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Review Article

Vascular Lesions of Head and Neck: A Literature Review

Nazia Masoom Syed
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Dental Sciences, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Vascular lesions are among the most common congenital and neonatal abnormalities. These anomalies can occur throughout the whole body,
with 60%, however, being located in the head and neck region probably due to its intricate vascular anatomy of region. There is a significant
confusion in the literature because of the use of confusing descriptive terminology for the same vascular entity and eponyms. Correct naming
of lesion, appropriate classification, and clinical appearance of vascular lesions have a direct impact on understanding of etiologies of these
complex lesions, diagnosis, and in treating patients. Thus, the aim of this article is to provide comprehensive knowledge about classifications
and to have an insight of various important vascular lesions affecting head and neck region based on its pathogenesis, clinical presentation,
and management.

Key words: Arteriovenous malformation, capillary malformation, hemangioma, lymphatic malformation, venous malformation

Introduction tumors present. This led to the misconception that most of these
lesions spontaneously disappear within the 1st year of life. As
Vascular lesions are localized structural defects of the
a consequence, congenital vascular malformations were often
vasculature. The clinical presentation of vascular anomalies is
misdiagnosed and left untreated.[2] Mulliken and Glowacki, in
confusing because all lesions appear in the color spectrum of
1982, introduced a simple classification based on the clinical,
blue, pink, and red. Unfortunately, the same word has been used
histochemical, and cellular criteria to distinguish various
to describe the entirely different vascular lesions. For example,
vascular anomalies which provided framework for the proper
“hemangioma” has been a generic term for various vascular
identification of these lesions and was later on adopted in
lesions with distinctive natural histories and differing etiologies.
1996, as an official frame by the International Society for the
Port‑wine stain, a lesion that never regresses, has also been
Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA).[3,4] They described two
classified as a “capillary hemangioma.” This has led to improper
distinct entities ‑ hemangiomas and vascular malformations.[3]
diagnosis, illogical treatment, and misdirected research.[1] The
They classified the different types of vascular malformations
purpose of this article is to summarize classifications, and to
according to the type of involved vessels present. These may
point out the differences between various important vascular
be single vessel forms (capillary, arterial, lymphatic, or venous)
lesions affecting head and neck region based on its etiology,
or a combination.[3,4] The subsequent modification was carried
clinical presentation, and treatment modalities.
out in 1999 to classify the vascular lesions based on depth
of the lesion, predominant vessel type, and characteristics
Classification of the flow of lesion.[5] This classification was proved to be
The first classification of vascular lesions was developed by clinically useful and correlated well with the pathological and
Virchow (1863) and his student Wegener (1877). Based on the radiological data.[5] Malformations with an arterial component
microscopic appearance of vascular lesions, they separated all are rheologically fast‑flowing lesions while others are
vascular tumors into angiomas and lymphangiomas, which
were then characterized as “simplex,” “cavernosum,” and Address for correspondence: Dr. Nazia Masoom Syed,
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Dental Sciences,
“racemosum.” After this, many different classifications were
Sehora, Kunjwani Bisnah Road, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
presented that use anatomical labels or descriptive terms E‑Mail:
without regard to the biological behavior of the various vascular

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DOI: How to cite this article: Syed NM. Vascular lesions of head and neck:
A literature review. Indian J Dent Sci 2016;8:176-82.

176 © 2016 Indian Journal of Dental Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Syed: Vascular Lesions of Head and Neck

