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Name : Yovie Anggara Saputra

Class :B
Student Number : F1021161004
Subject : Research Paper
Date : December 11th, 2018


“Teaching Students’ Speaking Skill by Using Board Games”

Research Paper Analysis

This research paper is originally made by me which the data were taken from
the original thesis and it is analyzed by some guidelines. The first one is about thesis
statement on my paper. It is actually concise and clear since it covered all the things
that stated on the introduction section. Here is the thesis statement “Based on the
background above, the researcher would like to prove that the board game method is
effective towards students’ speaking skills.”. It describes that the researcher wants to
prove that the board game is effective to help students facing their problems, like lack
of grammar and less motivation. This kind of statement has created a good idea to make
readers focus that

The next one is about the outline. A good research paper consists of three big
sections for each outline: Introduction, body, and conclusion. If we try to break down
those sections, there will be eight parts that build a research paper: Abstract,
introduction, literature review, methodology, finding(s), discussion, conclusion, and
references. Luckily, I have those eight parts on my paper and there is nothing left.
Everything is already included on my paper.

The arguments that I put in my paper must be in a logical sequence. It lies on

the way that I arrange my discussion section. There are four things that I have to fulfill
on it: Research findings, previous study, supporting theory, and absolutely my own
argument. I do not think that I have arranged in a good sequence for my argument since
I put only a few theories to support my argument. It seems that is not a strong argument
even I have explained some relevant studies dealing with the conducted research. I
think that I have to find out more theories to make my argument stronger later.

Citation is another crucial thing that I have to consider because it indicates the
quality of my paper. There are some kind of citations that I actually can apply, but I
prefer to use APA 6th edition. I think this is a good choice to use citation because it
avoids us from plagiarism. I have cited all sources based on the rules of APA guideline.
It includes on the paper’s body and references section.

On the other hand, I have to build my argument stronger in case of proving my

thesis statement. I have done this and it can be judged from the literature section. I put
any supporting opinions and theories here which I cited from the relevant journals. It
is not an easy thing because I have to read many sources as relevant as my study is. I
start it from the definition, strengths and weaknesses and close it with my own

I was thinking that I have created my clear intentions and points on my essay.
As I stated previously on the first paragraph, I tried to prove that board games are the
best solution toward students’ speaking skill. By stating this statement, I have planned
anything that I would like to conduct on every pieces of my paper. It starts from the
observation, the research design, the process, and the main result of my study.

Topic sentence is also the thing that I have to learn deeply because it helps me
to attract people while reading my paper. I must put the short and sweet form of topic
sentence for each paragraph where it lies on the “hook” that attracts readers. I am not
sure that I put proper topic sentences overall because I might too focus on the content.
I have to do peer review to get popped up ideas on revising my topic sentences.

Based on the finding section, I put a diagram that describes the empirical proof
of my conducted research. It can be seen that I did comparison for the experimental
class and the controlled class that derived from what happened on the field. I am sure
that I have put the proof document in case of convincing the readers. It is not only the
diagram, I also support it with some paragraphs. It is clear to say that I have the

It is normal to find run-on sentences on every writing and I do have it. I mostly
did this kind of mistake on the discussion section where I delivered my idea on complex
sentences and it sounded weird. I have to be careful to break down or combine two
sentences into one. It is okay to make mistake because it happens accidentally
sometimes. That’s why I need someone to give comment before I publish my paper.

I also find the similar mistakes dealing with the word construction. I frequently
repeat some words at the same paragraph. It can be found on the discussion section.
Here is my own mistake “. There was a significant growing on experimental class from
the mean of pre-test score to the post-test one. It was totally different on the controlled
class since there was no treatment for them which made a little progress of the pre-test
score mean to the post-test one.” It is complicated to tell and I have to think my word
choice later to avoid the same one.

The length of sentence variation should be considered too. It leads the readers
to explore my paper more because of the uniqueness. Unluckily, I ignore this guideline
because I mostly have the complex one and it is confusing actually. It should be balance
for the sentence length in case of attracting readers. I must learn more about it.

Every paragraph that I made should be connected one to another. It is

impossible to say that only a single paragraph has described anything at once. There
must be a sentence as a bridge to connect to the next paragraph. I have it actually.

Since I did it on Microsoft Word, I could detect my mistake easily especially

for the grammatical error. It is rarely happened on my paper because of the Microsoft
Word feature. I might find a plenty of mistake if I write conventionally. As long as I
do it carefully, I can avoid this kind of mistake.
Like I said before on the previous paragraph, I did follow APA 6th edition on
quoting any sources. I did it accurately, for the example: Speaking is the ability to speak
in a foreign language is at the very heart of what it means to be able to use a foreign
language (Luoma, 2004). This is one of qualified example based on APA 6th edition.

I was thinking that I did my best on citing those quotations. It is appropriate

based on the rules. To make it sure, I have to read it not only once. I must read it for a
few times to make sure that everything is okay.

Another good thing that I have done on my paper is avoiding the contractions
using. I wrote anything completely, like “cannot” and “do not”. Since it is an academic
paper, it is not acceptable if I do those things. I have to be aware to these and read it
over and over again.

It is better to use the third person for a research paper. I did it entirely by using
word “the researcher” rather than using “I”. It is more general on meaning and sounds

My paper is already completed and I think there is no point left behind.

Everything has been described in sequence even I did mistakes at certain aspects.

I think that I am done giving the sense of completion and it lies on the
conclusion section. Some of important results have been described there and the readers
absolutely can understand it easily.

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