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Int ern a tio na l Jo u rna l of Appli ed R esea rch 201 6; 2(5): 926 -9 3 4

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 5.2 A study on quality of work life among the employees
IJAR 2016; 2(5): 926-934
of a leading pharmaceuticals limited company of
Received: 03-03-2016
Accepted: 04-04-2016
Vadodara district
Dr. Yogesh Jain
Professor, Academic Dr. Yogesh Jain and Renil Thomas
Coordinator, Maharaja Group
of Colleges, Udaipur,
Rajasthan, India.
Quality of Work Life has always gained attention of the researchers all time, as both the words
Renil Thomas ‘Quality’ and ‘Worklife’ are necessary in the world and share a greater value to the institution. It is
Research Scholar, Pacific believed that they have a positive correlation but at times they are questioned because many factors
University, Udaipur, affect their correlativity. In this study we have surveyed 70 employees of a leading pharmaceutical
Rajasthan, India. company of Vadodara district to understand the relation among the quadrant mentioned by Walton.
This is a Descriptive study. For the purpose of research on quality of work life, we devised an extensive
structured questionnaire using a four point likert scale categorically dividing 70 statements varying
from demographic to eight quadrants of work life.

Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment, Social relevance of work life,

Constitutionalisation in the work organization, Job security, career development, pharmaceutical
companies, pharmaceutical companies in India, Quality of Work life, Work life

In the earlier times, organisations strived to increase production by pressuring the human
element. They did use the advanced technology of their time, but resorted mainly on manual
labour. Hence the labour was pathetically treated at the cost of advanced technology. Even
there were instances when owners were ready to invest more on the development of their
technology at the cost of manual labour. Such delineation created a negative impact of the
working environment of the employees.
With the progress of time and technology world cornered itself to computers, but still at the
lower level the pressure on the labour stayed. Over a period of time psychologist and
management thinkers came to understand various illnesses which were created by man due to
lack of quality time at work or can be said a lack of quality of work life. Many work related
diseases were found over a period of time which was deeply rooted in the physical work
conditions of the employee.

The QWL as strategy of Human Resource Management has assumed increasing interest and
importance. Many other terms have come to be used interchangeably with QWL such as
‘humanizations of work’ ‘quality of working life, ‘industrial democracy’ and ‘participative
work’. There are divergent views as to the exact meaning of QWL.
A few definitions given by eminent authors on QWL are given below:

According to the American Society of Training and Development

“QWL is a process of work organisations which enable its members at all levels to actively;
participate in shaping the organizations environment, methods and outcomes. This value
Correspondence based process is aimed towards meeting the twin goals of enhanced effectiveness of
Dr. Yogesh Jain organisations and improved quality of life at work for employees (Chand, 2012) [5].
Professor, Academic
Coordinator, Maharaja Group According to Nadler and Lawler
of Colleges, Udaipur, “QWL is a way of thinking about people, work and organisations, its distinctive elements are
Rajasthan, India.

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(i) a concern about the impact of work on people as well as and the extent to which work experiences are rewarding,
on organisational effectiveness, and fulfilling and devoid of stress and other negative personal
(ii) The idea of participation in organisational problem- consequences.
solving and decision making (Chand, 2012) [5]. The term “Quality of Work Life” (QWL) was first
introduced in 1972 during an international labour relations
According to Fred Luthans conference. QWL received more attention after ‘United
The overriding purpose of QWL is to change the climate at Auto Workers’ and ‘General motors’ initiated a QWL
work so that the human – technological - organisational program for work reforms.
interface leads to a better quality of work life (Chand, 2012) Quality of Work Life (QWL) has been well recognized as a
. multi-dimensional construct and it may not be universal or
eternal. The key concepts captured and discussed in the
According to Beinum existing literature include job security, better reward
“QWL is based on a general approach and an organisation systems, higher pay, opportunity for growth, participative
approach. The general approach includes all those factors groups, and increased organizational productivity, among
affecting the physical, social, economic, psychological and others.
cultural well-being of workers, while the organisational Quality of Work Life (QWL) can also be defined as the
approach refers to the redesign and operation of favorable conditions and environments of a workplace that
organisations in accordance with the value of democratic support and promote employee satisfaction by providing
society (Chand, 2012) [5]. them with rewards, job security, and growth opportunities.
