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Visual Characteristics’ Inherent Impact

on People’s Strategic Orientation

Therese Dries-Tönnies Magdalena Laib Abstract

Laboratoire Epsylon, Hochschule der Medien, Digitally mediated tasks are becoming an indispensable
Université Montpellier III, Stuttgart, Germany part of our daily life. However, they often suppose
Montpellier, France different kinds of strategies to be solved with success (e.g., creativity, accuracy). The strategies people use
Nathalie Blanc to for task solving might unintentionally be influenced
Axel Platz Laboratoire Epsylon, by graphic user interfaces’ (GUI) visual characteristics.
Siemens AG, Université Montpellier III, The present research investigates this topic by focusing
Research & Technology Center, Montpellier, France on impacts related to isolated colors and forms. First, a
User Interface Design, word association test showed that specific color and
Munich, Germany form characteristics are associated to ideas of threat or, on the contrary, of comfort. An anagram-solving test
then demonstrated that color and form stimuli influence
Michael Burmester performance differently depending on these
Hochschule der Medien, associations: Participants solved comfort-related
Stuttgart, Germany anagrams faster when presented in combination with visual stimuli associated to comfort ideas (i.e., orange,
round forms). Conversely, vigilance-related anagrams
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for were solved faster when presented in association with
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are visual stimuli associated to threat. These findings
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
strongly suggest that color and form elements used in
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other GUIs can impact user’s approach and sensitivity to
uses, contact the Owner/Author. specific information. Depending on the kind of tasks
Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
(e.g., demanding creativity or accuracy), the effects
CHI'15 Extended Abstracts, Apr 18-23, 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea
ACM 978-1-4503-3146-3/15/04. can either support solving or impair it. Further researches should transfer the present results to
concrete computer mediated tasks.
Introduction Understanding Visual Elements’ Influence
Graphic user interfaces’ (GUI) utilization is nowadays as A main characteristic of digitally mediated tasks is their
widespread as heterogeneous. In fact, digital devices visual character. In fact, most systems of this kind
cover the whole range from entertainment oriented transmit information and are controlled via GUIs. Aside
applications to business software and even controlling from verbal content, these GUIs are basically composed
of highly sensitive systems. These different types of of areas (e.g., background, headers, buttons, text-
tasks necessarily require adapted strategies to be fields, etc.) which differ in size, form and coloration.
handled: Creative and flexible strategies seem suitable Traditional color research has long demonstrated that
for tasks involving information generating or some colors (e.g., paper color, ink color) impact
interpreting; Conversely, vigilant and detail-oriented performance [5, 8]. However, the different studies did
strategies are matching tasks requiring incident not consensually establish if specific colors are prone to
detection and critical data handling. enhance performance, or, on the contrary, impair it [4,
5]. Regarding human-computer-interaction, only a
Classic motivational models (e.g., approach-avoidance couple of researches investigates potential effects on
[1], promotion-prevention [6, 7]) distinguish two main human-computer-interaction [5]. Although colors (i.e.,
orientation, one favoring creative and risk-affine blue, orange, grey) were shown to impact users’
behavior (approach, promotion), the other vigilant and behavior, no real discussion of underlying principles was
risk-avoidant behavior (avoidance, prevention). [6] proposed.
demonstrated that people’s orientation can be Regarding forms, different studies related them to fear
influenced by external cues. For example, verbal cues processing: Edgy contours are suggested to be
related to danger can momentarily trigger the usage of processed as cues of potential threat while round forms
vigilant strategies (e.g., risk-minimization). It is would signal harmlessness [3, 4]. Again, no research
commonly accepted that this kind of ideas is also was conducted to investigate effects associated to
related to some colors, for example red (i.e., warnings, GUIs’ “edgy” or “round” characters. In that line, we
errors, danger). Thus, GUIs visual characteristics are propose a different approach and will investigate if
likely to have an impact on people’s strategic colors and forms can be related to creativity or
orientation. These uncontrolled effects can either accuracy orientations.
sustain task-solving by favoring an adapted strategic
approach or, on the contrary, trigger mismatching Investigating Ideas Associated to Color and
strategies. Form
In order to identify colors and forms potentially able to
The present research investigates if form and color impact people’s strategic orientation, a word-
characteristics impact people’s strategic orientation. If association test assessed connotations people
our findings support this hypothesis, consequences on spontaneously relate to some visual items. A
actual GUI mediated task-solving will be discussed. professional designer generated six basic shaped form
items and seven color items (e.g., rectangles with
differently shaped angles, see figure 1). Participants safety concern. Conversely, it was expected that colors
(i.e., 12 participants, mean age = 28.3, SD = 1.9) and forms associated to Cat. 2 would make participants
were randomly presented single form or color items on more sensitive for comfort related topics.
a screen and asked to write down their spontaneous
associations (i.e., “at least one or two nouns or Methods
