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Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 3300–3307

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Technical Note

A model for calculating geometry factors for a mixed-mode I–II single

edge notched tension specimen
Jafar Albinmousa a, Nesar Merah b, Shafique M.A. Khan b,⇑
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the present study, a novel approach is presented to obtain closed-form solutions for the
Received 21 August 2011 geometry factors, which are used to determine the stress intensity factors for various con-
Accepted 8 September 2011 figurations. A single edge notched tension specimen with an angled-crack is used as an
example to demonstrate the applicability, simplicity and flexibility of the new approach.
Several values for crack inclination angles, plate widths and crack lengths, including
Keywords: micro-cracks, are considered in the analysis. The new approach is validated through com-
parison with existing analytical and numerical solutions as well as experimental results.
Mixed mode
Geometry factors
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Finite element

1. Introduction

In linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), stress intensity factors (SIFs) characterize the state of stress in the vicinity of
the crack tip and therefore hold a pivotal position in the application of LEFM to further problems such as fatigue life predic-
tion [1,2], crack initiation prediction [3–8], crack tip core region characterization [6–9], crack propagation simulation
[10–12] and crack stabilization [13,14]. However, closed-form solutions for the calculation of SIFs are only available for
cracks in infinite plates (remotely applied stress) or for a limited number of cases of cracked plates of finite size. In addition,
for the cases of cracks in finite size plates, most of the closed-form solutions available are for pure mode I loading only.
Freese and Baratta [15] used weight function arguments and a boundary collocation technique to re-examine the geom-
etry factor solutions for a finite plate, with a single edge crack, under different loading configurations. Fett [16], using weight
functions and superposition method, presented the stress intensity factor solutions for short plates in tension and bending.
Cho et al. [17] investigated mode I and mixed mode fracture of polysilicon for microelectomechanical systems (MEMS). They
generated edge cracks of crack lengths ranging from 2.5 to 26 lm at different angles of crack inclination using microinden-
tation on specimen sizes between 50 and 400 lm. Finite element analysis was used to determine SIFs, which were used to
predict crack initiation angles. Yoneyama et al. [18] proposed a new method for evaluating the mixed mode I–II SIFs from
optically observed displacement fields. Hasebe and Inohara [19] performed stress analysis of a semi-infinite plate with an
inclined edge crack using rational mapping function of the sum of expressions and the complex variable method and ex-
plored the relationship between the stress intensity factors and the crack inclination angle. Chen and Wang [20] calculated
the mixed mode I–II geometry factors for a finite plate with an inclined edge crack using weight function method, which are
then used to determine the mixed mode I–II SIFs and T-stress for an offset double edge-cracked plate. Merah and Albinmousa
[21] determined the mixed mode I–II crack initiation angle for a cracked polycarbonate plate with a single inclined edge
crack. The mixed mode I–II SIFs were determined using photoelasticity and finite element method. Jogdand and Murthy

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +966 3 860 7225; fax: +966 3 860 2949.
E-mail address: (S.M.A. Khan).

0013-7944/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Albinmousa et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 3300–3307 3301


K stress intensity factor

I, II subscripts denoting the mode of loading
b crack inclination angle
W specimen width
a crack length
Y geometry factor
a, c arbitrary fitting coefficients
d arbitrary fitting exponent
/ loading angle
r applied stress

[22] proposed a new method for the estimation of the mixed-mode SIFs based on the formation of over-determined system
of equations. The proposed method must be implemented in existing finite element codes. Feng et al. [23] employed a con-
tinuous dislocation model with finite element method to evaluate stress intensity factors for an arbitrary number of through
thickness cracks.
Some of the techniques such as the boundary collocation and conformal mapping techniques [24,25], weight functions
[16] and mapping functions [19] and finite element techniques [22] are useful tools for calculating mixed mode I–II SIFs.
However, most of these techniques require a certain level of mathematical expertise to provide the ability to determine
the stress intensity factors. In addition, these methods take considerable time to setup and run the numerical problem.
Therefore, there is a pressing need to develop simpler solutions to determine stress intensity factors for various configura-
tions. In the present study, a novel approach employing geometry (or shape) factors, to determine the stress intensity factors
for an inclined (mixed mode I–II) edge crack in a finite size plate is presented. The approach is based on finite element anal-
ysis, the results of which are used for curve fitting delivering closed-form solutions for geometry factors and consequently
the stress intensity factors. The new approach is validated by comparison with available analytical, numerical and experi-
mental results for various combinations of crack inclination angles, crack lengths and plate widths.

