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ophthalmology Times

Chief Medical Editor Peter J. McDonnell, MD
6n)Up Editor Mark L DIugoss 440/891 -3103
Managing Editor Sheryl Stevenson
A dangerous perception sstevenson@advanstar,com 440/891-3125
Senior Editor Julia Talsma

Dealing with tiie glass ceiling

jtalsma@advanstar,com 440/891-2696
Senior Editor Lois A. Bowers
lbowers@advanstar-com 440/891-2797
Associate Editor Helen Thams
hthams@advanstar,com 440/B91-3139
Associate Editor Paul Matheis 440/891-3106

Psychologist finds that women believe other women are obstacles News Editor Barbara Bower
bbower@advanstar,cam 440/891-2608
Art Director Molly Sabala 440/891-2713
Senior Art Diractor Peter SelUer
whether women in positions of author- 440/891-3108
By Peter J. McDonnell, MD Vignettes include the following: Editorial Assistant Rae Ann Houghton
• A gentleman recently complained ity, in general, interfere with the career

omen, as we all that, although his private club had com- advancement of other women. Having Contributing Editors
know, historically mitted itself to increasing female mem- observed several women in leadership Lynda Charters. Noelle Creamer, Nancy Groves,
Cheryl Guttman, Jennifer Hanni, Jennifer A. Webb
have been under- bership, the admissions committee had positions (whether faculty, nursing
represented in thus far been unsuccessful. "No matter staff, or administrative staff) in the Column Editors
many professions which woman is proposed," he said, three academic departments in which I Anterior Segment Tectiniques Ernest W. Kornmehl, MD
Cataract Corner Richard S. Hoffman, MD and
and especially in leadership roles. "some other woman blackballs her." have worked, my conclusion is that Mark Packer, MD
some women are effective mentors/role coding.doc L. Neal Freeman, MD, MBA
The "old boys' club," in which male • Two women are comparing career Dispensing Solutions Vincent K. Young. MD
superiors support and advance male em- trajectories, one complaining that she models/advocates for other women, Grand RDunds Robert Ritch, MD
ployees while oppressing women, results was stalled for 2 years, until she finagled whereas some women seem to be terri- Money Matters John J, Grande, Traudy F. Grande, and
John S. Grande, CFPs*
in the so-called glass ceiling, in which a lateral move. "What was the problem?" ble in this role. Neuro-Dpiithalmotogy Andrew G. Lee, MD
"Woman boss." Ophthalmic Heritage Norman B. Medow, MD
women find they often are unable to rise But exactly the same can be said for Panrotinal View Allen C. Ho, MD
to positions of influence and authority male leaders. One hopes there are a lot Plastics Pearls Richard Anderson, MD
Tech Talk H Jay Wismcki, MD
within an organization. more of the good leaders to further the Uveitis Update Emmett T, Cunningham Jr., MD, PhD. MPH
The solution is to identify capable development of junior people, male or What's New at the AAO Susanne Medeiros
women who can assume leadership roles, Senior women at best female. Publishing/Advertising
because they will serve as mentors and Wherever the truth lies in terms of Publisher Lauri B, Jorgensen
role models for young women in the are neutral and perception versus reality, one conclusion l|orgensen@ad™nslar,com 732/346-3013
Global Sales Manager Leo Avila
company/medical or law practice/aca- I draw is that it is a false assumption that 732/346-3067
Sales Account Eiecuthfe/
demic department, and ensure that
women are offered chances for develop-
at worst obstruct the simply putting women into positions of
authority will eliminate the glass ceiling
Classified Products & Sarvices Sharon Donnelly 440/891-3197
Recruitment Advertising Joanna Shippoli
ment and advancement at least as actively for women newly entering the work
as men. In effect, an "old girls' club" now career development force under these women leaders.
| 440/891 -3107
Marketing Director Maggie Grande
mgrande@advanstar,com 973/944-7920
will serve the same function for women Rather, it seems to me that all employ- Senior Sales Coordinator Lisa Noble
tor which the old boys' club is famous. of younger women. ees, male and female, should be enrolled 732/346-3060