The defining of quality of work life involves there major
According to J. Richard and J. Loy parts:
QWL is “the degree to which members of a work 1. Occupational health care,
organisation are able to satisfy important personnel needs 2. Suitable working time and
through their experience in the organisation.” 3. Appropriate salary.

According to Robbins (1989) The safe work environment provides the basis for the person
It is “a process by which an organization responds to to enjoy working. The work should not pose a health hazard
employee needs by developing mechanisms to allow them to for the person. The employer and employee, aware of their
share fully in making the decisions that design their lives at risks and rights, could achieve a lot in their mutually
work” beneficial dialogue.
From the definitions given above, it can be concluded that There has been much concern today about decent wages,
QWL is concerned with taking care of the higher-order convenient working hours, convenient working conditions
needs of employees in addition to their basic needs. The etc. The term “Quality of Work Life” has appeared in
overall climate of work place is adjusted in such a way that research journals and the press in USA only in 1970s. There
it produces more humanized jobs. is no generally acceptable definition about this term.
QWL is viewed as that umbrella under which employees However, attempts were made to describe the term quality
feel fully satisfied with the working environment and extend of work life (QWL). Quality of work life improvements are
their wholehearted co-operation and support to the defined as any activity which takes place at every level of an
management to improve productivity and work organisation, which seeks greater organisational
environment. effectiveness through the enhancement of human dignity
Quality of Work Life (QWL) has become a philosophy, a and growth, a process through which the stockholders in the
set of principles, a set of ethics, a world for exploratory organisation management, unions and employees - learn
research were deliberate and frequent changes are evolving. how to work together better to determine for themselves
While studying QWL tries to exemplify itself that human what actions, changes and improvements are desirable and
being is the most important factor in the organization as they workable in order to achieve the twin and simultaneous
are the one who are trustworthy, responsible and capable of goals of an improved quality of life at work for all members
making valuable contribution and touch life to make it of the organisation and greater effectiveness for both the
smoother and healthier. company and the unions. (C.V., Meenakshi, &
Humans have a gift of God to treat each and every aspect of Ravichandran, 2013) [6] Richard E. Walton explains quality
their wellbeing with dignity and respect. The elements that of work life in terms of eight broad conditions of
are relevant to an individual’s quality of work life include employment that constitute desirable quality of work life.
the task, the physical work environment, social environment He proposed the same criteria for measuring QWL. These
within the organization, administrative system and criteria included the following points:
relationship between life on and off the job. QWL consists 1. Adequate and fair compensation
of opportunities for active involvement in group working 2. Safe and healthy working conditions
arrangements or problem solving that are of mutual benefit 3. Immediate opportunity to use and develop human
to employees or employers, based on labour - management capacities
cooperation. People also conceive of QWL as a set of 4. Opportunity for continued growth and security
methods, such as autonomous work groups, job enrichment, 5. Social integration in the work organization
and high-involvement aimed at boosting the satisfaction and 6. Constitutionalism in the work organization
productivity of workers. It requires employee commitment 7. Work and total life space
to the organization and an environment in which this 8. Social relevance of work life.
commitment can flourish. Thus, QWL is a comprehensive
construct that includes an individual’s job related well-being
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1. Adequate and Fair Compensation: There are different understanding of job satisfaction can be obtained. Such
opinions about adequate compensation. The committee on factors as employee’s age, health temperature, desire and
Fair Wages defined fair wage as “the wage which is above level of aspiration should be considered. Further his family
the minimum wage but below the living wage.” The salary relationship, Social status, recreational outlets, activity in
structure of employees should be just, fair and equitable. It the organizations etc. Contribute ultimately to job
should ensure reasonable wages to employees so that they satisfaction. Job satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of
can keep a desirable standard of life. Payment of Wages satisfaction on the job, which acts as motivation to work. It
Act, 1936 and Minimum Wages Act 1948 safeguard the is not the self-satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but
interests of the workers regarding payment of wages. It the satisfaction on the job. Hoppock describes job
should be clearly understood that for QWL, cash payment is satisfaction as “any combination of psychological,
not the only answer. However, hefty salaries are being paid physiological and environmental circumstances that cause
to the knowledge workers so as the meet their basic and and person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job.” Job
higher level needs for improving their QWL. The economic satisfaction is defined as the, “pleasurable emotional state
interests of people drive them to work at a job and employee resulting from the appraisal of one’s job as achieving of
satisfaction depends at least partially, on the compensation facilitating the achievement of one’s job values. Employee
offered. Pay should be fixed on the basis of the work done, retention is an increasingly important challenge for
responsibilities undertaken, individual skills, performance organizations as the age of the Knowledge worker unfolds.