2. Problem configuration

The problem considered, as shown in Fig. 1a, is the standard configuration of Single Edge Notched Tension (SENT) spec-
imen modified to provide mixed mode I–II. L is the specimen length, W is the width, a is the crack length and b is the crack
inclination angle; b = 0 implies pure mode-I loading (i.e. standard SENT).
The mixed mode stress intensity factors KI and KII for such a configuration can be calculated from the following relations:


Fig. 1. (a) Problem configuration and (b) meshed solid model for finite element analysis.
3302 J. Albinmousa et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 3300–3307

Table 1a
Mode I geometry factor YI.

b° a/W
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0 2.11 2.43 2.95 3.74 5.00 7.12 11.07
10 2.13 2.44 2.95 3.72 4.94 6.95 10.68
20 2.18 2.47 2.95 3.67 4.76 6.50 9.54
30 2.28 2.54 2.97 3.60 4.53 5.92 8.12
40 2.45 2.68 3.05 3.58 4.32 5.37 6.92
50 2.75 2.94 3.25 3.67 4.24 5.00 6.02
60 3.33 3.48 3.72 4.05 4.48 5.01 5.69
70 4.63 4.74 4.93 5.17 5.49 5.86 6.30
80 8.82 8.90 9.03 9.20 9.42 9.66 9.96

Table 1b
Mode II geometry factor YII.

b° a/W
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 1.28 1.45 1.71 2.09 2.62 3.50 4.99
20 1.28 1.44 1.68 2.02 2.51 3.26 4.46
30 1.29 1.43 1.64 1.93 2.33 2.89 3.72
40 1.31 1.42 1.59 1.83 2.14 2.56 3.16
50 1.33 1.42 1.55 1.72 1.95 2.24 2.61
60 1.38 1.44 1.53 1.65 1.80 1.98 2.21
70 1.49 1.53 1.58 1.66 1.74 1.84 1.96
80 1.84 1.85 1.88 1.91 1.95 2.00 2.05

K I ¼ Y I r a cos2 b
pffiffiffi ð1Þ
K II ¼ Y II r a cos b sin b

where YI and YII are the geometry factors and must be determined for the problem configuration considered. Rearranging
Eq. (1) results in:

Y I ¼ pffiffiffi
r a cos2 b
Y II ¼ pffiffiffi
r a cos b sin b
Using finite element analysis, the stress intensity factors can be determined for various values of b (varying the strength
of each mode in the mixed mode I–II loading) and a/W (varying the width of the cracked plate), which then can be used to
calculate the geometry factors using Eq. (2). The commercial software ANSYS is used to determine the stress intensity factors
for the configuration considered. The modified mixed mode I–II SENT specimen does not exhibit any symmetry, therefore full
2D models are developed in ANSYS. The problem is idealized as 2D plane stress and the material is considered to be linear
isotropic. The lower face is fixed in the y-direction and to prevent rigid body rotation, the node at x = y = 0 is fixed for all
degrees of freedom. A uniform stress is applied at the top face of the specimen. 2D structural triangular elements are used
to mesh the solid model. Skewed mid-side node method is used to achieve the 1= r singular behavior at the crack tip using
KSCON command in ANSYS. The meshed model is shown in Fig. 1b. The validation of the finite element model was performed
by the Merah and Albinmousa [21] using the results of Wilson [26] for various a/W and b values. Using this validated finite
element model, a parametric study is performed; while keeping r and a constant, b and a/W are varied between 0° and 80°
with a 10° interval and for each value of b, a/W is varied between 0.1 and 0.7 with an increment of 0.1. The resulting values of
the mode I and II geometry factors are listed in Tables 1a and 1b, respectively.

3. Proposed model

To increase the usefulness of these results and to generalize, following model is proposed to evaluate the geometry factors
and thus the stress intensity factors for any combination of crack inclination angle and a/W for the mixed-mode I–II single
edge notched tension configuration:
J. Albinmousa et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 3300–3307 3303

h a idi a
Y i ¼ ci cos þ ai ð3Þ
where i = I or II. Eq. (3) is based on curve fitting performed in Matlab environment, which also provided the following rela-
tions for the fitting parameters:

cI ¼ 1:9½cos b0:921  0:38b2:03

8:53  5:57b
dI ¼
b2  0:82b þ 1:37
aI ¼ ð4Þ
b3  0:73b2 þ 0:8
cII ¼ 1:2½cos b  0:15b
dII ¼ 2:85b  6:4b2 þ 5:1

aII ¼ 0:8b3  2:53b2 þ 1:66b þ 0:54

where b is in radians.
A total of 23 curves were fitted in order to correlate YI and YII with a/W and b considering all values of b and a/W ratios
analyzed using finite element method in the fitting process. It should be noted that Eqs. (3) and (4) for b = 0° will yield a

Table 2a
Goodness of fit for Eq. (3) for mode I geometry factor YI.

