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describe common health problems associated with pregnant mothers*

What health problems can develop during pregnancy?

Regular prenatal visits help the health care provider identify potential health problems early and take
steps to manage them, to protect the health of the mother and the developing fetus. Being aware of the
symptoms of these conditions and getting regular prenatal care can prevent health problems and help
you get treatment as early as possible.

These problems include:

Iron Deficiency Anemia

Anemia occurs when your red blood cell count (hemoglobin or hematocrit) is low. Iron deficiency
anemia is the most common type of anemia. Iron is part of the hemoglobin that allows blood to carry
oxygen. Pregnant women need more iron than normal for the increased amount of blood in their body
and for their developing child.2Symptoms of iron deficiency include feeling tired or weak, looking pale,
feeling faint, or experiencing shortness of breath. Your health care provider may recommend iron and
folic acid supplements.

Gestational diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are found to be too high during pregnancy. The
exact number of women affected by gestational diabetes is unknown because of different diagnostic
criteria and risk profiles.4 Most often the condition is discovered using a two-step procedure: screening
with the glucose challenge screening test around 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, followed by a diagnostic
test called the oral glucose tolerance test. Gestational diabetes increases the risk of a baby that is too
large (macrosomia), preeclampsia(pronounced pree-i-KLAMP-see-uh, a condition marked by a sudden
increase in a pregnant woman's blood pressure along with the presence of protein in the urine after the
20th week of pregnancy), and cesarean birth. Treatment includes controlling blood sugar levels through
a healthy diet and exercise, and through medication if blood sugar values remain high.5

Many people are familiar with the phrase "postpartum depression," meaning depression that occurs
after the birth of a baby. But we now know that it's not just during the postpartum period, and it's not
just depression.

Women experience depression and anxiety, as well as other mental health conditions, during pregnancy
and after the baby is born. These conditions can have significant effects on the health of the mother and
her child.
The NICHD-led Moms' Mental Health Matters initiative is designed to educate consumers and health
care providers about who is at risk for depression and anxiety during and after pregnancy, the signs of
these problems, and how to get help. The initiative also includes Information for Partners, Family, and
Friends on ways to help.

There is no single cause of depression or anxiety during and after pregnancy, but hormonal changes,
stress, family history, and changes in brain chemistry or structure may all play a role.6Women who have
complications during pregnancy are at higher risk for postpartum depression than are women who do
not have complications.7

Depression can harm the developing fetus if you do not take care of yourself during pregnancy,
including attending regular prenatal visits and avoiding alcohol and tobacco smoke. Talk to your health
care provider if you feel overwhelmed, sad, or anxious. Even though they are serious conditions,
depression and anxiety are treatable.

Depression & anxiety

Placental Abruption

In some women, the placenta separates from the inner uterine wall. This separation, or abruption, can
be mild, moderate, or severe. If severe, the fetus cannot get the oxygen and nutrients needed to survive.
Placental abruption can cause bleeding, cramping, or uterine tenderness. Treatment depends on the
severity of the abruption and how far along the pregnancy is. Severe cases may require early delivery.


is a quick or sudden onset of high blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy. This condition
causes high blood pressure, swelling of the hands and face, abdominal pain, blurred vision, dizziness,
and headaches. In some cases, seizures can occur—this is called eclampsia (pronounced ih-KLAMP-see-
uh). The only definite cure for preeclampsia and eclampsia is to deliver the baby. If this would result in
a preterm birth, then the maternal and fetal risks and benefits of delivery need to be balanced with the
risks associated with the infant being born prematurely.

Placenta Previa
This condition occurs when the placenta covers part of the opening of the cervix inside the uterus. It can
cause painless bleeding during the second and third trimesters. The health care provider may
recommend bed rest. Hospitalization may be required if bleeding is heavy or if it continues. Placental
problems may affect how the baby is delivered.


Pregnancy loss from natural causes before the 20th week is considered a miscarriage. It is hard to
estimate exactly how many pregnancies end in miscarriage because they may occur before a woman
even knows she is pregnant.8 The most common cause of first trimester miscarriage is chromosomal
problems. Symptoms can include cramping or bleeding. Spotting early in pregnancy is common and does
not mean that a miscarriage will occur.

Hyperemesis Gravidarm

Some women experience severe, persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy beyond the typical
"morning sickness." Medication may be prescribed to help with the nausea. Women with hyperemesis
gravidarum may need hospitalization to get the fluids and nutrients they need through a tube in their
veins. Often, the condition lessens by the 20th week of pregnancy.


Infections, including some sexually transmitted infections (STIs), may occur during pregnancy and/or
delivery and may lead to complications for the pregnant woman, the pregnancy, and the baby after
delivery. Learn more about how infections can affect pregnancy and which infections can
cause problems during pregnancy.

Some infections—such as Zika, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and syphilis—can pass to the fetus during
pregnancy or to the infant during delivery, causing short- and long-term health problems. However, the
risk of transmission can be lowered or even eliminated with appropriate treatments.

For this reason, it is important for a pregnant woman to be tested for STDs/STIs as a part of her prenatal
care. Prenatal STI testing can determine whether a pregnant woman has an infection that can be cured
or controlled with drug treatment, which decreases the chances that the infant will contract the
disease.1 The pregnant woman and her health care provider can take other steps to protect her health
and her infant's health if the STI is one that cannot be cured or treated.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Pregnancy Complications. Retrieved January 6, 2016,
maternalinfanthealth/pregcomplications.htmNational Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.
(2015). Dietary supplement fact sheet: Iron. Retrieved January 6, 2016,
from (2015). Iron deficiency
anemia. Retrieved January 6, 2016, from, C. L., Kim, S. Y., & Sharma, A. J.

(2014). Prevalence estimates of gestational diabetes mellitus in the United States, Pregnancy Risk
Assessment Monitoring Systems (PRAMS), 2007–2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11, E104.NICHD.
(2012). Fact sheet: Am I at risk for gestational diabetes? NIH Publication No. 12-4818. Retrieved January
6, 2016 from

Documents/gestational_diabetes_2012.pdf (PDF – 187 KB)

(2012). ePublications:Depression during and after pregnancy fact sheet. Retrieved January 6, 2016,
pregnancy.htmlMilgrom, J., Gemmill, A. W., Bilszta, J. L., Hayes, B., Barnett, B., Brooks, J., et al. (2008).
Antenatal risk factors for postnatal depression: A large prospective study. Journal of Affective Disorders,
108(1–2), 147–157.MedlinePlus. (2014). Miscarriage. Retrieved January 6, 2016,

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