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The study entitled “The experiences of selected On the Job

Training students and their Academic Performance: a basis for a

proposed project proposal” will help the respondents to know the

possible effects of OJT to their performance.

This chapter presents the background of the study, the

statement of the problem, the significance of the study and the scope

and delimitations of the study.

Background of the study

Every student goes through something we like to call OJT or

On the Job Training it’s how we are introduced to our future work

and work environments it is a way to immerse students on the field of

work that they have chosen. “On-the-job training, also known as OJT,

is a hands-on method of teaching the skills, knowledge, and

competencies needed for employees to perform a specific job within

the workplace. Employees learn in the environment where they will

need to practice the knowledge and skills obtained during training.

The simple objective of OJT is to use the existing environment, tools,


and skill training available in the workplace to train employees to do

their jobs—on the job.” Heatfield (2018)

Students looking to have their on the job training will either

have to look for a company or place they can conduct their training or

their school will assign them to a chosen establishment where they

will be monitored by the school to school to ensure that their students

don’t do anything that will ruin the school’s reputation and also to

make sure that their students are treated fairly during their training at

the establishment.

On-the-job training is still widely in use today. In fact,

it is probably the most popular method of training because it

requires only a person who knows how to do the task, and the

tools the person uses to do the task. It may not be the most

effective or the most efficient method at times, but it is

normally the easiest to arrange and manage. Because the

training takes place on the job, it can be highly realistic, and

no transfer of learning is required. It is often inexpensive

because no special equipment is needed other than what is

normally used on the job. The other side is that OJT takes the

trainer and materials out of production for the duration of the

training time. In addition, due to safety or other production

factors, it is prohibitive in some environments.

This type of training can help students to become more

familiar with the realities of working; in some cases, on-the-job

training may lead to a stable and fulfilling career. Students may work

part-time, learning skills such as how to use a cash register, how to

serve customers, or how to do basic accounting. In some cases, these

work skills will count as credits towards a school diploma. Students

learn discipline, organization, and people skills while they train out in

the workforce. Since on-the-job training is supervised by real

employees in real-life work situations, anything can happen, and

students must learn "on their feet".

Statement of the Purpose

This study will be conducted to assess the importance of ojt

program as perceived by the student who has experience it. The

research specifically sought to answer one question "does the ojt


program can enhance our performance in our future careers?" this is

our basis for a proposed project proposal for enhance ojt program.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on the Experiences of selected On the Job

Training students and their Academic Performance. The respondents

of the study were the students who are experiencing the On the Job

Training of Siena College of Taytay. The results of the study are

applicable only to the respondents of this study.

Significance of the Study

This study was anticipated to contribute additional

information to serve the following individuals and organizations.


This study will help students to better understand the concept

of OJT or On the Job Training. In addition, they can use the

knowledge from this study to be immersed on the field of work that

they have chosen.



The results of the study will provide a better information for

them to encourage their students about the On the Job Training


School and Administrators:

This will serve as a guide for the school if they also wish to

determine the extent of training and practices they can provide to their


Future Researchers:

This study will serve as a reference for future researchers who

are interested to make any further relevant study of the effects of On

the Job Training on students’ performances.

Review of Related Literature

Foreign Study
A study conducted by FTS (April 2016) “On-the-job training

is usually the most effective way to learn the skills needed for your

job. No one really wants to spend time away from their work, sitting

in a classroom, when they could be in their workplace learning as they


do their job. It is easier for a trainee to adapt to the new skills they are

acquiring when they can apply them directly to their job routine as

they are being taught. They will also be more likely to learn skills that

are helpful with their job rather than just as a tick in a check-box on

the way to a qualification. On-the-job training typically involves

verbal and written instruction and demonstration, and hands-on

practice and imitation, while also including mentoring from an

experienced employee or supervisor, who can pass on company-

specific knowledge and skills. Employees being trained on-the-job

are working in their real work environment, gaining experience and

working through challenges that are a part of their everyday jobs.

They learn general skills that apply to any job, but also specific skills

that apply directly to the company they work for”

As stated in a study conducted by Jean L. Hertzman, Miranda

Kitterlin, John Farrish, and John Stefanelli (May 2013) having three

or more years of work experience affects knowledge more than


As found by John R. Farrish, Miranda D. Kitterlin, Jean

Hertzman, and John Stefanelli (June 2013) “Being a hotel major did

significantly affect practices but having foodservice work experience

did not. This suggests that industry operators are not doing an

adequate job of educating their staff about proper food safety


According to a study conducted by Hwang, Hyun-Ju;Huh,

Kyoung-Sook;Chong, and Yu-Kyeong (October 2006) “Two-thirds

of the students (66.9%) answered that the internship program had

helped them to decide their career. Particularly, constructs and

contents of the internship program presented statistically significance

to the career path. Based on the satisfaction level, students in high

level wanted to be chefs while those in low level wanted to leave to

other jobs. The overall satisfaction with the internship program

differed according to the time of internship, internship duration, and

place of internship.”

