Anda di halaman 1dari 22

. <1. You want 10 park uphill but thers Is no C\Jrb. WhietJ way do you tum your trent wheels?

Parallel to the road ~ , ••••••••••• , , ....• , 0

,...Right-Towards the side of the road - lli,f

left-Towards lha center of tile road · 0

20. Cine way to know you are in a truck's blind spot Is it:

You slay closo to the vehicle's right fronl wheeL •......•...•.•....•..•••• 13_ )l6u can't 500 tho truckdriver in the vehicle's side mirrors ••••. ?a..

You follow no closer than six foot ,::::0-

21. This sign means:

'~rEtt Make a complete ~top bolore. turning · .. • ·· ·0

"'- The driver on tile Nghl go es first. , .. O

• po other drivers go lirst. 18]

22. It is against the law to enter an ~nterseC1ion when:

;;au can'l get aJllhe way across betoro the light turns red , 181

The light is flashing yellow and you didn't stop first ·.O

The light is yellow , , , " ,.0

23. This sign means:

_ JiItre road ahead Is closed to traffrc in your direction .. , 181

~ Yiefd to oncoming trollic " " D

The. road ahead is closed to trallie in aU directions , 0

24. When flhould a three year old weighing 4S Ibs. be plaoad In a safely 5&at?

~nder all circumstances ,', , ,.; 121

Only 11 the child is in the front seat """"""',, .. , , 0

Only irthe child is in the back seat " .. " .. " 0

25. You must look tor bicycl9 tidem in. the same lanes used by motor vehicles because they:

Must ride facing oncoming lraflic O

Have tho right·of-way , , .. ,.,"" 0

""re enlilled 10 share the road with you , B,

26. 'You may ClOSS a solfd double yellow lill() to:

#nter a private driveway , , .. , .. " .. ,,, l8l

Overtake and pass aoothorvehicle " " , O

Make au-tum, if it is safe " · .. · 0

27. Blocking an intersection during "rush hour" traffic is:

Permitted If ttJe light is green , ,0

~t permlttoo under any circumstances , , "IZ!

, Not permitted unless you have the right·or-way 0

28. This sign means:

ill Modical services ahead c., .. • .. • • .. ,"", .. ·" · • .. • """,, .. ·O

W Signal ahead "" , "." .. ,."., " "" .. 0

jllnolher road crosses yours 1:81

29. This tano Is used to:

~ I Pass other vehicle when traffic permits • .. , ··• ·• • · .. ·0

Make right tums whon traffic pe.rmlts "', "., 0

. .. ""'"

~gln or end left turns when traffic permits " , ' 1ilI

30. A pedestrian crOSSing at a corner has the rlght-ol·way: .

Only at controlled inlorsoctions """"" ,, 0

)Nhather or not a crosswalk is marked ,," " ta

Only when a crosswalk Is painted on the street " 0

31, You am approaching an intersection. Tho tral1ic signal light is flashing red, What should you do?

\)Iilt1e;and let all other vehicles gollrst " " .. " .. , " O

~rore entEnlng, then proceed when sale gl

Wait tor tho groen light before entering 0

32. Bk:~cle riders must r;:;-

Ade in l11e directIon of lraffic " .. " !..:.:.[l

Ride facing trafflc· .. ·,·· .. ", .. , • .. · · .. ·· .. , " .. • .. •• .. • .. • • ·O

Ride on the sidewalk if there IS no bike lane !2J

33. Drivi~ under the Influence otany drug which makes you drive unsafely is permi!!ed:

~der no clrcumstaocos "." .. ,., " J;8I

If it is an over-tbe-counter modlcatlon , 0

It it Is prascribed by a physician · ,0

34. When may you legally go around or under a railroad crossl ng gate?

When youcan sao cl9arly in both directions 0

If the crossing gates are malfunctioning ".0

35, ~~~ :~~~~:;~:: i;t·~~·~b~~i·bli~d·~;t;;? .. · ~

You only need to tum alld look over your right shoulder lor lane

changes to 1he right or reft " .. " , 0

~ok over your right shoulder for a right lane change and your loft

shoulder for a left lane change " ~

Veh[cles with two outside mirrors do not have blind spots .. , 0

36. When can you drive using only your parking lights?

30 minutos alter sunset or 30 mlnutm; before sunrise ,,,,, ,, 0

~I under any clrcumstances " 181

On foggy days , , ".,"''''" 0

19. Scllnnll'1g wtlile you drive moans you:

Keep your eyes moving to look for possible drlving dangers S

Stare at tho car Immediately ahead of you 0

Look as far ahead as you can see 0

20. Call1omla's ·Baslc; Speed Law" says you should:

Keop your speed close to that of other traffic " 0

Naver drive fasler than is safa for current conditions r;a

Always drive at the posted speed rimlt ~ b

21. Shoold you always drivo slower than oIher traffic?

No, you can block traffic whon you drive ICJO slowly ~

Yes, it is a good defensive drivIng technique -~ O

Yes. it is always aaJerthan driving fastor 0

22. If thero is no crosswalk and you saa a pedestrian crossing your lane,

you should:

Make eye contact before you pass him or her 0

Slow down as you pass him or her 0

Stop and let him or her finish crossing ~

23. ThIs sign means:

+The traffIc signal ahead is not working 0

Be prepared to SlOp If theUght is Ilashing ; O

There Is a tmffic srgnal ahead li:l

24. WhIch of these Is true about signal persons at road coostructlon


Follow their instructions only if you see orango cones 0

Follow their _,strudlons ooIy if the road eIlead Is I"IMOWOd 0

Obey thelr InslrucliMs at all tlmes ,IE:l

25.. you want 10 park uphill on a two-way read and there is no curb. Whlch

way do you tum your lront wheels?