and accomplishments. Job security is another factor that is The 21st century world of work is characterized by
of concern to employees. Permanent employment provides unprecedented levels of talent mobility as employees seek to
security to the employees and improves their QWL. satisfy their own individual demands, leading to growing
concern among organizations about the an individual’s total
2. Safe and Healthy Working Conditions: Most of the feeling about their job and the attitudes they have towards
organisations provide safe and healthy working conditions various aspects or facets of their job, as well as an attitude
due to humanitarian requirements and/or legal requirements. and perception that could consequently influence the degree
In India, Factories Act 1948 contains a number of provisions of fit between the individual and the organization. A person
relating to safety and health of employees. Employers are withe high job satisfaction appears to hold generally positive
increasingly trying to provide better working conditions to attitudes, and one who is dissatisfied to hold negative
their workers as compared to their competitors. Flexi-hours attitudes towards their job. Paul E Spector explains that for
of work, zero risk physical conditions of work and safety researchers to understand these attitudes, they need to
against noise, pollution, fume, gases etc. go a long way in understand the complex and interrelated facets of job
effecting the quality of work life. In fact, these conditions satisfaction. A facet of job satisfaction can be described as
are a matter of enlightened self-interest. Organizations any part of a job that produces feelings of satisfaction or
should realize that their true wealth lies in their employees dissatisfaction (Spector, 1997) [29]. This perspective can be
and so providing a healthy work environment for employee’ useful to organizations that wish to identify employee
should be their primary objective. retention areas in which improvement is possible. Job
satisfaction is a result of an individual’s perception and
3. Opportunity to Use and Develop Human Capacities: evaluation of their job influenced by their own unique
Contrary to the traditional assumptions, QWL is improved needs, values and expectations, which they regard as being
‘to the extent that the worker can exercise more control over important to them. Research has indicated that job
their work, and the degree to which the job embraces an satisfaction does not come about in isolation, as it is
entire meaningful task’ but not a part of it. The QWL will be dependent on organizational variables such as structure,
better if the jobs allow sufficient autonomy and control to its size, pay, working conditions and leadership, which
employees. The workers must be given an opportunity to represent the organizational climate. However, if job
use their skills, abilities and initiative in planning and satisfactions absent and other work opportunities present
implementing the work. The senior persons can keep a themselves, turnover could well increase. Job satisfaction
watch and a constant control and also provide immediate can be viewed as a reaction to a job, arising from what an
feedback to the workers. Corrective measures can be taken individual seeks in a job in comparison with the actual
immediately in the light of this feedback. Further, QWL outcomes that the job provides to the. According to
provides for opportunities like autonomy in work and Rothemans and Coetzer (2002) [25] (Salunke, 2015), Job
participation in planning in order to use human capabilities. satisfaction among employees is an Indicator of
Job Satisfaction is the encouragement with which the organizational effectiveness, and it is influenced by
employee views his work. It expresses the amount of organizational and personal factors. Most employers realize
agreement between one’s expectation of the job and the that the optimal functioning of their organization depends in
rewards that the job provides. Job Satisfaction is a part of part on the level of job satisfaction of employees, hence the
life satisfaction. The nature of one’s environment of job is emergence of the statement, “Happy employees are
an important part of life as Job Satisfaction influences one’s productive employees”. For performance to be optimal, an
general life satisfaction. Job Satisfaction, thus, is the result employee’s full potential is needed at all levels in
of various attitudes possessed by an employee. In a narrow organizations; this emphasizes the importance of employee
sense, these attitudes are related to the job under condition job satisfaction. For the purposes of the research conducted,
with such specific factors such as wages. Supervisors of nine facets of job satisfaction were identified namely: pay,
employment, conditions of work, social relation on the job, promotion, supervision, benefits, contingent rewards,
prompt settlement of grievances and fair treatment by operating procedures, co-workers, nature of the work and
employer. However, more comprehensive approach requires communication. An organization should provide employees
