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Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18

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A novel approach for automated land partitioning using genetic

Hüseyin HAKLI∗, Harun UĞUZ
Department of Computer Engineering, Selcuk University, 42075 Konya, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Land consolidation is an important tool to prevent land fragmentation and enhance agricultural produc-
Received 17 December 2016 tivity. Land partitioning is one of the most significant problems within the land consolidation process.
Revised 16 February 2017
This process is related to the subdivision of a block having non-uniform geometric shapes. Land partition-
Accepted 22 March 2017
ing determines the location of new land parcels and is a complex problem containing many conflicting
Available online 2 April 2017
demands, so conventional programming techniques are not sufficient for this NP optimization problem.
Keywords: Therefore, it is necessary to have an intelligent system with a standard decision-making mechanism capa-
Genetic algorithm ble of processing many criteria simultaneously and evaluating a number of different solutions in a short
Automated land partitioning time. To overcome this problem and accelerate the land partitioning process, we proposed automated
Optimization land partitioning using a genetic algorithm (ALP-GA). Besides the parcel’s size, shape and land value, the
Land consolidation proposed method evaluates fixed facilities, and the degree and location of cadastral parcels to generate
a land partitioning plan. The proposed method automated the land partitioning process using an intelli-
gent system and was implemented over a real project area. Experimental study shows that the proposed
method is more successful and efficient than the designer with respect to the results meeting the objec-
tive function. In addition, the land partition process is greatly simplified by the proposed method.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction LC traditionally consists of many stages, and is a long and la-

borious process. Land reallocation, the most important process in
Agriculture forms the basic economic and social sector neces- land consolidation, is split into two sub-processes: land redistribu-
sary to sustain human life. In spite of increases in the human pop- tion and land partitioning (Demetriou, Stillwell, & See, 2012). Both
ulation, the total area of farmland has remained stable. Also, due of these stages are complex, time consuming and challenging parts
to land fragmentation, the efficiency of farmland has decreased of the LC process (Rosman, 2012; Uyan, Cay, Inceyol, & Hakli, 2015).
day by day. This situation will get worse unless land consolida- In land reallocation, blocks are formed in the project area at the
tion and urban transformation projects can solve this problem block-planning stage, while land redistribution is related to deter-
(FAO, 2003). Land consolidation (LC) is the most useful land man- mining blocks of cadastral parcels, and land partitioning deals with
agement approach for solving land fragmentation (Hakli, Uguz, & determining the locations of these new parcels inside that block.
Cay, 2016). The demand for LC arises in many countries where Land partitioning is the final stage of LC and directly affects the
there is a need to readjust roads and water canals, consolidate success of the whole process.
small and inefficient land parcels, and promote the appropriate Currently, a land partitioning plan is generated manually with
use of the property without changing the status of ownership respect to strict criteria and rules by a designer with the help
(Vitikainen, 2004). LC is not just an excellent tool to implement of computer software. The designer is a human land partition-
rural development projects but it also allows for the improvement ing expert. This process take up a considerable amount of time
of agricultural structures, the implementation of nature and envi- – possibly weeks or months – depending on the structure of the
ronmental projects, and the incorporation of national and local in- project, the size of the project area and the number and exper-
frastructure projects (Pasakarnis & Maliene, 2008). tise of designers on the project (Hakli et al., 2016). Furthermore,
a land partitioning plan will most likely vary depending on the
knowledge and skill of the designers. It is difficult for designers

Corresponding author.
to carry out this process because ideally it includes many contra-
E-mail addresses: (H. HAKLI), dictory criteria. There are insufficient designers using conventional
(H. UĞUZ). methods to perform ideal land partitioning plans. While there are
0957-4174/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. HAKLI, H. UĞUZ / Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18 11

