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and we have made a working rule to discontinue 2. The value of the soluble dagenan is
chemotherapy if the count falls below 6,000, stressed, because in this form more efficient
giving the patient a short rest and then com- administration and control of the drug can be
mencing the drug again if the general indication carried out.
is still present. Frequent blood transfusions 3. Administration by mouth in the earlier
seem to be of value in this group of cases, and cases produced vomiting which tended to pro-
we are employing this more in recent months duce uncertainty as to the dosage and how much
with the hope that it will permit pushing the the patient had retained. The addition of
appropriate drug to a fuller extent. It would nicotinic acid to this compound seems to have
appear that we have not yet found the solution reduced the vomiting and some of the toxic
to the treatment of the pneumococcus type III manifestations.
infections, although we had in the hospital 4. Careful attention to the white blood cell
during July, 1940, a patient under the care of count and the condition of the kidneys must be
Dr.. D. H. Ballon who made a successful re- given to all cases under active treatment.
covery from a type III pneumococcal infection 5. Forcing fluids with frequent lumbar punc-
of the meninges, but as a radical mastoidectomy tures is an important step in the treatment.
was done and the middle ear suggested a chronic
suppurative otitis media the case was not in- 6. Maintenance of satisfactory chemical level
cluded in this series. Bacteriological reports in in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (46 to 8 mg.
this case persistently reported very light growth per cent).
of the organisms while in the cases where very 7. Early and accurate bacteriological diag-
heavy growths are reported apparently the nosis must be established.
thickening of the spinal fluids leads to obstruc- I am indebted to Dr. D. H. Ballon, Director of the
tion and the development of internal hydro- Department of Otolaryngology of the Royal Victoria
cephalus which proves fatal. Hospital, and my colleagues, for their co-operation and
SUMMARY permission to use certain of their cases. I am also in-
debted to Dr. Wilder Penfield, Director of the Montreal
1. The report deals with a series of 29 cases Neurological Institute, and his colleagues, for their sub-
with 8 recoveries from proved streptococcus stantial contribution to the material that appears in
hwemolyticus beta meningitis. this paper.


Chief of Department of Ophthalmology and Orthoptics, Children's Hospital, Winnipeg
ALTHOUGH the treatment of strabismus nurse, who takes the vision. This is preferably
should begin when a definite deviation is done with a revolving illiterate E chart.
noted, orthoptic measures can only be instituted Refraction under atropin follows. The rule
when the age of the patient makes co-operation is to give esotropes with hypermetropia, a full
possible. In clinics this is usually at five years, correction, thus holding in abeyance the accom-
but in private practice one can often begin a modation-convergence reflex. Exotropes would
little earlier. be under-corrected, also esotropes with myopia,
At the Outdoor Clinic of the Children's Hos-
while myopic exotropes would receive a full
pital our procedure does not vary much. First, correction.
The child is then seated before a synoptophore,
the age and date of onset are recorded, then, any where the following data are obtained.
history of infectious diseases or hereditary fac- (a) Objective angle.
tors. The approximate angle, plus or minus, is (b) Subjective angle.
noted, also, whether the condition is monocular (c) Presence or absence of:
Simultaneous perception.
or alternating. Finally, the motility of the eyes Simultaneous macular perception.
a Hyperphoria.
is tested. The patient is then turned over to Cyclophoria.
False associated fixation.
Round Table Conference at the Seventy-second Suppression.
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Medical Association, Fusion.
Winnipeg, June, 1941. Stereopsis.

If single binocular vision is to be attained, it in a recent clinic case where the patient accepted
is essential that the child should have approxi- -3.50 sph. with a -3.00 cyl. in one eye and a
mately normal vision in each eye. To this end +0.75 sph. with a +1.25 cyl. in the other,
we use some form of occlusion on the good eye. single binocular vision was obviously out of the
If the vision in the deviating eye is one-third or question.
less we use the adhesive patch. Incidentally, When a child turns his eye in he must ex-
for patients of this class the various occluders perience diplopia, project at a false angle, or
offered on the market are a waste of time, and suppress. Suppression is very common. It may
the same can be said of atropin. Occlusion be partial or complete. For its treatment dis-
should be maintained until the deviation is re- sociated objects are used, such as the car in the
versed. But in children under seven years care garage. The angle of the synoptophore is ad-
must be taken lest the good eye becomes amblyo- justed to somewhere near the patient's angle,
pic. Usually a cover should not remain on and he is prepared mentally by telling him to
without inspection for more than a month. The look for the car in the garage. Frequently he
longer the deviation has persisted, the longer the will say that he sees the car but that it is to the
total occlusion required. If, however, a reversal, right of the garage. On converging the tubes
and with it an improvement in vision, is not so as to bring the car closer to the garage, sud-
possible in six months the best that can be ex- denly he will state that the car has faded out
pected is a cosmetic result. When reversal does to reappear on the other side. This "black out"
come, the lens before the good eye is either is the suppression area. The usual procedures,
stripped, covered with a cellophane patch, or, after telling the child to fix steadily at the
shellacked. The patient is then ready for garage, are:
orthoptic training, and is instructed to return
1. Increase the illumination on the car as it passes
two or three times a week. over the suppression area.
Again, seated before the synoptophore, and 2. Flick the slide up and down.
3. Execute short lateral movements, on the theory
wearing his correction, the patient is asked if he that a moving object excites more interest than a still
sees the soldier in the hut, the car in the garage, one. This is sometimes spoken of as massaging the
or, any other Grade I slides-the instrument suppression area.

