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The Role of The UKGS Teacher Supervisor and the 12 Years Old Student’s Knowledge About Oral


Peranan Guru Pembina UKGS dan Pengetahuan Siswa Usia 12 Tahun Mengenai Kesehatan
gigi dan Mulut

Fatima Siti Maulidya Bachrudin*, Anne Agustina Suwargiani**, Riana Wardani***

*undergraduate FKG Unpad, **Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat FKG Unpad


The promotive and preventive UKGS program are still lack in Tasikmalaya, especially in
Puskesmas Cilembang, which got the last coaching of UKGS in 2011. It can give an impact towards
the role of the UKGS teacher supervisor in improving the promotive and preventive effort and
student’s knowledge about oral health. The result of Riskesdas in 2007 also showed a high prevalence
of 12 years old children active caries in West Java. The purpose of this study was to determine the
role of the UKGS teacher supervisor and 12 years old student’s knowledge about oral health. The
type of research used is a descriptive with questionnaire method. The sampling technique used is total
sampling for UKGS teacher supervisor and cluster random sampling for 12 years old student. The
respondent that involved in the study were 14 for UKGS teacher supervisors and 182 for 12 years old
students. The study on the role of the UKGS teacher supervisor shows the result 89,29% and 12 years
old student’s knowledge about oral health shows the result 74.07%. The conclusion based on the
result of the research in the National Elementary School of Puskesmas Cilembang working area is
the role of the UKGS teacher supervisor in the National Elementary School of Puskesmas Cilembang
working area has good categorizes and the 12 years old student’s knowledge about oral health has
great categorizes.

Keywords : The role, knowledge, UKGS

Efforts of school dental health (UKGS) one specific purpose, which is to increase the
role of teachers, little doctors, and parents, in promotive and preventive, with a behavior
intervention in the form of dental health education by teachers, with toothbrushes, and oral
hygiene assessment by teachers or doctors little UKGS aimed to maintain and improve the
oral health of all students in the target schools are supported with curative measures for
students who need oral health care (Ministry of Health, 2012).
Therefore, the participation of the school are expected to be able to participate in
education and oral health care, as well as the formation of healthy lifestyles in students
through a program implemented in school UKGS. Participation from the school in prevention
and control tooth decay can be applied at an early age and started at the school, supported of
the role of the teacher as UKGS supervisor. Participation of school students will produce a
good knowledge about good oral health so the effect on student behavior to maintain healthy
teeth and good oral hygiene. Therefore, teachers as UKGS supervisor should be has a good
knowledge of oral health based guidance and coaching UKGS conducted by health personnel
in the region to increase promotive and preventive efforts to the students. (Ministry of Health,
UKGS implementation has specific objectives, namely improving the knowledge,
attitudes, and actions of learners in maintaining oral health, increasing the participation of
teachers, young doctors, and parents in promotive and preventive medical services as well as
the fulfillment of the teeth and mouth for learners require. Promotive and preventive itself
was staged mainly by teachers, as a secondary goal of the implementation and coaching
UKGS (Ministry of Health, 2012).
Elementary school-age children classified into groups of oral disease vulnerable. To
improve oral health, the government through the Ministry of Health has made various efforts
approach to health care, namely promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services in
an integrated and sustainable (Herijulianti, dkk, 2002). In elementary school, 12 year olds is
in latest grade. 12 year olds have the nature of curiosity is very high on something and think
about something real, it is different with a child aged less than 12 years, where nature
influenced his thinking was innocent and imaginary (Astoeti, 2006). It shows that 12-year
olds can think realistic in capturing or understanding, answer questions, and submit materials
counseling given back to him.Promotional efforts, prevention, and oral health services is
often done in schools, especially primary schools, because school is considered as a great
place to promote oral health. (Pinkham, et al., 2005).
Knowledge is the result of the idea and it occurred after the conduct of the particular
object sensing. Sensing occurs through the five senses, the senses of sight, hearing, smell,
taste and touch. A large part of human knowledge acquired through the eyes and ears
(Notoatmodjo, 2003). Knowledge acquired through the eyes and ears of this suggests that a
person would better capture the knowledge given to him when given to explain and
demonstrate directly, as well as the student's knowledge of oral health. The role of the teacher
UKGS supervisor closely related to the knowledge of students, especially students aged 12
years, as teacher coaches UKGS very important role in improving knowledge, attitudes, and
actions of students in maintaining healthy teeth and mouth.
Poor level of oral hygiene school age children who are generally accompanied with
high caries prevalence. This is due to the limited knowledge about the child's oral health,
especially on how to clean the mouth (Octiara, 2001). Limited knowledge about the child's
oral health and lack of preventive measures and understand the importance of dental care due
to lack of health education programs are planned and regularly held (Chemiawan, et al,
Report oral health program Health Department Tasikmalaya mention that promotion
and prevention programs UKGS still lacking in Tasikmalaya. Cilembang Health Center is
one of the health centers in the city of Tasikmalaya which coaching 16 of 18 elementary
schools in the Puskesmas Cilembang. UKGS coaching in the region conducted by
Tasikmalaya City Health Department last conducted in 2011 (Dinkes Kota Tasikmalaya,
2012). It can be impact on the role of teacher in improving UKGS supervisors promotive and
preventive efforts to the student, and can also has implications for students' knowledge about
oral health in elementary school health center assisted Cilembang. Description above, the
author intends to encouraging research on the role of teacher as supervisors and student
knowledge UKGS age of 12 years on oral health in Primary School Puskesmas Cilembang,

