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The crisis song

by Jagadish

i woke up in the night

praying all night that day should be bright

next day it was all sunny

only to see that it was for me not rosy

world shattered up with fright

to see that money has gone upside down and it was tight

the situation became so burdenly heavy

that everything which was not rosy became too heavy

i called upon the news

only to see that they were heavily ruined

companies which were doing very well

never saw that day tasted so bad actually looked very sad

learn learn learn


president who saw his well-wishers with fundraising

saw them in such plight that they were hell raising

knowledge flowed down with such venom down their throat

that everyone became a burden with nothing under their boat

companies which recorded management fees with a rating

were actually making aaa rating

houses which were to crash down

now are making a cash flow of double up which were actually triple down

people with assets were laughing seeing companies plight

ended up that they were right

an asset which should cost them only lakhs

ended them with multi crore loss

to see zeroes vanishing

and plight with their reputation tarnishing

subprime lending which was bright

ended up in everyone's throat with insight

that everything with rosy

is not always cozy

learn learn learn

Federal Reserve of America

banks which never fail in lifting up the spirits

ended up paying too much moving in lifts

they called upon a meeting to refresh themselves

ended up picking everyone to furnish themselves

a system which runs smoothly

suddenly is in turmoil

president who was happy

is now totally unhappy

a money which was to be passed on to next generation

is now in total confusion

and finance which was smooth to run for decades

is now in total command of being used

a total which was given to president to function

is now being released to see themselves out of junction

a money which was too much to carry

is too light a story

where any amount you call upon

is too less to be bought upon?

anything you invest in wall street

similar plight also happens in main street

bank CEO got fed up wrote a story

ended up in a heated argument

to see that it was later on story

learn learn learn


investment which country do in happy state

end up with losses in a sorry state

whatever they thought as good

is not always very good

they like to invest

the second party likes to reinvest

natural disaster come in handy

only to realize that the party is not good at handling

whatever reinvestments happen

bank takes credit for it

money which they give for loans

have to give it twice to show their loyalty twice

country which invested ends up dude

and country which reinvest that money end up nude

loans loans loans everywhere they took

only ended up as in paying them back as winter coats coats coats

learn learn learn


a country which is poor in every state

wants to be rich in every way

a nation which was doing well

wanted to copy everything whichever way it thought right

it sets its vision so bright

that it ended up in a sorry state of light

it became rich in every way

to see bubble rising in it say

wherever it ended up in investment

ended up with zero returns of disinvestment

public which knows nothing about life

went on a honeymoon wife

to see itself in such a sorry state of strife

that it went all out against government with a huge stake in plight

it had to show some knowledge so ended up in banking

to know that it was shadow banking

money flowed in but nation had no knowledge of it

they ended up in Latin America thinking them to be wise

paid a heavy penalty in Africa to see that nothing is in their side

learn learn learn

i was very sad not knowing why

ended up in realization that I was not compounding

when the rule book of finance was saying that I should try

when investment is less and I should cry

finance book said why not quadrapulate the money and fry

it needed starting investment I gave it last investment

only to see that money which was to fry gave me reason to cry

if I was wise I would investment first and see the rest

only to see that I ate a lot of money by disinvestment into food and wood

to see my finance dwindling and when crash came, I was in total confusion

not knowing the solution

if I was aware of compounding, I wouldn't do so simply by increasing last

but would wait patiently for it to increase then decrease with interest coming first

to see myself calling brilliant making my mind intelligent

wise people invest money first through quadrapulating

unwise people spend away money in glutton form to see their money dwindling

to be wise in life

learn learn learn


World is shaken heavily

They are sleeping cozily

Calling themselves bright

To find that their finance is not so light

They thought they found a solution

through which they can make out any resolution

They called themselves kings

And everyone who trampled on them they tried to make them their slaves

Europe seeing their might

Came up with a solution which they thought they might try with some insight

Called them terrorists

Ending up their might with warnings

Seeing themselves bombarded with so much knowledge

Took coverage in finance solution

Showed it to world

Ending up their minds in solid blows

Which was all not so easy taking

And came up with guns full blazing

Only to find war is the only way to end

Came up with request to end all trade relations

People are so mad when they find out what they are

Lose all their belongings

When they are high

They see everyone low only to find that their sail is also low

Thought themselves to be superiors

Ended up in rotten tomatoes

To see that where they saw light

Ended up totally in dark side

Thinking themselves to be too rich

Ended up totally in poor condition to see rich converting them to witch

Learning is that

When you think that

you have become gods

You only make the world think that you are not demi gods

Learn Learn Learn

What can I say to the world

When you want to learn

There should be something to bother you to earn

In a world full of toleration

There should be event to give you some sensation

In a world which is plight and misery

There should be somebody to sing a story

To make history making

The century should have bubbles to create it

To keep the next generation with bed stories to tell

grandmothers has to be busy

In a world of tension

The public has to create history making

For world to learn something

So story of the crisis is

To end the crisis and to make everyone back to work

Create !!!! Create !!!!! Create !!!!!

What ???? What ????? What ????

Jobs !!!!! Jobs !!!! jobs !!!!

Learn !!!!! learn !!!!! learn !!!!

Earn ### Earn #### Earn ####


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