˜ȱ’œȱœ˜Œ’Š•ȱœž››˜ž—’—ȱǻœŽŽȱŠ•œ˜ȱ —Š™™ŽĴȱ
as the stick is for the blind person’s perceptual system: ‘Žȱ ŘŖŖŜǼǯȱ
˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ‘Žȱ”Ž¢ȱŽ•Ž–Ž—ȱ˜›ȱ™›˜™Ž›¢ȱ‹Ž‘’—ȱ‘’œȱ
‹ŽŠǰȱ •’”Žȱ ‘Žȱ œ’Œ”ǰȱ ˜ěŽ›œȱ ‘Žȱ —ŽŒŽœœŠ›¢ȱ œŒŠě˜•’—ȱ social enchainment is not the symbolic communication
or ‘surrogate material structure’ (Clark forthcoming) of social identity, such as group membership, gender
‘Šȱ ‹¢ȱ ŽěŽŒ’—ȱ Š—ȱ Ž¡Ž—Žȱ ›Ž˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ŽŒǯǰȱ‘Šȱ–Š—¢ȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’œœȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱ›Š ’—ȱ
cognitive system makes possible the bringing forth parallels with the function of personal decoration in
˜ȱŠȱ—Ž ȱ¢™Žȱ˜ȱœŽ•Ȭ”—˜ •ŽŽǰȱ’ǯŽǯȱautonoetic aware- ›ŽŒŽ—ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱœ˜Œ’Ž’Žœǯȱ —ȱ‘ŽȱŽŠ›•¢ȱŒ˜—Ž¡œȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ
ness; a hard, or even impossible process, for a naked ™›Ž‘’œ˜›¢ȱ‘Žȱ™›ŽœŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ›ŽĚŽ¡’ŸŽȱœŽ•ȬŠ Š›Ž—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱ
‹›Š’—ȱ˜ȱ›ŽŠ•’£Žǯȱ œŽ•Ȭ˜‘Ž›ȱ’œ’—Œ’˜—ȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ—˜ȱ‹ŽȱŠ”Ž—ȱ˜›ȱ›Š—Žǯȱ
‘’œȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ—˜ȱ‹Žȱž—Ž›œ˜˜ȱ˜ȱ’–™•¢ȱ‘Šȱonly ‘Žȱ”Ž¢ȱŽ•Ž–Ž—ȱ˜›ȱ™›˜™Ž›¢ȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’œȱ—˜ȱȁœ¢–‹˜•’œ–Ȃȱ
shell beads or body decoration could have played ‹žȱȁŽ—ŠŽ–Ž—Ȃǯȱ‘Žȱœ‘Ž••ȱ‹ŽŠȱ’œȱ’–™˜›Š—ȱ˜›ȱ ‘Šȱ
‘Šȱ ›˜•Žǯȱ ˜˜•ȱ žœŽȱ Š—ȱ –Š—žŠŒž›Žǰȱ ˜›ȱ ’—œŠ—ŒŽǰȱ it does and not for what it means. Material engagement
had already made important contributions to the comes before symbol and is the key to understanding
emergence of human intentionality and the sense of the diverse ways in which agency can emanate from
agency and body ownership which are essential for ‘’—œȱǻœŽŽȱŠ•œ˜ȱ Ž••ȱŗşşŞDzȱ —Š™™ŽĴȱǭȱŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱ’—ȱ
the development of human self-awareness (Malafouris ™›ŽœœDzȱ ˜œŽ—ȱŘŖŖśǼǯȱ
˜›‘Œ˜–’—Ǽǯȱžȱ—˜—Ž‘Ž•Žœœȱ‘Žȱ”’—ȱ˜ȱ‹˜’•¢ȱŠ—ȱ —ȱœž––Š›¢ǰȱ ȱœžŽœȱ‘ŠȱŽŠ›•¢ȱ‹˜¢ȱ˜›—Š–Ž—-
cognitive prosthesis that we see in the case of early Š’˜—ȱ•’”Žȱ ‘Šȱ ŽȱœŽŽȱŠȱ•˜–‹˜œȱŠŸŽȱž›’—ȱ‘Žȱ
body-decoration brings some additional ‘epistemic’ ȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ—˜ȱ‹Žȱž—Ž›œ˜˜ȱŠȱꛜȱ’—œŠ—ŒŽȱŠœȱ‘Žȱ
šžŠ•’’Žœȱ‘Šȱ Žȱ˜—ȂȱœŽŽȱȯȱ—˜ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŠ–ŽȱŽ›ŽŽȱŠȱ symbolic elaboration of the hominid brain along the
•ŽŠœȱȯȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽȱ˜ȱ˜˜•ȱžœŽȱŠ—ȱ–Š—žŠŒž›Žǯȱ‘ŽœŽȱ self-other distinction axis, but instead as a possible
special epistemic qualities emanate primarily from the technique for the gradual emergence of such a distinc-
Š‹’•’¢ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‹ŽŠœǰȱŠœȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ‘’—œȱŠĴŠŒ‘Žȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ’˜—ǯȱ˜›Žȱœ’–™•¢ǰȱ’—œŽŠȱ˜ȱœŽŽ’—ȱŽŠ›•¢ȱ˜›—Š–Ž—œȱ
‹˜¢ǰȱ˜ȱ›Š—œ˜›–ȱ‘Žȱ™‘Ž—˜–Ž—˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱœŽ•ȬŠœȬœž‹“ŽŒȱ as existing for the self we should be seeing the self as
˜ȱŠȱœ˜Œ’Š•ȱœŽ•ȬŠœȬ˜‹“ŽŒǯȱ‘Šȱ’œǰȱ˜ȱ–Š”ŽȱŸ’œ’‹•ŽȱŠ—ȱ emerging through the ornamentǯȱ

Steps to a ‘Neuroarchaeology’ of Mind, part 1

Žȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ —˜Žȱ ‘Šȱ ›˜–ȱ ‘Žȱ ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ ˜ȱ entrenched assumptions behind the debate over the
—Žž›˜œŒ’Ž—ŒŽȱ ›ŽŒŽ—ȱ ’–Š’—ȱ œž’Žœȱ Š—ȱ ꗍ’—œȱ ˜›’’—ȱ˜ȱ–˜Ž›—ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ’—Ž••’Ž—ŒŽǯȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ’–™•’Œ’ȱ
from the neuropsychology of self-disorders provide assumption is that brain anatomy and structure stayed
ŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ‘Šȱ˜ž›ȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱœŽ•Ģ˜˜ȱ›Žœž•œȱ›˜–ȱ‘Žȱ ‘ŽȱœŠ–ŽȱŠĞŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ–Š’—ȱœ™ŽŒ’Š’˜—ȱŽŸŽ—ǰȱ ‘Ž—ŽŸŽ›ȱ
Š›ŽŠŽȱ˜ȱ’œ’—Œȱœ™ŽŒ’Š•’£Žȱ™›˜ŒŽœœŽœȱ™Ž›˜›–Žȱ Š—ȱ ‘Ž›ŽŸŽ›ȱ ŽȱŽŒ’Žȱ˜ȱœ’žŠŽȱ‘Šǯȱ‘ŽȱœŽŒ˜—ȱ
‹¢ȱŠȱ—ž–‹Ž›ȱ˜ȱ’쎛Ž—ȱŠ—ȱœž‹ȬŒ˜—œŒ’˜žœȱ—Žž›˜—Š•ȱ implicit assumption is that material culture, although
networks situated primarily in the right hemisphere ’ȱŒŠ—ȱ‹ŽȱœŽŽ—ȱ˜ȱ›ŽĚŽŒȱ™˜œœ’‹•ŽȱŒ‘Š—ŽœȱǻŽ—Ž’Œȱ˜›ȱ
ǻœŽŽȱ ˜›ȱ ›ŽŸ’Ž ȱ žœ—Š›ȱ ŘŖŖśDzȱ ›’‘ȱ ŘŖŖśDzȱ ŽŒŽ¢ȱ ǭȱ ˜‘Ž›Ǽȱ’—ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŒ˜—’’˜—ǰȱ‘Šœȱ—˜ȱŒŠžœŠ•ȱŽĜŒŠŒ¢ȱ˜›ȱ
˜––Ž›Ÿ’••Žȱ ŘŖŖřǼǯȱ œȱ ŽŒŽ¢ȱ ǭȱ ˜––Ž›Ÿ’••Žǰȱ ˜›ȱ other direct relationship with the mechanisms that
example, proposed recently, the self can be seen as a underlie these changes and which should be sought
multi-dimensional construct that relies on a distrib- ’—ȱ‘Žȱ˜–Š’—ȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹’˜•˜¢ǯȱ
uted neural network (a collection of interconnected From the perspective advanced in this paper the
predominantly right-hemisphere based prefrontal, ˜›–Ž›ȱŠœœž–™’˜—ȱŒŠ—ȱ—˜ȱ•˜—Ž›ȱ‹ŽȱœžœŠ’—Žǯȱȱ•ŽŠœȱ
posterior temporal and inferior parietal regions) that ’ȱŒŠ——˜ȱ‹ŽȱœžœŠ’—Žȱ ’‘˜žȱœ˜–Žȱž›‘Ž›ȱšžŠ•’ęŒŠ-
encompasses shared self–other representations and ’˜—œȱ˜›ȱ–˜›Žȱ™›ŽŒ’œŽȱŽę—’’˜—œȱŒ˜—ŒŽ›—’—ȱ ‘Šȱ’ȱ
’œȱ ŽœœŽ—’Š•ȱ ˜›ȱ ‘Žȱ œž‹“ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ Ž¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ Šȱ ȁœŽ•Ȃȱ ’œȱŠ‹˜žȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹›Š’—ȱ‘Šȱ›Ž–Š’—œȱ‘ŽȱœŠ–Žǯȱ˜›ȱ
ǻŽŒŽ¢ȱǭȱ˜––Ž›Ÿ’••ŽȱŘŖŖřǼǯȱ instance, although as recent DNA studies point out

˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱŠœȱ ŽȱŠ›žŽȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ™›ŽŸ’˜žœȱœŽŒ’˜—ǰȱ ǻŽ••Š›œȱŘŖŖŜŠǰ‹Ǽǰȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŽ—Ž’Œȱœ›žŒž›Žȱ˜Žœȱ
any intracranial conception of the human mind and not seem to have changed much (Renfrew 2008), the
by extension of self, should be resisted (see also Mala- ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹›Š’—ȱŠ•–˜œȱŒŽ›Š’—•¢ȱ‘Šœǯȱ ȱ‘Žȱ’—›’—œ’ŒŠ••¢ȱ
˜ž›’œȱŘŖŖŞǼǯȱ˜ȱ˜ž‹ȱ‘Žȱ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—Š•ȱ™›˜™Ž›’Žœȱ plastic human brain undergoes constant change
of neural networks, like those that subserve the human œž‹“ŽŒȱ˜ȱŸŠ›’˜žœȱŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—Š•ǰȱŽ—Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—Š•ȱŠ—ȱ
œŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱœŽ•ǰȱ‹ŽŒ˜–Žȱ›ŽŠ•’£Žȱ’—œ’Žȱ‘Žȱ‘ŽŠǰȱ‹žȱ˜›ȱ cultural factors, then it cannot simply be assumed that
‘Žȱ ȱ ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱ ‘Žȱ œ¢œŽ–’Œȱ ™›˜™Ž›’Žœȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ anatomically modern human intelligence refers to a
cognitive structures from which they derive extend ę¡ŽȱŠ—ȱœŠ‹•Žȱœ™ŽŒ’Š’˜—ȱŽŸŽ—ǯȱ ȱŠ™™ŽŠ›œȱ’—œŽŠȱ
‹Ž¢˜—ȱœ”’—ȱŠ—ȱœ”ž••ǯȱ¢ȱ‘Šȱ ȱ˜ȱ—˜ȱœ’–™•¢ȱ›ŽŽ›ȱ that a plastic brain is always amenable to drastic deep
to an activity-dependent change in the neural archi- ›ŽȬ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ȱ Š—ȱ ‘žœǰȱ ™˜Ž—’Š••¢ǰȱ ˜ȱ Šȱ Œ˜—œŠ—ǰȱ
tecture (whether by adding new processing nodes or ‘pre-modern’ state of change and ongoing cognitive
Œ˜——ŽŒ’˜—œȱŠ–˜—ȱ‘Ž–Ǽǯȱ —œŽŠȱ ȱŠ–ȱ›ŽŽ››’—ȱ˜ȱ ŽŸ˜•ž’˜—ǯȱ
an outward expansion of the cognitive system so as —Žȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ ‹ŽŠ›ȱ ’—ȱ –’—ȱ ’—ȱ ‘’œȱ Œ˜—Ž¡ȱ ‘Šȱ
to include and incorporate extra-neural nodes real- the development in neuroscience of new theoretical
’£Žȱ‘›˜ž‘ȱ‹˜¢ȱŠ—ȱŒž•ž›Žǯȱ —ȱ‘Žȱ•ŠĴŽ›ȱŸ’Ž ǰȱ’ȱ frameworks such as that of ‘neuroconstructivism’
is the ornament itself that has partially driven and ǻŽœŽ›–Š——ȱ et al.ȱ ŘŖŖŝDzȱ žŠ›£ȱ ǭȱ Ž“—˜ œ”’ȱ ŗşşŝDzȱ
mediated the transformation of the bodily self to a žŠ›£ȱŗşşşǼȱŠ—ȱȁ™›˜‹Š‹’•’œ’ŒȱŽ™’Ž—Žœ’œȂȱǻ ˜Ĵ•’Ž‹ȱ
œŽ•Ȭ’—ȬŒ˜—Ž¡Ȭ˜Ȭ‘ŽȬ˜‘Ž›ȱ‹¢ȱŽěŽŒ’—ȱŠ—ȱŽ¡Ž—Žȱ ŘŖŖřDzȱŘŖŖŝǼȱ™›˜Ÿ’ŽœȱžœȱŠȱ—Ž ǰȱ—˜—Ȭ•’—ŽŠ›ȱŠ—ȱ’—Ž›ŠŒ-
›ŽȬ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ—Žž›Š•ȱ—Ž ˜›”œȱ‘Šȱœž‹œŽ›ŸŽȱ tive model for understanding the relationship between
‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱȁ›’‘ȱ‘Ž–’œ™‘Ž›Žȱ’—Ž›™›ŽŽ›Ȃȱǻ Š££Š—’Šȱ Ž—Žœǰȱ ‘Žȱ ‹›Š’—ȱ Š—ȱ ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜ž›ȱ ‘Šȱ Œ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’£Žȱ
ŗşşŞǼǯ ‘ž–Š—ȱ Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱ ‹ŽŒ˜–’—ǯȱ —ȱ ™Š›’Œž•Š›ǰȱ Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱ
development is no longer seen as the progressive
˜–ŽȱŒ˜—Œ•ž’—ȱ‘˜ž‘œ unfolding of information that is laid out in the
Ž—˜–Žǯȱ ‘Žȱ ›Š’’˜—Š•ȱ Ÿ’Ž ȱ ˜ȱ Šȱ ˜—ŽȬ’›ŽŒ’˜—Š•ȱ
žȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ˜ŽœȱŠ••ȱ‘’œȱ•ŽŠŸŽȱžœȱ ‘Ž—ȱ’ȱŒ˜–Žœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ̘ ȱ˜ȱŒŠžœŽȱŠ—ȱŽěŽŒȱ›˜–ȱŽ—ŽœȱǻǼȱ˜ȱȱ
šžŽœ’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜›’’—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ –˜Ž›—’¢ǵȱ ‘Šȱ to the structure of proteins which they encode gives
˜Žœȱ‘Žȱȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱŠȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ˜—˜’—ȱŽ‹ŠŽȱ way to a more subtle picture where physical, social,
over the making of modern humans and in what way cultural aspects of environment and behaviour play
does it help us to rethink what traits mark the origin fundamental role in triggering the expression of genes
˜ȱ˜ž›ȱœ™ŽŒ’Žœǵȱ¢ȱ Š¢ȱ˜ȱŒ˜—Œ•ž’—ȱ‘’œȱ™Š™Ž›ȱ ȱ Š—ȱ ǻŽœŽ›–Š——ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖŝǰȱŝŜǼǯȱ
‹›’ŽĚ¢ȱ˜ȱœž––Š›’£ŽȱŠȱŽ ȱ–Š“˜›ȱ™˜’—œǯȱ ‘žœȱ Š•‘˜ž‘ȱ  Žȱ ŒŠ—ȱ Ž‹ŠŽȱ ‘Žȱ žœŽž•—Žœœȱ
‘’Œ‘ŽŸŽ›ȱ•’œȱ˜ȱŽŠ›•¢ȱ–˜Ž›—ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ- of notions like cognitive or behavioural modernity
’˜ž›Š•ȱ ›Š’œȱ ˜—Žȱ Œ‘˜˜œŽœȱ ȯȱ ž›˜ŒŽ—›’Œȱ ˜›ȱ —˜ȱ ǻœŽŽȱ which dominate archaeological thinking (see for

Ž—œ‘’• ˜˜ȱ ǭȱ Š›ŽŠ—ȱ ŘŖŖřǼȱ ȯȱ Š—ȱ  ‘ŠŽŸŽ›ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŽŸ’Ž ȱȂ››’Œ˜ȱŘŖŖřDzȱȂ››’Œ˜ȱet al.ȱŘŖŖřDzȱŽ••Š›œȱŗşŞşDzȱ

™›ŽŒ’œŽȱ–˜Ž•ȱ˜ȱŒ‘Š—Žȱ˜—Žȱœž‹œŒ›’‹Žœȱ˜ȱȯȱ›Šž- ŗşşŗǼȱŠ—ȱŠ›Žȱ›Ž•ŽŸŠ—ȱ˜ȱœ˜–Žȱ’–Ž—œ’˜—œȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ
Š•’œ’Œȱ˜›ȱœžŽ—ȱȯȱ‘Ž›ŽȱŠ›Žȱ ˜ȱ–Š“˜›ȱŠ—ȱŽŽ™•¢ȱ Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱŽŸ˜•ž’˜—ȱǻŽǯǯȱœ¢—ŠŒ’ŒŠ•ȱ•Š—žŠŽǼǰȱŠœȱŠ›ȱ

Special Section

as the broader issue of human cognitive becoming is ˜›ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ‘Ž•™ž•ȱŒ˜––Ž—œȱŠ—ȱœžŽœ’˜—œǯȱ‘Žȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱ

Œ˜—ŒŽ›—Žǰȱ ȱœžŽœȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱ ˜›œȱ˜ȱ›ž—˜ȱŠ˜ž›ȱ ™›ŽœŽ—Žȱ‘Ž›Žȱ Šœȱž—Žȱ‹¢ȱ‘ŽȱŠ•£Š—ȱ˜ž—Š’˜—ȱŠ—ȱ
ǻŗşşřǼȱ ȁ Žȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ —ŽŸŽ›ȱ ‹ŽŽ—ȱ –˜Ž›—Ȃȱ ŒŠ—ȱ ‹Žȱ œŽŽ—ȱ ˜ȱ ‹¢ȱŠȱȁž›˜™ŽŠ—ȱ•Š˜›–ȱ˜›ȱ’ŽȱŒ’Ž—ŒŽœǰȱ’—ȱŒ’Ž—ŒŽœǰȱ
Š™™•¢ȱ Ž••ǯȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱ‘Žȱ‘Š••–Š›”ȱ˜ȱ Š—ȱ‘Žȱ
ž–Š—’’ŽœȂȱ›Š—ȱǻ˜•”œ ŠŽ—ȱ’Ğž—Ǽǯ
human cognitive evolution may not to be based on
Lambros Malafouris
‘Žȱ ŽŸŽ›Ȭ’—Œ›ŽŠœ’—ȱ œ˜™‘’œ’ŒŠ’˜—ȱ ˜›ȱ œ™ŽŒ’Š•’£Š’˜—ȱ
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
of a modular mind, but upon an ever-increasing
Downing Street
Ž¡›ŠȬ—Žž›Š•ȱ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—Š•ȱ̎¡’‹’•’¢ȱ‘ŠȱŠ••˜ œȱ˜›ȱ
environmentally and culturally derived changes in the
‘’œȱ ‹›’—œȱ žœȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œŽŒ˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ™›ŽŸ’˜žœ•¢ȱ
stated assumptions concerning the epiphenomenal
–Ž‘˜˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ’–™•’ŒŠ’˜—ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ‘Žȱȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱ
carries with it is that the observed changes in the mate- ŗǯȱ ȱœ‘˜ž•ȱŒ•Š›’¢ȱ‘ŠȱŽ—Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—Š•ȱŽ—›’Œ‘–Ž—ȱ›ŽŽ›œȱ˜ȱ
rial record should also be seen as indicative of possible housing conditions, either home cages or exploratory
™•Šœ’Œȱ ŽěŽŒœǰȱ ‘Šȱ ’œǰȱ ˜ȱ ŽěŽŒŽȱ Œ‘Š—Žœȱ ’—ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ chambers, that facilitate enhanced sensory, cognitive
Œ˜—’’˜—ǰȱ›Š‘Ž›ȱ‘Š—ȱœ’–™•¢ȱ›ŽĚŽŒ’ŸŽȱ˜ȱ™›ŽȬŽ¡’œ’—ȱ and motor stimulation relative to standard housing
Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱ˜›ȱŽ—Ž’ŒȱŒ‘Š—Žœǯȱ‘Žȱ’›ŽŒ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ’—Ž››Žȱ Œ˜—’’˜—œȱǻ˜›ȱŠȱ˜˜ȱ›ŽŸ’Ž ȱœŽŽȱ’‘’Š—Š—‘Š›Š“Š‘ȱǭȱ
Ž‹‹ȱǻŗşŚşǼȱ™˜œž•ŠŽȱ‘Šȱœ¢—Š™’ŒȱŽĜŒŠŒ¢ȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ
that any change in the material record coincided pre-
 ˜ȱ —Žž›˜—œȱ ’œȱ œ›Ž—‘Ž—Žȱ ’ȱ ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ ›Ž™ŽŠŽ•¢ȱ
Œ’œŽ•¢ȱ ’‘ȱž—Š–Ž—Š•ȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ’—ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱŒ˜—’’˜—ǯȱ Œ˜—›’‹žŽœȱ˜ȱꛒ—ȱ‘ŽȱœŽŒ˜—ǯ
‘Šȱ’ȱ–ŽŠ—œǰȱ’—œŽŠǰȱ’œȱ‘Šȱ Žȱ—ŽŽȱ˜ȱ˜ŸŽ›Œ˜–Žȱ‘Žȱ řǯȱ Žȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ—˜Žȱ‘Šȱ‘ŽȱžœŽȱ˜ȱŽ•ŽŒ›’ŒŠ•ȱœ’–ž•Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱ
ȁ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—Š•ȱŠ••ŠŒ¢Ȃȱ‘ŠȱŒ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’£Žœȱ–˜œȱœž- Š•Ž›ȱ‹›Š’—ȱž—Œ’˜—ȱ‹¢ȱ’—“ŽŒ’—ȱŠȱœ’—Š•ȱ˜ȱ–˜—”Ž¢œȱŠ—ȱ
ies in human cognitive evolution and which continues ‘ž–Š—œȱ˜Žœȱ‹ŠŒ”ȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱŗşŜŖœǰȱŠ—ȱ˜Š¢ȱŽŽ™ȱ›Š’—ȱ
to see material culture as an epiphenomenal product ’–ž•Š’˜—ȱ ǻǼȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ ’–™•Š—Š’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱ
˜ȱ‘Žȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ–’—ǯȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱȱ‘¢™˜‘Žœ’œȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ devices into the brain is increasingly used to treat neu-
culture is not simply the product of cognitive change ›˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ’œ˜›Ž›œȱǻ˜—˜‘žŽȱŘŖŖŘǼǯȱžȱ‘Žȱ™˜œœ’‹’•’¢ȱ
‹žȱŠ•œ˜ȱ˜—Žȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™˜œœ’‹•Žȱ›ŽŠœ˜—œȱ‹Ž‘’—ȱ’ǯȱ‘Žȱœ‘Ž••ȱ ‘Šȱ‘ŽœŽȱ—Ž ȱ‘¢‹›’ȱ œȱœŽŽ–ȱ˜ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ›ŽŠ•’£Žȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ
tion link between the functioning human brain and the
the presence of a new human representational capacity ˜žœ’Žȱ  ˜›•ǯȱ ˜›ȱ ’—œŠ—ŒŽǰȱ  œȱ Š›Žȱ —˜ ȱ ŒŠ™Š‹•Žȱ ˜ȱ
Š—ȱ‘žœȱ‘Žȱ˜›’’—œȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ–˜Ž›—’¢ǯȱ —œŽŠȱ’ȱ’œȱŠȱ controlling a robotic hand by ‘thought’ alone, thus restor-
statement about how culture shapes the brain and thus ing or enhancing our perceptual, motor and cognitive
provides a concrete example of how external processes ŒŠ™Š‹’•’’ŽœǯȱȱŒ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’œ’ŒȱŽ¡Š–™•ŽȱŒŠ—ȱ‹ŽȱœŽŽ—ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ
and artefacts can be seen as constitutive aspects of the ŒŠœŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ȬŒ˜—›˜••Žȱ Ž‹ȱ‹›˜ œŽ›ȱ‹ŠœŽȱ˜—ȱœŽ•Ȭ
constantly changing and extended anatomy of human ›Žž•Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱœ•˜ ȱŒ˜›’ŒŠ•ȱ™˜Ž—’Š•œȱǻœǼȱŽŸŽ•˜™Žȱ
’—Ž••’Ž—ŒŽȱǻœŽŽȱŠ•œ˜ȱ ˜›Š—ȱŘŖŖŞǼǯȱ•‘˜ž‘ȱœŽ™Š›Š’—ȱ ‹¢ȱ Š›’–ȱet al.ȱǻŘŖŖŜǼȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱŽ—Š‹•Žœȱ™Š’Ž—œȱ ’‘ȱœŽŸŽ›Žȱ
biology from culture sometimes makes good analytic ˜›ȱ˜Š•ȱ–˜˜›ȱ™Š›Š•¢œ’œȱȯȱ˜ĞŽ—ȱ›ŽŽ››Žȱ˜ȱŠœȱȁ•˜Œ”ŽȬ’—ȱ
œ¢—›˜–ŽȂȱȯȱ˜ȱ‹›˜ œŽȱ‘Žȱ’—Ž›—Žȱ’—Ž™Ž—Ž—•¢ȱ˜ȱ
sense for approaching some archaeological problems,
it should not obscure the most interesting issue of how Śǯȱ •‘˜ž‘ȱ–˜œȱ™Ž˜™•Žȱ˜Š¢ȱŠ”Žȱ‘Žȱ—˜’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠ‹œ›ŠŒȱ
they are combined (Renfrew et al.ȱŘŖŖŞDzȱ ’‹œ˜—ȱŗşşŜDzȱ number for granted, we should not forget the mental
—Š™™ŽĴȱŘŖŖśDzȱ Š–‹•ŽȱŘŖŖŝǼǯȱŠ¢‹Žȱ’—œŽŠȱ˜ȱ•˜˜”’—ȱ •ŽŠ™ȱ ›Žšž’›Žȱ ˜ȱ ˜ȱ ›˜–ȱ Œ˜ž—’—ȱ œ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ ‘’—œȱ
for clean lines and clear-cut stages in human cognitive (concrete counting) to the abstract concept of number
evolution we should be seeking a more discontinuous Šœȱ Šȱ ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ šžŠ—’¢ǯȱ ‘Žȱ –Š”’—ȱ œŽ—œŽȱ ˜ȱ
Š—ȱ’—Ž›ŠŒ’˜—’œȱŸ’Ž DzȱŠȱŸ’Ž ȱŒŠ™Š‹•Žȱ˜ȱ›ŽŒ˜—’£’—ȱ an exact, large cardinal value, presupposes cognitive
that ‘the mental characteristics of the system are imma- processes that children take many years to learn and
nent, not in some part, but in the system as a whole’ ‘Šȱ™Ž˜™•Žȱ–Š¢ȱ™Ž›˜›–ȱ’—ȱ’쎛Ž—ȱ Š¢œȱ’—ȱ’쎛Ž—ȱ
Œ”—˜ •ŽŽ–Ž—œ
–ž—œǰȱ ǯǰȱ ǯȱŒ‘•Šžǰȱǯȱ §—Œ”Žǰȱet al.ǰȱŗşşŝǯȱ˜˜›ȱŒ˜›Ž¡ȱ
‘ŽȱŠž‘˜›ȱ ˜ž•ȱ•’”Žȱ˜ȱ‘Š—”ȱ ˜ȱŠ—˜—¢–˜žœȱ›ŽŸ’Ž Ž›œǰȱ and hand motor skills: structural compliance in the
Šœȱ  Ž••ȱ Šœȱ ˜•’—ȱ Ž—›Ž ǰȱ Š›•ȱ —Š™™ŽĴȱ Š—ȱ ˜‘—ȱ ˜‹‹ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹›Š’—ǯȱHuman Brain MappingȱśǰȱŘŖŜȮŗśǯ

