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Basic Marine Engineering So ne Emam Basic Marine Engineering Contents Page Chapter 1. Engineering Units, Common Terms 11016 . Chapter 2. Power Measurement 170 62 Oo Chapter 3. Steam Turbines 63 to. 74 : ie Chapter 4. Marine Boilers 75 to 93 fi Chapter 5. Distillation & Production of Water 94 to 106. | ° Chapter 6. Pump & Pumping System 107 to 134 a Chapter 7. Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Ventilation 135.0 146 7 Chapter 8. Propeller & Propeller Shafting 147 to 158 1 oO Chapter 9. Steering Gears 159 to 183 7 Chapter 10. “Pollution Prevention - Monitoring 184 to 195 jo Oily-water Separator - Sewage Treatnient | © Chapter 1. Engine Room Watchkeeping & Equipment 196 to 200, ° Operation | . Chapter 12. Hydraulic System 201 to 216 oO Chapter 13. Deck Machinery 217 to 235, | Q Chapter 14. Diesel Engines 236 to 258 qn zaetee A Chapter 15. Electrical Equipment 259 0 269 ¢ oO (ome) Engineering Units & Common ‘Terms CHAPTER - I Engineering Units & Common Terms Contents 1. SI Units LL 12. 13. Units and Symbols Units and Prefix Most Common Units 2. Engineering Terms 2.4. 2.2. 23. 24. Mass, Force, Force of Gravity, Work, Power and Energy Pressure, Pressure Gauge, Gauge Pressure and Absolute Pressure Volume, Specific Volume, Temperature, Absolute Temperature, Heat, Specific Heat and Latent Heat. Stress and Strain. 3. Properties of Gases 3.1. 3.2, 33. 34, Boyle's Law Charle’s Law Combination of Boyle’s Law & Charle’s Laws Compression of a gas in closed system Engineering Units & Common Terms oO : Engineering Units & Common Terms ~ 1. SI UNITS 1.1 Units and Symbols: Sl is the abbreviation for systems International d? unites. ‘The system is built upon the six basic units: oO Unit Quantity Symbol © Metre (length) tm} ce oO Kilogram (mass) tke] Second (time) Is} eC = = oO Kelvin (temperature) 1K} Ampere (Electrical Current) [Al ° iq 2) Candela (Luminous Intensity) (ed) & Qo All other units are derived from these basic six units. E.g. unit for area will be, unit length oO (one metre) multiplied by unit length (one metre) i.e. one square metre o Area = Length “x Breadih oO = L{m} xB mJ ; [e} = LxB (’} Oo Square metre [m7] is the unit of area oO 1.2 Units and Prefix: To avoid using large figures repeatedty in the calculations, a prefix before the unit is o used. Example a prefix of *k’ before meier [m] will be representing kilomeire. Thus instead } of writing 1000 [mj, we will write 1 [kth] s 4.3 Most Common Units: ed Similarly other prefix symbols are shown below. C Engineering Units & Common Terms Prefix | Represented by [Prefix indicates a multification] Some example 7 factor of Tera T 10” = Giga G ie” (GN)= Giga Newton O° IN] Mega M 10° Kilo k i (kg) = Kilogram 10 {2} Hecto h 107 = Deca da 10! Deci 10° Centi 107 fem) = Centimeter 0? [ml Milli m 10? Micro nm 108 (mf) = micro farad = 10 [farad] A 10? b joe at Of the most common units is given below = Quantity Basic Unit or Derived ‘Symbol ‘Abbreviation Unit used [Length Meire tml ‘Area Square metre Im] Vorume Cubic mee ——it im} _ Time Seconds {sl Linear Velocity | Metre per second [m/s] ‘Angular Velocity |Radians per second [rad/s] Linear Acceleration | Metre per second” [mvs"] Angular Acccleration| Radians per second? |[rad/s*] Mass Kilogram Itke) Force Newton iN] Moment of force | Newton meter [Nm] Work, Energy Joule (]& is equal to (Nm Power ‘Watt [Weis = Nin/s} Pressure Newton per metre’ [Nim] also called Pascal {Pa} Stress Newton per metre” —_|{N/m?} Mass flow Kilogram per second |Tke/s] Volume flow Cubic metre per second|[m'Vs] Density Kilogram per metre’ | tkg/m'] ‘Temperature Degree Kelvin OK] Engineering Units & Common Terms © a a 2. NGINEERING TERM 2.1 Mass, Force, Force of Gravity, Work, Power & Energy: O oO MASS Mass is quantity of matter possessed by a body. It is a constant quantity, that is, the mass : of a body can only be changed by adding more matter to it or taking matter away from it ° ‘The abbreviation for mass is ‘m’ and the unit is kitogram and symbol used is (kg). Large 6 quantities are often expressed in tonnes {t] where 1 Tonne = 10° {kel 8 oO FORCE oO A force is required to accelerate or retard a mass, O° ‘When unit mass is given unit acceleration then a unit of force has been applied. ‘The unit of force is the newton [N} © Q | Force = mass x acceleration } : 1 IN] = 1 {kg} x 1 [ms?] © : Hence, one newton of force acting on one kilogram of mass will give it an acceleration © i of one metre per second per second. ° | © FORCE OF GRAVITY 38 { Masses are attracted to the earth by a gravitational force which is the product of their * mass and acceleration due to gravity ‘g’. The value of ‘g" is 9.81 [m/s]. The product of mass 0 j & *g" is known as the weight of a body and for a body, | 9 Weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity 3 Weight (NJ = mass [kg] x 9.81 [m/s*} “ raat net ea sed De Aue Orssat Movil Yea real, Creo Son Sant O. Engineering Units & Common Terms WORK . When a force applied to a body causes it to move, then work has been done. When point of application of unit force is moved unit distance in the direction of application, then a unit of work has been done. The unit of work is the Joule {J} Work = force x distance = mass x acceleration x distance By = TEN] x 1 fm} Joule is small unit. Larger quantities of work are expressed as Kilojoules [kJ] or megajoules [MJ] POWER This is the quantity of work done in a given time or the rate of doing, work. When unit work is done in unit time then power has been used: The unit of power is the watt {W] Work done. Power = Time Low) 7 Til a 1 {Nm} is Vs) ‘i The watt is a small unit. Larger quantity of power arc expressed as kilowatt [kW] or megawatt (MW} ENERGY ‘This is the stored ability to do work and is measured in units of work done. i.e. Joules i Engineering Units & Common Terms nn 2.2 Pressure, Pressure Gauge, Gauge Pressure & Absolute Pressure : PRESSURE ‘The intensity of force o force per unit area is known as pressure, A unit of pressure exists where unit force acts on unit area. The unit of pressure is the newton per square meter and has the ‘special name Pascal [Paj Pressure: = Force ‘Area LIN) 1 [Pa ret Pal Vim’) Another term often used by engineers is bar, 1 [bar] 10° (Pal = 108 {N/m} ‘The complete absence of pressure is a vacutim and this is therefore the absolute