Foreign Literature

According to Susan M. Heathfield (December 2018) “On-the-

job training, also known as OJT, is a hands-on method of teaching the

skills, knowledge, and competencies needed for employees to

perform a specific job within the workplace. Employees learn in the

environment where they will need to practice the knowledge and

skills obtained during training. On-the-job training uses the existing

workplace tools, machines, documents, equipment, and knowledge to

teach an employee how to effectively do his job.”

Susan M. Heathfield also said that there are some things you

can only learn in the workplace some of these are interpersonal skills,

company policies and requirements, leadership training and many

more that can be taught by human resources staff, managers, and co-

workers on the workplace.

According to Susan M. Heathfield (December 2018) “While

the goal of OJT is often to teach basic workplace skills, it instills

aspects of the workplace culture and performance expectations in new

employee as well. OJT is also the approach many organizations use

to provide new employee onboarding information.”


McQuerrey (2019) On-the-job training is a practical way of

introducing new employees to the workplace by providing them

hands-on learning opportunities and instruction. Typically,

employees are briefed and then paired with a seasoned colleague who

shows them the ropes. The employee can then transition into

completing tasks on her own while under supervision.

Some skills can’t be taught – they must be demonstrated. Still

other job functions are conditional in nature; in other words, while

one action may apply in one circumstance, it could be different in

another. For example, if you’re job training for a customer service

position, you may be instructed on how to issue customer refunds. It

could be that Customer A comes in without a receipt, but your mentor

issues the refund regardless. Customer B comes in with numerous

returns and no receipt and is a known shoplifter. Your mentor turns

down the refund request. You can learn from her experience that some

types of work involve judgment calls you can only learn through


Local Study

As stated by Dr. Rex Casiple (June 2014) one of the

requirements and one of the most inspiring programs in higher

education is the Student Internship Program (SIP) or commonly

known as the On-the-job training program (OJT).

However, in some instances, this program is not properly

implemented by some higher education institutions (HEIs). This has

caused some injuries and even fatalities when student-trainees met

accidents while they were undergoing their OJT.

An OJT is a training that takes place while student-trainees are

working. It means that skills can be gained outside the classroom or

the school campus while trainees carry out their jobs. These benefits

both the student-trainees and the host training establishments (HTE).

Student-trainees learn in the real work environment and gain

experience dealing with the tasks and challenges that they meet during

a normal working day.

In the United States, numerous studies showed that OJT is the

most effective form of job training. There are four frequently used

OJT methods in the training; coaching, mentoring, job rotation and

“sitting next to Nellie.”

Coaching method is used when an experienced member of

staff helps trainees learn skills and processes through providing

instructions or demonstrations, or both. Mentoring is used when each

trainee is allocated to an established member of staff who acts as a

guide and helper.

Job rotation is used when the trainees rotate roles or tasks so

that they gain experience of a full range of jobs. And “sitting next to

Nellie” describes the process of trainee working alongside a staff to

observe and learn the skills needed for a process. This can be a faster

and more useful way of learning a job role than studying a written

manual. The staff is always on hand to answer any questions or deal

with any unexpected problems.

In the Philippines, the OJT provides tertiary students enrolled

in the Philippine HEIs the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge,

skills, and desirable attitudes in reputable establishments/ industries

in the country; enhance the students’ work competencies and


discipline as they relate to people in the workplace; promote

competitiveness of students through their training; strengthen and

enrich the degree programs in higher education institutions; provide

opportunities to learn from and network with experienced

professionals; handle new challenges and complex tasks or problems;

and identify future career directions and become candidates for future

job opening.

Local Literature

As stated by Baron J. and Kalamuzoo (1997) On-the-job

training (OJT) is one of the paramount training methods because it is

planned, organized, and conducted at the employee’s workplace. On-

the-job training is usually the principal method used for augmenting

employee skills and escalating output and efficiency.

It is mainly suitable for developing expertise distinctive to an

employee’s job, chiefly those positions whose work is relatively easy

to learn and require locally-owned equipment and facilities. Self-

esteem, high yield, and professionalism are always high in those


organizations that employ a logical and reasonable on-the-job training


On analyzing the most important requirements that are

highlighted in job descriptions and specifications form the basis for

setting up an on-the-job training plan. To be most effective, an on-

the-job training plan should include: The area under discussion;

Allocation of time to it each day; anticipated closing date; and

Evaluation will be conducted in what manner.