Steps to a ‘Neuroarchaeology’ of Mind, part 1

ŠŽœ˜—ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŗşŝřǯȱ Steps to an Ecology of Mindǯȱ ˜—˜—DZȱ Ž‘ŠŽ—ŽǰȱǯǰȱŗşşŝǯȱThe Number SensŽǯȱŽ ȱ˜›”ȱǻǼDZȱ¡˜›ȱ
›Š—ŠŠǯ —’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›Žœœǯ
ŠŸŽ•’Ž›ǰȱ ǯȱ ǭȱ
ǯ ǯȱ ŽŸ’••Žǰȱ ŘŖŖŘǯȱ ›˜œœȬ–˜Š•ȱ ™•Šœ’Œ’¢DZȱ Ž‘ŠŽ—Žǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖśǯȱ Ÿ˜•ž’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ Œ˜›’ŒŠ•ȱ Œ’›Œž’œȱ
‘Ž›Žȱ Š—ȱ
˜ ǵȱ Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3, for reading and arithmetic: the neuronal recycling
ŚŚřȮśŘǯ hypothesis, in From Monkey Brain to Human Brain: a
Ž›•žŒŒ‘’ǰȱ ǯȱ ǭȱ ǯǯȱ•’˜’ǰȱ ŗşşŝǯȱ ‘Žȱ ‹˜¢ȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ‹›Š’—DZȱ Fyssen Foundation Symposiumǰȱ Žœǯȱ ǯȱ Ž‘ŠŽ—Žǰȱ ǯȬǯȱ
—Žž›Š•ȱ‹ŠœŽœȱ˜ȱŒ˜›™˜›ŽŠ•ȱŠ Š›Ž—ŽœœǯȱTrends in Neuro- ž‘Š–Ž•ǰȱǯǯȱ
ŠžœŽ›ȱǭȱ ǯȱ’££˜•ŠĴ’ǯȱŠ–‹›’Žȱ
sciencesȱŘŖǰȱśŜŖȮŜŚǯȱ ǻǼDZȱ ȱ›ŽœœǰȱŗřřȮśŝǯ
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›Ž–Š™™’—ȱ˜ȱœ™ŠŒŽȱ‹¢ȱ˜˜•ȬžœŽǯȱJournal of Cognitive –˜Ž•ȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ˜›’’—ȱ˜ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›Š•ȱ–˜Ž›—’¢ǯȱEvolu-
NeuroscienceȱŗŘǰȱŚŗśȮŘŖǯ tionary AnthropologyȱŗŘǰȱŗŞŞȮŘŖŘǯ
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petence: cardinal and ordinal skills, in Primate Origins search for the origin of symbolism, music and lan-
of Human Cognition and Behavior, ed.ȱ ǯȱ Šœž£Š Š. žŠŽDZȱŠȱ–ž•’’œŒ’™•’—Š›¢ȱŽ—ŽŠŸ˜ž›ǯȱ ˜ž›—Š•ȱ˜ȱ˜›•ȱ
˜”¢˜ȱǭȱŽ›•’—DZȱ™›’—Ž›ǰȱŗşşȮŘŘśǯ Prehist˜›¢ȱŗŝǰȱŗȮŝŖǯ
•Š”Ž–˜›Žǰȱǯ ǯȱǭȱǯȱ‘˜ž‘ž›¢ǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ Ȃ››’Œ˜ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ǯȱ
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adolescent brain: implications for executive function ’Ž”Ž›”ǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱNassarius kraussianus shell beads from
Š—ȱ œ˜Œ’Š•ȱ Œ˜—’’˜—ǯȱ Journal of Child Psychology and •˜–‹˜œȱ ŠŸŽDZȱ ŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ ˜›ȱ œ¢–‹˜•’Œȱ ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜ž›ȱ ’—ȱ
PsychiatryȱŚŝǻřȦŚǼǰȱŘşŜȮřŗŘǯ ‘Žȱ ’•Žȱ ˜—Žȱ Žǯȱ Journal of Human Evolution
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–Š™œǯȱAnnual Review of Neuroscience ŘŗǰȱŗŚşȮŞŜǯ ˜—Š•ǰȱǯǰȱŗşşŗǯȱOrigins of the Modern MindǯȱŠ–‹›’Žȱ
Š—•˜—ǰȱ ǯǯȱǭȱǯǯȱ›Š——˜—ǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱ’—ȱž™ȱ‘ŽȱŽěŽŒœȱ ǻǼDZȱ
˜ȱŒž•ž›Š•ȱŽ¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ‹›Š’—ǯȱTrends in Cognitive ˜—˜‘žŽǰȱ ǯǯǰȱŘŖŖŘǯȱ˜——ŽŒ’—ȱŒ˜›Ž¡ȱ˜ȱ–ŠŒ‘’—ŽœDZȱ›ŽŒŽ—ȱ
SciencesȱŗŗǻŗǼǰȱŗȮŚǯ ŠŸŠ—ŒŽœȱ’—ȱ‹›Š’—ȱ’—Ž›ŠŒŽœǯȱNature Neuroscience sup-
Šœ›˜ȬŠ•Šœǰȱǯǰȱ ǯǯȱŽŽ›œœ˜—ǰȱǯȱŽ’œǰȱǯȱ˜—ŽȬ•Š—Ž›ȱ plementȱśǰȱŗŖŞśȮŞŞǯ
ǭȱ ǯȱ —ŸŠ›ǰȱ ŗşşŞǯȱ ‘Žȱ ’••’Ž›ŠŽȱ ‹›Š’—DZȱ •ŽŠ›—’—ȱ ˜ȱ ›ŠŠ—œ”’ǰȱǯǰȱǯȱ ŠœŽ›ǰȱǯȱžœŒ‘ǰȱ ǯȱŒ‘ž’Ž›Ž›ǰȱǯȱ˜Š‘—ȱ
›ŽŠȱ Š—ȱ  ›’Žȱ ž›’—ȱ Œ‘’•‘˜˜ȱ ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽœȱ ‘Žȱ ǭȱǯȱŠ¢ǰȱŘŖŖŚǯȱ‘Š—Žœȱ’—ȱ›Ž¢ȱ–ŠĴŽ›ȱ’—žŒŽȱ‹¢ȱ
ž—Œ’˜—Š•ȱ ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ Šž•ȱ ‹›Š’—ǯ Brain ›Š’—’—ǯȱNatureȱŚŘŝǰȱřŗŗȮŘǯ
ŗŘŗǻŜǼǰȱŗŖśřȮŜřǯ Ž’Ž—œ˜—ǰȱǯǰȱǯȱŽ‘ŠŽ—Žȱǭȱǯȱ™Ž•”ŽǰȱŘŖŖŚǯȱ˜›Žȱœ¢œŽ–œȱ˜ȱ
•Š›”ǰȱǯǰȱŗşşŝǯȱŽ’—ȱ‘Ž›ŽDZȱžĴ’—ȱ›Š’—ǰȱ˜¢ȱŠ—ȱ˜›•ȱ —ž–‹Ž›ǯȱTrends in Cognitive Sciences ŞǰȱřŖŝȮŗŚǯ
Together AgainǯȱŠ–‹›’ŽȱǻǼDZȱ ȱ›Žœœǯ Ž’—‹Ž›ǰȱǯǯȱǭȱ ǯǯȱ ŽŽ—Š—ǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ‹›Š’—ȱ’œȱ‘Žȱ
•Š›”ǰȱǯǰȱŗşşşǯȱ—ȱŽ–‹˜’ŽȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱœŒ’Ž—ŒŽǵȱTrends in œŽ•ǵȱConsciousness and Cognition ŗŚǰȱŜŜŗȮŝŞǯ
Cognitive SciencesȱřǻşǼǰȱřŚśȮśŗǯ ›’‘ǰȱǯǯǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱ‘ŽȱœŽ•ȱ’—ȱŠŒ’˜—DZȱ•Žœœ˜—œȱ›˜–ȱŽ•žœ’˜—œȱ
•Š›”ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŗǯȱ ŽŠœ˜—œǰȱ ›˜‹˜œȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ Ž¡Ž—Žȱ –’—ǯȱ ˜ȱŒ˜—›˜•ǯȱConsciousness and CognitionȱŗŚǰȱŝśŘȮŝŖǯ
’—ȱǭȱŠ—žŠŽȱŗŜǻŘǼǰȱŗŘŗȮŚśǯ Š••Š‘Ž›ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŖǯȱ ‘’•˜œ˜™‘’ŒŠ•ȱ Œ˜—ŒŽ™’˜—œȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œŽ•DZȱ
•Š›”ǰȱǯǰȱ ŘŖŖřǯȱ Natural Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, ’–™•’ŒŠ’˜—œȱ˜›ȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱœŒ’Ž—ŒŽǯȱTrends in Cognitive
and the Future of Human Intelligence.ȱ¡˜›DZȱ¡˜›ȱ Sciences ŚǰȱŗŚȮŘŗǯ
—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›Žœœǯ Š••ŽœŽǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖśǯȱ –‹˜’Žȱ œ’–ž•Š’˜—DZȱ ›˜–ȱ —Žž›˜—œȱ ˜ȱ
•Š›”ǰȱǯǰȱ˜›‘Œ˜–’—ǯȱŠŽ›’Š•ȱœž››˜ŠŒ¢ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱœž™Ž›- ™‘Ž—˜–Ž—Š•ȱŽ¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽǯȱPhenomenology and the Cogni-
—Šž›Š•DZȱ›ŽĚŽŒ’˜—œȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜•Žȱ˜ȱŠ›’ŠŒœȱ’—ȱȁ˜ěȬ•’—ŽȂȱ tive SciencesȱŚǰȱŘřȮŚŞǯȱ
cognition, in The Cognitive Life of Things: Recasting the Š••ŽœŽǰȱǯȱǭȱ ǯȱŠ”˜ěǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱ‘Žȱ‹›Š’—ȂœȱŒ˜—ŒŽ™œDZȱ‘Žȱ›˜•Žȱ
Boundaries of the MindǰȱŽœǯȱǯȱŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱǭȱǯȱŽ—- ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œ˜›¢Ȭ–˜˜›ȱœ¢œŽ–ȱ’—ȱ›ŽŠœ˜—ȱŠ—ȱ•Š—žŠŽǯȱ
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Œ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ˜›ȱ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ǯ Š••ž™ǰȱ ǯ ǯǰȱŗşŝŖǯȱ‘’–™Š—£ŽŽœDZȱœŽ•Ȭ›ŽŒ˜—’’˜—ǯȱScience
•Š›”ǰȱǯȱǭȱǯȱ‘Š•–Ž›œǰȱŗşşŞǯȱ‘ŽȱŽ¡Ž—Žȱ–’—ǯȱAnalysis ŗŜŝǰȱŞŜȮŝǯ
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tional relevance of cross-modal plasticity in blind Psychological InquiryȱřǻŘǼǰȱŗŗŝȮŗŞǯȱ
‘ž–Š—œǯȱNatureȱřŞşǰȱŗŞŖȮŞřǯ Š••ž™ǰȱ ǯ ǯǰȱŗşşŚǯȱ˜—”Ž¢œǰȱ–’››˜›œǰȱŠ—ȱ–’—œǯȱBehavioral
˜‘Ž—ǰȱ ǯ ǯǰȱ ǯǯȱ ŽŽ”œǰȱ ǯȱ ŠŠ˜ǰȱ ǯȱ Ž•—’”ǰȱ ǯȱ œ‘’’ȱ ǭȱ and Brain SciencesǰȱŗŝǻřǼǰȱśŝŘȮřǯȱ
Š••ŽĴǰȱ ŗşşşǯȱ Ž›’˜ȱ ˜ȱ œžœŒŽ™’‹’•’¢ȱ ˜›ȱ Œ›˜œœȬ Š–‹•ŽǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖŝǯȱOrigins and Revolutions: Human Identity in
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ŚśǻŚǼǰȱŚśŗȮŜŖǯ ›Žœœǯ
Š™™Ž—œDZȱ˜¢ȱŠ—ȱ Š££Š—’Šǰȱ ǯǯǰȱ ŗşşŞǯȱ The Mind’s Past.ȱ Ž›”Ž•Ž¢ȱ ǻǼDZȱ
Emotion in the Making of Consciousnessǯȱ Ž ȱ ˜›”ȱ —’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ˜ȱŠ•’˜›—’Šȱ›Žœœǯ
Š›Œ˜ž›ǯ Ž••ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŗşşŞǯȱ Art and Agency: an Anthropological Theoryǯȱ
ŽŒŽ¢ǰȱ ǯȱǭȱ ǯǯȱ˜––Ž›Ÿ’••ŽǰȱŘŖŖřǯȱ‘Š›Žȱ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—œȱ ¡˜›DZȱ¡˜›ȱ—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›Žœœǯ
between self and others: a social cognitive neuro- Ž•–Š—ǰȱǯȱǭȱǯȱžĴŽ› ˜›‘ǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱž–‹Ž›ȱŠ—ȱ•Š—žŠŽDZȱ
œŒ’Ž—ŒŽȱŸ’Ž ǯȱTrends in Cognitive ScienceȱŝǰȱśŘŝȮřřǯ ‘˜ ȱŠ›Žȱ‘Ž¢ȱ›Ž•ŠŽǵȱTrends in Cognitive SciencesȱşǰȱŜȮŗŖǯ