So they faco straight ahead 0

RIght - towards the side of the rooo CiJ

Left -towards the CCfltec' of 1ho road , ~ O

26. What is tho bene~t of a space cushion around your vehicle?

Otbor drivers can "cut- in front of you, Improving traffic flow ~O

If another driver makes a mlstake, you have time. • fo react E]

IIlnflatos to protoct you from injury In case of an accident 0

2.7. This sign means:

Tho road ahead has many curves 0

There Is a sharp curve In Ihe road ahaad 0

The road ahead may be slippery , rE1

28. You are Involved in a mlnor accident at an intorsoolion. There are no

Injuries and very little veI1lcto dnmage. You should:

Leave yourvOOlcie in the !rafflc lane unlU taw enforcement

errivos 0

Move your vehfclo out of tOO traffic: lane, If possible m

Not mOll9 your vehicle for any reason , 0

29. A solid yellow Irne next to a brokon yellow line means that vehrcles:

fn both dlrectlons may paes 0

Next 10 the broken line may pass _ IEJ

. Next to the solid line may pass 0

30. You reach an Intorsection with stop signs 00 all four corners at the

same IIrness the driver on your left. Who has the right-of-way?

The driver on your loft has 1hQ righl-of-way · O

You have the rlght-of·way "' .. ~ ftl

Whoever Is signaling 10 make a tom has the right-of-way 0

31. Which of these statements Is true about sllppal)' road surfaces?

DrlYing on wet leaves on tile road will give you extra IracUon ...... tzJ On cold. wet days, shade from buIldings or trees can hide spots 01

.:~·i;~~~tl;·i;~·~ripp~;;·~;;;;;~·li·ii~·;i;rt;·tt;·;;i~;;·;·h;;fJ' ..

day Ihan It is aftelWards 0

32. A fleeway onramp ;s marked with this sign. Which of the following

vehicles may use this lane?

A convertible with an adult and two chUdron -8""

A carpool van conminlng only the driver " 0

A 8pOO ulllity vehicle OQotalnblg an adult. child, and family pet Ill

33. A flashing yellow1rafllc signal al an intersection means:

Continue at normal speed through the inlernection 0

Slop. YIeld to all cross traffic before crossfng tho intersectlon 0

Slow down and be alert at the upcoming intersection 122

34. Woon driving OIl a rooltllane street with other vehk;I~:

You should drivo nlongsido the olhervohlcles so ~ drivers can

seeyoo ~ 0

You should drive ahead of or behind the othe(Voolcies ~

It is safest 10 drive in the lane next to the cooter line 0

35. Whld! of the following Is true about double parkIng?

It is Illegal under all circumstances !S

It is Illogar ooly If you leavo your car 0

It ls IDgal if you are making a delivery 0

.36. You IlIe on a two-way sneet with two lanes In each dlrecllon. To tum lert, start the tum In:

Any lane open to you for traffic in your direction 0

The I~ lane for trn~fic In yollr direction NI

DL 5 (REV. 1212006)

~u { rtn I V z.uU'- •


(From the 2006 California Driver Handbook) Directions: study the handbook before you take the test.

Each question has three answer choices. Choose one answer and mark an X in the box across from the answer. Do not talk while taking the test, use any books or notes, or leave the test area before your test has been graded. It may result in a test failure and you may be suspended or revoked.





1. It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood

alcohol concentration (BAC) that is __ or higher.

0.08% - Eight hundredths of one percent .. 181

0.10% - One tenth of one percent 0

0.05% - Five hundredths of one percent 0

2. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: .

Sell ortransferyourvehicle · 18

Are cited for a traffic violation 0

Pail,t your vehicle a different color 0

3: You should not start across an intersection if you know you will block

the intersection when the light turns red:

Under any circumstances , g.

Unless you enteredthe intersection on a yellow light 0

Unless you entered the intersection on a green light 0

4. A police officer Is signaling you to continue driving through a red traffic

light. What should you do?

S~op first. Then do what the officer tells you 0

Wait for the green Ijght 0

Do as the officer tells you , 18:1

5. You wantto pass a bicyclist riding on the right edge of your lane. You:

Must honk your horn before passing the blcycllst., O

Must not squeeze past the bicyclist : 181

May not pass the bicyclistfor any reason · 0

6. When planning to pass another vehicle you should:

Not assume they will make space for you to retumto your lane 181

Assume they will let you pass if you use your turn signal 0

Assume they will maintain a constant speed 0

.7. You must use your seat belt:

Unless you are riding in a vehicle built Qefore 1978 o

Unless you are riding in a limousine 0

If the vehicle is equipped with seat belts : .. 18f

,8. Whichofthese vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks?

Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards 8

Motor homes or pickup trucks towing a trailer 0

Sport utility vehicles carrying four or more persons 0

9. Which of these statements about drugs and driving is true?

Any prescription drug is safe to use if you don't feel drowsy 0

Even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving ~

Only illegal drugs can impair your driving 0

I ~<



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r::: (!) Q.


.~ , .



1. This sign means:

No passif'lll •• ••• 0

U·tum area ahead - .. ···- 0

No U-tum , , Qll

2. When should you not take your legal right-of·way?

When other drivers want to drive faster .. "" 0

Whon it helps prevent accidents ~

NOller, It conluoos oUler drivers ,· 0

3, The handbook recommends signaling for at least __ seconds before changing lanes on a freeway.


3 , " " 0

4. II you have an accident and !here Is an injury, dealh, or more lhan

$500 11'1 damages, you must:

Show your Jlcense only to law enforcement 0

Make a wrilten report {SA 1}to the CHP only If someone Is InJured •• 0

Make a written report (SR 1) to the DMV _.~ _ ®

5. You sold your vehicle. You musfnoUfy _. _ wl1hinti days.

_,DMV ~ , •••• Ill

Your insurance company ~ , D

Your automobllo dub _.0

6. Yau are approachlng an intersection. The traffic signal Ugh! is

flashing red. What should you do?

Stop ooforo 9f1tering. thon proceed when safe 1gJ

Walt for lhe graen light before entering 0

Slow down but allow crcsa traffic to go first " 0

7, This lane In the middle of a two-way street maY be used:

: To pass olher vehicles when there is no lraffle coming in lhe

I opposite direction " 0

: To make rIght turns if thore Is no Irallie comlng in the opposite

\ direction ,., , ,', , 0

or ending left turns as traffic permits ~

8. A curb painted whfte means:

You may pick up or drop off passengGlS " 0

You can load Of unload Imlght ·" - 0

Busas usa.lhls space as a loading zone 0

9. WI'Ien may you legally gO around or under a railroad crossing gale?

Under no circumstanesa , 181

When you can see c1earty in both dirOOlions 0

When Ihe crossing gateG ate stuck " 0

10. The handbook recommends several lips to h~lp yOU koop alert on

long drives. One of thew tip!> is:

Chal'lSlElI311oo frequentl ;."." , , ,', 0

Usa the ;'fast-Iana void traffic 0

Let fresh air rn a vehicle : IR]

11. Ills illegal for a rson 21 y go or older drive wllh a blood

alcohol oon ration (eA s _ errno •

FIVe hu rodths {O.O at e percent 0

Eight ndredths (0.08) of nt M ~

One ntll (0 ." of ona percent 0

12. Jr you a\' conditional driver lime, the is (ere):

A Imits lmposod on yourd' lice 0

~ eeia! restrictions you must fair han driving , 181

spe<:iallime limit 10 renew y fJoense 0

13. Yo can make a rightturn at a lighl. aflorci1ecking for pedeslrlans

and thor traffic: .