that many factors are to be included before a complete with opportunities for personal/professional development
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and growth and to prepare them to accept responsibilities at beneficial manner. Those business enterprises which are
higher levels. engaged in discharging their social responsibilities
contribute to QWL. If a concern does not care for social
4. Opportunity for Career Growth: Opportunities for obligations, the employees of such organisation cannot
promotions are limited in case of all categories of expect a better QWL. Low quality products, no control on
employees either due to educational barriers or due to pollution, bad employment practices are indicators of low
limited openings at the higher level. When employees are QWL. The workers' self-esteem would be high if his work
offered opportunities to grow in an organisation by useful to the society and the vice versa is also true
providing promotion ladder, it helps in improving the QWL. Recognition is a form of employee motivation in which the
There is an inner desire in every employee for career organization publicly acknowledges the positive
progression. If the job is dead-end, it must be made clear to contributions an individual or team has made to the success
the employee at the outset. QWL provides future of the organization. This acknowledgement is delivered
opportunity for continued growth and security by expanding using verbal and written praise and may include symbolic
one's capabilities knowledge and qualifications. Flat items such as certificates and plaques. Reward is something
organizational structures help organizations facilitate tangible such as theatre tickets, dinner for two, or a cash
employee participation. A participative management style award to promote desirable behaviour. Recognition and
improves the quality of work life. Workers feel that they reward go together to form a system for letting people know
have control over their work processes and they also offer how they are valuable members of the organization.
innovative ideas to improve them. Recognition also helps to
motivate employees to perform better. Recognition can be in Literature Review
the form of rewarding employees for job well done. 1. In a research paper titled ‘Exploring the Job
Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment of
5. Social Integration in the Work Force: Social Employees in the Information Technology
integration in the work force can be established by creating Environment’ prepared by E. J. Lumley, M. Coetzee, R
freedom from prejudice, supporting primary work groups, a Tladinyane and N. Ferreira was published in Southern
sense of community and Inter - personnel openness, African Business Review Vol. 15 Number 1 of year
legalitarianism and upward mobility. An employee develops 2011. In this paper they had survey four IT companies
a sense of belongingness to the organisation where he with a total sample size of 86 employees to study and
works. Discrimination among the employees on the basis of ‘explore the relationship of job satisfaction and
age, gender, cast, creed, religion etc. can act as a hindrance organisational commitment using a cross sectional
in the way of social intergation. Workers develop self- survey. Their study was an exploratory study. They had
respect as a result of social integration and it improves the a total population of 195 employee from four IT
quality of work life. Organizations should provide relaxation companies of which they received 86 questionnaires
time for the employees and offer tips to balance their which were termed valid and could be processed for
personal and professional lives. They should not strain further analysis. They conducted Pearson Product
employee’s personal and social life by forcing on them moment correlations and regression analysis and
demanding working hours, overtime work, business travel, concluded that there was significant relationship among
untimely transfers etc., job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The
positive associations were observed between the job
6. Constitutionalism in the Work Organisation: QWL satisfaction variables and the affective commitment
provides constitutional protection to the employees only to variable. It was suggested that participants who are
the level of desirability as it hampers workers. Every satisfied with pay, promotion achievement, relationship
employee should be entitled to some privileges such as with co-workers, nature of the work and
personal privacy, right to expression, right to equitable communication, organisational and job specific seemed
treatment etc. These should be governed by certain rules and to feel more emotionally attached to and involved with
regulations. In short, there should be the ‘Rule of Law’ as their respective organisations, supervision, fringe
per the constitution of the enterprise. It happens because the benefits, contingent rewards (Lumley, Coetzee,
management's action is challenged in every action and tladinyane, & Ferreira, 2011) [16].