slow‑flowing lesions.[5] The ISSVA society further modified theories suggest that hemECs’ response to extrinsic defects
the biological classification in their continuing workshop and is presented in the local environment. A balance between
divided vascular lesions into vascular tumors and vascular intrinsic and extrinsic factors and between stimulators and
malformations[6] [Table 1]. inhibitors of angiogenesis factors might account for the rapid
growth and slow involution of IH. A  number of stimulator
Vascular Tumors factors that act on ECs include local tissue environment
hypoxia or acidity, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
Hemangioma basic fibroblast growth factor, matrix metalloproteinases‑9,
Hemangioma is a benign lesion of a hamartomatous growth
intercellular adhesion molecule‑3, monocytes chemoattractant
of capillaries with a high proliferation index. Hemangiomas
protein‑1, E‑selectin and angiogenesis inhibitors that act on
are categorized into infantile hemangioma (IH) and congenital
ECs that include proteins such as angiostatin, platelet factor‑4,
hemangioma (CH). IH is subcategorized depending on the site
thrombospondin‑1, interferon‑α  (IFN‑α), tissue inhibitor of
of its occurrence as focal, segmental, and indeterminate, and
metalloproteinases, and plasminogen activator inhibitors.[7‑9]
also depending on the depth of the lesion from the skin surface
as superficial (previously called capillary hemangioma), Clinical features
deep (previously called cavernous hemangioma), and Initially, the lesion clinically appears as circumscribed area of
mixed (capillary cavernous hemangioma). CH is further discoloration or telangiectasia of facial skin. IH may clinically
subcategorized into rapidly involuting CH  (RICH) and show scaring, wrinkling, telangiectasia, or loose fibro‑fatty
noninvoluting CHs (NICHs).[5,7] tissue at the site of their clinical appearance. Focal IH is the
Infantile hemangioma most common variant, appearing as localized raised tumor‑like
IH is not present at birth and arises during the first 8 weeks of lesion that tends to occur at the area of embryological fusion.
life. IH is a true benign neoplasm of endothelial cells (ECs) Segmental IH is flat plaque‑like larger lesion that shows a
with a unique biological behavior of high proliferative phase geographic segmental distribution, and indeterminate IH shows
for 6–12 months followed by a gradual involution phase the characteristics of both focal and segmental IH. Color of the
and a spontaneous regression by the age of 5–9 years.[7] The IH varies with the depth of the lesion and they can be bright
incidence in the general newborn population is between 1.1% red (superficial), purple, blue, or normal skin color (deep).[7]
and 2.6%, but increases up to 12% by 1 year of age.[7] It occurs Histopathologic features
more often in females compared to males and is also more Histologically proliferating IH is characterized by
prevalent in premature infants.[8] nonencapsulated masses and dense cords of mitotically
Pathogenesis active plump ECs with pericytes whereas involuting IH is
Various theories suggest that the pathogenesis of IH is characterized by enlarged vascular lumina with flattened ECs.
related to an intrinsic defect of hemangioma ECs (hemECs): Involuted phase of IH has more dilated vascular spaces with
Clonality of hemECs, somatic mutation of single progenitor adipocytes, fibrous deposits, and with few remaining vessels.[10]
cell, and loss of heterozygosity to chromosome 5q. Other
Depending on the size and location of the hemangioma, many
Table 1: Classification of Vascular lesions serious problems can ensue. Eyelid IH can cause deprivation
amblyopia, a subglottic IH can compromise the airway, and
Vascular tumors Vascular malformations
extremely large IH can cause high‑output congestive heart
IH Slow (low) flow
failure.[7,8] Some IH ulcerate and bleed, which then requires
transfusion and/or surgery. Infants with large segmental facial
NICH VM hemangiomas are at a risk of having PHACE syndrome. PHACE
KHE LM refers to posterior fossa brain abnormalities, hemangiomas,
Angiofibroma Fast (high) flow arterial malformations, coarctation of the aorta and other cardiac
Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma. AVMs defects, as well as eye abnormalities. Ectopic expression of type 3
Tufted angioma Arteriovenous fistula iodothyronine deiodinase in IH has been shown to inactivate
Pyogenic granuloma and other Arterial malformations thyroid hormone systemically and cause hypothyroidism.[7,8]
dermatologic‑acquired tumors
Others, rare hemangioendothelioma Complex/combined Congenital hemangioma
(epithelioid, composite, retiform, malformations (various CHs have been recognized for years. More recently, these
polymorphous, Dabska tumor, combinations of the above) lesions have been found to be biologically distinct from the
lymphangioendotheliomatosis, etc.)
IH. IHs appear more common (70%) than CH (30%).
RICH: Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma, NICH: Noninvoluting
congenital hemangioma, Capillary malformation, VM: Venous
malformation, LM: Lymphatic malformations, IH: Infantile hemangioma,
Clinical features
CH: Congenital hemangioma, KHE: Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, CH clinically presents as fully developed lesions at birth
AVMs: Arteriovenous malformations which either rapidly involutes during the 1st year of life or

