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5 Doing something different Extra practice

5.1 Vocabulary
Action verbs

1 * Choose the correct verb.

3 *** Choose words from A and B to complete the sentences.
1 (sail / fly) a plane
2 (make / jump) a model plane A B
3 (carry / sail) a boat carry a boat

4 (practise / carry) a bag dive a picture

draw for hours
5 (climb / practise) a musical instrument
fly planes
2 ** Match 1–6 with A–F.
practise a suitcase
1 On Tuesdays, I carry …..
sail underwater
2 I love jumping …..
3 In art lessons, I sometimes draw …..
You sail a boat on water.
4 They want to climb …..
1 Can I ........................................ for you?
5 Can you hold …..
2 My dream is to be a pilot and ........................................ .
6 My sister practises …..
3 To be good at a musical instrument, you need to

A Mount Teide in the summer. ........................................ .

B the piano every day. 4 People often wear goggles to ........................................ .

C your little brother’s hand, please? 5 You usually use paper and a pencil to ........................................ .
D into the swimming pool.
E my violin to school.
F a picture of myself.

Spectrum 1 Student’s Book Unit 5

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