studies to automate the land redistribution stage, such as math- duction of a pre-land partitioning plan is realized using both a bi-
ematical models (Ayranci, 2007), fuzzy logic (Cay & Iscan, 2011), nary search method and the Delaunay triangulation method, tak-
decision-support machines (Uyan, Cay, & Akcakaya, 2013) and ge- ing into consideration, shape, size, value and road access criteria.
netic algorithms (Uyan et al., 2015), there are few studies to au- The result of the previous study produced a basis for an ideal land
tomate the land partitioning stage. Rosman (2012), proposed two partitioning plan which meets all the criteria. In addition to this,
approaches containing different sets of constraints to form par- to generate an ideal land partitioning plan, the location of new
cel boundaries with respect to distance, fixed facilities and exist- parcels inside the block is determined with respect to fixed facili-
ing parcels. To support the designer, Buis and Vingerhoeds pre- ties, and the location and degree of cadastral parcels. In this study,
sented a semi-automatic system combining a knowledge-base with a new approach is proposed to automatically generate ideal land
GIS (Buis & Vingerhoeds, 1996). Tourino et al. carried out the land partitioning using a genetic algorithm with respect to all the pre-
partitioning stage automatically using a regional-growth algorithm viously mentioned criteria. The proposed method is implemented
and simulated annealing techniques (Tourino et al., 2003). Firstly, for a real project area on which an LC process has already been
locations of new parcels were determined by a domain growth completed. The land partitioning plan is obtained automatically in
and merging process, and then a refinement of the shapes of hours with the proposed method. Experimental results show that
new parcels were completed with a simulated annealing technique. the proposed method’s land partitioning plan is more successful
Also, Tourino et al. implemented their system for two different pi- than the designer’s plan with respect to the objective function.
lot project areas instead of sample blocks, unlike the other stud- Also, the proposed method significantly reduced the computation
ies in published literature. Although the results of Tourino et al.’s time to generate a suitable land partitioning plan.
study are sufficient to a degree, some of LC’s criteria, such as fixed The rest of the paper is arranged as follows: The Materials and
facilities, were not considered. Also, Demetriou et al. stated that Method (Section 2) defines the land partitioning problem and the
Tourino’s method is more dependent on block shapes and the size basic genetic algorithm concept. The proposed approach is imple-
of the cadastral parcels (Demetriou, See, & Stillwell, 2013). Tourino mented for a land partitioning problem in Section 3. The perfor-
et al. did not mention computation times for their method; the mance of the proposed method is also investigated and compared
refinement of the sample block of five parcels was completed in with the results of a designer in Section 4. Finally, the conclusions
10,0 0 0 stages using a simulated annealing technique. Demetriou and future direction for our work is given in Section 5.
et al. automated the land partitioning stage by designing and op-
timizing land parcels with respect to their shape, size and value. 2. Materials and method
In their study, a genetic algorithm (GA) was used with single and
multi-objective approaches. Their method was implemented for 2.1. The land partitioning problem
two sample blocks having six parcels: 3 hectares (block I) and 10
parcels: 5 hectares (block II). The calculation time was 4.8 h for The blocks and sizes of new parcels are determined in the land
block I and 12 h for block II in terms of the parcel’s shape only. redistribution phase. The output data from land redistribution is
Despite the fact that these results are a step forward for land parti- used as input to the land partitioning (Demetriou et al., 2013). The
tioning, they need more improvement with regard to the accuracy location of each new parcel inside its block is decided in the land
of results and the calculation time. Furthermore, when Demetriou partitioning process. In other words, land partitioning includes the
et al.’s method is implemented for a real project area, the calcu- subdivision of blocks into smaller land parcels to generate the final
lation time would be not acceptable for the land partitioning pro- land reallocation plan (Demetriou et al., 2013).
cess. Cadastral parcels: The current parcels in the project area before
Although results of studies in literature are promising, new ap- land consolidation.
proaches are needed for this process to reduce the computation Block: The project area is divided into subareas by surrounding
time, to consider the important criteria of the land partitioning roads, irrigation channels etc. Each subarea represents a block.
process and to achieve the ideal land partitioning plan. A parcel’s Fixed facilities: Such as buildings, wells, orchards, glasshouses
shape, size, land value and road access are indispensable criteria etc. Due to the fact that fixed facilities are unmovable, parcels con-
for land partitioning. In our previous study (Hakli et al., 2016), pro- taining fixed facilities are very important to the landowner.

--- Primary design axis

--- Secondary design axis

Fig. 1. The design axes and subdivision of two sample blocks.