At least this is the conventional wis- in programs of mentoring and leader- Production
dom. It always has made good sense to ship training. This approach does not Production Director Dan Murphy
rely on women feeling responsible for Production Manager Geri Johnson
me, seems completely logical, and I be- gjohnson@advanstar,com 218/740-6387
lieve to at least some degree reflects the Common survey finding helping members of their own sex out of
philosophy of many organizations (in- Apparently, surveys of women in the shared bonds of "sisterhood" nor on Circulation
Circulation Manager Ryanne Battaglia
cluding my own university). workplace consistently reveal that, rather senior men helping women because they 218/740-6466
But it seems that conventional wis- than being perceived as the advocates of perceive them to be weak. Permissions/International Licensing Barry Gilbert 440/891-2707
dom may be wrong. junior women employees via the "old If you run a large practice or organi-
In the February issue of Psychology girls' club," senior women at best are zation, how have you addressed this
Today, clinical psychologist Judith Sills, neutral and at worst obstruct the career issue?OT ADVANSTAR
PhD, presents a fascinating analysis of development of younger women. President, Chief Executive Officer: J o e L o g g i a
tbe perceptions of young women in the Dr. Sills writes: "A woman's worst Vice President, Finance & Cfiiet Financial Otticer: T e d A l p e r t
Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer: P a t r i c i a J o s e p h
workplace who "say that other women in workplace enemy? Another woman. Vice President-Cliiet Tecfinalogv Officer: Rick T r e e s e
power are holding them back." Women, it is widely felt, hold other Executive Vice President-Cnrparate Development: Eric I. L i s m a n
According to Dr. Sills, women are less women back. Is there validity to this per- Executive Vit:e Presidents: Laura M c C o n n e l l , R. S t e v e
Morris, Daniel M . Phillips
likely than men to mentor younger ception? I haven't seen data to prove it's
Vice President-Electronic Media Group: M i k e Alic
women. Some men, we are told, are will-
ing to reach out to and mentor young te-
true, but the fact that it is a common
survey finding is powerful in itself.
Peter J. McDonnell, MD
is director of The Wilmer Eye
Vice President-Market Development & Licensing Gruup:
Georgiann DeCenzo
Vice President-Media Operations: F r a n c i s H e i d
male colleagues (the right thing to do) be- Women blocking other women is a Institute, The Johns Hopkins
Vice President-Human Resources: N a n c y N u g e n t
cause they believe that women are weak dangerous perception. It reinforces some University School of Medicine, Vice President-Treasurer & Controller: A d e l e D, H a r t w i c k
and in need of help (the wrong reason). inchoate portrait of the woman execu- BaHimore, and chief medical Vice President-Gen era I Counsel: W a r d H e w m s

I recommend this article to you. It is tive as insecure bitch, easily threatened, editor of Ophthalmology Times. lile Sciences Group
provocatively titled, "Catfight in the overly emotional, less able to focus on He can be reached at Executive Vice President: R. S t e v e M o r r i s
Vice President cf Operations: Laura W a g n e r
boardroom: Do women hold other achievement because she is preoccupied 727 Maumenee Building, Greup Controller: T e r e s a K i v l e h a n
women back?" with squelching younger talent." 600 N. Wolfe St., Chief Medical and Compliance Otticer: John C . M a r l o w , M D

Whether reality or perception, writes Baltimore, MD 21287-9278 Repnnts al all articles in tins issue and past issues al Ophthalmology TmK
are availalile. Call or writE Heather Duhit, FosleRepnnts, 4295 Oiiio SL,
Dr. Sills, office pres- Some observations Phone; 443/287-1511 Michigan City. \H 4 6 M 800/344-8915 ext 1», ta> 21S/5Et-2031. E-mail:
iidub( TD acquirs a mailing list tram Ophitialmology nneii
sures can make Being neither a psychologist nor some- Fax: 443/287-1 514 subscriber llsl contact Renee Schuster at B00/225-45Gg exl 3t13 or 440/B91-
3t13: Fax; 440/B2G-2aE5; E-mail:
women unco- one who has researched this area, I can- E-mail; pmcdonn
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