A coach should be assigned to each employee involved in on-

the-job training to make it successful. All coaches are accountable and

responsible for carefully planning the training and also conducting it

effectively. On-the-job training is one of numerous ways by which a

company might opt to impart the knowledge and skills its employees


Every company has its own employment needs. These are

dependent on the size of the company, diverse skills and information

necessary to carry out particular jobs. Companies use a mixture of


strategies to have a labor force which has the essential job training.

This helps them to carry out all the required job functions. Structured

academic learning or vocational training is the few methods usually

used. On-the-job training inevitably forms some part of all teaching

programs, no matter which of the tactic is used to train the employees.

It is said that on the job training is an important example of an

investment in human capital. Like any other investment it has initial

costs and returns to these expenditures occur in future periods. These

future returns are measured by increased productivity of the worker

during subsequent periods of employment.

Definition of terms:

The definition of terms contains the list of words used in the

study for the clarification of their usage.

a. Effective - Mean producing or capable of producing

a result. effective stresses the actual production of or the

power to produce an effect.

b. Efficient - Productive of desired effects especially

capable of producing desired results with little or no


waste (as of time or materials) an efficient worker efficient


c. Employees - A person employed for wages or salary,

especially at nonexecutive level.

d. Gender - Specialized categorization of male and


e. Improvements - The act or process of improving.

f. Inexpensive - Not costing a great deal; cheap.

g. OJT - On-the Job Training (OJT) means training in

the public or private sector that is given to a paid

employee while he or she is engaged in productive work

and that provides knowledge and skills essential to the

full and adequate performance on the job.

h. Proposal - A plan or suggestion, especially a formal

written one, put forward for consideration by others.

i. Serve - Perform duties or services for (another person or

an organization).

j. Supervised - Observe and direct the execution of (a

task, project, or activity). Observe and direct the work of




This chapter focuses on the research design and methods used

in the study. It includes the discussions about the phenomenological

method and philosophical underpinnings. It explains the researcher’s

background and roles, setting, participant selection, description and

sampling design followed by the ethical considerations. The last part

discusses about the data generation, data rigor and trustworthiness and

data treatment and analysis used.

Research Design and Process

Research Design is defined as a detailed outline of how an

investigation takes place; it typically includes how data is to be

collected, instrumentation and the means of data analysis. Qualitative

Research is designed to reveal the respondents’ range of behavior and

different perceptions that drive it with reference to specific topics or

issues, it uses in-depth studies of small groups of people to guide and

support the construction of hypotheses.

Methodologically; this study was framed in the relativity of

Phenomenology, wherein it focuses on the lived experiences of


certain people to a certain phenomenon. It tried to understand the

respondents’ experiences, know what kind of experience it is and how

did they experience it, trying to explore feelings.

Philosophical Underpinnings

This article uses the findings from a qualitative study of a

theory of an Australian young people in their first year of full-time

work to examine the nature and utility of on-the-job training in

apprenticeships and traineeships. The findings confirm the

conclusions of earlier studies about the importance of off-the-job

training as a supplement for workplace learning. It was found that,

while initially not attaching much value to off-the-job training, the

young people gained more of an appreciation, during the course of the

year, of what on-the-job training had to offer. Other findings about

off-the-job training included: the superiority of face-to-face training

as opposed to other forms of delivery; the importance of the young

people’s relationships with their off-the-job trainers; the ‘implicit

contract’ of expectations of the parties to the training contract; the

different viewpoints of the parties; and the dissatisfaction of those in


traineeships with the lack of intellectual challenge in their

competency-based curriculum.

The author of this theory is Erica Smith, she entitled the

theory, Theory and Practice: the contribution of on-the-job training to

the development of apprentices and trainees.

The chosen theory has a relationship to the study. The theory

stated that On the Job Training has a widely effect to the student’s

performances. The researchers can use this theory to deepen the

understanding of each one about what should be the main role of OJT

and what are the possible effects that the OJT can bring.

Researchers’ Background

The researchers are grade 12 CULINARY students from Siena

College of Taytay (SCT) Taytay, Rizal. SCT is Catholic school

wherein good moral and values matter.

The researchers conducted this study to know the advantages

and disadvantages of On the Job Training on students’ academic

performances despite of all school works they have.