b° SSE R-square Adjusted R-square RMSE

0 0.0002182 1.0000 1.0000 0.007385
10 0.0005558 1.0000 1.0000 0.011790
20 0.0008335 1.0000 1.0000 0.014430
30 0.0030020 0.9999 0.9998 0.027400
40 0.0018330 0.9999 0.9998 0.021410
50 0.0017600 0.9998 0.9997 0.020980
60 0.0013310 0.9997 0.9996 0.018240
70 0.0011790 0.9995 0.9992 0.017170
80 0.0003667 0.9997 0.9995 0.009574

Table 2b
Goodness of fit for Eq. (3) for mode II geometry factor YII.

b° SSE R-square Adjusted R-square RMSE

10 0.0004874 1.0000 0.9999 0.011040
20 0.0000368 1.0000 1.0000 0.003033
30 0.0002686 0.9999 0.9999 0.008195
40 0.0002844 0.9999 0.9998 0.008431
50 0.0002705 0.9998 0.9997 0.008223
60 0.0001117 0.9998 0.9997 0.005284
70 0.0000866 0.9995 0.9993 0.004652
80 0.0000618 0.9983 0.9975 0.003931

Table 3a
Goodness of fit for Eq. (4) for mode I geometry factor YI.

SSE R-square Adjusted R-square RMSE

cI 0.0005646 1.0000 1.0000 0.01063
dI 0.0016510 1.0000 0.9999 0.01817
aI 0.0085580 0.9918 0.9890 0.03777

Table 3b
Goodness of fit for Eq. (4) for mode II geometry factor YII.

SSE R-square Adjusted R-square RMSE

cII 0.0008007 0.9977 0.9968 0.01266
dII 0.0199700 0.9990 0.9987 0.06320
aII 0.0044060 0.9919 0.9859 0.03319
3304 J. Albinmousa et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 3300–3307

positive value of YII instead of zero. However, this has no physical meaning since KII is zero for such a condition. The curve
fitting quality is a critical issue in this regard. In order to achieve a good fitting quality, the goodness of fit terms is evaluated
using four methods: the sum of squares due to error (SSE), R-square, adjusted R-square and root mean squared error (RMSE).
The goodness of fit terms is listed in Tables 2a and 2b for Eq. (3) for YI and YII respectively, which are fitted with respect to
different a/W ratios. Tables 3a and 3b list goodness of fit terms for the coefficients in Eq. (4) for YI and YII respectively, which
are fitted with respect to different crack inclination angles. Failure to achieve good values of the goodness of fit terms will
lead to an obvious error in calculating the mixed mode geometry factors YI and YII and thus stress intensity factors KI and KII.

4. Results and discussions

Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the results from the proposed model along with results from previous numerical studies. Fig. 2
presents results for the variation of YI with a/W ratio for a pure mode I crack and compares these with Freese and Baratta
[15], Benthem and Koiter [26] and Fett [16] for complete range of a/W ratios. Fig. 3 presents results for the variation of YI
and YII with a/W ratio for a mixed mode I–II crack and compares these with Chen and Wang [20] and Wilson [27]. As clearly
observed, the proposed model compares well with previous studies especially for the values of a/W less than 0.7, which rep-
resents the range used for curve fitting. It must be noted here that the previous studies use much more involved (e.g., Wilson


60 Fareese & Baratta [15]
Benthem and Koiter [26]
W Fett [16]
Proposed Model

40 a




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
a /W

Fig. 2. Variation of YI for the complete range of a/W.

Chen & Wang [20] σσ
Y I & β = 45 Wilson [27]
3.5 Proposed Model
Chen & Wang [20]
Y II & β = 45 Wilson [27] a
Proposed Model β
Y I & β = 22.5
o Wilson [27]
Proposed Model
Y II & β = 22.5
o Wilson [27]
2.5 Proposed Model

Y I & β = 22.5

1.5 o
Y I & β = 45

Y II & β = 45

0.5 Y II & β = 22.5


0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
a /W

Fig. 3. Variation of YI and YII with a/W.

J. Albinmousa et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 3300–3307 3305

2.0 σσ
Yoneyama et al. [18]

294 N { Richard & Benitz [28]
Proposed Model
Yoneyama et al. [18] w
1.6 196 N { Richard & Benitz [28]
Proposed Model
1.4 Yoneyama et al. [18]
KI (MPa √m)
98 N { Richard & Benitz [28]
Proposed Model
Ref. [21]
& current
Merah & Albinmousa [21]
σσ φ
1.0 Proposed Model

0.8 294 N w

196 N a
0.4 Ref.
98 N [18, 28]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
β (degrees for Ref. [21] & Current)
φ (degrees for Ref. [18, 28])

Fig. 4a. Variation of KI with mixed mode loading.

