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I thought

as the filmmakers
were celebrating input,
celebrating the variety of human expression,
celebrating the gifts of human imagination whether it’s in science o
music or any art form…
or also natural phenomena, like celebrating consciousness

So they’ve been alive so long and she (Eve) knows the latin name of
any plant or animal.
They are very sophisticated people
by the fact that they’re been alive so long…
and maybe they’re interesting people to start with.

So i though we’re celebrating that rather than mourning

but also there’s is a yang-yang thing it’s why…
not to be analytical about the film,
but I was conscious that Eve is light and he is dark.
Eve is like the sun and he is like the moon.
Adam is Romantic, and Eve is kind of Classical,
and Eves’s philosophy is positive,
and celebrating that consciousness,
and Adam is a little bit mournful and a little bit mourning human
And he’s contradictory because he’s mourning human behavior and
calling them zombies
and yet that “i don’t have any heroes” thing and yet he is filled with
heroic human gifts, that the really appreciates, that fuel him in a

So I se him as very Romantic so, there’s a little bit of mournfulness

romanticism that I think he embodies
and there’s a more of and absence in it of Eve,
who in a way is the stronger one philosophically
because she is more like positive about protecting and appreciating
ones consciousness.


My script had even more references, and when we filmed had more
references and there were too many… So it was tricky, because I
had to take some things out of the film where it seems as though
and some things i loved references i loved
In fact there was a reference to the Cohen brothers or Steve
Buscemi mentioned by name or I had a whole list of bands from
Detroit in a scene where Ian jumps all excited sitting of all these
bands that I love.
But the problem was there were too many of those things and at
some times when its seemed like the characters were telling each
others somethings that they already know means that I was telling
the audience.
So I had for example in the telephone call, there were many more
references she made, or remember such and such and you were
hanging out with jones or William Burroughs and you know, well of
course he remembers that, so, why I am having her to tall him that?

because I am telling the audience,

so i had to remove a lot of things where i felt like oh it’s just us
telling the audience and that not right,
it has to believable they’re telling to each other
and there’s still a lot
there were about twice as many
at one point
it was a little over worked and i dins’t even now I’ve read a few
criticisms saying oh is this just jim warmish showing us his arcane
knowledge of things?
and I knew i don’t wanna puto too many references it gets
pretencios but at the same time is sort of the point of the film
and honestly i don’t see anything wrong making this references
because theiare very valuable
and i don’t really mid if i get criticized because our film isn’t stupid
enough with is how it felts
this one thing i read
and by the way i only read if i can only bad reviews of my fimo
i love to read the bad ones so i read

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