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Introduction to Java Java Frameworks

vGetting Started with Java, vHistory & Versioning Struts Framework(2.x)

vHow to Install Java & set Environments
vOverview of Architecture, vFeatures Of Java vIntroduction to Struts
vDifference b/w Struts-1 & Struts-2, vAdvantage of Struts
Programming Environments vAdvantage of Struts-1 over Struts-2, vFlow of Struts
vJava Development Kit vConfiguration File, vAction &ActionSupport,vResult type
vJVM, JRE, JIT, JVM Architecture (With various Area like:-heap, stack .etc.)
vCommands & Tools (Javac, java, jconsole, javapetc) vOgnl&ValueStack, vActionContext& Action Invocation
vIDE's , (Eclipse, Netbeans, MyEclipse) vValidation Framework, vAware Interfaces,
vInterceptors & Cross Cutting Concerns, vUse of Interceptors
Basic Programming Concepts
(Java Fundamental) Hibernate 3.0 (ORM Implementation)
vKeyword and it Rule, vIdentifier(Making its Rule and Conventions) vIntroduction to Hibernate vAdvantage of Hibernate
vVariables(Local, static, Instance), v Literal (Constant) Spring 3.0
v Data type(primitive & Non-Primitive , Type Casting and Promotion) vSpring Core, vSpring JDBC, vSpring ORM, vSpring AOP, vSpring MVC
vMethod or Member Function, vOperators( Precedence and Associativity) vDesign Pattern
vStatic & Non-Static Properties Working on Database
vConditional Statement(If, If else,Nested If, Switch) Project Work
vLooping Statements(While, Do while,For, For-each)
vCreating static websites(Via:-Html-5,css3)
vContinue & Break Statement
vCreating responsive Websites Via Framework like-tutor bootstrap
vOperators(Arithmetic, Logical, Comparisional, Conditional, more...)
Tools like- web builder, Dreamweaver
Object Oriented Concepts Exception & Error
vAdvantage of OOPs, vNaming Convention, vObject & Class vIntroduction to Exception, vThrowable Interface,
vEncapsulation, vInheritance(Inheritance(IS-A), Aggregation(HAS-A)
vType Of Exception, vChecked & Unchecked Exception
,Delegation), vPolymorphism(Method Overloading, Method Overriding,
Up-casting & Down-casting, Static & Dynamic Binding, vException Handling Mechanism, vBlock & Clause
Virtual Method Invocation, Covariant Return Type), vAbstraction vParameterise Try, vMulti Parameterise Catch
(Abstract class, Interface, Marker Interface), vConstructor vCustom Exception Class, vOverloading & Exception,
(Private Constructor, Constructor Overloading, Constructor Chaining,
vAssertion & Error
Instance Initialize(Init) Block), vthis & super keyword, vPackage
vAccess Modifiers or Access Specifies( Public, Protected, Default, Private) Thread
vNon-Access Modifiers (Static, Abstract, Final, Transient, Synchronized,
Native etc), vJava Array( 1-D Array, 2-D Array, Multi-dimensional Arrays, , vThread Introduction, vLife Cycle & States
vThread Methods & Working, vThread & Runnable,
Important Part of JSE()
vThread Creation, vSynchronization, vThread & Runnable,
vGarbage Collection, vThroughput Garbage Collector
vConcurrent low pause Collector, vFull GC & Concurrent Garbage collector vInter Thread Communication, vDead Lock, vThread Priority
vThe Incremental (Sometimes called train) low pause collector vThread Scheduler, vThread Constant Pool, vMulti-tasking
vDaemon Thread, vThread vs Process,vExceptions in Thread
String & String Handling
File Handling(Input/Output In java)
vString class, vStringBuffer, vStringBuilder, vStringTokenizer
vChar Stream & Byte Stream, vInputStream&OutputStream
vString Constant Pool, vObject Creation in String
vReader & Writer, vFileInputStream&FileOutputStream
vString Methods & Manipulation
vInputStreamReader&BufferedReader, vFileReader&FileWriter
Nested & Inner Class vSequenceInputStream, vSerialization &DeSerialization
vLocal Inner Class, vStatic Inner Class, vNon-Static Inner Class vExternalizable, vObjectInputStrean&ObjectOutputStream
vAnonymous Class, vObject Creation, vNested Interface vReading & Writing File, vCopy & Paste File
vNested Abstract Class vCut & Paste File, vDivert Out From Console to File
Feature of Java-7 vCreating PDF, vEncrypt & Decrypt File
vCustomize the Exception, vProvide Parameterise Try
vProvide Multi Parameterise Catch, vIntroduce nio package
vIntroduction to Network, vNetworks terminology
vSwitch with String Arguments, vInitialize Variable with underscore etc
vPorts & Protocols, vSocket Programming
Feature of Java-8 vUrl Class & Methods, vWorking with Web-app
vPassing method as arguments(Lambda Expressions)
vDatagramSocket&DatagramPacket, vImplementing Chat-Serve
vIntegration of Stream API with Collection
vEnhanced Security, vJDBC 4.2 with new Feature etc. RMI
vIntroduction of RMI, vStub & Skelton, vDistribution Application
JEE (Advance Java) :
vSteps For RMI Implementation, vRMI with Window App
Web Component(Servlet, Jsp):- vRMI with Web-App
vServlet Technology(2.x and 3.x),vIntroduction to Servlet
vServlet Life Cycle, vServlet Hierarchy, vSessionTracking
vServlet API, vServlet Internal Structure, vFlow Of Servlet vIntroduction to Jdbc, vDrivers of Jdbc, vJdbc API
vConfiguration File, vRequestDispatcher, vSendRedirect vJava-Database Connectivity, vSteps for Connectivity
vServletContext&ServletConfig, vBinding Variable & Attribute vStatements &ResultSet
vPreparedSatement and CallableStatement
vEvent & Listener, vFilter &FilterConfig, vUpload & Download
vWorking on DML & DDL Query, vCreating Batch Query
vMail Activity Using Servlet, vManaging Attachment
vSending Mail With & Without Attachment, vReading Mail Collection
vIntroduction to Collection, vHistory Of Collection
Jsp Technology vAdvantage of Collection, vCollection Interface & Its Methods
vList & Its Sub Class, vSet & Its Sub Class
vIntroduction to JSP, vJSP API, vAdvantage of JSP Over Servlet
vInternal Structure of JSP, vImplicit Object, vBasic Tag of Jsp vMap & Its Sub Class, vQueue Interface and Its Sub-Classes
vAction tag of Jsp, vException Handling vIterator, ListIterator& Enumeration, vUse of For –Each loop
vJSTL & Types, vCustom Tag, vMVC1 & MVC2, vUpload & Download vInternal Working of Collection Classes, vHashing Technics
Distributed Component Enterprise Java Bean(EJB 3.x) Internationalization (I18N)
vMessage Driven Bean,vSession Bean (Stateless ,State full and Singleton) Reflection
vImplementing State full & stateless beans, vJava messaging Services(JMS) AWT & Swing
vClient Application for session & entity bean, vApplication of Message Driven Bean Event & Layout Management
Web Services Feature of Java-5
vIntroduction to WebServices vStatic Import, vAuto boxing, vCovariant Return Type
vWhy Web Services?, vService oriented Architecture vAnnotation, vVar Arguments, vFor-Each Loop, vEnum
vWeb Services Types and their diffrences: SOAP and REST
vSOAP Web Services Standard for Java : JAX-WS (2.2.8)
vREST Web Services Standard for Java : JAX-RS (2.0)

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