12 H. HAKLI, H. UĞUZ / Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18

1. Check starting conditions,

2. Select a block; stop if all blocks are completed,
3. Select a new parcel from the pool of new parcels of the block,
4. Select a suitable location for the new parcel,
5. Form a boundary,
6. Check the pool for unselected parcels until the all parcels of the block have been selected.

Fig. 2. Summary of the land partitioning process (Rosman, 2012).

Fig. 3. Degree map of project area (Alanozu Town).

Land value (or degree): The quality of the parcel within the is separated into subareas with respect to a degree map. Fig. 3
project area varies with regard to several criteria such as location, shows that degree map for the project area. For detailed informa-
productivity, soil etc. Therefore, each parcel has a land degree. tion about the degree map, please refer to (Hakli et al., 2016). For
Real size of parcel: Real size of parcel is the known size of the ease of calculation, the size of all cadastral parcels are transformed
parcel. into 1st degree size for the land redistribution process.
1st degree size of parcel: Due to the different degree value of In our previous study, a pre-land partitioning plan is extracted
each parcel, all parcels are converted into 1st degree parcels for with respect to a parcel’s size, shape, land value (or degree) and
ease of computation. The 1st degree size of a parcel is calculated road access. These criteria are not enough for generating an ideal
by Eq. (1). If the degree of the parcel is 1, the real size of the parcel and suitable land partitioning plan. Fixed facilities, and the degree
is equal to the 1st degree size. and location of cadastral parcels are important and they are signif-
icant criteria for the land partitioning process. The detailed expla-
1st Degree size o f parcel = Parcel Degree ∗ Parcel Size (1)
nation of these criteria is given below:
Firstly, the design axes of each block are determined according Fixed facilities: The new parcels generated during land parti-
to the block’s inclination (Rosman, 2012). The direction and shape tioning have to cover the fixed facilities of the landowners. If this
of the sub-division is determined with these design axes. Fig. 1 condition is not met, the loss to the landowner would be huge.
shows the design axes and land partitioning of two sample blocks. The landowner’s fixed facilities must remain inside the new par-
The primary design axis represents the direction of the subdivision. cel because they are unmovable. Keeping fixed facilities accurately
The new parcels are generally positioned parallel to the secondary inside the parcel is of primary concern and an important criterion
design axis. The designer simply determines the primary design for land partitioning.
axis and divides the new parcels as he/she wants with the help Degree of cadastral parcels: The degree of a landowner’s
of software. The designer enters the size of the parcel individually cadastral parcels is supposed to be close to the degree of the
and selects the direction of division; the software only performs landowner’s new parcel. If the degree of the new parcel is sig-
the division of the parcel as the designer wants. The land parti- nificantly smaller than the degree of the cadastral parcel, the
tioning generally starts from the bottom of the block and requires landowner will be aggrieved.
the designer to redo the whole process if he/she wants to reform For the exact opposite situation, one landowner will have
it (Hakli et al., 2016). The land partitioning process is summarized an advantage, but the other landowners will have been unfairly
in Fig. 2 (Rosman, 2012). treated. Therefore, this criterion is important to ensure equality be-
Generally, the quality of land is not all the same in the project tween landowners.
area. It depends on its suitability for agriculture, its proximity to Location of cadastral parcels: The landowner’s new parcels of
the center of a village, the minerals it contains etc. Therefore, a are supposed to be located on their cadastral parcels as much
degree map is generated for each project area. The project area
H. HAKLI, H. UĞUZ / Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18 13