Purpose of Study
Purposes of this study are to know how the role of teacher as supervisors and student
knowledge UKGS at age of 12 years on oral health.

This type of research is a descriptive study. Variables of research are the role teacher as
UKGS supervisor and the 12 Years Old Student’s Knowledge About Oral Health: Provide proper
counseling to students about dental health Education, guiding to brushing teeth, Give
medicine for pain relief, referral for students who require treatment and Student knowledge
about : Differences in primary teeth and permanent teeth, Types of teeth, function of dental,
Time of eruption of permanent teeth, Dental parts, Teeth decay, Cause of teeth decay, The
occurrence of cavities, gingivitis, Cause of gingivitis, The occurrence of gingivitis, How to
choose a good and correct toothbrush, How to brush teeth properly, How to set up a diet that
makes teeth healthy, Spread of diseases caused by tooth germs into the body.
Research population are teacher as UKGS supervisor and student Age 12 year in
Primary School assisted of Puskesmas Cilembang, Tasikmalaya city. Sampling techniques
done in 2 ways : Total Sampling for Teachers supervisor UKGS (14 elementary schools) and
Cluster Random Sampling for Students Age 12 year (182 people). Data obtained from the
questionnaire results, presented in the form of frequency distribution table to get an overview
of the role of teacher supervisors UKGS age of 12 years on oral health and then it is
categorized as good, moderate and less. Student knowledge categorized as high, moderate
and low. Both of them determining by the number of classes, width class (interval), and class
boundaries. Supranto (2000). Distribution of their class is shown below.

Table 1. Distribution Assessment Questionnaire

The role Teachers UKGS Supervisor
Nilai % Kategori

0 – 18 0 – 33 Buruk
19 – 37 34 – 66 Sedang
38 – 56 67 – 100 Baik

Tabel 2. Student Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire Distribution

Age 12 Years Regarding Dental and Oral Health
Nilai % Kategori

0 – 909 0 - 33 Rendah
910 – 1819 34 - 66 Sedang
1820 – 2730 67 - 100 Tinggi

Results of this research will be explained below. There are consist of Characteristic of Respondents,
role of UKGS teachers supervisor and students knowledge.