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Syed: Vascular Lesions of Head and Neck

may never show involution. These lesions do not exhibit Histopathologic features
a proliferative phase and usually do not grow after birth. Histologically, it is similar to IH, however, in general, with
RICHs are present at birth either as red‑purple color plaques smaller dimensions.[10,13]
with coarse telangiectasia, as flat violaceous lesions, or as a
grayish tumor surrounded by a pale halo with multiple tiny Angiofibroma
telangiectasias. RICH undergoes a rapid regression phase and Angiofibromas are uncommon and constitute  <1% of all
completely disappears by 12–18 months of age. NICHs are head and neck tumors. They occur exclusively in young
present at birth as pink or purple‑colored plaque‑like lesions males between 10 and 25 years of age. The site of origin
with prominent overlying coarse telangiectasia and peripheral of this tumor is thought to arise from nasopharynx or take
blanching. NICH does not show a regression phase, may origin in the pterygopalatine fossa in the recess behind the
grow proportionately with the growth of the child, and can be sphenopalatine ganglion, at the exit aperture of pterygoid
mistaken for vascular malformations.[7,11,12] canal. The pathogenesis of this lesion remains uncertain and
unclear. The predilection of juvenile angiofibroma  (JA) for
Histopathologic features young adolescent males led to a suggested interrelationship
RICH is characterized by small‑to‑large lobules of between hormones and JA.[13,15]
capillaries with moderately plump ECs and pericytes.
NICH and IH have similar appearances histologically. Clinical features
Tissue‑specific immunohistochemical markers such as glucose Clinically, it usually presents with unilateral nasal obstruction,
transporter‑1 (GLUT‑1), merosin, Fc‑gamma‑RII, and Lewis Y epistaxis, and nasopharyngeal mass.[13,15]
antigens are positive for IH and thus aid in differentiating IHs Histological features
from other vascular tumors or malformations.[10,11] Histologically, it is characterized by the presence of a
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma collagenized vascular stroma containing numerous, irregularly
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma  (KHE) is a distinctive shaped blood vessels lacking elastic fibers in their wall.[10,13]
vascular neoplasm of childhood associated with profound
thrombocytopenia, petechia, and bleeding, known as Vascular Malformations
Kasabach–Merritt syndrome. The tumor is generally present
Vascular malformations arise from an error in morphogenesis
at birth, although it can also appear postnatally. The sexes are
in any combination of arterial, venous, and lymphatic vascular
equally affected. They are unifocal and commonly involve the
networks. These vascular anomalies present at birth, grow
trunk, shoulder girdle, thigh, perineum or retroperitoneum, and
proportionally to the size of the child, and do not exhibit
less commonly, the head and neck region.[13,14]
any tendency to involute spontaneously. Trauma, puberty,
Pathogenesis of KHE is not inherited, researchers are still and pregnancy can also cause accelerated growth. The great
studying the cause of these rare tumors. majority of congenital vascular malformations are recognizable
in childhood. [7] Their incidence is 1.5%, approximately
Clinical features two‑thirds are predominantly venous, and they are evenly
Clinically, it usually appears as deep, reddish‑purple, firm, and
distributed according to sex and race.[7] They are considered
warm to touch. The skin is often shiny and tense. There may
diffuse or localized defects in embryonic development and
be tiny purple or red spots and a bruise‑like discoloration near
have been traditionally attributed to sporadic mutations.
or around the lesion. In rare cases, KHE can present without
However, recent evidence points to a possible familial
thrombocytopenia or coagulopathy.[13,14]
hereditary component.[7]
Histopathologic features
Capillary malformation
KHE’s histopathologic picture shows both vascular and
(previously called port‑wine stain, capillary hemangioma)
lymphatic components consisting of irregular infiltrating
capillary malformations (CMs) have an equal sex distribution;
nodules of compressed vessels.[10,13]
the birth prevalence is reported to be 0.3%, the cutaneous
Pyogenic granuloma discoloration is often, but not always, evident at birth.[5,16]
Pyogenic granuloma is a common vascular tumor that appears Facial CMs often occur in a dermatomal distribution. Forty‑five
either spontaneously or after trauma. Pyogenic granulomas are percent of facial port‑wine stains are restricted to one of the
commonly seen on the gingiva, where they are presumably three trigeminal dermatomes, while 55% of the facial CMs
caused by calculus or foreign material within the gingival overlap sensory dermatomes, cross the midline, or occur
crevice. Hormonal changes of puberty and pregnancy may bilaterally.[17]
modify the gingival reparative response to injury, producing
what was once called a “pregnancy tumor.”
The pathogenesis of the CMs is thought to be at least part of
Clinical features an abnormal neural regulation process. It is suggested that
These lesions clinically are red, pedunculated nodules that defect lies in the maturation of the cutaneous sympathetic
frequently bleed spontaneously.[13,14] innervations causing vasodilatation. Mutation of RASA1 gene