zero of pressure measurement. However, acting upon the earth's surface at all times is what is known as atmospheric pressure. The pressure gauge, which is the usual means of pressure measurement, also accepts this atmospheric pressure and considers it the zero of pressure measurement. Thus absolute pressts gauge pressure + atmospheric pres re. Readings of pressure are considered to be absolute unless followed by the word “gauge” indies if a pressure gauge value. ‘The actual value of atmospheric pressure is usually read from a barometer in millimetre of mercury. we know, Pressure = rgh Where x = density of liquid [ke/m'} g = 9.81 (m/s), h = height of column of liquid {m] ‘One Atmospheric Pressure = 760 mm of Hg OR One Atmospheric Pressure = 760 mm of mercury x 13.6 x 9.81 (Pa) | atmosphere} 101300 [Pal OR = 1.013 {bar} | [atmosphere} = 760 mm Hg = 101300 (Pa) = 1.013 [bar] %. Engineering Units & Common Terms RESsESRnsnSsnnsennsnsens ones IRS SAS IE SSSR ES ESSEESE SESS OED PRESSURE GAUGE ‘The most common instrument used for measuring high static pressure is the bourden type. of pressure gauge. “The tube has elliptical section which tends to become circular on application of pressure. With the effect the tube tends to straighten on application of pressure. Preven Seale ‘Quadrant Sealed ens ofthe ube Secon at AA SS Curves steettube nas lipticl socton. This slips sector end ‘on apptcaton 0} peseure. eating intendoncy ot the tube to saignten Source of pressure Figure 1.1 - Bourden Pressure gauge. Working The effect of the fluid pressure inside the tube is to tend to straighten it. The higher the pressure the greater the straightening effect. The small movement of the seated end of the tube is magnified by linking it to a quadrant meshing with a pinion which carries a pointer on its shaft. The pointer moves, over a circular scale on the dial of the gauge which is graduated in bars or other suitable unit Engineering Units & Common Terms ennai eben Daae GAUGE PRESSURE AND ABSOLUTE PRESSURE solute pressure \N eauge preasre Figure 1.2 - Gauge & Absolute pressure ‘When the bourdens pressure gauge is left open in a room, its pointer will record a pressure of ‘0 bar’ on the dial. If the air present i the room is now evacuated, there will be no pressure left in the room. The pointer of the pressure gauge will take a position below the ‘zero’ on the dial This point on the dial is the indicator of absolute zero (see figure 1.2.). The complete absence of pressure is called vacuum. The room therefore is under vacuum and the pressure in the room is said to be absolute zero. Thus Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure, 2.3 Volume, Specific Volume, Temperature, Absolute Temperature, Heat, Specific Heat and Latent Heat: VOLUME ‘The amount of physical space occupied by a body is called volume. The unit of volume is the cubic metre [m°], Other units, such as litre (L] and cubic centimeter {em'} are also in use. 1 [m'] = 1000 [L} = 1000000 fem") = 10° {em} oO y € Engineering Units & Common Terms Sans =e Specific Volume Specific Volume is the volume o¢cupied by unit mass, the symbol is v and the basic unit is cubic metre per kilogram [m'skg] TEMPERATURE ‘Temperature is an indication of hotness or coldness and therefore is a measure of the intensity of heat. The most common measuring instrument is the mercurial thermometer. This consists of a glass tube of very fine bore with a bulb at its Jower end, the bulb and tube are exhausted of ais, partially filled with mercury and hermetically sealed at the top end. The mercury of the bulb expands (if heated) or contracts (if cooled) and the level, which rises or falls in consequence indicates, on the thermometer scale, the degree of heat intensity. ‘On the ‘Celsius scale thermometer’ the temperature at which pure water freezes into ice is marked zero and the point at which pure water boils into steam at atmospheric pressure is assigned the number 100. In between distance is divided into 100 equal parts, each part indicating one degree Celsius. ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE 4 _—* Volume, eer | — es Sree Ee | | ‘Femperature| | ors je fro | 207 cots sect 9 0 2 BI) 473 ein soa or x « fi K SSoonts seo’ Figure 1.3. Absolute Temperature Engineering Units & Common Terms LL If a gas is cooled at constant pressure until its temperature is 273 degree below 0°C, the volume of gas would contract until there is nothing left, as is shown in figure 1.3, and therefore no further reduction of temperature would be possible. The gas is said to have reached its “absolute zero of temperature \ Absolute temperature = temperature is degree celsius + 273 {K] pe) + 23 HEAT Heat is energy in motion between a system and its surroundings, as a consequence the unit, as with other form of energy, is the joule [J]. ‘The specific heat of a substance is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of the substance by one degree. Hence total quantity of heat energy transferred to a-substance to raise its temperature is the product of the mass of the substances, its specific heat, and its rise in temperature. mass of body x special heat x (Ti- T) feel x J x {K} F x kg, 7 O) Heat required to raise temperature of a body from Ti tT? Latent heat is the heat which supplies the energy necessary to overcome the bindirig forces of attraction between molecules of a substance and is responsible for it changing its physical state, fom a solid into liquid! or from # liquid into vapont, the change taking place without any: change of temperature. 