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Safe Working Cycle (SWC)

SWC is a tool which draws all the important safety

activities such as inspection, supervision, and safety
committee meetings which are in fact the
requirements come under public works contracts and
the Factories and safety management regulation,
together in a systematic manner. It is originated in
Japan which promoted by Japan Construction Safety
and Health Association to construction companies in Figure 1:
1982. SWC provides a model to management to follow
and implement certain elements of the safety Daily SWC these items are arranged according to the
management system. This cycle clearly explains the daily schedule of the project. This means that each
responsibilities of each different worker/rank. It’s person can carry out their responsibilities according to
encourages mutual trust between supervisors and the schedule. Each organization should set the
workers at the construction sites and facilitates direct working hours of each item according to its own
communication. In addition, the cycle enables workers conditions and the characteristics of the project.
to receive and accept relevant safety training and
safety message, and ultimately generate a safety Morning safety meeting
culture. The aim of SWC is to integrate quality and It is identified as first step of the daily SWC. It includes:
safety aspects of construction so that adequate
 Announcing important matters such as project
considerations can be taken for each aspect to achieve
development, special safety information
a cost effective construction project.
 Morning exercises ex: stretching exercise
 Inspect the Personal Protective Equipment
The SWC can be classified into daily, weekly and
(PPE) and dressing
monthly. The period is ascertained by the importance,
and urgency of the construction activities. Daily cycle
Hazard identification activity
is comparatively, detailed and the coverage of the
This is the second step of daily SWC. In here team
weekly and monthly cycle can be identified as more
leaders or foremen lead team members to identify
and find hazards in the day work before start their
works and advice workers regarding the degree of risk
Daily SWC
and measures for precaution as well.
As it is shown in Figure 1, daily SWC basically includes
eight items.

Prepared by: Mark Anthony P. Taton

Prior to work inspection Tidying up after work
As expressed, a prior to work inspection is an essential This step is consisted to ensure that all the equipment,
activity which should be carried out immediately after tools, instruments and environment of the workplace
the hazard identification activity. Inspecting all the are tied up.
tools, equipment, machinery and materials will ensure
those are remaining safe and in proper condition Final check after work
before the start of work and usage of equipment. Final check after work activity is carried out after the
end of work. This is end of the daily SWC. The final
Guidance and supervision at work check will ensure that no accident will happen at
As it is quoted in, guidance and supervision at work construction site after work, it can be a fire, flooding,
includes keeping track of implementation of the safety scaffolding collapse, theft or trespassing. Therefore,
measures from the hazard identification activity, prevention of those accidents and losses is the main
checking the compliance and solves problems that purpose of final check after work.
may happen during its implementation.
Weekly SWC
Safety inspection Weekly SWC aims at making an interim review of the
Safety inspection is carried out by senior management performance in the past week and making
at construction site at least once every day before the arrangements for the future.
process of safety discussion. Whole site and
surrounding areas affected by the construction is
fallen in to the scope of safety inspection. Major
safety inspection focuses are whether the construction
procedures comply with the work plan and
whether the installation process rise to unsafe

Figure 2: Weekly cycle

Process safety discussion
Process safety discussion provides platform to discuss
and solve problems which are identified during the
Monthly SWC
safety inspection and hazards identification activities.
Monthly SWC is carried out to review the site
Moreover, safety discussion is arranged daily at fixed
performance and progress, to improve the workers'
time and safety officer reviews safety performance of
safety awareness through training and reward
the day.
schemes, and to recognize their commitment and

Prepared by: Mark Anthony P. Taton

 Absent-mindedness / Nervousness
 Wilful intent to injure
 Working while under the influence of alcohol
or drugs
 Improper lifting and carrying
 Lack of knowledge or skills
 Failure to understand instructions
Unsafe Condition - it is the physical or chemical
Figure 3: Monthly SWC
property of a material, machine or the environment
Effects of Accidents
which could result in injury to a person, damage or
Accident – is an event that is unexpected, unplanned
destruction to property or other forms of losses.
and, unwanted, that results in harm to people, cause
Unsafe Conditions
damage or loss to properties.
 Wet slippery floors
Types of Construction Site Accidents
 Unstable stacking of materials
 Construction Site Falls
 Protruding re-bars Live conductors without
 Crane Accidents
 Run Over by Operating Equipment
 Equipment without machine guarding
 Electrical Accidents on Construction Site
 Poor storage of combustible materials
 Trench Collapses
Effects of Accident in Construction Industry
 Electrical Accidents on Construction Site
The effect of accident in the construction industry has
 Structure Failure on Construction Site
cost the employer a great amount of money, used in
 Building Collapse on Construction Site
reorganizing work; replace materials, manpower and
Primary Causes of Accidents
plants or compensation and legal cost. Effects of
Unsafe Act – it is the human action that departs from
accident in construction industry fall into three major
a standard job procedure or safe practice, safety
regulations or instructions.
Humanitarian - This refers the effects as concerned
Unsafe Acts
worker on the site and these include;
 Operating Equipment without Authority
 Suffering to individual
 Disregard of SOP or instructions
 Hardship to the individual
 Removing Safety Devices
 Fatality
 Using Defective equipment
 Minor injury
 Using improper PPEs or Using PPEs improperly
 Disabling injury
 Horseplay
 Possible loss of earning ability
 Working in an unsafe posture

Prepared by: Mark Anthony P. Taton

Prevention of Accidents
Economic - that is the cost of supervision is the cost of In order to prevent accident on construction site, site
preventing accident which is responsible for efficiency planning must entails safe and easy access not only to
and safety on site. Also, cost of insurance involve a reduce hazards but also to eliminate accidents. It also
large sum of money and does not even stop there but ensures that work progress rapidly.
involves additional costs that bite into the profit In construction industry, there is a great need for
margin of the project. Economic effects of accidents in prevention of accidents and health hazards especially
construction industry include; to arrest humanitarian, economic and legal effects as
 Production delay already highlighted. Towards a successful and effective
 Increment in insurance premium. prevention the following should be given adequate
 Legal expenses attention.

 Time loss by the employee  Education and Training

 Reduced quality  Evaluation Method

 Time spent in training a temporary or  Safety Suggestion

permanent replacement.  Health and Safety Commission
 Time spent by management and supervision  Power of Inspectors
in investigating and reporting the accident.  Enforcement
 Local Authority
Legal - enunciated that negligence in law call for
replacement, employers and liable for injury of the
workers during the process of carrying out duties. All
claims for damages under bodily injury made in the
name of negligence. Vicarious liability means the act
done through another person. The employer is as well
liable for the act of negligence committed by his
employee. The legal effect of accident includes;
 Legal liability
 Failure to safeguard employee being a
criminal offence leading to prosecution.

Prepared by: Mark Anthony P. Taton

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