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Wycombe Wenches Monthly Meeting

8 pm Wednesday March 13th, 2019

Helen welcomed all members and also our guests: Kathleen, Sarah, Eileen, Alison and Elizabeth. She
then welcomed our new member Gill Blair and gave her a welcome pack.

Apologies: Adele, Donna, Gill A., Tracey, Marion H. and Fiona

Helen introduced the speaker Lex Moon, a Mental Health Pharmacist who gave a very informative
talk about different mental illnesses. She dispelled many myths about these illnesses and explained
how they are commonly treated using medication and therapy. She talked about the role of the
pharmacist in treatment. Lex’s talk was very warmly received and generated lots of questions. She
talked about how to respond to someone who is suffering from a mental illness stressing the
importance of listening and letting them set the pace and have ownership of the problem. She
signposted us to Carers Bucks and the Oxford Health Carers Groups for family and carers who would
like support, to Healthy Minds Bucks, a service which accepts self-referral and to the Mental Health
First Aid course run by Oxford Health. This talk fitted well with The WI resolution/campaign for 2019
which asks for parity between mental and physical health.
There was then a break for refreshments. Members were asked to sign up for trips, collect
newsletters, fill out planning slips and vote for the National WI trustees.

1.Monthly Collection Wycombe Women’s Aid –Helen thanked everyone for their very generous
donations to Wycombe Women’s Aid and mentioned the recent Channel 4 Dispatches programme
which highlighted the current funding crisis affecting Women’s Refuges which is still available on
catch up television. The donations for March and April are laundry and cleaning products and Helen
stressed that all donations are voluntary. Clare who works for WW Aid is coming to talk at the
monthly meeting in June.

2.Programme Planning: We are beginning to plan the programme for 2020 and Helen asked
members to let the committee know of any ideas for talks or activities that they would like to be
considered by completing one of the slips which had been circulated. She also asked if any members
have any interests or skills that they would like to share in a 15-minute slot at a monthly meeting to
let the committee know. It is hoped that some of the monthly talks/activities will link in with national
campaigns being run by the WI such as Healthy Eating in June. Wendy Kirk has agreed to be our
campaign co-ordinator and will update us at the monthly meetings as to what is happening. Helen
reminded members of the wealth of information available on the MyWI website.
3. Membership: —now at an all-time record of 43

4. Wycombe Wenches Groups: - All details of the craft group, book group, supper club and woolly
wenches are in the WW Newsletter, online at the website and on Facebook in individual closed
groups—just ask to join.

Incidence Response Plan…this has been completed and sent to Stuart Lodge, the NFWI
headquarters. Gill A is our coordinator, Heather A, Jean and Wendy her deputies and we have
several other team members who are willing to be called on in case of a major incident.
Great British Puree Off…5 members are entering this competition at Wycombe Hospital on March
14th to raise awareness faced by people with swallowing difficulties.

The Banner Group was formed to plan and make a banner for Wycombe Wenches which will then be
used by members in the celebrations to mark the centenary of Bucks Federation of WIs in 2020.
Eight members have joined the group. They have had an initial meeting and are arranging to go to
Stuart Lodge to meet the archivist and look at other banners there.

The marketing group is planning their first meeting for next month. They plan to produce a leaflet
promoting Wycombe Wenches by October this year.

There will be a Sparkling Afternoon Tea on Friday 15th March at 3pm at Helen’s home. Cost £12,
parking there , at 18 Lucas Road or in Pretoria Road.

5.Bucks Federation of WIs – the Intercounty Quiz and Miss Dorothy White were oversubscribed this
year and so we held a ballot to decide on who could attend. Helen asked members to pay close
attention to the allocation dates on the sign-up boards and said that we are not guaranteed a place
on those trips/activities organised by the BFWI.
Walkers Bulbs of Spalding produce a catalogue for the WI and they give a percentage of sales to the
organisation. The bulbs are good quality and the catalogue will be available shortly for members to
make their orders.

6. AOB: Totteridge Community Centre is hosting a Mother’s Day Tea on Mothering Sunday-all
Gill B is on the fundraising committee of Rennie Grove Hospice Care and mentioned that they are
having a fundraising quiz on Friday May 3rd at Little Missenden Village Hall at 7pm. Cost is £15
including a ploughman’s supper and dessert. To book contact / 01494

Gill also mentioned that All Saints Church has a free and high-quality lunchtime concert every
Monday in term time from 1.10-1.50pm. You can take your lunch with you. All welcome.

The meeting finished at 10pm.

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