On . e gn that says ills OK , ,0

At any limo. as long as yoo slowdown first 0

Aller you step and there Is no sign to prohIbit the rum ; .. ;· 181,

14. Scanning wMe you drive moans:

You look at evarylhitlg " : .8J

You .Iook at the car immedIately ahea<J of you 0

You 'ook as far ahead as you can 500 0

15. This sign means:

~ ~ to the right ., oulK)

~ Chatlgo lanes 10 tho righl " O

Right lane ends ahead 0

16. When you follow 100 closely and anotherdrivor cuts suddenly in front

of you, you should:

Take your foot off tho gas pedal 1iS]

Swerve loto tho lane next to you 0

Drive onto tho shoulder 01 the road 0

17. Which of these statements is true regarding motorcycles?

Motorcycles rue small and can be easily seen by drIvers 0

Motorcycles may not sham la·~ 0

Motorcycles sboutd be followed ata greater distance (gJ

18. The "implied consent law" says you have agreedlo take a testforlhe alcohol content of your blood:

Only if ordered by a court 0

~enover ~t()u .drlve in California ,.." ~

On advice of an anomev -----.. ......

19. Scannll'lg while yOO drlve maana you~

Keep your eyes moving to look for possible drMng dangers 6]

Stare at the car Immediately ahead of you 0

Look as far ahead as you can see 0

20. Callfomla's "BasiC Spood" says you shourd:

Keep your speed close to that of oilierltafflc _ [J

Never dnV9 faster than is safe for current oondltions !'ia

Always drive at the posted speed limit - 0

21. ShoUld you always drive sIowor than OIher traffic?

No, you can block traffic when you drive 100 slowly S

Yes, It Is a good derensiv6 driving techolque _ .. 0

Yes, It Is alWllYS safer than drMng fastor 0

22. If there is no crosswalk and you sea a pedestrian crossing your lane,

you should: .

Make eye contact beforeyoo pass him or her CJ

Slow down as you. pass him or her "' , 0

Stop and let him or hedinish Cf(lssing fil

23. This sign moons:

•TOO lmfflQ signal ahead is not working.~ , D

Be prepared to stop. If ihellghUs IJa.shlng .. ; .. ; -;..~ O

. 1'here·ls a wHic signal ahead ., ~

24. Which Of these Is true about signal persons at road construct/on


Folfow their instructions only jf you SOf3 orango eenes 0

FoIIow1helr"strudIonsonly lfth&rood8headis narrowed 0

Obey1hEllr in5lruCtlon6 at a1Illmes _ ,Iii:l

25.. YOlJwant to park UphIn on Ii two-way rood and there is no curb. Which

Way do yoo tum your front wheels?

So they taco stralght aheEtd 0

RIght - t~1h6 slds of the roEtd Ia

Left - towards the CClltec' of the foad ~ 0

26. What is ths ben6~t of Ii space cushion around your vehicle?

OtllOr drlvers.can ·cut· in front of you, Improvihgtrafflc flow ,,-0

1fanolher dIIver makes a rnlstake, you have time.· . to react g}

Illnftates to protect you from Injury In case of an accident a

27. This sign means:

The road ahend haS' many curves O

There Is a sharp curve In the road ahaad 0

Tho road ahead may be slippery 1!i3

28. You are InvolVed In a minor aocrdcnt at an intarseclion. There are no

Injuries and very little veI1lclD damage. You should:

Leave your. Vtlhlcle In the traffic lane unllllaw eriforcement

atriv:os"." H •••••••••••••• ~ •• +O U 4 •••••••••••• " H-+~,. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.O

Move .yOOr vehfCIo out 01 the tramc lane, ifpoaslble t&l

Not move your venlcle lOr any reason ;0

29. A solId yellow lrn& nold to Ii brokanyellow IIn& meanslMt vuhkiles:

In·bo1h·dlrtK:tlons may pass ~ , ;O

Next to Ihe i)roken line mlly pass , ,~ Jl:]

. Next to 111& solid 111'1.& may pass ~ ,o

30. You reach an In!ersection with stop signs 00 all fOLir corners ilt the

S8I'nG Urriaas Ihe driver on your rOft. Who has Ule rfght~·way?

The driver on your left has the right-of-way · ~ O

You have the right-of-way ~ ~ 1tl

Whoever Is slgna[lng to make a tum has lheright-of-way 0

31. Which of these statements is true about slfpPef)' road surfaces?

Driving on wet leaws on the road wfli give you exira tracOon ...... 121 On cold, wol days. shade from buildings or wee can hide spots 01


day than It Is afterwards 0

32. A freeway onramp is marked wllh Ihls sign. Wlllch of the following

. vehicles may use this lane?

A convertlble with an adult and two chlldren -- EJ'

A carpool van conlnlnlng only Ihe driver _ 0

A sport ulllity vehicle oontalning an adult, chlld, and family pet ~

33. A flashing yellow tra.fflc signal at an lritersectlon means:

Conllnua at normaJ speed through the Intoo;ooIIOl1 0

Slop. Yield to all cross traffic before crossIng the Intarsac:tlon 0

Slow down and be alert at the upcomIng intersection ts

34. When driving on a rooltllana street with other vahle!"

You should drlvD alongside the olher vehicles so tYfe drlvors can

see yoo _ .. ~ _,.~ -0

You should drive ahead of or behind the othelvOOlcles _ RJ

It Is safest 10 drive in the fano ooxt to the oenter IIne ~_O

35. Which of !hafoUowIng Is true aboutdouble parking?

It Is Illegal under all circumstances 1S

It Is IIiDgal only If you leavo you!' cat _ CJ

It Is legal if you are maklng a delivery w : 0

..36. You are on a two-way slreet with tWo lanes direclion. To tum lelt, start the turn In:

Any lane open to you for traffic in your dlreclion 0

The I~ ~ for1rn~flc In your dlrectlon f'j!

