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Catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with polymers: a

critical review
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

Received 00th January 20xx,

Accepted 00th January 20xx Xuesong Zhang, Hanwu Lei*, Shulin Chen and Joan Wu

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x Increasing demand for renewable chemicals and fuels requires the exploitation of alternative feedstock to replace
petroleum-derived chemicals and fuels. Lignocellulosic biomass has been considered as the most promising feedstock for
the production of sustainable biofuels. Catalytic fast pyrolysis (CFP) is more amenable to directly convert biomass into high
quality biofuel. However, even in the presence of highly efficient catalyst, CFP of biomass can solely manufacture a low
yield of aromatic hydrocarbon but a high formation of coke. With the addition of hydrogen-rich co-reactant (e.g. waste
plastics) in CFP can significantly improve the yield of aromatics and lower the coke formation. Catalytic co-pyrolysis can
also reduce the disposal of waste polymers (plastics and waste tires) in landfills, solve some environmental issues, and
further increase energy security. In this regard, this article reviews the catalytic co-pyrolysis process from several points of
view, starting from feedstock characteristics and availability, current understanding of the chemistry in non-catalytic co-
pyrolysis, and focusing on the chemistry in catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with various categories of polymers. Recent
progress in the experiment studies on both non-catalytic pyrolysis and catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with polymers is
also summarized with the emphasis on the liquid yield and quality. In addition, reaction kinetics and several outlooks in
the light of current studies are also presented in the review. Consequently, this review demonstrates both highlights of the
remarkable achievement of catalytic co-pyrolysis and the milestones that necessitate to be garnered in the future.

petroleum resources will be exhausted worldwide after 2042

1. Introduction without considering projected growth of petroleum fuel
Extensive consumption of natural resources (such as coal,
These issues are inherently attributed to the limitations of
petroleum, and natural gas) is predicted to grow continuously
1 petroleum resources. To control the pollutant emissions and
at the annual rate of 1.6% in the next two decades. The
mitigate the energy crisis, several efforts are currently
petroleum fuel resources are recognized as valuable supply of
underway to seek new eco-friendly sources of energy for
finite natural energy, because their current depleted rate is 3
future generations. The renewable energy sources can not
orders of magnitude higher than their corresponding
only dispel the negative environmental impacts, but also
regeneration cycle. The massive utilization of petroleum fuel
eliminate the dependence on the utilization of petroleum
resources results in the augmented emissions of detrimental 7
fuels. For the sake of substituting renewable biofuels for
pollutants (e.g., sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and carbon
petroleum-derived fuels, the U.S. renewable fuels standard
dioxide), triggering a sequence of environmental problems.2
(RFS2) claimed that the domestic supply of alternative fuels
Carbon dioxide, as a strong greenhouse gas released into the
would increase to 36 billion gallons by 2022; besides the U.S.
atmosphere by means of petroleum resources combustion,
Energy Information Administration stated that irrespective of
contributes to global warming.3
varied prices of the oil prices the production of renewable
Despite a variety of environmental issues caused by the 8
biofuels will soar in the next three decades.
use of petroleum fuel resources, petroleum-derived liquid
In fact, current demand for renewable biofuels originates
hydrocarbons still served as the most attractive and feasible
from starch-based feedstock, competing with edible
transportation fuels, including gasoline and jet fuels.4 For 9
resources. Ideally, the second generation biofuels produced
instance, 7 billion barrels of petroleum fuels were consumed
from lignocellulosic biomass (e.g., woods, grass, energy crops,
for the United States in 2010; with 71% of petroleum fuels (5.2
and agricultural residues) are preferred, which can be
billion barrels) went toward satisfying the combined demand 8
compatible with the existing energy infrastructure.
of gasoline, jet, and diesel fuels.5 Within this context, the
Lignocellulosic biomass has been identified as the most
promising feedstock for the production of renewable
biofuels. That is because lignocellulosic biomass is the
most abundant and renewable source of non-edible biomass.
A total of 220 billion dry tons of annual lignocellulosic biomass
could be sustainably produced worldwide. For the United
States alone, the annual production (1.3 billion dry tons) of
lignocellulosic biomass could offset 50% carbon consumption

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16, 17
for gasoline and diesel. Unlike the petroleum sources, hydrotreating technique and gain desired hydrocarbons at a
lignocellulosic biomass has been considered as carbon-neutral pressurized hydrogen atmosphere by using supported metal
4 22, 31
sources, conducing to mitigating global warming effects. From catalysts. This process has been well attracted and
the economic point of view, lignocellulosic biomass as the developed owing to the substantial increase in high grade
feedstock to manufacture biofuels is much more inexpensive products. Nevertheless, HDO process requires high-severity
than edible biomass (such as corn starch) and crude oil. reaction conditions (such as high reaction temperature and
Accordingly, the effective implementation of lignocellulosic hydrogen pressure), improving the complexity of the reactor.
biomass necessitates appropriate technologies to produce High operating cost related to noble catalysts used, significant
large amounts of biofuels. catalyst deactivation, and considerable hydrogen consumption
Biochemical conversions of lignocelluloses are not cost- are also endured in HDO process.
effective owing to the fact that the biochemical techniques can An alternative way is to directly upgrade pyrolytic volatiles
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

solely take advantages of cellulose and hemicellulose in assisted by a catalyst prior to quenching volatiles to attain bio-

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lignocellulosic biomass. Nevertheless, thermochemical oil, which is called catalytic fast pyrolysis (CFP). The in-situ
methods are more energy efficient and cost-effective. catalytic fast pyrolysis (in-situ CFP) is conducted by combing
Among the thermochemical routes, pyrolysis is the most cost- the catalyst with biomass; when the catalyst located in a
effective and feasible way for the conversion of biomass into downstream reactor solely catalyzes the pyrolytic vapors, the
liquid fuels. Pyrolysis is the thermal degradation in the process is referred as ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis (ex-situ
absence of oxygen at 400 – 600 °C. Fast pyrolysis of biomass CFP). CFP is more amenable to directly convert biomass into
could obtain the highest mass yield (up to 80 wt% of dry feed) high quality bio-oils with enhanced stability, since it can avoid
27, 35-41
of liquid fuel and retain most energy (up to 70%) in the liquid polymerization and re-evaporation of pyrolysis oil.
3, 21
products. Thus the resultant fast pyrolysis oils have been Zeolite-based catalysts (e.g., ZSM-5) have been recognized as
viewed as the cheapest liquid biofuels and have attracted the highest-efficiency catalysts in CFP to produce considerable
22 42-46
crucial attention at research over the past two decades. petrochemicals (aromatics and olefins). However, even in
Furthermore, fast pyrolysis of biomass is on the verge of the presence of highly efficient catalyst, catalytic pyrolysis of
commercialization. lignocellulose can solely manufacture low carbon yield (10 –
Fast pyrolysis oil (usually called bio-oil) is a viscous black 30%) of aromatic hydrocarbons; large amounts of solid
liquid and it is comprised of more than 300 oxygenated residues, including both biochar and coke (carbon yields
24 1, 12, 45, 47, 48
compounds. Typical bio-oil primarily consists of three major usually above 30%), are achieved in the process. As
categories of compound, i.e., small carbonyl compounds, aromatics are considered as the high energy-density
25 49
sugar-derived compound, and lignin-derived compounds. hydrocarbons production, such low carbon yield of aromatic
The presence of the high water content (15 – 30 wt%) in the hydrocarbons from catalytic pyrolysis is not cost-effective to
25, 26
bio-oil results in a low heating value. The large amount of scale up the process in a biorefinery. Further, the process is
carboxylic acids renders the bio-oil acidic, with low pH values commonly plagued by the high production of coke deposited
of 2 – 2.5. Under these acidic conditions, the aldehydes and on the catalyst because the coke could rapidly deactivate the
ketones go through aldol condensation reactions, giving rise to catalyst and reduce its lifetime, resulting in the catalytic
1 50
a residue (35 – 50 wt% of the primary bio-oil). The instability process to be impractical. Therefore, these are the huge
of bio-oil is mostly associated with the oxygen-rich nature, challenges in the face of commercializing the catalytic pyrolysis
which is recognized as the preliminary difference between for the production of renewable petrochemicals.
25, 28
hydrocarbon fuels and bio-oils. Due to the detrimental It is discerned that the petrochemicals with the low carbon
properties (e.g., low heating value, high acidity, high viscosity, yield of aromatics and high coke formation are mainly
21, 25
and high reactivity), fast pyrolysis oil cannot be directly associated with the oxygen-enriched intrinsic nature and
1, 47, 51
used as transportation fuel in current engine systems. hydrogen deficiency of lignocellulosic biomass. In
Improving the quality of pyrolysis oil toward properties addition, the hydrogen to carbon effective (H/Ceff) ratio plays a
identical to those of hydrocarbon fuels is necessary. Efforts significant role in coke formation and converting efficiency of
to expel the high oxygen content of bio-oil by certain biomass into advanced biofuels . Thus the hydrogen-
21, 24
upgrading technologies is a priority. A variety of studies deficient (H/Ceff usually less than 0.3) biomass produces low
have been undertaken to garner this objective through carbon yields of petrochemicals and large formation of coke
upgrading techniques. Among them, catalytic deoxygenation when the lignocellulose were transformed over zeolite
42, 44
has been widely explored for upgrading bio-oil and dominantly catalysts. In order to improve the carbon efficiency of
includes two techniques: catalytic cracking and aromatics and minimize the coke formation, it is reasonable
hydrodeoxygenation (HDO). Catalytic cracking is a technique that the incorporation of high H/Ceff ratio co-reactants with
that involves the introduction of solid acid catalysts to the lignocellulosic biomass in the catalytic pyrolysis could help
pyrolysis process and it is conducted at the atmospheric mitigate these issues. It is observed that co-feeding of
pressure without the use of hydrogen. However, catalytic lignocellulosic biomass with hydrogen-rich feedstock in the
cracking of pyrolysis oil seem to be unpromising due to low catalytic pyrolysis can modify the reaction mechanism of
grade products obtained with a low carbon yield and high coke oxygen
formation (8 – 25% wt% regarding the feed), resulting in a
short catalyst lifetime. HDO of bio-oil adopts petroleum oil

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Fig. 1 Schematic representation of lignocellulosic biomass with the structure of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.