9 oo ) oe oO IOCCEAOG8SOEO’ ¢ Engineering Units & Common ‘Terms ee eet Sr 2.4 Stress and Strain: STRESS ‘When a component oF structure is subjected to a force, it is said to be in a state of stress, When the applied force tends to shorten the material or crush it, the material is said to be in compression, and the stress 3s referred to as a compressive stresy (example the chocks placed under a diesel engine experience the weight of engine which cause the chocks to be under compressive stress) When the force tends to lengthen the material or tear it apart the material is said to be in ension and the stress is referred to as a tensile stress (example is lifting of cargo load by a hook. ‘The hook and wire is under tension or under tensile stress). When the force tends to cause the particles of the material to slide over each other the material is said to be in shear and the stress is referred to as a shear stress, Stress is always expressed as force per unit area of the material Total force Stress STRAIN Strain is the change of shape that takes place in a material due to it being stressed, Change in length Linear strain = Original length Change in length and original length are in the same units, therefore in dividing one by other the units cancel. Hence strain is a pure number Engineering Units & Common Terms 3. PROPERTIES OF GASES A substance can exist as a solid, liquid or gas. Taking example of H,O, it can exist as ice, water or steam (also reteer to section 3 of chapter 4). However in gaseous state, the steam could be wet (i.c. steam contains water droplets), dry (contains no water droplets) or superheated (ce. steam is heated beyond saturated temperature) steam, Behaviour of any other substance will be similar Unlike liquid, the gases can be compressed into smaller volumes and expanded to larger volumes. While compressing or expanding, the gas which is considered ideal gas (perfect gas), will sitictly follow the Boyle’s & Charle’s law of gases. 3.1 Boyle’s Law: States that the absolute pressure of a fixed mass of a perfect gas varies inversely as its volume if the temperature remains unchanged. 1. at constant temperature \ To illustrate this, consider 3m* of a pefect (ideal) gas at a pressure of 2 bar, contained in a cylinder with a gas tight movable piston as shown in figure 1.4 — @ @ Piston | i a Oo ero Oy Or O OH OD) Q.O-O 7 Engineering Units & Common Terms ER When piston is at position - 1, p, = 2 bar = 3m When piston is at position - 2, V, = 15a R=? PY, = PY, 2x3 = pyxls 6 =a5 ; = 4 [bar] ‘Thus variation of pressure with change in volume can be shown by the graph as: The graph works out to be a hyperbola. Since process is at coiistant temperature, this process is also termed as “isothermal” process. Example: 4.5m of air at a pressure of 1.5 bar gauge is compressed isothermally to a pressure of 600 kN/m? gauge. Taking atmospheric pressure as 1 bar, calculate the final volume of the air, Consider air to be a perfect gas. Initial absolute pressure = 1.5 + 1.0 = 2.5 [har] Final absolute presse = 600 is] + 1.0 [bar} m Engineering Units & Common Terms ea Deedee che = 6.0 [bas] + 1.0 [bar] ~> 100 KN = I bar 7.0 {bar} PY, Py 25x35 = T0xV, 2.5x3.5_ : 7.0 = 125° [m'] Ans. 4 3.2 Charles’ Law: Charles’ law states that the volume of a fixed mass of a perfect gas varies directly as its absolute temperature if the pressure remains unchanged, also, the absolute pressure varies directly _as the absolute temperature if the volume remains unchanged. constant hence Or Also p 2 T : Po = constant T Py Or p, PF Example: A pressure vessel contains air at 20 bar gauge and 30°C. If the pressure vessel is heated up to 70°C, what would be the pressure of the air in the vessel. There is no increase in the volume of the vessel. Consider air to be a perfect gas. Initial absolute temperature = 30 + 373 = 303 [K] Initial absolute pressure = 20+ 1.013 = 21.013 foar} Final absolute temperature. = 70 +273 By) cps — sue) c Engineering Units & Common Terms i = 343 [K} P, P, r PL 21.013 x 343 303 23.8 {bar} Ans 3.3. Combination of Boyle’s and Charles’ laws: “The combined law of Boyles’ & Charles’ is: : PY. Ps T T, And is tue for a given mass of any perfect gas subjected to any form of compression or expansion, Example: 15m’ of a perfect gas at a pressure of 1.25 bar gauge pressure and temperature of 27C ‘ are compressed to a volume of 0.5m? and the final pressure is 6.5 bar gauge pressure. Calculate ( the final temperature i Initial absolute temperature = 274273 ; = 300 {K} Initial absolute pressure 1.25 + 1.013 2.263 {bar} : Final absolute pressure 6541013 = 7.513 [bar] : BY, _ BY. n Tate & r= Bw A pv : t 1513 x 0.5 x 300 ; we PSB x05 1 300 2.263 x 1.5 ( = 332 (K] = 59 PC] Ans 3.4 Compression of a Gas in closed system: Gas can be comps ssed from volume V, to volume V, in thtee different ways. Engineering Units & Common Terms RE Isothermal compression: Here while compressing gas no heat is allowed to get into gas to avoid any rise in temperature, Hence gas is compressed at constant temperature & thé process is called isothermal compression. Using Boyles’ law: pV =constant or —p,V Adiabatic compression: Here while compressing g; » gas heats up and is not allowed to give away any heat energy to surroundings. This is called Adiabatic Compression, The relationship between pressure and volume for adiabatic compression is vii o pV = Where ; (gamma) is the ratio of the specific heat of gas at constant pressure to the specific heat at constant volume, thus C, = Specific heat at constant pressure C, = Specific heat at constant volume Polytropic compression: In practice, neither isothermal nor adiabatic process can be achieved perfectly. This in between compression is called polytropic compression when there will be a partial amount of heat energy exchange. The relationship between pressure and volume is a a pV = constant or p,V,_ = p,V, Example: 0.025 m of gas at 30 bar absolute is expanded in 2 closed system to a volume of 0.15mn" and the final pressure is 1.5 bar absolute. If the expansion takes place according to the law pV"= constant, find the value of n. 30 x 0.025" = 1.5 x 0.15" H30rPeEe Ono te 1s a 0.025 20 = (6) n= 1.1675 (Ans) Power Measurement esi i i CHAPTER - 2 Power Measurement Contents 1. Diesel Engine Power measurement; General 1.1. The Engine Indicator 1.2, Indicated Power 1.3. Mechanical efficiency Brake Power and Shaft Power 1.4. Power utitisation, Tr smission efficiency, Propeller efficiency & Hull efficiency LS. Examples 2. Propellers 2.1. Pitch, Propeller Slip, Apparent Slip and Real or True Slip 2.2 Examples 3. Power Estimation and Fuel Estimation 3.1. Power Estimation 3.2. Fuel Estimation 3.3 Examples Power Measurement Sree: Power Measurement 1. DIESEL ENGINE POWER MEASUREMENT; GENERAL wank tit ww al ‘The burning of fuel in an engine cylinder (2 stroke oF 4 strokes diesel engine) will result in val) the production of power at the output shaft, some of the power produced in the cylinder will be dG used to drive the rotating masses of the engine. i ‘The power produced in the cylinder can be measured by an engine ‘indicator mechanism i as described below. This power is often referred to