1. Which of these is a good way to spot driving hazards?

Focus on yuuflnslde mirrors ..•.... · ..••... : · .. ·· •.•...•.• ,.- C

Focus on the vohicle ahead e

,..scan ahead 01 your vehicle IE

2. Itls illogal lor a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC} thal is __ or more.

Ahl hundtedlhs {a.OS} ot one percent , ,E

One tenth (0.10) of one percent C

FMl hundredths (0.05) of one percent ~ C

3. What is a safety zona?

An empty lane next 10 tho freeway dividers 0

Tho median slrip on a di'Jided highway "' 0

_,. space set aside for pedestrians t!!l

4. This sign means:

Sharp curve ahead 0

J!6o cannot make <I U·turn 11ll

U·turn permitted on green arrow only O

5. When a !ramc signallighl is not WOrkh1g, you should:

Atop, then continue driving wilen It is sala Q!I

Stop and let all the other traffIC go first 0

Slow down and smp If necessary 0

6. You ere driving on a two·way street and you want 10 turn left at the corner. Who has the right·of·way?

#J'}/JO In all circumstances ·•··· •· .. •······• 0

~ vehicle comirig lowards you lSI

Pedestrians on tila sidewalk waltlng tor a 'WALK" signal 0

7. The speed IimRfor a school zonawherochlldren ate prosent is_ unless otherwise posted,

5mph r 0

~ ~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~

8. A green painted curb means:

Pas~ng9r loading or Unloading area ".q

..,i'Ibpping or parking tor a IImlled lima only · (81

. Parking tor emergency yehicles onry 0

9. You should check traffic bahlnd you:

~ you wllll<now If you are being followed by a tallgaler : •• , .•• tB1

Only on a freeway or highway 0

Onry when you are slowing down 0

10. Scenningwhlf@ youdrlvo means;

You look at overything 0

You look at the car immediately ahead at you 0

)Iou look as far aiload as you can see 181

11. If your car has an air bag:

You have too optloo to use your seat bolt 0

Only passengers In the back seat must use their seat boilS 0

_)ftu must usc y.our seat belt as w~Il : 1Ei

12. ~u sold your vehicle. You must nolily _ WIthin 5 days.

Your Insurance company 0

Your automobile ctub O

,oMV · · · 18

13. Salely baclling your vehicfe does nOlrnclude:

~ldng bacl( over yOllr ligh~shoulder as you back 0

~ing behind your vehicle before you get in · O

14~:::;:: ~~~~:~ :~~ t~:~~ I~·;~·j~i~;:·d~~ih·:·~;·~~~~·th~·~·[i;l

$500 in damages. you must:

Show your license onry If asked by a peace olrlcer ·0

Make a written report {SA 1) to Iho CHP only it someone is Injured 0

Jltaka a written report (SA 1) to tila DMV ~

15. The school bus ahead of you is flashing roo lights. What should you


Stop flrsl. then proceed when sala 0

,mop as long as Ihe red lights nash !!

Slop only If children are visible O

16. You Just rear-ended the car in front of you. You were probably:

Weaving In and out at tratrle ···· · 0

,Pbllol'llng 100 closely E8I

looklng in your fear view mirror 100 olten ·•···· ··•·• .. · .. ·.·0

17. You want to change lanes. To be sure Ihe lane Is ~9ar, you should:

Look into the rear view mlrror only · .. ·· .. · 0

Turn your head and look in the lane you want to enter · ·· •.• 181

;rum your head and 10011 over your right shoulder 0

16. This sign means:

~ Side road to the rlghl · · .. • 0

I~I Right lane ends ahead n


19. Soannll'lg wtlilti yOO drive means you:

Keep your eyes mOVing to look for possible drlving dangers ij1

Stare at the car Immediately ehead of you ••• 0

Look as far ahead as you can sea · .. 0

20. CallfomlEl's "Bas1l:: Spood Law" says you shourd:

Keop your speed close to that of oth9rtrafffc ~ D

Nover drive faster than is safe for current oondlUoIlS &1

Always drive at the posted speed limit ,~~ tl

21. ShoUld you a.lways drive slower than OCher traffic?

No, you can block 1rafflc whon you drive 100 slowly " ~

Yes, It Is 8 good derensive driving tec!mlque 0

Yes. [tis always llQIefthan driving fastor • -0

22. If therois no crosswalk and you sea apedestllan crossing your hln!!,

you should: .

Make eye contact beforeyoo pass him or tier ~ D

'SIow down as you j)SSs him or her ~ ~ " .. D

Stop.and'iet himor herfinish crossiny fiJ

23. This sign moons: .

• TOO lmfflo signal snood is not working~ ~ D

Be prepamdto stop If iheUght is Ilashrng .. ,.; ; ;_~ ,D

. Therflls a traffic signal ahead ., \&1

24. Which of these Is true about slgnal persons at toad constlUCllon


Follow their Instructions only if you.soo crangocones 0

Follow 1helr"stnJctlons only If 100 rood aI16ad is narrowed ., 0

Obey·thelr in~clIon& Ell an trrnes _ ]E:J

25. .vOllwantlo parkuphlnon atwo-way raad !lnatherem no curb. Which

Way do you tum your iront whools?