removal by substituting decarbonylation and decarboxylation i.e., trees, bushes and grass. Waste biomass is generated as a
48, 53, 55, 56
with dehydration. by-product from industrial sectors, including agricultural (corn
Synthetic polymers (e.g., waste plastics) represent a stover, sugarcane bagasse, straw etc.), forestry (saw mill and
cheaper and abundant hydrogen sources, which can be used paper mill discards). Energy crops are commonly advocated
to improve carbon efficiency of aromatics and lower the coke for the production of second generation biofuels, such as
42, 44, 47, 51, 57 64
formation in the catalytic co-pyrolysis. Tremendous switchgrass and miscanthus.
quantities of synthetic polymers waste are generated each As for the co-reactant of plastics, synthetic plastics are
year worldwide. For instance, the global generation of waste mainly classified into two categories: industrial and municipal.
electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is close to 40 Industrial plastics are tended to more homogeneous and
million tons per year. These polymers waste cause serious contamination-free; whilst, municipal polymers are more
damage toward the environment and have detrimental impact heterogeneous and have extraneous materials. Municipal
on human health. Yet the current fate to manage polymers plastics are primarily composed of low-density polyethylene
waste is generally limited by means of landfills and (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), poly(ethylene
59, 60
incineration. The state of the art on tertiary recycling terephthalate) (PET), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene(PS),
technologies like CFP offers a promising alternative to valorize polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly(vinylchloride) (PVC). PVC is
61, 62
polymers waste. In the light of these premises, the co- the second most used plastics (after polyethylene) due to its
feeding of lignocellulosic biomass with polymers waste in ow price and durability, and it can be found in drastic
catalytic pyrolysis is remarkably beneficial for the environment quantities in municipal solid waste (MSW). In addition, other
and energy recapture. synthetic polymers can also be introduced in catalytic co-
Numerous comprehensive reviews have reported CFP of pyrolysis, such as waste tires and waste electrical and
lignocellulosic biomass and CFP of polymers individually. Some electronic equipment (WEEE). Waste tires from automotive
recent reviews have also published fast co-pyrolysis technique vehicles are another feedstock with properties similar to those
6, 63 68
to improve oil quality. To the best of our knowledge, of plastics. However, WEEE is significantly distinct from other
catalytic co-pyrolysis technique of lignocellulosic biomass and industrial and municipal plastics; both valuable and hazardous
polymers have not been reviewed. This study is the first review materials are included in WEEE.
that aims to demonstrate the technique regarding catalytic co-
pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with polymers. This review 2.1 Components of lignocellulosic biomass
will start with the availability of synthetic polymers that can be A fundamental understanding regarding the characteristics of
supplied for catalytic co-pyrolysis, giving special attention to lignocellulosic biomass is essential to rationally illustrate the
the utilization of plastics. Moreover, fundamental chemistry mechanisms of catalytic co-pyrolysis. In this respect, we will
and kinetics of the reactions in catalytic co-pyrolysis is also summarize the properties of lignocellulosic biomass in this
discussed. With the consideration of polymers contribution in section. Lignocellulosic biomass is a complicated biopolymer,
catalytic co-pyrolysis, this review will focus primarily upon primarily consisting of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin (Fig.
70, 71
recent advances on the improvement of products quality and 1). Typically, lignocellulosic biomass contains 40 - 50 wt%
liquid yield for the sake of future commercialization. of cellulose, 15 – 30 wt% of hemicellulose, and 15 – 30 wt% of
lignin. Cellulose is a linear polysaccharide polymer of glucose
strongly linked by β-1, 4-glycoside linkage, acting as the
2. Feedstock for the co-pyrolysis process framework of lignocellulose cell walls (Fig. 1).
A variety of
In general, lignocellulosic biomass can be broadly categorized hydroxyl groups are also presented in cellulose chains, giving
into virgin biomass, waste biomass and energy crops. Virgin
biomass is made up of all naturally occurring terrestrial plants,

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73, 74
Table 1 Typical compositions used in tire manufacturing in USA and Europe (percentages of the gross weight of the finished tire).
Compositions (wt%) Truck tire Passenger car tire
USA Europe USA Europe
Nature rubber 27 30 14 22
Synthetic rubber 14 15 27 23
Carbon black 28 20 28 28
Steel 14 – 15 25 14 – 15 13
Othersa 16 – 17 10 16 – 17 14
Fabric, fillers, accelerators, antiozonants, etc.

rise to the formation of hydrogen bonds. Cellulose is made Tires are another polymers with comparable characteristics
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

up of regions: crystalline (high crystallinity) and amorphous with plastics. Tires is usually composed of these elements:

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76 74
(low crystallinity) regions. Moreover, cellulose microfibrils liner, plies, bead heel, sidewall, and tread. The compositions
are linked to each other by hemicellulose and/or pectin and are significantly distant in tires due to their numerous
covered by lignin. applications. Fundamental materials make up of tires, i.e.,
In contrast to cellulose, hemicellulose is more structurally nature rubber, synthetic rubber, carbon black, and steel.
amorphous, random, and has a heterogeneous composition. Table 1 gives the basic material compositions of two tires
The structure of hemicellulose contains various pentoses (truck tire and passenger car tire) in USA and Europe,
(xylose and arabinose), hexoses (glucose, galactose, mannose, respectively. Pyrolysis of tires is viewed as the most promising
rhamnose, and fucose), and uronic acids (glucuronic acid, route for the waste tires management, particularly in a large
9 82, 83
methyl glucuronic acid, and galacturonic acid). Short and scale. The technique can be capable of minimizing the
branched chains of hemicellulose is conducive to building a release of contaminates and pollutants, which is more
network with cellulose microfibrils and lignin, rendering the respectful than incineration. Pyrolysis of tires alone can
75 68
lignocellulose matrix extremely rigid. Lignin is the second achieve the liquid yield up to 75 wt%, and the heating value
abundant organic composition in nature, which is water of pyrolysis oil can reach up to 44 MJ/kg. In this regard, the
insoluble and optically inert. It is a complex aromatic and waste tires can be employed during the co-pyrolysis process to
hydrophobic amorphous biopolymer of propyl-phenol have a synergistic effect at product qualities and liquid yield.
groups. It is constructed of three basic phenol-containing Because the studies regarding the co-pyrolysis of
components: p-coumaryl, coniferyl, and sinapyl alcohols (Fig. lignocellulosic biomass with waste tires are currently limited,
1). These units are bound together by C–O (β-O-4, α-O-4, and more efforts should be made to show a clear overview in the
4-O-5 linkage) and C–C (β-5, 5-5, β-1, β–β linkage). Lignin also co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with waste tires.
plays a crucial role in the cross-linking between cellulose and
hemicellulose to garner a rigid three-dimensional structure of 2.2.1 Availability of plastics
the cell walls. In addition, lignin stores approximately 40% of The availability of plastics as a co-reactant during co-pyrolysis
energy of lignocellulosic biomass because of its high carbon is sufficient for the future sustainability of fuels production.
content. In general, softwood contains more lignin fraction Plastics are abundantly used in normal life worldwide. For
than hardwood and most agricultural residues. instance, the total consumption of plastics in Western Europe
was estimated at 33.4 million tons in 1996; while it was
2.2 Selection of synthetic polymers for co-pyrolysis augmented to 48.3 million tons in 2007 by an average
Although petroleum sources are commonly used as increasing rate of 4% per year. After its initial use, less than
transportation fuels, which is the end product; some 10% of plastics can be recycled, and the high estimation of
petroleum sources can still be stored in other forms, including over 60% of solid waste plastics is discarded in open space or
6 66 86
plastics and tires. Since a proportion of plastics and tires landfills worldwide. As reported by World Bank, waste
cannot be recycled, the challenges of waste polymers plastics occupy 8 – 12% of municipal solid waste (MSW)
management and extraordinary energy demand can be produced in different counties. It was also evaluated that the
simultaneously solved by conversions of waste polymers to proportion of global waste plastics in MSW will increase to 9 –
fuels. The waste plastics and tires can be considered as an 13% in 2025. Nevertheless, the disposal of waste plastics
option for co-pyrolysis process. Plastics are largely synthetic become a major concern in light of damages towards the
polymers derived from petroleum resources. Due to the rich environment. Accordingly, the appreciable availability of waste
nature of hydrogen and carbon, plastics are the potential plastics offers the future use of this polymers in co-pyrolysis
alternative for the production of hydrocarbon fuels to mitigate process to minimize the disposal of valuable plastics in
the energy crisis. In particular, the calorific value of liquid landfills.
product from fast pyrolysis of plastics could reach to 40
MJ/kg; the liquid product is also relatively clean and obtains 2.2.2 Availability of waste tires
fuel properties similar to petroleum fuels. Besides, the It was found that around 2.8 billion tires were manufactured in
addition of plastics in the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass 2012, which correspond to 17 million tons. There tires will
can further contribute to the heating value through positive eventually categorized or considered as waste tires. In
synergy. particular, the considerable tires consumption in Asia and

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Fig. 2 The schematic diagram of lignocellulosic biomass and polymers in the co-pyrolysis system.

Oceania will make these regions become the dominant waste commonly used to get rid of oxygen in the system and also
tires sources in next two decades. Taking China for example, facilitate sweeping pyrolytic volatiles to condensers, avoiding
the waste tires in 2010 was 5.2 million tons, accounting for 60 secondary reactions and maximizing liquid yield. It was noted
wt% of the global waste tires. Waste tires have a vital that reaction temperature subjected to the range of 400 – 600
influence in the increase of urban waste stream and threaten °C can garner over 45 wt% of liquid yield. In the condensation
the environment. In general, approximately 64% of waste tires system, pyrolytic vapors generated from co-pyrolysis process
are disposed in landfills or illegally dumped or stockpiled; no pass through the condensation unit to rapidly obtain the liquid
more than 13% of waste tires can be recycled. Since waste product.
tires are not readily degraded in landfills, yet easily float to the In contrast to conventional pyrolysis affected by several
top over time owing to trapped gases. As a result, the waste parameters (e.g, types of feedstock, heating rate, and reaction
tires break landfill covers. Incineration of waste tires liberate temperature), co-pyrolysis performance is influenced by a
the toxic gas, containing carcinogenic and mutagenic special parameter, namely, the ratio of co-reactants. It was
chemicals. Within the waste refinery concept, the valorization discerned that the biomass to plastics ratio in the co-pyrolysis
of waste tires is a preliminary driving force for research and process have a significant influence in liquid production.
innovation. Herein, pyrolysis technique have been observed as Furthermore, the effect of biomass to plastics ratio on liquid
a technically feasible way to tackle waste tires and gain yield was found to be more drastic than other effective
valuable products. parameters (temperature and reaction time). The type of co-
pyrolysis reactor chosen also has an important effect on
product yield and distribution. Most studies currently carry out
3. Co-pyrolysis chemistry the co-pyrolysis in a fixed-bed reactor.
69, 93, 94
As the extent of
3.1 Chemistry of non-catalytic co-pyrolysis contact between lignocellulosic biomass and polymers is the
The chemistry and steps of co-pyrolysis and normal pyrolysis key point to achieve the synergistic effect, the co-pyrolysis is
are almost the similar. Basically the co-pyrolysis is also more likely to be performed in a fixed-bed reactor rather than
required to be operated in a closed reactor system in the a fluidized-bed reactor. In comparison with the fixed-bed
absence of oxygen at 400 – 600 °C. As such, there are three reactor, the auger reactor was proved to more effective for
fundamental steps conducted in the co-pyrolysis system: liquid yield than fixed-bed reactor by implementing the co-
samples preparation, co-pyrolysis, and liquid condensation.
63 pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with waste tires under the
In order to mimic the co-pyrolysis process, Fig. 2 represents same condition. Meanwhile, the characteristics (total acid
the schematic diagram of the co-pyrolysis system. In the step number, density, pH value, calorific value, and oxygen content)
of samples preparation, lignocellulosic biomass and polymers of liquid product obtained from auger reactor are superior to
should be dried to remove the physical moisture and then those from fixed-bed reactor.
ground to the suitable size (usually 2 – 3 mm) for the co- 3.1.1 Importance of non-catalytic co-pyrolysis
pyrolysis reactor. In the co-pyrolysis step, inert gas (N2) is

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It is well known that simplicity and effectiveness are two key the degradation of poplar wood participated in the
criteria to develop a technique for the production of liquid depolymerization of HDPE in the co-pyrolysis process by using
6 102
fuel. Co-pyrolysis is an ideal process by using different a micro-scale reactor, yielding more light alkanes. To
materials as feedstock, which satisfies the aforementioned summarize, several free radicals could be induced in co-
criteria. There are a couple of studies showing that co-pyrolysis pyrolysis of biomass with plastics, including initiation,
of lignocellulosic biomass with polymers have successfully secondary radicals formation, and termination by radicals
44, 81, 97 93
improved product yield and liquid quality. Unlike disproportionation or recombination. Herein, secondary
catalytic cracking and HDO, co-pyrolysis technique has a radicals formation involves depolymerization, hydrogen
promising application for industrial utilization due to its transfer reactions, monomers formation, intermolecular
attractive outcomes. As mentioned above, the advantages of hydrogen transfer (generation of paraffin and dienes), and
the technique mainly depend upon the synergistic effect isomerization through vinyl groups.
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between the reactions of co-reactants during the co-pyrolysis For the co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with waste

