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Learning to have a teachable heart

It is said that you never stop learning and that is even more true in the kingdom of God.
There is so much to learn from God that even our whole lifetime is not enough to learn
everything. However in order for us to grow in knowing God and experience Him and for
Him to use us the way He has ordained, we need to have a teachable spirit.

A teachable person is someone who is able to learn or should i say willing to learn.
Many of us reach a place where we say i know enough of this and i don’t need to learn
anymore,i’m an expert. In the kingdom of God there are no experts because God has
too much in him for us to understand in just one lifetime.He gives a portion of Him every
time we seek Him and worship Him. God desires those of a teachable heart.

Children are a great example of this because children are willing to learn and they
absorb everything you tell them. They take it very seriously because they don’t know
anything else, especially if they are at the age where they have not understood what
lying is or not keeping your word. Once you promise them something they will keep you
to it and remind you of it until the promise is fulfilled. God wants us to have a teachable
heart like children to learn from Him and as we do we will grow and become strong in
faith and overcomers in this world. ‘And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and
become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3

God knows what we go through and how to overcome and He has given us His Holy
Spirit to guide us but we need to be ready to learn and not think we know everything
because that is already pride.So, how do we become teachable you may ask? What are
the characteristics of a person with a teachable spirit?

A teachable person is able to be led. Bible declares that, “For those who are led by the
Spirit of God are the children of God.”Romans 8:14. When we have a teachable spirit
we are able to be led because God knows what’s best for us and we allow Him to lead

A teachable person is able to receive correction by anyone God sends to them. God
can use anyone to correct you,we should be able to receive and let God work on us to
do better. Proverbs 19:20 says, ‘’Pay attention to advice and accept correction, so you
can live sensibly.” (CEV) If we want to grow in our christian faith we must be willing to
be corrected and in the end live sensibly as God intends.

A teachable person is humble. When one is humble ,he or she is willing to pay attention
to another and receive from them,esteem others better than them. God can send you
someone who may not be a Pastor or Apostle but a fellow believer and they may have
a prophetic word or word of wisdom for you and when you have humility you will be
willing to receive what God has to say through this person. Those who don’t have
humility usually size up the person who comes to them especially if they are more gifted
than them and miss out on God.
Someone who is willing to learn does not despise the teacher. Being teachable is never
ending. There is no level in the things of God where w e are not learning.

What’s the play call?

Let us learn to have a teachable spirit. To be able to be led,to receive correction and be
humble. Proverbs 3:6 declares, “ In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your
paths straight.” (NIV) Let us pray and ask the lord to create in us a teachable heart to
learn from him and to receive what he has for us no matter who he uses to bring it to
us.Be blessed.

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