Special Section

Ž•–Š—ǰȱǯȱǭȱǯǯȱ Š••’œŽ•ǰȱŘŖŖŚǯȱŠ—žŠŽȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ˜›’’—ȱ
˜ȱ—ž–Ž›’ŒŠ•ȱŒ˜—ŒŽ™œǯȱScienceȱřŖŜǰȱŚŚŗȮřǯ Journal of PragmaticsȱřŝǰȱŗśśśȮŝŝǯȱ
’‹œ˜—ǰȱ ǯǯǰȱŗşşŜǯȱ‘Žȱ‹’˜Œž•ž›Š•ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ‹›Š’—ǰȱœŽŠœ˜—Š•ȱ ›’”’ǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱȱ™›˜˜¢™Žȱ˜ȱHomo faber: a silent precursor
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lithic, in Modelling the Early Human MindǰȱŽœǯȱǯȱŽ•- in From Monkey Brain to Human Brain, Žœǯ ǯȱŽ‘ŠŽ—Žǰȱ
•Š›œȱǭȱ ǯȱ ’‹œ˜—ǯȱǻŒ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ˜—˜›Š™‘œǯǼȱ ǯȬǯž‘Š–Ž•ǰȱ ǯȱ’££˜•ŠĴ’ȱǭȱǯȱ
Š–‹›’ŽDZȱ Œ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ ˜›ȱ ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ ǻǼDZȱ ȱ›ŽœœǰȱŘśřȮŝŗǯȱ
ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ǰȱřřȮŚŜǯ ›’”’ǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱ‘Žȱ—Žž›Š•ȱ˜›’’—œȱŠ—ȱ’–™•’ŒŠ’˜—œȱ˜ȱ’–’Š-
˜•Ž—‹Ž›ǰȱ ǯȱǭȱǯȱ ›’”’ǰȱŘŖŖŝǯȱ›˜–ȱœ’Œ”œȱ˜ȱŒ˜ěŽŽȬ–Š”Ž›DZȱ ’˜—ǰȱ–’››˜›ȱ—Žž›˜—œȱŠ—ȱ˜˜•ȱžœŽǯȱCurrent Opinion in
mastery of tools and technology by human and non- Neurobiology ŗŜǰȱŗȮŞǯ
‘ž–Š—ȱ™›’–ŠŽœǯȱCortexȱŚřǰȱŘŞśȮŞǯ ›’”’ǰȱ ǯȱ ǭȱ ǯȱ Š”ž›Šǰȱ ŘŖŖŞǯȱ ‘Žȱ —Žž›˜œŒ’Ž—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ™›’–ŠŽȱ
˜œŽ—ǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱ‘Šȱ˜ȱ˜‹“ŽŒœȱ Š—ǵȱJournal of Archaeo- intellectual evolution: natural selection and passive
logical Method and TheoryȱŗŘǰȱŗşřȮŘŗŗǯ Š—ȱ’—Ž—’˜—Š•ȱ—’Œ‘ŽȱŒ˜—œ›žŒ’˜—ǯȱPhilosophical Trans-
˜Ĵ•’Ž‹ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖřǯȱ —ȱ –Š”’—ȱ ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›Š•ȱ Ž—Ž’Œœȱ ›ž•¢ȱ actions of the Royal SocietyȱŽ›’ŽœȱȱřŜřǰȱŘŘŘşȮŚŗǯȱ
ŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—Š•ǯȱHuman DevelopmentȱŚŜǰȱřřŝȮśśǯ ›’”’ǰȱǯǰȱǯȱŠ—Š”Šȱǭȱǯȱ  Š–ž›ŠǰȱŗşşŜǯȱ˜’—ȱ˜ȱ–˜’ꮍȱ
˜Ĵ•’Ž‹ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŝǯȱ ›˜‹Š‹’•’œ’Œȱ Ž™’Ž—Žœ’œǯȱ Developmental body schema during tool use by macaque postcentral
ScienceȱŗŖǻŗǼǰȱŗȮŗŗǯȱ —Žž›˜—ŽœǯȱNeuroReport 7ǰȱŘřŘśȮřŖǯ
žœ—Š›ǰȱǯǯǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱŽ’—ȱŠȱœŽ•DZȱŒ˜—œ’Ž›Š’˜—œȱ›˜–ȱž—Œ- ŠŒ”œ˜—ǰȱǯǰȱ ǯȱ ŠŸ˜˜›’ȱ ǭȱ ǯȱ Ž£ǰȱ ŘŖŖŜǯȱ ˜—ȬŽ›–ȱ –˜˜›ȱ
’˜—Š•ȱ’–Š’—ǯȱConsciousness and Cognition ŗŚǰȱŜŝşȱȮşŝǯ cortex plasticity induced by an electronic neural

ŠŠ›ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ǯȱ Š¢•˜›Ȭ•Š›”ȱ ǭȱ ǯȱ Ž——Žǰȱ ŘŖŖřǯȱ ŠŒ’•Žȱ ’–™•Š—ǯȱNatureȱŚŚŚǻŘǼǰȱśŜȮŜŖǯ

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Current BiologyȱŗřǰȱŗŝŖȮŝřǯ Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱ—Žž›˜œŒ’Ž—ŒŽȱŠ—ȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ǯȱPhilosophical