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Syed: Vascular Lesions of Head and Neck

which regulates Ras/MAP kinase pathway involved in vascular previously termed as cystic hygroma; microcystic, previously
development and cellular apoptosis is also a suggested cause termed as lymphangioma; or mixed.[5,7,22] The head and neck
of this malformation.[18] area is the most common site of LMs. LMs usually enlarge
slowly over time, but abrupt enlargement may occur in cases
Clinical features of infection or internal hemorrhage.[5,7,23]
Early stains are usually flat and pink. As the child matures,
as the vasculature dilates, the CM may evolve into a raised, Pathogenesis
thickened plaque. The CM becomes deep red to purple. Lesions The etiology of LM is not exactly known, but presumably
may become studded with vascular papules, imparting a involves the failure of embryonic lymphatic systems to
cobblestone‑like appearance. The area of skin affected grows adequately separate from or to connect to the venous system.
in proportion to general growth.[5,7] The mutation in the vascular endothelial growth receptor 3
as well as TIE2/TEK (tyrosine kinase receptor) has also been
This malformation is often associated with Sturge–Weber
implicated in LM.[23,24]
syndrome. This syndrome consists of a facial CM with
eye disease (choroidal vascular malformation, glaucoma Clinical features
buphthalmos) and neurologic disease (leptomeningeal venous The clinical appearance of these lesions varies according to the
malformations [VMs], seizures, hemiparesis, etc.).[19,20] size, depth, and site of the lesion. Often, multiple translucent
vesicles containing a viscous fluid are present at the level
Histopathologic features
of the skin or mucosa, which resembles “frog spawn.” The
Histologically, there are numerous dilated capillary or venule
surrounding skin is normal, sometimes with a bluish hue. The
size structures present in the dermis.[6,13]
surface lesions are connected to deeper cisternae for lymph fluid
Venous malformations lying in the subcutaneous or submucosal tissue. Microcystic
VMs are the most common type of vascular malformation, lesion is characterized by comparatively firm lesions with
previously termed as cavernous hemangioma. They are poorly defined edges and massive generalized edema,
composed of thin‑walled, dilated, sponge‑like channels of mostly affecting floor of mouth, jugal mucosa, and tongue.[23]
variable size and mural thickness with normal endothelial Macrocystic lesion is commonly found in the supraclavicular
lining and deficient smooth muscle. Venous anomalies are fossa of the posterior triangle of the neck and in the cervical area
common in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the head and just below the angle of the mandible. These lesions are painless,
neck region, particularly in the lips and cheeks.[5,8] nonpulsatile masses with rubbery consistency that are covered
by normal‑colored skin.[23] The complications include infection,
Pathogenesis bleeding, obstruction of the airway, disturbances of speech, and
The pathogenesis of this malformation is due to mutation in abnormal facial growth. Hypertrophy of both soft tissue and
angiopoietin receptor (TEK). These mutations lead to loss of skeleton is common and occurs in up to 83% of the cases.[5]
function of TIE2 receptor (tyrosine kinase receptor).[21]
Histological features
Clinical features Histologically, it is characterized by thin‑walled vessels and
It is a soft, compressible nonpulsatile mass with rapid cysts with lumina that appear empty.[6,13]
refilling. Expansion will occur on compression of the
jugular vein or Valsalva maneuver or with the head in a Arteriovenous malformations
dependent position. These lesions grow proportionately with Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are localized, extensive
the child and tend to expand following puberty, trauma, or high‑flow malformations. Intracranial AVM is the most
attempted subtotal excision. Sluggish flow and stasis lead common, followed by extracranial head and neck, extremity,
to phlebothrombosis, which presents clinically as recurrent truncal, and visceral site.[7,19] Although AVMs are present at
pain and tenderness.[5,7] VMs can occasionally be completely birth, clinical presentation is usually delayed and lesions may
intraosseous and the mandible is the most common bone present in the second, third, or even fifth decade.
involved, although maxillary, nasal, and frontal lesions have
also been reported. It is thought that most lesions that are
The etiology of AVM is because of the failure of regression
described as “intraosseous hemangiomas” are in fact VMs.[5]
of arteriovenous channels in the primitive retiform plexus.
Histological features AVMs may grow, usually secondary to the development of
Histologically, VMs are characterized by enlarged vein‑like collateral channels for blood flow. Sporadic and familial
channels of variable size with thin walls because of the lack genetic mutations have been also implicated in AVM.[21,25]
of smooth muscles.[6,13]
Clinical feature
Lymphatic malformation The clinical presentation depends on the extent and size of
Lymphatic malformations (LMs) are rare, slow‑flow, congenital the lesion and can range from an asymptomatic birthmark
vascular malformations comprising malformed lymphatic to congestive heart failure. Oral lesions are more common
channels that are forming cysts. LM can be macrocystic, on the gingiva, causing mobility of teeth and profuse