being adjusted to his angle. If he does, he has Usually this fading out, or, crossing over,
simultaneous macular perception. The arms of becomes progressively shorter until finally the
the instrument are then locked, and lateral car is seen in the garage. All movements of the
swings attempted. Later, duction exercises are instrument are stopped, and the child is allowed
introduced by converging and diverging the to look for a while at the completed picture.
tubes, the point at which the "break" occurs About twenty treatments suffice to overcome
being noted, i.e., the point where the soldier suppression. A return of diplopia is a good sign.
leaves the hut. Another problem is false associated fixation.
The next step is fusion. This condition is said to exist when the patient,
Perhaps the best completed target is a rabbit for example, in a convergent strabismus, puts
holding a bunch of carrots, but in one of the the soldier in the hut, not at his own angle but
complementary pictures he is minus a tail, and at zero or a few degrees' plus. As to incidence:
in the other the carrots are lacking. The same In a group of 400 cases we had 34, or 81/4 per
exercises as in simultaneous macular perception cent. This is considerably lower than that re-
are repeated. The results, however, are dif- corded by Pugh with 186 out of 400, or 42 per
ferent, for, whereas the car will move out of cent.
the garage on any slight lateral movement, the The treatment of false associated fixation
fused rabbit will not break so easily. On each leaves much to be desired. In our experience
successive day the amplitude of fusion is ex- only about 50 per cent develop true projection.
tended, until finally the visual axes reach The synoptophore is of value in stimulating the
parallelism. macular areas, and in breaking up suppression.
Not every case, in fact very few, present such Patching is important. By this means the child
a happy and uneventful ending. Anisometropia is prevented from using his false, which may
may prove very difficult; for example, a plus slowly be abolished from disuse. Frequently
0.5 sph. in one eye and a plus 3.5 cyl. on the operation is required, and so, when the eyes have
other. Where the differential is even greater, as been put straight and the patient is passing

through a period of visual reorientation, the 4. Correct lateral deviation, either by orthoptics or
operation, or, both.
orthoptist should make her final bid for fusion. 5. From the observation that a covered eye turns
But even if fusion is not attained, the cosmetic upward, one should patch the hypophoric eye.
result is always worth while. As. a matter of In conclusion, a few observations may be in
fact, to the child or the parent single binocular order on the more important devices used in
vision usually means nothing. orthopties. The key instrument is, of course,
After operation, a rare but annoying symptom the synoptophore. It is not only accurate, but
is persistent diplopia. But what is more dis- it is also a great time saver. Angles, grades of
concerting to the surgeon is that if pre-operative vision, or, suppression can be quickly deter-
training has not been sufficient his patient may mined, but frequently a patient will not show
slip back to his old angle. the same progress off the instrument that he does
Another hurdle is "loss of central". In these on it. For the further development of single
cases the eye has become so amblyopic that it binocular vision I still like the old style stereo-
will nlot follow the finger or a small flashlight. scope with Wellsworth charts. Besides, if one
We had 25 of these. Twenty-three regained is dealing with a residual angle, it is not diffi-
fixation, and the average period of treatment cult to slip in a compensating prism.
was seven months. In this connection it is of Bar reading is also excellent training if one
interest to note that many writers claim that is sure the child is not alternating or moving
loss of central cannot be cured. his head. This exercise can be done at home.
A condition not to be confused with the above No expensive instrument is needed. A pen or
is eccentric fixation. Here, there is a large and a pencil will do, held midway between the eyes
obstinate suppression area. When the dominant and the printed page.
eye is covered the other still deviates at about Another very useful instrument is the cheiro-
the same angle. Vision is low, usually less than scope. It is designed so that the child looking
1/10th, and abnormal retinal correspondence be- through a pair of plus 8 spheres, secured in a
comes absolute. My experience with these cases head rest, draws with his right hand a picture
is that they are hopeless from an orthoptic thrown on a slanting mirror which acts as a
standpoint. diaphragm visible only to the left eye.
Finally, there is the problem of vertical and There are many other devices, and they all
torsional deviations. In the former, the soldier have a place, if properly controlled, in a well
(using Grade I slides) is too high or too low appointed clinic. Slides should be used of those
for the hut. In the latter, he is seen to be things in which children are most interested.
leaning. Out of a group of 169 cases we had The more colour the better, and exercises should
11 with marked hyperphoria. The treatment never be continued to the point of boredom or
consists of: fatigue. This is particularly true of younger
1. Refraction.
children. To them orthoptics should combine
2. Get rid of suppression and false associated fixation. all the entertaining features of a picture show
3. Fusion exercises. and a game.

THE GAME OF GOLF.-Golf is a form of work made and a couple of apple trees or a lot of unfinished ex-'
expensive enough for business men and doctors to enjoy. cavation. The game is to get the ball from a given
point into each of the tin cups with the fewest number
It is what letter-carrying, ditch-digging and carpet- of strokes and the greatest number of words. The ball
beating would be if they all had to be performed on must not be thrown, pushed or carried. It must be
the same hot afternoon. The game is played on care- propelled by about $200 worth of curious looking imple-
fully manicured grass with little white balls and as many ments, especially designed to provoke the owner. After
clubs as the players can afford. A golf-course is 18 the final or 18th hole the golfer adds up the score and
holes, 17 of which are unnecessary and are put in to stops when he reaches 87. He then has a shower, a
make the game harder. A hole is a tin cup in the centre pint of rye, sings Sweet Adeline with. six or eight other
of the green. A green is a small parcel of grass costing liars and calls it a perfect day.-Bull. of Vancouver Med.
about $1.65 a blade and usually located between a brook Ass., Nov., 1941.

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