as possible. Thus, landowners will keep their previous locations the sum of the landowner’s cadastral parcel areas in the ith par-
where possible. cel inside the new parcel. Eq. (3) indicates the percentage of the
area that the new parcel covers, after the land partitioning, in re-
2.2. Genetic algorithm gard to the landowner’s cadastral parcels falling into the current
block. The evaluation process is the same as the fixed facilities
GA was first introduced by Holland (1975) and was inspired by criterion.
natural adaptation. Since then, Goldberg’s study (Goldberg, 1989)
Degree o f cadastral parcels : C3 = abs(ADC Pi − DN Pi ) (4)
showed that GA has been used in many fields where it tries
to generate the optimum solution using crossover and mutation where ADCPi represents the average degree of cadastral parcels
operations. The basic principle of GA is to create new genera- which makes up the ith parcel, and DNPi is the degree of the new
tions by using strong individuals, and eliminating weak individuals, parcel after the land partitioning. The degree of the new parcel
to obtain better solutions. Individuals are modified by crossover formed after land partitioning is subtracted from the average de-
and mutation operations in the same way as biological evolu- gree of cadastral parcels in the new parcel – formed by the merger
tion. Thus, GA gets rid of local minima by providing a diversity of the one or more cadastral parcels after the land redistribution
of population. GA is increasingly used in many real-world prob- phase. For instance, suppose that a new parcel is formed by the
lems and engineering, such as scheduling problems (Asadzadeh, consolidation of 4 cadastral parcels and that the average degree
2015; Casas, Taheri, Ranjan, Wang, & Zomaya, 2016), designing of these cadastral parcels is 0.83. The degree of the new parcel
packing systems (Thomas & Chaudhari, 2014), facility layout prob- granted after land partitioning is 0.78. So, for this situation, the
lems (Pourvaziri & Naderi, 2014), planning patient transport ser- result is abs(0.78 − 0.83) = 0.05.
vices (Fogue, et al., 2016), face recognition systems (Sukhija, Behal, The sum of the three specified functions gives us the objective
& Singh, 2016), forest fire spread prediction (Denham, Wendt, Bian- function:
chini, Cortes, & Margalef, 2012), land use planning (Porta, Parapar,
Ob jective F unction = (C1 ∗ 2 ) + C2 + C3 (5)
Doallo, Rivera, Sante, & Crecente, 2013) and filtering problems (Ar
& Bostanci, 2016) etc. Due to their simple structure, ease of im-
plementation and direct use in discrete problems, GA is used for 3.2. The implementation of GA for land partitioning
this land partitioning problem. For detailed information about GA,
please refer to (Goldberg, 1989; Holland, 1975). The input data for the land partitioning is the size of parcels
and number of parcels for each block. Land partitioning is per-
3. Automated land partitioning using the genetic algorithm formed sequentially and separately for each block with the genetic
(ALP-GA) algorithm. A flowchart of the proposed method is given in Fig. 4,
showing the GA implementation steps.
The land partitioning problem is time-consuming, laborious and
contains many conflicting criteria. Because of this, there are insuffi- 3.2.1. Step 1. Determining the initial population
cient designers using conventional methods to generate ideal land Each parcel within the block has a unique id number. The ini-
partitioning plans. In this study, the genetic algorithm is used to tial population is randomly generated using these id numbers with
evaluate simultaneously conflicting criteria and to reduce the com- permutation coding. The dimensions of the population are equal to
putation time for the land partitioning problem. the number of parcels within the current block. Fig. 5 shows the
initial sample population for the 164 numbered blocks containing
3.1. The objective function 19 parcels.
There are ten individuals (or chromosomes) and ten different
To implement GA for this problem, the objective function is de- land partitioning plans for the 164 numbered blocks in Fig. 5. If
termined from the aforementioned land partitioning criteria. The we examine the candidate solution for the tenth chromosome, first
objective function is very important to the success of the algo- parcel numbered 3 is allocated and then the parcels are allocated
rithm and has to make an accurate assessment for different land in sequence and numbered 4, 19, 5… 12, 18, 2. So, a land partition-
partitioning plans. Land partitioning plans are evaluated using the ing plan is obtained for this block. GA tries to improve this initial
objective function with three different criteria: fixed facilities, the population and to seek a more optimal candidate solution with re-
degree of cadastral parcels and the location of cadastral parcels. spect to the objective function. Alongside the id number, the coor-
dinates of the new parcels within the block are needed to evaluate
F ixed f acilities : C1 = (AF F Bi − AF F N Pi ) /AF F Bi (2)
the objective function. All the other necessary information is kept
where AFFBi represents the fixed facilities area of the in a separate population.
landowner’s ith parcel inside the block and AFFNPi is the fixed fa-
cilities area of the landowner’s ith parcel inside the new parcel. 3.2.2. Step 2. Evaluating the initial population
Eq. (2) shows the percentage of the area the new parcel covers The fitness value is calculated for each chromosome using the
after land partitioning with regard to the landowner’s fixed facil- objective function to determine the quality of the candidate solu-
ities falling within the current block. This criterion is of primary tions.
importance for land partitioning. To increase the influence of this
criterion on the objective function, the resulting value is multi- 3.2.3. Step 3. Elitism
plied by two. For instance, suppose that the fixed facilities area Candidate solutions are sequenced by their fitness value. A
of a landowner is 20 0 0 m2 inside the current block. We granted a small proportion of the fittest candidates are copied into the next
new parcel to this landowner covering 1500 m2 of the fixed facil- generation without modification. Elitism is performed to retain the
ities. So, in this situation, the result is (20 0 0 − 150 0)/20 0 0 = 0.25. best chromosomes and to increase the performance of the GA.
This result is then multiplied by two.
3.2.4. Step 4. Generating the new population with natural selection
Location o f cadastral parcels : C2 = (C PABi − C PAN Pi ) /C PABi (3)
In natural selection, while the strong individuals survive, the
where CPABi is the sum of the landowner’s cadastral parcel others will not. Natural selection may be achieved by different
areas in the ith parcel inside the block, and CPANPi stands for methods. The most commonly used natural selection methods are
14 H. HAKLI, H. UĞUZ / Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18