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Syed: Vascular Lesions of Head and Neck

periodontal bleeding.[26] Lesions close to the surface may imaging techniques can be used for the study of congenital
produce a palpable thrill or pulsation. They are firmer than vascular malformations.[7] This technique provides functional
VMs and do not empty readily when they are compressed. information of the lesion.[7] Immunohistohemical studies
Schobinger divided the development of AVM into four stages: after scapel biopsy also help in distinguishing vascular
(i) Quiescence: characterized by pink violaceous macule and malformations from hemangiomas. This technique have shown
arteriovenous shunt detectable by echo‑Doppler ultrasound; that IH is Glucose transporter (GLUT) -1 positive while CH,
(ii) expansion: As in stage I, and pulsatile red macule with Vascular Malformations are negative for GLUT -1 protein.
obvious presence of tortuous vessels;  (iii) destruction: As In contrast to hemangiomas, vascular malformations do not
in stage II, dystrophic skin changes, ulceration, bleeding, express proliferating cell nuclear antigen, VEGF, fibroblast
continuous pain; (iv) decompensation: As in stage III, heart growth factor (FGF), type IV collagenase, and urokinase.[2,4,11]
Histological features Treatment
Histologically, it is characterized by dysplastic arteries that Treatment of vascular lesions is often very complex, and
drain into arterialized veins forming a vascular nidus in AVMs consensus should be reached among a broad group of
by passing capillary bed.[6,13] specialists. There are various treatment modalities and
guidelines for the management of hemangiomas and vascular
Investigations malformations depending on the stage and type of lesions;
each has its pros and cons and is under incessant renewal.[29]
Diagnosis of most vascular lesions is made by the use of
Most hemangiomas do not require any treatment and only need
accurate terminology of lesion, detailed clinical history (time
close observation to ensure that complications do not arise.[24]
of appearance, presence of precursor lesion, growth pattern,
Corticosteroids are the first line of treatment for alarming or
and involution) and physical examination of lesion. Special
potentially endangering hemangiomas and may be administered
investigations such as imaging modalities in the form of Color
systemically, intralesionally, or topically.[2,19,29,30] The response
Doppler‑ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging  (MRI),
rates may vary and correlate with the proliferative rate of the
computerized tomography (CT), phlebography, nuclear
lesion as well as anatomic site. Normal starting dose begin
imaging studies, single photon emission CT, and multiplanar
at 2–3 mg/kg/day of prednisolone followed by the tapering
computed angiography help diagnose and distinguish vascular
of dose gradually once the adequate response is obtained.[31]
lesions.[5,7,27,28] MRI is the investigation of choice as it provides
If the lesion does not respond to corticosteroids, vincristine
accurate information about the extent of the lesion, better
or IFN‑α‑2b can be used as a second line of treatment.[2,29,30]
contrast between the lesion and surrounding tissues, and
Laser therapies are also effective for treating superficial and
has multiplanar capabilities. It can also help distinguish
deep hemangiomas. These lasers cause vessel wall damage
between the different types of vascular anomalies. It provides
through destruction of hemoglobin while minimizing injury
anatomic and physiologic information noninvasively with
to adjacent structures. Superficial lesions with small and
the use of nonionizing radiation from the radiofrequency
intermediate size vessels can be treated successfully with pulse
band of the electromagnetic spectrum. MRI depends on
dye laser whereas larger vessels with deep hemangiomas can
the properties of nucleus. MRI is commonly performed
be treated with neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser.
without a gradient echo sequence  (GRE) or without the
Tissue necrosis and scarring are often observed by uncritical
intravenous administration of contrast material. Fat‑suppressed
use of lasers. Surgical excision of lesion should be considered
T2‑weighted images are mainly used to evaluate the extent
when there is threat to life or function, complicated course,
of the abnormality; GRE images are used to identify the
failure of pharmacotherapy, cosmetic revision of scars after
hemodynamic nature of the condition (high vs. low flow lesion),
lesion involution, atypical growth, or emotional burden.[2,5,7,29]
and contrast‑enhanced images are used to determine the extent
Treatment of other vascular lesions such as KHE is treated
of the malformation and to distinguish slow‑flow vascular
first by systemic corticosteroids followed by vincristine or
anomalies (VM vs. LM)[6,7,27,28] [Table 2]. Contrast‑enhanced
IFN. All these therapies are less effective in treating KHE
CT has a role in evaluating intraosseous lesions and the bony
than hemangioma.[19] The treatment of pyogenic granuloma
margins of extensive lesions that are under consideration for
is curettage, shave excision and laser phototherapy, or
resection, but this modality is ill‑advised in children owing
full‑thickness excision.[19]
to radiation risk. Gray‑scale ultrasound and color Doppler
analysis are useful in defining whether the lesion is solid or The current management techniques of CM are cosmetic
cystic and to establish the presence or absence of high‑flow camouflage, laser therapy followed by excision, and grafting,
vessels[5,7,27,28] [Table 2]. Angiography is usually reserved for and for VMs, they are elastic compression, sclerotherapy, and
therapeutic endovascular interventions. Angiography includes surgical resection or a combined approach.[5,19,28,29] Sclerotherapy
arteriography, venography, and direct intralesional contrast is used to reduce the size of lesion or preoperatively as a support
agent injection. Arteriography is used for the evaluation of to surgery. There are many types of sclerosing agents used to
high‑flow vascular lesions. Arteriography has no diagnostic destroy the vascular endothelium through different mechanisms:
value in the assessment of low‑flow lesions.[5,7,26,27] Nuclear chemical agents (iodine or alcohol), osmotic agents (salicylates