bureaucratic procedures need to be allowed at that level. 2. In an another research paper titled ‘Factors Affecting
Constitutional protection is provided to employees on such Employee Job Satisfaction of Pharmaceutical Sector’
matters as privacy, free speech, equity and due process. studied by Mosammod Mahamuda Parvin, lecturer at
department of management and finance at sher-e-bangla
7. Work and Quality of Life: QWL provides for the agricultural university of Dhaka, Bangladesh and M. M.
balanced relationship among work, non-work and family Nurul Kabir, Lecturer at Department of Management of
aspects of life. Certain employees are required to work for Government Shohid Suharwardy College in Dhaka,
late hours or are frequently transferred or have to do a lot of Bangladesh. His research paper was published in
travelling as a part of their duty. This definitely affects their Australian Journal of Business Management and
QWL as they remain away from their families for a long Research, Volume 1, number 9 in the year December
period of time. In other words family life and social life 2011. Their study aimed at evaluating job satisfaction
should not be strained by working hours including overtime of employees in different pharmaceutical companies. It
work, work during inconvenient hours, business travel, also focused on the relative importance of job
transfers, vacations etc. satisfaction factors and their impacts on the overall job
satisfaction of employees. The study was also made to
8. Social Relevance of Work: QWL is concerned about the make necessary investigation to understand the impacts
establishment of social relevance to work in a socially
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of pharmaceutical type, work experience and other 8. H02: There is no significant relationship between job
demographic factors on the attitude towards Job satisfaction of employees and other components of
Satisfaction. The discussion and findings showed that Quality of Work Life.
salary, efficiency in work, fringe supervision, and co- 9. H03: There is no significant relationship between job
worker relation are the most important factors satisfaction of employees and career development
contributing towards job satisfaction. The study also component of Quality of Work Life.
brought forward a positive outlook by showing that 10. H04: There is no significant relationship between
overall job satisfaction of the employees in Organisational Commitment of employees and other
pharmaceutical sector was positive. A descriptive components of Quality of Work Life.
research design withe survey method is used. Close
ended interview schedule tool was used for collecting Research Design: The research design used for this study is
data (Mosammod & M M, 2011) [19]. of the descriptive type. Descriptive research studies are
3. This research titled ‘A Research Work on Employee these studies which are concerned with describing the
Satisfaction Measurement with Special Reference to characteristics of a particular individual or a group. In this
KRIBHCO, Surat’ by Ms. Ekta Sinha Assistant study researcher has tried to explain and bring the nature of
Professor at Uka Tarsadia University, Gujarat. The one of the features of the public limited pharmaceutical
research is done with an objective to measure the company.
satisfaction level of employees with special reference to
KRIBHCO, Surat. They took up this research with a Sources of Data: To support the need of the research we
sample size of 150 employees based on systematic have used primary i.e. structured questionnaire as well as
sampling. Data was collected based on structured secondary sources of the data i.e. website, journals and
questionnaire method on Likert five point scales for 23 company public documents etc. were used.
major variables which were reduced to five factors
namely Empowerment & Work Environment, Working Sample Size: In total 100 questionnaire were distributed of
Relation, Salary & Future prospects, Training & work which, researcher received 90 samples out of which 70 were
Involvement and Job Rotation. They found the considered valid and useable for the study.
employees to be satisfied on the basis of above said five
factors. For the purpose of data analysis they used IBM Sampling Design: Since it is difficult to contact the entire
SPSS 20. They performed factor analysis to reduce the population, convenient sampling technique was adopted.
data and non-parametric tests as Kruskal-Wallis and The employees were interviewed (wherever found
Mann Whitney Rank test. Chi-Square tests were necessary) using structured questionnaire method.
