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Program Program Nucleu, PN 18 05 04 02

Project title (ENG): Transition of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System to the
requirements of the new ISO 45001: 2018 standard and its integration with the
quality and environmental management systems implemented according to
ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015
Project title (RO): Tranziţia sistemului de management al sanatatii si securitatii ocupationale la
cerinţele noului standard ISO 45001: 2018 si integrarea acestuia cu sistemele
de management al calitaţii si de mediu implementate conform ISO 9001:2015
respectiv ISO 14001:2015
Duration 2018
Team Leader Eng. Senior Researcher 3rd degree Virgil Criste
Summary ENG The implementation of the management systems complements the
(short description) organizational system and favors the systematic application of the
environmental and health and safety legislation, integrating this field into the
general management of the organization.
In order to ensure the compatibility of the occupational health and safety
management system with the quality and environmental management systems
implemented according to the requirements of the reference standards ISO
9001 and ISO 14001 revised in 2015, the International Organization for
Standardization proposed the ISO 45001 standard.
Through this project we propose the development of a methodology for
achieving the transition of occupational health and safety management system
elaborated and implemented according to the requirements of the SR OHSAS
18001: 2008 standard to the requirements of the new international standard
ISO 45001, the implementation of the methodology in INCD ECOIND and the
integration of this system with the quality and environmental management
systems implemented according to the requirements of the international
standards ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015.
Summary RO Implementarea sistemelor de management vine în completarea sistemului
(short description) organizatoric existent la nivelul organizaţiilor şi favorizează aplicarea
sistematică a legislaţiei de mediu si de securitate şi sănătate în muncă,
realizând integrarea acestui domeniu în managementul general al organizaţiei.
Pentru a asigura compatibilitatea sistemului de management al sanatatii si
securitatii ocupationale cu sistemele de management al calitatii si de mediu
implementate conform cerintelor standardelor de referinta ISO 9001 si ISO
14001 revizuite in anul 2015, International Organization for Standardization a
propus standardul ISO 45001.
Prin acest proiect ne propunem elaborarea unei metodologii de realizare a
tranzitiei sistemului de management al sanatatii si securitatii ocupationale
elaborat si implementat in conformitate cu cerintele standardului SR OHSAS
18001:2008 la cerintele noului standard international ISO 45001,
implementarea metodologiei in INCD ECOIND si integrarea acestui sistem cu
sistemele de management al calitati si de mediu implementate conform
cerintelor standardelor internationale ISO 9001:2015 respectiv ISO
Metodologie de tranzitie a SMSSO la cerintele standardului ISO 45001:2018
Suport de curs Cerintele ISO 45001:2018
Suport de curs Cerinte legale de SSM
Suport de curs Evaluarea riscurilor de accidentare si imbolnavire profesionala
Suport de curs Auditul sistemului de management al sanatatii si securitatii ocupationale
Patru grupe de cursanti intruiti cu suporturile de curs elaborate
Personal instruit conform legislatiei de SSM
Audit diagnostic in vederea cunoasterii situatiei existente in organizatie
Documentatia de evaluare a riscurilor de accidentare si imbolnavire profesionala
Programul de prevenire si protectie
Documentatia sistemului integrat de management: manual de management al sistemului integrat,
proceduri de sistem si de lucru, inregistrari cerute de sistemul integrat de management

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