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In today’s hectic life, we and our children get less time to sleep or go to bed late-night
and don’t get relax enough our/their body. Consequently, we/they feel drowsy in the
following day, have weak concentration on work/study, have bones & muscles problem,
have decreased life span/expectancy, become vulnerable for being diabetics, get obese
physique, have low digestion ability, less memory power, heart disease in epidemic, lack in
decision making skill, have low immune system, catch a cold/cough in the morning with
headache & high blood pressure and above all unsound mental health/imbalanced growth of
life. Also WHO considers this issue as an epidemic after cheap availability of internet all over
the world. Now we see some tips to sleep sound -

1. Wake up from sleep & go to bed at the same time always. Even if it is weekly
holiday or vacation.
2. Bath twice in summer, once in the morning and again before go to bed. In winter
mix little warm water with your bathing water.
3. Drink a cup/glass of milk (warm) after dinner/before sleeps.
4. Walk half an hour after dinner. Avoid physical exercise 3/4 hours before sleep.
5. Leave TV room 2/3 hour before sleep. And. keep TV out of your bed room.
6. Eat light food in dinner & take it within 9 pm. Avoid caffeine & tea after evening/3 to
4 hours before sleep.
7. Pray & meditate before sleep, it really works.
8. Stay tension/stress free by doing work around the day.
9. Do much physical labour/get moving/stay active at day time. Like - use stairs not
lift, start walk before your bus stop, wash your cloths, clean room etc.
10. Keep your bed neat & clean. Wash bed cover once in a week/change with a
washed one.
11. Ensure proper flow of air & light into bed room.
12. Wear cotton & loose dress (comfortable) for sleeping time.
13. Use comfortable bed & pillow. And use a cover in day time over bed to avoid
14. Don’t be too much tensed for sleep. Everyday your sleep may not be sound.
Doctors say, It is natural.
15. Don’t sleep at the day time, if you have problem in sleep. Keep it as a duty on
night only.
16. For a matured/physically sound person sleep time would be not less than 7 hours
& not more than 9 hours. So try to maintain it and if not possible instantly make it up
immediately by sleeping the following day.
17. Keep a routine/sleep schedule or a diary to record your sleep time.
18. Turn off all the electric devices, including mobile, TV, IPS. The red/yellow
power light may hamper your sleep, use soundless wall clock, because at midnight the tick
tock sound may arise you.
19. Do some bed-time rituals - like aromatherapy, deep breathing practice, listen
soothing music, read a light nature book etc. before go to bed.
20. And last but not the least, be positive for your life and drop your body at bed
leaving all problems of material life.


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