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House to insist

on budget version THE PHILIPPINE STAR

news wEoresorv-!-Y4xcr 19'291e


There seems to be no
end yet to the budget districfs.-The Horlse leadership also iJad- ,
imDasse. The House ot ded the district allocations of these favorite ,

Reiresentatives will in- leeislators with another P20 billion in tund.

sisi on its version of the dm rhe Departrnent of Healrh," he caid.
oroposed 2019 budget ln >o doing, Villatuerte said his cham-
i" at least P99 bil- ber's leaders-"have put in jeopardv this
lion in lumP surns it had year's implernentation of President
aereed $'ith the Senate Duterte's priority programs to attack
i,i F"b..,u* have been poverty and booct ecortomic expansion
"itemized" br suPPorted lo above <even percent."
it'ith a listing of Proiects. Sotto and anti-pork barrel Sen. Panfilo
-'wa will insist on Lacson have said at least 62 House mem-
bers have complained to them of losing
no lump sum because tens of billions in infrastrrrcture funds to
that is whai is uncon- favored congressmen.
stitutional. That's what Sotto specifically mentioned Raul Daza
'rr-e will insist, no lump
of Northem Samar and Aurora Cerilles
surn," Speaker Gloria trf Zamboanga del Sur, his partymate in
\Iacapagal-Arroyo told Nationalist Peopie's Coalilion, as among
reporters yesterday. lhe complainants.
"If we don't come to
an agreement and thbn No new Yersion
(Senaie president) Tito
The Senate has rejected the House-print
(Vicente) Sotto does not ed budget. which is whv il h,:q been urging
sign the bill, then there's congreq\men Lo recdil ii. l{ in not Pr,)Posing

no bill to send to the President So I do not know if a "new version."

rlill(agree) but I would wish we would, 'lre said
r.. e What the Senate winnts the House to do is

l.rov5 clarrfied that the Hou'e has not u'ilh- to send tlre version contained in the bicam-
eral-eonJeterrce committee report the two
dran-n the printed copy o[ iLs ver.ion of chambers ratified on Feb. 8 before adjoum-
the budget it sent to lhe Senate {or Sotto's irg lor the *uee-month election campaign.
signafure, and eventually for trans m i 5sion That rcport contained lump sums, \,\'hictr
to Presidenl Duterte. according to appropriations committee
"No, we have not withdranm our ver- chairman Rolando Andaya Jr., came up to
sion. We're in discussions about what P99 billion and which Andaya and Arroyo
is the proposed new to the claim are unconstitutional.
details, that's the or-re that we'll see," she Arroyo's statements came a day after
said. she authorized Zarnora to talk to senators
She said she was plalning to meet later on how the two chambers could break their
with San Juan Rep. Ronaldo Zamora and deadlock on dre brdget.
other congressmen on what they would On Mondal-,6olto and lacson said
do to finally break their impasse with Zam,rra re)ayei to them Lhe me55agc drat
senators on the budget. the House teadership has agreed to r'vith-
Ifthe House insists onitsversion of the draw its version of the proposed budget
2019 spendingbilf then the two chambers and to transmit the spending bill contained
are deadlocked again. ir the bicam report ratified on Feb. 8.
Such scenario loomed as Camarines Sur "We u'ill wait for that action (withdrar,r-
Rep. Luis Raymund Villa{uerte accused hg the budget senL to tlre Senate) and if il i5
the House leadership of committing an suhmitled to us as ratificd. J will imrnedi-
"unconstitutional abomination in realign- alcly sign it and concider it an eruolled bill
ing to the districts of favored members at and scnd iL to the President tor signature,"
least P92 billion worth of public works and Sotto said.
health frinds originally earmarked for over The Speaker apparently chose Zamora as
80 other legislative districts." negotiator because the San Juan congress-
'The damage has been done. They have man and his brother Manuel supported
held the proposed 2019 budget hostage to Lacson when he ran for president in 2004
their insatiable greed in realigning to fa- against then incumbent president Arroyo.
vored legislative districts some P72 billion Andaya is prctesting the alleged decision
in funds of the Departrnent of Public Works
and Highwal.s orighally allocated for other
\\ FP.od'r pAGd'l Nr1r PAA{I Pt* '.+
House to insist rrom ease r