Š•ŸŽ—œ˜—ǰȱ ǯǰȱŗşşŘǯȱ ˜˜¢ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ’–™•˜œ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ•’Ž›ŠŒ¢ȱ Transactions of the Royal Society of London Ž›’ŽœȱȱřŜřǰȱ

‘Žœ’œǯȱManȱŘŝǰȱřŖŗȮŝǯ ŗşŞŗȮşŗǯ

Ž‹‹ǰȱǯǯǰȱŗşŚşǯȱThe Organization of Behaviour: a Neuropsy- Š›’–ǰȱǯǰȱǯȱ

’—Ž›‹Ž›Ž›ȱǭȱ ǯȱ’Œ‘Ž›ǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱŽž›Š•ȱ’—Ž›—ŽDZȱ
chological TheoryǯȱŽ ȱ˜›”ȱǻǼDZȱ’•Ž¢ǯ  Ž‹ȱœž›ę—ȱ ’‘ȱ‹›Š’—ȱ™˜Ž—’Š•œȱ˜›ȱ‘ŽȱŒ˜–™•ŽŽ•¢ȱ

Ž—œ‘’• ˜˜ǰȱ ǯǯȱ ǭȱ ǯǯȱ Š›ŽŠ—ǰȱ ŘŖŖřǯȱ ‘Žȱ ˜›’’—ȱ ˜ȱ ™Š›Š•¢£ŽǯȱNeurorehabilitation and Neural Repair ŘŖǻŚǼǰȱ
modern human behaviour: a review and critique of śŖŞȮŗśǯ
–˜Ž•œȱ Š—ȱ Žœȱ ’–™•’ŒŠ’˜—œǯȱ Current Anthropology Ž••¢ǰȱǯǯǯȱǭȱ
ǯȱ Š›ŠŸŠ—ǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱ
ŚŚǰȱŜŘŝȮśŗǯȱ ’–Š’—ȱ ˜ȱ ‹›Š’—ȱ Œ‘Š—Žœȱ Šœœ˜Œ’ŠŽȱ  ’‘ȱ ™›ŠŒ’ŒŽǯȱ

Ž—œ‘’• ˜˜ǰȱ ǯǯǰȱ ǯȱ Ȃ››’Œ˜ǰȱ ǯȱ Š—‘ŠŽ›Ž—ǰȱ ǯȱ Š—ȱ Cerebral Cortex ŗśǰȱŗŖŞşȮŗŖŘǯ
’Ž”Ž›”ȱ ǭȱ ǯȱ ŠŒ˜‹œǰȱ ŘŖŖŚǯȱ ’•Žȱ ˜—ŽȱŽȱ œ‘Ž••ȱ —Š™™ŽĴǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖśǯȱ Thinking Through Material Culture: an
‹ŽŠœȱ›˜–ȱ˜ž‘ȱ›’ŒŠǯȱScienceȱřŖŚǰȱŚŖŚǯȱ Interdisciplinary Perspective.ȱŽ——œ¢•ŸŠ—’ŠȱǻǼDZȱ—’-

’‘Š›Šǰȱ ǯǰȱ ǯȱ ˜˜¢Šǰȱ ǯȱ Š—Š”Šǰȱ et alǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŜǯȱ ¡Ž—œ’˜—ȱ ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ˜ȱŽ——œ¢•ŸŠ—’Šȱ›Žœœǯ
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the intraparietal sulcus by tool-use training in adult Š›ȱŠ—ȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ǯȱCambridge Archaeological Journal
–˜—”Ž¢œǯȱNeuropsychologiaȱŚŚǰȱŘŜřŜȮŚŜǯ ŗŜǻŘǼǰȱŘřşȮśŗǯ

˜Ž›ǰȱ ǯǰȱŗşŞŘǯȱSymbols in Action: Ethnoarchaeological Stud- —Š™™ŽĴǰȱǯȱǭȱǯȱŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱǻŽœǯǼǰȱ’—ȱ™›ŽœœǯȱMaterial Agency:

ies of Material Culture.ȱǻŽ ȱž’Žœȱ’—ȱ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ǯǼȱ Towards a Non-Anthropocentric PerspectiveǯȱŽ ȱ˜›”ȱ
Š–‹›’ŽDZȱŠ–‹›’Žȱ—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›Žœœǯ ǻǼDZȱ™›’—Ž›ǯ

˜Ž›ǰȱ ǯǰȱŗşŞŝǯȱReading the PastǯȱŠ–‹›’ŽDZȱŠ–‹›’Žȱ Š˜ž›ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŗşşřǯȱ Žȱ

ŠŸŽȱ ŽŸŽ›ȱ ŽŽ—ȱ ˜Ž›—ǯȱ Š–‹›’Žȱ
—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›Žœœǯ ǻǼDZȱ

˜•Ž—ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŚǯȱ •Žœȱ ‹ŽŠœȱ œžŽœȱ ŽŠ›•¢ȱ œ¢–‹˜•’Œȱ ŽŽ›ǰȱǯǰȱŗşşŖǯȱThe Absent Bodyǯȱ‘’ŒŠ˜ȱǻ ǼDZȱ—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ
‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜ž›ǯȱScienceȱřŖŚǰȱřŜşǯ ˜ȱ‘’ŒŠ˜ȱ›Žœœǯ

˜•–Žœǰȱǯǯȱǭȱǯȱ™Ž—ŒŽǰȱŘŖŖŚǯȱ‘Žȱ‹˜¢ȱœŒ‘Ž–ŠȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ Ž›Š—ǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱ‘Žȱ‹˜’•¢ȱœŽ•DZȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œ˜›’Ȭ–˜˜›ȱ›˜˜œȱ
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Cognitive ProcessingȱśǰȱşŚȮŗŖśǯ the Cognitive Sciences 5, ŞşȮŗŗŞǯ

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visual, prosthetic, and technological contributions Agency and Self-awarenessǰȱŽœǯȱ ǯȱ˜Žœœ•Ž›ȱǭȱǯȱ’•Š—ǯȱ
to bodily perception and awareness, in Human Body ¡˜›DZȱ¡˜›ȱ—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›ŽœœǰȱŘŝśȮşśǯ
Perception from the Inside Out, Žœǯ ǯȱ —˜‹•’Œ‘ǰȱ ǯǯȱ Šž’›Žǰȱǯǯǰȱǯ ǯȱ Š’Š—ǰȱ ǯǯȱ ˜‘—œ›žŽǰȱet alǯǰȱŘŖŖŖǯȱŠŸ’-
‘˜›—˜—ǰȱǯȱ ›˜œ“ŽŠ—ȱǭȱǯȱ‘’웊›ǯȱ¡˜›DZȱ¡˜›ȱ gation-related structural change in the hippocampi
—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›ŽœœǰȱŗśȮŜŚǯ ˜ȱŠ¡’ȱ›’ŸŽ›œǯȱProceedings of the National Academy of

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™›˜“ŽŒ’—ȱ™Ž›’™Ž›œ˜—Š•ȱœ™ŠŒŽȱ ’‘ȱ˜˜•œDZȱ–ž•’œŽ—œ˜›¢ȱ Š•Š˜ž›’œǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖŚǯȱ‘ŽȱŒ˜—’’ŸŽȱ‹Šœ’œȱ˜ȱ–ŠŽ›’Š•ȱŽ—ŠŽ-
interactions highlight only the distal and proximal –Ž—DZȱ  ‘Ž›Žȱ ‹›Š’—ǰȱ ‹˜¢ȱ Š—ȱ Œž•ž›Žȱ Œ˜—ĚŠŽǰȱ ’—ȱ
Ž—œȱ˜ȱ˜˜•œǯȱŽž›˜œŒ’Ž—ŒŽȱŽĴŽ›œȱřŝŘǻŗȮŘǼǰȱŜŘȮŝǯ Rethinking Materiality: the Engagement of Mind with

žŒ‘’—œǰȱǯǰȱŗşşśǯȱ˜—’’˜—ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ’•ǯȱŠ–‹›’ŽȱǻǼDZȱ ‘Žȱ ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ ˜›•ǰȱ Žœǯȱ ǯȱ ŽŠ››Š’œǰȱ ǯȱ ˜œŽ—ȱ

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Steps to a ‘Neuroarchaeology’ of Mind, part 1

