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Rules of Procedure
Edited by:
Angellica Belanovskaya
Evgeniya Andrejuk,
Lizaveta Sitkevich
Tatiana Pratskevich

These rules are based on the original rules of the Security Council, as stated in the Charter of
the United Nations and the Statute of the International Court of Justice, but adaptations have been
made to facilitate and ease debate during the Model UN conference. In general, the procedure in the
Security Council shall conform to the Rules of Procedure. However, below are a number of special
rules applicable only in the Security Council. In case of any conflict between rules in this chapter and
the other chapter of the Rules of Procedure, the rules in this chapter shall take precedence.


Rule 1 shall select any other positions necessary to help

Composition of the Security Council conduct the sessions of the Council.
The Security Council shall consist of fifteen
Members of the United Nations. China, France, Rule 5
Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the Roll Call
United States of America are permanent members The Chair shall call the roll for the purpose of
of the Security Council. establishing the quorum at the beginning of each
Each member of the Security Council shall session. Members who desire to be considered
have one representative. present shall reply «present» when the name of
their delegation is called.
Rule 2
Quorum Rule 6
A quorum shall be made up of two-thirds, or 10 General Authority of the Security Council Chair
Members, of the Security Council. The Council may The Chair shall preside over the meetings of the
neither begin with the conduct of business nor vote Security Council and, under the authority of the
on any substantive matter without a quorum Security Council, shall represent it in its capacity as
present. However, the Chair reserves the right to an organ of the United Nations.
adjust the quorum as it deems necessary. The Chair and the other Chair are independent
officials representing the interests of the world
Rule 3 community. They have no voting rights.
Diplomatic Courtesy The Security Council Chair shall be the
Delegates must accord diplomatic courtesy to chairperson at all Council sessions.
all other Delegates and Secretariat members at all The Chair shall have the authority to declare the
times. opening and closing of each session, the
adjournment of the meeting, direct discussions and
Rule 4 mediates between the sides of the discussion
Security Council Officers during unmoderated caucus , ensure observance of
The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chair these rules, accord the right to speak, advise the
and the other Chair of the Security Council, and Council on methods of procedure that will enable

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the Council to accomplish its goals, rule on points
and motions, assist formulating of resolutions, Rule 12
which are generated in the Council chamber, Statements by the Secretariat
formulates the final text of the discussed clause or The Secretary-General, or any member of the
amendment and reads it to the house before voting, Secretariat, may make verbal or written statements
accumulates and write down the complete text of to the Security Council at any time.
the discussed resolution and gives it to the house.
The Chair may decide during the session the Rule 13
limitation of Debate, Closure of Debate, the Participation by Non-Council Member Nations
limitation of the time to be allowed to speakers, the Any Member of the United Nations which is not
limitation of the number of times each delegate may a member of the Security Council may be invited,
speak. by the decision of the Security Council, to
The Chair has the power to propose the participate in the discussion of the question, when
suspension of the meeting or the adjournment of the Security Council considers that the interests of
the debate on the item under discussion. that Member are specially affected, or when a
Member brings a matter to the attention of the
Rule 7 Security Council.
Absence of Council Chair A non-Council UN member nation or observer
If the Council Chair should find it necessary to may submit proposals, draft resolutions and
be absent during any part of a Council session, the amendments, but may not move these to the floor
other Chair will conduct the Council session and or vote at any time.
assume authority. The other Chair acting as These proposals and draft resolutions may be
Chairman shall have the same powers and duties put to a vote only at the request of a representative
as the Chair. on the Security Council.