Tabel 1. Characteristic of Respondents

No Responden Male Female N
f % f %

1 UKGS Teachers supervisor 1 7,14 13 92,86 14

2 Students age 12 Tahun 84 46,15 98 53,85 182
Tabel 2. The Role of UKGS Teacher Supervisor

No Role of UKGS Teacher Supervisor f %

1 Provide proper counseling to students about 11 81.09

dental health Education
2 Guiding students do brushingteeth 14 100

3 Give medicine to students to relieve pain 12 85.71

4 Referral for students who require treatment 13 92.86

Total 50 89.29

Tabel 3. Distribusi Frekuensi Frequency distributions UKGS Teacher supervisor

Role in Providing Dental and Oral Health Education
No Penyuluhan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut f %
1 Differences in primary teeth and permanent teeth 13 92.86
2 Types of teeth 14 100
3 function of dental 11 78.57
4 Time of eruption of permanent teeth 4 28.57
5 Dental parts 8 57.14
6 Teeth decay 14 100
7 Cause of teeth decay 13 92.86
8 The occurrence of cavities 13 92.86
9 gingivitis 12 85.71
10 Cause of gingivitis 14 100
11 The occurrence of gingivitis 13 92.86
12 How to choose a good and correct toothbrush 14 100
13 How to brush teeth properly 13 92.86
14 How to set up a diet that makes teeth healthy 13 92.86
15 Spread of diseases caused by tooth germs into the body 11 78.57
16 Provide regular counseling every month 6 42.86
17 Provide counseling last 1 month 7 50

Total 193 81.09

Tabel 4. Frequency Distribution of Knowledge Students Age 12 Year

Regarding Dental and Oral Health
No Pengetahuan Siswa f %
1 Differences in primary teeth and permanent teeth 160 87.91
2 Types of teeth 172 94.51
3 function of dental 85 46.70
4 Time of eruption of permanent teeth 103 56.59
5 Dental parts 119 65.38
6 Teeth decay 120 65.93
7 Cause of teeth decay 164 90.11
8 The occurrence of cavities 171 93.96
9 gingivitis 127 69.78
10 Cause of gingivitis 149 81.87
11 The occurrence of gingivitis 138 75.82
12 How to choose a good and correct toothbrush 113 62.09
13 How to brush teeth properly 139 76.37
14 How to set up a diet that makes teeth healthy 144 79.12