adjectives”). No time restriction was imposed. After The study was splitted in two parts, testing either form
writing down associations related to a specific item, elements or colors. Both experiments followed an
participants would switch to the next one. A qualitative identical procedure, which is why a single description is
analysis provided three categories of associations: provided. Sixty-three students took part in the form
- Cat. 1 with vocabulary related to vigilance (e.g., part (40 females, mean age = 25.67, SD = 7.29) and
threat, functionality, hardness). The items red, sixty-six in the color part (39 females, mean age =
Slightly round
dark grey, purple as well as the sharp edged 24.68, SD = 6.65). The study was hosted on a free
rectangle were associated to this kind of survey-platform ( which
vocabulary. For example, the dark grey color item provided links to start individual sessions.
was mainly associated to words such as
“functional” (i.e., 8 words out of 21) or Participants had to perform an anagram solving task.
“threatening” (i.e., 9 words out of 21). The target words were selected for belonging either to
- Cat. 2 with vocabulary related to comfort (e.g., vigilance related vocabulary (e.g., “error”), to comfort
Edgy concave
Ed gy strait
Round concave nature, warmness, peace). The items green, related vocabulary (e.g., “success”) or for being
orange and blue as well as the round shaped neutral1. The anagrams were separately displayed on
rectangle were associated to this kind of backgrounds composed of a specific color or form
vocabulary. For example, the color orange was stimulus. In order to make results ecologically more
associated to words such as “comfort” (i.e., 9 valid, colors were presented as gradients (i.e., same
words out of 23) or “warmness” (i.e., 12 words out saturation and hue, different lightness). That way,
of 23). results can be associated to families of colors (e.g.,
- Cat. 0 with neutral vocabulary (e.g., neutral, different shades of orange) rather than one specific
Highly round
moderate, average). The items light grey color and nuance. See figure 2 for examples of color and form
Figure 1: Example of form the slightly round form were associated to this kind stimuli associated to anagram presentation.
items used as stimuli in the of vocabulary.
word association test
Color and Form’s impact on Performance
The main goal of this study was to investigate if color 1
Vocabulary was tested on its frequency in the German
and form items could impact participants’ orientation: language using Leibzig University’s open database
It was expected that colors and forms associated to
Only identical frequent six letter words were integrated in the
Cat. 1 would activate a vigilant orientation and make study. Furthermore, a pre-test was used to establish
participants more sensitive for target-words relevant for unanimous association to one of the three categories.
Participants solved a series of six anagrams (two of anagrams.
each kind) that were presented with a first stimulus
and than six other anagrams presented with a second Similar patterns of results were observed in the form
stimulus. Stimuli’s presentation was randomized. study: An analysis of variance was performed with type
Anagrams’ displaying was semi-random since of anagrams (vigilance, neutral, comfort) as within
identically framed ones were not presented in a row. factor and form (edgy, slightly round, highly round) as
The solving time for each kind of correctly solved between factor. No main effect was detected but the
anagram was averaged in each condition to create a interaction between both factors was significant: F[12,
vigilance, a comfort and a neutral solving time index 409] = 15.77, p < .001. Conformingly to our
(expressed in seconds). predictions, post hoc analysis showed that the edgy
form facilitated solving of vigilance framed anagrams
Results (p < .001, vigilance anagrams were solved faster than
A first analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed for comfort ones). Conversely, round forms facilitated
the color study with type of anagram (vigilance, solving of comfort framed anagrams (p < .001, comfort
neutral, comfort) as within factor and color (red, dark framed anagrams were solved faster than vigilance
grey, purple, light grey, blue, orange and green) as framed ones). See Table 1 for result’s detailed
between factor. First, a main effect of the type of overview.
anagram was detected F[2, 452] = 7.19, p = .001 as
well as a main effect of the factor color F[6, 452] = Discussion and further researches
2.82, p = .01. As expected, both factors also The present study aimed to link visual characteristics to
interacted: F[12, 452] = 3.76, p < .001. Post hoc specific strategic orientations. It was hypothesized that
Figure 2. Anagram presented on analysis showed significant differences associated to some color and form characteristics impact people’s
the “orange color” background the colors red (p < .001, prevention anagrams were sensitivity for specific types of information.
(top) and on the “slightly round solved faster than comfort framed ones), dark grey (p The present study’s results supported the hypothesis:
form” background (bottom). < .001, vigilance framed anagrams were solved faster The colors red and dark grey as well as sharp
than comfort framed ones) and orange (p < .001, contoured forms facilitated solving of vigilance framed
comfort framed anagrams were solved faster than target-words which were identified faster than comfort
vigilance framed ones). In other words, the colors red framed ones. Conversely, the items orange color and
and dark-grey facilitated solving of vigilance framed round form facilitated solving of comfort framed target-
anagrams while the color orange facilitated solving of words which were identified faster than vigilance
comfort framed anagrams. The other colors were not framed ones.
associated to differences in solving the three kinds of
Type of anagram s
Stim uli Vigilance Com fort
fram ed fram ed
Red* 19.24 (5.72) 39.67 (25.98) 50.84 (18.42)