as ‘indicated power’. The power out-put of @ the engine at the shaft is known as ‘shaft’ or “Brake power’. On smaller engines it conid be al measured by applying a type of brake to the shaft, hence the name. 6, ~ & 1.1. The Engine Indicator: p ee | Sty. Ccatbrates spring Ingcotor cock _ - 7 i _—— rum as iy TL I oO a: _— indicator cord : O [— comburton gor a (Piston under power Oo rote) Figure 2.1 - Engine Indicator Power Measurement er RR ee ‘An engine indicator is shown in figure 1. It is made up of a stalt piston of known size, which operates in a cylinder against specially calibrated spring, Stylus through magnifying finkage (not shown in sketch) transfers the up and down piston movements to a drum on which is mounted a piece of paper or card ‘The drum oscillates (along its polar axis) under the pull of the Cord. The cord is moved by aa reciprocating (up and down) mechanism, & these movements are proportional and synchronous with the engine piston movement in the cylinder. The stylus thus draws out an indicator diagram which represents 1 pressure on the engine piston at different points of the stroke, and the area of the indicator diagram produced represents the power developed in the particular cylinder. 12 Indicated Power: INDICATED POWER ‘Typical indicator diagram for a wo stroke engine is showa in figure 2.2. The area within de diagram represents the work done within the cylinder in one eyele. | [Average or meen pressure [Pex] | fo] Figure 2.2 - Indicator diagram ‘The area can be measured by an instrument known as ‘Planimeter’ or by the use of the mid-ordinates rule. [On modem engine thi diagram can be continuously taken by employing two, transducers, one pressure transducer on the combustion space and other transducer on the shaft ‘Through the computer we can thus get on line indicated diagram & power of all cylinders. ‘The area is then divided by the fength of the diagram in order to obtain mean height, (see figure 2.3) This mean height, when multiplied by the spring scale of the indicator mechanism, gives the indicated mean effective pressure for the cylinder. The ‘mean effective’ or ‘average’ pressure [pr] can now he used to determine the work done in the cylinder. urement WORKING 1. Area of the indicator diagram = a {mm’} 2. Average height of the diagram == 2 mm} 1 {mm} 2 a a { Aimocphere S fine { Pee ® Stroke i © al Figure 2.3 - Indicated Power | © mn] k [ bar I 3. 2. Average or mean: indicator pressure = x ji cr 7 mm mm Oo, | oO {Pm} = ak fbar] | 1 oO; Where k is ‘spring scale’ in bar per mm. c 3 4. Work done in one cycle = Mean indicator pressure x Area of Piston x Length O of stroke (Pmy x fAR x o 5. To obtain the power of this unit, it is necessary to determine the rate of doing work © ic. multiply work by number of power strokes in-one second. oO Indicated Power of Unit {ip] = oO + Mean indicator pressure x Area of Piston x length of swoke x No. of power L strokes per second o {Pm} x 1A] x tL} IN} = PmLAN C | Power Measurement RE Ina four-stroke cycle engine every alternate stroke is a power stroke and in two-stroke cycle engine every stroke is a power stroke. N= Engine revs per second (for 2-stroke engine) N = Engine revs per second + 2 (for 4-stroke engine) UNITS ip = PmLAN ak fbar) x Lim) x Atm} x N Ws} 1 [bar] x fm} x fm} x Es} [10 Nim? xm x om ox Usd = 1 [10° Nims } = 18 [| 10's) = 1@ £10" Wany 10?_ kW. KLAN x 10? [kW] whefe a = Area of indicata diagram, in {mom} T= Length of indicata diagram, in (mm) A k= Spring scale, in {bar/mm] L_ = Stroke of engine, in {m} A. = Area of cylinder, in (m") N- = Power stroke per second, in {1/8} Total indicated power of a multi-cylinder engine would be addition of indicated power of each eylindss Ip [of the Engin = Ipof unit No. i Ip of unit Nu. 2 + Ip of unit No. 3+ Power Measurement c Ree ene Example: The area of an indicator diagram taken of one cylinder of a four cylinder, four stroke, internal combustion engine is 384 mm?, the length is 72 mm, and the indicator spring scale is ! mm = 2.0 bar. ‘Phe diameter of the cylinders is 260mm, — C stroke 310 mm, and rotational speed 300 rev/min. Caleulate the indicated power of the ‘engine assuming all cylinders develop equal power. oO jolut 2 Q We know Indicated Power [ip] in a cylinder =| PmLAN ° e 384 € Mean height of diagram | = So ES 3 72 ™ @ = 5.333 [mm] @ © bar sal Mean Indicated Pressure [Pm] = 5.333 fmm) x 2] 2& ! mm a 4 = 10.666 [bar] Qa oO I ee i Number of Power strokes per second (N] = 300. , 1 [Rev Oo i 00 2 |s o = 25 | Re oO 5 Indicated Power = Pm LAN oO = 10.666 bar} x 0.310 {mn} x px 2250 frmey x25. [1Vs) oO } = 0439 [ bar x mx m Us} : oO 2 10° Nm = 0439 x 10° eet [ = ] a = 43.9_kW. oO Total Indicated Power for four cylinders, = 4 x 43.9 assuming all cylinders are developing same power 175.61_kW. Ans. Power Measurement ean 13 Mechanical efficiency, Brake power and Shaft power: Power is absorbed in overcoming frictional resistances at the various rubbing surfaces of the engine, such as at the piston rings, cross head, top end bearings, shaft bearings ete. Hence only part of indicated power (ip) developed in the cylinders is transmitted as useful power at the engine shaft. The power absorbed in overcoming friction is termed friction power (fp). The power available at the shaft is termed shaft power (sp) or as this means of a brake it is also called brake power (bp). measured by ip- bp = Friction losses Mechanical Efficiency = Bike Power or Shalit Power Indicated Power It is common practice to state the efficiency as a percentage by multiplying the fraction by 100, A torsionmeter is usually used to measure the torque on the engine shaft. This torque, together with the rotational speed, will give the shaft power of the engine. Brake power is measured by applying a resisting torque as a brake on the shaft, the heat generated by the friction being transferred to, and carried away by circulating water. Let FIN} = resisting force of brake R[m] = is radius at which the force is applied Nirev/s} revolution per second of the engine Brake Power = 2 «NT 2mNx FR (because Torque T = FR) 2m NFR [Nmn/s} 2 NBR [Watt) Example: The torque on an engine shaft is found to be 320 KNm when it is rotating at 110 rev/min, Determine the shaft power of the engine, 2aNT Shaft Power Qnrevscc x torque 2ax x 320 [Ws x kNm] Power Measurement ee 1.4 Power Utilisation, Transmission