Rule 8 Rule 14
Provisional Agenda Participation by Representative of a non-UN
The Provisional Agenda is communicated to the member nation, an international organization, or
Members of the Security Council at least thirty days any other persons
before the opening of the session. If the Security Council, when discussing any
This agenda provides the Council with topics issue, finds it necessary to have presented a
that are the basis for its deliberations, but in no way Representative of a non-UN member nation, an
limits the Council’s topics. international organization, or any other persons it
considers competent for this purpose the Council
Rule 9 have a right to invite them to the meeting.
Adoption of the provisional agenda These Representatives will be subject to
The first item of the provisional agenda for each questions and answers.
session of the Security Council is the adoption of
the agenda. Rule 15
Open meeting
Rule 10 If it is determined that many nations outside of
Daily Order of Agenda Topics the Security Council have an interest in a specific
The Council will establish the daily order of issue, the Council may declare an “open meeting”
agenda topics at the start of each daily session. on any issue being discussed,
Once established, this will become the working In order to allow all delegations time to prepare
agenda for the duration of that day. their comments, an open meeting in the Council
Agenda topics will be discussed in the order in should be announced at least two hours in advance
which they appear on the working agenda. of the open debate session.
Any UN member nation or observer may
Rule 11 participate in an open meeting.
Amendments to the Agenda
The Agenda may be added or amended at any Rule 16
session of the Security Council with at least 9 votes Forms of debates
of the Security Council members. Delegates of There are three forms of debates in the Security
member states may propose to add to the working Council: formal debates, moderated caucus and
agenda any relevant question or to change the unmoderated caucus. It is a decision of the Chair or
order in which agenda topics are to be discussed by of the members of the Council in which form to
the Council. work.
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The Council may choose to enter informal The exception to this rule occurs on any Point
debates if the members determine that this process of Order, Point of Parliamentary Inquiry, Point of
will better facilitate the discussion of a particular Information or Point of Personal Privilege, at which
issue. time a Representative should raise their placard
and call out “Point of _______”.
Rule 17
Formal debates Rule 22
During formal debates the Chairperson Right of Reply
establishes one continuously open speakers list. A delegate whose national integrity has been
The Chair begins by asking all delegates interested impugned by another delegate may request a Right
in addressing the other members to raise their of Reply. The Chairperson shall determine an
placards. The Chair then chooses delegates to be appropriate time limit for the reply. The
placed on the speakers list. Once a nation has Chairperson’s decision whether to grant the Right of
spoken, it is crossed off the list. Delegates can be Reply is not open to appeal. A Right of Reply to a
added to the bottom of the speakers list by passing Right of Reply is out of order.
a note to the Chairperson or raising a placard when
the Chair asks. Rule 23
The flow of debates
Rule 18 The Security Council shall start debate with a
Moderated Caucus blank draft resolution, unless decided otherwise by
The purpose of the moderated caucus is to the Chair.
facilitate substantive debate at critical junctures in The Council shall debate only one clause at a
the discussion. In a moderated caucus, the time.
Chairperson will call on delegates to speak at his or Proposed clauses shall be introduced by
her discretion. The Chairperson rules the debates in delegates taking the floor during formal debate. The
official manner. Chair can set debate time on the proposed clause.
Rule 19 Rule 24
Unmoderated Caucus Amendments
In unmoderated caucus, delegates may leave All amendments must be submitted on an
their seats and address other delegates in an official amendment form to the Chair.
informal manner. Its purpose is to discuss the issue Typographical errors will be corrected by the
in informal format, to merge draft resolutions, to Chair and announced to the house.
explain position of the country. There can be no abstentions during the vote
on an amendment.
Rule 20 Once the amendment passes, it shall be
Speeches incorporated into the proposed clause, debate on
No Delegate may address the Council without which shall then be resumed.
previously obtaining the permission of the Chair.
The Chair shall call upon speakers in an order Rule 25
determined by the Chair. Amendments to the Amendment
The Chair may call a speaker to order if his An amendment to the amendment will be in
