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Application for DevOps Coordinator 2019

Name: Nick:

Roll no.: Hostel:

Email: Room no.:

Department: ​Developer Operations Contact no.:

General Instructions: 
❏ Attend ​either​ the problem statements for Web or Android (your choice) 
❏ Try to complete ​as many questions as possible 
❏ If you are not able to solve the problem statements, feel free to ​contact us​ for any help 
❏ There are bonus points for a ​well​-structured and readable code 
❏ Do not copy code directly from the internet.  
Common Questions: 
● What do you think are the pros and cons of the Saarang 2018 Web and Mobile Apps (both Android 
and iOS)? 
● How do you think you can improve the present Web and Mobile Apps (both Android and iOS)? 
Suggest design and performance improvement to the existing apps or suggest new features). 
● Mention any work you have done related to Programming. What are the programming languages or 
frameworks that you know? 
● What makes you think that you are suitable for this position? Why do you wish to join Saarang 
Problem Statement for Web/iOS: 
● Attend both the problem statements 
● Share your github repo links for the problem statements in the application  
1. Navigation Menu Bar with Search Option: 
● Make a simple top navigation menu bar with a search bar 
● On typing in the search bar, a list of animals matching the title of the animals in the 
list should come as a drop-down 
● On clicking the item, the image of the animal with the title and a very short 
description of the animal should be rendered in the body 
Bonus Points: 
● Implement an instant search bar, i.e. when you start typing each character, the 
search filter must work 
● Use GET request to load the JSON 
● Incorporate simple animations wherever necessary 
● Responsive designs and good-looking 
2. Event Registration Form: 
● Make a simple registration form, where a user can register for an event 
● The user must be able select one event from a list of event options ( you can make your own 
● Make sure user inputs all the necessary data in the form (data which you feel is necessary 
for him to participate in the event) 
● Make sure your form validates your input and proper error messages are shown (i.e. the 
form should not be submitted if there is an error) 
● The form should be well structured and neat 
Bonus Points: 
● Make it responsive and good looking 
● Use AngularJS to validate the form 
● Highlight the portion of the form with errors (if any) 
Problem Statement for Android: 
● Your project name should be ​<Your roll number>_saarang_app 
● Share you project on github (go through ​​ ) 
● Watch these tutorials video in 1.5x speed before making the app ​​ (not 
necessary if you attend summer school) 
● You can hard code the data (text and images) given in the APIs provided for each question. But for 
bonus marks​, use ​networking ​to dynamically fetch the data (explained in the bonus section) 
● Attempt ​any one ​of these problem statements: 
1. Quiz Application: 
○ Program a simple application which conducts quizzes for the users 
○ The application should show question and its optional answers 
○ You can get the questions from 
○ Give 3 points to the user if his answer is correct and deduct 1 point if his answer is wrong. 
○ Use proper design guidelines (go through ​​) 
○ Wherever necessary use animations to make the app interactive (go through​) 
2. News Application: 
○ Program a simple application which shows top news to the users 
○ The application should show news list 
○ You can get the news from ​ 
○ Use proper design guidelines (go through ​​) 
○ Wherever necessary use animations to make the app interactive (go through​) 
3. Memes Application: 
○ Program a simple application which shows memes to the users 
○ The application should show memes list 
○ Add a button to save the memes in storage (go through​) 
○ You can get the memes from ​  
○ Use proper design guidelines (go through ​​) 
○ Wherever necessary use animations to make the app interactive (go through​) 
Bonus Points: 
❏ Use networking to fetch the data from internet dynamically (go through​) 
❏ Use third party libraries like Picasso or Glide to download images from the URLs into the 
Picasso - ​ 
Glide - ​ 
❏ Make the app source readable (go through ​​ ) 
❏ Make the app more interesting by adding your own features and design 
❏ Attempt more than one problem statement 
<>Feel free to contact us for any help</> 
<>All the best</> 
Shafeef Omar (Web and IOS app) - 8547969069 | 
Joey Dash (Android app) - 9435840783 | 

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