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Krishna Bista

Journal of International Students
Morgan State University
Baltimore, Maryland 21251

March 28, 2019

Dr. Mei Tian

School of Foreign Studies
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Shaanxi, China

Ref: Special Issue Editorship “International Students in China”

Dear Dr. Tian,

We are pleased to accept your proposal for the special issue on “International Students in China”
to be published in the Journal of International Students, a quarterly publication on international
education. This entire issue will be published in Chinese language except the abstracts in both
English and Chinese. We are also excited to have you and Dr. Genshu Lu (West China Higher
Education Evaluation Center at Xi’an Jiaotong University) as co-editors of this special issue on
the Editorial Board.

Published quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter), Journal of International Students is an
academic, interdisciplinary, and peer-reviewed publication (Print ISSN 2162-3104 & Online
ISSN 2166-3750) on international education. This journal is indexed in all major databases such
as: Scopus, Clarivate Analytics|ESCI, Educational Research Information Clearinghouse (ERIC),
ProQuest (information and data provider), EBSCOHost, Online Computer Library Center
(OCLC), World Catalog (WorldCat), Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER),
Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Questia (online digital library), Global Impact Factor
(GIF), UlrichsWeb (Global Serials Directory), and Cabell’s Directory of Journals. You can
access the digital copy of this journal at

The mission of this journal has much to do with the national interest of the US through the
promotion of scholarship on international higher education and through the new knowledge we
hope to help create about international students. The US remains the leader in international
education (with the number of our incoming international students rising to an all-time high of
1,095 thousands), but in order to keep up the research and scholarship in order to maintain and
improve the quality of their education, there is a clear need for many more researchers and
scholars in this field beyond the United States.

Currently China is ranked the third most popular destination for international students following
the United States and the United Kingdom. In contrast with the extensive research interest in the
experiences of international students in traditional destination countries, there is limited research
surrounding international student experiences in China. The proposed special issue will present
empirical research articles, theoretical discussions, and critical reflections on policies, practices
and experiences of international students across geographically and educationally diverse
contexts in China. The special issue will be of interest to policy-makers, researchers, teachers
and postgraduates in the fields of Chinese education, higher education, comparative and
international education, and intercultural and foreign language education.

Thank you for leadership and look forward to working with you and Dr. Lu in this special issue
of the the Journal of International Students!


Krishna Bista
Associate Professor, Higher Education
Editor-In-Chief, Journal of International Students

Dr. Chris R. Glass
Associate Professor, Higher Education
Senior Editor, Journal of International Students

See next page: proposals in English and Chinese

Call for Contributors

International Students in China

(Special Issue in Chinese Language)

Guest Editors:

Dr. Mei Tian, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Dr. Genshu Lu, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Currently China is ranked the third most popular destination for international students, following the United
States and the United Kingdom. In contrast with the extensive research interest in the experiences of
international students in traditional destination countries, there is a general lack of understanding regarding
international student experiences in China.

This special issue focuses on international students in China. It contributes a critical Chinese perspective
to existing literature on international student experiences. We welcome research articles, theoretical
discussions and critical reflections on policies, practices and experiences of international students across
geographically and educationally diverse contexts in China. We ask potential authors to adopt a critical,
anti-essentialist point of view when exploring and discussing issues related to China and Chinese
international student education.

Individual manuscripts may discuss the following topics:

· National policies and institutional practices;
· Internationalisation of the curriculum;
· Academic motivations, expectations and levels of satisfaction;
· Pedagogy, teacher-student interactions and learning engagement;
· Social encounters, intercultural challenges and adaptation;
· Identity: stereotypes and otherisation;
· Learning and teaching the Chinese language as a foreign language;
· And other relevant issues.

Submission deadline for full manuscripts: June 30th 2019

Authors are invited to submit full manuscripts written in simplified Chinese with abstracts in both
Chinese and English (150-200 words) to two editors via Journal Submission Portal. Please submit
Microsoft word documents.

How to submit to Journal Portal:

1) Create an account and login with your name and password
2) Select “Special Issue - International Students in China” from the dropdown menu when you submit
the paper for consideration in this special issue (see below).

The manuscript can be a research article (4,000-5,000 words), or an article of reflections (1,500-2,000
words). For further explanation of the two manuscript types, please refer to the “Manuscript Types”
requirements of the Journal of International Students (

Each manuscript should include both Chinese and English abstracts (150-200 words), Chinese and English
keywords (3-5 words), in-text citations, pagination, headings, tables, figures, and a reference list.
Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 2.54cm (1-inch) margins and use Size 5 Simsun Font.
Manuscripts must not include any identifiable information of the manuscripts’ authors. A separate title page
must be submitted which contains authors’ names, affiliation and contact information. Please send a short
biodata of each author (50 words).

For questions and idea approval, please contact issue co-editors:

Dr. Mei Tian
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Shaanxi, China
Dr. Genshu Lu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Shaanxi, China

应 ESCI 期刊《国际学生杂志》(Journal of International Students)主编邀请,我们编辑













稿件截止日期:2019 年 6 月 30 日

作者请于截稿日期前将中文稿件全文及中英文摘要(150-200 字)通过杂志投稿系统

发至两者中文特刊主编。投稿只接受 word 文档。


2)当您投稿时,从下拉菜单中选择 “Special Issue - International Students in China” (详见下图)。

投稿稿件可以是研究论文(4,000-5,000 字),或者反思性的文章(1,500-2,000 字)。

对两类稿件类型的详细说明,请参阅《国际学生期刊(Journal of International Student)》的

“稿件类型”(Manuscript Types)要求(。

投稿稿件应包括中英文标题、中英文摘要(150-200 字)和中英文关键字(3-5 字),

文内引用、页码、小节标题、表格、图和参考文献。稿件正文页边距 2.54 厘米(1 英寸)、

双倍行距、5 号宋体字。投稿稿件正文不包含作者的任何可识别信息,但投稿人应同时提
交标题页,并包含作者姓名、单位、联系方式,以及作者简介(50 字内)。





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