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a hypothesis about the origin of human ‘religious ManǯȱŠ–‹›’ŽȱǻǼDZȱ ȱ›Žœœǯ
intelligence’, in Cult in Context, Reconsidering Ritual Ž••Š›œǰȱǯǰȱŗşŞşǯȱŠ“˜›ȱ’œœžŽœȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱŽ–Ž›Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ–˜Ž›—ȱ
in Archaeology, eds. ǯǯȱŠ››˜ Œ•˜ž‘ȱǭȱǯȱŠ•˜—Žǯȱ ‘ž–Š—œǯȱCurrent AnthropologyȱřŖǰȱřŚşȮŞśǯȱ
¡˜›DZȱ¡‹˜ ȱ˜˜”œǰȱŗşŞȮŘŖśǯ Ž••Š›œǰȱǯǰȱŗşşŗǯȱ˜—’’ŸŽȱŒ‘Š—ŽœȱŠ—ȱ‘ŽȱŽ–Ž›Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ
Š•Š˜ž›’œǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŝ‹ǯȱ Ž˜›Žȱ Š—ȱ ‹Ž¢˜—ȱ ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—DZȱ –˜Ž›—ȱ‘ž–Š—œȱ’—ȱž›˜™ŽǯȱCambridge Archaeological
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image, in Image and Imagination: a Global History of Ž••Š›œǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŜŠǯȱ ‘¢ȱ ’ȱ –˜Ž›—ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ ™˜™ž•Š’˜—œȱ
Figurative Representation, Žœǯ ǯȱ Ž—›Ž ȱ ǭȱ ǯȱ ˜›- disperse form Africa caǯȱ ŜŖǰŖŖŖȱ ¢ŽŠ›œȱ Š˜ǵȱ ȱ —Ž ȱ
ley.ȱǻŒ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ˜—˜›Š™‘œǯǼȱŠ–‹›’ŽDZȱ –˜Ž•ǯȱProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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ŘŞşȮřŖŘǯ Ž••Š›œǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖŜ‹ǯȱ ˜’—ȱŽŠœDZȱ—Ž ȱŽ—Ž’ŒȱŠ—ȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’-
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˜—˜Ž’ŒȱŠ Š›Ž—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱ‘ŽȱŽ¡Ž—ŽȱœŽ•ǯȱPhilosophical ˜ȱž›Šœ’ŠǯȱScienceȱřŗřǰȱŝşŜȮŞŖŖǯ
Transactions of the Royal Society of London Ž›’Žœȱ řŜřǰȱ Ž••Š›œǰȱǯȱǭȱǯȱ›’—Ž›ȱǻŽœǯǼǰȱŗşŞşǯȱThe Human Revolution,
ŗşşřȮŘŖŖŘǯȱ Behavioural and Biological Perspectives on the Origins of
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’˜—ǵȱ’—ȱŽŠœž›’—ȱ‘Žȱ˜›•ȱŠ—ȱŽ¢˜—DZȱ‘Žȱ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ȱ Ž›Š‹Žǰȱǯǯǰȱ ǯǯȱ’££˜ǰȱǯȱ–Žǰȱǯǯȱ˜–Ž›œȱǭȱǯȱŠœŒžŠ•Ȭ
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ǭȱ ǯȱ ˜›•Ž¢ǯȱ Š–‹›’ŽDZȱ Š–‹›’Žȱ —’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ ŠŠ’—DZȱ–Ž›’—ȱ—Žž›˜™•Šœ’Œ’¢ȱŠ—ȱ—Žž›˜™›˜œ‘ŽœŽœǯȱ
›Žœœǯ Nature Reviews NeuroscienceȱŜǰȱŝŗȮŝǯ
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The Cognitive Life of Things: Recasting the Boundaries of ˜—DZȱ˜ž•ŽŽǯ
the MindǰȱŽœǯȱǯȱŠ•Š˜ž›’œȱǭȱǯȱŽ—›Ž ǯȱǻŒ˜—Š•ȱ ’••Ž›ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŗşŞŝǯȱ Material Culture and Mass Consumptionǯȱ
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žŽȱ˜›ȱ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ǯ Ž’œœŽ›ǰȱǯǰȱŗşŞŞǯȱ’ŸŽȱ”’—œȱ˜ȱœŽ•Ȭ”—˜ •ŽŽǯȱPhilosophical
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tive Life of Things: Recasting the Boundaries of the Mindǯȱ ’Œ˜•Ž•’œǰȱ ǯǯǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŗǯȱ Œ’˜—œȱ ›˜–ȱ ‘˜ž‘œǯȱ Nature
ǻŒ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ ˜—˜›Š™‘œǯǼȱ Š–‹›’ŽDZȱ ŚŖşǻŗŞǼǰȱŚŖřȮŝǯ
Œ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ˜›ȱ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ǯ ’Œ˜•Ž•’œǰȱǯǯǯǰȱŘŖŖřǯȱ›Š’—Ȭ–ŠŒ‘’—Žȱ’—Ž›ŠŒŽœȱ˜ȱ›Žœ˜›Žȱ
Š›ŠŸ’Šǰȱǯȱǭȱǯȱ ›’”’ǰȱŘŖŖŚǯȱ˜˜•œȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ‹˜¢ȱǻœŒ‘Ž–ŠǼǯȱ –˜˜›ȱ ž—Œ’˜—ȱ Š—ȱ ™›˜‹Žȱ —Žž›Š•ȱ Œ’›Œž’œǯȱ Nature
Trends in Cognitive SciencesȱŞǰȱŝşȮŞŜǯ reviews NeuroscienceȱŚǰȱŚŗŝȮŘŘǯ
žœŠ’—ǰȱ ǯȱ•Š›”Žȱǭȱ ǯȱ›’ŸŽ›ǰȱŘŖŖŗǯȱŽŠŒ‘- ’‘’Š—Š—‘Š›Š“Š‘ǰȱ ǯȱǭȱ ǯǯȱ
ing with a tool extends visual-tactile interactions ments, experience dependent plasticity and disorders
’—˜ȱŠ›ȱœ™ŠŒŽDZȱŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ›˜–ȱŒ›˜œœ–˜Š•ȱŽ¡’—Œ’˜—ǯȱ ˜ȱ‘Žȱ—Ž›Ÿ˜žœȱœ¢œŽ–ǯȱNature Reviews Neuroscienceȱŝǰȱ
NeuropsychologiaȱřşǰȱśŞŖȮŞśǯ ŜşŝȮŝŖşǯ
Š›ŠŸ’Šǰȱǯǰȱǯȱ™Ž—ŒŽǰȱǯȱ Ž——ŽĴȱǭȱ ǯȱ›’ŸŽ›ǰȱŘŖŖŘǯȱ˜˜•Ȭ ˜›‘˜ěǰȱ ǯȱǭȱ ǯȱŠ—”œŽ™™ǰȱŘŖŖŞǯȱ‘Žȱ›Š—œȬœ™ŽŒ’ŽœȱŒ˜—ŒŽ™ȱ
use changes multimodal spatial interactions between ˜ȱ œŽ•ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ œž‹Œ˜›’ŒŠ•ȮŒ˜›’ŒŠ•ȱ –’•’—Žȱ œ¢œŽ–ǯȱ
Ÿ’œ’˜—ȱ Š—ȱ ˜žŒ‘ȱ ’—ȱ —˜›–Š•ȱ ‘ž–Š—œǯȱ Cognition 83, Trends in Cognitive ScienceȱŗŘǻŝǼǰȱŘśşȮŜŚǯ
ŘśȮřŚǯ ŠœŒžŠ•ȬŽ˜—Žǰȱǯǰȱǯȱ Š––Š›˜Šǰȱ ǯǯȱ ŠœœŽ›–Š——ǰȱ ǯǯȱ
Š›ŽœŒ‘Š•ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ǯ
ǯȱ ˜‘—œ˜—ǰȱ ǯȱ ’›˜’œǰȱ ǯǯȱ ™›Š•’—ǰȱ ›Šœ’•ȬŽ˜ǰȱǯ ǯȱ˜‘Ž—ȱǭȱǯȱ
ǯǯǯȱ‘˜–Šœȱǭȱ ǯȱŽœŽ›–Š——ǰȱŘŖŖŝŠǯȱNeurocon- tion of motor cortical outputs to the reading hand of
structivism: How the Brain Constructs Cognitionǯȱ¡˜›DZȱ ‹›Š’••Žȱ›ŽŠŽ›œǯȱAnnals of NeurologyȱřŚǻŗǼǰȱřřȮŝǯ
¡˜›ȱ—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›Žœœǯ Šž•ŽœžǰȱǯǰȱǯȱŒ›˜›¢ǰȱǯȱŠ£’˜ǰȱet alǯǰȱŘŖŖŖǯȱȱŒž•ž›Š•ȱŽěŽŒȱ
Š›ŽœŒ‘Š•ǰȱǯǰȱǯȱ’›˜’œǰȱ ǯȱŽœŽ›–Š——ȱǭȱǯȱ ˜‘—œ˜—ȱǻŽœǯǼǰȱ ˜—ȱ‹›Š’—ȱž—Œ’˜—ǯȱNature NeuroscienceȱřǰȱşŗȮŜǯ
ŘŖŖŝ‹ǯȱ Neuroconstructivismǰȱ Ÿ˜•ȱ DZ Perspectives and ŽŽ›œŽ—ǰȱǯǯǰȱ
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Prospectsǯȱ¡˜›DZȱ¡˜›ȱ—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ›Žœœǯ ‘ŽȱŽěŽŒœȱ˜ȱ™›ŠŒ’ŒŽȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱž—Œ’˜—Š•ȱŠ—Š˜–¢ȱ˜ȱ
ŠŸ˜˜›’ǰȱ ǯǰȱǯȱ ŠŒ”œ˜—ǰȱǯȱ’˜›’˜ȱǭȱǯȱŽ£ǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱ—ȱŠž˜—˜- Šœ”ȱ™Ž›˜›–Š—ŒŽǯȱProceedings of the National Academy
mous implantable computer for neural recording of Sciences of the USAȱşśǰȱŞśřȮŜŖǯ
Š—ȱœ’–ž•Š’˜—ȱ’—ȱž—›Žœ›Š’—Žȱ™›’–ŠŽœǯȱJournal of ˜•Š—¢’ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŗşŜŜǯȱ The Tacit Dimensionǯȱ Ž ȱ ˜›”ȱ ǻǼDZȱ
Neuroscience MethodsȱŗŚŞǰȱŝŗȮŝǯ ˜ž•ŽŽǯ
Œ›ŽŠ›¢ǰȱǯȱǭȱǯȱ›˜˜”œǰȱŘŖŖŖǯȱ‘Žȱ›ŽŸ˜•ž’˜—ȱ‘Šȱ Šœ—ȂDZȱ ˜•›ŠŒ”ǰȱǯǯǰȱŘŖŖŖǯȱ –Š’—ȱ‹›Š’—ȱ™•Šœ’Œ’¢DZȱŒ˜—ŒŽ™žŠ•ȱ
a new interpretation of the origin of modern human Š—ȱ –Ž‘˜˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱ ’œœžŽœȱ ȯȱ Šȱ ‘Ž˜›Ž’ŒŠ•ȱ ›ŽŸ’Ž ǯȱ
‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›ǯȱJournal of Human EvolutionȱřşǰȱŚśřȮśŜřǯ NeuroimageȱŗŘǰȱŗȮŗřǯȱ
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learning and memory using functional neuroimag- tive SciencesȱřǻŘǼǰȱŚŞȮśŝǯ