Cat.1 (vigilance) Purple 14.75 (6.24) 31.71 (28.35) 24.19 (20.94)

s Dark grey* 22.48 (6.83) 33.56 (22.54) 55.02 (25.56)

l Cat. 0 (neutral) Light grey 29.61 (22.70) 31.67 (17.87) 27.61 (22.02)
C Blue 27.55 (29.91) 32.25 (23.72) 29.99 (17.98)
Cat.2 (com fort) Green 26.62 (27.82) 37.66 (40.53) 28.12 (26.59)

Orange* 35.41 (6.79) 26.79 (15.97) 16.74 (10.39)

s Cat.1 (vigilance) Sharp-edged* 19.94 (12.84) 27.55 (23.79) 46.78 (30.03)

m Cat. 0 (neutral) Slightly round 28.02 (21.54) 29.31 (19.92) 29.33 (17.37)
F Cat.2 (com fort) Highly round* 48.54 (36.99) 29.74 (20.58) 21.84 (16.18)

Note: Stimuli associated to significant differences for solving promotion and prevention anagrams are marked with an asterisk.
Standard deviations are given in parentheses.

Table 1: Mean anagram solving times in seconds depending on anagram type and stimuli

These differences in sensitivity can be interpreted in Obviously, these findings need further investigation.
terms of strategic orientation: People in a vigilant However, the results already point out that visual
avoidance orientation are sensitive to information characteristics do have an influence on the way people
related to errors, danger and mistakes while those in a process and interact with information. In addition, they
creative approach orientation are sensitive to represent, in our opinion, the first step towards more
information about progress, comfort and development. contextualized and natural researches on one hand, a
In other words, visual characteristics potentially impact base for actual design procedures on the other hand. In
the strategies people employ to handle tasks. fact, this study’s findings are especially interesting
Depending on the type of task (e.g., creative, regarding human-computer-interaction situations: In
accuracy), adapted solving strategies are likely to fact, digitally assisted task-solving is predominantly
support task-handling and enhance performances. supported by GUIs. The study highlights the fact that
Conversely, the usage of mismatching strategies will visual characteristics are likely to influence people’s
probably impair task-solving. strategic orientation in an unintended manner. These
effects being uncontrolled, they are as likely to be
supportive as they can be impairing. For example, Overall, the present research provides an alternative
some interfaces might unintentionally trigger an approach for understanding the relationship between
orientation that misfits tasks’ framing. visual characteristics and their impact on cognition. The
results are suitable to be integrate in concrete design
As a consequence, the present results are suggested to procedures and aim to inspire further researches in
trigger some awareness about the usage of color and relates domains.
form in GUI’s. In fact, provided with these trends about
colors’ and forms’ impacts, designers might reconsider References
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