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Name : Muhammad Khoirur Roziqin

Course : Obu 14 Delta


There are two people from political parties, called just danu and zaky who
have the same intention with the intention to run as members of the Regional
People's Representative Council.
After completing the nomination files to the KPU in each region, Danu and Zaky
talked together to drink coffee in a canteen. They like to talk.
Danu: "Zak, you know that there are already many politically-rich politicians in
our country ?!"
Zaky: "Emm, I already know the problem, Danu!"
Danu: "with the wealth they have, they are all able to buy the most expensive
clothes in Indonesia."
Zaky: "What do you mean by that?"
Danu: "Yes, if it's not the KPK's prison suit, it will be added."
Zaky: "How come even the KPK prisoner's shirt, I don't understand?"
Danu: "It's a shame, just try it, you don't think, a politician must first be able
to take State money for at least 1 billion, all of them can use the shirt."
Zaky: "Ohh, I just understand that you want you to like that and."
Then they ordered coffee for the second time and remembered the past of those who
had used the KPK's most expensive t-shirts

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