Efficiency, Propeller Efficiency & Hull Efficiency: POWER UTILISATION ‘The engine shaft power is transmitted to the propeller with only minor wansmission losses. ‘The power delivered to propeller is called delivered power (dp). The transmission efficiency is a measure of effectiveness of transmitting shaft power to propeller. The operation of the propeiler results in a forward thrust on the thrust block and the propulsion of the ship at some particular speed. The propeller efficiency is a measure of effectiveness of the power conversion by the propeller. The hull efficiency is a measure of effectiveness of the power conversion by the hull trom thrust power to effective power, see figure 24 ip ~ Indicated power < ‘Sp = Shaft(Broke) power p= Delvered power = Thrust power Effective poier Figure 2.4 - Power Utilisation Efficiency _ Delivered power (dp) Shaft power (Sp) sp dp = Transmission losses Propeller Efficiency — Thrust power (tp) Delivered power (dp) dp - tp = Propeller losses Hull Bificiency _ Etfective power (ep) ‘Thrust power (tp) tp - cp = hull losses pate ewe “ar mat a One eB) a wa aaa! ot Del heal [emame ces tek tl Ce, Be =e 1 Power Measurement ooo 1.5 Examples: |. Asingle cylinder two stoke Marine Diesel Engine has a cylinder diameter of 200 mm and a stoke length of 270 mm. if the Mean effective pressure [P ,._.,, ]i8 5 bar, when running at 360 rpm, calculate the indicated power developed. (Note: } bar = 10° Nim?) Solution: We know Indicated Power [ip] in a cylinder = PmLAN Mean Indicated Pressure [Pm] = 5 (bar) Stroke length (L] = 270 (mm} = 0.270 [m} ad ~ 4 200 |? L {m’} Area of piston [A] = eae | piston [A] = 1 “Ei x4 = 0.031428 frn’} per second 60 He fe] s Indicated Power [ip] = Pm LAN Number of Power Strokes [N] _ 360 [| = 5x 0.270 x 0.031428 x 6 [bar x mx nv x Us} = 0.25456 [108 x Nim? xm xm? x Is} = 0.25456 x 10? [10° x Nm/s} = 25.456 _IkW] Ans. Power Measurement NE 2. The area of an indicator diagram taken of one cylinder of a six cylinder, two-stroke large diesel engine is 450mm’, the length is 72 mm and the indicator spring scale is 1 mm = 1.5 bar. The diameter of the cylinders is 900 mm, stroke 1800 mm and rotational speed is 105 rp.m. Calculate (i) the indicated power of the engine assuming all cylinders develop equal power. If the mechanical efficiency of the engine is 97%, the transmission losses 3% and the propeller efficiency is 95%, determine (ii) the thrust power. Solution: We know Indicated Power [ip] in a cylinder = PmLAN Mean height of diagram = 450. [= 72 Limam = 6.25 [mm] Mean Indicated Pressure [Pm] = 6.25 [mm] x 1.5 [=] mm 9.375 [bar Stroke length (L] 1800 {unm} = 18{m} ‘Area of piston [A] = nd? 4 = wool ee Kl (my 10004 4. 0.6364 [mt Number of Power Strokes per second [N] 105, ES 60 3 = 15 [= $ Indicated Power [ip] per cylinder =. Pm LAN = 9375 x 18x 0.6364 x 1.75 [oar x mx m? x Is} = 18.7944 [10° x Nim? x mx m? x Is] = 1879.44 [kW] a Total Indicated Power of the engine, é 5 assuming alf cylinders develop similar a indicator diagrams & hence same power, = 187944 x 6 y 11276.64 [kW] Ans (i) Power Measurement a RSENS (ip) = 1276.64 (kW) ny Mechanical Efficiency = 97% Transmission losses 3% Propeller efficiency = «95% Mechanical Efficiency = = SP ip Pee eee 100 1276.64 sp 10938.34 {KW} Transmission Efficiency; £2. sp 97 dp (+2 Transmission losses are 3%) 100 1093834 dp = 10610.19 [kW) tu Propeller Efficiency = 2 Peo tp 100 10610.19 tp = 1007968 Thrust Power [tp] = 4079.68 _[kWI Ans (ii) Power Measurement 3. The area of an indicator diagram taken of one cylinder of a four cylinder, four-stroke intemal combustion engine is 378 sq. mm, the length is 70 mm, and the indicator spring scale is 1 mm = 1 bar. The diameter of the cylinders is 250 mm, stroke 300 mm, and rotational speed 5 revolutions per second. Calculate the i) indicated power of the engine. State any assumptions taken in your calculations. If frictional loss in the engine is 1.5 kW and transmission efficiency is 95%, find the if) delivered power Solution: We know Indicated Power fip] in a cylinder= PmLAN Mean height of diagram = ES} fe] 701 {mm = 54 [mm] ‘Mean Indicated Pressure [Pin] = 5.4 [mm} x 1.0 [ bar] | mmm, = 5.4 {bar} Stroke length {L] == 300 [mm] = 0.300 [m] Area of piston [A] = = m xf 2507? ¢ 1 fm 1000 4 = 0.04910 [m"] No. of Power Strokes per second [N] = SK Be 2 Ls Indicated Power [ip] per cylinder = Pm LAN = 54 x 0.300 x 0.04910 x 25 fbar x m xm’ x Us} 1 0.19888 {10% x Nim? x m xm? x Us} 0.19888 x 10? [10" x N/m? x m x m? x I/s} = 19.888 [kW] ' CEP) sek ia a te a tara el we De Osmo Joa 8, Lone @ Power Measurement Total Indicated Power of the engine assuming all cylinders develop similar Indicator diagram & hence same power = 4 x 19.888 79.553_{kW] Ans (i) ip = 79.553 [kW] sp = ip ~ frictional losses 15 (kW) = 78.05 [kW] = 79 ‘Transmission Efficiency dp sp 95 dp ° 100. ~ 78.05 3 dp = 74.15 TAAS_{kW] Ans. (ii) Delivered Power [dp] >) | 4. Explain fully the meaning of the terms “Indicated Power” and “Brake Power”. State the relation between them. 5, Related to LC. Engines define the following terms: (i) Specific fuel consumption 9 (ii) Maximum continuous rating (iii) Propulsion efficiency (iv) Thrust (w) Power weight ratio Qo © 6. Explain indicated power, shaft power, thrust power, delivered power and hull efficiency. Ly @o q Power Measurement 7. The area of an indicator diagram taken of one cylinder of a four cylinder, four-stroke internal combustion engine is 378 sq. mm., the length is 70 mm, and the indicator spring scale is 1 mm = 100kN/sq. m. The diameter of the cylinders is 250 mm, stroke of the cylinder is 310 mm, and rotational speed 6 revolutions per second. Calculate the indicated power of the engine. State any assumptions taken in your conclusions. Solution: We know Indicated Power fip] in a cylinder = PmLAN Mean height of diagram = = 378 fin’? 