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process. It was manifested that the yield of liquid product with electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), the hydrogen
improved properties, which is derived from the co-pyrolysis of donors mechanism was demonstrated as the major factor that
biomass with plastics, was much higher than that from impacts the synergistic effect, playing an important role in the
pyrolysis of biomass alone. increase of liquid yield. As lignocellulosic biomass has a much
Due to the difference of pyrolysis oil polar nature from higher H/C ratio than WEEE, the significantly high hydrogen
biomass and plastics or waste tires, an unstable form (phase content in lignocellulosic biomass could serve as a hydrogen
separation) would emerge in the mixed pyrolysis oils. If donor toward WEEE in the co-pyrolysis process. In addition,
biomass and plastics (or waste tires) are pyrolyzed individually, water evolved from biomass pyrolysis could also act as a
more energy input is required and the operating cost for liquid reactive compound to accelerate further cracking of WEEE tar,
6 103
production will remarkably augment. It was reported that the thereby promoting the liquid yield.
interaction of radicals in the co-pyrolysis system could During the co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with
contribute to the stability of pyrolysis oils, avoiding the polyethylene (PE), it is mostly likely that hydrogen abstraction
phenomenon of phase separation. Therefore the co-pyrolysis by biomass-derived oxygenates and reactive free radicals could
technique is thought to be more reliable for the production of facilitate the scission of polymer chains and their
104, 105
homogenous pyrolysis oil instead of just blending pyrolysis derivatives. Comparing with cellulose and hemicellulose,
oils. Furthermore, it is discerned that polymers waste (waste lignin is the major source of reactive free radicals in the fast
106, 107
plastic and tires) can be appreciably consumed through co- pyrolysis of biomass. Therefore, lignin could strongly
pyrolysis technique, which can reduce the polymers waste in influence the decomposition of PE when biomass and PE are
landfills, save costs for waste treatment and solve a lot of co-pyrolyzed. It was also obtained that the formation of char,
environmental issues. Hence the co-pyrolysis technique is a CO, and CO2 were all inhibited during the co-pyrolysis
promising alternative for waste management and enhancing process. These outcomes imply that hydrogen transfers from
energy security. From an economic point of view, the co- PE toward biomass-derived oxygenates could mitigate
pyrolysis technique of biomass and polymers is more polymerization and cross-linking reactions for the formation of
profitable than pyrolysis of biomass alone; it is a potential char, and also suppress decarbonylation and decarboxylation
option for the conversion of biomass and polymers waste into reactions to generate CO and CO2.
liquid fuels in an industrial scale. Besides the mechanism with respect to co-pyrolysis of
cellulose with polypropylene (PP) was also investigated by
3.1.2 Mechanism of non-catalytic co-pyrolysis using Py-GC/MS and Py-FTIR. During the co-pyrolysis
The synergistic effect between biomass and polymers in the process, a large amount of alcohols was obtained at 600 °C. It
co-pyrolysis process is the main factor for the improvement in was indicted that the vapor phase interactions including
oil quantity and quality. The mechanism corresponding to co- cellulose-derived hydroxyl radical abstraction and PP-derived
pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and polymers (plastics and chain-end scission, β-scission and intramolecular hydrogen
waste tires) has been widely investigated by a number of abstraction were favored at this condition. It was also
researchers. The mechanism of radical interactions in the co- observed that the free radicals, especially hydroxyl radical
pyrolysis reaction contributing to synergistic effect is mostly formation from the decomposition of cellulose was induced by
proposed. As for co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with the presence of PP; whereas, with the absence of PP, the
plastics, the thermal decomposition mechanisms of biomass degradation of cellulose predominantly involves concerted
109, 110
and plastics are relatively different. It was noteworthy that the reactions. Based on these observations, the plausible
pyrolysis of biomass undergoes a sequence of exothermic and mechanism regarding the formation of alcohols during co-
endothermic reactions; whilst the thermal degradation of pyrolysis of cellulose and PP is depicted in Fig. 3. In addition, it
plastics takes place through a series of radical mechanisms was noticeable that PP-derived methyl abstraction and
(initiation, propagation, and termination). Since the thermal subsequent hydrogen transfer was a preliminary route for the
stability of biomass is lower than that of plastics during the co- generation of less branched linear alcohols; whilst the
pyrolysis process, the free radicals from the degradation of formation of long branched alcohols could
biomass could promote the decomposition of plastics-derived
100, 101
macromolecules. In detail, free radicals generated from

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Fig. 3 Proposed mechanism for the production of alcohols during co-pyrolysis of cellulose and polypropylene.

also take place via free radical recombination of an end-chain

111, 112
with mid-chain hydrocarbon radicals. 3.2.1 Importance of catalytic co-pyrolysis
Petrochemicals (aromatics and olefins) produced from
3.2 Chemistry of catalytic co-pyrolysis petroleum sources are crucial feedstock for the manufacture
In terms of chemistry and steps for catalytic co-pyrolysis, they of valuable products, such as solvents, synthetic fibers,
are comparable with those of catalytic fast pyrolysis (CFP). plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Meanwhile, benzene, toluene,
Basically, catalytic co-pyrolysis is also necessitated to be and xylenes (BTX) with the light olefins (ethylene, propylene,
carried out in the presence of a catalyst. The presence of a and butadiene) are the most important preliminary
catalyst could enhance the targeted product yield and petrochemicals. As stated above, CFP of biomass over
selectivity in CFP. Among the widely used catalysts, zeolite- zeolite-based catalysts is a promising technique that can
based catalysts are particularly attractive due to their convert biomass directly into high-value added aromatics and
performances in the increase of aromatic yield. Likewise, olefins. Yet many issues accompanied with valuable products
zeolite-based catalysts (e.g., HZSM-5) have been mainly have also been encountered. For example, coke is rapidly and
applied as the catalysts in the catalytic co-pyrolysis of dramatically formed in CFP and deposits on the catalyst, block
42, 43, 53, 57, 114
lignocellulosic biomass with plastics. However, the micropores and consequently leads to the deactivation of
most previous studies regarding catalytic co-pyrolysis of the catalysts. It is worth noting that a relatively low carbon
biomass with plastics have been usually performed by using a yield (usually 10 – 30%) of aromatics were observed in CFP. In
high catalyst to feed ratios (e.g. 10:1) to maximize the liquid products, a large amount of aromatics belong to
petrochemical yields. The co-feeding of biomass and plastics polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The high
are commonly subject to catalytic pyrolysis process at the concentration of PAH limit the utilization of liquid product
43, 51, 53
catalytic temperature of 400 – 700 °C. since PAH are well known to be carcinogenic, mutagenic and
It is noticed that current catalytic co-feed catalytic pyrolysis environmentally unfriendly.
of biomass and plastics are frequently conducted in fixed-bed To increase the petrochemicals yield, improve the aromatic
reactors. By contrast, the continuous feeding fluidized-bed selectivity, and minimize the coke formation, co-feed catalytic
44, 54
reactor and the tandem micro-pyrolyzer reactor with pyrolysis of biomass with hydrogen-enriched feedstock (such
downstream packed-bed reactor have been applied in the as plastics and alcohols) is a novel and feasible route to solve
catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with plastics as well. In these problems. It was reported that the co-feeding of
117 38
addition, a couple of groups implemented the co-feeding of alcohols and light olefins (ethylene and propylene) in the
biomass with plastics in CFP by using micro-pyrolysis catalytic pyrolysis of biomass could enhance the yield of
42, 43, 53, 57, 114
reactors. There was a positive synergy between petrochemicals over ZSM-5 catalyst. Plastics as the ideal co-
biomass and plastics in the augment of aromatic yield and reactant are usually added in the catalytic pyrolysis of biomass.
solid residues reduction. For the slow catalytic co-pyrolysis Since waste plastics can cause serious environmental issues
conducted in abovementioned studies, it is detrimental for and threaten human health, the utilization of waste plastics in
biomass conversions; nonetheless, the extended reaction time catalytic co-pyrolysis process is not only beneficial for the
not only enhances the degradation of polymers to small reduction of pollutants, but also in favor of energy recovery.
molecular, but also promotes the catalytic reforming of Numerous studies reveal that the co-feed catalytic pyrolysis of
biomass-derived oxygenates and polymers-derived olefins to biomass with plastics could enhance petrochemicals yield,
yield aromatic production. improve the selectivity of

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tio ion
ra at
h yd rad
De de
r m
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Fig. 4 Schematic presentation for the productions of aromatics from catalytic co-pyrolysis of cellulose with LDPE in the presence of ZSM-
47, 57
5 catalyst.

desired aromatic compounds, and reduce the coke classified into two categories: the mechanism among biomass
43, 47, 53, 54, 57, 118, 119
formation. These results evidence that there and polymers during thermal degradation, and the mechanism
is a positive synergetic effect between biomass and plastics in among the pyrolytic volatiles at the catalytic sites. For
the co-feed catalytic pyrolysis process. According to state of catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastics model
the art research, most studies reported the results of compounds, it was observed that there was a positive synergy
hydrocarbon plastics (e.g., PE, PP, and PS) mixed with biomass for aromatic production in the co-feeding of cellulose and
in catalytic co-pyrolysis using HZSM-5 as the catalyst, and LDPE in CFP. The phenomenon was mainly attributed to the
observed a positive synergy in the improvement of aromatic interactions between cellulose-derived oxygenates and LDPE-
yield and selectivity and the reduction of coke generation. derived olefins. It was discerned that cellulose-derived
Therefore, catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with oxygenates could react with LDPE-derived light olefins in the
polymers should be advocated as the economically feasible presence of ZSM-5 catalyst. Fig. 4 depicts the reaction
route for the utilization of both lignocellulosic biomass and pathway for the conversion of cellulose and LDPE into
polymers in the future. aromatic production in the catalytic co-pyrolysis over ZSM-5
3.2.2 Mechanism of catalytic co-pyrolysis
The reaction mechanism of catalytic co-pyrolysis can be
relatively complex due to various types of materials introduced
in the process. The catalytic co-pyrolysis mechanism can be

OH Decarbonylation
Decarbonxylation O OH
n OH
tio ion
d ra dat OH
hy gra
De de
e rm Decarbonylation
Cellulose Th Dehydration
HO Decarbonxylation
O O Alkylation


Thermal decomposition

Catlalytic cracking
Fig. 5 Possible reaction scheme regarding the formations of naphthalene and indene from catalytic co-pyrolysis of cellulose with PS by
52, 53
using HZSM-5 as the catalyst.