3.2.5. Step 5. Crossover

The population diversity is provided by crossover and mutation
operations. There are different crossover techniques, and the one-
point crossover technique is used in the proposed method. Firstly,
parent individuals are randomly selected within the population. A
crossover point is randomly generated and id numbers from the
beginning of the chromosome to the crossover point are copied
from the first parent; the rest is copied from the second parent.
But, the child chromosome is not suitable for permutation cod-
ing. So, id numbers from the beginning of the chromosome to the
crossover point are copied from one parent and the rest are respec-
tively added on the condition that it has not already been passed
to the child from the other parent. A sample crossover operation is
seen in Fig. 6.

3.2.6. Step 6. Mutation

Some genes of the child individuals obtained by crossover op-
erations are mutated to increase the diversity of the population.
Normally, one gene is selected in the chromosome and generated
randomly in the search space. Due to permutation coding, two
genes are randomly selected in the chromosome and their posi-
tions swapped. Fig. 7. shows a sample mutation operation.

3.2.7. Step 7. Evaluating the new population

New candidate land partitioning plans are generated with re-
spect to the new population’s id numbers. Then, these candidate
solutions are evaluated with the objective function. Until the ter-
mination condition is met, steps 3 to 7 are repeated.

3.2.8. Step 8. Terminating the algorithm

If the maximum number of iterations is met, the algorithm is
terminated and the best solution is reported.

4. Experimental results and discussion

In this study, all the experiments were run on a machine with

an Intel Core i7 3.50 GHz CPU, 16 GB RAM and Windows 8 oper-
ating system, and the codes were implemented using Matlab 2014
Fig. 4. Flowchart of the proposed method.
The proposed method was implemented over a real project
area. The town of Alanozu – whose LC process had already been
roulette wheel selection and tournament selection. For the pro- completed and used in a few previous studies – was selected as
posed method, roulette wheel selection was used. In this method, the project area (Hakli et al., 2016; Uyan et al., 2013; Uyan et al.,
the probability of being selected is determined for each individ- 2015). The size of the project area is about 109 ha and it contains
ual with respect to fitness value, and the probabilities of being 18 blocks. For further information about the study area, please re-
selected are collected cumulatively. A random number is gener- fer to Uyan et al. (2013).
ated at interval [0, 1]. The individual which has the smallest cu- For the experimental results, the population and iteration num-
mulative value greater than the random number is then selected. bers were determined to be 20 and 50, respectively. The muta-
The process is repeated until the desired number of individuals tion ratio was taken to be 0.1, while the crossover ratio was 0.8.
has been obtained. Individuals with high quality fitness have a The dimension number for each block was equal to the number of
higher probability of being selected and will be selected more parcels in that block. Each gene in a chromosome represents one
times. parcel. Moreover, positional information for each parcel is kept.

Fig. 5. Initial sample population for 164 numbered blocks.

H. HAKLI, H. UĞUZ / Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18 15

Fig. 6. A sample crossover operation.

Fig. 7. A sample mutation operation.