70 mm = $4 {mm} Mean Indicated Pressure {Pm} = 5.4 x 100 fmm x KN.x 1 i mm = 54 x 100 px | & i m i Suoke length [L} = 310 [mm] ¥ = 0.310 [m} g Area of piston [A] = xd? G 4 i =n * [20] x Lim y 1000 4 O = 0.04910 [m"} a Number of Power Strokes per secorid {N}_ = 6 x1 [es t 2Ls G = fi q : é Indicated Power [ip] per cylinder. = = Pm LAN A = 54 x 100 x 0.310 x 0.04910 x 3 {kN/m? x mx m! x Us} = 24.658 [kW] oa! eC Total Indicated Power of the engine c hae i assuming all cylinders develop similar Indicator diagrams & hence same power 4 x 24.658 = 98.632 [kW] Ans ee CO Power Measurement 8. A six cylinder two stroke diesel engine has a cylinder diameter of 690mm and a stroke of 1060mm. Calculate the total indicated power of the engine wheri the mean effective pressure in each cylinder is 5.3 bar and the speed is 112 rev/min, Sol We know Indicated Power fip] in a cylinder = PmLAN Mean Indicated Pressure [Pm] =5.3 {bar} Stroke length [L} = 1060 {mm} = 1.060 {mJ Area of piston [A] = nd 4 = mw x [690 690} 1000} 4 0.37407 [m*] Number of Power Strokes per second [N}_ = 2 [esl 60 Ls 1.8666 [=] Indicated Power [ip] per cylinder = Pm LAN = 53 x 1.060 x 0.37407 x 1.8666 [bar x m x m? x Is] = 3.9228 [10% x Nim? x mx m? x Us} = 392.28 {10° Nm/s} = 392.28 [kW] ‘Total Indicated Power of the engine assuming all cylinders develop similar Indicator diagrams. & hence same power 6 x 392.28 2353,20_1KWI Ans Power Measurement 2. POWER UTILISATION AT PROPELLER FOR PROPULSION. ‘The power conversion achieved by the propeller is a result of its rotating action and the geometry of the blades. The principal geometrical feature is. the pitch. 2.1 Pitch, Propeller Slip, Apparent Slip and Real or True Slip: PITCH ‘This is the distance that a blade would move forward or backward in one revolution if it did not slip with respect to the water. Circumferance 2 TTR Figure 2.5 - Propeller Pitch Referring to figure 2.5, consider a section of a blade. The angle at which it lies to the plane of rotation is termed the pitch angle and it can be seen from the development that oR radius from centte of shafi to section 6 = pitch angle then 2eR = circumference Pi Tan0 = 2nR Pitch = 2nR tan 0 Power Measurement RS Farther constant pitch propellers are those where every part of the blade has the same pitch & thus, tends to move the same axial distance for one revolution of the propeller. The pitch angle of the blade therefore varies from root to tip such that R tan 6 is constant, hence the greater the radius of the section from the ceritre of the shaft, the smaller the angle at that part and the blades have a twisted appearance when viewed from tip to centre, ‘Most propellers have, however, a variation of pitch throughout the length of the blade, very carefully designed to take many factors into consideration and resulting in an increased efficiency, the pitch at the root usually being less than the pitch near the tip. The pitch of the propeller is then taken-as the average value over the blade length. Example: The pitch angles of a propeller blade measured at radii of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 metes are respectively 42, 31, 25, 22.5 and 19 degrees. Calculate the pitch of the propeller. Solution : Pitch = 2nR tan 6 At | metre radius, Pitch = xi xtand2 = 5.6596 AU LS metre radius, Pitch = Ix LS xtan3! = 5.6600 At 2 metre radius, Pitch = Ix 2x tan25 5.8568 At 2.5 metre radius, Pitch = = = nx 2.5 xtan22.5 = 65031 At 3 metre radius, Pitch = Inx3xtanl9 = 6.4871 Propeller pitch mean value 5.6596 + 5.6600 + 5.8568 + 6.5031 + 6.4871 5 6.0333 metres Ans. Power Measurement ASSEN PROPELLER SLIP ‘The distance the propeller would advance in unit time if working in an unyielding fluid is called the theoretical or propeller speed (V,). Vv, = Px N [m/min} P_x_N x 60 [Kno 1852 Where =P = Pitch in metres N Revs per min APPARENT SLIP ‘The actual distance the ship moves forward is less than the above because, as the propeller works in water, there is always a certain amount of slip. The slip is the difference between the speed of the propeller (V,) and the speed of the ship (V) and is expressed as a percentage of propeller speed. Propeller speed - Ship speed Propeller speed - Vx 100 Percentage slip = x 100 If the ship speed is measured relative to the surrounding water, i.e. by means of a log line , the propeller speed will invariably exceed the ship speed, giving a positive slip. If, however, the ship speed is measured relative to the land, then any movement of water will affect the slip, and should the vessel be travelling in a following current the ship speed may exceed the theoretical speed, resulting in a negative slip. This is the reason that slip calculated from above expression is not the real or true slip bat is only apparent slip. Example: The pitch of a propeller is 4.9 m and the speed of the ship is 13.5 knots when the propeller is turning at 95 rev/min. What is the percentage apparent stip of the propeller? Pitch x rewmin x 60 10 “x 1-852 49 x 95 x 60 = py 15:09 Knots) Propeller speed Percent apparent stip = 15.09 - 13.5 x_100_ 15.09 = 10.54% Ans. Power Measurement SND Example: The pitch angle of the blades of a propeller measured at radii of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 metres are respectively 40, 29; 24 and 21 degrees. i) Calculate the pitch of the propeller ii) During a voyage when the propeller was tuming at 103 rev/min the actual speed of the ship was 12.8 knots, calculate the percentage slip. Solution : Pitch = mR tan @ At 0.5 m radius , Pitch 2 x 05 x tan 40? = 2.636 fm] At LOmeradius Pitch = 2e x 1.0 x tan29” = 3.483 {mj At 1S mradius, Pitch = 2 x LS x tan2d? = 4.197 fm) At 2.0 mradius, Pitch = 2 x 20 x tan2I" = 4823 [mj Propeller pitch = mean value = 2636 + 3.483 + 4.197 + 4.823 4 = 3785 Im} Ans (ij) Pitch {m]_x rewmin x 60 Pi Hi ed [knot oe oe ropeller speed {knots} Pes = EBS KIB xO _ 19.63 (Knois] 10? x 1.852 a 12.63 - 12.8 Propeller speed [knots] eee 100 fo 12.63 = = 1.346 percent Ans (ii) “Minus slip" is due to the ship wavelling. at a greater speed than the propeller. This is probably due to a strong following current. Power Measurement A REAL SLIP OR TRUE SLIP We have seen that ship apparent slip can be positive or even negative. This is why itis called slip apparent. However itis important to know the true (real) slip of the ship. ‘When a ship passes through water, it sets in motion particles of water in its neighbourhood, caused by friction between hull and the water. This moving water is known as wake. The propeller therefore receives water having speed of wake (V.) and further adds to ita speed of advance (V.) Sum of V, and V, is the speed V of the ship. V=V+V, Real slip is the difference between the propeller theoretical speed and the speed of advance (contribution by the propeller). expressed as a ratio or percentage of theoretical speed. Real stip Wake Speed is given