performed to view the satisfaction level of the
employees against each major variables found after Questionnaire Design: Questionnaire was designed in such
dimension reduction. They also found that a few a manner that it would facilitate the respondents to reveal
important factors that normally contribute to the maximum information. The questionnaire was intricately
employee satisfaction didn’t have much influence on designed to tap the demographic variables including age,
employee satisfaction in KRIBHCO, Surat, such as: education, gender, marital status, and work experience of
welfare measures, role clarity, freedom of decision the respondents.
making and recognition at work. The innovativeness
and creativeness of employees also took a back seat as Data Collection: The primary data was collected by using
far as satisfaction level was concerned (Sinha E. , 2013) structured questionnaires. The questionnaire has 63
. questions including demographic profile such as age,
department, gender etc. A five point likert scale was used as
Research Methodology measuring the attitude for survey.
The methodology followed for conducting the study
includes the specification of research design, sample design, Data Analysis & Interpretation: After the completion of
questionnaire design, data collection and statistical tools the survey the data were forwarded to Cronbach alpha
used for analyzing the collected data. reliability test and further test were conducted on the data
with the help of the statistician.
4. To study the effect of age on the various components of Data Analysis and Interpretation
quality of work life Descriptive statistics state the demographic profile of the
5. To study the effect of adequate and fair compensation survey, of the respondents 94.3% of the sample were male
with job satisfaction and other components of quality of while 5.7% were female. Majority of the respondents (70%)
work life. taken for the study were engaged in research and
6. To study the relationship among various components of development section of the company while 10 % each, 7.1%
quality of work life. and 2.9% respondents were from production, human
resource department, finance and marketing department of
Hypothesis the firm respectively. Majority 91.4% of the responses were
7. H01: There is no significant relationship between age of received from the employees who are appointed on the
employees and other components of Quality of Work regular pay scale of the company while only 4.3%, 2.9 %
Life. and 1.4 % of the responses were from contractual, probation
and trainee employees of the company. Post graduate degree

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holders were at 81.4% while 10% of the respondents stated Ha2: There exist significant relationship between
that they hold graduate degrees. Educational Qualification of employees and other
components of Quality of Work Life.
Reliability Test: A Cronbach alpha reliability test was
conducted on the questionnaire to check the validity of the Table 4: Karl Pearson Coefficient Correlation test between
statements which showed a positive result of 0.808 (as Educational Qualification and components of Quality of Work Life
provided in table no 2) on a total 63 questions (as provided Sr. Components of Quality Calculated
in table no 2) with a respondent size of 70 (as provided in Significance
No. of Work Life r Value
Table no 1). Adequate and Fair P>0.05 Not
1 0.048
compensation Significant
Table 1: Case Processing Summary Safe and healthy working P>0.05 Not
2 -0.045
environment Significant
N %
P>0.05 Not
Valid 70 100.0 3 Job Satisfaction 0.115
Cases Excluded(a) 0 0.0 P>0.05 Not
Total 70 100.0 4 Career Development 0.046
a. List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Organisational P>0.05 Not
5 0.036
Commitment Significant
Table 2: Reliability Statistics Constitutionalisation in the P>0.05 Not
6 0.020
Cronbach's Cronbach's Alpha Based on N of work environment Significant
Alpha Standardized Items Items Work and the total life P>0.05 Not
7 -0.107
0.808 0.811 63 space Significant
Social relevance of Work P>0.05 Not
8 0.163
life Significant
Hypothesis testing
H01: There is no significant relationship between age of
Interpretation: From the above table it can be studied that
employees and other components of Quality of Work Life.
there exist no significant relationship among the
components of the quality of work life variables and the
Ha1: There exist significant relationship between age of
educational qualification factor.
employees and other components of Quality of Work Life.

Table 3: Karl Pearson Coefficient Correlation test between Age Result

and components of Quality of work life As the calculated value is greater than the tabulated value it
shows that there exist no relationship between age and the
Sr. Components of Quality of Calculated components of quality of work life, hence alternate
No. Work Life r Value hypothesis is rejected and null hypothesis is accepted in the
Adequate and Fair P>0.05 Not
1 0.037 present situation.
compensation Significant
Safe and healthy working P>0.05 Not
2 0.009 H03: There is no significant relationship between job
environment Significant
P>0.05 Not satisfaction of employees and career development
3 Job Satisfaction 0.145 component of Quality of Work Life.
P>0.05 Not
4 Career Development 0.165
Significant Ha3: There is significant relationship between job
5 Organisational Commitment 0.197
P>0.05 Not satisfaction of employees and career development
Significant component of Quality of Work Life.