remarks are not relevant to the subject under order. No amendments of the 2 nd degree will be in
discussion. order.
The Chair may limit the time to be allowed to An amendment to an amendment may be
each speaker and the number of times each introduced in written or orally.
representative may speak on any question. In order to introduce an amendment to an
Delegates, at the conclusion of a substantive amendment, a delegate shall request the floor when
speech, will be allowed to answer questions the Chair asks for speakers either against or in
concerning their speech. favor of the original amendment.
A speaker who desires to make a motion may
do so after their speech and questioning, but prior Rule 26
to yielding the floor. Voting on Amendments to an Amendment
Voting on an amendment to an amendment
Rule 21 shall take place once debate time on the
Recognition of Speakers amendment to the amendment has elapsed. If the
Delegations wishing to speak on an item before house passes the amendment to the amendment,
the Council will signify by raising their placards. the original amendment also passes as a whole. If
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the amendment to the amendment fails the house Yield to the chair. Such a yield should be made
goes back into debate on the original amendment. if the delegate does not wish to yield to questions or
another delegate. The Chairperson will then move
to the next speaker.
Delegates must declare any yield by the
Rule 27 conclusion of his or her speech. If time runs out, the
Note Passing Chairperson will simply move on to the next
Note Passing is in order during the entire speaker.
session, except during voting on a resolution, for
the purpose of communication with other Rule 31
delegations and the Chairperson. The Chairperson Method of voting
may suspend note passing for any period of time if The Сouncil shall normally vote by show of
he feels that decorum in the committee is not placards, but any representative may request a roll-
maintained. All notes passed between the delegates call using the Motion to Divide the House. The roll-
shall be screened by the administration staff call shall be taken in the English alphabetical order
responsible for note passing. Should a member of of the names of the members, beginning with the
the staff find a note not in compliance with section member whose name is drawn by lot by the
of the Rules of Procedure, the note shall be passed Chairman. The name of each member shall be
to the Chairperson, who will take appropriate
called in any roll-call, and its representative shall
disciplinary action against the sender of the note.
reply "in favour", "against" or "abstaining".
Note Passing shall be suspended during voting
Rule 32
Rule 28 Voting Rights
Order of consideration of clauses and Each Security Council member delegation has
amendments one vote.
The Security Council session considers first No delegate may cast a vote on behalf of
the clause, draft project or amendment submitted another country.
or seconded by more Security Council member Decisions of the Security Council on procedural
states than the others or selected by the matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine
unanimous decision of the Chair based upon members.
priority and contents of the proposed draft. Decisions of the Security Council on all other
matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of
nine members including the concurring votes of
Rule 29
the permanent members.
The end of debate
At the end of debate, all passed proposed
Rule 33
clauses shall be considered as a draft resolution.
Consent of the Five Permanent Members
The Chair shall reserve at least 30 minutes for a
As established in the Charter of the United
debate on the entire draft resolution, at the
Nations, each of the five Permanent Members -
conclusion of which shall stand a vote on the draft
China, France, Russian Federation, the United
Kingdom and the United States - shall have the
right to veto any substantive matter which comes to
Rule 30
a vote before the Security Council.
Yields A vote “against” by any Permanent Member,
A delegate granted the right to speak on a along with ten affirmative votes by other Council
substantive issue may yield in one of three ways: members, shall constitute a veto and cause the
Yield to another delegate. His or her remaining motion to fail.
time will be given to that delegate.
Yield to questions. Questioners will be selected Rule 34
by the Chairperson and limited to one question Conduct During Voting
each. After the Chair has announced the beginning of
The Chairperson will have the right to call to voting, no representative shall interrupt the voting
order any delegate whose question is, in the opinion except on a point of order in connection with the
of the Chairperson, rhetorical and leading and/or actual conduct of the voting or point of personal
not designed to elicit information. Only the privilege.
speaker’s answers to questions will be deducted
from the speaker’s remaining time.

