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Pathology mcqs 2013 (batch13)

1-Characerstic of irrevesable cell injury in contrast with reversible

one ?

Shrinkage of the nucleus

2- the commonest type of necrosis is ?

Co –ogulative necrosis

3- morphological feature of aptosis include all the following except


Swallowing of the cell

4- the metastatic calsification is not found in ?

Hypo vitaminosis

5- the cardinal sign of inflammation ( swelling ) due to ?

Exudate formation

6- characteristic feature of the chronic inflamation ?

Macrophage infilteration

7-calcium stimulate release all the following except ?

ATP synthase

8-cells of granuloma?

Epitheloid cell , olasma cell , fibroblast

9-the regeneration occur in all this tissue except?


10- characteristic of primary intention in contrast to secondary

intention ?

Healing occur within 24 hours

11- edemea caused by all the following except ?

Decrease hydrostatic pressure

12- septic shock deffer from cardiogenic and hypovolemic shock in


Vasodilatation in septic shock

13-systemic throboembolism arise from?

Mural thrombi

14-Air embolism cause death by :?

Pulmonary effusion

15-One of the following is not of the adaptive mechanism of cell



16-Tumor originate from connective tissue include all the following


Squamus cell carcinoma

17-One of the following tumor secret hormones ?

Pulmonary carcinoma
18-Regarding hypersensitivity reaction which statement is true ?

Type I,II,III are antibody mediated

19-Regarding type I hyper sensitivity reaction?

Mediatedby Ig E + I esonophilia

20-mechanical barrier involved all the following except ?

T and B lymphocyte

21-pulmonary thrombo embolism is caused by ?


22- deep venous thrombosis ?

Cause local edema

23- visceral leshminiasis dose not cause ?


24-which of the following is true about lepromatus leprosy?

Negative lepromin test

25-extra intestinal amebiasis include all the following except?

All answers wrong

(extra intestinal amebiasis( lung- brain-liver-perinal area-gonad)

26-typhoid fever include all the following except ?

Respiratory symptoms
27-all this mediators increase vascular permeability except ?


28-regarding amylodosis ?

Secondary amylodosis associated with multiple myloma

29- schistosomiasis ?

Intermediate host is snail

30-systemic inflammation cause all the following except ?

Decrease heart rate

31- granulation tissue contain ?

Fibroblast and new capillary formation

32-line of zahn is the characterstic feature of thrombus in ?


33- site of red infract ?


34- liquifactive necrosis found in ?


35-fat embolism related to ?

Skeletal lesion

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