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Utopian society

The society that we dream, have the most revolutionary city. The power of this city is the mix
and the mutual work between the technology and the environment. we create this utopian
society based on what we believe the human being can become, dreaming that one day it can
become to reality for the good of all and working to make little but significant changes in our

Advancing technology

The technology in our society is very advanced. All buildings are ecologically constructed
and used ecologically, that is, the latest technology is used to take advantage of 100% of a
resource such as the sun. In the same way the cars, where they will be based on renewable
energy and will be by air, because it decreases the use of roads and so they can plant and
make better use of space on earth. Everything will be digital. For that, solar panels will be
built that will be integrated in all homes and in all buildings so as not to use that non-
renewable energy. They will no longer be a device based on many materials, but a hologram
screen, in this way screens will not be broken or damaged and will not need to be replaced by
another quickly. In the same way will electronic devices such as televisions, controls, sound
equipment, and other appliances. The reason of this idea of technology is because it can be
very useful for human beings, since it makes things a little easier, people will have better
feasibility, more practical things, and there will not be so many devices that cause damage to
the health of people. This technology will impact the environment more positively using
recycled materials that will not alter the normal functioning of the climate, the ozone layer or
the cutting of trees, for example.

The environment.

This idea of the ecological has a lot to do with technology. In this society it is emphasized
that the most important thing is the natural and not the artificial. This is a green society, as in
the story of Adam and Eve, majestic, many trees, lots of vegetation, animals, happiness. The
plastic doesn't exist and the contamination neither. The climate is mild, neither so hot, nor so
cold. There are the different stations that help the good functioning of the climate and there
are no earthquakes, tsunamis, or hurricanes. No animal is in danger of extinction, they are
part of the daily life of humans, they are not enclosed, therefore there are no zoos. There will
also be no hunting of animals, so the community is vegetarian. The foods are processed as
naturally as possible and do not impact negatively. There will be no fruit or vegetable trade
because they can be picked up anywhere. The important thing of this society is to live in
peace and harmony with other people and thus be able to enjoy an environment that is not
toxic. In addition, people are healthier and their life expectancy is much higher.

Building Communities

In this society they have the same rights and duties and everybody it's committed to this. The
money does not exist, the people have to bring something to the others. It can be art,
medicine, studies, etc. Everybody can have quality education and can decide to study
whatever and wherever they want. Peace and the respect prevails in this society. The borders
do not exist, that mean that we have no countries. There are no social strata. Everybody have
the same opportunities. There are no religions, or distinctions by race or sex. There is no
discrimination, there is no type of phobia. All people can know about other cultures and
enjoy them without being excluded. All people have the right to enter any mall, restaurant or
beauty salon. For this, the best way to handle it is to create awareness in each citizen so that
from an early age he has an open mind and is willing to recognize, explore and participate in
the multiple benefits that diversity has.


In our society the democracy still persist, the community choose the laws and the rulers. But
the person who are in charge have to must be accountable to the people and not hide
anything. The Leader is regulated by a group of people chosen by the same society, and him
have to stick to the opinion of this group. Also this group always try to be impartial and equal
in any situation.

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