Constitutionalisation in the P>0.05 Not
6 0.008
work environment Significant Table 5: Karl Pearson Coefficient Correlation test between job
P>0.05 Not satisfaction and components of Quality of work life
7 Work and the total life space -0.021
P>0.05 Not Sr. Components of Quality Calculated
8 Social relevance of Work life -0.116 Significance
Significant No. of Work Life r Value
Adequate and Fair P>0.01
1 .346(**)
compensation Significant
From the above table it can be studied that there exist no 2 Career Development .388(**)
significant relationship among the components of the quality Organisational P>0.01
of work life variable and the age factor. 3 .344(**)
Commitment Significant
Constitutionalisation in the P>0.05
Result 4 .254(*)
work environment Significant
As the calculated value is greater than the tabulated value it Social relevance of Work P>0.05
5 .279(*)
shows that there exist no relationship between age and the life Significant
components of quality of work life, hence alternate
hypothesis is rejected and null hypothesis is accepted in the Interpretation
present situation. From the above table it can be studied that there exist
significant relationship between the Job Satisfaction and
H02: There is no significant relationship between components of the quality of work life variable. From the
Educational Qualification of employees and other above table it can also be understood that job satisfaction is
components of Quality of Work Life. derived out of the five factors namely adequate and fair
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compensation, appropriate career development, giving more importance to career development rather than
Organisational commitment, effective Constitutionalisation the salary and recognition. Here are the some suggestions
of the work environment and social relevance of the work 1. Company must devise a policy on career advancement
life. Among the other variable greater correlation is found in and career positioning for better inflow of knowledge.
career development that means if the company doesn’t 2. Company must do away the traditional method of
devise a proper career advancement graph, knowledgeable advancing an employee purely on the basis of seniority
people would most likely leave the organization. even if better talent on the basis of performance is
available, else company will start facing the elevation
Result of labour turnover problem at the earliest.
As the calculated value is lesser than the tabulated value it 3. As the company employees more than 1000 employees
shows that there exist a relationship between job satisfaction in its one single base the load distribution on one single
and other five components of quality of work life, hence person is distributed but at times people generally
alternate hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is dislike it and needs work to prove themselves, hence
rejected in the present situation. care must be taken in order to retain them by simply
managing them by providing challenging work.
H04: There is no significant relationship between
Organisational Commitment of employees and other Conclusion
components of Quality of Work Life. From the study it can be concluded that one factor doesn’t
contribute majorly to the quality of work life and all the
Ha4: There exist significant relationship between factor doesn’t create an equal impact on the employees
Organisational Commitment of employees and other mind. In order to have a greater and effective quality of
components of Quality of Work Life. work life an institution must fulfill and need to go extra mile
in order that the employee can retained with least effort and
Table 6: Karl Pearson Coefficient Correlation test between can provide the best results to the company.
Organisational Commitment and components of Quality of Work
Life References
Sr. Components of Quality Calculated 1. Amir HD. The Study Relationship between Quality of
Significance Work Life and Human Resource Development of
No. of Work Life r Value
P>0.01 Teachers (Case Study: Saveh. Iran). International
1 Job Satisfaction .344(**)
Significant Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences. 2014;
Constitutionalisation in the P>0.01 3(1):1269-1280.
2 .397(**)
work environment Significant 2. Anbarasan V, Mehta N. An Exploratory Study on
Work and the total life P>0.01 Perceived Quality of Working Life among Sales
3 .588(**)
space Significant
Professionals Employed in Pharmaceutical, Banking,
Social relevance of Work P>0.05
Finance and Insurance Companies in Mumbai.
Abhigyan, 2009; 27(1):14. Retrieved 5 10, 2015, from
Interpretation: From the above table it can be studied that
there exist significant relationship between the
3. Arun RR. A Study on Work - Life Balance of
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