15 Spread of diseases caused by tooth germs into the 118 64.84

Total 2022 74.07


Role of UKGS Teacher Supervisor

Provide Proper Counseling to Students about Dental Health Education

The role of education on the difference of primary teeth and permanent teeth is is in
good categorized, this education is useful to establish the knowledge that the student remains
missing tooth can not be replaced with new teeth, so there is also the attitude of students to
maintain healthy teeth from being damaged and lost.
Extension of the kinds of teeth is in good categorized, this education is useful to
establish that the dental students' knowledge not only consist of one type of which will affect
the appearance/aesthetics, thus forming the attitude of students to maintain their dental health,
be healthy and not damaged or missing, which will affect their appearance becomes beautiful
The role of education on functions of teeth is in good categorized, this education good
to form a student's knowledge that if any one of the missing teeth, the masticatory function is
impaired, thus forming the attitude of students to maintain their dental health so that they are
not disturbed masticatory function.
The role of education on future eruption of permanent teeth is low categorized, This is
not good result, because this knowledge is useful to establish a student's knowledge that the
time of eruption of permanent teeth in order to form the attitudes of students who are
prepared and not surprised in the face of mixed dentition period.
The role of education on the structure of the tooth were moderate categorized, this
education is useful to establish that the student's knowledge of cavities disease propagation
starts from the outer tooth (email), and then to dentin, then to the pulp, thus forming the
attitude of students to maintain their dental health so that their teeth do not cause cavities, but
if the tooth is hollow, students are also expected to maintain their dental hygiene dental
cavities that did not spread to the deeper layer.
The role of education about caries disease is in good categorized, this education is
useful to establish the student's knowledge that the disease is a process of decay cavities
leftovers, so there is also the attitude of the students to always brush their teeth regularly to
remove food residue on the surface of the teeth so as not to cause cavities .
The role of education on the occurrence of cavities is in good categorized, this
education is useful for students that begins with the formation of cavities of acidic plaque
germs that are not cleaned by brushing, thus forming the attitude of students to continuously
clean the plaque bacteria on the surface brushing their teeth on a regular basis, so that their
teeth are not hollow.
The role of education on gingivitis is in good categorized, this education is useful to
establish a student's knowledge that the disease is gingivitis decay processes in the tissues
around the teeth, due to the presence of microorganisms in the groove gums, also forming
students to always brush their teeth on a regular basis, so as not to microorganisms in the
groove gum leaves, which will cause their gums to become red and their teeth become
wobbly and date.
The role of education on the causes of gingivitis is in good categorized, this education
is useful to establish that the student's knowledge inflammatory disease of the gums caused
by plaque, thus forming the attitude of students to always brush their teeth on a regular basis,
in order to remove plaque that can cause disease gingivitis.
The role of education about the occurance of gingivitis is in good categorized, this
education is useful to establish a student's knowledge that the disease begins as gingivitis
around the plaque on the teeth, so there is also the attitude of the students to always brush
their teeth regularly to remove plaque around teeth, so that they gums become red, swollen,
and bleed.
The role of education on how to choose a good toothbrush and right is in good
categorized, this education is useful to establish the knowledge of students that how to choose
a good toothbrush and right is to choose the appropriate size toothbrush in their mouth size,
so there is also the attitude of students to use toothbrush right when brushing their teeth every
The role of education on how to brush teeth properly is is in good categorized, this
education is useful to establish the knowledge and attitudes of the students to practice how to
brush teeth properly every time they are brushing their teeth, thus reducing the risk of disease
occurrence of cavities and gingivitis.
The role of education on how to manage your diet makes healthy teeth and not damage
the teeth is is in good categorized, this education is useful to establish the knowledge and
attitudes of the students to eat foods that are fibrous and watery and eating sweet snacks, so
that their teeth healthy and undamaged.
The role of education on the spread of diseases caused by tooth germs into the body is
is in good categorized, this education is useful to establish the student's knowledge that the
spread of diseases caused by tooth germs into the body through the blood vessels, thus
forming the attitude of students to keep their teeth clean, so as not to cause their teeth cavities
and infection of the gums, which can lead to other diseases in the body.
The role of education on oral health to students every month on a regular basis is in
moderate categorized, regular counseling is useful to change the knowledge, attitudes, and
skills through the process of health education (Machfoedz, 2005). The role of education on
oral health to students the last time on 1 month ago including moderate categorized,
counseling to students the last time on 1 month ago, showed that counseling is routinely
carried out every month.

Guiding students do brushing teeth

The role teachers UKGS supervisors in guiding students during a mass toothbrushes is in
good categorized , because the whole teacher UKGS supervisors guiding students during a
mass toothbrushes. toothbrush to increase students' awareness of the importance of brushing
your teeth properly and regularly, because of the high dental disease in children due to their
irregular brushing (Setiawan, 2013).
Give medicine to students to relieve pain

The role the teacher as UKGS supervisors in delivering medicine to the students for pain
relief is in good categorized, teacher UKGS supervisors give medicine to students for pain
relief when there are students who toothache. Medication for pain relief is given as a simple
and temporary help to relieve pain in children, before they are brought to the dentist for a
given treatment. (Fiona, et al., 2012).

Referral for students who require treatment

The role teachers as UKGS supervisors in making referrals for students in need of treatment
is in good categorized teacher UKGS supervisors referral for students who are sick and need
treatment. Referrals are the responsibility of the submission of a case to a more competent, in
this case the dentist (Department of Health, 2000).

Knowledge Students Age 12 Year Regarding Dental and Oral Health

Student's knowledge of primary teeth and tooth difference is high, high class shows
students know that the permanent teeth are lost can not be replaced with new teeth, then
students will maintain their dental health so that their teeth are not damaged or missing.

Students' knowledge about the types of gear including high, high class shows students
know that gear does not only consist of one type of which will affect the appearance/
aesthetics, then the students will continue to maintain their dental health, so that their teeth
are not damaged / missing, which would affect their appearance becomes beautiful/aesthetic.

Dental students' knowledge about the function including moderate, medium category
shows that not all students learn the functions of each tooth, then if one tooth is missing the
food masticatory function is impaired, so there are some students who do not always maintain
their dental health so that they are not disturbed masticatory function.
Student's knowledge of the time of eruption of permanent teeth including moderate, medium
category shows that not all students know that the wisdom teeth to grow back first down at
the age of 6 years, not all students are prepared and not surprised in the face of mixed
dentition period after the permanent teeth begin to grow.