Table 1
The experimental results of ALP-GA.

Blocks Number of parcels Results of objective function Time (s)

Worst Best Avg. Std. dev. Worst Best Avg. Std. dev.

149 5 1.68 1.68 1.68 0.00 82.86 73.80 79.77 3.56

150 7 2.04 1.85 1.92 0.10 212.27 162.91 193.62 19.15
151 10 4.59 3.90 4.20 0.29 497.56 392.53 434.54 43.45
152 11 5.52 4.89 5.15 0.24 435.55 384.29 406.03 22.58
153 16 11.31 10.05 10.51 0.48 836.83 717.04 794.85 48.28
154 20 15.92 14.95 15.35 0.36 1256.08 991.21 1103.81 97.66
155 25 20.67 18.82 19.64 0.69 3170.37 2928.77 3097.54 103.92
156 24 12.68 11.47 11.92 0.46 1763.51 1554.93 1642.29 79.81
157 24 15.16 12.85 14.11 0.87 1489.06 1300.30 1387.36 74.56
158 33 29.10 27.75 28.47 0,58 4221.25 3987.63 4097.14 89.75
159 20 15.61 14.79 15.17 0.36 2276.57 1906.63 2131.23 158.00
160 15 9.31 6.89 8.04 1.18 2558.78 2014.88 2246.11 228.24
161 15 13.91 11.43 12.91 0.93 2271.50 1944.30 2146.24 149.05
162 21 22.20 19.56 20.75 0.98 3097.85 2243.32 2786.15 375.74
163 16 15.53 14.42 15.07 0.44 2740.58 2190.05 2484.36 239.76
164 19 19.83 16.42 18.11 1.29 1845.16 1501.93 1706.42 176.61
165 21 17.58 16.00 16.87 0.72 2661.56 2566.67 2615.07 43.92
166 1 – – – – – – – –
Total 303 231.51 205.97 219.03 10.55 31,417.34 26,815.63 29,255.43 1946.62

Because it takes time to calculate the degree, the fixed facility the best, worst and average results of the objective function and
and cadastral parcel for each gene by using the proposed objec- the time for the 5 runs. Also, standard deviations for the objec-
tive function, the population and iteration numbers were set low tive function and time values are included in Table 1. The proposed
to finish the experiment in a reasonable time. When the positions method was not applied to 166 numbered blocks – and is not in-
of two genes in the chromosome were changed through mutation, cluded in the process – because it contained only one parcel.
the positions of other parcels are affected and modified by that When examining Table 1, the standard deviation values of the
change. Thus, the newly obtained land partitioning plan needs to objective function – except for two blocks (160 and 164 – are
be evaluated according to the new positions of each parcel. A fit- less than 1. This shows us that the proposed method is highly ro-
ness value for each parcel in the block is calculated by the objec- bust when applied to the land partitioning problem. A 109 hectare
tive function for the specified three criteria and then summed. The study area containing 18 blocks was completed in approximately
chromosome having the minimum fitness value reveals the best eight hours with the proposed method. Thus, the land partition-
solution. Selection of the chromosomes was determined using the ing process was reduced from weeks to hours. In addition, stan-
roulette wheel technique for crossover. Furthermore, elitism was dard deviation values of the time are not high, so the ALP-GA
performed to transfer the best solution obtained from each itera- shows consistency in the completion time for the land partitioning
tion to the next population without being subject to crossover or process.
mutation operations, and the elitism ratio was determined to be The best land partitioning plan obtained by the proposed
0.1. Therefore, the best 2 out of 20 chromosomes, in terms of suit- method from 5 runs was compared to the land partitioning plan
ability, were directly transferred to the next population. of a designer according to the objective function. The comparison
The proposed method was run five times to test the robustness results are given in Table 2 for each block. Table 2 shows the de-
and show the validity of the results for each block. Table 1 shows tailed results of the objective function for both plans.
16 H. HAKLI, H. UĞUZ / Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18

Table 2
The comparison of the land partitioning plan of a designer and ALP-GA with respect to the detailed results of the objective functions.