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Rule 35 Rule 41
Rights of Explanation Point of Information
Rights of explanation are permitted on all A Point of information is a question to the
substantive votes after voting. The Chair may speaker, who has the floor if he/she has indicated
permit members to explain their votes, either before that is willing to yield to points of information.
or after the voting. The Chair may limit the time to A Point of Information must be formulated as a
be allowed for such explanations. question.

Rule 36
Rule Changes
The Security Council and the Chair have a right
to change the rules of procedure in case it makes III. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS
their work more efficient and fruitful.
Rule 42
II. POINTS A motion may only be made when the floor is
not taken and when there is no voting procedure.
Rule 37 Each motion should be seconded by the House
None of the points shall interrupt a speech in order to be considered. And if objection is
except for a Point of Personal Privilege referring to present, it should be clarified.
audibility. Any point made by a delegate should be Each motion shall be put to a vote even if there
raised at the conclusion of the speech, or can be is no objection to them. There can be no
addressed by the Chairperson, at his or her abstentions during the vote on a motion.
discretion, during the speech. The Chair is entitled to overrule any motion in
The Chair is entitled to rule a point out of order interest of the debate (except Motion to Appeal the
at any time. Decision of the Chair).

Rule 38 Rule 43
Point of Personal Privilege Motions in Order during the Debate:
Whenever a delegate experiences personal The following motions are in order during the
discomfort, which impairs his or her ability to entire debate:
participate in the proceedings, he or she may rise to Motion to Extend Debating Time:
a Point of Personal Privilege to request that the The Motion to Extend Debating Time is needed
discomfort be corrected. when the delegate wishes to continue debate on an
Only a Point of Personal Privilege may interrupt amendment or a draft resolution although debate
a speaker, but if referring to audibility only. time, as set by the Chair, is about to elapse. The
delegate putting the motion forward must specify
Rule 39 the time by which he wishes to extend debate time.
Point of Order The motion shall be put to a vote, requiring a
During the discussion of any matter, a delegate simple majority to pass.
may rise to a Point of Order to indicate an instance Once the motion carries, the Chair shall add the
of improper parliamentary procedure or the General specified time to the remaining debate time.
Assembly or its Committee is proceeding in a Motion to Move the Previous Question:
manner contrary to these rules. The Motion to Move the Previous Question
The Point of Order will be immediately ruled on means that the delegate putting the motion forward
by the Chairperson in accordance with these rules wishes to end the debate on the current
of procedure. amendment or draft resolution and move directly
into voting procedure.
Rule 40 The motion requires a 2/3 majority to pass
Points of Parliamentary Inquiry (absolute majority for amendments).
A Point of Parliamentary Inquiry is a question to Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair:
the Chairperson regarding the rules of procedure. The Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair
It is in order when the delegate raising the point is in order when the delegate is sure that the
did not understand a part of the proceedings and decision of the Chair is wrong and out of order. An
wishes that the Chair clarifies this. appeal must be made immediately following the
ruling in question.

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The motion needs a 2/3 majority to pass. Motion to Divide the House:
Once the motion passes, the Chair shall The Motion to Divide the House is in order
withdraw the decision in question and continue with when the delegate putting the motion forward
the debate/voting procedure. wishes that every delegation declares its vote
Motion for Unmoderated Caucus aloud.
The Motion for Unmoderated Caucus is needed The Chair shall rule this motion out of order if
when the delegate wishes to discuss the issue in the number of abstentions cannot change the
informal format. A time limit for the caucus shouldn’t outcome of the vote or when there is a minor
exceed twenty minutes. difference between the number of votes “in favour”
The Motion requires a simple majority to pass. and “against”.
Motion to Follow Up: The motion requires a simple majority to pass.
The Motion to Follow Up is a right of the further Motion to Retake Votes:
point of information from the same questioner, if The Motion to Retake Votes is used when the
there are no other points on the floor, or when a delegate supposes that there is a need to vote once
questioner supposes that the point is again.
misunderstood. The motion requires an absolute majority to
The Motion to Follow Up is overruled by the carry.
Chair at any time. Motion to Split the House:
The motion to Split the House is used if the
Rule 44 delegate wishes that the members of the House
Motions in Order after Voting on a draft explain their votes.
resolution The delegates will be called upon in a roll-call
These motions are in order, after the vote was and asked to answer accordingly to their vote.
cast. The motion requires a simple majority to pass.

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