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The first type of dentistry is a general dentist, followed by an endodontist, orthodontist,

pedodontist, periodontist, prosthodontist, and an oral surgeon. Ultimately, each one of these

specialties falls under the dentistry category, however, they each do very different things.

General dentists can do just about anything regarding the mouth. General dentists are not limited

to many things, however, there are many different types of specialists who can do these jobs as

well. In other words, someone may need to go see an endodontist when the pulp or the nerves in

the tooth become infected or inflamed. An orthodontist’s job includes observing and constructing

a plan to realign and correct the bite of a patient’s mouth and teeth. A pedodontist is a general

dentist, but instead of practicing on a variety of adults, they specialize in pediatrics. A

periodontist is a dentist that specializes in preventing and treating surrounding tissue diseases.

People may go see a prosthodontist if they have experienced a physical trauma to the mouth, if

they need dentures, if they need a tooth replaced, or they may go for their own cosmetic

reasoning. Oral Surgeons are trained to perform general surgery and can administrate all types of

sedation leading up to general anesthesia. These surgeons can perform surgeries on wisdom

teeth, cleft lip, some oral cancers, and could even perform reconstructive surgeries following a

physical trauma. Despite the fact that general dentists, endodontists, orthodontists, pedodontists,

periodontists, prosthodontists, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons are very different, they all can

be labeled as dentists.

Keywords: dentistry, mouth, teeth

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