Blocks Number of parcel Detailed results of objective function

Designer ALP-GA (Best run)

Fixed Fac. Location of Cad. Par Degree of Cad. Par Total Fixed Fac Location of Cad. Par Degree of Cad. Par Total

149 5 0.00 2.30 0.04 2.34 0.00 1.64 0.04 1.68

150 7 1.09 1.12 0.00 2.21 0.89 0.96 0.00 1.85
151 10 0.00 5.44 0.00 5.44 0.00 3.90 0.00 3.90
152 11 0.00 5.00 0.03 5.03 0.00 4.86 0.03 4.89
153 16 0.00 12.10 0.26 12.36 0.00 9.79 0.26 10.05
154 20 0.00 14.96 0.83 15.79 0.00 14.22 0.73 14.95
155 25 2.00 16.82 1.13 19.95 0.14 17.60 1.08 18.82
156 24 0.00 12.43 1.08 13.51 0.00 10.40 1.07 11.47
157 24 2.00 14.52 1.38 17.89 0.00 11.50 1.35 12.85
158 33 0.25 25.92 4.97 31.15 0.00 24.11 3.64 27.75
159 20 0.00 13.25 2.61 15.86 0.00 12.53 2.26 14.79
160 15 0.82 10.54 0.47 11.83 0.57 5.99 0.33 6.89
161 15 1.34 11.28 1.58 14.20 2.78 7.20 1.45 11.43
162 21 2.04 15.46 3.07 20.57 2.03 14.76 2.77 19.56
163 16 6.03 10.22 2.79 19.04 2.54 9.50 2.38 14.42
164 19 2.75 14.46 1.61 18.82 1.40 13.33 1.69 16.42
165 21 0.00 15.84 2.76 18.60 0.00 13.26 2.74 16.00
166 1 – – – – – – – –
Total 303 18.32 201.66 24.61 244.59 12.47 172.8 20.67 205.97

The block number, the number of parcels for each block, sep- while the ALP-GA satisfied the fixed facilities criteria by tolerating
arate (fixed facilities, the location of cadastral parcels and the de- the placement of cadastral parcels and therefore decrease the fit-
gree of cadastral parcels) and collective results for the objective ness value. The ALP-GA identified a solution– that a designer may
function of the designer and the ALP-GA are shown in Table 2. never consider – from many solutions, on time using the GA algo-
As we see in Table 2, the proposed method obtained better re- rithm. Moreover, low standard deviation values related to the cal-
sults than the designer for all blocks with respect to the total re- culation time and the results, as shown in Table 1, revealed the
sults for the objective function. In addition, the proposed method robustness and utility of the technique. So, according to an overall
is considerably more successful than the designer in properly eval- assessment of all of the experimental results, we can say that the
uating fixed facilities, except for 161 numbered blocks. The fitness land partitioning plan produced by the proposed method is more
value for the land partitioning plan performed by the proposed suitable and more complete than the designer’s plan.
method was found to be 205.97, while the overall fitness obtained A directly comparison of methods used in different countries
for the plan performed by the designer was 244.69. It is not pos- for the land partitioning problem on the same study area is not
sible for the designer to take into consideration all criteria simul- possible due to differences in law, data and evaluation. How-
taneously. By comparison, the ALP-GA performs complex compu- ever, studies can be compared in terms of structure, the consid-
tation, controls the determined criteria concurrently and appraises ered criteria and the calculation time. In the studies performed
many solutions in a short time. When the total and individual re- by Tourino et al. (2003) and Demetriou et al. (2013), locations
sults are examined for each block with respect to the aforemen- of parcels in the block were determined using various techniques
tioned criteria in Table 2, the ALP-GA outperforms the designer ex- and then the shapes of these parcels were corrected. Tourino used
cept for a few blocks. a domain growth strategy to determine the locations of parcels,
The criterion for fixed facilities is of primary importance com- and the correction of parcel shapes was done using a simu-
pared to the others. Fig. 8 shows that the designer’s, and the pro- lated annealing method. Demetriou used Thiessen polygons and
posed method’s, land partitioning plan for 155, 163 and 164 num- GA, respectively. In the proposed method, parcel shapes were de-
bered blocks. In addition, fixed facilities and the area of the fixed termined correctly and directly by finding the center of gravity
facilities settled in the accurate parcel for these blocks is given in of the block and no correction steps were performed. Tourino’s
Fig. 8. method is strongly dependent on the size of cadastral parcels
With the 155 numbered blocks, while the fixed facility is not and the shapes of blocks because it is performed on cadastral
covered with the right parcel by the designer, the ALP-GA does parcels (Demetriou et al., 2013). On the other hand, in Demetriou’s
place the parcel correctly for the fixed facility. ALP-GA is more suc- method, for single-purpose optimization (parcel shapes) – even if
cessful than the designer with respect to settling the area of fixed results reached an optimum value for both blocks when multi-
facilities in the right parcels for 163 and 164 numbered blocks. purpose optimization with two or three criteria was used – the re-
In this study, a system – that can evaluate and measure land sults revealed a different outcome depending on the complexity of
partitioning plans – was prepared by using the proposed objective the block, and it diverged from the optimum as the complexity of
function according to three criteria determined by experts. Land the blocks increased. ALP-GA comes into prominence at this point
consolidation process was done for Alanozu Village in 2008 and because it is independent of block and cadastral parcels. However,
the land partitioning plan was prepared by a designer. The land the proposed method completes land partitioning in one direction
partitioning plan prepared by the designer was compared with the only, while other methods can perform land partitioning in differ-
land partitioning plan obtained by the ALP-GA using the objective ent directions.
function, and the proposed method was shown to be more suc- When the criteria considered by the methods are evaluated,
cessful. When Table 2 is examined, the ability of the proposed Demetriou considered only basic criteria for land partitioning, such
method to simultaneously evaluate conflicting criteria in can be as parcel area, shape and value. These criteria are essential for
observed in the results obtained for a block number of 155. The a land partitioning plan to be valid. For example, if you do not
designer has 2 points for not satisfying the fixed facilities criteria, correctly determine the area of a parcel, the parcel plan is not
H. HAKLI, H. UĞUZ / Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18 17