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Fig. 6 Proposed reaction pathways for the conversions of lignocellulosic biomass and plastics in co-feed catalytic pyrolysis.120, 121

It can be seen that furan compound (e.g., furan and naphthalenes formation in CFP, possible reaction scheme for
furfural) derived from cellulose could react with light olefins the formations of naphthalene and indene from catalytic co-
(ethylene and propylene) evolved from LDPE to form pyrolysis of cellulose with PS by using HZSM-5 as the catalyst is
aromatics (e.g, BTX) through Diels-Alder reactions followed by sketched in Fig. 5. Styrene as a major product from the
dehydration reaction. In the catalytic co-pyrolysis, furan thermal degradation of PS could undergo the successive
compounds and light olefins serves as the diene and alkylation with allene derived from furans to form indene in
52, 55, 122 52
dienophile compounds, respectively. The Diels-Alder the presence of the catalyst. As such, the indene produced
reactions followed by dehydration reaction can enhance the could further react with allene, giving rise to the generation of
aromatics yield and reduce the coke formation via naphthalene.
42, 117
polymerization of furans. It is also evidenced that LDPE- The resultant observations are manifested that the
derived hydrocarbons (such as olefins and alkanes) can also act reaction pathway was much more complicated than those
as the hydrogen donor for cellulose-derived oxygenates, proposed previously when the real lignocellulosic biomass with
42, 43, 57
resulting in the decrease of coke formation in the zeolite- plastics are performed in catalytic co-pyrolysis.
123, 124
catalyzed conversions. According to related results from catalytic pyrolysis of
37, 39, 41, 45, 46, 125, 126 60, 62, 127-130
Comparing to PE and PP, PS cannot produce enough small biomass and plastics alone, and
43, 47, 51, 53, 57, 119
olefins for biomass-derived oxygenates to produce aromatics catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with plastics;
in the catalytic co-pyrolysis. The interactions among biomass Zhang et al. demonstrated the overall reactions network
and plastics proceeds in a different manner in the co-feed (co-feed catalytic pyrolysis of practical lignocellulosic biomass
catalytic pyrolysis. Generally, naphthalenes can be produced with hydrocarbon-based plastics over zeolite-based catalysts)
through the Diels-Alder condensation, dehydration of benzene as outlined in Fig. 6. For the dominant route in lignocellulosic
and furans, and a cascade of alkylation among toluene and biomass, cellulose could go through a sequence of
intermediate allene. Based on the mechanism of dehydration, decarbonylation, and decarboxylation to

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45, 125
generate furan compounds in the thermal degradation. are stabilized and the polymerization reaction for the
51, 120
As such, it is evidenced that hemicellulose was likely to generation of coke could be inhibited. Nonetheless, the
depolymerized into furan compounds, which is comparable issue of coke formation in the catalytic co-pyrolysis can only be
125 51, 57, 120, 121
with the result of cellulose degradation. Unlike cellulose and mitigated, rather than being completely eliminated.
hemicellulose, lignin in lignocellulosic biomass was primarily It is reinforced by the mechanisms that the biomass-derived
decomposed into phenolic compounds. As for the degradation oxygenates and plastics-derived olefins can partially undergo
of plastics in another route, thermal degradation of plastics polymerization reactions to form coke as well.
usually occurred through two mechanisms (random scission
132, 133
and chain-end scission). The two abovementioned
mechanisms took place simultaneously, generating free 4. Practical non-catalytic co-pyrolysis of
radicals together with the long carbon chains. At the same lignocellulosic biomass with synthetic polymers
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

time, the radical fragments could be transformed into straight

134 4.1 Plastics as the co-reactant in non-catalytic co-pyrolysis

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chain hydrocarbons via hydrogen transfer reactions. The
To produce high-grade pyrolysis oil, many efforts have been
hydrogen from the thermal degradation of plastics was
made to explore non-catalytic co-pyrolysis technique by a
provided for biomass-derived oxygenates that acted as the
number of researchers. Most studies regarding non-catalytic
strong acceptor, suppressing the char formation.
co-pyrolysis have chosen plastics as the addition with biomass
The waxes with large molecule weigh from the thermal
for the sake of improving the liquid quantity and quality. The
degradation of plastics can predominantly undergo catalytic
summary of representative studies on non-catalytic co-
cracking over zeolite-based catalysts through two
132, 135 pyrolysis of biomass with plastics is given in Table 2. Based on
carbocationic mechanisms, giving rise to light olefins. On
the categories of plastics, PE are commonly co-fed with
the other hand, a small partial amount of waxes may directly
biomass in the pyrolysis to investigate their synergy in the
suffer the catalytic cracking and oligomerization reaction to
61, 62 process. Pinto et al.138 aimed to valorize rice crop wastes (rice
form liquid alkanes and olefins. The light olefins can
husk and straw) by co-feeding with PE in the process to
thereafter react with furan compounds by the Diels–Alder
produce liquid fuel. The plastic to biomass ratio of 4:1 was the
reaction followed by the dehydration reaction to form
optimal one for both rice husk and straw to maximize the
aromatic hydrocarbons. Meanwhile, these plastics-derived
liquid yields. It was found that the co-pyrolysis of rice husk
olefins could individually subject to cyclization, aromatization,
with PE favored the formation of liquid product, while the
and oligomerization reactions to obtain aromatic
51 utilization of rice straw was in favor of gaseous and solid
hydrocarbons. Likewise, these furan compounds could
products. The liquid products from co-pyrolysis were
individually go through decarbonylation, aromatization, and
composed of a complex mixture of compounds, most of which
oligomerization reactions inside zeolite catalysts pores to form
are aliphatic hydrocarbons (alkanes and alkenes). The authors
aromatic hydrocarbons as well. As previously reported, it is
also pointed out that the recovery of biomass and waste
confirmed that the interaction via the hydrocarbon pool
plastics through co-pyrolysis provided a promising option for
mechanism could be found in addition to Diels–Alder
42 the economic valorization of the wastes.
reaction. Since the carbon yield of liquid organics
Moreover, almond shell was co-pyrolyzed with HDPE at
significantly increased and the coke yield dramatically
500 °C in a fixed bed reactor to evaluate the synergistic effect
decreased, the Diels–Alder reaction was the dominant reaction
on the product yield and composition.93 The maximum liquid
pathway during the co-feed catalytic pyrolysis in comparison
yield from co-pyrolysis was 50.88 wt%, which was strongly
with the hydrocarbon pool mechanism. In addition, phenolic
enhanced. For the properties of the liquid product from co-
compounds were individually converted into aromatic
pyrolysis, the optimal one had higher carbon (26% higher) and
hydrocarbons over zeolite catalysts by the dehydration,
45, 136 hydrogen contents (78% higher), a low oxygen content (86%
cracking, and oligomerization reactions.
less), as well as a higher heating value (38% higher) than those
During the catalytic pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass
of bio-oil from the pyrolysis of biomass almond shell alone.
individually, the hydrogen-deficient oxygenates from the
Aliphatic hydrocarbons were dominant in the liquid product
thermal decomposition of cellulose and hemicellulose could
from co-pyrolysis of almond shell with HDPE. In addition, co-
readily polymerize and react with phenolic compounds to
45, 125 pyrolysis of biomass (red oak) and HDPE was also performed in
generate coke; likewise, most phenolic compounds from
a continuous fluidized reactor.81 It was found that when the
the thermal degradation of lignin are too large to enter zeolite
137 pyrolysis temperature was elevated up to 625 °C, the
pores; these phenolic compounds are relatively unstable
maximum liquid yield (57.6 wt%) from co-pyrolysis was
and could easily deposit on the catalyst surface, and further
obtained. There was also a positive synergy at the HHV of
polymerize or react with small-molecule oxygenates to form
51 liquid product from co-pyrolysis, reaching up to 36.66 MJ/kg. It
coke. On the other hand, the resultant furan compounds
was also observed that the co-feeding of HDPE limited the char
could react with plastics-derived olefins via Diels-Alder
formation but improved the HHV of the resultant char.
reactions rather than polymerization reactions, thereby
As for the studies regarding co-pyrolysis of biomass with
reducing the coke formation during the catalytic co-pyrolysis
42, 52 PP, PP co-fed with cellulose via fast pyrolysis was conducted in
of lignocellulosic biomass with plastics. As such, lignin-
a Pyroprobe® reactor to investigate the production of high
derived phenolic compounds could abstract hydrogen atoms
quality biofuel intermediates.108 The effects of cellulose to PP
from evolutions of plastics; hence these phenolic compounds

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Table 2 Summary of studies on non-catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with plastics.

Type of materials Reaction conditions Results
Biomass plastics Plastics Temp. Reactor Liquid yield Product quality, calorific value
to (°C) (wt%) (MJ/kg) and oxygen content (wt%)
Rice husk PE 4:1 – 1:1 350 – Parr reactor Max. ~ 72 HHV = Max. ~ 27, dominant alkanes 138
430 and alkenes
Rice straw 4:1 350 – Max. ~ 66 HHV = Max. ~ 32, dominant alkanes
430 and alkenes
a 139
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Pine cone LDPE 1:1 500 Semi-batch 63.9 GCV = 46.33, O = 5.61
glass reactor

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PP 1:1 500 64.1 GCV = 45.58, O = 1.55
PS 1:1 500 69.7 GCVa = 46.43, O = 6.54
b 93
Almond shell HDPE 1:2 – 2:1 500 Fixed bed Max. 50.88 38% increase of HHV , O = 3.74 ,
reactor mainly aliphatic hydrocarbons
Red oak HDPE 1:4 525 – Continuous Max. 57.6 HHV = Max.36.66, O = Min.13.77, 81
675 fluidized bed mainly carbohydrate derivatives
b b 94
Potato skin HDPE 1:2 – 2:1 400 – Stainless steel Max. 50.88 HHV = 45.61 , O = 3.69 , mainly
550 retort aliphatic alkenes
Cellulose PP 1:3 – 3:1 500 – Pyroprobe NA HHV = Max. 41, Max. 45% of 108
800 reactor hydrocarbons, Max. 36% of alcohols
Alder wood PP 1:9 – 1:1 500 – Steel batch Max. 73.2 NA 140
700 retort
Pine wood 1:9 – 1:1 500 – Max. 70.6 NA
Pinewood PP 1:3 – 1:1 450 Pyrex reactor Max. 61 O = Min. 0.81, mainly aliphatic 141
sawdust hydrocarbons
PS 1:3 – 1:1 450 Max. 67 O = Min. 1.60, mainly aromatic
Cellulose PS 1:3 – 3:1 500 Pyrex reactor Max. 80.10 Dominant aromatic hydrocarbons 142

Palm Shell PS 1:1 500 Fixed bed 61.63 HHV = 38.01, O = 7.82, dominant 143
reactor aromatic hydrocarbons
Cellulose PVC 1:1 800 Fixed bed ~ 45 Most PAH decreased, HCl decreased 144
Xylan 1:1 800 ~ 40 Several PAH decreased, HCl
Lignin 1:1 800 ~ 37 Several PAH decreased, HCl yield
decreased to 9.3 wt%,
Fir sawdust WEEE 1:4 – 2:1 450 – Fixed bed Max. 62.3 Dominant aromatic hydrocarbons, 69
600 reactor no PBDD/Fs detected
Willow PLA 1:10 – 450 Semi- Max. 55.53 HHV = Max. 19.70 145
2:1 continuous
Willow PHB 1:7 – 1:1 450 Semi- Max. 64.24 HHV = Max. 20.22 146
a b
Gross calorific value; at plastic to biomass ratio of 1:1

ratio, temperature, liquid composition, and HHV were Furthermore, the synergistic effect between biomass (alder
evaluated. It was achieved that a maximum of 36% alcohols wood and pine wood) and PP in the co-pyrolysis was also
and 45% hydrocarbons were garnered at 600 °C, and the studied. Interestingly, the addition of PP in the pyrolysis of
highest HHV of 41 MJ/kg was also gained from PP-rich mixture. biomass not only improved the liquid yield, but also increased
The char formation was inhibited during the fast co-pyrolysis. degassing of bio-char. It was found that small amounts of PP
Importantly, the introduction of PP to cellulose substantially (up to 30 wt%), the appropriate temperature, and biomass
reduced the time taken for the completion of pyrolysis. humidity allowed complete coverage of the energy demand