So they facostraJght aheEKI - 0

RIght - t~ Ihe side of lf10 road Ia

Left - towards the CXII1tEK' of 1he road ; • 0

26. What Is If1Q bene~t of a space oushlon around your vehICle?

Othor drlvers.can '"cur in front of you,lmprovii'lgtrafflc flow 0

If Bnolher driver malies a mlslako,you have lime to react ; gJ

IllnJlates to protoctyou from Injury In case of an accident 0

27. This sign means; .

The road ahead haa many curves • O

There Is a sharp curve In IIle road ahead 0

The road Shead may be slippery " ~ , (8I

28. You are Involved In 8. minor accldont at an fnterseclion. Thllre 8.f'&OD

Injuries and very IittlevelliclB damage. You should:

Lemre youfvenlcfe In !he lmfllc lane unlll taw 6i'ifon::emom

arrivos _ , 0

Move yoUr vehlclo out of the traflfc lano, ifposslbla (&l

Not move yourvshlcle for any reSB(Jn ~ ~; ; O

29 .: A &Olld yellow nne nel(! to II brokanyellow line nieansthat vlihrQlee:

In·bolh·dlroctlona may pass , ;1:1

Next to 'he broKen line may. pasa , ~ - , 1Z1

. Next to d1e solid line may pase -.~.~ , tI

30. Y9u reach an Intersection wllh stopslgl'lS on all four. comers. ilt ~

SIJI:'rIiEt tlrriaas .he driver on your roft. Who has 1110 rlght-d-way?

The driver on your loft has the rlghklf.way : 0

You have the right-of-way ~ " Itl

WhOOver Js slgnaUng to make a tum has tfloright-of-way 0

31. Which of Ulesa stalements is true about slfpPcHy road surfaces?

OrlYlng on wet leaves on tile road wfll givo you extra Ii'aCUon ...... 121 On cold. wot days. shade from buildings or nee can hide spols of


day than It is aftelWards P D

32. A freeway onramp is marked wllh this sign. WhIch of the following

. vehicles may LISe this lane?

A convertlbfo wfth an adult and two ch1ldren ua - ~ .. EY'

A carpool van containing only the driver ~, D

A aport ulllity vehicle contaIning an adult, child, and family pet ~

3S. Aflallhlng yellow baffle: signal at an Intersection means:

Continue at normal speed through 1M inloo>eclfon 0

Slop. YIeld to all cross traffic berore crossrng tOO intersoctlon 0

Slow down and be alert at the upcoming intersection 122

34. Whon driving on a rooltllane street with other vehlclrJ:

You shoold drivD alongside !he other vehlo1es so me drivors can

see yoo ....• ~ '" _I_" ~ i 1t _D

You should drive ahead at or behind the 04hervehlcles ~

It is·safest 10 drive In 1he fane ooxt to the 08nter Ifne w_O

35. Whlctl of Ihofollowlng Is true aboutdotJble par1<lng?

It Is Illegal IJllder all circumstancse ~ .. " !S.

It Is IUogaf only If you leavo your cat 0

It Is legal if you ere maklnf,l a delivery : D

.36. Vouare on a two-way street with two lanes In.ooch cilrecllon. To tum

lelt, start the turn In: .

Any lane open to you for traffic in your dlreclion 0

The I~ lane for1m~flc In your dlrectlon !::::r

""(REV. """,,, . ~ .~l! /~ ~~;~~m'i~


(From the 2006 California Driver Handbook)

~ Study·the handbook before you take the test.

Each question has three answer choices. Choose one answer and mark an X in the box across from the answer. Do not talk while taking the test, use any books or notes, or leave the test area before your test has been graded. It may result in a test failure and you may be suspended or revoked.

1. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you:

Are cited for a traffic violation 0

Sell or transfer your vehicle ~

Paint your vehicle a different color 0

2. It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood

alcohol concentration (BAC) that is __ or higher.

0.08% - Eight hundredths of one percent (i;1

0.10% - One tenth of one percent 0

0.05% - Five hundredths of one percent 0

3. Should you always drive slower than other traffic?

No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly 12l

Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique 0

Yes, it is always safer than driving faster 0

4. Which of the following is true about roadways on bridges and overpasses

in cold, wet weather?

They tend to freeze before the rest of the road does ~

They do not freeze because they are made of concrete 0

They tend to freeze after the rest ofthe road does 0

5. When parking next to a curb, you should use your turn signals:

Only when pulling away from the curb ., , 0

When pulling next to, but not away from, the curb 0

When pulling next to or away from the curb 18

6. You reach an intersection with stop signs on all four corners at the

same time as the driver on your left. Who has the right-of-way?

The driver on your left has the right-of-way 0

You have the right-of-way 18

Whoever is signaling to make a turn has the right-of-way 0

7. Which of the following is true about double parking?

It is illegal under all circumstances ~

It is illegal only if you leave your car : 0

It is legal if you are making a delivery 0

8. Ifthere is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane,

you should:

Make sure the pedestrian can see you before proceeding 0

Cautiously drive around the pedestrian 0

Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing (2:

9. You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle with

flashing lights behind you. What should you do?

Drive to the right edge of the road and slow down 0

Drive to the right edge of the road and stop rEI

Stay in your lane, slow down, and let it pass 0

10. You want to park uphill on a two-way road and there is no curb. Which way do you turn your front wheels?

'Sotheyface straight ahead 0

Right - towards the side of the road 13l

Left - towards the center of the road 0


.. ~.

1 I. I UU IlldY UIIV~ III d UII\~ iaue:

If you drive slower than 15 mph ····,················································0

No more than 200 feet before making a right turn 81-

Whenever bicyclists are not present 0

12. Backing your vehicle is:

Always dangerous to do 12f.

Dangerous if you have a helper 0

Only dangerous in large vehicles 0

13. A freeway onramp is marked with this sign. Which of the following vehicles may use this lane?

convertible with an adult and two children 181

carpool van containing only the driver 0

A sport utility vehicle containing an adult, child, and family pet 0

14. Driving underthe influence of any medication which impairs yourdriving

is permitted:

Under no circumstances ~

'If you don't feel drowsy 0

If it is prescribed by a physician :0

15. You must stop at the intersection ahead. Just before the intersection, you have to cross railroad tracks. You should stop before you cross the railroad tracks when:

You don't have room to completely cross the tracks fE1

The crossing is located in a city or town with frequent train traffic. 0

You transport two or more children in a passenger vehicle 0

16. Drivers are required to obey instructions from:

Security guards patrolling parking lots 0

Other drivers whose vehicles are broken down on the roadway 0

Flaggers (signal persons) at construction sites ~

17. If you are riding in a vehicle equipped with a lap belt and also a separate

shoulder belt, you are:

Only required to use the lap belt 0

Required to use both the lap and shoulder belts ~

Only required to use the shoulder belt 0

18. When driving on a multilane street with two-way traffic:

Drive alongside the other vehicles so the drivers can see you 0

You should drive ahead of or behind the other vehicles ~

It is safest to drive in the lane next to the center line 0


©2006 State of California. Department of MotorVehicles

gj ssuoudpaeq lenp lO laS e 46noj4l oismu ol5u·!·ualS!i


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19. You must yield to a pedestrian using a white cane or guide dog:

Only when a guide dog is leading the person across a street 0

At all.times ; ~ .. ; .. . ~

Only if~ crossing guard is present : 0

20. This sign means: .

The :9~? ahead .. m~ny curves : 0

There IS a sharp curve tn the road ahead -, , 0

The road ahead may be slippery .. _, ~r

21. While all ofthefollowing are dangeroustdaowhile driving, which is also

illegal?, .