Border of parcels

Border of fixed facilities

Area of the fixed facilities s

settled in the right parcel

(a) (b)

(1) 155 numbered blocks

(a) (b)

(2) 163 numbered blocks

(a) (b)
(3) 164 numbered block

Fig. 8. Comparing designer (a) and ALP-GA (b) with respect to settling fixed facilities in the three sample blocks.

considered and evaluated. Tourino ignored the fixed facilities cri- method spent 4.8 h for a block of 3 ha with six parcels and 12 h
teria, but determined extra different criteria. The main goal here for a block of 5 ha with ten parcels. On the other hand, the pro-
is to determine what criteria are taken into account and how they posed method completed land partitioning of all the study area of
are assessed while the land partitioning plan realized by experts. 109 ha with 333 parcels and 18 blocks in 8 h. ALP-GA is superior
In this study, the GA method with proposed objective function was to Demetriou’s study in terms of time. There are limited numbers
used to obtain land partitioning plan that is close to the ideal, not of studies on land partitioning in the literature, these studies are
just considering the basic conditions. In the ALP-GA, the criteria important and form a basis for future studies.
included fixed facilities, the location and degree of the cadastral
parcels in addition to shape, area and value of parcels. Demetrio’s 5. Conclusion and future work
study remains insufficient at this stage and needs to be developed
in terms of criteria. The proposed method does not take into ac- In this study, a new approach was proposed to automate the
count any neighboring relationship criteria mentioned in Tourino’s land partitioning process. Besides the parcel’s size, shape and land
study. For the application area, while Tourino’s study and ALP-GA value, the proposed method evaluates fixed facilities, the degree
used the whole project area, Demetriou applied his method to only and location of cadastral parcels using a genetic algorithm to gen-
two blocks. erate ideal land partitioning plans. The proposed method was im-
Finally, algorithms were compared according to calculation time plemented over a real project area and compared with a de-
by considering study area sizes. Although Tourino did not mention signer’s solution. Experimental results showed that a land parti-
any time criteria, 10,0 0 0 stages were necessary for a block with tion plan produced by the ALP-GA is adequate and more success-
5 parcels using the simulated annealing technique. The Demetriou ful than the designer’s plan with respect to the objective func-
18 H. HAKLI, H. UĞUZ / Expert Systems With Applications 82 (2017) 10–18

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