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M. Sc. Physics I Semester

Paper V: Communication Electronics
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. Marks 80
1. Discuss Amplitude and Frequency Modulation. How are AM signals generated.What arenecessary Power
2. How AM signals are detected. What is AGC. Discuss Radio Receiver Characteristics. What is Signal to noise
ratio in radio receivers.
3. Write short notes on
(a) Balanced modulator.
(b)SSB transmission
4. AnalyseFrequency modulation. How are FM signals generated.What areDirect method and reactance tube
method. Discuss Noise considerations in FM.
5. Write short notes on
(a) FM transmitter.
(b) AFC
(c) FM Propagation
(d) Phase discriminator.
6. Write short notes on
(a) Ground wave, Sky wave and Space wave propagation.
(b) Ionosphere
(c) Ecclr- larmer theory,
(d) Magneto ionic theory.
7. What do you understand by an Antenna.Write short notes on
(a) HF antenna,
(b) Yagi antenna,
(c) loop antenna,
8. What is Satellite communication.Write short notes on
(a) Parabolic reflector,
(b) Dish antenna
9. Discuss Fundamentals of image transmission. Write short notes on
(a) Vestigial transmission,
(b) Image orthicon,
(c) Vidicon,
10. Write short notes on
(a) TV camera tubes,
(b) TV transmitter
(c) TV receiver
(d) Picture tubes.
11. What are Voltage and current relations on transmission line.Deduce Characteristic impedanceand Propagation
12. What is Impedance matching? Discuss a Quarter wave T/L as impedance transformer.
13. What is Attenuation along coaxial cable? What are cables of low attenuation?
14. Discuss Propagation of radio waves between two parallel lines, What are Wave guide modes, TE10 mode and
cut off wavelength
15. Write short notes on
(a) Cavity resonator
(b) Light propagation in cylindrical wave guide
16. What do you understand by Step index and Graded index fibers? Discuss Attenuation and Dispersion in fibers.

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