by = wake fraction x Ship speed ‘Ships: ropelter Wake iishsaenysabeltaited eee Smee ase Spes Sect | Vy =x oo. ef Wake fraction *w’ may be obtained from various expressions available Example: A propeller of 4.5 m pitch turns at 120 rev/min and drives the ship at 15.5 knots. If the wake fraction is 0.30 calculate the apparent slip and the real slip. 45 x 120 x 60 + v, = 48-4120 x60 ; 1852 ¥ = 17.49 [Knots] ‘ Apparent Slip = 1749 - 155 tag y 17.49 ! B = 138% ; v,-v, Real Slip x 100 E i: 5 E 17.49 = ¢ ) x 15.5 17.49 _ 1749 ~ 1085 iy 17.49 ( = 32.96% Ans. ' Power Measurement Example: A ship on a voyage between two ports travels 2400 nautical miles in eight days. On the voyage the engine has made 820000 revolutions. The propeller pitch is 6 m, Calculate the percentage propelter apparent slip. 820000 x 6 1852 2656.59 [M] Theoretical distance = = ‘Theoretical distance - Actual distance ———E—e————— or x 100 heoretical distance Percent Apparent Slip = e 2659.59 _- 2400 gg 2659.59 9.66% Ans. te nm en ek ee ee os at memos ean ne “hom ee ek, Power Measurement ee eC 2.2. Examples: 1. A ship’s propeller has a pitch of 5.1m. After 24 hrs, of steaming at a propeller speed of 91 revsfmin, it was found that vessel has actually moved 331 nautical miles. Find the percentage slip. Propeller speed - Ship speed Percentage slip = Propeller speed a vt Propeller speed {knots}. Pitch {m}_x_rewimin 10" x 1.852 Sx 91 x 60 10° x 1.852 { = 15.03. [knots] " 331 M Ship speed = -—| oe 24 Ee] = 13.79 {knots} 15.03 15.03 = 8.23% Ans. Percentage slip = 8.23 % is the percentage slip or more correctly percentage apparént slip of the ship 2. Define: (Apparent Slip (i) Real Slip i Gi) Speed of advance (iv) Wake I () Theoretical Speed | Power Measurement ES 3. A ship's propeller has a pitch of 5.4m, After 24 tys. of steaming at a propeller speed of 6540 revsfhr, it was found that vessel has actually moved 386 nautical miles, Find the percentage slip. Solut Percentage slip SH eope Nor speed eC omip speed A +100. Propeller speed Propeller speed {knots} pitch {m]_x_tevimin x 60 10° x 1.852 _ S4_x_ 6540 10) x 1.852 49.07. {knots} Ship speed = 386 [_M_ 24 Hr = 16.08 {knots} Percentage slip = 19.07 _- 16.08 x 100 19.07 = 15.65% Ans. 15.65% is the percentuge slip or more correctly percentage apparent slip of the ship. 4. A ship of 12000 tonnes displacement is 120 m long, 17.5 m beam and floats at a draft of 7.5 min SW. The propeller has a pitch of 3.52 m and, when running at 100 rpm produces ship's speed of 12 knots, Calculate the apparent slip and real slip. The wake fraction (w) may be found from the expression, w = 0.5 C, - 0.05 Solution: C, = Volume displaced L=length; b= beam; d= draught; Lxbxd Volume Displaced = Displacement 1.0125 c = 12,000 0.7433 1.0125 x 120 x 17.5 x 75 Power Measurement wake fraction (w) 0.5.C, - 0.05 0.5 x 0.7433 - 0.05 = 03216 wake speed (V,) = wV i Speed of advance (V,) = V- V, V (t-w) (I~ 0.3216) 12.0 = 814 Propeller speed (V,) = pitch (m)_x_fevimin_x 60 [knots] 10° x 1.852 ( (V,) = 352_x 100 x 60 = 11.40 [knots} 10° x 1.852 Percentage real slip. = Percentage apparent slip = Ans Power Measurement NEN 5. The pitch angles of a propeller blade measured at radii of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 meters are respectively 42, 32, 26, 22, and 19 degrees. Calculate (i) the pitch of the propeller. This propeller turns at 110 rp.m. and drives the ship at 15 knots. If the wake fraction is 0.30, cal- culate (ji) the apparent slip and (iii) the real slip. Pitch = mR tan 0 At 1.0 m radius , Pitch Qn x 10 x tan 42 5.6574 [m) At 1.5 m radius , Pitch Qe ox LS x tan 32 5.8893. [m] At 20 mradius Pitch = 2m x 20 x tan 26° = 6.1290 [m] At 2.5 m radius , Pitch Qn x 25 x tain 22 6.3464 {m} At 3.0 mradius, Pitch = 2m x 3.0 x tan 19° = 6.4904 [m} 5.6574 + 5.8893 + 6.1290 + 6.3464 + 6.4904 i Propeller pitch —e————E—E—e——e—E—EOE—rro ° = 61025 fm) Ans (i) Propeller speed - Ship speed : = Propeller speed = Ship speed, 99 © Percentage apparent slip Propeller speed x of ( pitch {mJ x revimin x _ 60 Propelier speed {knots} = oO baad 10" x 1.852 c 6.1025_x_110 x 60 Percentage apparent sli pile ree See ULB Se © ° 10 x 1852 @ = 21.7476 {knots} OF Ship speed = 15 {knots} 21.1476 -_15 Percentage apparent stip, = 2/7476 -_15 x j99 ee 21.7876 = 31.03% Ans (ii) e Propeller speed _- Speed of adh e Percentage Real slip =_-—«wOPeler speed’ _-_ Spree of atvane®. x 100 © Propeller speed © Speed of advance = (I~ wake fractiap) x ships speed = (1-030) x 15 i = 10.5 {knots} _t Percentage Real slip = ee x 100 a = SUTA% Ans (iii) ct | c 6. The pitch angle of the blades of a propeller measured at radii of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 & 2.0 metres are respectively 38, 28, 23 and 20 degrees. Calculate (i) the pitch of the propeller. Doring 4 voyage when the propeller wats turning at 98 xpm, the actual speed of the ship was 12.3 knots. Calculate (ii) the Zoage apparent stip. (iii) Make an analysis of the answer Solution: Pitch = 2nR tan @ At 0.5 mradius Pitch = 2m x 05 x tan 38" = 2.4555 [m} At LO m radius, Pitch = 2m x 10 x tan 28" = 3.3422 [mJ ‘At 15 m radius , Pitch Qn x 1.5 x tan 23 = 4.0022 [m] AU 2.0 m radius , Pitch Qn x 20 x tn 22 = 4.5756 {m] + 4.0022 + 4.5756 4 = 35939 Im) Ans (i) Percentage apparent slip. Propeller speed - Ship speed Propeller speed 2.4555 + 3.34: Propetier pitch = x 100 pitch (ml x rev/min x 60 Propeller speed (knots), EXO MM! * revitnin x 60 fee loo x 1.852 _3.5939_x 98 x 60 10” x 1.852 Al {knots} Ship speed 12.3 [knots] Percentage apparent stip = LL41_- 1230, sag ray Ans (ii) “Minus slip’ is due to the ship wavelling at a greater speed than the propeller speed. This is probably due to a strong following current. Ans (iii) 7. Explain in brief: - (i Propetler stip (ii) Wake fraction (ii) Speed of advance (iv) Admiralty Coefficient. ) ia eRe HH Hee Cee eet er reat oS eon eae oe ce ee Cece ce eee eee « Power Measurement se SESS 8. The pitch angle of the blades of a propeller measured at radii of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 & 2.0 metres are respectively 40, 29. 