Special Section

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Behavioral and Brain SciencesȱŘŖǻŚǼǰȱśřŝȮşŜǯ ˜žǰȱ ǯȱ ǭȱ ǯȱ ‘Š–’—ŠŽǰȱ ŘŖŖŝǯȱ ‘Žȱ ŽŸ˜•ž’˜—Š›¢ȱ —Žž-
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in Rethinking Materiality: the Engagement of Mind with the Œ˜››Ž•ŠŽœȱ ˜ȱ Š›•¢ȱ ˜—ŽȱŽȱ ˜˜•Ȭ–Š”’—DZȱ ŽŒ‘—˜•-
ŠŽ›’Š•ȱ˜›•ǰȱŽœǯȱǯȱŽŠ››Š’œǰȱǯȱ ˜œŽ—ȱǭȱǯȱŽ—- ˜¢ǰȱ •Š—žŠŽȱ Š—ȱ Œ˜—’’˜—ȱ ’—ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ ŽŸ˜•ž’˜—ǯȱ
›Ž ǯȱǻŒ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ˜—˜›Š™‘œǯǼȱŠ–‹›’ŽDZȱ Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Œ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ˜›ȱ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ǰȱŘřȮřŘǯ Ž›’ŽœȱȱřŜřǰȱŗşřşȮŚşǯ
Ž—›Ž ǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱŽŒ˜–’—ȱ‘ž–Š—DZȱ‘ŽȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŒ‘Š•- Š—ǰȱǯǰȱǯȱ‘Š—ǰȱ ǯȱ‘Ž—ǰȱet al.ǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱ›’‘–Ž’Œȱ™›˜ŒŽœœ-
•Ž—ŽǯȱProceedings of the British AcademyȱŗřşǰȱŘŗŝȮřŞǯ ’—ȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ‹›Š’—ȱ œ‘Š™Žȱ ‹¢ȱ Œž•ž›Žœǯȱ Proceedings
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™Š›Š˜¡DZȱ ‘Žȱ ŠŒžŠ•’¢ȱ ˜ȱ ŸŠ•žŽȱ Š—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œŠŒ›Žǯȱ ˜ž•ŽŽǯ
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London ’••Ž¢ǰȱǯǰȱŗşşŗǯȱMaterial Culture and Text: the Art of Ambiguity.
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‘ŽȱœŠ™’Ž—ȱ–’—DZȱŠ›Œ‘ŠŽ˜•˜¢ȱ–ŽŽœȱ—Žž›˜œŒ’Ž—ŒŽǯȱ ’—ȱœŽ•ǯȱCognitive NeuropsychologyȱŘŘǻřȦŚǼǰȱřŞŝȮŚŖŝǯȱ
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London ž•Ÿ’—ǰȱ ǯǰȱ ŗşŞřǯȱ Elements of Episodic Memoryǯȱ ¡˜›DZȱ
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ŽŠ›•¢ȱ’—ȱ•’ŽǯȱConsciousness and Cognition ŗŘǰȱŝŗŝȮřŗǯ Annual Review of Psychology śřǰȱŗȮŘśǯ
ŠŠ˜ǰȱǯǰȱǯȱŠœŒžŠ•ȬŽ˜—Žǰȱ ǯȱ ›Š–Š—ǰȱet alǯǰȱŗşşŜǯȱŒ’ŸŠ- ž›—Ž›ǰȱǯǰȱŗşşřȱǽŗşŞŖǾǯȱ‘Žȱœ˜Œ’Š•ȱœ”’—ǰȱ’—ȱReading the Social
tion of the primary visual cortex by braille reading in Body, Žœǯȱǯǯȱž››˜ž‘œȱǭȱ ǯȱ‘›Ž—›Ž’Œ‘ǯȱ ˜ Šȱ’¢ȱ
‹•’—ȱœž‹“ŽŒœǯȱNatureȱřŞŖǰȱśŘŜȮŞǯ ǻ ǼDZȱ—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜ Šȱ›ŽœœǰȱŗśȮřşǯ
ŠŠ˜ǰȱ ǯǰȱǯȱ ŠœŒžŠ•ȬŽ˜—Žǰȱ ǯȱ ›Š–Š—ǰȱ ǯǯȱ Ž’‹Ž›ǰȱ ǯȱ Š—‘ŠŽ›Ž—ǰȱǯȱǭȱǯȱȂ››’Œ˜ǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱž›’—ŠŒ’Š—ȱŽ‘—˜Ȭ•’—-
Š••ŽĴǰȱŗşşŞǯȱŽž›Š•ȱ—Ž ˜›”œȱ˜›ȱ‹›Š’••Žȱ ž’œ’Œȱ Ž˜›Š™‘¢ȱ ˜ȱ ž›˜™Žȱ ›ŽŸŽŠ•Žȱ ‹¢ȱ ™Ž›œ˜—Š•ȱ
›ŽŠ’—ȱ‹¢ȱ‘Žȱ‹•’—ǯȱBrain ŗŘŗǻŝǼǰȱŗŘŗřȮŘşǯȱ ˜›—Š–Ž—œȱž›’—ŠŒ’Š—ǯȱ Journal of Human Evolution
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ŘŖŖŚǯȱ ‘˜›ȬŽ›–ȱ ™•Šœ’Œ’¢ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ™›’–Š›¢ȱ œ˜–Š˜- ˜Ž•Ž¢ǰȱ ǯǰȱǯȱŠ¢ǰȱǯȱ’£•ǰȱǯȱŠ•”Š’ǰȱ ǯȱ’••Žœȱǭȱ ǯǯȱ’—”ǰȱ
œŽ—œ˜›¢ȱ Œ˜›Ž¡ȱ ž›’—ȱ ˜˜•ȱ žœŽǯȱ Neuroreport 15(8), ŘŖŖŚǯȱŽž›Š•ȱŒ˜››Ž•ŠŽœȱ˜ȱꛜȬ™Ž›œ˜—ȱ™Ž›œ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱŠœȱ
ŗŘşřȮŝǯ ˜—ŽȱŒ˜—œ’žŽ—ȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱœŽ•ȬŒ˜—œŒ’˜žœ—ŽœœǯȱJournal
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žŠ—ǰȱ ǯǯȱŠ’Ž›ȱǭȱ
ǯȱŽ’—–Ž£ǰȱ of Cognitive Neuroscience ŗŜ,ȱŞŗŝȮŘŝǯȱ
ŗşşśǯȱ —Œ›ŽŠœŽȱ Œ˜›™žœȱ ŒŠ••˜œž–ȱ œ’£Žȱ ’—ȱ –žœ’Œ’Š—œǯȱ ŽœŽ›–Š——ǰȱ ǯǰȱǯȱ’›˜’œǰȱǯǯȱ‘ž•£ȱǭȱǯȱŠ›ŽœŒ‘Š•ǰȱŘŖŖŜǯȱ
NeuropsychologiaȱřřǻŞǼǰȱŗŖŚŝȮśśǯ ˜Ž•’—ȱ ŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—Š•ȱ Œ˜—’’ŸŽȱ —Žž›˜œŒ’Ž—ŒŽǯȱ
Ž››ǰȱǯǰȱǯǯȱž••Ž›ǰȱǯȱ•‹Ž›ǰȱǯȱ˜Œ”œ›˜‘ǰȱǯȱŠ—ŽŸȱǭȱǯȱ Trends in Cognitive SciencesȱŗŖǻśǼǰȱŘŘŝȮřřǯ
Šž‹ǰȱŗşşŞǯȱŽ›ŒŽ™žŠ•ȱŒ˜››Ž•ŠŽœȱ˜ȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ’—ȱŒ˜›’ŒŠ•ȱ ŽœŽ›–Š——ǰȱ ǯǰȱǯȱŠ›ŽœŒ‘Š•ǰȱǯ
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›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱꗐŽ›œȱ’—ȱ‹•’—ȱ–ž•’ꗐŽ›ȱ‹›Š’••Žȱ ™›Š•’—ȱǭȱǯǯǯȱ‘˜–ŠœǰȱŘŖŖŝǯȱŽž›˜Œ˜—œ›žŒ’Ÿ-
›ŽŠŽ›œǯȱJournal of NeuroscienceȱŗŞǻŗŗǼǰȱŚŚŗŝȮŘřǯ ’œ–ǯȱDevelopmental ScienceȱŗŖǻŗǼǰȱŝśȮŞřǯ
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in stone knapping, in Stone Knapping: the Necessary Next StepǯȱŠ–‹›’ŽȱǻǼDZȱ ȱ›Žœœǯ
Conditions for a Uniquely Hominin Behaviour, Žœǯȱ ǯȱ Š‘ŠŸ’ǰȱǯǰȱŘŖŖśǯȱž‹“ŽŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱŠ—ȱŽ•Ģ˜˜DZȱ —ŸŽœ’Š’—ȱ‘Žȱ
˜ž¡ȱ ǭȱ ǯȱ ›’•ǯȱ ǻŒ˜—Š•ȱ —œ’žŽȱ ˜—˜›Š™‘œǯǼȱ First-Person Perspective Š–‹›’ŽȱǻǼDZȱ ȱ›Žœœǯ

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