Researchers’ Rules

To gather the data for this study, each of the researchers

conducted a one-on-one interview with their respondents. Before the

interview, the researchers had a sharing about whether the

respondents fill the demographics for the study. The researchers then

provided an informed consent for the participant to know the purpose

of the study, with the potential risks and benefits, and provide them

the essential mechanism for ensuring the basic ethical principles such

as to freely choose to participate in the study and the right to privacy

and confidentiality. A set of questions to guide the researchers during

the interview were prepared beforehand having both English and

Filipino translations. During the interview, the researchers used

supplies to record information such as mobile phones, pen and paper.

The researchers observed emotions and non-verbal acts of the

respondents while interviewing. After the researchers have completed

the interview, recordings were transcribed including what happened

the interview.


The researchers decided to conduct the interview with their

respondents in their residences to be able to conduct an interview with

the repondents comfortably and for them to express their experiences

and opinions freely without any doubts. Siena College of Taytay is

also the researchers’ locale of the study; for the researchers’

respondents are the students of SCT.

Participant Selection, Description and Sample

Purposive Sampling is utilized to this study and conducts an

interview with five respondents. Theses respondents are people who

are currently undertaing the On the Job Training same as those who

experienced the OJT program already. The researchers focused on

selecting respondents with the said demographics to be able to

compare their experiences and see whether the OJT Program has an

effect to their performances. Moreover, it is essential that the study

participants had experienced confinement to be able to answer the

interview questions of the study.


Table 1: Participant Descriptions

Participant Gender Age Location

1 F

2 F

3 M

4 F

5 F

6 F

Ethical Considerations

A research proposal was submitted to research adviser Mr.

Francis Ramos. In conducting any type of research, the researcher

must always be aware of the impact their research will have on

participant and society and must act accordingly. Therefore, the

researcher made it clear to all participant that their participation was

a voluntary basis. While conducting this study, the researcher ensures

inform consent from all the participants.


Data Generation

Data Rigor and Trustworthiness

The data for the study will be obtained with the help of

interview, observation and survey. The research aims to obtain data

about the possible effects of on the job training whether it is positive

or negative effect to the students. The data that will be collected and

gained from the respondents’ answer may serve as basis for further

analysis. Researchers will also pick a respondent who has experiences

in on the job training in order for the researchers to gain valuable data.

Data Treatment and Analysis

Once the researchers have transcribed the data, it will be

coded, analysed, interpreted, and verified. Transcribing the interviews

will help researchers gain more knowledge about the chosen topic.

Once all the data has been transcribed it will be categorized and

organized into themes and subthemes which came from the coding

process. Then the data will be interpreted. After the data has been

interpreted it will then be verified where the data’s validity will be

checked by looking through the transcripts again thus allowing the

researcher to verify or modify hypotheses already arrived at




Table 1: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “What

establishment where you assigned to have your on the job training


Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“The Bang Café” 1 16.67% 2
“Canterberry” 2 33.33% 1
“Loja Tojara” 1 16.67% 2
“Ineng’s” 2 33.33% 1
Total 6 100%

Table 1, shows that the answer “Canterberry” and “Ineng’s” ranked

first as to what establishment where they assigned to have their on the

job training program with a frequency of 2 and a percentage of

33.33% then followed by the answer “Loja Taroja” and “The Bang

Café” which ranked as second or last as to what establishment where

they assigned to have their on the job training program with a

frequency of 1 and a percentage of 16.67%.


Table 2: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “How

long have you had your on the job training program on that


Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

60 hours and 50 1 16.67% 2
60 hours 5 83.33% 1
Total 6 100%

Table 2, shows that the answer “60 hours” ranked first as to how

long have they’ve had their on the job training program with a

frequency of 5 and a percentage of 83.33% then followed by the

answer “60 hours and 50 minutes” which ranked as second or last as

to how long have they’ve had their on the job training program with

a frequency of 1 and a percentage of 16.67%.

Table 3: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “Have you

encountered any struggles during your on the job training


Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“Lack of 1 16.67% 2
“Work Flow” 4 66.67% 1
“Hard time making 1 16.67% 2
Total 6 100%

Table 3, shows that the answer “Work Flow” ranked first as to have

they encountered any struggles during their on the job training

program with a frequency of 4 and a percentage of 66.67% then

followed by the answer “Lack of Confidence” and “Hard time making

friends” which ranked as second or last as to have they encountered

any struggles during their on the job training program with a

frequency of 1 and a percentage of 16.67%.

Table 4: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “Do you

think your on the job training will help you become more successful

as a professional someday?”

Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“Through 6 100% 1
Total 6 100%

Table 4, shows that the answer “Through experiences” ranked first

and last as to do they think on the job training will help them become

more successful as a professional someday with a frequency of 6 and

a percentage of 100%.