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for the co-pyrolysis. The design of experiments (DOE) method products. It was also revealed that this work paved an
was also utilized to optimize the compositions of solid, liquid environmentally friendly way for the disposal of WEEE and
and gaseous products from the co-pyrolysis process. resource recovery.
In comparison with PE and PP, PS have a low hydrogen Polylactic acid (PLA) and Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) were
content due to the aromatic nature. In the studies on co- leveraged with willow in the co-pyrolysis to produce liquid
145, 146
pyrolysis of biomass with PS, the cellulose combined with PS fuel. The co-pyrolysis was carried out in a semi-
were subjected to a pyrolysis to investigate their synergistic continuous home-built rector at 450 °C. It is noted that there
effect. The maximum liquid yield from co-pyrolysis was was a positive synergy between biomass and polymers in the
80.10 wt%, which much higher than bio-oil yield (45.50 wt%) co-pyrolysis. The liquid yield was dramatically increased in
from the pyrolysis of cellulose alone. With the co-feeding of comparison with the bio-oil from the pyrolysis of willow alone.
PS, the liquid quality was clearly improved, including the Moreover, the water content was reduced, and the HHV of the
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decrease of acid number, pour point, and density. A dominant co-pyrolysis oil was improved. Given the resultant properties

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amount of aromatic hydrocarbons were obtained in the liquid of the co-pyrolysis oils, PHB was considered as the most
products from the co-pyrolysis of cellulose with PS. Abnisa et potential feedstock for the use in the co-pyrolysis due to the
al. has investigated the non-catalytic co-pyrolysis of palm higher liquid yield and higher HHV.
shell with PS to garner a high-grade liquid product. It was To summarize, the co-feeding of plastics in the pyrolysis of
found that the liquid yield considerably increased to 61.63 biomass can appreciably enhance the liquid yield. Besides, the
wt%, comparing to the bio-oil yield (46.13 wt%) from the qualities of the liquid product have been improved as well. For
pyrolysis of palm shell alone. Besides, the liquid quality was example, the energy content of liquid products represented by
significantly enhanced when PS was co-fed in the pyrolysis of HHV showed a considerable increase; all types of plastics were
palm shell. For instance, the high heating value (HHV) was evidenced to have a benefit in the improvement of the HHV of
improve up to 38.01 MJ/kg, while the HHV of pyrolysis oil from liquid products, comparing with the HHV of bio-oil from the
the pyrolysis of palm shell alone was only 11.94 MJ/kg. It was pyrolysis of biomass individually.
also observed that there were a dominant amount of aromatic
hydrocarbons obtained in the co-pyrolysis oil. In the study, it 4.2 Waste tires as the co-reactant in non-catalytic co-pyrolysis
was concluded that the co-pyrolysis of palm shell with PS is the Apart from the wide attention on waste plastics, there is also
key aspect to overcome environmental issues stemming from growing interest in the utilization of waste tires as a fuel
the high amount of palm shell waste and assure the energy source via fast pyrolysis. Several comprehensive reviews
security. through many aspects regarding the pyrolysis of waste tires for
74, 83, 84, 89
The utilization of some special polymers has also attracted liquid fuels have been reported. To date, studies
the attention in non-catalytic co-pyrolysis. PVC was used with focusing on co-pyrolysis of biomass with waste tires are
biomass components (cellulose, xylan, and lignin) in the co- recently limited. The summary of the studies on non-catalytic
pyrolysis at 800 °C in a fixed bed reactor to determine their co-pyrolysis of biomass with waste tires is summarized in Table
interactions. During the co-pyrolysis of biomass components 3. It can be seen that most studies were conducted in a fixed
with PVC, it was found that the liquid yield was remarkably bed reactor. For example, pine nut shells co-fed with scrap
increased and the HCl yield was reversely declined. tires were subjected to the pyrolysis at different blend ratios at
Furthermore, most polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were 500 °C. It was found that the introduction of scrap tires in
decreased in all co-pyrolysis tars, comparing to the calculated the pyrolysis of pine nut shells not only improve the liquid
proportion results. It was also manifested that biomass and yield, but also enhanced the liquid qualities when compared to
biomass-derived char can act as the catalysts for the the pyrolysis of pine nut shells alone. The carbon content in
prevention of dehydrochlorination or the promotion of PVC the liquid products from co-pyrolysis was much higher and
chain fission. However, Zhou et al. stated that the co- oxygen content was much lower than those in biomass-
pyrolysis of biomass with PVC should be further researched; derived bio-oil. The HHV of liquid products from co-pyrolysis
since there were toxic chlorinated compounds existing in the was dramatically promoted, reaching up to 43.3 MJ/kg when
pyrolysis oils, affecting their subsequent use. the biomass to tires mass ratio was set at 1:4. In the co-
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) co-fed pyrolysis oils, D-limonene and aromatic hydrocarbons were
with fir sawdust were co-pyrolyzed to obtain a liquid fuel.69 It the preliminary compounds. In addition, the heating value of
was discerned that the liquid yield (62.30 wt%) from co- gaseous and solid products were both higher than those of the
pyrolysis was much higher that liquid yields from pyrolysis of products from the pyrolysis of pine nut shells individually.
fir sawdust and WEEE individually (i.e., 46.3% for fir sawdust As such, co-pyrolysis of palm shells with scrap tires was
and 53.1% for WEEE). It was suggested that there was a investigated as a function of stepwise co-pyrolysis
positive synergistic effect between fir sawdust and WEEE temperature and feed ratios in a fixed bed reactor to improve
during the co-pyrolysis process. The liquid product stemming the quantity and quality of liquid product.68 Two scenarios
from co-pyrolysis mainly consisted of aromatic hydrocarbons. were performed at 500 °C and 800 °C respectively in the study.
In the co-pyrolysis, less than 10% of total bromides distributes The scenario with higher temperature and prolonged time
in gas, which is much lower than that emanated from showed an increase in both liquid and gas yields. Likewise, the
combustion of WEEE. Interestingly, no polybrominated second scenario also
dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PBDD/Fs) were found in all

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Table 3 Summary of studies on waste tires co-fed with biomass in non-catalytic pyrolysis.
Reaction conditions Results
Biomass Tires to Temp. (°C) Reactor Liquid Product quality, calorific value (MJ/kg) and Ref.
categories biomass ratio yield oxygen content (wt%)
Pine nut 1:4 – 4:1 500 Fixed bed Max. 47.0 HHV = Max. 43.4, O = Min. 7.33, mainly D- 147
shell reactor limonene and aromatic hydrocarbons
Palm shell 1:3 – 3:1 500 Fixed bed Max. HHV = Max.46, O = Min. 0.43 68
reactor 48.06
1:3 – 3:1 800 Max. HHV = Max. 47, O = Min. 0.06
Sawdust 2:3 – 3:2 500 Fixed bed Max. 47.0 HHV = 42.44, O = Min. ~5, PAH considerably 148
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reactor decreased

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Oil palm 1:1 500 Fixed bed 42.80 NA 149
empty fruit reactor
Pine 1:9 – 1:4 500 Fixed bed Max. 48.5 LHV = Max. ~15, O = Min. 51.3, dominant 96
woodchips reactor oxygenates
1:9 – 1:4 500 Continuous Max. 56.0 LHV = Max. 25.0, O = Min. 46.8, dominant
auger reactor oxygenates
microalgae 1:4 – 4:1 290 – 370 Custom-made Max. 65.4 HHV = 42.03, O = Min. 2.49, mainly aliphatic 150
autoclave esters and hydrocarbons

had a higher quality of liquid products, achieving a higher It is indicated that the liquid products from non-catalytic pyrolysis
HHV and lower oxygen content. Furthermore, Cao et al. have of biomass with polymers cannot be used as liquid fuels, even
carried out the co-pyrolysis of sawdust and waste tires both in though some properties (e.g., HHV and oxygen content) of liquid
a fixed bed rector and a continuous auger rector.148 It was products have been improved to a large extent. To obtain advanced
discerned that only one phase was found in the both two products, a catalyst should be introduced in the co-pyrolysis so that
reactors and a positive synergistic effect between the carbon efficiency of aromatics can be enhanced and coke
lignocellulosic biomass and waste tires was evidenced. Acidity, formation can be correspondingly reduced. To date, a few studies
density, oxygen content of the liquid products form co- have pointed out that catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with plastics
pyrolysis are both declined; PAH and HHV were both improved could be significantly improved the carbon yield of target aromatics.
regarding the merely biomass-derived bio-oil. However, the The summary of representative studies on co-feed catalytic
positive synergy was more notable in the auger rector, pyrolysis of biomass with plastics is shown in Table. 5.
because a higher liquid yield and qualities with higher HHV and Most of the studies leveraged cellulose (a model compound of
lower oxygen content was obtained. lignocellulosic biomass) co-fed with plastics to conduct catalytic
More importantly, an attractive and novel topic regarding pyrolysis in a micro-pyrolyzer. To be more specific, Li et al. have
co-pyrolysis of microalgae with waste tires was proposed by investigated the co-feeding of cellulose with LDPE in CFP by using
Duan et al.150 Waste tire was co-fed with microalgae in ZSM-5 as the catalyst to determine their interactions during the
supercritical ethanol at 290 – 370 °C to examine the synergistic catalytic co-pyrolysis.42 It was obtained that the co-feeding of
effect between such two feedstock. It was reinforced by the cellulose with LDPE in CFP had a much higher carbon yield (47.46%)
results that there was a positive synergistic effect between of aromatics than CFP of cellulose or LDPE individually; and co-feed
microalgae and waste tires. The maximum liquid yield was 65.4 CFP also gave rise to a lower coke formation than CFP of cellulose
wt%, originating from the co-pyrolysis. The most significant alone. Besides, up to 85.1% selectivity toward valuable mono-cyclic
extent for the synergistic effect was 37.8% with microalgae to aromatics was achieved during co-feed CFP. Therefore, the co-
waste tire mass ratio of 1:1. The optimal HHV of liquid product feeding of cellulose with LDPE in CFP had a positive synergistic
from co-pyrolysis was 42.03 MJ/kg, similar to that of diesel. effect on the improvement of aromatic production and decrease of
The interactions between microalgae and waste tires during coke formation. As such, the difference among LDPE, PP, and PS in
the co-pyrolysis process, ZnO and carbon black in the waste the co-feed CFP over ZSM-5 was also evaluated by Li et al.57 During
tire all favored denitrogenation and deoxygenation, thereby co-feed CFP of cellulose with LDPE, PP, and PS, LDPE applied in the
improving the quality of the liquid products. To sum up, this co-feed CFP could generate higher carbon yield of petrochemicals
study paved a novel pathway for the utilizations of microalgae (aromatics and olefins) and lower carbon yield of solid residues
and waste tires. (coke/char). It was evidenced that cellulose and LDPE had a more
pronounced synergy because of the Diels-Alder reaction between
cellulose-derived furans and linear olefins derived from LDPE during
5. Practical catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic co-feed CFP.
biomass with synthetic polymers Moreover, Dorado et al. aimed to produce drop-in fuels from
catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass (cellulose, xylan, lignin, and
5.1 Plastics as the co-reactant in catalytic co-pyrolysis

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Table 4 Summary of studies on catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with plastics.