180 Indian Journal of Dental Sciences  ¦  2016  ¦  Volume 8  ¦  Issue 3

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Syed: Vascular Lesions of Head and Neck

Table 2: Key imaging features of most common vascular lesions of head and neck
IH Hyperechoic or hypoechoic Iso‑to‑intermediate signal on T1W, bright signal on T2W, high
Hypervascular on CDUS intensity flow enhancement on gradient echo, internal flow voids,
vigorous enhancement after contrast administration
RICH Central, nonenhancing, hypodense, hypoechoic, more T2W hyperintense component is quite prominent
robust feeding vessels with larger diameter than IH
NICH Almost similar to IH Almost similar to IH
VMs Solid echogenic mass with phleboliths, often multispacial T1W heterogeneous intermediate signal, no flow voids, T2 fast
and compressible. Low flow or monophasic or no flow spin echo fat‑saturated or short T1 inversion recovery high‑signal
on CDUS intensity, T1W spin echo postgadolinium enhancement
LM Variable multicystic, multispacial masses, with or without T1W low to intermediate signal intensity, T2W high‑signal intensity,
fluid and debris levels. No flow pattern on CDUS T1W postgadolinium: no enhancement except with in septa
AVM Clusters of vessels with no intervening well‑defined T1W and T2W sequences show serpiginous signal voids without a
mass. High flow (arterial flow) on CDUS. Arterial focal mass
and venous signals from vessels in the lesions with
arterializations of venous structure
US: Ultrasound, CDUS: Color Doppler ultrasound, MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging, T1W: T1‑weighted, T2W: T2‑weighted, IH: Infantile hemangioma,
RICH: Rapidly involuting congenital hemangiomas, NICH: Noninvoluting congenital hemangiomas, VMs: Venous malformations, LM: Lymphatic
malformation, AVM: Arteriovenous malformation

or hypertonic saline), detergents (morrhuate sodium, sodium important that academicians/clinicians should have knowledge
tetradecyl sulfate, polidocanol, and diatrizoate sodium), and regarding outdated term, confusing terminologies, and
anti‑cancer drugs, which change the surface tension of the clinical appearance of various vascular lesions to diagnose
cell, producing tissue maceration.[29,32] Sclerotherapy induces them accurately as each vascular lesions require different
inflammation and thrombosis of the lesion, leading to fibrosis treatment modalities.[2,5,6,7,33] Although a great deal of progress
and shrinkage of lesion. Ethanol is recognized as the most has been achieved in this regard, there remains much to be
effective sclerosing agent in the treatment of VM. Surgery is accomplished to understand regarding its pathogenesis and
indicated in well‑circumscribed malformations of moderate size, target‑specific therapy of these lesions to improve the quality
in which possibilities of anatomic and functional restoration are of life.
maximal. Surgical treatment of more extensive lesions can often Financial support and sponsorship
lead to loss of motor function, nerve damage, and massive Nil.
bleeding.[29,32] Embolization and surgery are the treatment choice
for AVMs. Goal of surgery in AVMs is to completely remove Conflicts of interest
the lesion while maintaining control of hemorrhage and to There are no conflicts of interest.
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