'We have no ihoice but to sPeak otif

to withdraw the House version. the higtrly anomalous eleventh-
He said no single House member could f.""". **tio* io tie ratified budget, which
do thal and t}at1t's only the chamber in arc bound to heighten the hazard of costly
plenarv session that could order the recall shost; ptoiects,; the congressman who
bf is v'ecion of the proposed budget. hlals from tr,llndan ao, wamed.
He said like the HoGe, the Senate did a "From what we've gathered so far, at
post+icam report itemizationof proiects to least two portions o{ tie ratified budgei
iuooort its share of lumP sums. - inuof"ini funding allocations {or public
'Sotto had c,luimed senators did not touch works oroiects and-healrh facilities - were
anl4hirg in the proposed budget after the raded ind subiected to arbitrary changes"'
Feb. 8 ratification. the source revealed.
As another budget deadlock looms, 'The allocations meant for several dis-
House members have called on Sotto and tricts were either scrapped or reduced' and
Lacson to stop acting like lawyers when it-ren the fu"as were transferred to other
evm a Senate officia] has acknowledged districts," the Iegislator added'
there is "nothing unconstihrtjonal" about
--ih".on*t".t-an warned that the
detailed budsedng of potk barrel alloca- rrromulorrs iidistribution of Health Fa-
tiors- The oinciai wai Yolanda Dublon, eilities Enhancement Program allocations
director seneral of the Senate's Legislative in oarticular has increased the likelihood
Budget {esearch and Management Office o{ "ghosfl' or non-eistent barangay
(LBMRO). health stati"ons, among other proiects'
'3oth Senators Sotto and Lacson are Hntp coveri spending for the
now mnfus6d with their roles. They have construction, completion and equipping
stopped acting aslegislators and nowwart of barangay health stations, among other
to assume thdrole of lawyers for the Sen- health-relaied inlrastructur€ spending
ate," Coop-Natcco party-list Rep Anthony "Last yer, no less than Health Seoe-
Bravo, a deputy minority leadei said tary Francisco Duque IIT exposed brazen
in the construction of 5,700 ba-
iloffiang ilbgal ransav healih stations worth t8 1 billioru
Unlike the Senate contingent that attend- ttre"cdntract for which was sealed during
ed the meeting called by President Duterte *.e prel iorrs Aquino administration," the
to break the Eudeet impasse, the House congrcssman Pointed out.
was represented 5y foui lawyers - Reps'
Zamori, Andaya, Majority Leader Fredenil
Castro and RodanG Marcoleta.
- .. -'Geftin€ confused'
AdisaDDointed Sottq meanwhile, asked
'"Thev have to show me where it is il- rhe Houie to Dut its aJfairs in order and
Iesal." Zamora said. make up its mind if it rcally wants to have
""Lrmp soms tealJy have io be itemized, the probosed P3.7-trillion hational budget
because the Supreme Court had ruled you for 2019 enacted into law.
cannot pass abudget with lump sums," '"We're eettinq confused. What gives? So
Zamora said in FiliPino. we will ius"t wai ifor them to make up their
"You have toitemize and the appropria- minds otherwise, we can wait until June
tions leadership in the House says that is
-the 30." Sotto told rePorters.
itemization. If Senate says that is not reallv donit know whatis the inten-
iternization they should come up with spe- tioo rhe ddsion of tlre House leadership,
cifics," he maintained. what thev want to do," he said
Some House members, meanwhilg have He surmised the House leadership is
taken a stand in defense of Sotto and Lacson. havins some problems based on what
"The chairman of the House appropria- some {T npathetic congressmen have been
tions committee has virhrally usurped the tellins him.
powers of the entire Congress, Lnduding He"said tlae Senate rcmains steadfast in
ihe Senare, by introddcing on his own its oosition that it will not ag1ee to anlthing
post-ratification changes to the budget," lesl than the House resubmitting the Cen-
u congresstnan who requested anonlmilv eral Appropri ations Bill as originalll' ratified
said referrine to AndaYa. -' Congress last month. is looking at other
'1Ve already have a manifeslo support- Thu B"nrtu, he said,
ine Presidmt buterte's and Sotto's rcsolve ootions in case the House reneges on its
to"reiect the budget bill loaded with illegal c6mmitrnent to withdraw the enroiled ver-
last-minute irsertions," said a congressman sion it had previously sent to the charnber'
belonsins to the PDP-Laban party. He '"We cannot asre6 to something that is
dediried io be named for fear of "venge{r:l rriolative of Artici"e 170 of the Revised Penal
funding cutbacks.;' -n- Code, which is falsification of legislative
\ wodT F Q€x documents. Il's as simple as that"'Sotto
said. referrins to the amendments made by
tl,e ifouse to"the GAB after it was ratified -
l<) With Delon Porcalla, Paolo Romero

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