Type of materials Reaction conditions Results
Biomass plastics Catalyst Plastics Temp. Reactor Aromatic Aromatic selectivity
to (°C) yield (C
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s ratio
Cellulose LDPE HZSM-5 1:1 650 Pyroprobe 47.46 Mainly toluene and xylenes 42
Cellulose LDPE HZSM-5 1:4 – 590 Curie-point 33.0 – Mainly BTX 118
1:1 pyrolyzer 34.3
B/HZSM- 1:4 – 590 26.6 – Mainly xylenes and toluene
5 1:1 30.6
Cellulose LDPE HZSM-5 1:2 550 Pyroprobe 48.4 Mainly toluene and xylenes 57
PP HZSM-5 1:2 37.5 Mainly toluene and polyaromatics
PS HZSM-5 1:2 54.4 Mainly benzene and polyaromatics
Cellulose LDPE K10 1:3 400 – Horizontal 53 – 70 NA 151
500 oven wt%
KSF 1:3 400 – 52 – 69 NA
500 wt%
Bentonit 1:3 400 – 62 – 64 NA
e 500 wt%
Cellulose LDPE HZSM-5 0.4:1 – 250 - Microwave- 36.05 – Dominant xylenes and 121
1.45:1 500 induced 46.35 trimethylbenzenes
Cellulose LLDPE HZSM-5 1:1 500 – Microscale 11.8 – Mainly toluene and xylenes 152
600 online 33.1
pyrolyzer wt%
HY ~ 10 – Mainly toluene and xylenes
PP HZSM-5 1:1 500 – 8.3 – ~27 Mainly toluene and xylenes
600 wt%b
HY ~9 – 14.7 Mainly xylenes and other mono-
wt%b aromatics
Cellulose PE HZSM-5 1:1 500 Tandem micro- 25.00 Dominant BTX 51
Xylan HZSM-5 1:1 500 17.95 Dominant BTX
Milled HZSM-5 1:1 500 15.19 Dominant BTX
Red oak HZSM-5 1:1 400 – 15.68 – Dominant BTX
700 21.35
Black- PE LOSA-1 1:1 600 Continuous 29.9 Mainly benzene and naphthalenes 54
liquor Spent 1:1 600 fluidized bed ~20 Mainly benzene and naphthalenes
lignin FCC reactor
γ-Al2O3 1:1 600 ~17 Mainly benzene and naphthalenes
Sand 1:1 600 ~13 Mainly benzene and toluene
PP Spent 1:1 600 ~19 Mainly benzene and naphthalenes
PS Spent 1:1 600 55.3 Mainly styrene
Douglas LDPE HZMS-5 0.4:1 – 200 – Microwave- 34.18 – Mainly xylenes and 120
fir pellets 1.45:1 500 induced 42.66 trimethylbenzenes

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Pine PE LOSA-1 1:1 600 Continuous 42.5 Dominant benzene and toluene 44
sawdust Spent 1:4 – 400 - fluidized bed 14.7 – Dominant benzene and
FCC 4:1 650 reactor 37.7 naphthalene
γ-Al2O3 1:1 600 25.6 Dominant benzene and
Sand 1:1 600 20 Dominant benzene and toluene
PP Spent 1:1 600 34.7 Dominant benzene and
FCC naphthalene
PS Spent 1:1 600 47 Dominant benzene and
FCC naphthalene
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

Pine LDPE HZSM-5 1:2 550 Pyroprobe 28.23 Mainly toluene and m-xylene
wood pyrolyzer

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Ga/HZSM 1:2 550 29.52 Mainly toluene and m-xylene
Ga-Al-Si 1:2 550 27.96 – Mainly toluene and p-xylene
Ga-Si MFI 1:2 550 24.94 – Mainly toluene and p-xylene
Pine LDPE HZSM-5 1:2 550 Pyroprobe 30.33 Dominant toluene and xylenes 47
wood pyrolyzer
P/HZSM- 1:2 550 33.12 Dominant toluene and xylenes
P/Ni- 1:4 – 550 32.49 – Mainly BTX
HZSM-5 1:1 36.69
Corn HDPE HZSM-5 1:4 – 550- Pyroprobe NA Dominant xylene and toluene 114
stalk 4:1 800 pyrolyzer
Poplar HDPE P/HZSM- 1:1 450 – Pyroprobe NA Mainly benzenes 153
wood 5 650 pyrolyzer
Switchgr LDPE HZSM-5 1:1 650 Double-shot ~ 6.8c Dominant toluene and p-xylene 43
ass micro pyrolyzer
HDPE HZSM-5 1:1 650 ~ 6.0c Dominant p-xylene and toluene
PP HZSM-5 1:1 650 ~ 9.5 Dominant p-xylene and toluene
PS HZSM-5 1:1 650 ~ 8.0 Dominate toluene and
PET HZSM-5 1:1 650 ~ 9.5 Dominant toluene, p-xylene and
Torrefied PS HZSM-5 1:4 500 – Pyroprobe NA Dominant styrene and α- 154
wood 650 pyrolyzer methylstyrene
a b c
bio-oil yield; based on mass yield; carbon yield of six aromatic compounds (toluene, ethylbenzene, o- and p-xylene, naphthalene, and
switchgrass) with plastics (LDPE, HDPE, PP, PS, and PET) in the presence of PS contributed to the decrease of oxygenated phenolic
presence of HZSM-5 catalyst. It was observed that the compounds and the increase of aromatic hydrocarbons. Styrene
enhancement of quantified aromatic hydrocarbons took place in and α-methylstyrene were still the major compounds in the
several cases conversion for the mixture, with aliphatic polymers catalytic co-pyrolysis mainly due to the nature of PS.
(PE and PP) and PET presenting the considerable augment in total Comparing with ZSM-5-based catalysts, Kim et al. have made
aromatic carbon yield. The selectivity toward individual aromatic efforts to determine the effect of zeolite pore size and molecular
compounds varied in the mixture from co-feed CFP in comparison diameter of plastics on aromatic production during catalytic co-
with biomass or plastics alone. In addition to switchgrass, corn stalk pyrolysis. The catalytic co-pyrolysis of cellulose with LLDPE or PP
was also used with HDPE in the catalytic co-pyrolysis over HZMS-5 was implemented in the presence of HZSM-5 or HY catalysts. It was
to promote carbon efficiency of aromatic hydrocarbons. Several noteworthy that the synergistic aromatic production was readily
factors were taken into account to investigate their effects on the gained over HY for both LLDPE and PP. On the contrary, HZSM-5
relative and economic potential of aromatic hydrocarbons in this showed to be effective for the improvement of aromatics when the
study. It was found that high relative contents and value index (VI) reaction was carried out under a severe condition.
of aromatic hydrocarbons could be gained if H/Ceff of co-reactants To synthesize a more efficient catalytic for catalytic co-pyrolysis,
should be adjusted to be more than 1. Torrefied wood was also Wang’s group have investigated the effect of boron-modified ZSM-5
employed with PS during catalytic co-pyrolysis by using HZSM-5 as on the catalytic performance of cellulose and LDPE in co-feed
154 118
the catalyst to improve the yield of aromatic hydrocarbons. The CFP. It was noted that the carbon yield of monocyclic aromatics

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increased to 24.6% when the co-feed CFP was applied over boron- aromatic hydrocarbons were obtained from the co-feed catalytic
modified ZSM-5; while the carbon yield of polycyclic aromatics microwave-induced pyrolysis by using the well-promoted HZSM-5
declined to 6%, comparing with CFP of cellulose alone catalyzed by catalyst. It was also observed that cellulose had a more positive
parent ZSM-5. The carbon selectivity of p-xylene was dramatically synergistic effect than Douglas fir pellets with LDPE for the
improved as well. Moreover, synthesized Ga/ZSM-5, Ga-Al-Si, and production of aromatic hydrocarbons and reduction of solid
Ga-Si MFI catalysts were also tested in the co-feed CFP of pine residues (char and coke). The aromatic hydrocarbons with
wood sawdust with LDPE. Compared with parent ZSM-5 catalyst, improved carbon yields were more principally lumped in the jet fuel
Ga-modified catalysts remarkably improved the carbon yield of range (C8 – C16) from the co-feed catalytic microwave-induced
monocyclic aromatics and olefins and reduced the generation of pyrolysis of both cellulose and Douglas fir pellets with LDPE, which
polycyclic aromatics and alkanes. Notably, Ga-Al-Si and Ga-Si MFI is mainly due to the unique properties of the catalyst fabricated by
catalysts generally contributed to higher yield of aromatics and hydrothermal and calcined treatments.
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

selectivity toward valuable p-xylene than Ga/ZSM-5 in the co-feed

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CFP. Wang and his co-workers also synthesized P/ZSM-5 and P/Ni- 5.2 Waste tires as the co-reactant in catalytic co-pyrolysis
ZSM-5 for the subsequent use in the catalytic co-pyrolysis of pine In contrast to plastics, waste tires have been rarely employed as a
47 148, 149
wood sawdust with LDPE. Up to 36.69% carbon yield of aromatic co-reactant together with biomass in catalytic pyrolysis. Cao
production was obtained by using P/Ni-ZSM-5 as the catalyst. It was et al. have first investigated the catalytic co-pyrolysis of
also found that ZSM-5 modification with P and P/Ni could improve lignocellulosic biomass with waste tires by using SBA-15, MCM-41
hydrothermal stability and life time of the catalyst during the co- and HZSM-5 as the catalysts in a fixed bed reactor. The influences
feed CFP. of the mixture proportion in liquid yield and qualities were
P/HZSM-5 acting as the catalyst was also utilized in the catalytic determined in the study. It was evidenced that there was a
co-pyrolysis of poplar wood with HDPE using a Py-GC/MS. In synergistic effect between biomass and waste tires, favoring the
general, parent HZSM-5 favored the production of aromatics, whilst promotion of liquid quality. The catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass
P/HZSM-5 facilitated the generation of light aliphatic hydrocarbons with waste tires could suppress the formation of polycyclic aromatic
(C4 – C12). Furthermore, three clay catalysts (K10, KSF, and hydrocarbons. When biomass to waste tires mass ratio was set at
Bentonite) were subject to catalytic co-pyrolysis of cellulose with 2:3, the content of PAH presented the lowest in the liquid product.
LDPE to produce bio-oil with high yield. K10 was found to be It was also found that mesoporous catalysts (SBA-15 and MCM-41)
superior to the other catalysts according to the liquid yield and showed better catalytic performance than microporous catalyst
qualities. A large amount of hydrocarbons was detected in the (HZSM-5) in the improvement of liquid qualities, such as HHV and
resultant bio-oil when K10 was used as the catalyst. viscosity. For the mesoporous catalysts, SBA-15 was more
Unlike the studies conducted the process in a Py-GC/MS, a significant than MCM-14 in the aspects of reducing the liquid
tandem micro-pyrolyzer was used to carry out the catalytic co- density and viscosity, and converting large molecular into small
pyrolysis of biomass with PE using HZSM-5 as the catalyst. During ones.
the catalytic co-pyrolysis of cellulose with PE, the enhancement of Additionally, Alias et al. thereafter investigated the catalytic co-
aromatic hydrocarbons was accompanied with the decrease of pyrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunches with waste tires in a fixed
small olefins. It was also observed that the carbon yield of aromatic bed reactor at 500 °C with a mass of 1:1. The shredded empty
and aliphatic hydrocarbons were both improved in the catalytic co- fruit bunches was impregnated with 10 wt% of cobalt catalyst
pyrolysis of PE with xylan or lignin. When PE was co-fed with red solution prior to being fed in the reactor. The objective of this study
oak in CFP, there are a positive synergistic effect on the carbon yield was to determine the effects of cobalt catalyst with direct
of aromatic hydrocarbons and coke reduction as well. impregnation into the biomass fibers with respect to the liquid
By using a continuous fluidized bed reactor, Xiao and his co- yield. It was suggested that there was a positive synergistic effect
workers focused on the catalytic co-pyrolysis of pine sawdust and between biomass and waste tires on the increase of liquid yield. By
black-liquor lignin with plastics (PE, PP, and PS). In the light of using cobalt as the catalyst could result in higher liquid yield during
LOSA-1, spent FCC, γ-Al2O3, and sand as the catalysts during the the catalytic co-pyrolysis, comparing with the outcome from the
catalytic co-pyrolysis, it was suggested that petrochemical yield direct co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with waste tires in the
from catalytic co-pyrolysis of PE and lignin was LOSA-1 > spent FCC > absence of the catalyst.
γ-Al2O3 > sand. As such, LOSA-1 present a better catalytic
performance than spent FCC, γ-Al2O3, and sand during the catalytic 5.3 The mechanism of catalysts in catalytic co-pyrolysis
co-pyrolysis of pine sawdust with PE. For maximizing the In order to determine the effects of catalyst properties on reaction
petrochemical yield, the co-reactant with lignin during the catalytic chemistry and product distribution during the catalytic co-pyrolysis
co-pyrolysis is PS> PE> PP. Similar trends were also obtained during
the catalytic co-pyrolysis of pine sawdust with these plastics.
Meanwhile, catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignin with PS achieved the
maximum aromatic yield (55.3%). Likewise, the catalytic co-
pyrolysis of pine sawdust with PS also obtained the highest carbon
yield of aromatics (47%).
Interestingly, Lei and his co-workers have leveraged microwave
reactor to implement the co-feed catalytic pyrolysis of cellulose
and Douglas fir pellets with LDPE. Enhanced carbon yields of