Table 5: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “If you

have suggestion on how we can make the schools’ on the job

training program better, what would it be?”

Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“Let students 3 50% 1
experience OJT
“Consider the 2 33.33% 2
address of a
“Fix the schedules 1 16.67% 3
according to
Total 6 100%

Table 5, shows that the answer “Let students experience OJT

outside.” ranked first as to if they have suggestion on how thery can


make the schools’ on the job training program better with a frequency

of 3 and a percentage of 50% then followed by the answer “Consider

the address of a srudent.” which ranked as second as to to if they have

suggestion on how thery can make the schools’ on the job training

program better with a frequency of 2 and a percentage of 33.33% then

followed also by “Fix the schedules according to students’

availability.” which ranked last as to if they have suggestion on how

thery can make the schools’ on the job training program better with a

frequency of 1 and a percentage of 16.67%.

Table 6: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “What do

you think are the advantages of having an on the job training


Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“It enhanceses my 1 16.67% 2
“Able to experience 2 33.33% 1
and learn the work

“Those kind 1 16.67% 2

“It serves as a 1 16.67% 2
realization to us
“Improved my skills 1 16.67% 2
and knowledge
during my OJT.”
Total 6 100%

Table 6, shows that the answer “Able to experience and learn the

work flow.” ranked first as to what do they they think are the

advantages of having an on the job training program with a frequency

of 2 and a percentage of 33.33% then followed by the answer “It

enhanceses my communication skills.”, “Those kind employees”, “It

serves as a realization to us employees.”, and “Improved my skills

and knowledge during my OJT.” which ranked as second or last as to

what do they they think are the advantages of having an on the job

training program with a frequency of 1 and a percentage of 16.67%.

Table 7: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “In terms

of your skills, attitude, and knowledge, what learnings have you

gained from the on the job training program?”


Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“Socialize and be 2 33.33% 2
“Patience and 3 50% 1
“Expand our 1 16.67% 3
Total 6 100%

Table 7, shows that the answer “Socialize and be Punctual” ranked

first as to In terms off their skills, attitude, and knowledge, what

learnings they have gained from the on the job training program with

a frequency of 3 and a percentage of 50% then followed by the answer

“Patience and Persevere” which ranked as second as to In terms off

their skills, attitude, and knowledge, what learnings they have gained

from the on the job training program with a frequency of 2 and a

percentage of 33.33% then followed also by the answer “Expand our

knowledge” which ranked as third or last as to In terms off their skills,

attitude, and knowledge, what learnings they have gained from the on

the job training program with a frequency of 1 and a percentage of


Table 8: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “How did

the on the job training program affected your academic


Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“Yes” 1 16.67% 3
“Sometimes” 2 33.33% 2
“No, not really” 3 50% 1
Total 6 100%

Table 8, shows that the answer “No, not really” ranked first as to how

did the on the job training program affected their academic

performances with a frequency of 3 and a percentage of 50% then

followed by the answer “Sometimes” which ranked as second as to

how did the on the job training program affected their academic

performances with a frequency of 2 and a percentage of 33.33% then

followed also by the answer “Yes” which ranked as third or last as to

how did the on the job training program affected their academic

performances with a frequency of 1 and a percentage of 16.67%.


Table 9: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “What are

the disadvantages of your on the job training experience?”

Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“Time and 1 16.67% 2
“Wasn’t able to 1 16.67% 2
work on the kitchen
of the the
“There were no 4 66.67% 1
Total 6 100%

Table 9, shows that the answer “Time and Commute” ranked first as

to what are the disadvantages of their on the job training experience

with a frequency of 4 and a percentage of 66.67% then followed by

the answer “Wasn’t able to work on the kitchen of the the

establishment” and “There were no disadvantages” which ranked as

second or last as to what are the disadvantages of their on the job

training experience with a frequency of 1 and a percentage 16.67%.


Table 10: Frequency Distribution showing the answers of the

respondents from Siena College of Taytay on the question: “From 1-

5. With 5 being the highest, how will you rate the On the Job

Training Program that you attended? Why is this so?”

Item Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

“3” 1 16.67% 2
“4” 4 66.67% 1
“5” 1 16.67% 2
Total 6 100%

Table 10, shows that the answer “4” ranked first as to from 1-5, with

5 being the highest, how will you rate the on the job training program

that they have attended with a frequency of 4 and a percentage of

66.67% then followed by the answer “3” and “5” which ranked as

second or last as to from 1-5, with 5 being the highest, how will you

rate the on the job training program that they have attended with a

frequency of 1 and a percentage 16.67%.


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