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Jeopardy Questions:

1. Strawberry Cervix-Trichomonas

2. Screening Tests for Syphilis

a. RPR

b. Treponemal Antibody

c. Darkfield Microscopy

3. Treatment for Chlamydia in pregnancy- Azithromycin

4. Penicillin G treatment for syphilis

5. Sx of disseminated gonorrhea – PID, Fitz-Hugh Curtis, Reiter’s Syndrome->migrating arthritis,

dermatitis, endocarditis, and meningitis.

6. Hypertension, proteinuria in the third trimester-Pre-eclampsia

7. Painless, dark red bleeding is a placental previa

8. Painful bright red bleeding in pregnancy is abruption

9. The hormone that causes smooth muscle relaxation in pregnancy-Progesterone

10. Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy

11. Definition of mild pre-eclampsia->300mg of protein in a 24 hours urine, 2 readings of a BP

140/90 four hours apart, and >20 weeks

12. Severe pre-eclampsia:

a. 160/110 with end organ damage

b. Platelets <100,000

c. 5,000 mg of protein in a 24 hour

13. Cure for pre-eclampsia: Delivery

14. The antidote to an overdose of magnesium sulfate:

a. Calcium Gluconate

15. Signs of placental insufficiency: IUGR, fetal bradycardia, late decelerations, reverse Doppler
flow, oligohydramnios, and decreased variability.

16. Triad associated with an ectopic pregnancy: abdominal pain, amenorrhea, and vaginal bleeding.
17. Risk Factors for ectopic pregnancy: IUD, previous ectopic, PID, and previous BTL.

18. Medical Management for ectopic pregnancy:

a. Methotrexate-dosed by BSA not weight

19. The most common place for an ectopic pregnancy is the ampulla of the fallopian tube.

20. Salpingostomy

21. LARC contraception: hormonal IUD, cooper IUD, and Nexplanon.

22. The most common side effect associated with Depo-Provera->abnormal bleeding.

23. Absolute CI to hormonal birth control:

a. Thromboembolic disease

b. Cerebral vascular disease

c. Smoking age >35

d. Liver disease

e. Known or suspected pregnancy

f. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding

g. Estrogen responsive cancers.

24. Mechanism of action for progestin only BC pills is thickening of the cervical mucous.

25. The least invasive, least expensive form of sterilization-> vasectomy.

26. Reason for increase in pyelonephritis in pregnancy progesterone cause smooth muscle dilation

27. Signs of chorioamnionitis- Maternal fever, Maternal Tachycardia, Fetal tachycardia, Fundal
tenderness, and foul-smelling discharge.

28. 35-37 weeks screening for GBS.

29. Prophylaxis for HSV in pregnancy-Valcyclovir

30. With appropriate treatment for HIV before birth what is this transmission rate of HIV?

a. <2%

31. Di-di twins on ultrasound U/S

32. Molar pregnancy U/S

33. Placenta Previa U/S

34. PCOS U/S

35. Fibroid U/S

36. Common symptoms of leiomyoma: pelvic fullness, increased menstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhea.

37. Normal amount of blood loss during a menstrual cycle: 80 mL

38. In office procedure to check for endometrial hyperplasia or cancer: Endometrial Biopsy

39. Surgical Management options for menorrhage: myomectomy, uterine artery embolization,
hysterectomy, endometrial ablation

40. Risk factors for endometrial carcinoma: early menarche, late menopause, older age, obesity,
estrogen producing tumors.

41. Common symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, vaginal bleeding, mood irritability.

42. How to diagnose a vulvar lesion in a postmenopausal woman: biopsy

43. The hormone that increases as women go through menopause: Increased FSH

44. Give progesterone to a woman without a uterus to prevent endometrial hyperplasia or cancer.

45. The prevailing quote regarding estrogen replacement therapy is the lowest dose for the shortest
period of time.

46. Cervical Cancer-

47. Inevitable Abortion (use specific words on the test)

a. Know the difference between the types of abortions


48. Treatment options for a missed abortion: D&C/D&E, medical management (induction of labor),
and observation.

a. Drugs:

i. Misoprostol

ii. Mifepristone

49. Best imaging modality to visualize the uterus and ovaries-Pelvic U/S

50. Appropriate laboratory data to obtain when a patient presents with 1st trimester bleeding?

a. UPT (B-hCG)

b. Rh status
c. HgB

d. The discriminatory zone is 3,000; at 3,000 you should be able to see the gestational sac
on U/S.

51. Definition of preterm labor? Painful contractions with cervical change before 37 weeks.

52. Appropriate 1st line medical therapies for PTL:

a. Mg2+

b. Tocolysis

c. Antibiotics

53. Treatment for incompetent cervix: pessary, cerclage

54. Medication given to prevent recurrent PTL: 17-OH progesterone (Mykena)

55. Benefits of betamethasone

a. RDS/lung maturity

b. IVH

c. Necrotizing Enterocolitis

56. Variable decelerations-umbilical cord compression

57. Early decelerations-head compression

a. 4 cms

58. Late decelerations-uteroplacental insufficiency

59. The pH associated with this type of fetal tracing? >7.2

60. Fetal anemia-sinusoidal pattern

61. Final: Criteria for Inpatient Management

a. Inability to exclude surgical emergency (unstable vitals)

b. Pregnancy

c. No response to oral therapy (or noncompliance with medications)

d. Inability to tolerate oral therapy (intractable nausea and vomiting)

e. Presence of tubo-ovarian abscess

i. Tx: ceftriaxone, doxycycline, flagyl

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