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Table 5 Characterizations of various zeolite-based catalysts.a

SBET Vpore Spore dpore ABrönsted ALewis
Catalyst 2 3 2 Ref.
(m /g) (cm /g) (m /g) nm µmol/g µmol/g
HZSM-5 372.0 0.114 293.1 - 356.1 56.8
B/HZSM-5 229.6 0.077 194.6 - 242.1 56.7
HZSM-5 405 - - 6.36 - -
HY 780 - - 11.24 - -
HZSM-5 414.4 0.158 366.8 - 496.1 40.1
P-HZMS-5 327.6 0.118 276.6 - 304.0 75.9
P/Ni-HZSM-5 322.3 0.113 270.7 - 264.9 197.7
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LOSA-1 220.2 0.220 - 2.14 - -

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spent FCC 242.7 0.210 - 4.85 - -
γ-Al2O3 134.7 0.220 - 6.41 - -
HZSM-5 403.3 0.161 - - 420.3 134.0
Ga/HZSM-5 372.6 0.138 - - 251.9 114.2
Ga-Al-Si 330.5 0.124 - - 157.4 126.9
Ga-Si 355.6 0.132 - - 132.4 118.8
SBET: BET surface area; Vpore: pore volume; Spore: pore surface area; dpore: average pore size; ABrönsted: Brönsted site acidity; ALewis:
Lewis site acidity.

of biomass with polymers, and further design highly efficient and modified HZSM-5 catalyst could enhance aromatic production in
stable catalysts, the characteristics of representative catalysts are the co-feed CFP.47
interpreted in Table 5. As mentioned above, HY achieved a more Additionally, it was aforementioned that Ga-containing zeolite
positive synergistic effect for the aromatic formation than HZSM-5 catalysts (i.e. Ga/HZSM-5, Ga-Al-Si, and Ga-Si catalyst) could
in the catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with plastics due to the significantly increase the petrochemicals yield at the expense of
effectiveness of the large pore size.152 That is possibly because the alkanes in the co-feed CFP.48 It is attributed to the fact that non-
diffusion of polymers into the small micropores of HZSM-5 was framework Ga oxides (e.g., Ga2O3 and GaO+) in Ga-containing
inhibited by biomass-derived coke. However, HZSM-5 displayed zeolites can cooperate with Brönsted acid sites and contribute to
better catalytic performance for aromatic production than HY by catalyzing the dehydrogenation of alkanes to olefins.156 The non-
increasing the loading of catalyst or catalytic temperature due to its framework Ga species can be also conducive to converting olefins
strong site acidity and proper pore structure for aromatization.152 to aromatic hydrocarbons.48 In addition, it is found that the pore
Regarding the mechanism of LOSA-1, γ-Al2O3, and spent FCC in the mouths of Ga/HZSM-5 may be partially blocked by extra crystalline
catalytic co-pyrolysis, the LOSA-1 is a microporous catalyst having Ga2O3 oxides;113 whereas Ga-Al-Si and Ga-Si MFI zeolites have a
special pore structure and activity, which is favorable for mono- narrowed channel because of the deposition of non-framework Ga
aromatic hydrocarbons production; while γ-Al2O3 as a mesoporous oxides in the zeolite channels.48 Accordingly, Ga-containing zeolites
catalyst has little shape selectivity toward aromatics and olefins.44 may be able to decrease polycyclic aromatics production by
The mechanism of zeolites modified by other elements during hindering their formation in the narrowed zeolite pores (as for Ga-
the catalytic co-pyrolysis has also been investigated. The properties Al-Si and Ga-Si), or preventing them from diffusing out the partially
of typical catalysts are given in the Table 5 as well. To be more blocked pores (in terms of Ga/HZSM-5). Nevertheless, Ga-Al-Si and
specific, when the parent HZSM-5 catalyst was impregnated with Ga-Si MFI zeolites are more effective catalysts than Ga/HZSM-5 and
boron, the acidity and pore size of the modified B/HZM-5 decreased conventional HZSM-5 for petrochemicals production in the co-feed
with increasing the boron loading.118 However, the B/HZSM-5 CFP. That is because the non-framework Ga species of Ga-Al-Si and
preserved sufficient catalytic activities for the generation of Ga-Si MFI zeolites are primarily distributed uniformly inside the
valuable mono-aromatic hydrocarbons. In the co-feed CFP, the pore zeolite channels.157 By contrast, Ga dominantly exists as Ga2O3
narrowing of boron-modified HZSM-5 extensively promoted the particles at the external surface of Ga/HZSM-5 or even in a separate
yield of petrochemicals and improved p-xylene production over m- phase.113, 158 In general, zeolite-catalyzed reactions usually take
xylene and o-xylene. This result suggests that slight decrease of place inside the zeolites pores as the external surface accounts for
HZSM-5 pore size by impregnating boron can enhance the negligible fractions of surface area. Consequently, Ga-Al-Si and Ga-
selectivity toward valuable products.118 Moreover, P and Ni Si MFI zeolites are more viable catalysts than HZSM-5 and
modified HZSM-5 decreased the Brönsted acid sites, but increased Ga/HZSM-5 to optimize the product distribution toward more
its Lewis acid sites.47 Since Lewis acid sites are electron pair valuable aromatics via shape selective mechanisms.48
acceptor and have strong affinity for hybrid ions (dehydrogenation),
they can assist to accept the released hydride ions during the
conversion of alkanes to olefins, as well as subsequent intermediate 6. Assessments and future prospectives
olefins to aromatic hydrocarbons.155 As a result, P and P/Ni

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Table 6 Advantages and limitations shown by non-catalytic and catalytic co-pyrolysis techniques.
Technique Advantages Disadvantages
32 96
Non-catalytic • Increase in oil yield • Increase of sulfur content in oil
32, 93, 145 144, 147
co-pyrolysis • Improvements in oil qualities • Increase of heteroatom content in oil
81, 96, 159 69, 108
• Improvement in quality of char • Complex compounds in oil
6, 160 144
• Improvement in calorific value of gas • High yield of PAH in oil
• Liquid product cannot directly used as transportation
61, 62 42, 51, 57, 120, 121
Catalytic co- • Beneficial for the environment and energy recapture • Increase of water content in oil
43, 47, 53, 54, 57, 118, 119
pyrolysis • Improvement of petrochemicals yield • Strict requirements of polymers and mixed mass
43, 47, 53, 54, 57, 118, 119 6
• Decrease of coke formation ratio
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

51, 120, 121

• Decrease of char production • Liquid product has to be further upgraded before it is
43, 47, 53, 54, 57, 118, 119 161, 162

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• Improvement in oil qualities used as an automotive fuel

167, 168
There have been much effort on the application and research of having much remarkable contribution. These alkali metals
non-catalytic and catalytic co-pyrolysis techniques. Table 6 lists the can act as the active catalysts during the pyrolysis, and cause the
advantages and limitations shown by non-catalytic and catalytic co- secondary cracking of pyrolytic vapors to yield reaction water and
pyrolysis of biomass with polymers. It was revealed that there are further lead to the decrease of liquid yield and qualities. Higher
several limitations presented by non-catalytic co-pyrolysis ash content means more minerals in the feedstock, thus more
technique. It was thus conclude that the non-catalytic co-pyrolysis effective catalytic actions can take place during pyrolysis. It was
of biomass with polymers are yet to be fully feasible for biomass observed that the high level of ash content could produce a high
and waste polymers valorization. Herein, a variety of studies have level of reaction water, leading to a decrease of the HHV of the
investigated the potency of catalytic co-pyrolysis technique using pyrolysis oil as well as risking phase separation; the yields of char
170, 171
various categories of biomass and polymers. It is reinforced by and gas are inversely enhanced. A lower content of alkali
these results that catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with polymers is metals can reduce the cracking reaction of volatiles so that more
relatively encouraging. The improvement of aromatic production large-molecule compounds and less reaction water can be found in
and decrease of coke formation are observed during catalytic co- the pyrolysis oil. For the in-situ catalytic pyrolysis, zeolite-based
pyrolysis. It is implied that catalytic co-pyrolysis is a promising catalysts (e.g. HZSM-5) whose surface is acidic could deactivated
technique due to several merits such as reducing the consumption the fundamental minerals in the feedstock by acid-base interaction,
of petroleum-derived fuels, solving some environmental issues, thereby inhibiting vaporization of feedstock. To remove the ash
improving waste management systems, and enhancing energy content in the biomass, the ash can be managed to some extent by
security. selecting the species of biomass and harvesting time, but it cannot
Apart from these advantages, the co-pyrolysis technique can completely eliminated from the biomass. Although the ash
provide simplicity in design and feasibility with respect to economic content in biomass can be effectively reduced by washing in water
analysis. Several studies have evaluated the feasibility of co- or dilute acid, this method is not usually viewed as a feasible
pyrolysis technique from an economic point of view. Kuppens et possibility due to the loss of valuable compositions and high
99 29
al. employed the net present value (NPV) to conduct the complexity of the method.
economic analysis of the fast co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass Furthermore, it is shown that the types and ratios of co-
(willow) with biopolymers (PLA, PHB, corn starch, biopearls, eastar, reactants essentially affect the liquid yield and characteristics. Both
solanyl, and potato starch) with the mass ratio of 1:1. It was stated waste plastics and tires can be co-fed with lignocellulosic biomass in
that NPV is the most important analytic method to select or reject catalytic pyrolysis. Yet there are some pivotal factors that need to
an investment in an industrial scale. If the NPV is larger than be kept in mind when the co-reactants are fed into the process. For
or equal to zero, the project will be accepted, otherwise the project example, PVC is not recommended as a co-reactant for direct use in
will be declined. In this case, the fast co-pyrolysis of catalytic pyrolysis since it contains approximately 57 wt% chlorine
lignocellulosic biomass with any biopolymers was economically content. When PVC and biomass are carried out in catalytic co-
feasible in comparison with the fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic pyrolysis, chlorinated compounds (such as chlorinated aromatics
biomass alone. That is because the NPV of co-pyrolysis contributed and hydrochloric acid) will generate in the liquid product as well.
to positive cash flows for all biopolymers used in the process. Other Hydrochloric acid is readily corrosive and toxic, thereby significantly
estimations (i.e., initial investment expenditure, products cost, and impacting the liquid quality and incurring corrosion toward the
67, 86
possible revenues) were in favor of the economic feasibility of the pyrolysis equipment. Thus, it is necessary to eliminate the
co-pyrolysis as well. However, the techno-economic analysis of chlorine content through dechlorination. In general, adsorbents can
catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass with polymers have never been be used to remove chlorine content to a large extent prior to
evaluated so far. In order to scale up the catalytic co-pyrolysis catalytic pyrolysis. The dechlorination step was usually conducted
technique, future efforts should be made to evaluate the economic at 300 °C by using the adsorbents (e.g., FeOOH, Fe3O4, and
135, 172
feasibility of catalytic co-pyrolysis. Fe2O3). It was found that the liquid chlorine content by more
It is worth noting that the ash content (alkali metals) present in than 75% could be removed. Wherefore, PVC must be
the feedstock plays a dominant effect on product yield and dechlorinated by introducing a dechlorination step when PVC and
distribution, with the main alkali metals (sodium and potassium) biomass will be conducted in catalytic co-pyrolysis.