Listening to music through a set of dual headphones f2g

Adjusting your outside mirrors ~; 0

Reading a road map ;, 0

22. A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles:

In both directions may pass 0

Next to the broken line may pass 181

Next to the solid line may pass '" 0

23. A flashing yellow traffic signal at an intersection means:

You should treat the signal like a stop sign 0

Stop. Yield to all cross traffic before crossing the intersection 0

Slow down and be alert at the upcoming intersection ~

24. Tailgating other drivers (driving too close to their rear bumper):

Can frustrate other drivers and make them angry 'fi9

Cannot result in a traffic citation .. , 0

Reduces accidents by preventing you from being "cut off' 0

25. Blocking an intersection during "rush hour" traffic is not permitted:

Unless you entered the intersection on a green light 0

Under any circumstances, even if your light is green jgJ

Unless you have the right-of-wayor a green light 0

26. You are involved in a minor accident at an intersection. There are no

injuries and very little vehicle damage. You should:

Leave your vehicle in the traffic lane until law enforcement arrives 0

Move your vehicle out of the traffic lane, if possible 18

Not move your vehicle for any reason 0

27. California's "Basic Speed Law" says you must:

Keep your speed close to that of other traffic 0

Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions fiSI

Always drive at the posted speed limit , 0

28. When you don't see any other vehicles around you while driving:

You may legally exceed the posted speed limit 0

You must still signal for turns and lane changes ~

You are not required to signal for turns and lane changes 0

29. You are driving on the freeway behind a large truck. You should drive:

Closer behind the truck than for a passenger car 0

Farther behind the truck than for a passenger car J2I

To the right side of the truck and wait to pass 0

30. To turn left from a one-way street with multiple lanes onto a two-way

street, start the turn in:

The far left lane ;~

Any lane available 18)

The'lane closesttothe middle ofthe street.. O


31. What is the benefit of a space cushion around your vehicle?

Other drivers can "cut" in front of you, improving traffic flow 0

If another driver makes a mistake, you have time to react ~

It inflates to protect you from injury in case of an accident 0

32. Which of these statements is true about slippery road surfaces?

Driving on wet leaves on the road will give you extra traction ......... 0 On cold days, shade from buildings or trees can hide spots

of ice jgi

The pavement is less slippery when it first starts to rain on a hot

day than it is afterwards 0

33. A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means:

Slow down before entering 12l

. - ~",-~,. .. -~

Stop before enterlnq ~_ .s>:

Stop and wait for the green light 0

34. To see cars in your blind spots, you should check:

The inside rearview mirror 0

The outside rearview mirror 0

Overyourshoulders Jjig

35. This sign means:

Controlled railroad cr?ssin~ ah~ad : 0

Be prepared to stop If the light IS f1ashmg ~ 0

There is a traffic signal ahead .. , gJ

36. You are on the freeway and traffic ismerging into your lane. You should:

Make room for the merging traffic, if possible 18

Assert your right-of-way by driving faster 0

Always slow down and maintain your position 0

I certify under penalty of perjury that I personally answered these questions.

Please sign your name here X )\

.. ------ -----~~ ........ "'.V\;;o;;oClVl:J -::fUVtl::J::JNISSVd



1. This sign means:

No passing • .. · · 0

u-tum area ahead 0

No U-tum " , ~

2. When should you not take your legal right-or·way?

When other drivers want to drive faster 0

Whon it helps prevent accidents t::l

Nover, It contuses o1her drivers ·• ·~ .. ·• .. O

3, Tho handbook recommends signaling for at least __ seconds before changing lanes on a freeway.


3 " ,., 0

4. II you have an accident and !here Is an injury, death, or more than

$500 in damages, you must:

Show your Jlcenseonly to law enforcement 0

Make a wr1tlen report (SA 1) to the CHP only It someono is InJured •• 0

Make a wtltten report (SR 1) to the DMV _ _ IXI

5. Vall sokl your vehicle. You must nollfy _ wllhin 5 days.

_))MV •. , , [8l

Your insurance company 0

Your automobile dub - .. 0

6. You are approaching an Intersection. The traffic signal light is

flashing red. What should you do?

Stop before entering. than proceed when safe " 1EI

Walt for the green light before ant6fing "" · 0

Slow down but aUow cross Iraffie to go first , ""." ".,,0

7. This lane In the middle of a two-way street may be used:

: To pass other vehicles when there is no traffic coming in !he

I opposite direction , "., 0

I To make rluht turns if thore Is no IruUic coming in the opposite

: direction , .. , , ".",., 0

or ending (oft turns as traffic permits "." BJ

8. A curb painted whito means:

You may pick up or drop off passengOf'S " " 0

You can load or untoad froighl " O

Buses use this space as a loading zone 0

9. When may you legally gO around or u ndsr a railroad crOSSing gale?

Uooer no circurnstanoaa ."."."." J8I

Whon you can seo clearty in both direcflons 0

When the crosslnq gates ate stuck " 0

10. The handbook reocmmonds several ups to help you k99p alert on

long drives. One of these tips is:

Change lanes Jrequen1J .~_- - .. - .. - - .. -.u .. _.n.~ , , H 0

Uno the "fast" lana • void traffic 0

Let fresh air ln e vahlele ," ~

11. ]115 illegal for arson 21 y ge or-older drive with a blood

alcohol con tration (BA

FIVe hu redths (0.0 at eo percent 0

Eight ndredthG (0.08) of ot " ~

One nth (0 f of ono percent , 0

12. If you av oondilional driver lice e. \he is {are):

A imlts lmposod on yourd' r llce 00 0

~ eoial restrictions you must foU hen driving EI

spe<:iallime limit to rooew y Ucense 0

13. Yo can make a n'ght turn at a lighl. afiorci1ecking for pecieslrl&1s

and tbor traffic:

