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PROGRA| DE LA Cy IMPLEMI ESTUDIC SEU rne try Drea Cis Pern etel fore aeice. oer Frances Carmichael La Patria (1962), Jorge Gonzalez Camarena Esta obra dust la portada 62 os primeros libros de texto, Hoy la reproducimos aqui para mostrartelo (que entonces era una aspiacion: que estos libros estuvieran entre los egados que a Patria. deja a sus jos Con la entrega gratuita de este libro, queremos asegurar la continuidad de tus i estudios de secundaria, los cuales conforman el tiltimo tramo de la educacién basica. Esta accién es el resultado del esfuerzo del Gobierno de la Repiiblica para garantizar tu derecho a la educacién. Fortalecimiento de ta Calidad en la Educacién Basica. Implementacién de los Procesos de Estudio de una Segunda Lengua (Inglés), el cual forma parte del catdlogo de libros de texto gratuitos para el ciclo escolar 2015-2016, publicado por la Comisién Nacional de Libros de Texto Gratuitos en su pagina electrénica Te invitamos a que acudas a tu Biblioteca Escolar y consultes los diferentes } | Junto con otros libros, el que tienes en tus manos pertenece al Programa de titulos que ahi se encuentran, para que disfrutes la lectura y amplies tus | conocimientos sobre los temas que mas te interesan. Este libro es tuyo, japrovéchalo y cuidalo! DistRIBUCION GRATUITA, PROHIBIOA SU VENTA vocanets RU 2. sunanenowtnann cous designed to help you take your English fo the next level. dhaty 2 lessons thal chatenge you, build you leaning skils, and teach you real language in reabiife contexts. In addition, your Student Book is full of great new features to help | you maximize your learning potential. These include: | tneoductory Spreads foreach eson fo expen exacty what you aetearing Seles or every uni so you can check yourlearing ‘Check out the Contents page to find all these great features and many more. | YourStudent Book also contains icons nex! to activities that help you decide what to do or that | tetyou which sks o competencies you use to complete each activity. is important to read | and understand these icons because they wil help you with your learning. activity. Make sure you understand what fo do to learn new words. Ithhas clear, simple before you listen, explanations that will help you understand the words in the Student Book. When you see this icon, your teacher wil tell you fo read some pages trom your Reader. Don't forget to bring your Reader to class. This icon indicates an activity where you need to think about society and the world around you, exploring themes {Y _Titicon tts you when an activity helos such as respect, cultural differences, and you develop your thinking skils, such as protecting the planet. organizing, categorizing, planning. It also tells you when you need fo analyze language 294. Activities with this icon improve your tohobp you understand beter. WH caring sas 10 make you a better eamer of English and a better leamer in general. Gob Tis icon indicates that you will do a istening We the Glossary at the back of the book yy This icon is concemed with selt-eflection. In other words activites wih thsicon encourage GY You find tis icon nex! to activities that you to think about yourself, your opinions, your improve your team and communication ‘emotions, and your strengths and weaknesses skill, and that encourage mutual respect | | {what you can and can't do}, and cooperation. | | . ogy 2 to get started with this book and to improve your English Remember that learning another language is a challenging process and you will need to study hard during the school year. If you do, we are sure you will be very successful. Good luck.

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