Yoneyama et al. [18]
σ φ 294 N { Richard & Benitz [28]
Proposed Model
Yoneyama et al. [18]
W w
W 196 N { Richard & Benitz [28]
Proposed Model
0.7 β
Yoneyama et al. [18]
Ref. [21]
98 N { Richard & Benitz [28]
KII (MPa √m)

0.6 & current Proposed Model
[18, 28]
Merah & Albinmousa [21]
0.5 Proposed Model

294 N
0.3 196 N

98 N

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

β (degrees for Ref. [21] & Current)

φ (degrees for Ref. [18, 28])

Fig. 4b. Variation of KII with mixed mode loading.

[27] and Freese and Baratta [15] used boundary collocation method and Chen and Wang [20] used weight function method)
analysis, whereas the present study uses the simple Eq. (3).
Figs. 4a and 4b present results for the variation of KI and KII respectively with mixed mode loading and compare the pro-
posed model with experimental studies in the open literature. Yoneyama et al. [18] and Richard and Benitz [28] tested stan-
dard SENT (straight crack) specimens and varied the loading angle, / to produce mixed mode I–II loading condition. To
compare with these cases, the crack inclination angle is set to zero in the proposed model, i.e., b = 0° and the load is multi-
plied by cos / and sin / for KI and KII, respectively. In Fig. 4b, the abscissa represents the crack inclination angle for the cur-
rent study and Merah and Albinmousa [21] and the loading angle / for Yoneyama et al. [18] and Richard and Benitz [28]. The
present model is compared for three different values of the applied loads (i.e., 294, 196 and 98 N) as considered in the exper-
iments by Yoneyama et al. [18] and Richard and Benitz [28]. It can be seen that the present model compares well with the
experimental studies throughout the entire range of crack inclination angle (i.e. complete range of mixed mode I–II) and for
various values of applied loads for both KI and KII.
3306 J. Albinmousa et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 3300–3307

Hasebe & Inohara [19]
YI Proposed Model (a /W = 0.2)
1.4 Proposed Model (a /W = 0.05)
Hasebe & Inohara [19]
Y II Proposed Model (a /W = 0.2)
Proposed Model (a /W = 0.05)
1.0 σσ



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
β (degrees)

Fig. 5. Edge-cracked semi-infinite plate: variation of YI and YII with b.

2.8 o
β = 10
YI { β = 40

β = 10
2.6 Y II { β = 40
o 1.25

2.4 1.20

2.2 1.15

2.0 1.10

1.8 β 1.05

1.6 1.00
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
a /W

Fig. 6. Variation of YI and YII for micro-cracks (a/W < 0.1).

4.1. Flexibility of the proposed model

In order to check the flexibility of the proposed model, the results are also compared against a case of semi-infinite plate
with an inclined edge crack in uniaxial tension. The solution, using conformal mapping to find mixed mode geometry factors,
for such a case is available in the open literature [19]. To investigate a suitable value of a/W, the width W is increased grad-
ually while keeping the crack length a constant. It is found that a value for the ratio of a/W = 0.05 is suitable to simulate the
case of semi-infinite plate. A comparison between the proposed model and Hasebe and Inohara [19] is given in Fig. 5 for two
different values of a/W, which shows a good agreement for a/W = 0.05. This shows the flexibility of the proposed model and
that with a careful manipulation of parameters, Eq. (3) could be applied to different problem configurations.
Citing the unavailability of closed-form solutions for geometry factors, Cho et al. [17] used finite element method to
determine SIFs for micro-cracks in MEMS applications. Although the range of a/W ratio used and the resulting values of
geometry factors are not given in their paper, an analysis of values of a and W used (mentioned in the introduction above)
provide a range of 0.00625–0.52 for a/W ratio. Based on this information, the proposed model was evaluated for a/W < 0.1.
The results, shown in Fig. 6 for two different values of crack inclination angle, demonstrate that the proposed model is sen-
sitive to small values of a/W ratio and therefore a candidate for micro-cracks or MEMS application.
J. Albinmousa et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011) 3300–3307 3307

5. Conclusions

A novel approach to obtain closed-form solutions for geometry factors in mixed mode I–II loading for different configu-
rations is presented. The approach is based on finite element analysis and parametric curve fitting. The proposed method is
used to determine the geometry factors for a single edge-notched tension specimen modified to accommodate mixed mode
I–II conditions by using an inclined crack. The generated results compare very well with available analytical, numerical and
experimental studies in the open literature. In addition, the flexibility of model is emphasized by simulating an inclined edge
crack in a semi-infinite plate and considering its suitability for micro-cracks/MEMS applications.


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