24 & 21 degrees. Calculate (i) the pitch of the propeller. During a voyage when the propeller was turing at 103 rpm, the actual speed of the ship was 12.8 knots. Calculate (ii) the Sage apparent slip. (ii) Make an analysis of the answer. Solution: Pitch = 2nR tan At 0.5 m radius . Pitch Qe x 05 x tan ao? = 2.6372 [m} At LO meadius , Pitch = 2% x 10 x tan 29% = 3.4842 [mj At LS muadius , Pitch = 2m x 15 x tan 24” = 4.1979 Im} At 20 mradius. Pitch = 2m x 20 x tan2I° = 4.8257 [mJ peal pet _ 2.6372 + 34842 + 4.1979 + 4.8257 4 = 3.7863 [m} Ans (i) Percentage apparent slip = Propeller speed - Ship speed Propeller speed itch [m} revh 60 Propetter speed {knots} TOS x 1.852 it _ 3.7863 103 x 60 a 10° x 1.852 = 12.6345 [knots] Ship speed = 128 [knots] Percentage apparent stip = = 2238 -_ 128, 199 12.63 = 23107% Ans (ii) “Minus slip" is due to the ship travelling at a greater speed than the propeller speed. This is probably due to a strong following current, Ans (ii) 9. With respect fo propellers, define the following: (#) Apparent slip {b) Wake speed (c) Real slip. i Power Measurement s propeller has a pitch of 3,28m. The truc slip is 35% and the ship's speed is 1.5 times the speed of advance. If the ship uses 20 tonnes of fuel per day at 12 knots, with conswmp- tion varying as the cube of the speed, determine the daily fuel consumption when the propeller runs at 100 RPM. Solutior Fuel consumption/day a Fuel consumption /day Fuel consumption /day Fuel consumption /day = Fuel consumption Jday = Ship speed, 7 For finding ship speed, we have: Ship speed = Percentage Real slip = Percentage Real slip = Propeller speed [knots] 35 = Speed of advance = & ship speed, = From (i) we have 20 Fuel consumption /day Fuel consumption /day Daily fuel consumption (ship speed) [ ship speed, ship speed. 20 (tonne) to be found, 12 [knots] 15x speed of advance Propeller speed - Speed of advance x 100 Propeller speed x rev/min x 60 x 1.852 1oo_x 60 328 x 10° x 1.852 10.6263 {knots} 10.6263 - V, x 100 10.6263 6.9071 {knots} 15 x 6.9071 10.36 {knots} [=e 12.86 fronne} 36 [tonne] Ans. TTT | : } ji ' I 3 ee ated "ee | Power Measurement oe EA A 10. a) A propeller has a diameter of 5.2m, a pitch ratio of 1.12 and works at an apparent slip of 7%. Fora ship speed of 17.5 knots determine the revs/minute. b) If the length of the ship is 225m, breadth is 38m, and floats ata draught of 12m insea water with displacement of 89,000 tonnes, find the real slip given wake fraction, w=0.5 c, - 0.05 Solution: a) Ship speed V = 17.5 {knots} Percentage apparent slip = 7% Percentage apparent slip = Propeller speed - ship speed x 100 Propeller speed “175 x 100 0.07 Propelior speed (V,) = 18.82 Propeller speed (V,) = pitch (m] x rev/min x 60. {knots} 10° x 1.852 Pitch = Pitch ratio x diameter 112 «5.2 = 5,824 {m]} Vy = 5.824{m 18.82 = 5.824{m] x revsinin x 60 10? x 1.852 revs/min = 100 Ans b) C, = Volume Displaced L= length; b=beam; d= draught Lxbxd Volume displaced = Displacement 1.0125 ¢, = 89,000 = 0.846 1012S x 225 x38 x 12 Power Measurement ee ES wake fraction (w) = 0.5C, - 0.05 = 0.5 x 0.846 -0.05 = 0.373 wake speed (V.)) = wV Speed of advance (V,) = V-V, =V(i-w) =(1-0373)175 = 10.97 Percentage Real Slip = V,-V, x 100 v. = (18.82- 10.97) x100-= 41.7% Ans 18.82 Power Measurement A 3. POWER ESTIMATION & FUEL ESTIMATION 3.1 Power Estimation: The power developed by a ships machinery is used to overcome the ships resistance and propel it at some speed. The power required to propel a ship of a known displacement at some spéed can be approximately determined using the Admiralty coefficient method The total resistance of a ship, R, can be expressed as follows: Total Resistance R, = pSV" Where pis density of water fkg/m'] S_ is wetted surface area [m"] V is speed [Knots} Now wetted surface area ot (Lengthy? Displacement, A cc (Length)! Thus wetted surface area @ (Displacement) a (Ae ‘Most merchant ships will be slow of medium speed and the index ‘n’ may therefore be taken as 2. The density, p, is considered as a constant term since all ships will be in sea water oO Total resistance, R, a A™ V2 | ° Propeller power (p) &@ = R, x V oO ao AB VEY lot e A™ Vv S ora constant. = —— i P oO Hs This constant is known as the “Admiralty Coefficient’ and may be used for estimating 8 the power of the ships engines under different conditions of displacement and speed, or for ay the comparison of the engine power of similar ship, as iP gine p P. PAS EH eEN x Vs Where P is in KW P cr P A is in Tonne V is in Knots Power Measurement Example : A ship of 15000 tonnes displacement has a speed of 14 knots. If the Admiralty Coefficient is 410, calculate the power developed by the machinery Solution: Admiralty Coefficient ARy Power developed PAGEL c a (1s000y* x (14)" - 410 = 4070 KW. Ans. Example: The power developed by a ships engine was 3,200 kW when her displacement was 10,000 tonne and speed 14 knots. Estimate the power required to run at a speed of 16 knots when her displacement is 12,000 tonne. 7 eo P, at 10000%* x14 3200 : 12000] [16] * P, = 32000 x [eae] x fiel KW. Ans. In case where there is no of very little change in displacement of the ship, the formula will be Speed,’ Power, 3.2. Fuel Estimation: The fuel conssimption in a given time (ie. per hour or per day) of an engine depends upon the power developed. The power estimation method described previously can therefore be modified to provide fuel consumption values, The rate of fuel consumption is the amount of fuel used in a unit time, e.g, tonne/day. Power Measurement Since fuel consumprion in a given time a power ABV nen os ~ ‘Kdmiralty Coefficient any ‘Thus the fuel consumptionday = EL Sachin Where the fuel coefficient is considered constant a number of relationships can be built up to deal with changes in ship speed, displacement, etc. ARV? ie. Fucl coefficient = EGer consumption day ~ Fuel Where | & 2 relates to condition | & 2. Fuel consumption /day Fuel consumption Jday Considering the situation for a particular voyage over some distance. Fuel consumption/day x number of days = voyage consumption Voyage consumption, Fuel consumption /day _x number of days Voyage consumption, ~ Fuel consumption day “x number of days, Voyage consumption, Fuel consumption /day _x_ Voyage distance, x Speed, Voyage consuimption, ~ Fuel consumption /day “x Voyage distance, “X” “Speed, [: Number of day o —Yovage die | ‘Speed and from an earlier expression Fuel consumption day _ fa, | x Fuel consumption jay ~ Voyage distance, Voyage consumpt Voyage distance, Voyage consumption, [3] a f = 4 Voyage consumption, 4) ‘Voyage consumption,

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