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GUI Programming

Prerequisits: Basics of Python Programming

1. Create amazing GUIs with Python’s built-in Tkinter module
2. Customize the GUIs by using layout managers to arrange the GUI widgets
3. Advance to an object-oriented programming style using Python
4. Develop beautiful charts using the free Matplotlib Python module
5. Use threading in a networked environment to make the GUIs responsive
6. Discover ways to connect the GUIs to a database
7. Understand how unit tests can be created and internationalize the GUI
8. Extend the GUIs with free Python frameworks using best practices
Creatinon of GUI form and adding Widgets: Introduction to Python GU, adding label to the GUI
form, creating buttons and text box widgets, exploring widgets, adding extra features, Adding several
widgets in a loop
Layout Management: Arraanging Labels within a label frame, using padding to add space around
widgets, Expnasion of GUI dynamically using widgets, aligning GUI widgets by embedding frames
wwithin frames, creating menu bars and tabbed widgets, Grid layout management

Look and Feel Customization: Creating message boxes, title and icon, spinbox control, creation of
tooltips and Canvas widgets

Data and Classeses: StringVar() type, module-level global variables, improving GUI by coding in
classeses, creating resuable GUI components
Matplotlib Charts: Different types of charts, downloading modules for Matplotlib, creation of charts,
placing of labels on charts, legend, scaling charts, adjusting scale dynamically.

Threads and Networing: Creation of multiple threads, starting and stopping threads, Queues, passing
queues among different modules, dialog widgets to copy files via network, use of TCP/IP, URL open to
read data from websites.

Storing data in databases via GUI: Connecting to database, configuration of database connection,
design of GUI database, SQL commands to insert, update, delete
Internationalization and testing: Displaying widget text in different languages, changing entire GUI
language all at once, localization of GUI, preparing GUI for internationalization,
Designing a GUI in an Agile fashion, testing, debug watches, configuration of different debug output
levels, creation of self-testing code using Python’s __main__Section, writing unit tests using Eclipse

Extension of GUI with wxPython library: Installation of wxPython lib, creation of GUI, adding
controls, embedding tkinter and wxPython GUIs into each other, control of two different GUI
frameworks, communication between two connected GUIs

Creation of 3D GUI with PyOpenGL and Pyglet: PyOpenGL transforms for GUI, GUI in 3D, Pyglet
transform easy GUI, creation of slideshow using tkinter, best practices

1. Burkhard A. Meier, “Python GUI Programming Solutions”, Pact,

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