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Fig. 7 Promising routes for the conversions of lignocellulosic biomass and polymers into advanced products.

In addition, waste plastics and tires are the limited sources, utilized as a replacement or additive in transportation fuels.
whose amount are generally lower than that of lignocellulosic Additionally, there is existing some inorganics in the lignocellulosic
biomass. Both waste plastics and tires are also more valuable than biomass and heteroatoms in the waste polymers, these atoms not
lignocellulosic biomass. Although many studies have proved that a only affect the quality of liquid product but also deactivate the
higher ratio of polymers introduced in catalytic pyrolysis of catalyst rapidly.177 More specifically, waste plastics from the
lignocellulosic biomass could result in the increase of liquid yield agricultural sector usually include some heteroatoms such as
and qualities, it is more important to add less polymers in catalytic Ca, P, S, and N.65 It was shown that the properties of liquid
co-pyrolysis to get the optimal result. In this regard, the proportion product from non-catalytic co-pyrolysis were distorted due
of polymers should be designed to be less than that of to the presence of these contaminants in waste plastics.
lignocellulosic biomass. Accordingly, the waste polymers proportion However, the introduction of a catalyst during co-pyrolysis
in the feedstock should be considered as a vital criterion to possesses the additional merit of reducing the concentration
estimate the feasibility of catalytic co-pyrolysis in a large scale. of impurities to some extent because some heteroatoms can
As for the assessments of products obtained, three main attach to the catalyst.65 As for the co-pyrolysis of biomass
products from catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with with waste tires, it is clearly evident that the addition of
polymers can have a broad range of applications, as depicted in Fig. waste tires can enhance the sulfur content in pyrolysis oil.96
7. After catalytic co-pyrolysis, gaseous fraction generally consists on Waste tires co-fed in the catalytic pyrolysis could also
a mixture of hydrogen, paraffins, olefins, and trace amounts of contribute to the trace amounts of H2S, SO2 and NH3.178 The
other hydrocarbons. The by-product can be used to supply the heat generation of H2S is caused by the volatilization of sulfur
required by the process of catalytic co-pyrolysis, as it can be utilized in the vulcanization. The concentration of H2S
energetically self-sufficient.74 The ex-situ catalytic co-pyrolysis is augments with the increase of waste tires ratio due to the
conducive to separate char and catalyst after the reaction. Char general increase of sulfur content in the blend.96 The char
gained from the process can be activated through various physico- derived from co-pyrolysis is a carbon-enriched solid residue
chemical procedures for the production of activation carbon.88, 174 including the initial carbon black in waste tires and inorganic
As described above, the liquid fraction from catalytic co- compounds (e.g. S, N, Zn, Si, and Ca).84, 174 The elemental
pyrolysis of biomass with waste plastics or tires commonly contains composition of pyrolysis char varies with regard to the
high valuable aromatics (such as BTX and D-limonene).89, 175, 176 Even biomass to waste tires blend ratio.147 It is worth noting that
though the ideal liquid product from catalytic co-pyrolysis of the sulfur content in the char from co-pyrolysis is related to
lignocellulosic biomass with waste polymers contains large amounts the waste tire ratio in the blend.
of gasoline-range hydrocarbons, the liquid product has to be To remove the heteroatoms, stabilize the liquid product, and
upgraded before it is used as an automotive fuel.161, 162 That is further improve the applied value of liquid product,
mainly attributed to the active and detrimental components in the hydroprocessing is the suitable method that allows for
liquid product, resulting in the liquid product to be unstable. It is simultaneously solving the main barriers179 and allow its direct
also found that there are still a large amount of PAH in the resulting application as a transportation fuel. Besides, it is noticeable that the
liquid product from catalytic co-pyrolysis, which is not capable to be current jet fuels are principally comprised of linear-chain and

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21, 180
branched-chain alkanes in the range of C8 - C16. It is well petrochemicals (in particular monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons),
known that cycloalkanes in jet fuels can be burned cleanly with high but also lowers the coke formation in the process. With the
heats of combustion; that is because cycloalkanes are compact utilization of lignocellulosic biomass, this technique can also reduce
181, 182
molecules within robust ring strain. To promote the qualities our dependence on petroleum fuels and mitigate global warming
of current jet fuels, cycloalkanes with the carbon numbers in the jet effects. By using waste polymers as the co-reactant, this technique
21, 183
fuel range can be synthesized and added into civilian jet fuels. can reduce the disposal of waste polymers in landfills, solve some
The promising pathway for the production of cycloalkanes are the environmental issues, and further increase energy security.
61, 171, 184-186
hydro-cycloaddition of aromatic hydrocarbons. Based on Moreover, this technique is also beneficial to obtain highly valuable
the studies from catalytic co-pyrolysis, the PAH and large amounts by-products (gas and char) in the process.
of benzene substituted by branched chains with the carbon number Based on the current technique from aromatic
are mostly lumped in the range of 8 – 16. These aromatic hydrocarbons to cycloalkanes conducted under a very mild
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

compounds are the perfect precursors of renewable cycloalkanes condition, the catalytic co-pyrolysis integrated with

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

for jet fuels. A variety of studies have reported the route from hydrogenation process is significantly meaningful for the
aromatic hydrocarbons to cycloalkanes. Meanwhile, Lei and his production of renewable cycloalkanes. From an economic
colleagues have developed a green catalytically route for the point of view, the improved carbon yield of aromatics can
production of renewable cycloalkanes from lignocellulosic considerably enhance conversion efficiency from feedstock to
171, 184, 185
biomass. The aromatic hydrocarbons evolved from cycloalkanes for jet fuels, finally contributing to the increase of
catalytic microwave-induced pyrolysis were almost hydrogenated ROI. However, current studies are mainly based on the lab-
into cycloalkanes by using home-made Raney Ni as the catalyst scale equipment by using biomass with pure plastics to
under a low-severity reaction condition. Based on these results, the manufacture aromatics. Apparently, the most achievable and
addition of plastics have been added into the microwave-induced economical way is to directly convert lignocellulosic biomass
pyrolysis of biomass to improve the carbon yield of aromatic with waste polymers, rather than pure plastics. Since waste
production and thereafter enhance the carbon yield of renewable polymers are the limited sources, whose amount is generally
120, 121
cycloalkanes for jet fuels. Therefore, the enhanced carbon lower and value is much higher than those of lignocellulosic
yield of aromatic hydrocarbon from catalytic co-pyrolysis can be biomass; the availability of waste polymers and its proportion
upgraded into high valuable cycloalkanes for the use as in the feedstock play a crucial role in the sustainability and
replacements or additives in high density jet fuels (e.g., JP-5) as feasibility of this technique. In this premise, the catalytic co-
sketched in Fig. 7. From an economic point of view, the improved pyrolysis technique remains in the infancy and necessitates
carbon yield of aromatics will elevate the overall conversion continual research work on the scale-up of the process.
efficiency from lignocellulosic biomass and water polymers to jet
fuel range cycloalkanes; consequently the elevated conversion
efficiency will definitely contribute to the increase in the return on 8. List of abbreviations
investment (ROI). BTX Benzene, toluene, and xylenes
It is affirmed that the co-feeding of waste polymers could lower CFP Catalytic fast pyrolysis
the coke formation. Nonetheless, the heteroatoms can significantly GCV Gross calorific value
affect the life time of zeolite-based catalyst during catalytic co- HDO Hydrodeoxygenation
pyrolysis. Therefore, it is required to develop a catalyst that can HDPE High-density polyethylene
mitigate the problems occurring in catalytic co-pyrolysis. In order to HHV High heating value
improve the value of resultant aromatics, catalysts developed LDPE Low-density polyethylene
should facilitate tailored reaction route toward either maximizing LHV Low heating value
the carbon yield of valuable simple aromatics (such as BTX) or jet MSW Municipal solid waste
fuel precursors (C8 – C16 polycyclic aromatics). Moreover, the ideal NPV Net present value
catalysts should be capable of catalyzing a series of desired PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
reactions, including dehydration, decarbonylation, decarboxylation, PBDD/Fs Polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans
cracking, and C–C coupling. Catalysts developed should also have PE Polyethylene
appropriate acid sites and acidity for target products through PET Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
certain reaction pathways and to extend the life time of catalysts. PHB Polyhydroxybutyrate
PLA Polylatic acid
PP Polypropylene
7. Conclusions PS Polystyrene
To summarize, this study reviews a state-of-the-art technique on PVA Polyvinyl alcohol
catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with polymers PVC Poly(vinylchloride)
(plastics and waste tires). From the feedstock availability to the RFS2 Renewable fuels standard
chemistry of catalytic co-pyrolysis were specifically demonstrated. It ROI Return on investment
is discerned that catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass TGA Thermogravimetric analysis
with waste polymers for the production of aromatics is a much WEEE Waste electrical and electronic equipment
more promising technique than catalytic pyrolysis of lignocellulosic
biomass alone. The technique not only enhances the carbon yield of

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Acknowledgements 24. P. M. Mortensen, J. D. Grunwaldt, P. A. Jensen, K. G. Knudsen

and A. D. Jensen, Appl. Catal., A, 2011, 407, 1-19.
This study was supported partially by the Agriculture and Food 25. S. Czernik and A. V. Bridgwater, Energy Fuels, 2004, 18, 590-
Research Initiative of National Institute of Food and 598.
Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture (Award 26. Q. Zhang, J. Chang, T. Wang and Y. Xu, Energy Convers. Manage.
Number: 2015-67021-22911; Award Number: 2016-67021- , 2007, 48, 87-92.
24533), WSU Office of Commercialization and the Offices of 27. E. Taarning, C. M. Osmundsen, X. Yang, B. Voss, S. I. Andersen
the President and Provost in conjunction with the Vice and C. H. Christensen, Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 793-804.
President of Research, the Washington Research foundation, 28. D. C. Elliott, T. R. Hart, G. G. Neuenschwander, L. J. Rotness, M.
V. Olarte, A. H. Zacher and Y. Solantausta, Energy Fuels, 2012,
and Chinese Scholarship Council.
26, 3891-3896.
29. A. V. Bridgwater, Biomass Bioenergy, 2012, 38, 68-94.
Published on 23 May 2016. Downloaded by University College London on 28/05/2016 03:03:24.

30. K. L. Hew, A. M. Tamidi, S. Yusup, K. T. Lee and M. M. Ahmad,

Notes and references Bioresour. Technol., 2010, 101, 8855-8858.

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Catalytic co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with polymers: a perspective and

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