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Rolling Element Bearing Fault Diagnosis “his example shows hon to psform fut agnosis of a ling sloment bearing bated on acceleration signals, especialy Inte presence of strong masking signals fam ather machine components. The example vl demensiate Row to app This example uses rvelope spectam analysis and spactal kurcts to lagnse bearing faults and sable to scale upto 3g Data Sigel Processing Toolbox splcations Stasis and Machine Leariog Problem Overview ‘oatbox Localized faut naling lament bearing may occur inthe outer ace, the inner rac, tha cage, ora ong element. High frequen resonances between the beairg athe esporse transduce’ are excited when te rling eloreresstike lara ful onthe ote ner race, oa Tal na tng element skes the autor sat ace) The allowing pte howe alg element sting 3 focal faut at the ner race The problem show to detect and erty the various types of aut, Inner race affected by crack (Exaggerated) Ball bearing cross-section (Magnified) Machinery Fallure Prevention Technology (MFPT) Challenge Data LMEPT Challenge data (4 cortains 23 data ste callectd from machines unr various feuk canstion. The et 20 daa sets ae coleted ram a bearing est a, vith 5 wader good condo, 3 wih outer race faults ender constant ad wth over rae fas ender varios loads, and 7 with ira ace faults unde varios e938, The Temaling 3 dat ste ae rom realord machines: enol pun bearing, an tmediale speed bearng. ands planet bean. The fa loeatans ave urknawn. Inthe frame, only the data east rm the test ng wrth enon cndtions ar use, Each data st contains an acceleration signal “gs, sampling rate“, shal spoed at", load weight "las, and our csicalrequccis representing ret fault locations: pallpass equeey aur race (BPF.O),balpessequency ier ree SPF). fadamental rain requency (TF, and bal epn equency (SF). Here ae the formula for those crea frequencies [1] Balpass frequeney, outer ace (@PFO) Fundamental iin roqueney (FTF), algo known 38 cage speed PT (1 doo) Bal gallen spin requency ‘As shown inthe fig, the bal elamstr, J) ste pon clamster. The vane fs the shat speed, Is the numberof rong ster, ¢ isthe bearng cortact ang 1) Envelope Spectrum Analysis for Bearing Diagnosis, Inthe MFPT daa se, the sat peed is constant, nance thee sno nee fo pertorm ode racking a a pre-processing step to remove the fect of shat spees ‘hon roling elements hil the local fads at ote or inner races, or whan faut en the oting element hi the outer or rner ace, the impact wll modulate the oretponding cial fequencies, eg. BPFO, BPFI, FTF. BSF. Thseoe, lhe envelope sal produces by anpluse demodulaon coweys mate daghste Information tat isnot aval ram specu analy of he rw signa. Take an er race aut signal inthe MEP dalaset as an examin datatmner = losd(fullste(aatlasreat, “toolbox, “predaine', prednatntdenas', “besringFaultDiagnosis" train cata", “ImnerRaceF alt vload 1.nat")) ‘Vieualze the raw inner ace fuk data in te demain ‘inser = dataToner tearing. 4; sinner ~ eatalmerbearing. sri Lnaer = (@!Length(atmer}-1)/#5Tnne Figure plot(tznner, xtnner) label ("Tine, (5)") ylabel( Aecelerstion (6)') {tLe('Raw Signal: Taner Race Fault’) sain(le 8.31) x» 0 ) Acceleration 20 20 40, ‘0 001 002 003 00% 005 008 007 00 007 1 Time, () 26 the aw data in frequency demain figure [pinner, #ptnner) = pspectrungxaner, ftmer); pinner = s2¢Logle(ptiner);, plot(fpinner, planer) naabel( Freacency (H2)") Mabe1(-Poner Spectrum (28)") ‘itle(’Raw signal: Iaer Race Fault’) legend( "Power Spectrum’) 20 Power Specttum (68) 40, ° os 1 18 2 28 Frequency (Hz) x08 Now 200m inthe power spect ofthe ra signa in low equency range to take a closer look the frequency response at PFI nd is Sst several hemonies igure plot(fptnner, planer) helperPiotConbs(nconb, datelnner.8P61) nlabel( Frecvency (H2)") yaven( Paver Specteun (28)") ‘itle(’Row signal: Imer Race Fault’) legend("Power Spectrum’, “SPFT Kareontes") xin({8 1000)) Power Spectum (8) i i i i i i L L ‘0 700 200 300 40 500 a0 700 aD G00 1000 Frequency (Hz) No clear ators vile at SPFI and its rarmosis. Frequency analyss on hero signal dees not provide useful cages information. 40, Looking atthe te-domain datas observed thatthe ample ofthe raw signals modulated a certain frequency, ad the main frequency af the mado is ‘sound 10.008 Ha ~ 117 He. is known tat he requeny Ie ling element tng lea elt hele ace, tht BPEL 21188754. This cates thatthe bearing pote has an inne race a figure subplott2, 1, 2) plot (8inner, Inner) >ain((0.08 6.6)) iele('Row Signal: Taner Race Faulty ylabel( Aecelerstion (g)') Bonatation( eoustearrox”, [0.37 @.73], [8.8 @.8]) ‘ext(0.047, 28, [18.009 See \approx 3/8PF1, BFL = runastr (datataner.8P#1)1) ‘To exc the modulated spite, compute the envelope a he aw sgn, and visualize on the Beton supe subplot 2, 2, 2) [penvianer, Favtnner, xEnvinner, terviner) plot(tenvinner, xénwtmer) salin((0.08 6.06)) xlabel(“1Sn0 (s)") ylabel( Aeceteration (g)') {ee(“crvetope signal") rvspectrun(xianer, Io); Raw Signal: Inner Race Fault (0.000 eee ~ EPFL BPFI = 178875 8 & [ezelaraon (9) 49 Envelope signal Times)

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