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Citation for this research instrument: Bleske-Rechek, A. L., & Buss, D. M. (2001).

friendship: Sex differences and similarities in initiation, selection, and dissolution. Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 1310-1323.

Reasons for Dissolving a Friendship

(seven point scale, Not at all important to Somewhat important to Very important)

_______ 1. He was not trustworthy.

_______ 2. He cancelled plans with me repetitively.
_______ 3. He did not show enough concern for me in time of need.
_______ 4. He kept secrets from me.
_______ 5. I wasn’t physically attracted to him.
_______ 6. He failed to physically protect me when I was in danger.
_______ 7. He talked about me behind my back.
_______ 8. I found other friends.
_______ 9. He was selfish.
_______ 10. He started paying attention to other women.
_______ 11. I became jealous of him.
_______ 12. My romantic relationship interfered with our friendship.
_______ 13. We started dating.
_______ 14. We competed over sports.
_______ 15. He wanted a romantic relationship and I did not.
_______ 16. We had no common interests.
_______ 17. He tried to control me.
_______ 18. He smoked too much dope.
_______ 19. He pressed me to have sex with him.
_______ 20. He spent more time with his romantic partner than with me.
_______ 21. He was emotionally unstable.
_______ 22. He was jealous of the other men in my life.
_______ 23. He made mean remarks about me.
_______ 24. He hurt my feelings.
_______ 25. He was jealous of my athletic ability.
_______ 26. I fell out of love with him.
_______ 27. He became sexually attracted to me and I wasn’t attracted to him.
_______ 28. We had different religious beliefs.
_______ 29. We had sex.
_______ 30. My romantic partner did not like me being friends with him.
_______ 31. We had a hard time communicating.
_______ 32. He became jealous of me.
_______ 33. He was not intelligent enough for me.
_______ 34. We never went out and did stuff together.
_______ 35. He lost sexual interest in me.
_______ 36. We did hot have similar values.
_______ 37. He had friendships with other women.
_______ 38. He wanted to start dating and I did not.
_______ 39. We competed over academics.
_______ 40. I was jealous of his success at school/work.
_______ 41. He didn’t want to have sex with me.
_______ 42. He made hurtful jokes about me.
_______ 43. Our personalities were nothing alike.
_______ 44. Our friendship was long distance.
_______ 45. I lost my sexual attraction to him.
_______ 46. He didn’t respect me.
_______ 47. I became romantically involved with a man.
_______ 48. I started having romantic feelings for him and he didn’t have those feelings for me.
_______ 49. He spent all his time with his new romantic partner.
_______ 50. He didn’t express his feelings to me.
_______ 51. His romantic partner did not approve of our friendship.
_______ 52. He started having romantic feelings for me and I didn’t have those feelings
for him.
_______ 53. We had opposite points of view on important issues.
_______ 54. He talked to others about his problems instead of coming to me.
_______ 55. He didn’t get along with my family.
_______ 56. He wanted more than a friendship between us.
_______ 57. He drank too much.
_______ 58. I didn’t trust him.
_______ 59. He tried to turn others against me.
_______ 60. I was jealous of other women in his life.
_______ 61. We bickered constantly.
_______ 62. We lived in separate cities.
_______ 63. I wanted to spend more time with my other friends besides him.
_______ 64. He annoyed me.
_______ 65. He wanted to spend a lot of time with me.
_______ 66. I lost my physical attraction to him.
_______ 67. He was romantically interested in another woman.
_______ 68. We kissed and I didn’t want that to happen.
_______ 69. He chose his romantic partner over me.
_______ 70. He made me feel worthless.
_______ 71. He was jealous of my romantic partner.
_______ 72. Our friendship was boring.
_______ 73. He wanted sex more than I did.
_______ 74. We didn’t communicate well.
_______ 75. He wasn’t always there for me.
_______ 76. Hew told other people about our private conversations.
_______ 77. He lowered my self-esteem.
_______ 78. He started rumors about me.
_______ 79. Other men became more attractive than him.
_______ 80. I became sexually attracted to him and he wasn’t sexually attracted to me.
_______ 81. He didn’t listen to me when I needed him to.
_______ 82. He was jealous of my success at school/work.
_______ 83. He tried to be more than friends and I didn’t want that.
_______ 84. We argued.
_______ 85. He was verbally abusive to me.
_______ 86. He failed to provide intellectual stimulations.
_______ 87. We didn’t spend enough time together.
_______ 88. There wasn’t enough sex in our relationship.
_______ 89. We spent a lot of time together.
_______ 90. I fell in love with another man.
_______ 91. He made me feel bad about myself.
_______ 92. Another man came along and I became romantically interested in him.
_______ 93. He found other friends.
_______ 94. He got angry too often.
_______ 95. He lied to me.
_______ 96. I didn’t feel physically safe when I was with him.
_______ 97. I was jealous of his athletic ability.
_______ 98. Our friendship interfered with my other friendships.
_______ 99. He was not sensitive to my feelings.
_______ 100. We had different political views.

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