Student's knowledge of parts including gears are, being these categories shows that not
all students continue to maintain their dental health in order not perforated, so students should
be implanted again how to keep their teeth clean, so as not to spread to the deeper parts.
Students' knowledge about the disease, including tooth decay or caries medium, medium
category shows that not all students know the diseases tooth decay is the decay process food
waste, then they should be implanted again how to brush their teeth regularly to remove food
residue on the surface of the teeth so as not to cause a hole the teeth.

Students' knowledge about the causes of tooth decay or caries is high, this high
category showed the students know that the cause of tooth decay is plaque bacteria attached
to the surface of the tooth, then they will continue to clean the plaque attached to the surface
of their teeth by brushing regularly, so that the teeth they are not hollow.

Student's knowledge of the occurrence of cavities is high, this indicates a high category
students see cavities process begins with the formation of acid from plaque germs that are not
cleaned by brushing, then they will always brush your teeth regularly to clean the plaque
bacteria on the surface of their teeth , so that their teeth are not hollow.

Students' knowledge about the disease, including gingivitis high, high class shows
students know that gingivitis is a disease process of decay in the tissues around the teeth due
to the presence of microorganisms in the groove gums, then they will continue to brush their
teeth on a regular basis, so as not to leave the microorganisms in the groove gums , which
will cause their gums to become red and their teeth become wobbly and date.

Students' knowledge about the causes of disease, including gingivitis high, high class
shows students know that the cause of disease gingivitis is plaque, then they will always
brush your teeth regularly, in order to remove plaque that causes gingivitis.
Student's knowledge of the occurrence of disease including gingivitis high, high class shows
students know that the disease begins as gingivitis around the plaque on the teeth, then they
will continue to brush their teeth regularly to remove plaque around the teeth, gums so they
do not become red, swollen, and bleed.

Students' knowledge about how to choose a good toothbrush and correct including
medium, medium category shows that not all students know how to choose a good toothbrush
and right, so they should be told more about how to choose the right toothbrush.

Students' knowledge about how to brush teeth properly is high, this high category
indicates that students know how to brush teeth properly is to brush starting from the outside
of the tooth, then to the side of the tooth, then to the chewing surface of the tooth, and final to
the inside of the upper and lower teeth with a fluoride toothpaste. When students know how
to brush teeth properly, then they will practice it correctly every time they are brushing their
teeth, thus reducing the risk of disease cavities and gingivitis.

Students' knowledge about how to manage your diet makes healthy teeth and not
damage the teeth is high, this high category indicates that students learn how to manage your
diet makes healthy teeth and not damage the teeth is to eat foods that are fibrous and watery,
and eating snacks sweet. When students learn how to manage your diet makes healthy teeth
and not damage the teeth, then they will eat fibrous foods and eating less watery and sweet
snacks, so that their teeth healthy and undamaged.

Students' knowledge about the spread of diseases caused by tooth germs into the body
including the medium, the medium category shows that not all students learn the process of
spread of diseases caused by tooth germs into the body from germs that come from cavities
and gum infections can spread throughout the body via veins blood. When students know the
spread of diseases caused by tooth germs into the body through a vein, then they will
continue to maintain their dental health, so that they do not cause dental cavities and infection
of the gums that can lead to other diseases in the body.

The results of studies assessing the role of the teacher is 50 (89.29%), and fall into the
category either because the range of values is between 38-56 (67-100%). On average most
teachers UKGS coaches do the four coaches UKGS role as a teacher, which is to educate the
students about oral health, guiding students perform bulk toothbrush, give medicine to
students to relieve pain, and referral for students that require treatment.


Role of UKGS Teachers supervisor in Primary Schools of Puskesmas Cilembang,

Tasikmalaya city is in good categorized and knowledge students ages 12 years in Primary
School Puskesmas Tasikmalaya Cilembang regarding oral health includingis in higher

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