Onl' e .~ v gn that says 11 is OK 0

At any limo. as long as you slow down first " 0

Mar you stop and there Is no slgn to prohibit the tum ; .. ;· IEI,

14. S<:anning wh~~1 you drive moans:

You look at everything " " : .8J

You look at the car immediately ahead of you 0

You look as far ahead as you can GOO " 0

15. This sign moans:

~ ~tother;ght " 00

1!2!1 Chango lanes 10 lho right • .. · .. •· • 0

Right lane ends ahead 0

16. WIlen you follow 100 closely and anotherdrivor cuts suddenly in lront

01 you, you should;

Take yoor foot all tho gas pedal fii]

Swerve Into tho lane next to you 0

Drive onto the should or of the road " 0

17. Wh~h of theSE! statements is true regarding motorcycles?

MDlorcycies are small and can be easily seen by drrvers 0

Motorcycles may not sham lan&a 0

Motorcycles should be followed at a greater distance ~

18. The "implied consent law" says you have agreed 10 take a test for Ihe alcohol content of your blood:

Only If ordered by a court 0

~enover~t()u.drlve in Calitomia , 1ffi

On adOJice of an attornev ". ,..,

• <1. You want Ia'park uphllt but there Is no G\jfti. Which way do you tum

your front wheels? ..

ParaJiel to th~ road ; , .. , 0

,;flIght-Toward!> the side of the road GiJ

Left-Towards the oenter of theroac , O

2O.0n6 way to know you are In a truck's blind spot Is it:

You stay close to the vehiCle's right front wt1eel ~ .. ~ ,

)f6u can't see tho truckdrhre(in the vehlcle's side mirrors .

You folrQW no closer than six foot " ..

21. This sign means:

'~VE~ Make a complete stop balore turning · 0

"" The driver on tile righl goes first... · ,O

Jld other drivers go first. l&I

22. Ills against the law to enter an ~ntersection when;

)/tfJu can't get aJllhe way across before the light turns red "" r8I

The light is flashing yeUow and you didn't stop firsL D

The light is yellow , .. , , " 0

23. This sign means:

_ iIre mad ahead Is closed to traffrc in your direction 181

~ Yield to oncoming tmHic ~ .. : " .. , O

The. road ahead is closed to lraUie In an directions 0

24. When should a throo year old weighing 45 Ibs. be plaoed ln a samly seal?

~nder all circumstances 121

Only lithe child is in the front seat 0

Only irtha child is in the back seat [J

2.5. Vou must look lor bicycle tldars in. the same lanes used by motor vahfcles because they:

Must ride faclngonooming Iraffic 0

Haifa tho right·or-way 0

~re entitled to share the road with you " 13-

2S. 'fou may cross a solid double yelloW Jt~ to:

finter a private driveway ~ 181

Overtake and pass another vehlcle 0

Make au-turn, if it iSMfe " · · 0

27. BlockIng an intersection during "rush hour" traffic is:

Permitted If theJlght is graen ~ O

JIOt permitted under any circumstances .; 131

, Not p&fmlttoo unless youhav9 121e Tight·of"way 0

28. This sign means:

.&.. Mod·ical servicos ahead " ".D

W Signal ahead · • ··•· .. ·,···· .. ,,· ·• .. • ·· ·· ·· .. 0

pr1otf1er road crosses yours D!i

29. This tano is used to:

~ I Pass othar vehicle when tramc permits • · · .. · · .. · 0

Make right turns when tratficpermlts " 0

~gtn or end left turns when traffic permits " "" IZI

30. A pedestrtan crossing at a corner has the rlght·ol-way: .

Only at controlled Intersections .. , " .. " 0

)Nhelhar or not a crosswalk is markqd Ia

Only whan a crosswalk Is paInted On the street 0

31. You are approachIng an intersecilon. Tho trat1ic signal ~ghl is flashIng red. What lihouk! you do?

~and let nil other vehicles goflrst .. , O

~foreenteflng, tben proceed when sale ~

Wait for tho grcenllght before entering 0

32. Blcycle~rs ~ust:. r;:;

Ada In !he d,rectlon of framc !..:.:.[1

Ride facing tl'aflic •••.. , , .. " ; 0

Ride on tile sidowalk if there is no bike lane ~ 0

3$. Driving under the Influence of any drug which makes you drive tJnsafcly is permlned:

,.l:Inder no clrcumstancas , ; , .. " t:ilI

If it is an cver-tbe-eoumer medication 0

If it Is prescribed by a physiCian 0

34. Woon may you ~lIy \JO around or under a mllroad orossl ng gale?

When you.can see claarly in both directions , 0

If the crosstng gates are malfunclloning "." .. 0

35. ~:~~ :~~rc~~:~:~;;;t·~;;;·~b~~i·bli·~d·~;;;t;;?· ·· .. ·· .. · .. , .... ,.~

You only need to tum 000 look over your right shoulder lor lana

changes to the right or left" 0

~ok over your right shoulder lor a right lane change and your left

shou[der lor a left lane change "." ~

Vehfcles with two outside mirrors do not have blind spots 0

36. When can you drive using only your parking lighls?

30 minutes after sunset or 30 minutes belom sunrise "." 0

jJJtJt under ;]r,'Iy circumstances 11!iI

On f~y days 0


J 9. The two-way road you are driving on has a lane marked as shown in the

picture. This lane is used:

To begin or end left turns or start a permitted U-turn IZ

As a regular driving lane during periods of heavy traffic 0

To pass other vehicles that are moving slowly 0

20. Which of these statements is true about motorcycles?

Motorcycles are small and can easily be seen by drivers 0

Motorcycles may not share traffic lanes 0

Motorcycles should be followed at a greater distance ~

21. While driving, you should look 10 to 15 seconds ahead of you:

And focus on the middle of the road 0

Because it's a legal requirement 0

To see potential hazards early :R)

22. U-turns in business districts are:

Always illegal because they are dangerous 0

Legal whenever oncoming vehicles are not a hazard 0

Legal only at intersections, unless a sign prohibits them ~

23. You are stopped. You want to make a left turn, but there are oncoming

vehicles close by. You should:

Turn immediately if there are no pedestrians nearby 0

Give the oncoming vehicles the right-of-way pg

Take your right-of-way by driving in front of the oncoming traffic 0

24. This sign meansyou:

LEFT TURN May turn left only on a green arrow ; 0

~I~~N May turn left on a green light when it is safe ~

• Must wait for the solid green light before you turn left 0 0

25. You may not stop a passenger vehicle at any time:

Next to a curb painted red 121

Next to a curb painted yellow 0

In front of a school when children are presenL 0

26. When may you legally go around or under a railroad crossing gate?

Under no circumstances - m

When you can see clearly in both directions 0

When the warning lights are not flashin,g ;, 0

27. When approaching a crosswalk where a blind pedestrian is waiting to

cross, you must stop:

More than five feet from the crosswalk so the pedestrian will not be

distracted by the sound of your engine 0

At the crosswalk and wait for the pedestrian to cross the street 6Z.I

At the crosswalk and then tell the pedestrian when to cross the

street 0

28. You may legally park your car:

In an unmarked crosswalk , : ~ 0

On the side of the street facing oncoming traffic 0

On the shoulder ofa freeway in an emergency jgJ

29. Which way do you turn yourfrontwheels to park downhill next to a curb?

Into the curb IKJ

Away from the curb ' 0

Parallel to the curb ,; , .. , 0

30. Two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced two feet or more apart;

May only be crossed to make a left turn or U-turn ~ ..

Should be treated like a solid wall and not be crossed .. , .

May be used to begin or end left-hand turns " : .

31. Which of these statements is true about large trucks? ..

They take longer to stop than passenger cars , , ,.,:." .. ~ flI

They all have air brakes which allow them to sto,pquickly 0

They are more maneuverable than passenger vehleles. , 0

32. A person may legally ride in the back of a pickup truck when: .

The sides of the pickup bed are at least 24 inches high 0

The back of the pickup is covered with a camper shell 0

• • I ,. _ L .. 1 __ IL_ R7I


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1. rt Is lI'eogal for a person 21 yoors of age or older 10 drive with a brood

alcohol concentretlcn (BAC) thaI Is _" _" _ Of higher.

O.08%--Elghl hunclrOOths of one percent .

0.1 O%---Ono tenth of one percent : O

0.05%-Five hundredths of one percent 0

2. Ilismostimportantiotumyourfronlwheoislowardthecurbwhenyou

a~:~ownhill :~:.~~

FacIng uphm Z:~

On a level road 0

3. Unless otherwise posted, !he speed limit In a busIness district Is:

25mp1\ .

35mph _ · CI

3Omph _ 0

4. A scOOol bus has stopped ahead on your sIda or the road and ts

flashing lis red rights. What should you do?

Stop first. thon proceed wh91I you think it fs safe 0

Stop as long as 1he Ted lights flash .

Stop until all the children have crossed your lane 0

5. You aro driving 00 a four-Ianefrooway In the tane closest to tha center

divider. To exit the freeway on the right you should:

Carefully cross alJ the lanes at one lime , 0

Change lanes one at a Urna until you are in the proper lane II

Slow before beginning each lane change ~+ O

6, What Is the boot advice for driving when heavy fog or dust occurs7.::::5?J

Try not to drive unlillhe conditions Improve " ~

Do not drive too slowty. bocause othor drivers may hit you 0

Altemate your low and high beams to improve your vision ~ II

7. If your vehIcle Is going to be hit from behind, you should: ;;:;;x

Be ready to brake after Impact _ ~

Hold down the brake pedal 1 .. _ 0

Shift to neutral and tum off !he ignition *'.

8. Where shoukl you Slap your vehicle when there Is no Ilmilline?

Just past tile coroor ~

At tho corner , ; , IUI

Aftor Ihe crosswalk , , 0

9. When you are in a dedicated (um lane controlled by a green arrow,

which of the following Is troo?

All vehJcles or pedestrians In !he intarsec.tloo must yield to you .. ~ All oncoming vehlcloa and pecestrtens ere slopped by red I~ You may tum In the arrow's direction wllhout checking traffic .. ~ ...

10. You shoUld uslNllly drive your vehicle slower when:

You see brako IlghlS coming on sevoral vehicles ahead of you .

Passing largo trLICks on the freeway , .

You want to look at a controlled accident scene 0

11. There are two tralflc lanes In your direction. You are driving In the left

lane and many cars are passing you on the right. You should:

Slay In your lane so you don't Impede tho Imffl<: flow a

pun onto the loft shoulder to let the other vehicles pass ~ .

Move over into tho right lane when it is safe .

12. You are driving slowly In !he fast lane of a four-lane frooway. Tho ISlrafflcbohlndyou Inyourlsne. Thedriverbohrndyou w1shealodrl faster. You should:

Not change lanes I' you &lII.l driving the speed limit 0

Change rEUlOO 10 the right when safe to do 80 11

Onfy change lanes If flvo or more vehrcles are behfnd you »0 0

13. This sign means:

You must tum left ~r make a u-tem :¥

Left or U-turn pormitted on any green light ~ ...

Left or U-tum permitted on green arrow _ .

14. You are roqulred to wear your safety bett in a mOVing vehlcle:

Unless your vehicle was manufactured before 1975 _ 0

Unless you are riding rn !he back of a pickup/camper 0

If yourvOOlclD Is equipped with safely bolts _ ID

15. A large truck Is driving rn the middle of three lanes. You want to pass

the lalge lrlI(:k. It is best to pass: #n

Quickly on Ihe loft and move ahead of It _ .

Vory slowly on the left and move ahead of It .

Very quickly on the rlghland move ahead of it 0

16. This sign means:

Ooe Iane road to the right , 0

Im'l!)Onc way slroot-traffic travels 10 the light IJ

All trafflc must tum right ahead CI

17. You must noUfy DMV within 5 days H you:

Sell or transfer your whicle .

Paln! your Y6hicle a diHerent color 0

Modify your vehicle's exhaust system 0

1 e. If an oncoming vehicle has sterted to turn left in Iront of yoo:

Honk your hom 10 wam tho driver and maintain your speed 0

~alntaln your speed and take your right-of-way n

t!" ......
S 0:
CD !



, , J






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